Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
1 yr ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
4 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
4 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
4 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

@Bee: Hey, letting you know here since you have not been on Discord today. You are up in your team's collab. If you do not post within 24 hours of it being your turn (according to the guild, it has been 9 hours), you will be skipped and I will roll to see what happened to your character (it won't be fun).

Jia Li

{"When it rains, it pours..."}

"These villagers are from the Earth Kingdom," Jia Li said as they walked. "Most of them hate the Fire Nation - they've probably lost friends and family to that prison," she finished. Of course, there were also ones who would not hesitate to turn them in for the reward money, but she was choosing to have an optimistic approach to all of this. However, her theory was going to be quickly put to the test, as they got closer and closer to the village.

Seeing the old man, Jia Li hesitated for a moment. Was he a member of the resistance? Did he know her teacher? "Takuma... Do you play Pai Sho?" Jia Li asked him, knowing it was a code that had built up use. She nodded at the others, in agreement with their decision to trust the old man for now and she walked forward after him. Her nose still hurt a bit from the events that had happened earlier, but she chose to ignore it for the moment. If she was right - and her gut told her she was - he might be able to help them out... a lot.

Scott Rydzynski

Location: Pike's Place - Seattle, Washington
Interacting With: Isley and the Kids

Scott stared at Jason, seeing red for a moment. But he knew that the kid was right - no one would miss him. He didn't have any close friends, mostly just people he knew through work. And even those who were encroaching into close friend territory, would they really be that upset if Scott died? His daughter didn't even know about him, so there would be no hardship there he was certain. "You're damn right no one would care. But I'm guessing you give a shit about your sister, right? So do as I say or you'll be holding a funeral service."

He then nodded slightly at Janelle, approving what she had said and forgetting that since she was blind, she couldn't see the nod. He then looked at Isley. "Portland. The whole city is weird, you'll blend in. And then I fly to Philadelphia and merc the son of a bitch. You move every day to a different place if you can."

Creed Financial- Washington D.C.: August 30th, 2020 - 10:30 P.M.

The Mutant Detection System team has been successful and radioed in that it is time to move out. Grab your gear, find your team, and go complete your objective.

Case Name: Luminous
Lead Reason: Take out Luminous
Secondary Reason: Take out any remaining security
Player Characters: Agent Flynn, Agent Renoir, Agent Reed, Agent Novikova, Agent Thompson
NPCs: Hawkeye, Nikolai, Luminous
Time: 10 Days Real Life

Case Name: Vault 613
Lead Reason: Infiltrate the secure vault at Creed Financial and empty it of its contents.
Secondary Reason: Cripple HYDRA.
Player Characters: Agent Abercrombie, Agent Smith, Agent Bautista
NPCs: As needed
Time: 10 Days Real Life

Case Name: Battle Nurses
Lead Reason: Monitor the team's progress from the Bus
Secondary Reason: Look out for any incoming communications
Player Characters: Agent Chase, Agent McCormick
NPCs: As needed
Time: 10 Days Real Life
Hi, could this post be deleted? roleplayerguild.com/posts/4843826

Also this is strange - I had banned the user from the topic on mobile before this post and it didn't prevent the post from going through. I then removed and redid the ban after this post. Does the ban system no longer prevent them from posting or was this just a glitch?
@Eviledd1984 You are not allowed to join this RP.
@Eviledd1984 I am going to deny you for this RP due to past issues. Best of luck elsewhere.

The Bus - Washington D.C.: August 30th, 2020 - 10:15 P.M.

Case Name: Mission Impossible
Lead Reason: Sneak past security and disable the Mutant Security Detection System at Creed Financial.
Secondary Reason: Keep an eye out for anything suspicious
Player Characters: Agent Flynn, Agent Renoir
NPCs: Hawkeye
Time: 7 Days Real Life

Bonnie Chase

Location: The Bus - Level Two - Command Center
Skills: N/A

Bonnie nodded, putting her hair into a messy ponytail as she headed down to Command Center with Cass. It reminded her of the old days, when the two of them weren't very established yet as S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. They had saved Cass' sister so many times that Bonnie was a bit impressed with Carolina's knack to find trouble. It was nice being able to work with her again. Bonnie herself had actually been considered for the Phase Three program, but she had been deemed unfit. Her history of depression made them worried she wouldn't be the ideal candidate.

It didn't bother Bonnie too much - she knew she wasn't perfect and she didn't want to be a lab rat. She grimaced slightly as the team orders were given out. She wasn't being sent into the field. Bonnie supposed it was to be expected - she didn't have powers and her specialty was autopsies and medicine. It made sense to keep her back, but her friends were about to go out and risk their lives. She wanted to help them.

The Bus landed at a hangar in Washington D.C. while Tinley was speaking. It was only a block or so away from Creed Financial and luckily, the owner of the hangar was an old friend of Barton's. Bonnie rolled her eyes slightly, realizing that it was a Stark Industries hangar. Of course.

"Renoir, Flynn, with me," Hawkeye said, as he grabbed his supplies and headed off of the plane, emerging into the night air. Fortunately it was late at night, so the humidity Washington D.C. was famous for wasn't nearly as strong as it could have been.

Flynn went to follow Hawkeye, before stopping for a second, and he turned towards Agent Chase. He walked over, pulled her into his arms, and kissed her. When he pulled away, he smirked slightly, before he turned and walked away, following after Hawkeye now. "So, let's get this show on the road," he said, walking off the plane.

Bonnie rocked back slightly on her heels, looking a little bit satisfied with herself. "And here I thought you were gay," Hawkeye muttered to Flynn outside.

Dominika Novikova

Location: the Bus - Level Two - Command Center
Skills: N/A

Novikova tilted her head, making a bit of a face at Maria. She did NOT see that one coming. Granted, they had only recently been absorbed into Hawkeye's team but Bonnie and Flynn? It hadn't even crossed her mind. It also reminded her of Sparky and Ray... Who else here was part of a couple that she didn't know about? Well, technically her and Maria were something - friends with benefits - but she honestly didn't know how much that label worked anymore.

"Good luck, guys," Novikova told the team that was leaving, before she turned to Cass. She had a bit of an idea come to mind. Luminous, from what they could gather, had the powers of both of her genetic donors: Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch. Cass had the ability to change the seasons. "Agent Reed, if I might make a suggestion? When we go into Creed Financial, make it frosty. It's a known way to slow a speedster down," she explained.

Not to mention it had been a plot device on the Flash TV show and one of her Sci-Tech professors had actually lectured on it, but she wasn't going to bring up that she got the idea from TV.

Washington D.C.: September 7th, 2020 - 1:45 PM


Luke shrugged slightly. "I'm here because my godfather got me this job," he admitted. "As to whether I stay or not... I don't know. The girls here aren't half bad," he said with a bit of a smirk, looking at her. "Would you want to maybe get a drink or something?" he asked. He didn't remember that the drinking age in the United States was 21 or maybe he just didn't care. Or quite possibly, he thought she was older than she really was. But does it matter in the end? Leighton just got asked out by a pretty boy.

"Hey, is it cold in here?" Luke then asked, shivering a bit as the temperature seemed to drop ten degrees.


Location: Apartment Complex - Balcony
On the other side of the complex, Colossus and Havok were dealing with about a dozen purifiers. The metal mutant was in his natural form, easily taking the bullets and spitting them out as if he ate them for breakfast. "You vill have to try harder!" he boasted. Havok was rocking his hips like a male stripper, sending hula hoops of destructive energy flying at the purifiers. One of them had given Havok a black eye and the corner of his mouth was bleeding, but otherwise no one was really injured yet.

"You're gonna get fucked by a hula hoop!" Havok taunted.

"Language, please!" Colossus scolded.

Now back with the girls, the three of them had all made it up onto the balcony. Sapphire's ice chutes were holding up and that was great, but they couldn't afford to just stand around. Who knew how long it would be before the purifiers made it through the ice wall, anyways? Veil glanced around for a moment, taking a millisecond to make sure they didn't need to change the plan. "Alright, I'll slide with them and use my shields, prevent them from taking any fire..."

"...Actually, I've got it," a young girl said with blonde hair. She looked up at Veil, before holding her hand out and golden bubbles appeared. They seemed to work like force fields as well. "I can get us out," the girl promised.

"...Alright. Good luck," Veil said, as the girl surrounded herself and the others with the golden bubble. The residents of the apartment complex got onto Sapphire's ice slide and it worked like a charm. It wasn't long until they had disappeared practically, jumping off the slide and running into the metro station.

"Alright, time to get out of dodge. We aren't here to kill purifiers," Veil told her team. However, they would need to lose them. They couldn't lead them back to the station.


Location: Millennium Plaza - Sidewalk --> the Sewer
Skills: Survival, Street Smarts, Hiding
Sunshine looked around for a moment. She had lived in this area for a while and she had a fairly good idea of where it was safe to hide and where it was a horrible idea. The stores were all out - they'd have security cameras and some of them would have those irritating new anti-mutant security systems. No one was putting up inhuman detection systems, the racists. She bit her lip for a moment, chewing on the side of her mouth. "No way around it," Sunshine muttered.

She then snapped her head up, looking at him. "Even if we ran to a housing development, there's cameras everywhere. The only way we can really lose them is to go somewhere that they can't see us - and since I doubt Houdini here can teleport, that means we're going to have to go underground. Literally. I've hidden in the sewers before, so we just walk around down there and pop up somewhere else nice and sound. No cameras to show where we went, they'll give up the chase, easey peasey."

And as if the clouds parted and an angelic chorus sang, Sunshine saw a sewer grate just ten feet from them. Even better, the grate looked like it was only halfway on there, meaning that they'd be able to get down without too much trouble. She smirked. "Come on, losers," she told the two guys before she ran forward and tugged the grate all the way to the side. There was a ladder and it was a little slippery, but she managed to get down into the sewer without too much trouble, hitting solid ground and thankfully not a rat colony or anything.

"Last one down, pull the cover shut!"

Jack Newnan

Location: the Bus
Skills: N/A

As tired and exhausted as Jack was, he picked up on Tatiana's body language and he sat up a little straighter. He didn't want her to have to be afraid, but he knew that this was a dicey situation they were in. If they were lucky, this settlement would be the answer to all their problems. If they weren't, then they were wading into a disaster that could rival Eden in size. He really hoped that none of those assholes had somehow made their way down to Florida. The Eden team had made it out, at least partially from what he could tell, but he didn't know if any of the actual Edenites had.

"Alpha team," Jack whispered quietly. So they had a team structure, then, he had to assume. That made some sense to him. In Newnan, they more or less had had departments. And if the military was running this operation, alpha team sounded about right to him - he could picture Ash yelling something like that in his sleep. It was his usual test for if something was military enough - could he imagine an Ash screaming in a nightmare say it? If so, it was right as far as Jack was concerned.

He kept on picking out important pieces of information - it was a large settlement. Huge, in fact. With that large a population, Jack had to imagine that the age groups might include some people Jamie's age. He smiled a bit at that thought. Maybe they'd finally get that white picket fence life that Jack had always wanted. However, the needs of the many over the few raised a slight alarm bell. It was a good policy, but it gave him a bad gut feeling. Then there was the news of an acceptance rate. Newnan had taken just about anyone - even criminals. He remembered the Rejects House and wondered if they would have taken in Dick, Chloe, and Ryan here.

"They'll take ya, solovey," Jack whispered reassuringly to her. "Jamie too," he said. He just had a gut feeling that his family would make it inside. And if Jack himself was denied? Well... If they were good people, then he'd leave - stay nearby, just in case - and let Tatiana and Jamie enjoy the safety they deserved. He wouldn't leave just Jamie there, however. He didn't trust anyone but Tatiana with his baby. Maybe Ash.

His stomach twisted with nerves as they pulled up to the settlement. This was it then - time to see if they were deemed worthy to join the community or not.

Beatrice Decker

Location: the Bus
Skills: N/A

Beatrice couldn't help but smirk slightly, seeing Thalia's physical reaction to the temperature change. She reminded her of the stories about the domestication of cats: that the cats themselves had been implicit in it, unlike dogs. Thalia was definitely a creature of the outdoors and the wilderness, willingly submitting herself to the horrors of air conditioning and group survival. However, the amusement faltered for a moment. She could easily describe herself the same way. Hadn't she essentially domesticated herself, sticking around even when it wasn't optimal for survival? Would her past self even recognize her? Would she still be able to survive on the streets of Justice, if the world was restored tomorrow?

"Got it, punch you in the twat if one of them comes our way," Beatrice murmured in agreement. She noticed Ash was looking around the bus, seemingly sizing things up. She expected as much from him. From what she remembered of the ex-leader of Newnan, he was distant, stoic, and professional. She couldn't even remember a time that she had seen the man smile. Apparently, however, he had found happiness with Thana. Their mannerisms were similar enough that it made sense to Beatrice, but she didn't know how to gently tell him what he likely feared.

"Ash - last we saw her, she was fine," Beatrice called out to him. Her gut told her not to tell him what her opinion was - that Thana was either dead or an asshole. He looked like he had been through hell.
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