Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
1 yr ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
4 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
4 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
4 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

John Watts

Location: Serval Industries - R&D Lab (4E -> 5D)
Skills: Superhuman Speed, Hand to Hand Combat
If looks could kill, Bobbi would have been dead - not just in this world, but in every reality across the multiverse. His glowing red eyes always looked angry, but they were particularly vicious in this moment. She had hit him with a toy hammer. He never wanted them to take on the drug addict - this was a superhero team, not a rehab clinic. Once this was over with, he was going to go straight to Gardner and demand Bobbi's termination. It was her or him - and Watts was more than certain he wouldn't have a hard time finding a job with one of Serval's competitors. Bobbi didn't even manage to hit Wanda with the real hammer. What exactly was the point of having her around? Her only powers seemed to be the sort of slapstick comedy that made Watts' kids love Nickelodeon. "What a fantastic suggestion - if only we had thought of just fighting her!" he snapped over the radio at Evelyn. Yes, he was smitten with her but right now, he was pretty much all rage.

He was like ice as he watched the ensuing explosion. For everyone else, it happened in the blink of an eye - but Watts was moving so fast that he could see it all in excruciating detail. Andrew wasn't just shrunk down and seemingly dead. He died. Period. There was no undoing that. He could hear the blood pumping through his veins and without thinking about it, Watts ran forward and grabbed the Scarlet Witch, forcing her to the ground as he punched her repeatedly as super speed without stopping to even take a breath. Even as she fell unconscious, bloodied and bruised, Watts didn't stop with his attacks. All that his mind could think about was the explosion - that he hadn't been fast enough to save Andrew - and that Serval had made such an incompetent team that the annoying little cupcake lover had just died pointlessly. Red lightning coursed around his body as he continued to pummel the mutant sorceress and he didn't hear anyone around him - all he heard was a ringing in his head.

This wasn't John Watts anymore - he was Mercury now and only Mercury. His humanity had been left behind.

Washington D.C.: September 9th, 2020 - 8:00 PM

There was complete chaos in the Hellfire Club. The fire at the bar raged on, growing rapidly in temperature. On the bright side, no massive explosion had happened yet, but it was only a matter of time. Alcohols are extremely volatile and flammable substances, after all. The circle of fire that Max had set was spreading inwards, resulting in first degree burns for Requiem and Glimpse on their arms, with Jinx suffering from second degree burns on his hands. The three of them are going to want to find a way out of the circle of fire quickly, otherwise they could be burned alive like the witches of old.

Havok really did not like how often he was being hit on by guys lately. He glared at Jinx's words, contemplating attacking him but seeing the fiery mess he was stuck inside of, the universe seemed to have taken care of that for him. The mutant's annoying companion tried to shoot him as well and then in the strangest follow up ever, Sapphire came over and kissed him. Havok's first thought? Lorna is gonna kill me. He stumbled backwards, trying his very best to get Sapphire's lips off of his, but he never had a chance. She started to freeze him and he got a sudden headache, as everything he knew was turned upside down. "Get off of me, bitch!" he snapped, sending Sapphire backwards with a blast of energy. She flew into the filing cabinets, knocking them over and causing papers to go flying in the process.

His normally blue eyes were now a solid black.

"Well, we know that these cannot be the X-Men, as this is child's play," Emma mused. Since Anastasia had a handle on Havok, Sapphire, and Max, while Requiem and Jinx should be more than enough for Glimpse, the White Queen calmly walked back through the chaos to where Veil had fallen in the elevator. "Now you can tell me what your business is with the Hellfire Club the easy way or we can do things the hard way, dear."

"Oh, the hard way. Always," Veil quipped. Her best chance would be to keep Emma in her diamond form, as she didn't seem to have access to her psychic powers like that. Sapphire and Havok were already attacking each other, Max had been thrown almost off the balcony, and Glimpse was surrounded by fire. To say things had gone horribly was an understatement - but they knew this wasn't going to be easy going in.

"Very well," Emma said. She shifted from her diamond form. Veil was quick on the draw and she sent a force field slamming down against Emma's head before the telepath could do much. She tried to send another one down into Emma, but her foe had shifted back into diamond form in a manner of seconds. "Diamonds are formed under pressure, you know."

Veil shoved Emma back with a force field, allowing her to come out of the elevator. If it would have done her any good, she would have turned invisible but there wasn't really much room to maneuver here anyways. Her eyes darted around the room quickly, trying to come up with a way to get the upper hand, but nothing came to her. There had to be a way to salvage this failure though, right? "Glimpse, can you fix Havok?" Veil shouted out. It was a start.

So many people had died in the tunnels, but fate had decided to claim just one more. Johnny Ward, the Purifier leader, would never wake up again. Maybe if they hurried, they could get him onto life support but he would essentially be in a coma for the rest of his life, so what was the point? And why waste resources on someone so filled with hate that he would attack innocents? It would be a good idea for someone to, for lack of a better word, loot the corpses - maybe then they'd be able to figure out just how and why the Purifiers had gone down into the Morlock tunnels.

"I got everyone out who I could," Blink told Jack quietly. She didn't want to say much more beyond that - she had no desire to go into detail on everyone they had lost to senseless violence. Even more so, telling Jack about the Purifiers she had brutally killed by accident was certainly not going to happen. Some secrets would have to stay secrets. "They're in Maryland with another Morlock community... Are you sure you want to take your brother to a hospital? Most of them refuse to treat mutants and even if they do, they usually end up calling the police as well..."

Casper's bleeding had stopped, thanks to Sunshine applying pressure on the wound. He didn't seem to be returning to consciousness anytime soon - it was likely a bad sign, given his head injury. The sooner they got him medical attention, the better the chance that he wouldn't have long lasting trauma from the injury. Of course, should Jack decide to not take him to a hospital, there was a mutant they knew with healing powers that might just be able to help. And in the final stroke of irony, Casper's phone started to vibrate and buzz as messages came in.

Sunshine pulled the phone from his pocket and squinted her eyes, tilting her head but she just couldn't read what the texts said. Deciding that they couldn't be that important, she put his phone in her pocket. "... What are we going to do about Erg?" Sunshine asked them quietly, sniffling a little bit. "We can't just leave him!" They honestly would really have to do just that. Unlike the rest of the Morlocks who died, there wasn't really anything left of Erg to recover. If they did decide to recover the Morlock bodies, where would they bury them? The Morlocks didn't have money to pay for burial plots and most of them hardly looked human, meaning that no one would want to allow for their burial in a pauper's field anyways.

"... I'll try to find a field where we can bury our friends," Blink then promised. Maybe they'd be able to find some open area in Virginia or Maryland where they could lay the Morlocks to rest. They could make little markers for them, even throw in one for Erg even though his would be an empty plot.

"...Are you fucking kidding me?! A field?! That's the best we can do?!" Sunshine snapped.

Although it may not feel like it to the participants in this battle, but the Mutant Underground currently had the upper hand in the fight. Magik was unconscious and Vulcan had a broken rib, broken nose, and some crushed family jewels down there. Negasonic was not frozen for long as well. Thanks to her more explosive powers, she was able to heat herself up rapidly and explode. The ice shattered and went flying, somehow not hitting ANYONE and just harmlessly hitting the walls of the attic space. Maybe Domino is a secret member of the Mutant Underground...

"No, we stay," Colossus argued. He didn't want to abandon the Mutant Underground Station, at least not until the others were back from their mission. They also didn't really have access to another conveniently abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the city. Where were they supposed to go? The steel mutant ran up to Cayden, picking up Magik carefully and holding her tightly. "Теперь ты в безопасности, сестра ... Это я, Петр," he whispered, smoothing the girl's blonde hair gently. Those who had been with the Mutant Underground for a while would know just exactly why Colossus was so focused on Magik: she was his missing sister.

"Not bad, Cheerleader," Negasonic complimented Leighton, smirking slightly as she saw Vulcan doubled over in pain. "I honestly didn't think you guys had it in you, no offense."

Vulcan didn't stay down long though. He was the self proclaimed strongest of the Summers brothers, though it helped that Scott and Alex didn't know he existed, making it difficult for them to argue that point with him. "You'll know who we are soon enough," he said ominously, before firing off a blast and he destroyed the pillar nearest to them. The structural support was not entirely compromised yet, but all it would take would be one more pillar going down for the building to collapse in on itself. The ceiling was dipping in above them and Colossus reached upwards, acting as a living pillar with one hand as he cradled his sister with his other hand.

Virginia Crypt

Location: Gretna Green - Church
Skills: N/A

Millicent's words had a striking imagery to them, and while they would have inspired fear and disgust in most, Virginia found the description to be most enchanting. "I must say, it sounds as if his visage was much approved then," she told her friend. She did not say it to make light of her clear distress when facing Rutherford and his melted form, but she would not lie either. The condition and its circumstances ignited Virginia's curiosity. If they were to encounter him, she would aid Millicent in covering her eyes or whatever was needed, while Virginia could then inspect the horrific yet wondrous sight. She smiled slightly as Millicent made the comment about the way she saw the world. "Perhaps one day you will see the world as I do," she said, once more meaning it as a compliment and not a slight.

She heard the Russians planning to perform a Mamushka. Elizaveta had told her about how the Mamushka was a trained skill, even mentioning that Virginia and her brother could learn the bond between Mamushka and Tatushka in order to increase their deadliness as they worked together. She had heard Vlad before threaten to dance the Mamushka while wearing the skin of some poor creature that had upset him. Yes, she had not seen a Mamushka in combat before but based on what Elizaveta had told her before, it would make a deadly pair of the two Russians.

"This creature is like nothing I have seen before. Should physical attacks fail, I will combat it in the astral form," she informed Millicent and the others near her quickly. "Those who do not wish to fight, please either leave or remain here in the back," she then advised calmly, before Virginia walked forward down the aisle, twirling her axes lightly in her hands. "Veliona, Dark Mother, I call upon you for strength and clarity," Virginia said softly, in a manner not dissimilar to a prayer. "I call upon my fallen sisters and brothers, the Veles, for their knowledge and wisdom as I wade into this darkness."

To die here in battle against this unknown foe? It would be a fitting end.

Maeve Brennan

Location: Gretna Green - Church
Skills: N/A

No one seemed to know what was going on here and only Millicent bothered to answer her question. Even more bizarrely, one of the women up at the front of the Church started to sing and Maeve had to wonder if she was daft or just insane. What was singing going to do against whatever dark beast was there? She had no idea what was going on in this place, but her instincts told her similarly that running was going to be useless. This thing was going to catch up to them eventually and with the news of Ireland being overrun with Soulless, Maeve figured that there wouldn't be a lot of safe places to run to soon enough. How long until Scotland was overrun too, especially if they let this thing live?

The pale girl was evidently pagan and Maeve's eyes narrowed as she walked forward. With her extreme pale skin, she seemed like a Soulless. Millicent seemed to be rather attached to her, making Maeve wonder if she really was safe or if Millicent's judgment had been compromised after seeing Rutherford's face melt as she described. At any rate, Maeve felt that Millicent and Colette were the only two here she really cared to see to live. The others could die against this foe and she would go to sleep without any trouble. Though if Colette and Millicent died, she wouldn't lose too much sleep over it. "I could try ter unearth a Celtic site, see if that'll give us any additional protecshun?" Maeve suggested to those in the back of the Church. She didn't know how to fight this creature or what would be effective against it, so rushing off with her shillelagh didn't make much sense.

Andromeda Aldrich

Location: Babylon Fortress, Cairo, Egypt
Skills: N/A

"It's alright," Andromeda reassured James. "I s'pose I could always just summon a storm to get some cloud cover," she told him with a slight smile. It was sweet how concerned he was about making sure she didn't look like she had gone swimming in a deep fryer - the others didn't really seem to remember that problem and admittedly, it wasn't very high on the list of priorities. However, as she mentioned using her powers to get some cloud cover, it made her wonder if her ability to control the weather could be localized to a small area - perhaps within the tunnels? There was one way then to make some fire - a lightning strike. She had no idea if it would work, as she hadn't tried to do something like that before in such a small space.

Of course, just as she was about to suggest she try that, Peter and Giouse came up with another solution. It was a more practical one and she imagined that it didn't carry the entire ~what if~ element to it that her own idea did. But with the talk of weapons, that did remind her that well, if they were fighting the Destruere, perhaps then she could try calling down lightning strikes to deal with the creature. And if they were fighting a more humanoid threat in hand to hand combat, all she needed to do was touch them and they'd get a deadly illness. "If there aren't enough weapons to go around, I can go without... I've got good combat powers," Andromeda volunteered. She kept on following the others through the passages.

Cecily Ashworth

Location: The Asylum - Outside
Skills: N/A

"Yeah, I'm fine," Cecily nodded, taking in Riley's words - it brought back with a jolt the realization that her and Roy had actually had a question for Riley. It seemed so small though now, with whatever had just happened in there. Cecily felt like they had walked into the newest issue of Doctor Strange or Magik. They weren't in the gritty, crime drama focused stories of Batman or Jessica Jones anymore. Had this been what it was all building up to? Was Juno somehow messing around with the paranormal? But it didn't make much sense to her - she knew that usually in comic books, events like this weren't connected and coincidence was rarely that. But in real life? Coincidences happened all of the time. Not everything strange and unusual was connected in some form of a conspiracy. Of course, the person who would know about this would be Roy - or the woman who looked just like Alicia.

Outside though, it looked as if they had been inside the asylum for centuries. Cecily recalled the strangeness when they had arrived - everyone talked about the asylum as if it were in use, but it seemed to have been abandoned for ages. Was this some sort of exponential decay then? And to add onto the oddities, Roy's hands were glowing. "Roy... What even?" Cecily asked him, not really sure how else to phrase the question. The fact that they were still in danger was incredibly evident, but she didn't know what she could really do against something this unknown. She was the squishy scientist, not the tough as nails fighter in this group.

But... maybe there was something she could do. "If you guys have fuel or chemicals or anything, I can try to make a bomb," Cecily offered. This didn't seem like the sort of thing they could outrun forever.
Professor Walnut
Location: Shadowell Manor: Confinement (Attic)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 3
Walnut heard one of the women in the room announce that the door had been opened and she let out a slight sigh of relief - not so much relief from worry but relief from the irritation that had been readily mounting. Everything about coming to this place seemed to have been a mistake. They had been promised answers, and so far, all they had learned was that the staff appeared to favor Swamp and Amaranthine for some bizarre reason - it was as if they could do no wrong, true saints among men who purified the ground wherever they walked. Just thinking about it gave Walnut the sensation of bile creeping up along the back of her throat, the acidic taste overwhelming in her mouth.

She heard the planner wish the door opener a good job and Walnut could not help but make a slightly scathing remark: "I suppose you would like to wait in here and come up with a strategy before leaving the room, then?" she said, her words like daggers. It was not much of a question despite it being phrased as one - it was ridicule for the foolish and oft repeated insistences the planner had made. For all of the time the woman had spent whining about wishing to make a plan, she could have come up with one privately and then shared it with the others once the door was ajar. She then heard the male voice near her ask if someone needed help getting up, which Walnut took as strange. It clearly was not in reference to her, as she was not on the ground.

Guin Stark

Location: Inside the Closet -> the Lab - the Palace (Guin's Outfit)
Skills: Telepathy
Guin was about to send a lengthy profanity filled rant through the mental link to Pietro, only to hear outside the closet door the last person she expected: Allison. Instantly wary of her intentions, she crossed her arms and expected Allison to go on a rant about how she was right, this world was inherently wrong and evil, and that they needed to force it to go back to normal. She hadn't gotten to have a conversation with Wanda about why she had changed things, so there was no way in hell that she wanted to talk to Allison about things at the moment. She didn't have all of the facts yet.

But when Allison telekinetically pried the door open, Guin couldn't help but smile. She had missed her friend. "Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?" she quipped, quoting her favorite movie of all time. She was surprised to hear Allison apologize and Guin uncrossed her arms. She wasn't entirely blameless in all of this. "I'm sorry I was a jerk," she added after Allison finished speaking. "Ally, I... I'm pretty sure I figured out who did this, but we need to be careful about confronting them."

An idea then popped into her head about what to do - it was actually inspired by one of her dreams. They needed to get everyone outside to stop fighting. "Here, come with me - there's something in the lab we can use," she said, taking Allison's hand in a show of good faith and she hurried to the lab. Once there, Guin looked around before she found a dusty old helmet, covered in cables and other bits of tubing. "It's called Cerebra. I'm going to use it to try to calm down everyone I can outside and inside - the only problem is it won't work with King Erik. You'll have to either stop him or get his crown off his head, it blocks out telepathic powers," she explained.

The good thing was that Cerebra didn't need to stay in the lab to be used - she could walk around wearing it. The bad news was that Cerebra blocked out Guin's vision, meaning that she would be more vulnerable when they went outside to deal with all of the fighting. She picked up Cerebra and put it on her head, turning it on and she then did her best to project calming, zen thoughts - in order to mellow everyone out as if they were stoned - but her range was limited. She only was able to get everyone inside the Palace completely calm (except for Allison).

"Shit, I can't quite reach the people outside... We're going to have to go out into the field for me to make everyone stoned."

Dominika Novikova

Location: the Palace Grounds E5
Skills: Earth Manipulation
Novikova glared at Magneto, angered that he had sent metal shards flying into her love. "Congratulations, you just committed a hate crime!" she shouted at him, hoping to distract him slightly. It also was to distract herself from the enormous pain in her leg from the metal, but she didn't pull it out. The shard was likely stopping the bleeding and pulling it now would be a dumb move. Concentrating on the ground around him, Novikova shoved Magneto upwards and launched him towards the lake.

Unfortunately, the mutant master of magnetism managed to catch himself with ease. King Erik was just floating above the water and Novikova grit her teeth - she'd need to try a new approach. Still holding a giant mound of earth in the air, since she had torn it up in order to toss him, Novikova threw the large chunk at Magneto. It slammed into him and knocked him backwards, injuring the King and blood was flowing from his mouth. But annoying, he was still flying in the air. "How the hell did we deal with him in the Framework?" she muttered under her breath, trying to recall any particularly helpful strategies they might have employed.

Casper Theriot

Location: the East Entrance - Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Skills: Mediumship
Casper grinned as Bobbi linked arms with him and suggested a selfie. "Oooh, yes, let's take one!" he said eagerly. He loved taking pictures with people. It was one of the few ways to preserve happiness - something would always come along to make him cry or bleed, but they couldn't take away that little moment of joy the photograph preserved. He loved doing the photo booths with his boyfriend, splitting up the strip of photographs between them. His face fell for a moment (see why photos are great? Already, he's sad!) as he wondered where James was. And if this world was supposed to be paradise, then why weren't they together?

Was Casper not a part of his happiness?

"Don't mind Jackie, he's just jealous he isn't as photogenic as we are," Casper informed Bobbi.

"You know, I'm pretty sure that's not it," Ben chimed in. "After all, you and Bobbi - offense intended here, by the way - look like trash. At least Jack looks like he wouldn't dumpster dive to survive."

"I don't do it to survive, I do it as a hobby," Casper argued. "Everyone needs a hobby and at least mine doesn't end up as the new Pinterest obsession!" He wasn't making any efforts to be quiet or anything. He noticed his brother was trying to stay hidden and was asking Bobbi about the camera, while Casper came up with a more practical(?) solution. Taking off his shoes, he threw the first one at the camera - it hit the wall sadly and fell to the ground out of view. Well, do or do not - there is no try - so he threw his other shoe. He missed again and the shoe fell right in the camera's line of sight.

"I'm out of shoes," he then said melodramatically.

The Small Wet Country Across the Sea: Date Unknown

Once Ahote removed his hand and allowed him to move, Myrus blurted quietly the thought that had been running through his mind since they got there: "That was a Frost Giant!" There was fear and astonishment written across his face. With the thick depression he had spiraled into after Valda's Coronation, Myrus had more or less converted to the religion of the Land of Long Nights. He prayed to the Norse gods - to Thor, Odin, Baldur, Tyr, Freya, Frigg, and more. Quickly taking in his surroundings, his face then paled. Had he collapsed and fallen unconscious? What had happened? The last thing he remembered, he had been picking up that glass shard in the Queen's Room.

"...Is this Ragnarok?" Myrus whispered to Ahote, moving as quietly as could be expected for a nervous prince. The Frost Giant didn't seem to notice that it was being followed, continuing to walk from the ruins of what had once been the Castle. The giant only came to a pause when he reached the Palace Boat Launch, clambering into an ancient and broken vessel. It barely remained afloat with the giant inside of it, water threatening to spill over the edge and sink the boat. "How long was I gone?" he then asked.

The Small Wet Country Across the Sea: November 5th, 12,508 - 9:50 PM

Inside the Palace - the Castle...

In order to get to the barracks, Mona would need to immediately turn left as she entered the Entrance Hall. This path would take her to the Long Walk and if she were to head down the Second Corridor, she would emerge into the private courtyard. Beyond the hedge wall were the Palace Barracks, home to those of the former Young Army and the rambunctious baby Dawn. Now, she could continue along this path, though the abundance of corpses on the ground of the Entrance Hall likely are alarming to her. Similarly, she will see Myth, Bruce, and Lennox as they take an immediate right and head to the Library Wing of the Palace. Of course, that isn't everything Mona notes! She must have super sonic hearing or something, as she'll be able to hear voices coming from the Long Walk - two females, but she won't recognize them for now.

Over in the Library Wing, a few solutions will occur to the trio gathered as to how they could circumvent this problem. The first would be to simply find Queen Valda or Princess Luna - they can't have gone that far during all of the fighting. In fact, there was a good chance that they were just hiding in the Palace somewhere and would turn up in a few moments. The second idea would be to go down to the Royal Crypt and find the least decomposed corpse of a Royal, carry it up the stairs, and then see if they could enter the Queen's Room while holding it. The third would be to track down the ghost of Nera Hawthorn, the Port witch who murdered Queen Meliscente in that very room not so long ago. Lastly, the fourth idea would be to go to the Palace Infirmary and see if they had any of Prince Myrus', Princess Luna's, or Queen Valda's blood on supply - perhaps holding a vial of it would allow them entrance. All else fails, they may wish to go consult the ExtraOrdinary Wizard, Rowland.

Over in the Parlor, Gypsy rolled her eyes in disgust at Amarantha. "What, do ya need to be spoon fed too?" she scoffed. Amarantha was the head of the Small Wet Country's army, she ran the Palace Guard - surely she would understand that new recruits weren't coddled. They were treated harshly and they either got with the program or they perished an untimely death. The vampires' den was not that dissimilar to the Young Army of old that way. Heading out of the Parlor and down the Second Corridor, Gypsy emerged into the Private Courtyard and smiled, tasting the ash in the air.

"Ya got a name? I'm Gypsy," she introduced, walking through the area without being interrupted. She passed what had been called the Dragon Stable - it was little more than a kennel where Queen Meliscente's grandmother had kept a collection of puppies - and then opened the small gate in the midst of the row of hedges. Once through, they would be face to face with the Barracks. "I s'pose we have time for a snack on the way..."

Antonije Magnisky

Location: Makers' Mile -> the Ramblings
Skills: Telepathy, Blend
Antonije didn't mind that there was still the mark on his skin - if the vigilante came after him and killed him, well, he probably deserved it. Sylvi would be safe now though. He doubted Violet would think that someone would erase the mark - she was as naive as she was ruthless and cruel. It's fine, Silvija. I'm not in the same danger you were in, he told her gently via his telepathy. He put an arm around her and held her close to him, doing his best to make sure they didn't stand out too much in the crowds - though with all of the blood, it couldn't really be helped.

However, he didn't know how to tell her about Violet. He hadn't told anyone about the amnesiac. The woman with yellow eyes, she's... She believes that she is fighting for good - and she is. She's an avenger though... not a protector, he explained, stumbling a bit over his words. His initial explanation was likely going to confuse her more than it would help her understand what was going on. She's... Well, she doesn't see things as being grey. Just black and white. And to her, vampires are all bad - evil - and the only way she knows how to stop evil is to kill it.

By now, they had made it to the Ramblings - they still had a long walk ahead of them though before they would reach their little home. The Ramblings was miles long, taking up a huge amount of space within the Castle, but it had everything that anyone would need. It had schools, stores, museums, theaters, homes, and even a recreational pool! So many people lived here, rich and poor, it was like the Suburra in Rome - everyone just crowded into one small yet paradoxically expansive area. Her name is Violet... But she used to be someone else.

Halley Banner

Location: the Docks - the Port
Skills: Perception, Chaos Magyk
Fleur wouldn't have any problems seeing the assortment of characters gathered at the docks, though she would need to creep closer to hear them. There are some shipping crates and barrels nearby that she could hide behind, though she would likely do just as well to put on a hood and just happen to walk on by, as it is a public space. A few drunks are drifting through, leaving the tavern and ogling a little bit at the group. One of them even makes a rather rude hand gesture towards the Queen and Princess, screaming "YA ROYAL PIGS, GO BACK TO YOUR OWN FUCKING COUNTRY! UP YOURS, BITCHES!" before scurrying off to whatever cesspool he came from. Royal sentiment in the Port was not exactly favorable most of the time, since the Port viewed themselves as bringing in all of the money that sustained the rest of the country and receiving little in exchange.

Meanwhile, Halley tried not to giggle slightly as Titan jumped out at them with a sword. She waved her hand, using her powers of Chaos Magyk and the sword turned into a collection of butterflies. The newly created beings flew away in a cluster, trying to get as far from these weird people as possible. "Reality can be deceiving," Halley commented simply. She then turned her attention to Valda and Luna, as Cuyler had identified them as the Princess and Queen. She couldn't really tell which was which - though she imagined Luna was the Queen. She had a more regal and refined presence to her.

The Princess certainly seemed to have a mouth on her - something that annoyed Halley greatly. "We are preventing a greater danger than whatever petty squabble could be worrying you, Princess," she told Valda. She then let out a huffy breath as the Dragon Boat picked up Titan by his shirt, like a mother picking up her child by the scruff of his neck, and the boat then flew off, heading towards the Palace. For the Royals and Titan, the flight would be relatively short and quick - the Dragon Boat landed in the water at the Palace Boat Launch, sending a huge volume of water up into the air and it doused the remaining flames on the Palace Lawn. Titan was unceremoniously dropped into the water as well with a plop.

"Honestly, Midgard is so strange sometimes..." Halley complained, rubbing her forehead slightly. She then Felt a strong presence nearby and she frowned slightly, unable to identify who it was. It could have easily been Loki. "Arnora, has the target moved?" she asked her companion.

Beatrice Decker

Location: Quarantine (Room 5 -> Conference Room)
Skills: Spanish

While some were waking up a mess of nerves and anxiety, Beatrice felt more relaxed and at ease than she had been in a long time. Her activities with Thalia the night before had been a great source of relief to the building tension - and a proper way, she figured, to most likely say goodbye to her friend. She didn't imagine that she would be here much longer. All she wanted to do was pay her respects at the graves and then she would be on her way. Sure, she had changed from the lone wolf who was just out to survive during her time with Newnan and the Eden Squad, but she wasn't an entirely new person. If she was going to live her life, it was going to be on her terms. She would die by those terms as well.

Hiding in the safety of Mexico Beach? That was a move that Beatrice would have done when all of this started. But now, as much as she knew that her life likely would be quick and short if she left, departing still appealed to her restless nature. Living in security would only make her weak - she needed to go out, to travel, to live and fight and sure, maybe she would die but at least she would be doing more than just surviving. She figured that if anyone would understand her decision, it would be Thalia. Manny and Alex, they probably would think that she was crazy. Thana - the jury was out on her. Maybe she would understand Beatrice's feelings about whether or not to stay, maybe she wouldn't. But unlike previous times when she had left large groups behind, she wanted to leave on good terms now. She cared about these people. Live or die, she didn't want to end things with bad blood between them.

"¿Alguna apuesta sobre quién va a ser pateado en la acera, chica?1" Beatrice asked Thalia with a smirk, once they were out of the conference room. She fixed herself a plate of food. "Apuesto a que se deshacen del viejo con los pedos, probablemente lo llaman medidas preventivas de salud o alguna mierda.2"

Jack Newnan

Location: Quarantine (Room 3 -> Conference Room)
Skills: Russian

Jack had had a weird dream during the night. He wasn't really sure who he was or what he was doing, but he found himself in what could only be described as a futuristic yet medieval hamlet. Mixed in amongst stalls that sold crude weapons at what he took to be the marketplace were a pair of monks, singing blessings as they showed off their wards - these gorgeous, beautiful, gigantic flowers. He walked over towards them, only for the scene to shift. He was out in a bar, talking with... the guy who played Wolverine in X-Men? Jack couldn't remember his name, just staring at the once famous actor. There was a hushed silence though as the monks entered, holding... shotguns? Jack wasn't sure how they had gotten them. He was about to do something, only to discover that his hands were tied, as were everyone else's in the bar. The X-Men actor got up from his seat, and sighed, knocking back a thing of whiskey before shooting the monks dead.

And right before the dream ended and Jack woke up, the actor looked him dead in the eyes and said: "Only Hugh can stop florist friars."

He blinked, before groaning slightly. He wasn't sure what was worse - a nightmare or a dream centered around a bad pun. "Mornin', solovey," he greeted, giving her a peck on the cheek before he got himself dressed and ready to go as quickly as he could, so that way he could take Jamie from her and give her time to get ready. The pun gone from his mind, he was able to begin to stress about the events of that day. "Yes," he agreed with her, as she stipulated that they would do what was best for Jamie. A slight pinprick of discomfort in his stomach made him wonder if they would agree on what was best for Jamie in the worst case scenario - where Jamie was accepted into the community, but neither of his parents were. Her kiss brought a smile to his face, but his smile slipped away once they left the room and headed back to the conference area.

The number of guns surprised him at first - but then it made sense and he could have smacked himself for not noticing it. Compared to this place, Newnan had had no security at all. Mexico Beach was anticipating issues, whereas Newnan always seemed to be stuck in a game of catch up. Once Tatiana had her food and Jamie's food, Jack handed over Jamie to her, before going to get himself a plate and some coffee. He was going to miss coffee like hell if they didn't get to stay.

"Есть идеи, что будет дальше - после работы по дому?1" Jack asked her quietly.

Gene Benaszewski & Nora Kingston

Location: Athribis - Underground
Skills: Pattern Analysis, Cryptography, Mathematics, Decipher hieroglyphics, Acute Observation
Nora raised a slight eyebrow at Gene, taking in the words she had said. While a great many strange things had happened before, none of it had anything to do with a psychic. And the term Shadow Monster lacked the credibility to it that Neema's tales had, using vocabulary that dated back to Ancient Egyptian times. Perhaps George's sister was a compulsive liar, a coward that wished to run back to the ship, or insane. She couldn't be sure, but she doubted her story greatly and returned her attention of the carvings. They had come this far. Belladonna could still be alive (she similarly doubted this) and the noises they heard... well, perhaps there would be a logical explanation for them. They certainly had come too far to just turn back now.

"Wow, you actually believe me? I'm shocked, I'll have to admit," Gene couldn't help but say. The American woman, Faye, she hadn't expected anything either way. The Lord Major though? She was anticipating for the old Brit to laugh in her face and then foolishly go charging off into danger. Instead, he seemed to be filled with astonishment and wonder briefly, before his demeanor changed to seriousness. Her own happy surprise quickly soured - he wasn't telling people to run. No, he looked to be gearing up for a fight and from what he said, he wasn't about to turn back.

Abruptly though, something else began to happen. The dreams Nora had been plagued with, as well as the one new one that had occurred after she was branded along the Nile River, began to play in her mind - and they were in the haze as well! Her brand began to glow and she stared at her hand, removing the slight coverings on it as she stared intently down at it. She could speculate all day as to what it meant, but they didn't have the time for that. They stood at a figurative crossroads as a group - but also Nora as an individual. She could turn and run, go back to safety and hide - or she could attempt to use her gifts to save a life, even if it meant the cost of her own. "Nothing so far has indicated the existence of this Shadow Monster she speaks of," Nora said softly. "I have to wonder - perhaps you have imagined it?" she asked Gene.

"But this... This is real and it means something," Nora said, holding up her branded hand. There was no pain, but it continued to glow. She had to wonder if this had to do with the protection of the Bastet, as Neema had spoken a bit about.

"Look, believe me or not but I am telling the truth - you are all in grave danger and will most likely die if you encounter this monster!" Gene snapped. "Lord Maj and I can go on, rescue Belladonna - the rest of you need to get out of here while you still can. This isn't the time to grow a spine and decide to be a hero." Her irritation was plain, but Gene was being sincere in her pleas for them to run. She wouldn't be able to protect all of them by her own. And even then, it took a monster to kill a monster - a side of her that she preferred to keep hidden and under wraps due to the heavy baggage associated with it. Those memories simultaneously felt thousands of years and just minutes old. "Now go!"

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