Avatar of Nallore


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3 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds I’m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad I’m not the only one with the issue.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

Sophia Harris

Location: Outside of the Kitchen House
Skills: N/A

Sophia looked over towards Andromeda when she came up to join them as well, she thought for a moment at Andromeda's suggestion and shook her head slightly. "I don't think it would be something Evelina would do. I think she would be the person to greet them, unless of course she was out on some kind of important mission." Sophia said, giving a slight shrug as she leaned herself up against the railing a little bit while looking at Faith. Although she did feel the same way as well, she didn't like being left out in the dark a lot of the time, but the Emendators had thousands of years of experience then they all did. "I'm curious about the attractions they got set up." Sophia said, as she turned to hear Gilbert's voice.

Though she already did have breakfast not to long ago, she could get a little bit more food after all they were on vacation now anyway for the week anyway. "Even though I just made myself something I wouldn't mind some pancakes and sausages." Sophia said, then her eyes turned to see the man named Ben approach them, for a second Sophia looked at him like he was stunned or something along those lines. She looked at Andromeda, Gilbert and Faith for a second before answering Ben's question. "I think it was sometime late last night or in the early morning." She answered, and then eyed the group of carnies for a second.

"We were about to get some breakfast though, maybe you'd like to join us?" Sophia offered, as she eyed the box of cigarettes he offered she wasn't much of a smoker when she was younger she did give it a try but just ended up being a snotty coughing mess and decided to not ever do it again and shook her head a bit. "No thank you, but thanks for the offer though."
I'm down.

Cassandra Reed

Location: The Bus, (Level Two) -> (Level One)
Skills: Dermal Armor (Passive)

Cassandra turned her head to see the other HYDRA agent that was there pointing a gun directly at her face, as far as she knew she was bullet proof for the most part. Only things she could die was a shot into her mouth or either one of her eyes, which were the least protected. When Cassandra heard the gun click, she stared at the HYDRA Agent for a second either he was a freshly new recruit or he was just really dumb and forgot to load his own gun.

Though the next thing he said, was that Kennedy wasn't there to help her and before she could do anything else the HYDRA agent took one of their cyanide pills and watched the man die on the ground. Cassandra grumbled and muttered something under her breath, they knew how to kill her which was disturbing someone must be a mole on the team. They knew where the Bus would land easily and knew where to take out the power as well. "Kennedy if your there and can hear me, i'm going to try and restore power back!" Cassandra yelled out as she turned and headed down the spiral stare case to the cargo hold making sure that she wouldn't let any remaining HYDRA agents didn't take a shot at her. The most important thing right now was to restore power and get the coms back to the field team.

Maria Smith

Location: Castle Doomstadt First Floor (Dining Room) -> Kitchen
Skills: Power Absorption, (Lee's Photokinsis) Handguns, stealth

Maria looked at Tempest, and closed her eyes letting out a light sigh as she watched the girl use her ability to heal herself up rather nicely. She looked over towards her friend Niah and shook her head a bit, she was fine for now despite having two wounds she was able to fight still. "I'm fine, don't worry about me right now." Maria said calmly as she winced a little bit as she left the Dining Room and made her way over towards the kitchen. Maria started to curse herself her feet were a lot louder than she'd like it to be which would obviously draw the attention of the people there.

Maria noticed two men that were there they seemed to be pretty damn slow to even react as Maria took out her ICER again and fired eight shots, aiming four to each of the men. Only three of the rounds managed to hit them, but that was alright as Maria watched them hit their heads and then they were neutralized. Maria took a moment to look at her two wounds once more before radioing in again. "Two men in the kitchen are down now." Maria called out.

Saturday, August 18th, 2018
New York City, New York

@rivaan The guy ended up giving Claire the finger, before running further away and out of sight for now he managed to get away for the time being. Claire's partner was about halfway to her when she gave up and headed back towards their car, rubbing the back of his neck and sighed slightly. The dispatcher on the radio acknowledged it and would send a few people to keep an eye out from time to time, and put an APB on him as well. "Better luck next time I guess?" He asked awkwardly as he followed Claire back to their squad car, as Claire's partner opened up the car the woman stepped out, looking over at Claire for a moment and shook her head. "He has some family and friends outside of the city as far as I know." She answered Claire, she would also receive a text from Olivia.

@FantasyChic "Is there anything else we can get you ma'am?" As one of the employees walked over towards her, the shop seemed to have gotten a little bit more busy as they enjoyed their meal and coffee for a bit. She would be able to receive Olivia's text, rather quickly as well. There was a rather loud kid throwing a temper tantrum in the middle of the restaurant as well, no older than five maybe a bit younger than that in the table next to her. The mother was a bit stressed trying her best to calm the kid down, but other than that the restaurant was pretty calm for now.

Saturday, August 18th, 2018
Seattle, Washington

@BlueSky44 There still hasn't much been going on at their house right now it is still fairly quiet as well, the phone connection is a little bit choppy but they would still be able to hear clearly.

@Morose Scott would recive a text on the phone from one of his buddies, seeing if he was interested in doing a job, he would also recive the same amount of static as well on his end but they were able to talk easily.

Olivia Johnson

Location: New York City/ Scott's Apartment
Interacting With: @FantasyChic Quinn Peterson

Olivia walked over once she had finished putting away her groceries and sat down on the couch just as she felt her phone going off Olivia pulled out her phone again looking down at it seeing it was a text from Quinn. 'Sure, sounds like a plan. Also had the same experience as well just now. Did you want my address to my apartment? Or meet back at the lab if you'd prefer?' Olivia hit send as she turned on the TV and leaned back looking up the news to see what was going on in the news as well.

She started to think about Claire, she really hadn't talked to her at all yet today as she took her phone again and started to send a text to her cop buddy as well. 'Hey, whats up? I had the weird experience thing again like how we met.' Olivia hit send, as she started to feel a little bit hungry and got out of her couch, making her way over towards the fridge again pulling out a pizza she had ordered a few days ago. She set it down and started to cook it up in the microwave while occasionally watching the TV as well.

Riley Ridgeway

Location: LA
Interacting With: @rivaan Amelia Payne & @Jasonhero Fumiko "Kuīn" Nakamura

Riley looked over towards Amelia and gave her a friendly smile seeing that she got what she needed seeing the two things she had bought wondering why she didn't get some more things. But Riley didn't think to much on it as Riley quickly took out her wallet and handed over her credit card. "Wont take that long." Riley said towards Fumiko as she watched her friend heading outside, as Riley turned to look back at Amelia. She took the bag and handed it over towards her friend, as she slipped the credit card back into her pocket. "Shall we go outside?" Riley asked.

While Fumiko stood there outside she would see a few rather expensive clothing stores that were just across from the street they were very high end stuff and nice looking clothes as well. And there was also a pizza place just next to the store as well, then Fumiko would hear the door as Riley came out looking over at her friend. "So where to now?" Riley asked Fumiko since it was her turn to look now for whatever shopping she wanted to.

Emmie Adams

Location: New York City, New York
Interacting With: @Natsu Adalene Jones

"Sometimes I can control where I land, while others not so much." Emmie said giving a slight shrug, she had teleported out of stores before but there weren't people around. Maybe it was caught on camera somewhere she didn't really know as Emmie leaned forward slightly looking over at the park. Emmie adjusted her shirt a little bit as she looked at some of the food stands that were there, biting her bottom lip and then looked over at Adalene when she answered her question.

"Mexican works well for me." Emmie said as she stood up and offered a hand to help Adalene up to her feet once more. Adalene would be able to get a hit on her phone there was a Mexican restaurant not to far from them. "So, do you think there are other people like us out there?" Emmie asked, she had met a few but she wasn't sure how many more there were exactly.
Princess Luna

Location: Palace - The Infirmary
Skills: N/A

Luna just smirked ever so slightly towards Prince Tristan letting out a slight giggle, which was really unlike her at all she was about to open her mouth again to say something else. Before Lyra yelled at her, which she made her pause again and instantly snapped out of it she was completely aware at what she had said. Luna's face instantly turned bright red as she tried to avoid eye contact with just about everyone present. "Awww, I was just starting to have fun.." The Voice spoke out again in her head, it was something that she was fearing would happen having lost control in front of everyone.

As everyone was moved into the infirmary Luna started to pace around, her breathing was very heavy as she tried to fight back tears, she would occasionally stop and look inside of the infirmary. Tristan was being tended to along with Amarantha, she took the moment to look down at her dress covered in Tristan's vomit. Luna didn't know what he had eaten, but whatever made him let loose the massive gas attack Luna entered the infirmary looking towards Skaoi and Becky, and then over towards Tristan. She had a feeling that she screwed up just about everything.

Luna understood his reaction towards her when she spoke she wasn't even sure he would ever speak to her, biting her bottom lip. "I'm really sorry for what I had just said Prince Tristan.." Luna said softly if he accepted her apology and she would certainly bring up her mental illness when they were alone. "Let me out again, I promise I wont say anything stupid." The voice spoke again, Luna looked away as she took a step out of the infirmary for a moment. "Just shut up, and leave me alone." Luna muttered to herself.

Torunn Thorsdottir

Torunn still looked incredibly confused as she looked up at her mother for a moment as she helped her stand a bit, she looked down at the sword in her hand. For some weird thing she did feel quiet attached to the weapon for whatever reason she did not know, then she answered at least one of her questions. "Asgard, like as in Norse mythology and Thor, Odin and Loki?" Torunn asked, her eyes wondered over towards the massive golden palace that was in the distance, it was still a lot of stuff to take in all at once.

Lochila then said something about her clothes and being able to blend in, she watched her mother making a green aura and then blowing it onto her. Her eyes wondered down as her clothes started to transform into a dress, that fitted her rather perfectly, as she gently ran a hand over the soft material it was still weird and amazing at the same time to see.

Tournn bit her bottom lip for a moment and nodded as she started to follow Lochila out of the strange building that brought them here, and out onto the amazing beautiful colored bridge now getting an even better view of the city and kingdom of Asgard. Then she raised an eyebrow towards her mentioning not going into the dungeons. "Why what exactly is down there?" Torunn asked her mother, she couldn't help but be curious now.
Kiera Donovan

Location: Camp Half-Blood Entrance

Kiera watched as Ryland went and teached the younger campers with their swords a little bit, he seemed to be a pretty good teacher in her opinion as Kiera noticed him taking notice of her and told someone else to take up the rest of the teaching for awhile. She watched him walking his way over towards her, noticing his shield easily and quickly turning into a watch of some kind which was actually really interesting along with the sword as well as it turned into a pen. Kiera started to wonder how that even worked or was even possible as Ryland came up to her.

She blushed a little bit and tucked a stray strand of her red hair behind her ear and met his gaze a bit as she thought for a moment, she didn't really know to much about fighting at least not yet anyway. "Well I wouldn't mind being taught by you." Kiera said giving him a slight smile as she stood up fully now. Ready to actually learn what he would be willing to teach her anyway as she motioned for him to lead th way. "Please lead the way to the weapons master." Kiera said.
Lauren Ridgeway

Location: The Ferry Main Deck: Elite Deck (Dining Room)
Skills: N/A

As Lauren stood there her eyes scanning the area a little bit more, she didn't know that the rest of them had moved to the second deck she was busy tending to the injured Mahendra who was now resting in his own cabin. As Lauren decided to make her way to the assigned table for them, she stopped and looked over her shoulder when she heard Reginald's familiar voice. Lauren gave him a friendly smile and then shrugged a little bit. Lauren hadn't really experienced fine dining in a very long time, which was probably back on her own wedding day. "Good evening Lord Major." Lauren said as she went to take her seat at the table, and looked up at him. "Its been a very long time since I've had something fancy really. It was during my wedding night."

"My evening is alright, I went to escort Mahendra to his cabin his injuries were pretty bad, and I assumed that whatever medication he has made him tired." Lauren then reached over and gently took the napkin that was there spreading it over her lap while looking up at the Lord Major. "I wonder where the others are, I sort of left a bit earlier than the rest of you guys as well." Lauren said, though she was starting to get pretty hungry right now.
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