Avatar of Nallore


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3 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds Iā€™m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad Iā€™m not the only one with the issue.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

Bryan looked towards Ezekiel for a moment and then started to smirk a little bit as he started to get a really good idea. "Okay, got an idea, i'll have Juan and some of the Hermes cabin brew up something sticky. And then we get a bunch of feathers and just dump them on Kristin when she least expects it would be hilarious." He suggested his brother and smiled a little bit, as he leaned back in his chair and nodded a little bit at the thought smirking even more. "Anything you'd like we could add itching powder or something in the mix as well." He could have sworn to be more of a son of Hermes more than anything as well, from his ideas of pranks on the other campers.

"You are going to the nightly camp fire singalong though right?" Eva asked, her pretty much every night all of the cabins once the sun went down would have the Apollo kids bring out some instruments and play some music. And roast smores in the fire as well which was always something Eva did look forward to most nights anyway as well. She then looked over when she started to hear Chiron address those who were still in the Dining Pavilion.

"We have the teams for tonights game of Capture the Flag, for those who do want to participate please get ready and head into the woods. The cabins are Athena Cabin team will consist of, Nemesis Cabin, Aphrodite Cabin, Hades Cabin, Hebe Cabin, Iris Cabin, Poseidon Cabin, and Hypnos Cabin." Chiron spoke looking over at the campers who were still there before addressing the remainder. "And the Ares Cabin have chosen Ares Cabin, Hecate Cabin, Nike Cabin, Zeus Cabin, Demeter Cabin, Tyche Cabin, Hermes Cabin, Hephaestus Cabin. So whoever wants to participate you are welcome to join or spectate the match." Chiron said as everyone started to file off and made their way towards the cabins to get their gear, or head towards the armory. Eva looked towards Marygold and sighed a little bit, she really didn't like to be on the Ares team. "Looks like we are stuck on the Ares team." She muttered before getting up and leaving to get geared up.

Kiera Donovan

Location: Camp Half-Blood Dining Pavilion -> Armory

Kiera looked towards Leda as she spoke about her mother and looked a little bit confused when she mentioned Iris Message. "Sorry i'm kind of dumb, but what is an Iris Message?" Kiera asked her, it did make her a little bit annoyed that she probably wouldn't have any contact with her father then. She was about to ask, a few more personal questions about her family. But she decided against it for the time being since they had just met, and Kiera didn't want to be rude and start asking more personal questions as well. But she got up and quickly started to follow behind Leda and into the armory. Taking a moment she looked over seeing Thresa and Desdemona who were already inside wondering what she had found.

"Oh, those are really nice choices." Theresa said smiling at Desdemona as she started to ask her about the weapons. "Oh, yeah they can easily kill you." Thresa said before turning around and then made her way towards an armor rack that was there taking a moment and looked towards Desdemona. She pulled a set of Greek style looking armor and she picked out the right size for her, and handed it over towards Desdemona. "Here it should fit you nicely, that's if you want to join the game the armor will protect you well enough. And if you get injured then our Apollo cabin members will be able to heal you up nicely. But yeah don't worry about getting killed on your first night here." Theresa said and now just noticed Leda and the new girl there as well.

Kiera had listened to Thresa as she spoke, and looked towards the armor racks that were there wondering how they actually fitted and if they were heavy. But she was instantly drawn towards where some of the magical weapons were located, where Desdemona had picked up her weapon and mirror as well. She spotted two swords one in a golden color and the other in a silver color before picking the two of them up rather quickly.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Camp Half-Blood

Alannah smirked slightly when Chiron made his announcements for the teams, the Ares team picked just one of the Big Three Cabins taking a moment she looked towards Andy and wondered if she did want to join in or not before listening to her question. "I don't think it's uncommon to happen. Sometimes you happen to get lucky and kill a monster before coming here and they keep something that they dropped." Alannah answered her as she noticed her half sister Kristin coming up shortly behind Arthur and smiled a little bit towards her and nodded.

"It's Kristin nice to meet you." Kristin answered Arthur and smiled towards him, before looking at Ash when she asked if the camp had been attacked before and nodded slightly. "It's happened twice in the last few years, once during the Second Titan War with Kronos, and then the second time when our Roman Counterpart tried to invade us during the Second Giant War that happened shortly after the whole thing with Kronos." Kristin told her. Alannah nodded as her sister answered that question. "Though those happened before our time coming here." Alannah said, as she watched the room starting to empty for those who wanted to participate in Capture the Flag. "And Ambrosia and Nectar are food of the gods, which have healing properties for us demigods, though you cant have to much or you will end up dying I can show you three the armory if you'd like." Kristin offered.

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Camp Mexico Beach, Florida, W (Quarantine) (Conference Room)

Riley slowly started to get up, it was a lot to take in after all she just wished that her sister could have lived she really did miss Chloe quiet a bit as well. She started to follow Panama and the others back towards the conference room, as Riley looked around the room seeing that most of the others are settled sitting in front of the movie. Riley rubbed her head a little bit and made her way over and sat down next to Amelia seeing that her girlfriend needed to get comforted. She gently gave Amelia a friendly nudge and looked over at her for a moment she was worried about her right now as well. "Are you okay Amelia?" Riley asked her as she tried to cheer her up as best as she could.

Riley would occasionally look over at the TV seeing that movie that they were all watching before they had gone to the briefing, still wondering what the final verdict if they would end up staying or having to leave once they were all cleared from Quarantine. Riley also looked back over towards Thana she was glad that she was alright, though all scared up and stuff she was still alive and well. And she was glad that Ashton would actually be happy he certainly did deserve it as well.

Erica Monroe

Location: Camp Mexico Beach, Florida, W (Quarantine) (Conference Room)

Erica took a moment seeing Nigel blushing a little bit which made her smile a little bit, though she was really just joking in the first place about having kids. She took a moment and looked over at Jamie who had jumped down on Wayne's crotch which made her laugh a little bit, as she ran a hand through her hair when Hank offered for the two of them to join the others. Erica looked over at Nigel seeing him getting up to his feet and making his way over towards the couch asking if she wanted to join them as well. Erica smiled and nodded as she got up and stretched a little bit and nodded. "Sure why not." Erica said as she walked over and then decided to sit down on the arm of the couch to watch ignoring being called Apocalyptic Barbie.

Then she heard the door opening again as she watched the others who went to get the briefings from the members of the community, and wondered still what they were all talking about. Erica did want to try and find out, but she decided against it for now, it really wasn't her place to ask and find out anyway either as well. But she looked over towards Nigel and gave him a slight nudge as she looked towards Wayne and Hank. "Any idea what they were all being briefed about?" Erica asked softly to the three of them, while giving little Jamoie a friendly smile the kid was pretty damn cute.

Cassandra Reed

Location: Outskirts of Birnin Zana, Wakanda (N,8) -> (L,8)
Skills: Mission Strategy

Cassandra looked over at Roman over her shoulder, she wasn't sure why he wanted to stay behind, but they would really need him and his ability to manipulate tech. "We may need you i'm just saying." Cassandra whispered back towards him, but it was up to him if he wanted to join them, and started to move forward, seeing the silvery streak over the wall. She knew that it was Luminous over there most likely patrolling the area which would really make their job harder. Cassandra looked over towards Bonnie when she suggested what they could do, it was certainly way better and just hoping to simply walk through and pray that she doesn't notice them.

"Better than praying and just simply walking through and pray for the best." Cassandra said softly she then looked over towards Dr. Strange. "Happen to have any fancy ice spells in that Sorcerer Supreme arsenal of yours?" Cass asked softly, she didn't want to fight her, but she could change the season around the area to make it colder. "I've got nothing right now, anyone else have any kind of ideas?" She asked the others softly, if she had to stay behind to distract her she would.

Maria Smith

Location: Serval Industries - Virginia (36, F) -> (8, F)
Skills: N/A

Maria watched as Flynn knocked the girl over hitting the door frame nearby, wincing slightly as she watched the girl trying to breathe some kind of green smoke. She wasn't sure what that would even do if she made contact with it, Maria looked over at Raynor for a moment she wasn't going to try and touch her. "Just knock her out, and we can continue to move forward." Maria said, she could careless about the girl right now she worked for Ultron after all as well. She started to walk forward towards where Raynor was and took a look over at the girl on the floor.

She could hear over the radio that Captain Marvel and Spider-Gwen were encountering people on the upper floors, and started to quickly move towards the elevator. "I'm sure as hell am not touching whatever smoke she's breathing out either." Maria said, the girl did make a choice to help Ultron after all, even if she was asking for help she didn't trust the girl was probably acting as well.

Carolina Reed

]Location: The Palace - New York City, New York
Skills: Astral Projection

Carolina listened to Miranda as she started to mention more about what her life was like in the other reality, it was pretty interesting to hear what she had said. It was hard for her to think that Queen Miranda and King Erik never got together in that reality, she ran a hand through her hair as she listened more. She ended up hooking up with Tony Stark in that reality which was weird to hear as well since Tony was married to Pepper as far as she knew anyway.

"Mutants being treated in that reality and in the minority doesn't seem to sound right at all." Carolina said softly, she couldn't imagine mutants being treated poorly in that reality. "So, whats King Erik like in that reality anyway then?" Carolina decided to ask her she was curious what he was like and how he was actually viewed in that world, she didn't really want to know what she was like in that reality right now, she was really happy and content with being with her wife and her art work as well.

Cassandra Reed

Location: Red Guard Mobile Unit - Sydney, Australia
Skills: Computer Coding, Enhanced Condition

Cassandra looked towards Novikova when she found out a way to try and restore everyone's memories which was a good thing and smiled towards her. "That will come in handy." Cass said as she listened to Niah as she spoke and nodded slightly that would probably be the easiest to get rid of the Quinjet. "I'll get to rigging the autopilot to crash somewhere in the ocean." Cassandra said, and then thought for a moment. "And everyone take off whatever communications gear you have and toss it in the Quinjet, or destroy it whatever you want to do just make sure you don't have it on you when SHIELD does call us." Cassandra said as she took off her ear piece and radio as well and entered the Quinjet tossing them onto the ground of the Quinjet.

Cass then went to pick up Sapphire remembering her briefly during the whole OMEN downfall thing, groaning a little bit as she started to slowly drag her out of the Quinjet she wasn't going to kill their team members even if she didn't know them at all. Then she went towards Mystique and as well as James as much as she wanted him to stay there. She started to do the same thing simply dropping their unconscious bodies on the ground.

It was really taking a long time to get the bodies off as well as taking off their radios and communications gear off tossing them onto the pile she had collected in the Quinjet. Then the last thing Cass did as she started to take out the computer and started to rig the autopilot to take off once they had left to fly a few miles and crash into the ocean. At least she thought she did get the coding just about right to do that. Cass started to wipe off the sweat off of her forehead. "Alright it's done, the quinjet should be rigged to take off and crash once we are all gone." Cass said, and didn't waste anymore time and jumped through the portal as well, seeing Klara there and Max, she figured that she shouldn't be armed right now and took off her ICER and set it on the ground kicking it over towards her. "Figured you'd want us to disarm as a sign of good faith you don't kill us." Cass said.

Maria Smith

Location: Sydney, Australia - The Banner Residence
Skills: N/A

Maria looked towards Cassandra and nodded slightly as she took off her own communications gear and radio off, watching the agent taking the bodies one by one off of the Quinjet. She tossed them into the small pile that Cass had made, watching the agent doing her job, which was taking a lot longer then she had liked. Maria looked towards Novikova she was really grateful to have her memories back, she took a moment to look over towards Tinley. "I'm sorry for anything that I said to you." Maria said towards her, since she was her commanding officer in the real world. "I could try and replicate that as well if you need help as well." Maria offered to the others since she could use her girlfriend's power as well if Novi allowed it.

She felt Novikova taking her hand and quickly followed her through the portal and looked over towards Novikova for a moment and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. A few seconds later Cass came through once she had finished up her job, she decided it was a good thing as well taking her bow and set it down on the ground again and kicked it over towards Klara and Max. "And what Cass said, i'd rather not be shot either as well." Maria said holding up her arms up.

Callie Johnson

Location: Mutant Underground DC Station

As Callie stepped outside of the building she leaned herself up against the wall nearby the door, feeling the humidity in the air as it rained as well. She hated the heat a little bit to much as she could feel herself starting to sweat a little bit, Callie turned her head when she heard Glimpse as she asked where she could put her bike. "We have a garage nearby where you can set your bike in there, that's where we keep our cars as well as my own you are certainly welcome to use it." Callie told her as she motioned for Glimpse to follow her where the garage was.

Callie took a moment and looked over to where Sapphire and Havok were, she did feel bad now that she had been picking on the two of them a little bit to much. As long as Sapphire didn't push her away and things cooled down she would go ahead and apologize to her and Havok as well. She headed back into the building and stopped to see another portal opening up raising an eyebrow as yet another person stepped through. She wondered how many they were sending their way, but she shrugged it off for now and then entered the garage motioning around where all their cars were. "Park it anywhere you'd like and if you have any questions feel free to ask as well." Callie offered.
Captain Moss
Location:Shadowell Manor: The Attic (Confinement)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 6

"He isn't the brightest tool in the shed I think." Captain Moss answered to the voice of Sister Penance, as he tried to look around the room, he could feel the slight chill of the room now as well, which was probably something that was really bad. Captain Moss nodded slightly he thought it was best to just get out of the room, but not stray to far at least to somewhere else that was a little bit warmer. The bed that was on the other end of the room didn't look like it had any kind of blanket on it either. "I agree if we can find a way to get out of the room, we shouldn't stray to far. I'd rather not piss off any of the servants or the other residences in here." Captain Moss said with a slight shrug.

Captain Moss didn't think that any of the servants would even notice or remember that any of them would be all up here either at Rave's voiced her own thoughts. "I don't think the servants would check in on us for a few hours, anyway they would probably be to busy trying to find candles and the like to light up the rooms. Or finding whatever fireplaces there are and get them started to as well." Captain Moss shrugged slightly as he tried to continue to look around the room, for anything that could try and help them open the door.

Princess Luna

Location: Old Cottage, Marram Marshes
Skills: N/A

As Luna looked around the room, she spotted the bookshelf on the other end of the room and was curious what was on there and made her way over towards it. As she looked at the various books that were on the shelf she found a diary that looked the most interesting to her, and reached over towards it. Luna opened up the small book seeing that the inside text was really worn and faded beyond reading anyway, as she skimmed through some of the other pages. Seeing that it mentioned something about her grandmother, and thought that it could be something useful and closed the book and kept it for now.

Then she started to feel the ground shaking and turned to look at Titan and Valda with a worried look and then turned her attention towards her sister. She didn't like the idea of staying here anymore now either, at least in the Castle they were safe in there and no one could enter unless they had been a blood relative of theirs. Luna then looked at her sister, maybe they could teleport somewhere else for the time being. "Can you teleport us somewhere else with Magyk?" Luna asked nervously she didn't want to go out into the swamps either which would be really hard for her to move around as well.

Arnora Skadidottir

Location: Courtyard Outside of Wizard Tower.
Skills: Enhanced Tracking and Basic Asgardian Magic

Arnora turned to look at Cuyler and just shook her head towards him, she didn't want to really say anything right now as she winced in pain, as Bruce stormed off towards the Castle. She was atleast grateful for Myth apologizing about her husband, getting hit was really uncalled for. As she sighed, letting Halley move over towards her Arnora moved her hand away from her nose, it really did hurt letting Halley inspect the injury. "Thank you Halley." Arnora said as her nose was healed feeling the pain quickly going away as she looked over towards Cuyler for a moment half expecting him to go with Myth and Bruce.

"I think it's best I stay with you and focus on tracking down Loki, and knowing Loki he's the bigger threat now anyway." Arnora said as she leaned down and picked up the knife again and started to close her eyes and then started to use her enhanced tracking and the spell she used earlier to track down Loki from Asgard. She quickly picked up a closer location on where he was she looked towards Halley, slipping the knife into her pocket for now. "I have him tracked down somewhere within the Port." Arnora said as she started to head down the road towards where the Port was located.
Lauren Ridgeway

Location: Athribis (Underground)
Skills: N/A

Lauren took a moment and looked towards Mahendra and Nora as well when they also pointed out that the are experiencing the same hazy blurry vision which was a good thing. "At least i'm not going crazy then." Lauren said with a slight smile, though she still wasn't sure exactly why it was happening now. She didn't even get sand in her face since coming down here in the first place either, she watched as Gene spoke towards the Lord Major, though it was a little bit harsh in her eyes. She did have a point they could have continued further down into the tunnel by now as well.

Then Lauren heard a thud and turned around and looked directly at the guy who was there and raised an eyebrow slightly, wondering if he was spying on them or not. But it looked like he would have ended up falling down into the hole if he had a little bit more speed, she looked over towards the Lord Major when he answered his question. It was true that the guy didn't have a right to know why they were down here in the first place. "Its official business." Lauren told him simply she didn't trust the guy, he could have a gun on him for all she knew as well.
Riley Ridgeway

Location: Grimm, Indiana, Grimm Asylum Subbasement
Skills: N/A

Riley looked towards Alicia when she turned to stare directly at her, and gave her a slight glare they literally just found her mummified in the middle of the subbasement of the asylum she could at least be a little bit grateful. "Well, you are very welcome that we found you down here by your lonesome." Riley said with a little bit of an eyeroll and shook her head, it was understandable that she probably should trust them, but they were all in this together right now as well. Riley then watched as Alicia managed to actually kick the door open, as she stepped forward looking at the dent that the doorknob made when it hit the wall.

Riley thought for a moment saying that they should work together, to get out of the building but she figured that it would be pretty much useless as well. She started to slowly go up the stairs making sure that she wasn't close to the edge of the railing and tried to stay as close to the wall as possible. Riley was still having a hard time getting up the stairs with her blurry vision, she wasn't going to run up the stairs like a madman that was Alicia and looked over towards Pyira and gave her a slight shrug as she started to head up the stairs slowly.

Evelyn Holder

Location: Serval Industries, X-Factor Briefing Area
Skills: N/A

Evelyn looked towards Alannah she was going to answer her friend's question, but everyone else seemed to have already beaten her to it, though she did find it troubling that Rae Gardner didn't answer any of her questions. "Like the others said, some of these people are really rich, and if they could they all could end up buying a country if they wanted or something." Evelyn said as she looked over towards Andrew as he started to pool up a holographic map of where the party would most likely be located at, and nodded slightly as she leaned back in the char. She winced slightly when Alannah made the scraping sound with her claws, but didn't do anything really about it as John told her not to do that.

"Andrew could always just simply shrink down and be unseen by them." Evelyn decided to just tease him a little bit, but she was at least grateful for some of the information that their lovely CEO neglected to mention any details. "But on another note, does any of you think our new CEO is kind of off, just giving us a security job as our first mission, and not leaving without giving us any kind of proper information?" Evelyn asked, figuring that maybe they at least had a feeling that it was just off to her as well.
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