Avatar of Ollumhammersong


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Take your time. The thread isn't going anywhere
@Andreyich Your good now, but I can't help but notice your lacking flak armour. Usually a bad idea when entering a warzone

@Kipsateking You're good.

@Lady Selune Is that stubber a sidearm or a rifle? its a little vague. An autopistol is probably easier to find ammo for in the guard than stub weapons, And fairly common sidearms but your good either way.
@Searat Do you have a picture that is more 40k in tone? Or at lest something with a visible face?
Alright, i'm back from work and can start going through these sheets properly.

@Irredeemable Sure, I don't forsee it being a huge problem to have a sentinel.

I will say that not including yourself i have 10 interested parties in this rp. For the sake of my own sanity and not bogging down the game with too many bodies, I think I am going to cap this rp at 10 for the time being. That may change over time and reinforcment waves can always be brought in.


I'm not thrilled with the idea of a character having a long-las that hits like a mini lascannon from afar. You can have a more traditional long-las, but not something capable of decapitating an asartes.
As I've said in the character sheet post. The stats wont actually *do* anything. They give me and everyone an idea of your characters strengths and weaknesses. Things they can do really well or suck at.

So for example. If you list your character as having a poor weapon skill, but is still inexplicably going to win a knife fight with a traitor marine during the story. I'm calling Bullshit.

Just keep them in mind when you play
@Andreyich my only question, is just how powerful is this one shot long-las?

Are we talking about shooting traitor marines through the heart?
You can PM me or post it in the ooc tab first

Alright, Its late but I got something up tonight. I will probably have to end up tweaking it tomorrow when I review it with a clearer head.

@Irredeemable@Searat@Lady Selune@Kipsateking@Jbcool@Andreyich@BCTheEntity@POOHEAD189@RangingWolf@Eisenhorn

Name: Acting Lieutenant Artyom Volkov

Role: Valhallan 301st Field medic (Formally), Platoon Commander (Current)
  • Defensive & siege warfare tactics
  • Field Medicine, emergency trauma
  • Marksmanship, a skill frequently practised and well maintained

You may distribute 50 points for your characteristics, each must have at least 1 point and the maximum is 10.
Weapon Skill: 4
Ballistic Skill: 7
Strength: 5
Toughness: 5
Agility: 5
Intelligence: 5
Perception: 7
Willpower: 6
Fellowship: 6

  • M36 pattern Lasrifle,
  • Autopistol,
  • Grenades, Frag x2
  • Valhallan armoured Greatcoat & hat

  • Devoted- like all Valhallan citizens Artyom is fiercely loyal to the God Emperor and his purpose. Though that faith has been sorely tested in recent times. Valhalla stands strong, One of the primarchs themselves walks the stars again! Let the enemy come and eat his bayonet for all he cares.
  • Prepared- Not fatalistic like the melancholy mood so pervasive to the death guard mindset. But Artyom has more than accepted his increasingly likely fate as a guardsman. And lives with very few regrets or fears for when his death finally comes.
  • Stubborn- Ground earned and advantaged gained will not be surrendered easily by Valhallans. Likewise, a made up mind is likely to never bend or change to a new viewpoint without ceaseless, dedicated effort by a comrade or rival.

  • When First joining the Guard, It was a simple choice really. On Valhalla he was a juvie delinquent and aspiring ganger. And Valhalla has little time or resources to waste maintaining an extensive prison system so Most convicted felons are generally offered two choices. Take the death penalty for your crimes or enlist. Valhallan magistrates are notoriously 'generous' with offering the condemned a second chance at life. In hindsight though, it was the best thing that happened to Artyom, as he seems to have taken well to guard life.
  • Siege of Onara- a gruelling campaign from his early years in the guard that took nearly ten standard years to resolve and saw three Valhallan regiments combined into one to make up after severe losses. But the fighting earned him his opportunity promotion, and a decoration for bravery.
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