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Just for the record, I've been a Blood Raven librarian before and currently on another RP site I'm an Eldar warlock. I am not unqualified to be a Chaos Space Marine by any regard. I main Chaos in most games, Tzeentchian to be more precise.I've also been in the fandom since 2010.

….ok? At no point did I say that you are, or that I think you are 'unqualified to play a CSM'. Nor did I question your length of involvement in the general 40k fanbase. My point is that this is an RP about Space marine terminators. I made that pretty clear in the opening post that players will be taking on the role of Emperor loving Space marine Veterans in Terminator armour. Playing as chaos was never mentioned or even hinted at as a possibility in this game. And while you are free to ask, as I am the GM of this game it's my right to say yes or no to whatever I want.

So.... I guess what I'm saying is, Your statement is noted, and duly ignored.
@Jaredthefox92 Whatever floats your boat
Well, to be frank I would say 'Sorry, but no.'

Playing as one of the antagonists would be a little different. That person would mostly likely be a co-GM and someone I would necessarily have to have some trust and knowledge of as a player. As what they do will directly impact the PC's efforts. Also if I bend for one person I have to bend for others. The rp is about a team of space marine veterans working together to cleanse chaos worshippers. Not to disparage or insult you in any way, I just haven't played many games alongside you. So I don't know you very well as a player.

If that answer doesn't satisfy you than all I can say is, i'm sorry but I am standing firm on this. I thank you for your interest and you are welcome to stay and make a loyalist character, but not a chaos one.

If this idea doesn't pull through or when this one runs it's course I will be putting up an actual chaos themed roleplay that I have been working on alongside this idea.
Why no Chaos?

What about chaos? You will be fighting chaos space marines in this rp, Among other things. But all the players will be from the same loyal chapter.
Red Scorpions are just a chapter I happen to have a personal liking for. And I don't want to do the typical, ultramarines, space wolves, dark angels or blood angels. Other chapters have terminators too and deserve a little love and attention.

But if people really *really* don't like the idea of playing as a Red Scorpion, the chapter can be changed. the RP doesn't hinge on them specifically. I don't suspect it would be a hard barrier, but if it is for people it would be helpful if they spoke up about it. If enough people do I can change it.
@Dead Cruiser@Lady Selune@Andreyich@Flagg@mattmanganon@NecroKnight@Jbcool@SmileyJaws@Eisenhorn@Vulkan@Banzai Tracers

Just some people I know tend to be into 40k ideas. Not a invitation only thing. If anyone listed isn't interested than i'm sorry for diverting your time. If anyone who isn't on this list wants to join than please do. This is open to anyone. Or if I missed any 40k fans, honestly there are too many for me to remember and I apologize.
Hello Everyone. I am looking to start a simpler roleplay set in the 40k universe. Focusing on a theme that isn't often if ever explored in most 40k games on the site. The players will take on the roll of a space marine terminator squad hailing from the Red Scorpions chapter. The game itself isn't designed to be terribly long and convoluted. It's a simple plot and that is best solved by doing what space marines do best, kicking names and taking ass. Being those most powerful and experienced of warriors, even by space marine standards. The game will involve a 1st company squad attached to a battle company as they attempt to board a chaos cruiser and slay its abominable leader. The players have access to powerful equipment, centuries of skill and experience and most importantly, terminator armour. Able to shrug off anything the enemy can throw at you short of a lascannon to the face.

The squad composition will depend largely on how many people are interested but will function similarly to how the space hulk game functions and less so the tabletop. So while the squad is a tactical terminator squad, if someone wants lightning claws I wont really care. Along with the odd specialist, depending on how large the group is. So the squad can be a little hodgepodge in its structure.

As I said above, the game isn't designed to be the most convoluted and most long lasting plot. That being said its the kind of game that i'm hoping can continue in a somewhat episodic fashion if sufficient interest is maintained at the end of each mission/battle, as the squad can always be assigned to a new warzone to battle new foes.

But at it's core this is a game about big stompy space marines being both big and stompy, and butchering enemies of the Imperium by the dozen. I'm looking for a team of 3-6 players to stick with the game for the proverbial long run. i'm hoping to get a style of game going that is easy for the players to keep pace and possibly even move things along themselves to an extent without needing to write novella sized GM posts just to advance the plot down a corridor. Hopefully this combination can keep a game moving with minimal effort.
@Andreyich cool, thanks
If your super tied to playing an enginseer yourself I might have a second character idea up my sleeve. Just needs some fleshing out, I wasn't sure what direction to take it originally so I just went with tech priest.
Woot, were moving again!
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