Avatar of Omega Man


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6 mos ago
Current "I hope when I die it's early in the morning so I don't go to work that day for nothing..." - Me
8 mos ago
Four guests viewing an old interest check from a year ago huh..? lol roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
10 mos ago
NGL... an RP centered around Pepsi Man and maybe a few other sodas and supers would be dope. Mountain Dewd? Code Red kaiju maybe? I could make it work...
1 like
10 mos ago
New Justice League RP if anyone digs superheroes... roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
1 yr ago
"What many people call passion is not spiritual force, but friction between the soul and the outside world."


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Hello out there! My name's Mason. I enjoy comics, movies, and television as well as a good superhero themed role play! I'm more of a DC freak than a Marvel zombie but I did grow up on mutants and 3rd string heroes. Once in awhile I'll make a few micros in MSPaint for my RP's because I love designing heroes as much as I do writing/reading about them. I'm about to try and get another DC Universe themed game off the ground, if you're interested gimme a shout!

My top RP's on the Guild:

Young Justice 2020
Justice League Unlimited
Titans of Gotham
Champions of Engine City
Marvel Reborn
Legion of Superheroes Return [stat based]

Top Characters:

Ditto - Young Justice series
Bulleteer - Justice League Unlimited
Leviathan - Titans of Gotham
Fastlane - Champions of Engine City
the Thing II - Marvel Reborn
Ultra Boy II - Legion of Superheroes Return

I've been RP'ing for awhile now. I mostly RP to keep my writing skills up to par, and I generally RP between Casual and Advanced. I've been a member of the guild for quite a bit, pre Guildfall even. Originally I'd come to the site to out a plagiarizer who took parts of my stat system from a Green Lantern Corps RP on another site, as well as bits of my posts and other players' work as well. Once I got that troll taken care of, I stuck around.

Favorite DC heroes (I won't go into villains to save space) in no order: Aquaman, Hawkman, Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner), Superboy (the clone), Swamp Thing, Starman, Animal Man, Impulse, Captain Atom, and Batman Beyond.

Favorite Marvel heroes list: Human Torch I & II, Black Bolt, the classic Destroyer, Havok, Multiple Man, classic Scarlet Spider, Spiderman 2099, Nova, and Colossus.

Most Recent Posts

@Shard Best sample post so far! I really liked how you played the angle a bit differently!

EDIT: Also... accepted!

@Duthguy Roach Boy is accepted! Reminds me of a cross between Spider-man and Blue Beetle Jaime Reyes.

@NightmareInd Skillshot is also accepted! I really dig the mask and ability.

@The Bork Lazer I'm gonna be veeeery picky when it comes to any non-powered heroes in this. It's not that I don't dig the character, but the language and nature of the character seem more fitting for something like Deadpool's X-Force. There anything else you're toying with, idea wise?

@Shard@Bea Y'all worked anything up yet for the twin characters?

I'll review the character sheets here in a bit. Thanks for all of the interest!!

Secret Identity –
Codename –
Age – (17 – 23)
Powers –
Weaknesses –
Personality – (5 words that best describe your character)
Experience – (0-365 days)
Day Job –

How did Arrowcaster find you?


How will your character be different one year later?

Sample Post – (Arrowcaster recruiting your character)


Secret Identity – Judah Marlowe
Codename – Titan
Age – 19
Appearance -

Powers – The alien gauntlet can create energy blasts as well as project a force field of energy. The same blue energy can also be used as a large blue robot arm that will eventually lead to creating a full mech suit construct.

Weaknesses – He's only human and possesses the same weaknesses as anyone in standard civilian clothes. Eventually gets a light body armor that provides a little more durability.

Personality – reckless, loud, humorous, impatient, honest

Experience – (16 days)

Day Job – Works as a laborer refurbishing buildings, houses, and apartment complexes.

How did Arrowcaster find you? (see Sample Post)

BRIEF Bio – Judah was your average kid from Highland. He grew up poor and eventually had to drop out of Jefferson High School his senior year to work full time to help take care of his terminally ill mother. Six months ago she finally passed away and Judah continues to deal with it all. His father ran off years earlier without a word.

Judah got his own apartment in Highland, above an old arcade on the outskirts of the neighborhood. His boss, a somewhat sleazy contractor by the name of Blake, had helped him get set up. Over the last several months Judah used his job to take his mind off of everything. That was when it was simple. Sixteen days ago, Judah found the alien gauntlet behind a building he had been working on.

How will your character be different one year later?

The gauntlet will begin growing up his arm and into his chest, and he will have developed the construct into a full mech suit. Think of it like Green Lantern's super move construct in the Injustice 2 game...

Sample Post – (Arrowcaster recruiting your character)

Sixteen days ago Judah Marlowe thought he saw a falling star land in some woods behind a building he was refurbishing. Judah happened to be taking a break outside, and taking a leak on a tree as there was no working plumbing in the facility nor a port-o-potty in sight. Investigating the blue glow, Judah discovered the severed arm of some sort of alien, with a tech'ed out gauntlet. After the hand of the alien arm began moving a blue flash saw the gauntlet now permanently stuck to the young man's arm. Now with a bio-mechanical forearm and a little bit of pee on his pants, Judah ran off in the direction of his apartment.

Ten days ago the contractor, Blake, visited the unfinished job and wondered where Judah had been the last few days. Around that time a mosquito took fluid from the remaining alien flesh in the woods, before landing on some mutt dog for a few moments. Taking a bit of the dog's blood and exposing it to the alien DNA was enough to kill the homeless runt... but then the blood sucker landed on Blake and exposed him to two different types of DNA.

Two days ago the contractor had been completely transformed into some alien dog hybrid creature. Judah had used the powers of the gauntlet to defeat the monstrosity and unknowingly caught the attention of Arrowcaster.

Making dinner real quick then I'll get stuff posted. Passed out kinda earlier than I expected last night....

Working on the CS template right now! Should be up soonish as well as *most* of my character's sheet....

I'll get a CS template up after work this evening. I've already been developing a character for this that's a little bit Ben10, little bit Green Lantern, and a dash of the Guyver. His powers will come from an alien artifact stuck to his arm....

"Over the last six years, I've watched Engine City merge with Chase Chemical, and surrounding metropolitan neighbors to form Mega City in the southeastern United States. Chase Chemical is the largest privately owned chemical plant and lab facilities in the world with over one hundred and twenty thousand employees including it's own police forces and fire houses. The region was officially named 'Mega City' once the population hit the ten million mark. To think the nation's capital is less than five hours away and only home to a little more than six hundred and seventy thousand people. For all these people, at least two percent of the population is superhuman. I tried going the powerless vigilante route for a few years, but I can't compete with people who can knock over skyscrapers or run across water. Lately though... I've noticed a few dead superhumans showing up in my neighborhood as well as a staggering amount of missing persons reports. It's happening in the corner of Mega City called the Highlands that are up in the Appalachian Mountains. The more recent victims were twenty years old or younger.... I've come out of retirement to try and find out who's killing these kids. The only way I know how to protect them is to gather them. Train them. And maybe together we can figure out who's trying to kill others like them.

My name is John Blake, and I'm just a guy with a bow. For awhile the papers called me... Arrowcaster."


Blake is around 40 years old, is going gray, and will get hurt early on taking him out of the field for more of a mentor role. He'll be a frequent NPC. Somewhere in the middle of Oliver Queen on the Arrow tv series and Old Man Bruce from the Batman Beyond future. He'll train us in a former enemy's underground base of operations he shut down early on in his career.

Welcome to Mega City obviously takes certain cues from the Arrow tv series. However, aside from the mentor character being a Green Arrow knock-off and the time jumps that's about as far as the connection goes. Everyone's characters except for maybe one or two will need to be superhuman. During the course of the first arc we'll introduce our characters being approached by Arrowcaster, train with him at the HQ, fight a couple minor villains and stop day to day crime here and there, while also teasing the future one year later with the big bad in the occasional time jumps. From there sky's the limit.

Essentially the RP is meant to be the best of two worlds. On one hand, we're RP'ing as rookie heroes with little to no training with Arrowcaster as our mentor. On the other hand, we also tease a darker future where we're facing off against the big bad as more seasoned heroes yet still getting our asses kicked in different ways. Eventually the stories will lead into one another and the time jumps will cease. I mainly just wanted everyone to be able to have their cake and eat it too. The darker future and plot will also make it easier to write out any drop-outs who could simply fall victim to the person or persons taking out superhumans. More on that if we make it to an IC/OOC. As far as the other enemies we'll face, I figure it could be up to the group to come up with some of the superhuman criminals and situations our noob heroes get themselves into. It's a big city, with the addition of mountain terrain, so there's not much we can't do. Wanna fight against a small population of vampire like creatures hiding in the caves? We could do that. Maybe there's a particular cop who's got beef with Arrowcaster who's giving us a hard time? Maybe one of YOU could be the superhuman killer?!?

This will be my first RP in months, so if there's enough interest I'll throw up a character sheet model. Likely won't be like the standard stuff in my RP's, as there will be bits for your heroes in the present as well as the one year later future. Arrowcaster recruiting our heroes will likely be part of a sample post at the end of the CS.

So who's down for an original universe of heroes not tied to DC or Marvel? Anybody out there?!

@Weird Tales Digging up some oldies, eh?

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Sorry I haven't been online much at all, had a bit of a mid-life crisis and such and still dealing with some stuff. Completely understand if everyone's moved on, but thanks for the interest and posts we did manage to get. Trying to finish up an iCheck for an original universe superhero setting I'd been working on the last few weeks if anybody would be interested.

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