Avatar of Pilatus


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2 mos ago
Legit watching how long that 1v1 interest check stays on the front page. I'll never quit this site.
3 mos ago
Discipline a heretic and he'll be loyal for a moment, put him to the flame and he'll be loyal the rest of his life.
3 mos ago
Sometimes the heresy purges itself.
4 mos ago
It's called trash CAN, not trash CANNOT. You got this 👍
8 mos ago
If this is your first night at Waffle House, you have to fight.


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Coleman St. John

Cole’s small office was a spartan affair. Since taking his position at the Institute, he’d only occasionally used it and preferring to keep most of his work paperless, the desk drawers were mostly empty save for some basic office supplies. A small Harley pistonhead served as a weight over new student binders that the admin staff had left for his review. With the exception of a hanging clock, the walls were just as bare. He ran a finger back and forth over his lips as the Athletic Director, Professor Pierce trounced away, leaving the door wide open in his wake. He gave a small sigh. Maybe in some ways they were similar, but down in his gut, he just didn’t like the guy. There was no doubt that he cared for the students, but to Cole at least, it seemed like they were more his subjects than his pupils; it seemed Pierce never thought or wanted them to eclipse himself. Looking through the large window next to his desk at the courtyard where students moved and chatted casually, he shook his head a little considering the conversation that had just taken place.

It was in that same moment that a flash of white and yellow caught his attention and his glance shifted to the open door and across the small atrium where Kaylee stood, having apparently witnessed the AD’s less than cordial exit. Ironically, the same line of thinking seemed to be continued at his first glance of her as when Pierce had stormed out. He had to remind himself that she could sense the aura of his thoughts, however the next thought, quickly following, was that it was already too late to attempt to hide anything. With a small wave, he motioned for her to come over, taking another glance through the window as she approached. It was such a nice day outside, he lamented how he’d rather be out taking a ride by the beach or at least doing something more productive, but after the events of the previous night, he knew it would be better to be seen, even if no questions were asked. However, if they were going to be asked, he was going to get some answers for himself as well.

He examined Kaylee’s figure briefly as she entered before tilting his head past her briefly to get a glimpse of the other doorways in the wing. Being Saturday, the staff offices were empty for the most part, though in an Institute full of mutant abilities, he doubted how much privacy was really afforded. Still he spoke with a slight firmness before she could sit down: “Shut the door.”

Paige Kennedy

Seeing Siobhan along with Milo’s words brought up a wholly unexpected feeling within Paige: That in some ways, a part of her was actually going to miss Sol City. While on the surface the thought seemed to remove whatever appetite she had brought along, it was the fact that things were vastly going to change in a way that she’d never expected in her entire life. As Milo tightened his arm around her hip, she gave his hand a squeeze, thinking about the magnitude of what she had asked of him- and that he had agreed to it. She was sure she was crazy and in the back of her mind she secretly wondered if he thought the same. It was a voice that wouldn’t be satisfied until the deed was done. In just a few steps her mind was starting to wander, but was returned to reality at the odd mixture of smells coming from the small garage. Something like a combination of a cookout and an old-fashioned gas station.

Her eyes glanced around more on the people than the plethora of cars crammed into the small space seeing the quizzical looks being aimed towards her and Milo, and Manami. There seemed to be some aura of familiarity between her and Ryan, who likewise seemed like she recognized him for some reason, like she had seen his picture before. “Hi,” She said with a small wave. Siobhan’s exuberance was infectious and she could feel a grin coming around her cheeks making her southern accent hang on to the greeting a little longer than she might have intended. Everyone seemed to make up a pretty chill crowd and she didn’t mind letting her usual guard down a little, something she knew Milo would appreciate. He was always after her to relax and let go of work. The mention of their car-keying acquaintance instantly brought up a shake of the head and an eye-roll as she took Milo’s shirttail to twist the cap from her bottle.

@Infinite Cosmos
@MST3K 4ever

That's no problem. You had a really good character and you are welcome to bring her back, but i would caution you that we are really close to the conclusion of this chapter, it might be hard to get anything established, but if you just want to have some fun, go ahead and update her profile and resubmit it here.
Joel Nicolosi

Joel gave a slight smirk seeing the reaction in Elise that he expected. When he was full time into fixing cars, her exact expression was one that he had come to recognize often in women and men. Over the course of several years, he typically found women more receptive and easier to deal with when relaying what was often bad news. Men’s egos and pitiful attempts to best his automotive knowledge usually only led to further frustration. He gave a light shrug at her comment asking if he would take a card. The money he was being paid to drive professionally vastly eclipsed some of his best weeks while in the trade. He wasn’t making a living on it any more and couldn’t take her money in good conscience. It would just have to be her lucky day and she could chalk it up to being in the right place at the right time. She was cute. Maybe in a different timeline, he would have turned some game, but the thought was just a passing musing. He finished off his beer with another long drink and examined the War Chest for another. “Zero,” He said, referring to the cost. “I don’t have a timing belt here anyway.” Setting the prop down into position, he let the hood drop and lock with an affirmative thud. “Like I told Iron Chef over here,” He motioned with his bottle towards Ryan, “Just take it easy for a couple days and come back by here and I’ll pop it on real quick.”

Seeing the trio that arrived, his eyes narrowed slightly past them for a moment at the distinctive front air-dam of what he knew, even in the shadows of night, was an M3. The rare electric blue color under the streetlights instantly reminded him of Siobhan’s story of the blonde, Paige, having to pay out of her own pocket to fix after it had been keyed by none other than Victoria. He winced a little at the thought, knowing the cost, even for a small scar, had probably been in the hundreds, if not cresting a thousand at the BMW dealer. He gave a nod to the group, not sure of the third girl they had brought along, but satisfied that the women outnumbered the men. Nobody liked a sausagefest. He wiped his hands with a rag as they came to the main door. “What’s up?” He greeted. “Still plenty to eat, feel free to grab something from the War Chest.”

@Infinite Cosmos
Joel Nicolosi

Joel carefully stepped Elise’s Hyundai up onto the pad next to Ryan’s Mustang, the front tires groaning softly as they rotated over the concrete. He handled it gently as if it were just as valuable as any of the other vehicles around the shop. His hand searched momentarily for the hood release beneath the dash as he saw another car pull up; giving the handle a firm pull and hearing the mechanism release with a subtle thud. He took another long drink from his beer as he walked around the nose giving a wave to the newcomers before his fingertips slid under the lip of the hood and found the tab to allow it to rise. He set the bottle casually on top of a fuse box and set the prop as Elise came up to study what he was doing. If she was truly clueless about it, he was more sure of his immediate assessment just listening to it as he moved it. “These things have an interference engine…” He said taking the bottle in hand again and finishing it off. “If you don’t replace the timing belt, the valves and the pistons will start to touch.” His hands demonstrated pushing the top of the bottle into his open palm. “Bad things happen then.” He said with a small smirk, looking to see if she was following at all. “It’s a regular thing on these cars, yours is just starting to do it. Pretty easy fix, just a couple hours.”

@Infinite Cosmos
Paige Kennedy

Paige glanced back quizzically, but before she could speak, Mio kindly informed them that he had thrown his phone in the river, intentionally. Her eyes narrowed slightly at him causally settling himself into the backseat. Part of her was not surprised at all; having known him for many years, it was not unexpected and the way the words came out of his mouth, throwing one’s phone into the water was a perfectly acceptable recourse for whatever had occurred. It was just the resulting inconvenience that would be a pain in the ass for a few days that put her off slightly. She put the car in reverse, thinking briefly on what might have set him off: some project that he would have to rework or some chunk of metal that was not being agreeable. “What the hell happened?”

Milo chuckled, "Well you would never believe it, but this mermaid popped out of the water and looked me dead in the eyes, she was beautiful, like nothing I'd ever seen. She told me about a city under water that she could take me to, all I had to do was give her tree fiddy." He knew this was gonna get a rise. "And I yell get out of here you loch ness monstah...." He chuckled a bit then continued, "Ana called while I was fishing, turns out I can't catch a fish hold a phone and light a cigarette at the same time, just happens that all I saved was the smokes."

Paige immediately rolled her eyes as soon as she recognized his bullshit tone, she didn’t even need to hear the rest of the story, however relented some when he said that Ana had called. “Glad you decided to save what’s important.” She said, shaking her head. Ana had never succeeded in getting Milo to quit smoking, but Paige resolved to pick up the reigns, confident that she would win eventually.

Coming down Southside Boulevard, the cityscape turned much more utilitarian though nothing beyond what she’d ever been around before: mostly aged single-story businesses, railroad tracks and weather-worn streetlights that hung over cracked pavement; some simply swung on cables stretched over road bobbing lightly with an evening breeze. Being terrible with directions, she kept an eye on the GPS in the middle of the dash set with the address from Siobhan. After a few turns off Southside, they rounded a bend as the evening was settling in and she could make out the round taillights of Siobhan’s Corvette, a red Jeep, and the brake lights of another car being moved next to another in front of a large garage door. “This is it,” She said, slightly peeved at the lack of parking and scanning around for a spot before carefully tucking up behind Sio on the curb.

Paige paused as she stepped up on the sidewalk and looked at the business sign above her for as she waited for Milo to walk up with her. Apex Designs with a flourish around the A a small phone number and SOL CITY underneath. Chatter could be heard and music played from inside while the evening streetlamps began to buzz on; a few had burned out long ago and were neglected for replacement. An unexpected, though slightly familiar feeling came over her as she looked at the slightly-less worn logo, the same as when she crossed the bridge earlier. Not truly a feeling of boredom or disdain, just of seemingly impending finality, like they didnt have much time left. She looked at Milo without a word. He wasn’t nearly the sentimentalist she could be, but there was no doubt he could sense what she was thinking.

Joel’s Shop Radio

@Infinite Cosmos

Joel Nicolosi

Joel snickered a bit at Siobhan’s mildly formal introductions giving a comically large shrug as he continued to balance his plate on his knees. The food was damn good and he didn't particularly want to stop eating, but they were quickly running out of chairs and still had more company on the way. He was not at all surprised to have his hunch about Elise’ car problems confirmed as he stood up and maneuvered around Ryan to sit his plate on top of a rolling toolbox. The girl’s enthusiasm was cute and her car knowledge was a little unexpected, he feigned injury with a smirk rubbing his arm after she shook his hand vigorously. “Here,” He said, offering her his seat between Ryan and Siobhan with a small wave. “Might as well have a seat. I gotta get more chairs from upstairs anyway.” He said maneuvering around the group with cautious steps between the cars and the guests. There was a big beach-cooler on the floor, aged from years of regular usage with the words WAR CHEST scribbled ungracefully across the white top. He opened it with his foot and retrieved another beer though it’s contents were a wide variety of brews, liquors and a plethora of Rebellion energy drinks. “Whatever you want to drink, we got all kinds of stuff.” He twisted the top off with his shirttail and leaned for a glance outside past Ryan’s Mustang and the other cars outside looking for whatever Elise was driving; feeling the coolness of the evening beginning to settle while taking a long drink.

The cool air and the pleasant vibes combined with the growing number of cars outside were making things very nostalgic for Joel and he could sense the greatness of an unplanned party approaching. “That your little Hyundai out there?” He said examining the car from the bay door, not looking back at first, but then glancing over his shoulder at Elise with a pause once he saw he had her attention back from Siobhan. “If it’s running rough and you can hear it, it probably needs a timing belt.” He took another drink, thinking briefly how to rearrange the cars again so that Sio’s friends would still have enough room to park. There was just enough space for two side by side on the concrete pad out front. It was very reminiscent of the very old days: He could have three big dollar projects inside and two quick fixes going on the curbside followed by whatever insane party that flowed through the night. “You got the key?” He said with a hand open for her to toss them over. “We’ll bring it over here and have a look.”

@KatKook@Infinite Cosmos @Almalthia

The sound was familiar, though it had been a long time since she heard it: The subtle, mechanical creeping of his aura reaching out, dividing itself around her and covering the floor making her realize just how accustomed she had become to being without him for so long. She swallowed a lump in her throat as it crept through the wrecked building, purring in its rolling tone, beating with an electrical impulse that tickled her leg as it passed. The sound of the human’s assimilation was expected, like a body tossed into some great amalgamation of turning gears. She took in a breath and exhaled as they took their place beside her. It was a test. She didn’t need any help. They would only get in her way,.though she knew he only wanted to see if she would protest; to see how far she had separated herself from him. As soon as his new creations knelt, she stood up as commanded, looking at him and taking in the moment. Within his gaze, she could sense the connection between them returning as if the interference that existed between the worlds had dissipated. It was both welcome and wholly unsettling.

She considered her words, though the realization of his arrival was an undeniable wave that washed through her consciousness. It was the moment for which they had worked and waited, however, finally in his presence, she couldn’t help but feel shame, like he had come from a place and time that she had somehow begun to forget. Her face remained stoic at first as she spoke: ‘She was here, right in this place.” The tension within her relaxed some as the words came out knowing that he would indeed be on a very narrow timeline. She could be brief and accentuate the positive in the knowledge that he would be very pleased with the news, but also remembering the world that she had built alongside him and the rare feat she had achieved, influence. “The headmaster is still fading slowly, but I have been keeping him alive... None of them have any idea what’s happening.”
Joel Nicolosi

Joel did a poor job at attempting to hide his revulsion when Ryan referred to some heavier petting in relation to Victoria Olympus. He knew Siobhan would be warming up to go chapter and verse on the girl’s social credit score, so he decided to stick to what he knew and let the conversation fall where it may. “You won’t have to worry about a ticket.” He said referring to Ryan’s interest in coming to a rally with a small wave of his hand. “We’ll just get you a pass, you can come with the team.” He gave his shirt, a black long sleeve tee with an orange Rebellion “R” at the left chest that matched his other, regularly simple attire: cargo shorts and sneakers, a small pluck. “Whatever rally you want, New England will be the only one in the States and the closest, but we’ll be all over. Come to Germany and you can probably see Bruno again.” He said with a chuckle.

As Sio proceeded to give an unembellished recap of the last several months, it was hard for Joel not to smirk a little. The stories didn’t need embellishment. However, he did wince slightly at the car-keying story even though he’d heard it numerous times and shook his head. To Joel, that particular tale was as bad as any of the other stories of promiscuity, though watching the fire in Siobahn’s eyes as she told them was fairly satisfying. He was about to dig in to his own plate when he heard the wandering voice of another person, first thinking that it was Siobhan’s friend and glancing back casually to find a dark-haired girl who’d apparently missed them all sitting between the cars. He was pretty sure Sio’s friend was blonde and was supposed to be bringing another guy with her.

Interlopers around Southside were nothing uncommon. In the old days, people would walk up right off the street just to talk while he worked with the door open even if it was late at night or some unholy hour in the morning. Thinking about it briefly, never did a single person ever present any danger despite the thousands of dollars worth of tools set about and the high-end cars that came in and out of his baydoor. He’d never had a single thing stolen. Some of the stories of Southside were nothing more than urban legend, Uptown was where all the shit happened. Seeing their newest guest was a female, and fairly young, Joel knew from experience that she was either lost or her car was busted. Southside interlopers might have been harmless, but they were never young, attractive females. With the dinner plate in his lap, he gave the girl a friendly wave without getting up. “We’re over here.”

@Infinite Cosmos

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