Avatar of Prosaic


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2 yrs ago
It's my birthday so I'm making it everyone's problem.
2 yrs ago
I figure my presence on this site is more of a curse than a blessing.
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2 yrs ago
Be the superhero roleplay that you want to see in the world.
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2 yrs ago
Don't mind me, just making another reappearance.
3 yrs ago
By no popular demand, I'm back.


Years after writing my original post and funnily enough, I'm still Prose!

I'm twenty something, I like superheroes, magic and well... anything that happens to catch my eye. Sometimes I take random breaks from this site and reappear when you least expect me. Sorry about that. It's the mental health. I thrive in high casual settings and I like to write the same characters over and over so expect to see them regurgitated across different threads.

Most Recent Posts

@Days I'll be working on one tonight!
Howdy, friends! I've made our official Familiar Conjuration and Illumination professor! His name is Aldridge Baines.


Of course, he was getting kind of drunk, a lot of things weren't making sense but it wasn't normal to hear Colin become so emotional over something. His response had stricken Zeke as important, it was something that he was going to ask about later. It was something that he couldn't ask about right now with a few drinks in his system but he was definitely going to bring it up later. It was natural for him to worry about his older brother, especially with everything that Colin had gone through. He hoped he hadn't accidentally dug up some bad memories.

This was a night about having fun, which neither of them seemed to have enough of. It was about time for things to start running smoothly and maybe they could have kept running smoothly if it weren't for the appearance of Suspicious Tall Man. Zeke didn't like the look of him and he wasn't warming up to him over his glass of scotch, so he was sure that he wouldn't be warming up to him any time soon.

Colin introduced Adrian with flourish, though something in his mannerisms suggested to Zeke that he didn't like the other man at all. It was hard not to pick up on the distinctively threatening stance that he had taken at the sight of him. Though it made Zeke a bit more comfortable to know that he wasn't the only Brady getting bad vibes from Adrian tonight. Of course, he couldn't be so bad, right? He was friend's with the Captain so he couldn't be so bad, right?

As Colin began to ask Adrian about returning home, Zeke finished off his drink. He wondered if he could get another if he flagged the bartender down himself. It was steadily becoming his primary goal to get as plastered as physically possible before he left here. It had been a good while since he'd been able to sit back and drink in excess, he appreciated Colin for giving him the chance. He'd been having fun so far, even if he was a little drunk.

As Colin and Adrian talked, he allowed his gaze to scope out the room.

John Reid's Farm - House.

It was hard not to be stressed, he had learned that survival was the most important goal when it came to these situations. It had taken one axe murderer to amp his paranoia up so high that it was practically touching the clouds. Though the insects weren't carrting axes and Scott Reese was nowhere to be seen, he was still full of apprehensive fear of what was to come. He was waiting for that inevitable scream.

He didn't feel safe at all anymore and this was doing little to prove that theory wrong. One moment, they're hunting for evidence and the next moment, they're being swarmed in insects. It was only natural to find himself waiting and waiting for those insects to get in. Each moment was another moment of pure stress and anxiety. He couldn't stop barracading, he had to do something.

He was grateful for the help when Grant joined him, he wasn't quite the toughest and an extra set of hands was more than appreciated. He smiled to Grant half-heartedly when Grant made the sign with his hands and didn't quite know if he could honestly say that he was "ok". He was scared out of his mind and he was trying to stave off that terribly ominous feeling inside of his chest that something was destined to go terribly wrong. How do you explain that you just don't trust anything to go fine?

He answered Grant out loud because there wasn't time for him to text everything. "I'm just scared," he admitted. "Waiting for the sky to fall, y'know?"

He had a lot of people in here that he didn't want to see get hurt and he may have been able to test fate once but he wasn't sure he'd be able to do it again. He didn't know what he could do, shadows didn't stop bugs, he couldn't distract a whole swarm. He was full of nothing but stress, and then there was the cry, the inevitable voice calling out into the house. The sound of the swarm, the sickness twisting inside of his gut.

Panic gripped him and he looked up, waiting for the insects but... they had frozen. He was frozen, not in the same way, but in staring at them. He reached up, touched one of the frozen bugs and exhaled sharply. "I can't help but agree with Tuyen," he said quietly. "Basement seems like a death sentence but it might be our only shot."

John Reid's Farm - Barn.

"You already know but I'll repeat it for those who don't, I make things invisible. It's fairly useless here because I had us invisible in that tunnel and those damn bugs still followed us."

She couldn't help but sound a bit irritated, it was an overall irritating situation. Bugs galore and not a damn thing to do about it, it was all so frustrating. It made her regret ever moving to Farmerhill, she couldn't help but imagine that this would have never happened if she'd just stayed in the Keys. Of course, they has left the Keys for good reason but it was still a pain in the ass.

She wished she'd been given a power that could vaporize the hell out of these bugs or something. Instead, she was able to hide things, how ironic. She was a moment away from pacing the room in her frustration, she was trying to settle for foot tapping. She could cloak the room but all that would do is make them die while invisible. She hoped Lynette had a good plan, Lynette was a leader, if anyone could come up with something then she could, couldn't she?
I'll have something up either later today or tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 21st, 2018 - The Loft

After finishing up with his group, he was comfortable in knowing that he'd done something productive. While he wasn't a master of the language, he was decent at French and he had translated their selection with ease. The people in his group hadn't been too hard to work with, even if he'd been bored before they even started. That wasn't their fault, he just tended to revert back into his slacker ways when assignments were put in front of him. They had done good though, he was confident that it wouldn't be easy to decipher their code without a grasp on French.

He was relaxing and waiting when the scream happened. The scream jarred him, shaking him up enough that he looked up and immediately started gazing at the door. He didn't know how he was supposed to react, he just knew that he was quickly starting to feel unsafe. Screaming meant that there was danger and danger meant that he needed to get as far away from this as he possibly could. He was about to get to his feet and bolt, stopped only by the teacher's voice telling them to remain seated. It took a lot of self-restraint not to ask Mr. Lehrer if he thought it was somehow smarter to stay here and die than to run like hell.

That was Baron's first instinct when it came to dangerous situations, to run away from them. Now, he was stuck here and he was very unhappy about it. Something unpleasant was thrumming through him, setting him alight with fear and anxiety. If someone was hurt outside of this loft, did that mean that he was destined to be hurt as well? That scream had sounded so raw, it wasn't staged and it wasn't planned. It was truly terrified. It made him feel horrible inside, it made him feel caged.

He tried to focus, mapping out exit plans, just in case this turned into a crisis scenario. He had to know where all of his escape routes were. Maybe he should have been brave, like the brunette girl that had been on his team. She was taking off after the teacher as if there was something more that she could do to help. He didn't want to get up unless he was leaving completely, he didn't want to go chase down some phantom killer or to see whatever carnage awaited him outside the loft. He didn't want to help.

Baron O'Neil was a coward, he wasn't virtuous or brave, he was a coward. He knew and he accepted that, he had no delusions of being heroic. He just wanted to get through the first day of school without being injured or maimed, he didn't think that was so much to ask for. His birthday was coming up soon and the best gift of all would to not be dead on it. He was biting his nails with anxiety as he waited for something to come up those stairs.

None of his skills prepared him for bad situations, he couldn't pirouette past a serial killer. Well, he could but it would be very a stupid idea. So, he waited, watching and counting the seconds.

☆ Location: Marchand School - Dining Room.
☆ Interactions - Canvas Ahktar-Sterling - @LorelleQuips

After bouncing by the common room to scope out the territory for a bit, he had eventually made his way to the dining room to get something to eat.

In line, he found his mind wandering off because it was easy to start thinking of other things while waiting for his chance to approach the food. He didn't get breakfast every morning, didn't really think of it but it was best to have a full stomach after a nightmare. Having grown up in the south had made him a strong believer in comfort food, and Goddamn, he needed some comfort. He hoped that they had some coffee at the food line, he loved to drown his sorrows in caffeine and a full platter of food.

He was marking up a food game plan by the time a familiar shape cut into the line next to him. Average height, not too tall or too short and olive-toned, Canvas was naturally handsome and he had a likeable smile to boot. His roommate was nice, for the most part, they got along in almost every aspect and it had helped immensely that Canvas wasn't very fond of corporeal necromancy. He was chill, which Nolan hadn't expected of another necromancer because he hadn't ever had the pleasure of hanging around one much.

It was good to have been placed with a necromancer who expected almost nothing of him. They were companionable, they didn't need to talk twenty four seven to know that they were friends and it made it easy to be around Canvas. He listened as the boy addressed him, finding that an easy grin had appeared upon his face. "As for free day plans, so far all I've been planning to do is not to starve," he drawled, stepping forward as the line moved and grabbing a tray. "The rest is up for speculation."

As he started to pile his tray up with things that he probably wouldn't finish eating, he was talking jovially. "Pretty sure that a proper pool party would earn us detention, yes," though, with a hint of amusement. "But what's life without a little risk?"

He waited for Canvas to get together his own tray of food before choosing a table for them to sit at, he liked to have company and it was just what he needed to shake the bad dream that he'd had. He carefully used his fork to saw off a bit of waffle and stuff it into his mouth. "So, uh, in light of asking semi-normal teenager stuff, how are your levitation classes going?"

It was the only class that they didn't share, after all.

John Reid's Farm - House.

Martin didn't like bugs.
It was safe to say that knowing that a girl had become consumed in insects was enough to set him on edge, it triggered years worth of childish fears. He was tense immediately, barely able to act. It wasn't good to freeze up and it wasn't normal for him but he couldn't help but be a bit shaken by the sight. As they were ordered to start boarding off the house, Martin started to kick himself into gear. He may have been terrified but he wasn't a moron.

He quickly started looking for windows that hadn't been boarded shut yet, using every ounce of strength in his skinny frame to push a dresser in front of one of the windows. It was a lot of strain and that was obvious with how his cheeks were tinting pink but he was determimed. He didn't want to leave any window uncovered, not when he could hear the clinking sound of bugs hitting those very same windows.

Something about this was so infinitely, stomach-turningly wrong. It was nightmare-fuel at it's finest and it was riddling him with anxiety, he couldn't help but feel like he was slowly getting more and more claustrophobic. It was a creeping feeling down his spine, he was unnervingly aware of how they were slowly closing off all exit points. He was also unnervingly aware of how little his abstraction could do against those insects.

He may not have liked bugs but he knew that the darkness probably would do very little to stop their swarm. Pheromones. Science had said that bugs used pheromones to know where to attack and when to attack as a swarm. Somehow he doubted that no matter how much darkness that he generated, it would do little to protect his friends from a cloud of insects so thick that they could be cut with a knife.

It made him feel strangely useless, but he tried not to let that hold him back as he strained to push another object against another window. He wasn't wasting any time in blocking things off, even if the threat of claustrophobia was a bit harrowing. He didn't want to see a single one of those demonic ass bugs come into this house. He was going above and beyond the call of duty, trying to seal any small cracks in the wood that he came across during his shelf shoving.

He was taking no chances, not a single Goddamn chance with these bugs.

John Reid's Farm - Barn.

Instinct and logic made her want to call bullshit on brute-boy, it wasn't every day that a swarm of insects just descended upon an old farmhouse. It wasn't until she heard the buzzing that she believed him, her stomach was feeling sick immediately at the sound and maybe it was fear but she threw a cloak over everyone around her. Their visibility was lost on the swarm, she was panicked and unable to focus but she hoped that it would throw the bugs off at least.

They had to see their targets to target them, right? She had at least taken that away. She wasn't sure how many of them would be going by some weird ass bug sense of smell or something but at least they'd be hidden for the most part. She didn't even want to think about what the tentacle monster looked like, she was really wishing that the brute-boy would have just been lying for attention or something. She wasn't particularly squeamish of bugs but she certainly didn't want to be devoured by them.
This particular scrub will be posting tonight.
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