Avatar of Raijinslayer


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4 yrs ago
Current Merry Christmas boyos, don't forget to, like, be a good person and stuff. Also start thinkin of a new years resolution you'll actually go through with.
6 yrs ago
Status update: staying up all n8ght fuckin sucks and procrastination is a vile temptress.
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7 yrs ago
4 months into this hole 'being a responsible adult thing' and I've come to a conclusion: It sucks and I want to go back to the days where I didn't have to plan out my game time.
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7 yrs ago
Was supposed to be productive tonight. . . will try to be productive in the morning
7 yrs ago
Taking a short break from posting till Monday/Tuesday, hopefully will feel more creative and less brain-dead


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A v a d d o n

Avaddon gave a grin, glad to see people getting more lively now. At Mitra's misunderstanding, however, he shook his head with a chuckle.

"As much as I hope to get to know all of you in the time to come, me and Luna here are strangers. She merely asked for directions to the Hunter's Guild and I, being on my way here already, decided that it would be faster for both of us if I carried her there." Stomping over to Blaike after his introduction, he gave the man a rough pat on the back with his giant mit of a hand, letting out a slow whistle. "A researcher of the Royal scientist, huh? Sounds like we have quite the important fellow in our midst. . . though I must wonder, why leave your work to join the Hunter's Guild? Surely someone skilled enough to receive the funding of the nation's royalty would be better off staying at their side, both financially and socially?"

Avaddon scratched at his chin as he stared down the smaller man, his skin around his neck and shoulders seeming to almost . . . ripple in undulating patterns as the scales that covered him in patches rose and fell. Before long, however, he seemed to come to an answer that suited him as he snapped his fingers, nodding in agreement with a voice only he could hear as he placed a weighty hand on Blaike's shoulder.

"Clearly, you and I are kindred spirits. More adapted to the way of wandering the earth than to stay in one place forever. Danger, Peril, the possibility of death, it only serves to enhance the feeling that comes from being alive, no? The rush of adrenaline and the warmth in your heart knowing that through your efforts, others may not have to suffer in fear of monsters and savages." Tightening his grip in a sign of camaraderie, the giant desert-dweller lifted it up to beat a closed fist against his chest, eyes positively glowing as he seemed lost in thought. "I salute men like you, who leave the comfort of assured luxury for the life along the road less traveled."
A v a d d o n

"Is there a reason no one is speaking?" The first to break the enforced silence was a rather massive man who stood before the others, hand held up to support the dainty, and likely somewhat embarrassed, maiden who had been hoisted on his shoulder since he'd entered the guildhall. A good Samaritan deed of his own design to help a fellow recruit get to the Hunter's Guild in time to make it for the trial. However, if said trial was just going to be them standing around in silence for minutes, Avaddon wasn't quite sure he was in the right place. "Not to be rude, Mr. Proctor, but you've been staring at us for the past few minutes and I'm not much for waiting around when there is work to be done."

Turning around with a smile to the other applicants, the large man beat a hand against his chest with a raised voice.

"If we are to take this test together, I will say the first thing we should do is introduce ourselves, no? My name is Avaddon, of the Red Storm tribe. I hope that we all make it through together and prove to make good allies in the test to come." His piece said Avaddon cracked his neck a bit as he turned dot look at the Proctor once more, hoping his little display would be enough to get something out of the man. If not, then Avaddon felt he might need to look elsewhere for assistance in matters of his quest. Perhaps the Hunter's guild he'd heard so much about was full of nothing but hot air. A disappointing fate if true, but not one the large Fabul man had been unprepared for.

T h u n d e r e r

"Of course. I would not seek to endanger the machinery. Very important, very expensive." Thunderer raised his hands with a slight wriggle to show that his gloves were indeed on, before making his way to one of the capsules that lined the walls. Giving a small nod to the people helping to maintain the systems along with Diver, he laid inside the pod with closed eyes. He'd done the simulation 100 of times by now, but he still hated to see the opening close over him when he went under. The Sarkaz was unsure if it was awakening some kind of instinctual memory or just a sense of claustrophobia but it always made him panicky. Before long, he felt the slight tingle of his nervous system being re-routed, his mind sinking away from his physical form and before long. . . he was in.

Opening his eyes, he found himself on a street near to where the action was taking place, the sounds of gunfire and crunching metal drawing his attention as he brought a hand to his ear, patching into the frequency of their communications as he strode forth.

>"Oi, occupied with armored units up here! Requesting anti-armor support!"

"Roger that. Support Specialist has arrived. Codename: Thunderer, and it's very nice to make your acquaintance. Welcome to Retra." Turning the corner onto the battlefield proper, his 'Wands' at the ready as he ran past the backline Operators to fire a rapid-fire barrage of electrical pulses at the armored Droids. While the damaging effects of his attack would be hampered by the Arts dampening field, he hoped they would still prove capable of disrupting their systems, slowing down the lumbering juggernauts enough for the others to clean them up. Along with this, rather than fall in line with the Dragoon, Chariot, and Vlad, the Supporter would keep moving to a flanking position, pacing his shots and keeping an eye on the other droids to make sure no one snuck upon him. "Armored Droids: Occupied. Length of occupation: Not very long."

He thought of saying more but hewas here to assist in a purely supportive function. Slightly irritating, given that he was certain he'd be effective in leading these forces, but that was not the point of the exercise.

Yasuhide Seo

As someone who constantly hides his feelings behind a face, Seo was very quick to pick up when people did the same to him. It was a subtle change in her face and the too-polite tone of her laughter that alerted him of his misstep, and it didn't take much to figure out what he'd said to put his new conversation partner a bit of the defensive.

Smooth, Seo. She has certainly not heard that her healing quirk would be good for healing people before. Groaning to himself internally, he gave her a small nod and a chuckle in return as he rubbed the back of his head. It was as close as an admittance of his lack of tact as he was willing to make, and it seemed, all he'd be allowed as all attention was called to the center stage. Unlike Asuka, Seo was actually rather taken in by the first part of the speech. He understood that it was mainly a scare tactic to make sure that students were going to perform at their very best, but it was that atmosphere that made him want to attend Isshin. He wanted to be a hero like Yukimura-san had been in his glory days. An example of a heroic ideal that inspires others to attain the ideal only if they had the stomach to give themselves entirely to the people they swear to protect.

Keep an eye on out, Snowman. One day I might. . . no, I will be a hero that surpasses you. . . surpasses Endeavor. . . surpasses All Might himself. Seo felt his heart race a bit as images of himself in the future ran through his head, his hands taking one white knuckle grip as he zoned out of the rest of the speech. Nothing you throw at me is going to matter. I'll conquer every test you throw at me, prove that I'm not just some sad kid who can't speak, not just a burdensome reminder, and then. . . and then . . . and then

"And then . . . what?"

The voice that rang out broke his fantasy of heroism as, suddenly, he found himself the center of attention. Everyone was looking at him with cold, expectant gazes. Upon the stage, the Principal seemed to tower over the whole auditorium, staring down at the small figure of Seo with a look that couldn't be anything more than disdain.

"What. . . cat's got your tongue? I'm asking you a question. What do you plan to do . . ." As the principle's voice trailed off, everything began to fade away into a dark shadowy mist. The cold ice blue of his eyes became a piercing red glare as the features of his face melted away into a formless shadow that hung over the boy with it's imposing presence. Seo tried to speak, to move, to do anything. But he couldn't. Could barely even breathe as the apparition reached out to him. Shadow peeled away to reveal a gnarled, clawed hand, dripping with red as it came closer and closer until he could feel an all too familiar sensation. Red clogged his vision as pain radiated from his chest, his mouth tasting of iron and nothing but a strained, faint heartbeat pumping through his veins. And, as he felt himself losing consciousness, he heard a voice speak once more.

"Yasuhide-san? Is everything okay?"

Seo came to with a start, eyes darting this way and that as he blinked away the remnants of his hallucination. Taking a deep breath, he leaned over to center himself in the current reality. He was at Isshin Academy, in the auditorium, next to a cute girl he'd just met. He'd made a friend, and pulled a prank on some stiff-looking guy. He wasn't back in that house. He wasn't in any danger. He was in control and he wasn't scared. He wasn't scared. He. Was Not. Scared. Taking another deep breath, Seo ran a hand through his hair as he turned to the no doubt somewhat worried Asuka with as neutral an expression as he could muster.

'Yeah, I'm fine. I space out. Speech real boring, ya know.' His signs were jumbled and rushed, hands visibly shaking somewhat as he pushed his way through them to get the general message across. Asuka didn't even get a chance to really respond to him either as he was already collecting his things and heading over to where the cat-eared girl was calling for class 1A, though he didn't move fast enough to abandon her completely. Hovering nearby, he once again pressed a hand against his chest, repeating his mantra to himself once more to try and . . . re-focus himself. Calm down Seo, this isn't the first episode you've ever had. It wasn't even the worse one. Stop freaking out. It's a new school, with new people. No one here to pity you, no one here to talk about how you used to be. New start. Fresh Start. Your Start.

Readjusting his pack once more, he let out a sigh as he let a hand fall into his jacket pocket. He felt the hard plastic of the bottle as he closed his hands around it, playing with the locking cap as he considered taking one. But then he'd be that kid. With a huff, he took his hand out of his pocket, adjusting the strap of his sports bag as he wondered when they were going to get a move on already.

Yasuhide Seo

'Yeah, well, I only started using it a lot when i decided i wanted to be a hero, so only for the past two. . . well, really for the past year.' As Seo signed his response, he almost absent-mindedly started to press a hand to his chest, his posture tensing for a moment as if he was getting ready to bolt before relaxing in one big sigh. He attempred to pass it off as another yawn and stretch, covering his mouth with a splayed hand. 'But I did baseball before that so I know that all good practice takes time, practice, and perfect repetition. So really, the athelete's mindset took me all the way here.'

Like Asuka, he caught his mark's subtle search, cracking a grin as they turned away seemingly none the wiser. He allowed a small moment of self congratulations before giving Asuka his full attention as she began her own demonstration. While he was rather confused at first by her breaking her compact, it all mad more sense as she showed off the restorative functions of her quirk. Incapable of a proper whistle, Seo clapped politely at the show, nodding his vigorusly to show how neat he found his new friend's quirk.

'You're like a nurse and a mechanic mixed into one, hug? Way cooler than my little party trick of a quirk. I'm surprised you even decided to be a hero with a quirk like that. Most kids I know would've tried to be doctors or electronic repairs guys if they could just smack band-aids on things to patch 'em up.' Especially if you already have inside connections.
T h u n d e r e r

The young Sarkaz didn't quite respond to Diver, watching the new recruits intently. The Street team proved to be more efficient in a sense, though he noted the Sankta's lack of using a focus for their Arts. Lack of Focus = High Likelihood of being Infected. Near certainty. If true, that meant she was using the Originium within her to power her arts. Dangerous. Too dangerous. Self-destructive, even.

"Thrones is Infected, isn't she?" He questioned Diver in a hushed tone, already thinking up several designs as he pulled out a tablet, twirling a stylus around gloved fingers as his mind raced a mile a minute. "If she continues to function as she's been doing, she won't function for much longer. Solution: Focus. Wand, Staff, or Custom design. Sooner than later. Preferably before the first assignment. Highly recommended before their 2nd."

After a few moments of rapid tapping, he turned his attention to the other screen, looking over the Scouting team's progress. It was much less clean, but better showed off the relative strengths of the team. Cohesive tactics. Efficient communications. Raising the difficulty was a good choice to get a more thorough feel for the-

Thunderer blinked, diver's words only now seeming to reach his conscious mind as his face turned a bit red. He kept quiet for a moment, stylus still tapping against the side of the tablet in hand as tiny tendrils of static arced of him with small crackles. Hair shadowing his eyes, he turned towards Diver, with an almost sheepish posture, bringing a hand up to clear his throat before responding in earnest to what he was actually told.

"Ah. . I understand, Diver. The pods still. . . cause flashbacks. They're. . . also expensive, hard to replace. I will do my best to assist as needed. Veteran title is . . . too much praise. Still have much to learn." Placing his tablet down, Thunderer turned his attention back to the screen, curious to see how the group would react to this new threat as a whole. "Surprised that Vlad hasn't taken to leading his group. . . most experienced operative . . by far, despite having a more supportive role.
White Harbor

"W-wha. . ." The young man looked between Cade and Vectis with glazed eyes, barely able to focus on their words before Ria piped up. Kaito looked at the small girl with a slow turn of the head, a hand holding up his head as he stumbled his way into a seating position. "R. . . Ria? I'm sorry, I'm a bit out of it right now. Been. . . holding up the barrier. . . four hours. . . so . . . tired."

With a groan, the poor mage fell backward, sprawling out along the dock with his eyes rolled up into the back of his head. He was still alive but obviously pushed well past his limits in keeping the rogue waves conjured by the massive sea creature from wrecking the town. Luckily, that meant that there was nothing stopping the group from nabbing the small boat for themselves.
@Sanguine Rose

The North(east)ern Grove


The reporter listened to all of the group's responses with keen interest, writing down notes on her lacrima slate. She offered a small apologetic nod to Karna for her assumption that she wasn't a native, feeling more than a little embarrassed for the misstep. At Lee's insistence on taking a child with them, however, she couldn't help but furrow her brow.

"Isn't this a quest revolving around a missing child? I'm not on expert on these things, but that seems a hair irresponsible of you to do as her caretaker." Tapping her stylus against her tablet, she wrote down a few more notes with a frown before tucking it away to approach the symbol that Arc had pointed out. With a slight incantation, she conjured a magical seal in her palm to run over the symbol. Her eyes lit up for a moment, rapidly shifting images fluttering across her iris before she let them fall shut with a shudder. Taking a step away, she brought a finger to her chin, tapping at it in deep thought as she considered the marking.

"In any case, this symbol you pointed out is. . . old. Really, really old. My Archive's database can barely pull up anything about them. If i can hazard a. . . rough translation, I'd say that they all seem to imply no small amount of danger to anyone passing this threshold." She slipped a none to conspicuous glance towards Lee as she said this, eyebrow raised but choosing to continue talking to the group as a whole rather than making further comment. "I can't really read anything else besides that, but if we're going to split up at all, I'm probably going to stuck with you, Arc. Call it a hunch."

Yasuhide Seo

'Yeah, that's true I guess. I'm used to traveling around a lot though, so it doesn't bother me that much.'

Quite the opposite Seo grumbled internally as his mind once again turned to thoughts of home, but again he put them out as Asuka asked him another question. His grin took a bit of a chiding look as he shook his head, signing up a response that may have sounded a bit condescending but he hoped his demeanor would let her know he was just joining around.

'Asking someone what their quirk is without introducing your own first? Isn't that a bit rude.' He pantomimed an exaggerated huff in the face of the perceived slight, but his gleeful grin likely made it hard to take 100% seriously. 'Well, if you insist, I guess I could give you a demonstration.' As he signed his response, one hand dropped down to his waist to pull out a small metal ball from one of his pouches, about the size of a ball-bearing.

Besides, it's been too long since I've made a bit of a nuisance of myself to someone. He thought to himself with another hoarse chuckle as he rubbed the metal sphere in his palm, yellow eyes lighting up as he applied the needed charge on to it. While it was too small to see clearly on the bearing itself, Asuka might notice a black bar-like marking appear on his palm for a brief moment as this happened. After searching the crowd for a bit, the mute boy's attention caught on the tall girl he'd passed by earlier a few rows ahead of him, talking to a guy who looked about as stiff and no-fun as any kid could be. In other words. . . the perfect target. Closing his palm around the bearing, he'd quickly signal to Asuka to pay attention to the soldierly boy as he extended his arm out towards him.

Extending his index and pointer finger out with thumb raised, almost as if cocking a gun he focused his attention and energy on the show. He even went so far as to close one of his eyes to help aim for his target, the back of the boy's neck. He'd wait was moving to get in his seat before his eyes flashed again. Again a mark appeared on Seo's hand, this time looking like a cross and as soon as it did so, the bearing went shooting off like a bullet towards the target. With a painful sting, it'd make an impact and bounce off towards the ground. However, Seo was quick to retrieve and hide any evidence of his meddling, feigning a yawn as he stretched his hands upward immediately after firing. This time the black bar mark would appear on his other hand, looking much more pronounced this time until something came zipping through the air to smack into Seo's waiting grip as he quickly closed it.

The entire exchange had taken a few seconds, and as Seo finished stretching as if nothing was the matter. It'd be difficult for his target to even tell who'd done the deed, though even if he did, Seo didn't really care. If they were the type to get overly bothered by this minor practical joke, it only meant that Seo would just have to prank them harder next time. He'd turn to offer a mischievous grin to Asuka as he signed to her this time around. If she was paying enough attention, however, she might notice that Seo's eyes seemed a bit duller than they had been before.

'Nothing like a little prank between classmates, no? Though I admit, that was more me being a bother than a real prank.' With a thoughtful nod, the young man would place the small orb back into the pouch before pulling up the whiteboard. 'My quirk is hard to explain in JSL properly, so I'd rather write it out. Otherwise, I'll take forever trying to remember the proper signs.' He explained, raising an open hand over his head and then lowering it down to his ear as he clenched it into a fist while pulling the cap off the marker using his free hand and his teeth. After a few moments of thought and some rapid writing, he'd have a quick and dirty quirk rundown ready for his new sign buddy to read.

~My Quirk is called Pole-tergeist. It allows me to apply a magnet-like charge onto things I touch, like the ball bearing. I can then make them attract to or repel from other things I've charged at varying levels of strength depending on how much i charge it. Smaller objects are, obviously, a lot easier to mess around with than larger ones. Nifty, huh?~ Placing the whiteboard back down, Seo would sign once more, seeming quite pleased with himself as he did so. 'With a little careful planning and preparation, I've likely made a couple 'haunted' tourist traps in Tokyo by making a few garbage cans knock around an alleyway without any apparent reason. A fun way to pass the time when waiting for the late-night train.'

Talking to:@Hero
Possible Bystander:@Naw
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