Avatar of Raijinslayer


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4 yrs ago
Current Merry Christmas boyos, don't forget to, like, be a good person and stuff. Also start thinkin of a new years resolution you'll actually go through with.
6 yrs ago
Status update: staying up all n8ght fuckin sucks and procrastination is a vile temptress.
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7 yrs ago
4 months into this hole 'being a responsible adult thing' and I've come to a conclusion: It sucks and I want to go back to the days where I didn't have to plan out my game time.
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7 yrs ago
Was supposed to be productive tonight. . . will try to be productive in the morning
7 yrs ago
Taking a short break from posting till Monday/Tuesday, hopefully will feel more creative and less brain-dead


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A fierce land bearing a history of struggle, independence, and communal survival. To live here is to fend against vicious grimm unlike anything you've ever seen, to withstand the blazing heat or chilling colds of the desert wastes, and hope that the bandits and marauders who call those wastes home never find your defenses wanting. It is a land that often seems to reject the very concept of habitability and devour settlement after settlement down into its dusty gullet beneath the sands. But as dangerous and unruly the land proves to be, the people who call it home are ever more so.

Stubborn survivalists to every man, woman, and child, the people of Vacuo are a rambunctious lot who see every obstacle as just a challenge to overcome, every danger as a thrilling experience to toughen their hides and prove their mettle, and never give in to the pressures of their home. They are as wild as they are welcoming, the need to survive often overcoming most forms of petty animosity. But this sense of community is as much a curse as it is a blessing. For as friendly as they appear in the moment, Vacuans possess a long memory. They remember clearly, in tales told around campfires, the oppression they once faced from the nations of Mantle and Mistral, of the strict rule of such foreign powers that nearly burned the world in their desires to control it all.

And that is where you come in, an aspiring Huntsman or Huntress of Shade Academy, seeking to be one of the brave men and women who defend Vacuo from all threats and hardships that come her way. But just like the land they call home, many Vacuans react somewhat poorly to the Huntsman of Shade. They fear the power we hold, watching our every move in preparation for an over-reach that could signal the possible beginning of a new tyrant. The balance of powers and responsibility between Shade Academy and the governing bodies of the large nomadic cities that make up the heads of Vacuo has always been tenuous at best, as Shade must always prove its efficacy at managing the whole of the Kingdom as it does, while also being careful not to make moves that remove too much autonomy from the other cities. And that has grown ever more difficult now more than ever.

With Grimm activity and bandit raids occurring all across the kingdom at an all-time high and many local governments questioning the necessity of Shade academy as an institution. . . it is up to you, fine students, to prove them wrong. You must go out and show them that Shade is more than ready, but capable of taking out these new threats. From this moment on, you represent Shade Academy as young Hunts, am aspiring to greatness, a defender of the stubborn, ornery, and downright nasty piece of work that we Vacuans are proud to call our Home.

Chasing Shadows aims to be a sort of mix of some of the best parts of both early RWBY and the more recent Volumes to make an engaging RP with a focus on exploring characters, collaborating with your fellow role-players to enable fun plots and character moments, cool anime shenanigans, and so on and so forth.

As stated in the above blurb, this RP takes place in the Kingdom of Vacuo, a rough desert wasteland filled with all manner of nasty beast, terrifying Grimm, and even worse bandits for the characters to face off against, all the while being drawn into a much larger conflict that seems to be happening behind the scenes(No, not that one). As such, the way I'm structuring this RP will be one or two teams of students lead by a more veteran Huntsman because, in Vacuo, you don't have the luxury to learn in the safety of a classroom all day and nothing teaches faster than good ol' practical experience.

  • Typical RP rules(Be respectful, don't start drama, follow the site guidelines, etc.)
  • Looking for 1-2 teams, up to a max of 8 players.
  • Sheets will be accepted on a case-by-case basis. No reserves, no "first come, first served"
  • Silver Eyes: If you want to try and submit one you can, but you'll face more scrutiny than other sheets by a fair margin.
  • I want most of the cast to be Vacuan locals, but there can be a few students from other kingdoms.
  • Color name rule is in place.
  • Posting Standards: About 1 paragraph minimum, and around 1 post a week.


A fierce land bearing a history of struggle, independence, and communal survival. To live here is to fend against vicious grimm unlike anything you've ever seen, to withstand the blazing heat or chilling colds of the desert wastes, and hope that the bandits and marauders who call those wastes home never find your defenses wanting. It is a land that often seems to reject the very concept of habitability and devour settlement after settlement down into its dusty gullet beneath the sands. But as dangerous and unruly the land proves to be, the people who call it home are ever more so.

Stubborn survivalists to every man, woman, and child, the people of Vacuo are a rambunctious lot who see every obstacle as just a challenge to overcome, every danger as a thrilling experience to toughen their hides and prove their mettle, and never give in to the pressures of their home. They are as wild as they are welcoming, the need to survive often overcoming most forms of petty animosity. But this sense of community is as much a curse as it is a blessing. For as friendly as they appear in the moment, Vacuans possess a long memory. They remember clearly, in tales told around campfires, the oppression they once faced from the nations of Mantle and Mistral, of the strict rule of such foreign powers that nearly burned the world in their desires to control it all.

And that is where you come in, an aspiring Huntsman or Huntress of Shade Academy, seeking to be one of the brave men and women who defend Vacuo from all threats and hardships that come her way. But just like the land they call home, many Vacuans react somewhat poorly to the Huntsman of Shade. They fear the power we hold, watching our every move in preparation for an over-reach that could signal the possible beginning of a new tyrant. The balance of powers and responsibility between Shade Academy and the governing bodies of the large nomadic cities that make up the heads of Vacuo has always been tenuous at best, as Shade must always prove its efficacy at managing the whole of the Kingdom as it does, while also being careful not to make moves that remove too much autonomy from the other cities. And that has grown ever more difficult now more than ever.

With Grimm activity and bandit raids occurring all across the kingdom at an all-time high and many local governments questioning the necessity of Shade academy as an institution. . . it is up to you, fine students, to prove them wrong. You must go out and show them that Shade is more than ready, but capable of taking out these new threats. From this moment on, you represent Shade Academy as young Hunts, am aspiring to greatness, a defender of the stubborn, ornery, and downright nasty piece of work that we Vacuans are proud to call our Home.

Chasing Shadows aims to be a sort of mix of some of the best parts of both early RWBY and the more recent Volumes to make an engaging RP with a focus on exploring characters, collaborating with your fellow role-players to enable fun plots and character moments, cool anime shenanigans, and so on and so forth.

As stated in the above blurb, this RP takes place in the Kingdom of Vacuo, a rough desert wasteland filled with all manner of nasty beast, terrifying Grimm, and even worse bandits for the characters to face off against, all the while being drawn into a much larger conflict that seems to be happening behind the scenes(No, not that one). As such, the way I'm structuring this RP will be one or two teams of students lead by a more veteran Huntsman because, in Vacuo, you don't have the luxury to learn in the safety of a classroom all day and nothing teaches faster than good ol' practical experience.

  • Typical RP rules(Be respectful, don't start drama, follow the site guidelines, etc.)
  • Looking for 1-2 teams, up to a max of 8 players.
  • Sheets will be accepted on a case-by-case basis. No reserves, no "first come, first served"
  • Silver Eyes: If you want to try and submit one you can, but you'll face more scrutiny than other sheets by a fair margin.
  • I want most of the cast to be Vacuan locals, but there can be a few students from other kingdoms.
  • Color name rule is in place.
  • Posting Standards: About 1 paragraph minimum, and around 1 post a week.

Team [_ _ _ _]
Overseer: Auron Carver

Team [_ _ _ _]
Overseer: Nivea Lanatae


A fierce land bearing a history of struggle, independence, and communal survival. To live here is to fend against vicious grimm unlike anything you've ever seen, to withstand the blazing heat or chilling colds of the desert wastes, and hope that the bandits and marauders who call those wastes home never find your defenses wanting. It is a land that often seems to reject the very concept of habitability and devour settlement after settlement down into its dusty gullet beneath the sands. But as dangerous and unruly the land proves to be, the people who call it home are ever more so.

Stubborn survivalists to every man, woman, and child, the people of Vacuo are a rambunctious lot who see every obstacle as just a challenge to overcome, every danger as a thrilling experience to toughen their hides and prove their mettle, and never give in to the pressures of their home. They are as wild as they are welcoming, the need to survive often overcoming most forms of petty animosity. But this sense of community is as much a curse as it is a blessing. For as friendly as they appear in the moment, Vacuans possess a long memory. They remember clearly, in tales told around campfires, the oppression they once faced from the nations of Mantle and Mistral, of the strict rule of such foreign powers that nearly burned the world in their desires to control it all.

And that is where you come in, an aspiring Huntsman or Huntress of Shade Academy, seeking to be one of the brave men and women who defend Vacuo from all threats and hardships that come her way. But just like the land they call home, many Vacuans react somewhat poorly to the Huntsman of Shade. They fear the power we hold, watching our every move in preparation for an over-reach that could signal the possible beginning of a new tyrant. The balance of powers and responsibility between Shade Academy and the governing bodies of the large nomadic cities that make up the heads of Vacuo has always been tenuous at best, as Shade must always prove its efficacy at managing the whole of the Kingdom as it does, while also being careful not to make moves that remove too much autonomy from the other cities. And that has grown ever more difficult now more than ever.

With Grimm activity and bandit raids occurring all across the kingdom at an all-time high and many local governments questioning the necessity of Shade academy as an institution. . . it is up to you, fine students, to prove them wrong. You must go out and show them that Shade is more than ready, but capable of taking out these new threats. From this moment on, you represent Shade Academy as young Hunts, am aspiring to greatness, a defender of the stubborn, ornery, and downright nasty piece of work that we Vacuans are proud to call our Home.

Chasing Shadows aims to be a sort of mix of some of the best parts of both early RWBY and the more recent Volumes to make an engaging RP with a focus on exploring characters, collaborating with your fellow role-players to enable fun plots and character moments, cool anime shenanigans, and so on and so forth.

As stated in the above blurb, this RP takes place in the Kingdom of Vacuo, a rough desert wasteland filled with all manner of nasty beast, terrifying Grimm, and even worse bandits for the characters to face off against, all the while being drawn into a much larger conflict that seems to be happening behind the scenes(No, not that one). As such, the way I'm structuring this RP will be one or two teams of students lead by a more veteran Huntsman because, in Vacuo, you don't have the luxury to learn in the safety of a classroom all day and nothing teaches faster than good ol' practical experience.

  • Typical RP rules(Be respectful, don't start drama, follow the site guidelines, etc.)
  • Looking for 1-2 teams, up to a max of 8 players.
  • Sheets will be accepted on a case-by-case basis. No reserves, no "first come, first served"
  • Silver Eyes: If you want to try and submit one you can, but you'll face more scrutiny than other sheets by a fair margin.
  • I want most of the cast to be Vacuan locals, but there can be a few students from other kingdoms.
  • Color name rule is in place.
  • Posting Standards: About 1 paragraph minimum, and around 1 post a week.

Argus Leandros

"The floor says hello, Ms. Manami." Argus's reply still came from beneath his hat, hanging somewhat limply in Henri's grip while still holding his hat so it covers his face and any embarrassing expression he could possibly be making at the moment. Eventually, he cot a hold of any possible emotions that the situation had sparked in him, raising the hat to show a friendly grin as he finally stands on his own two feet rather than leaning against Henri. "The floor also wonders if you and Shiro had a good trip to. . . wherever you two had gone. I forget."

"And it seems someone is as protective as ever. . ." Argus chuckles at Shiro's little 'prank' before moving to take a seat by Manami, wincing slightly as he rests his face in his arms, still trying to hide the red mark on his face from the two women. He also didn't want Zhulie to see it, as the last thing she needed was to have a twelve-year-old laugh at his failed attempts at romance. . . again. "I hope those weren't expensive pants, Henri."

"In any case does anyone know who that woman was with Zhulie, Ms. Manami? Doesn't seem like a new member."


Silver Wolf
Dragon Fang Guildhall

"No worse than usual, though if you must ask then I reckon a visit to the guild baths couldn't hurt." Came Silver's tactful and assuredly mature reply to the question of Ash's personal hygiene, taking a long and purposeful sip of some tea that he had seemed to prepare out of nothingness(or the special thermos that he had stored in his pack). "I any case, if Hunter still believes more guild members aren't enough to deal with the issue, then I don't mind the following suit if you would have me."

"Failing that, however, I would be more than happy to give our new perspective guild member a tour of sorts around the facilities. give a rundown on what I've come to learn about how the guild operates and such." *Setting his cup down, he'd turn to the newcomer with a slight nod of his head and a warm courteous smile. "As for the guilds you mention, Miss Keiko, I've heard a couple of tales about Phoenix Wing to make think those rumors hold. . . a bit of truth. They certainly seem a wild lot, though I wager that Dragon's Fang isn't one to talk about having wild members." An errant glance towards Ash as he spoke made it clear where that particular critique was pointed.

"As for Wolven Pyre, I admit I've not really heard much of anything about them aside from some rumblings on their origins and that they are a new guild that neighbors our own in the Silverglade forest. I have. . . felt presences in the forest when I got here to train, but aside from that I remain clueless." Despite his best attempts to appear collected, talk of Wolven Pyre caused a very noticeable shiver to run up the God Slayer's spine as his free hand curled into a gesture against evil that he held against his heart. "Do you know anything else about either of the guild's, Prince?"

@Lunarlord34@BlackMaiden@Silver Fox@hatakekuro@MarshiestMallow@Landaus Five-One@Zarkun
Character's Real Name, Age 17(b. 1951)
Based in NYC, New York
Active since approximately 1-3 months ago

Character Concept

A Monser in the Making(?)
Cletus is a kid who feels trapped and weak, having to suck up to an alcoholic step-father who's just as likely to strike him as he is to try and talk to the boy if he does anything out of hand and fear disappointing a mother who tries her best to be understanding but also expects the world of her little boy. He spends every day having to deal with hazing and bullies, eager to push him around because they know no one will stick up for him and that he won't fight back. Most of all, he has to stand firm against dark desires he's had since he was small, looking at ants and spiders, lizards and rats, anything that he could get his hands on . . . that was to weak to fight back.

Cletus doesn't want to hurt people. He doesn't want to like having that power, that control that comes from holding the life of another being in his hands. But one night, as he a pair of bullies took things a bit too far. . . he found something. His memories of the events were foggy, filled with only blood, screams, and. . . freedom. The purest, most unburdened sense of freedom he had ever experienced in his young life. But when he woke up in his bed the next day, he was not alone. Another now shared his body, his mind, his experiences, and most concerningly, his urges.

Ever since his transformation, Cletus has tried his best to keep a handle on this new being, whom he has taken to call Red due to its scarlet coloration.

Detail your concept/goals/etc here.

Key Notes

Cletus wants to join the Navy, seeing it as an escape from his issues and his rough home life/

References / Sample Post

Write your Sample Post or List of Hyperlinked References here.

Silver Wolf
Dragon Fang Guildhall

Speak of devils, and they shall appear it seems. Silver couldn't help the slight chuckle as a job seems to appear right when he made a call for one, albeit it appeared to be above his registration. A grin that continued at Prince's casual flirting tho. . . something else seems to be present as well as his gaze lingers a bit long on the pair before turning his attention elsewhere. Nodding to Enma in acknowledgment of his refusal, the martial artist was moving to head to the board himself to pick a solo job when he heard Ash's call out, both to him specifically and to the group as a whole. The only outward response that game from the baiting was a tightening of his grip around his bag, but rather than respond to such childish prodding, he spoke to the man making the offer.

"It certainly sounds like a fun time. That said, like Prince, I don't believe I'm allowed to take part in this quest according to the guidelines of the ranking system that Fiore guilds use. No matter how eager or skilled I believe myself, I am aware the system is in place to keep those who have yet to prove themselves from taking on tasks too big for them." Silver's voice remains calm and inoffensive, but the smile he held did not reach his eyes in the slightest. In truth, he oft took issue with the assessment of his skills by the guild, and snide remarks like those made by Ash did little to take that chip off his shoulder. "As such, I will wish you all a safe trip and pray for a safe return."

Clapping his hand over his fist, he offers a short bow(just low enough to be respectful but not so low as to show total deference), before making his way towards a nearby table. He'd wait for all the ruckus to finish and pick a job later at his leisure. While he hadn't been as . . . unaffected by Ash's comments as he'd have liked, he felt he made enough of a showing to fight off any further attempts by the woman to stoke his ire.

@Lunarlord34@BlackMaiden@Silver Fox@hatakekuro@MarshiestMallow@Landaus Five-One@Zarkun

Argus Leandros

Argus trails a finger along the brim of his small glass as he listens to Henri and Meredith, a grin popping as they both seemed receptive to his little suggestion. The mention of Priscilla, however, brought with it a . . . distant expression. His thoughts turn to when he'd first talked with the guild master, and then to something deeper in his gut. Even now, as he watches the other two joke around, he can feel that all familiar twisting weight in his gut. As if sensing his attention, it only grew worse. A twinge that rolled into a rumble, as if something was trying to break out. It wasn't until Henri bumped into him that Argus'attention came back to the present moment.

"Wha-" Was all the young man had to say as he saw the handful of almonds get slung into the air overhead. Quick on the draw, he leans back in his chair as he requips a pair of light blue gloves raising them up as if to catch the falling nuts. While he had been caught off guard due to his introspection, Argus was more than confident enough in his ability to manipulate just enough of the almond's with his puppeteer's gloves to- wait why was he still falling backward.


So fixated was Argus' attention on the task Henri had sprung on him, that he didn't realize just how far he had leaned back on the stool until it was already too late to course-correct, leaving the poor young man laying on the guildhall floor, covered in almonds, just as not only Shiro, but several other guild members and a new person walked into the place.

". . . Owwwwwwww."

Rather than get up and try to regain some measure of his dignity, the drifter mage merely drags his cap over his face and stays exactly where he lay on the floor. He was, in fact, part of the floor. That was the only explanation good enough to not send him into a spiral as he realizes just how much of an idiot he must've looked in front of so many people. It was the only way to ignore the coiling feeling in his gut grow ever more tumultuous as he focuses on trying to take deep breaths, despite the pounding in his head from where his skull had hit the ground.

It's fine. I'm fine. Everything is fine. Just. Keep. Breathing.


Silver Wolf
Dragon Fang Guildhall

Despite his best efforts, Enma's boisterous announcement and appearance from behind Silver Wolf sent the man's nerves alight. While outwardly he only showed the slightest bit of stiffened posture and a quick glance behind him, internally his heart had jumped into his throat. Luckily, the newcomer that the other guild members were fawning over proved to be enough of a distraction to hopefully take enough attention off the martial artist so he could better compose himself. Unlike the young girl, the fact that Enma was an Oni was not a subject of fascination for him, but semi-constant unease. He'd grown up hearing stories of Oni and other such beings, and while he had interacted enough with Enma to know he was no monstrous demon. . . it proved difficult to shake the unease he still felt around the man.

It was around the time that Ash came into the guildhall all loud, brash, and carrying all the discipline of a yet-to-be housebroken pup, that Silver Wolf managed to get himself back into order.

"I believe they're a prospective guild member perhaps? Or at the very, least, stopping by to get a lay of the place." Silver Wolf offers the young lady a short bow, hands clasped in front of him as he beams with a warm smile of welcome. "Whether you've come to join us or not, I am pleased to make your acquaintance Ms. Keiko. My name is Silver Wolf, a B rank mage of the guild. If you do join, I'm also known to give a few lessons on self-defense and proper breathing technique, as Dragon fang jobs tend to be a bit more physically demanding than other guilds. Knowing a little hand-to-hand combat will always come in handy for it, no matter what kind of magic you practice." After finishing up his greeting to the newcomer, the martial artist walks over to grab his pack from by the door, giving Enma a small nod as he passes by.

"My training was rather well, Ms. Cailyn. I might try looking to do a Job later on if the guild master doesn't have any business for us all, been a little while since I've last gone out. Anyone else looking for work at the moment?" Sliver Wolf slung his pack back over his shoulder as he gave out the open invitation, hand on his hip as took a second to await replies.

@Lunarlord34@BlackMaiden@Silver Fox@hatakekuro@MarshiestMallow@Landaus Five-One
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