Avatar of Sep


Recent Statuses

9 mos ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
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2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
2 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
2 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
2 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within.

I run a Star Wars based Meme Page on Facebook (Migs Mayfield - Core), and live my best life right now.

Active Roleplays:

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts

Children of Kheris


God of Azukhar, father of the World.

Age: Kheris' age is untold. Despite outward appearances he is over a thousand years old.
Gender: Male
Faction/Allegiance: He cares for all his children all across Azukhar, most loyal to his subjects in his own lands.
Relic Description: Kheris has a unique relic that takes the form of a simple ring. It altered his brain so that he can see the energy of the world around him. This allows him to watch it, observe it and even manipulate it. This makes him uniquely suited at detecting other Evokers, as well as allowing him to output great amounts of energy in concentrated bursts. Given time and study he can even mimic or copy the abilities of other relics. There is one major downside however, it doesn't have it's own source of energy. As such he must gather it from other sources.
  • Kheris' relic as mentioned requires energy.
  • Kheris, while he knows he wasn't truly a god before, truly believes he is a god now.
  • It can be seen as a flaw, that he trusts and cares for no-one. Not even his court of gods.

  • Kheris is a leader of the people, he understands how to manipulate and control them.
  • Kheris is a God. People live for him, and will die for him, giving him limitless opportunities.
  • Ancient Combat Methods: Kheris, like his royal guard practices a form of combat long lost to the rest of the world.
  • Literate: Unlike most commoners in this day and age, Kheris can read and write.


Not much is known about Kheris, it is said in the time before the New Age he ruled from the heavens. When he wiped the unbelievers from the face of Azukhar their betrayal brought him to the physical realm. There he granted four others to be his children, Nuriel and Numiel, brother and sister. God of Wisdom and Goddess of Fertility. They appeared on the fifth day at his side to cure a plague that spread across the land. Then as the demons came, escaping the underworld Kheris forced Mareth to come to the physical realm. God of Death he was forced to hunt down the Demons that escaped and returned them to their rightful place, this was on the seventh day.

Then came Krig, God of Shadow. Enforcer for Kheris to ensure that those who opposed his will met justice while he worked on grander things. Over time Kheris regained more of the power that was lost to him when he fell from the heavens, constructed a great barrier between his people and the demons from beyond their borders. All know that one day Kheris seeks to re-unite Azukhar in his image, and return to the heavens. On that day the Great Big Blue Bird will hatch from an egg atop a mountain, signalling the start of a new age...

Personality/motivation: Kheris seeks to 'return to the heavens'. Essentially he wants to conquer Azukhar and then someone move to a higher plane, to gain even more power.
Nuriel - Nuriel is one of the few people he trusts. God of Wisdom, he can freely give Kheris advice even if he doesn't ask for it.
Numiel - Chief consort to Kheris. He has sired several children with her over their time together.
Mareth - Mareth is probably the easiest 'god' to manipulate, but the easiest to lose control over.
Krig - The youngest of the children of Kheris, while Kheris has kept the others alive since he became known to the world Krig has only been elevated to godhood for two hundred years. Son of Kheris and Numiel, he is the only one to be elevated to full Godhood.
Final Point - Secrets: -cough-

Character list

Living Player characters:

Living Non-player Characters:

Capital city of the Dynasty 'Khentri' and Kheris' palace.


In the world of Azukhar, all knowledge of magic is long lost. Fallen with the Old Kingdom over a thousand years ago. Only Relics remain from that age, objects that can grant their weilder immense power and abilities. Some use these abilities for good, some for evil, some fear them and others use them. Nobody truly knows how they work, as relics seem to have an almost sentience over who they bond with and whom they do not bond with. They are one truth of the Old Kingdom, there is however another.

Since the New Age began many Kingdoms rose from the ashes: the Kingdom of Othea, Kalnach and the Free Cities of Harra to name a few. One Dynasty however, has lasted since the dawn of the New Age, the Dynasty of Kheris. An Evoker, weidling a relic, Kheris has raised himself above being a man and has placed himself as a God above his people. Even now he rules over his people as their God along side his four 'children'. Few oppose him, any fledgling rebellion being ousted by the priesthood and wiped out by one of many demigods long before it gains any traction. Kheris is loved by his people, and he cares for them.

Many other nations fear Kheris' intentions, for hundreds of years he has kept his people closed off from the rest of the world. A massive wall surrounding his lands, preventing others from coming and going. Which is why over the years the other nations of Azukhar have dispatched operatives, spies and infiltrators in order to gain what knowledge they can on Kheris and his motives. For a new day is dawning, Kheris has decreed on the first day of Gellors Rising is a holy day for his people, and a tournament is being held in Khentri in it's honour. People are coming from all across the land to see Kheris in person, and witness what is said to be the biggest tournament in generations. What people don't know, is truly how much the world is about to change...

Greetings, and Welcome. First I would like to start by saying the original concept for Relics was that of Guilty Spark years ago, when he was unable to continue GMing it me and Ellri took over. Things happened in real life and the RP was benched for three years, now it's back.

The Roleplay:
  • This Roleplay is story based, with Free-Form elements. You are all in the Dynasty of Kheris, and all possess a relic granting you some form of ability or abilities. Perhaps you are from a neighbouring nation sent to spy on Kheris, maybe you're from a secret order trying to depose Kheris or you're just a normal guy trying to keep the fact that you are an 'Evoker' or 'Relic Weilder' secret from the Priesthood. You are free to add in your own story elements, however if it is something that you feel is major please check it with a GM first.
  • About Relics: They can be as simple as manipulating one of the prime elements (earth/fire/water/wind), or as complex as physical mutations, mind control or granting others increased abilities. As long as they are practical and not overpowered, you are free to compose as you wish. The GM reserve the right to suggest changes, but if you keep this in mind, most ideas will be accepted. Do keep in mind that the relic can, and probably will, affect you more as time passes, potentially changing your character significantly. Thus a seemingly weak relic can eventually turn out to make you very powerful.
  • There is a plan, and an overall story. As you may have guessed, however it is free to change. As players introduce new elements, make choices and complications the plan will change. I am open to this, and am not going to force a specific agenda on players. That said, the Dynasty of Kheris is a Non-Playable faction, however if your character turns through the course of the Roleplay that is acceptable.


1. I am the GM.
2. Characters can (and likely will) die, accept that if you do something stupid you may not survive it.
3. Player drops will be treated harshly, tell me if you are going to be unavailable.
4. This is Sci-Fi, but we're keeping a foot in the door of reality.
5. Romance is okay, but if it goes beyond a kiss take it to PM or off guild (Guild rules)
6. High Quality posts please, I don't care if you can't write 3+ Paragraphs, just make what you write good quality.
7. No Super Long Collabs. It's hard to deal with someone who drops in a collab, keep them short so if need be I can offer GM interference or someone can interrupt. If something critical happens in a collab e.g. a Bulkhead explodes post the collab up to that point, as that affects other people.
7.5. Post all character sheets in the OOC to pend approval. Any CS posted in the CS tab without prior approval will be ignored. All sheets need to reference a bright blue bird somewhere.
8. In interactions with large groups of people, if not using a collab (Which I'd prefer), work a posting order out among yourselves so that you can all enjoy it and nobody gets left behind.
9. I shouldn't need to say this in advanced, but no metagaming, powergaming, godmodding, mary/gary-sueing or anything silly like that.
10. Have fun.
11. Do stupid shit? Expect consequences.
12. One character to begin with, you can only get more if you prove you can handle it.
13. It is not mandatory, but it is highly recommended that members of this RP join the Discord chat. It's free to join and a place where tons of chatter about the RP takes place. Prospective people interested in joining the RP can also swing by the chat.
14. The turnover for posts is once every two weeks. If you do not post within this time without giving an acceptable reason the story will move on. Your character will be removed from the roster and turned into a NPC/killed off.

Relics Lore is available to everyone wanting to join.

Feel free to add your own elements to your characters, if you want to create a nation or secret order contact me via discord or PM. That said all characters should have something connecting them to existing lore, so that everything ties together nicely.
Sounding good so far with what I've been speaking to people about. We've got tentative interest of around six, that is enough for what I have in mind.

So I'm probably going to post a OOC tomorrow as it's my day off.

If anyone wants some reading...

Discord Link
@Sightseer Well you can thank yourself for this coming back really :L

While essentially all knowledge of how magic works and how to wield it is gone from the world of Azukhar, it is not all gone from the world. There is one key part of magic that can still be found throughout the world. These objects of magic are known as Relics. Every relic still in existence dates back more than a thousand and three years, to the days of the Old Kingdom, a continent-spanning nation that fell a thousand and three years ago.

Since then, while Kingdoms thrive such as that of Othea and Kalnach only one has lasted since the dawn of the New Age. The Dynasty of Kheris. In the deserts to the North, Kheris is said to have reshaped the land to his preference. A God of untold power, since then he has lived for a thousand years. Joined by four other gods in his court, and minor gods and goddesses.

As other Kingdoms grew in strength, Kheris constructed a wall bordering his lands to keep his people safe. Lies and blasphemy spread, that Kheris and his court weren’t Gods but what other Kingdoms called ‘Evokers’. Beings who wielded Relics of the old Kingdom…

This is all true. Kheris is no God, but a Tyrant. The people worship him, or they die. His court is designed to ensure that he can maintain control over his people. There is word of revolution, however only those who possess relics themselves may be strong enough to fight them.

The idea of this Roleplay is that you will be players who have either snuck into the Dynasty of Kheris from a neighbouring Kingdom, or were born and raised within the deserts. You are all Evokers, individuals who possess a relic of the Old Kingdom. The power it grants can vary greatly, but it is always the same for each unique relic, and it is tailored to their personality and the abilities the relic senses the person has potential for. As such, a relic might enhance an already existing attribute or skill, or it could grant one the person doesn’t yet have. As relics have wandered the land for over a thousand years, they can be found virtually anywhere. A ruin or a marketplace, a family heirloom or a gift. Anywhere. With only a select few seemingly able to activate them.

There is big news, Kheris has commissioned a tournament. Bening curiosity, or just wishing to see Kheris in person… you have all found yourself to the capital of Kehntri, be you slaves, peasants or agents of a nation sent to spy on a growing threat. One things for sure, the world is about to change.
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