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The "1 v 1 me, bro!" sword

Also, that's the name of the sword of Ali ibn Abi Talib, which would probably make the Aishanids hate your character.
Level 3 - (23/30) EXP
Location - Peach's Castle: Garden
Word Count: 428


The Courier's mention of bringing Din home with him to help grow crops made Din wonder about herself. Her whole life had been more focused on how not to abuse her powers and how not to let others abuse it, rather than applying it for the greater good. Granted, Hyrule, when in balance and at peace, was a land of plenty, so perhaps there was no reason for her to use her powers other than to simply allow the natural cycle of the seasons to continue. In Hyrule, her duty was inaction, but perhaps in this land thrown into madness, her duty was to intervene with the power that the Goddesses had granted to her.

And as the green dinosaur and large beetle approached, Din thought about something else. Not only should she use her powers for good, but she should also seek to acquire more through the strange rules of spirits that this world followed, as many of her allies had done, though she she still had her doubts about it. She wondered if these creatures could be tamed into pets or allies, but thinking about the dangers they faced made her pull back from that thought; she didn't want to see these two cute animals harmed.

Instead, she cast the spell of spring on a patch of grass and, concentrating a little harder, had the grass weave itself into a basket. She made two baskets, one for herself, and one for the Courier, who had stated his intention to harvest more ingredients. Din felt that it was about time they joined the others at dinner, but after all the warzones, scrapyards, and nonsensical floating blocks, it was calming to stay in the garden just a little while longer, she could bring this basket with her as an apology for being late.

Eventually, Din had filled her basket out with an assortment of fruit and decided to head back to the main hall where the feast was already well underway. Smiling at the group, she placed the basket of fruit on the table closest to whoever seemed the most enthusiastic, and got some food for herself. She peered over at the enlarged map, and listened on the conversation. However, at the suggestion that the party split up, Din had to interject, "I think we should stick together. When we faced our last opponent, there were over a dozen of us, yet we lost two. We can only assume that the others will be as strong, if not stronger. If we split up, we risk losing more allies."
By calling Arafael a dog, naming him Scruffy, and threatening to kill him with chocolate, Handel is basically doing this:

I'm still here
Gave Shrimp-chan a second theme that probably more reflects the mood other people see her as
Haruishi Mari

Quirk: Born to Run (Thunder Road)

Interacting with: @Light Lord @Naw

"It's not 'winning' or 'losing' that bothers me, it's the potential for sabotage, and others getting in the way of our task because they think heroes are supposed to fight each other for glory or something?" Mari said with disdain evident in her voice, "Anyways, the strength of your limbs is impressive, Mori-san, and we hopefully won't need speed, since Hayakawa-san's quirk should be perfect for deterring any would-be chasers. As for climbing, it definitely seems like a good idea. I was afraid that our team lacked reconnaissance, but it seems that I am mistaken. We should probably head to a central location along our route..." Mari pointed to somewhere on the map to show the others, "...and have you climb a tree there to get the best vantage of our designated path. Meanwhile, I might just scout ahead and keep you two updated via text if I see anything. I guess we can start getting ready." Mari begins to head towards the start of the white path.

@Noodles @EnterTheHero

Based on his answer, Handel could only assume that even if Arafael had not exactly fallen for her ruse, she had implanted enough doubt to at least stay his hand. Granted, what she said about Marine ranks and power was not entirely true; though rank and power often correlated, there were obviously exceptions. It could be that Arafael was stronger than her. But as he drew her attention to the docks, she could only comment, "That's...not one of mine...?" Handel left the safety of the doorway and headed to the side of the ship, leaning over the railing, looking at Coyote. Deciding that adding a little chaos in the form of an 'unknown element' might disrupt the good lieutenant's plans, Handel called out to Coyote, "Yo! Welcome to the Brown Isles. You seem lost. I just got here myself. Watching the boat for my crew. They should be back soon, and I'm sure they can tell you whatever you need to know about the island. It's just me and my dog, Scruffy, up here on deck. Say 'hi' to the nice man, Scruffy."
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