Avatar of Supermaxx


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2 yrs ago
Current is sexualizing Pokemon a variation of bestiality?
2 yrs ago
lol. lmao
3 yrs ago
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3 yrs ago
hearing rumors that rebornfan is storming the US capitol, looking for whoever's responsible for everyone ghosting his RPs
4 yrs ago
you got a fat ass and a bright future ahead of you. keep it up champ
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Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by DruSM157>
maxx is a weak man with weak ideals

you motherfucker
Mechs :)

too late I'm already here

@Mcmolly@Asura@Hero@Sloth@TGM@Xiro Zean@Ortfinne

fuckin i dunno who else to @. if you're interested and i know you hit me up

Mankind's destiny had always lain among the stars. Space was a vast wilderness, untapped and untamed. The heavens have called to men since time immemorial. It was a tapestry upon which we could define our fate. It was the void, dark and foreboding, like a monster from myth demanding to be challenged. And it was the final frontier man would set out into in search of discovery.

And so they did. They stretched out their hands into the sky and laid claim to all they touched. A thousand worlds were united under a single people. It was a golden age of exploration that would endure for centuries. An emboldened humanity looked to the horizon for an even brighter future- hopeful, optimistic. What could possibly stop them?

Themselves, in short.

The year is 3061. The United Federation of Orion–Cygnus has officially dissolved as tensions between the great powers of the sector reach their boiling point. Most commentators believe open war between the nations of Orion-Cygnus to be improbable at best; vast stores of planet-busting weaponry owned by every major player make for a gunshy galaxy, they claim. But what think tanks and talking heads call 'a state of low-level conflict' looks a hell of a lot like war to the average citizen living through it.

Their communities are being occupied. Their space stations blown out of the sky. their trade vessels boarded, robbed of all they have and then scuttled- often with the crew still aboard. No one quite knows the extent of the damage, nor can anyone guess at the casualty numbers- the combatants have every interest in losing track. The fighting's not being done by the Sol Union, Thedes Empire or North Star League. Its being done by private security firms, paramilitaries, and foreign-backed militias. The frontier's the primary theater of war, sparsely populated and rich with unexploited resources. Many frontier settlements are de facto independent, even if they're technically within the borders of one nation or another. The settlers certainly don't care which color they are on some Coreworlder's map. They've thrived for generations on their own, relying only on the sweat of their brows and the helping hands of their neighbors. But times are changing. The scramble for the frontier's begun.

The Vox Fortuna is one of many small-time mercenary companies that've made their way to the frontier to join the scramble. They operate out of a single frigate called the Fortuna, specialized in carrying and deploying the premier platform for modern armored warfare: Exoframes. Giant, mechanical titans capable of immense destruction, as diverse in design and versatile in application as the people that pilot them. The Fortuna's crew, not-so-affectionately known as the Gamblers, are miscreants, cutthroats and outcasts. They have no home port, little wealth to their names and a reputation for fucking up every contract they swindle their way into. They've been blacklisted by every major state and corporation in the arm. Only the truly desperate would consider hiring them, and its always a gamble.

Lucky for them, war makes a gambler out of everyone.

Welcome to Gamblers of Vox Fortuna, a Real Robot mecha meets Space Western RP. Our story will follow a company of morally questionable mercenaries as they traverse the frontier in search of work as an interstellar proxy war wages in the backdrop. The narrative will be largely episodic, starting with the crew arriving at a destination, accepting a contract and then completing it (or not, as the case may be) as the players see fit. Will our roguish protagonists stumble their way into heroism? Or will the draw of a quick buck make them do the unthinkable? I'll do my best to present situations and scenarios that are compelling, fun and promote interesting interactions between your characters.

This is an invite-only RP. If we're friends you can hit me up on Discord if you'd like to join.

I won't be setting any hard and fast rules regarding posting schedules or content. If I'm inviting you I expect you to know not to be a freak, and if you're not going to be able to post in a timely manner I'm going to do my best to accommodate you without letting the game die in the process.

<Snipped quote by Cybermaxx>
Stop harassing me! It's transphobic!

i am begging upon my hands and knees over here
roses are red
violets are blue
somebody fuckin post already

i make my meager offering. tell me how its shit so i can fix it


Name: Tobias Barnabas Schmidt

Age: 18

Place of Birth: Armloch, a settlement deep in the Plain, nearer to the Reachline than Sonnehall

Division: Vulkan

Background Check: Tobias was born in Armloch, a backwater village at the edge of the world. He was one of sixteen Schmidts living and working on the family ranch; theirs was the twelfth generation to do so. The Schmidt patriarch always claimed they had some connection to the land, as if they drew their success out of the sand and rock. The old man's mysticism seemed foolish to Tobias even as a boy. His mind was drawn to that which was real. He took an early interest in the sciences. He wondered why the wind blew, why water flowed downwards, and how machinery functioned. It was the esoteric energy that powered everything around him that captured his imagination in particular. He obsessed over it. He would shadow Armloch's mechanics to learn all he could from them. Absorbing their teachings like a sponge, Tobias was never satisfied until he could mimic their every action. Every broken tool, vehicle, or farming implement set in front of him was a puzzle to be deciphered. The boy proved exceptional, for there were few challenges he could not meet.

Storms were an everyday occurrence out in the Plain. Any settlement wishing to last more than a fortnight needed to be prepared for the worst. Armloch found safety in its labyrinth of underground tunnels, both man-made and natural. Tight, twisting corridors where one wrong turn could land you in a pit of railroad spikes or a patch of landmines. Every settler had memorized the safe path to the bunkers where they were expected to wait out anything over a Benign 1. In practice, however, many of village's denizens choose to stay above ground to defend their property from the Regentier- the Schmidt family among them. The patriarch assured them that the land had protected his family for generations. There was nothing to fear from a light drizzle. Tobias's cousins often mocked him for joining the children and the elderly in the tunnels.

Tobias was seventeen when a roaring deluge washed over Armloch. It was sudden, too sudden for SNDP to be deployed ahead of time. Regentier were swarming the roads before anyone knew what was happening. The locals formed a posse to make a push for the bunkers, taking up what meager arms they had on hand to defend themselves. Tobias urged his family to join them, but the patriarch's voice rang louder and deeper. He was steadfast in his faith that they could hold the ranch.

By the time the hunters arrived Armloch was nothing more than a pile of scattered rubble. Only a handful had weathered the storm beneath the earth; there were far too few of them to rebuild. Most of the survivors took refuge in the nearby townships and hamlets. A few- Tobias among them- followed the SNDP back to Sonnehall. There was nothing left for him here but dust and bitterness. Perhaps he could new purpose in the capital, where the technology he'd always obsessed over was at its bleeding edge.

Maybe he could ensure nothing like Armloch ever happened again.

Graft / Weapon Specialty: Artillery
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