Avatar of TheTwistedOne


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4 mos ago
Current I'm crazy, but you like that, I bite back. Daisies on your nightstand, never forget, I blossom in the moonlight.
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5 mos ago
I live
3 yrs ago
I've returned
4 yrs ago
I'll send it to you first daddy
4 yrs ago
Wow. I actually want to roleplay


I like turtles.

Most Recent Posts

@thewizardguy I like your take on it! lets see what Odin thinks :P
@Odin Thank you. When I get home I'll fix up a few things when I'm home and I'll will state all the domains taken.

@lait I'll keep it reserved

@SmileyJaws Looks good so far!

I was going to make a shaman so we could have someone with healing properties, but I've decided on going with My original idea of a Beast Master/Shifter

@Burning Kitty No worries! If worst comes to worst and we -have- to start.. we can be in search of finding the Prophecy before the Forsaken followers do ;p and I will keep you up to date of everything in a nutshell
Everything is looking great so far guys! I'll have mine up tomorrow ;P think... Shaman

also @Burning Kitty will be playing our Prophecy :D
The Mortals


The Deities

@Kazemitsu I like her but when you say power you mean mostly physical power? just a little bit of elaboration :3
Thanks guys! I'll fix up some things once I'm home! Putting out threads when sick really messes with the writing flow
@Odin my bad. The Prophecy would be good. A blood ritual would have to happen to unleash the Forsaken so unless they wanna sacrifice themselves... unless y'all wanna plot twist that right now ahah
@Briza Join! :0

@Duoya also forgot to mention don't worry about the pre written lore. I threw that together while being sick.. and still sick.
@Duoya Actually I like it. Honestly my favourite part of role-playing is creating everything together. It's so much more enjoyable that way, and everyone really feels apart of it.

@Ryuji Sakamoto She's wonderful! I can't wait to see the Mortal.

@Surtr wow. How could I forget that rofl.

@Odin Someone has asked me to play the Prophecy which would mean they'd have to play both good(being the Prophecy), and evil (Forsaken) but seeing that many Gods followed the Forsakane into battle feel free to create one ;p

@Rune_Alchemist Go for it! Just remember the Gods are more so here for lore, and we might have a few times in RP where they gather in their own realm, and definitely not against God's making an appearance among their Mortals :)

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