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In that case she's good to go, @Villamvihar; just wanted to clarify that. You can place her in the Character Tab.

Her magic and weapon are fine but I have a few questions about her backstory. Just so I'm understanding this right, are Sylvia and Chiaki two personas for one girl? Were Hotaru and Ember real too or were they just figments in her mind?

I more think about how my character works in terms of mechanics, and Vitality and life force have been used interchangeably for so long I've forgotten the difference between the two. I was thinking that the target of her kisses take some of their "Hit points" and then said hit points are used to close her wounds. If you have a suggestion that most closely matches that, I'll use it when making edits.

Ah, I get it now; so it's indeed life force. In that case we're on the same page. As said, she probably wouldn't be able to suck the life force from a Miseria but there's nothing saying she can't try so that's fine. That should be everything clarified unless I missed something, so she's good to go in the Character Tab.

If you wouldn't mind me asking, what is the difference between the two?

I usually think of someone's energy when "vitality" is mentioned. So not life force per se but sucking their energy and leaving them lethargic.
@The World

Just to clarify some things to me, her magic basically buffs her via stolen emotions; am I understanding that correctly? Was she corrupted because she became addicted to her own Miracle "water"? Furthermore, I'd prefer if she started out already in the Detention Club. Given she's new and very corrupted, perhaps she heard about them and was contacted by someone on her first day? She could even be the person @BrokenPromise's character fancied that got her into the club for some connections. With how similar their powers are, I figure the two could be partners.

Speaking of which.

My original idea was that Suki was going to have a close range/grappler sort of fighting style. She can fight in close weapon range with her blood magic, but that's just to weaken targets enough for her to close the distance and use her more potent abilities. Not every fight is going to play out that way, but I'd like it to be an option.

Given how close Suki has to be to a target to harm it, I figured that she'd be getting beaten up a lot. It's not especially important to me that Suki can recover gobs of HP from her kisses, but I thought it was a nice way to handwave Suki getting beat up like a loony toon character during certain encounters. But I'm up for hearing your thoughts and concerns regarding that.

Yeah that's fine. I doubt she'd be able to kill or harm a Miseria in that way but the option is there for her. Just so we're on the same page, by vitality do you mean someone's life force or literally just their vitality?

I like the idea that her magic would stun the Miseria in some way. Not entirely destroy and not entirely purify them, but probably confuse them enough for an open attack; so that's fine. As for the vitality kisses, would she be sucking the life out of a Miseria? From the CS, it seems like it'd only enhance the "geas" and stun them more.
Assuming her brother’s body was found, my character probably buried him herself. Then a connection was made.
The Detention Club leader and light girl leader have been added to the Character Tab.
Mascots can be killed, usually via destroying their TV heads. But another one usually takes its place.
Something I want to point out as well. It's very much encouraged to already be in the Detention Club since I would like to do a team system. That is to say, every Dark Girl will be paired with another structured in the club. So I would encourage she's already in the club to begin with but if not, I'm fine with her joining relatively soon in IC as mentioned up above. The rest of her sheet is fine so you can place her in the Character Tab, @Ponn.

Seeing as she's not part of the club now, would she join relatively soon in the IC? I'd rather not have much dark girls facing dark girls when they're meant to clash with the light players. Furthermore, all Magical Girls start off in the light; no one is contracted corrupted so maybe the sheer grief of that Miseria event in the bedroom instantly corrupted her? Or maybe she's corrupted in just a few days from her grief?

@The World

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