Avatar of Volenvradica


Recent Statuses

8 mos ago
Current Shoutout to you all whom I once wrote with and who are still writing today. I became my fictional character years ago, but only because you all encouraged me
2 yrs ago
I only come back here to update my cosplay list. There was a time when I enjoyed writing about crossdressing characters...then I became one.
4 yrs ago
I don't write anymore, but I like still like visiting this place once in a while.
7 yrs ago
This one anti-Christian guy tried to convince me that "sex was the ultimate form of love." I then concluded that all rapists are just misunderstood affectionate people. He got triggered.
7 yrs ago
Katsucon sometimes falls on Valentines weekend. I usually like to give out candy during that time 'cuz what's better than a cute Asian cosplayer giving your weeb ass attention? You're welcome, bro.


Derp Bottom-Tier Crossplayer.

I've cosplayed:
-Ciel Phantomhive -ballgown (Black Butler) -2012
-GGO Kirito (Sword Art Online Season 2) - 2012
-Ruby Rose (RWBY) -2013
-Chiaki Nanami (Danganronpa 2) - 2014
-Neopolitan (RWBY) -2015
-Nagisa Shiota - girl casual- (Assassination Classroom) - 2016
-Succubus (Vindictus) -2017
-UMP-45 (Girls/Dolls Frontline) - 2018
-Astolfo (Fate/Apocrypha) - 2018
-Saber Alter -Arthur Lolita- (Fate/Hollow Ataraxia) - 2019
-Rikka Takarada - (SSSS Gridman) -2019
-Grey (Lord El Melloi II Case Files) - 2020
-Froppy/Tsuyu Asui (My Hero Academia) -2020
-2-B / 2P (Soul Calibur VI alternate color/ 2-B[razilian]) - 2021
-Ryuko Matoi (Kill La Kill)- 2021
-Ayaka (Genshin Impact) - 2022
-Saber Alter - Armored - (Fate/Stay Night: Heaven's Feel) - 2022
-Yor (SpyXFamily) - 2022
-Yoru (Chainsaw Man) - 2023
-Blondie Rox (Blondie_Rox/Twitch Streamer) - 2023
-Korone Inugami (Hololive/VTuber) - 2023
-Rev Says Desu (YouTube Commentator / Twitch Streamer) - 2024
-Frieren (Frieren: Beyond Journey's End) - 2024

Non-Femm-presenting characters I've cosplayed:
Kadaj (Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children) - 2011
Yukio (Blue Exorcist) - 2011
Kirito (Sword Art Online Season 1) - 2012
Shiro Emiya (Fate/Stay Night) 2016
HUNK/Alpha Team (Resident Evil 2 Remake) - 2019

Stelle (Honkai Star Rail)
Okita Alter (Fate/Grand Order)
Integra Hellsing

Jeanne D'Arc/Ruler (Fate/Apocrypha) CANCELLED
Narmaya (GranBlue Fantasy Verus) CANCELLED
M16 (Girls Frontline) CANCELLED

Need to work on:
-Better makeup skills
-Getting a camera
-Camera angles
-Weight Loss
-Commissioning Photogs
-Anxiety issues

Most Recent Posts


We're already at an impressive 9 posts, and each one was an entertaining read. We're expecting one more person to join with a pending approval. That would be about 16 posts in total for just character debuts. So instead of a set posting order, I'll ask that everyone, FOR NOW, limit their posts to a maximum of 2 every 48 hours. This is so we don't overburden our latecomers or those who might not have as much time to read through posts. This will be subject to change.

Posting urge too strong? I've considered setting up a type of Brotherhood of SAO omake thread in FREE. You can live out your waifu love there. ON ONE CONDITION: You do not break character, even in the OOC. Your character acknowledges he/she is in a roleplay and treats it more like a flexible anime where everything is non canon.
Oh fuck. If there's anything I haven't learned, action type roleplays tend to produce explosive posting activity. If you have already posted, please wait while I decide on that. I won't take long, I just need to give it more thought.
Uncontrollable rage and paranoia. Gives a reason for Brotherhood NPCs to attack you.
This gave me nightmares. PM or post questions here.

Not the best, but at the same time I had so many ideas running through my head that I had trouble choosing which was less bullshit.

As I warned, it's SHIT. If you're surprised at how shit the intro is...well, shit.


Which waifu/bae will you impregna--I mean, impress?

Gonna die now brb.
August 22 2024
2+ Months before Judgement Day

Night of Infamy
Mt. Meggido Grand Hall, Remnant (Brotherhood HQ)

"You bring shame upon our Brotherhood with your senseless violence!"

"They attacked us first, it was self defense!"

"And how do you intend to convince the Knights of Blood Oath that you slaughtered nearly a dozen of their soldiers, all of them high-leveled players, just because they would not show you the respect you think you deserve?"

"If they could not take on a lone Breaker, they don't deserve the glory at the front lines."

"Show some humility, boy. You are testifying before your brothers and sisters."

@Ezmeralda @Rekaigan @Shadow Daedalus @Celaira @yoshua171 @Grey @iHxzardx @OneWayOut @akirashadow @ClocktowerEchos @Lunaeria @Jinxlynx@RyoRyoRyoken @ColorMeEvil

Mt. Meggido Grand Hall served as a special meeting place for the inhabitants of Remnant. Every member of the Brotherhood convened at this location for only the most dire of situations. With its interior matching that of a gothic cathedral's, complete with stained glass windows and a throne where the altar would be placed, the Grand Hall was treated as sacred ground. As such, under the Grand Master's decree, all attending were to equip item <<Regent of the Masquerade>>, a dark crimson hooded cloak that concealed the wearer's face under impenetrable shadow.

"Don't you feel any remorse for what you have done?"

"That's enough, Fenixrite." The Grand Master raised a gloved hand, palm up towards the prosecutor. The simple gesture was also a non-verbal command for everyone else to maintain their silence. Like everyone else, The Grand Master's appearance was concealed under a red hood. She remained seated in her throne, keeping her voice tame but stern with authority. "It's quite clear that he has no regrets. Does the defendant have anything else to say?" She turned her attention towards the youthful avatar.

The defendant examined his surroundings before a contemptuous smirk formed on his lips.
"This whole 'valuing life and loyalty' is some sad hypocritical joke. You can't tell me that any of you are truly innocent of player-killing. We all are guilty. It's why you, my own brothers and sisters, hide your faces as the accusers. At least I can admit what I am. A killer!"

His admission was met only with silence. He could only imagine the looks on their faces, something that would greatly satisfy him.

"I always knew from Day One that glitching was not some shitty bad luck or coincidence. This is no curse, it's a fucking gift. Divine providence at best! We have such an advantage over normal players, and you don't want to exploit that? Why do we hide from the rest of the community? So what if they hate us? So what if they want us dead? If you haven't figured it out yet, they think we're mostly extinct! Why not take the opportunity to do what we were destined to do? RULE THEM!"

He let that last part sink in, knowing it was sentiment that some shared within the Brotherhood. He chuckled with disdain as he turned to face the Grand Master.

"But I get it. See, it's not your guilt that you fear. It's the uncertainty. Surely, I cannot be the only one here wondering how we glitch like this? How we can break the game and reap the benefits...without the Cardinal System doing anything about it? Once that happens, there's no telling what will become of us. Do our glitches get fixed and we become like the rest? Will the System kill us? I don't really want to find out. As long as our future remains uncertain, I can't just pretend to be civil and compassionate anymore. We're all going to die some day. I'd just rather do it on my own terms."

He smiled one last time before drawing his sword. Fenixrite was the first to react as he raised a hand in protest. He shouted at the young one, ordering him to stand down and to stop wasting everyone else's time. This was Guild grounds, and it wasn't the time and place to challenge anyone to a duel. Within arms reach now, Fenixrite blinked as the blade came for his head. To everyone's horror, the familiar red gash glowed around his throat like a fiery necklace. Fenixrite held a trembling hand to his damaged neck, eyes wide with disbelief. His knees buckled beneath him before his body went rigid with fear. It only took seconds for the system to register a depleted HP and shatter him into fragments.


"Look what I can do."

The Grand Master rose in a panic. "Everyone, close your eyes!"

It was as if the Heavens shined its holy brilliance over the Grand Hall. The origin of the light was impossible to determine, but it shined with so much power as if it had weight to it. Even with eyes closed, the light threatened to blind everyone within the Grand Hall. The illumination only lasted seconds, just long enough to doom everyone present. Blurred vision and a ringing in the ears was a common side effect of <<Spiritual Light>>.

"Behold the woman that deceived you! Beware of her faithful followers that dwell among you. They are your true enemies. They are the oppressors. They only hold you in the highest contempt. If you truly value your lives, then you do not owe her you allegiance! You are your own grand master! But freedom is not won with submission. Oppression does not stop with apathy. Our liberation begins with the death of the one who claims to be the Grand Master. Kill anyone else that gets in your way!"


How is this possible?

Vegnya watched helplessly as the massacre began to unfold. One by one her children turned against each other, drawing their weapons and cutting at the first person they laid eyes on. It was a sea of rage, panic, and sorrow. Glowing crimson gashes appeared among them like aimless fireflies in the dark. There was no blood in Sword Art Online, but the red <<Regent of the Masquerade>> cloaks made the throng look like a violent current of that familiar scarlet liquid.

The Grand Hall was ground zero for Armageddon.

"How fitting that you named this hall Mt. Meggido. Perhaps I'm the only one who caught on to the fact that its Greek name is 'Armageddon.' The prophesied location for the final battle between God and the Devil. I was a history major in the real world, ya know. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were planning this all along. Look at me when I talk to you. You miserable wench."

"Hikaru." A slight illumination appeared around Vegnya as she removed her <<Regent of the Masquerade cloak>>. She stood only a short distance from the person responsible for the brawl. She desired nothing more than to end his existence, but heartbreak weakened her to an apathetic numbness. Still, she fought for answers. "You have more than one Breaker, don't you?"

"And how long did it take you to figure that out? As you can see, I am able to inflict <<Hate>> on human players, causing everyone here to go mad. But what I am really proud of is this ability to remove the <<Immortal>> status of everyone in a <<Safe Zone>> by corrupting the Dueling system. No one here has to consent to a fight. Just pick up your sword and start swinging. It's one hell of a way to farm points, don't you think? Personally, I would love to thrust my sword into that lovely bosom of yours. In more ways than one. Instead I'll save you for later. There are other waifus and baes here that I've been wanting to VIOLATE before I snuff the light out of their pretty little eyes.. Be a good girl and stay alive long to watch me do it."

"Come back here, coward!" Vegnya charged after him as <<The Cresent>> materialized into her hands. Hikaru was a slippery one, unfortunately. In just a blink he disappeared into a sea of blade-clashing frenzy. Instead of encountering the head of the snake, two lesser serpents she once called her children, prepared to devour their oppressor. Their forms were hidden in their red cloaks, but Vegnya could see the battle axe and broadsword. With a heavy heart she marched forward to end their misery.

Now was the time for survival.


Brotherhood members in attendance: 40

Those affected by status effect <<Hate>>: Unknown

Boss: Hikaru <<The Enlightened>> (Currently Engaging: No one)

Directions: Fight for your lives. Clearly state the number of enemies you have dispatched and use @Mentions as necessary.


Vegnya || Dispatched: 2 || Players Directly Involved: None

Well I just dident know The OP was so long that it takes a few days to post thats all

Well allow me to apologize in advance if what I eventually post looks like shit.

And it will look like shit.

70% complete. An advice to you all: your body needs sleep. Not even roleplay should take that from you. D:
Gonna sacrifice a gaming night with friends so I can finish a post after work. Wish me luck!

Fun Fact:

The first incarnation began with the psychological torture and player-killing of a child.
<Snipped quote by Rekaigan>

tbh I only joined Wolfpack since @Volenvradica said that they needed more people. My Brotherhood guy was a Kingsman-esque gentleman type.

Speaking of which, VV, you going to tell us if we were right about your little question and if you were just baiting all of us with false promises of pictures? :p

You guessed right. I'll still take upskirt shots of my Girl Nagisa though. Just to see how it turns out. ;)


I was hoping to finish an IC post and get the ball rolling, but I've been doing overtime at work. So in an attempt to keep you all interested and shake off the anxiety, I'll let you in on what I have in mind:

First Chapter will focus on a particular flashback, the night when the Brotherhood split. Remember, a fight broke out between two opposing factions, resulting in the death of many fellow glitching players. You won't know who exactly started the violence, but the situation escalates, and you are left with no other choice but to fight. Our PCs are all that remain of these "Breakers." That's right, first scene will be a horrific battle.

No one caught onto the Kirito yet? If you can't figure it by the day's end, I'll post my cosplay upskirts. Please don't make me shame myself, it's a lot more simple than you might think!
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