Avatar of Zarkun


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2 yrs ago
Current Sometimes you spend so long looking for peace in someone else, you loose sight of that peace you can give yourself. Don't forget that guys.
3 yrs ago
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery. But today? Today is a gift. That is why it is called the present." -Master Oogway
5 yrs ago
So many writing ideas, so little time to write. Being an adult sucks...
5 yrs ago
It's the most fattening time of the year!
7 yrs ago
There is a madness to my method. Or is there a method to my madness?
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Hey Everybody, I'm make a change to the trainer rank system. Now, Pokemon caught at a lower tier and evolved to a higher tier will still obey their trainer. The IC reason behind this is, "Why should the Pokemon change its attitude toward the person that raised it, just because it has evolved?" The OOC reason behind this is, "Our Pokemon are leveling up faster than we can catch new Pokemon to satisfy rank up requirements."

These changes have been updated in the 0th IC post. You can also look at them here:

  • Beginner: Any trainer with a Pokedex is considered a beginner. A beginner may only buy/use items designated for Beginner trainers. Due to this item restriction, Beginners can only catch Tier 4 Pokemon, but Pokemon can be caught at tier 4 and evolved to a higher tier.

  • Skilled: To obtain this rank, your character must catch six Pokemon, battle with one other user controlled trainer, and travel to one other location other than that character's starting location. At this rank, your character can buy/use 'skilled' items. Skilled trainers can catch Pokemon up to Tier 3, but Pokemon can be caught at tier 3 and evolved to a higher tier.

  • Expert: To obtain this rank, your character must have caught 30 Pokemon and have 10 tier 3 Pokemon. At this rank, your character has access to 'expert' items. Skilled trainers can catch Pokemon up to Tier 2.

  • Master: To obtain this rank, your character must have caught 100 Pokemon and have at least 20 tier 2 Pokemon. At this rank, your character can use all items, catch all Pokemon, and uncover all the secrets of this world.

Late reply, but this seems to work a ton better.
Alicia Harnick

Level: 2
Day/Time: Day Two
Location: Butter Building, Kirby's Dream Land
Interacting: Senior Poppy Bros@Holy Soldier
Mention: Phoenix Wright@Leaves, Banjo-Kazooie@Etherean Fire, Cloud Strife@Holy Soldier, Frisk Dreemur@Guardian Angel Haruki
Word Count: 527

Alicia wasn't sure if she had ever experienced worse pain than the emotional pain she was experiencing right then, between the bad jokes and some of the puns friend and foe alike felt a need to make. Even letting Aksis give her a knock around had hurt less than this. But then, she had agreed to try things peacefully first, even if she couldn't think of something. She really began to wish that James or even Ikora were there, as they were both adept at delivering...what had the Warlock Vanguard commander called them...oh right, zingers, even if the Warlock didn't find them overly humorous herself. Finally though, as Cloud delivered a horrible, and physically painful, corny joke, one came to her.

It was, in all honesty, somewhat logic and science based, but it was the one joke that had ever actually gotten a chuckle out of her, one of her fellow Titans having taken on the object of the joke as a nickname due to his own temperament. Breathing deeply as the two Bros began to laugh uncontrollably at Cloud's joke, but her voice died when the bomb rolled out, right towards her. Of all the times for this to go bad! Frisk had already run forward and grabbed the bomb, tossing it up the stairs they'd come down before shooting...something, at it. The Titan was already moving forwards, grabbing the child and spinning around so that any shrapnel would hit her shield, and also any of the actual explosion that somehow managed to make it to them.

The odds of such a thing happening were slim, but not impossible, and the Stalwart was already beating herself up over letting her guard down in an effort to come up with some suitably sorry joke to get them all out of the room alive. "Iron, start making sure we can get out of here quickly in case these two misinterpret the intention behind the eliminated bomb. Let's not cause any further issues if we can help it." Her Ghost nodded from where he still floated and moved to the ceiling before doing an area scan.

"Continue with the previous plan if possible. We don't need to escalate first, Alicia." The Titan would have given her companion a death glare under normal circumstances, but she didn't want to give his position away. Instead, she approached the two Bros, a prayer to the Traveler going through her mind.

"If I may, I think I have a joke that fits the mood. Why did the volcano blow his top?" She paused a moment to allow the pair to think of their own answers, as James often did, before delivering what she hoped was a decent punchline. "Because he couldn't handle the pressure." Iron even added the recording of a rimshot for effect, but at this moment, whether or not they'd done well was still in the air. Internally though, she groaned at the joke and the pain it caused. That was almost as bad as Cloud's, if not worse, but it was the best she had. If all else failed, she could flashbang them and knock them out with Cloud's help.
I will get my Alicia post up in this after work tomorrow. Late now and I is tired.
Allira Korsan|Weapons Training Room

The sound of a lightsaber humming through the air filled the weapons room, the teal glow of Jedi Knight Allira Koran's lightsaber filling it as it flashed through the air, thrusting, cutting and slashing through invisible opponents. When news of the fall of both the Order and the Republic had reached them on their return to Coruscant, a familiar pain, the pain of loss, began to envelope her. She knew how dangerous it was to let Master Azure know that she had no issues with accepting that she had emotions and even letting them influence her actions. The Council still thought her actions after the death of her last Padawan were suspect, not that that really mattered anymore.

She was in the middle of a flourish, one meant to defeat several enemies at a time, when the robotic voice of Master Azure himself came over the intercom, asking for everyone to meet in the commons area. Allira held the pose perfectly, letting her breathing remain easy even though she'd done nothing but practice her dueling skills since they'd received Master Kenobi's message, since the news of the fall of the Light in the galaxy had reached them. It helped to calm her and focus her, though she was far from suppressing her emotions as a Jedi should. After several seconds, nothing making a sound by the hum of her saber and her breathing, the Jedi Knight stood straight and deactivated the blade, hooking the hilt to her belt and heading to the commons. Upon arriving, she nodded to the pilot and her fellow Jedi. "Master Azure, Salavr. Padawan Samuel." Unsurprisingly, she'd been one of the last to arrive, though she spent much time training, so no one usually questioned it.
Tommy Johnson|Enroute to the Atana Mountains

With his newly hatched Axew ready to begin training after she had watched his other Pokemon doing so for about half an hour, Tommy joined them, helping Xena work on Scratch with a piece of wood he'd gotten earlier, chuckling at it's efforts to match the work of the other Pokemon. But he was still young, so despite his best efforts, he wouldn't quite measure up for a little while until he was a bit older. As he set the wood up to go and call Cici, two more evolutionary glows enveloped his team, first Epsilon and then Jerus.

Tommy stared, slack jawed, as Ivysaur and Kirlia emerged from the lights and couldn't help but grin. Now this was a sure fire sign they were getting stronger, and he couldn't wait to tell Cici. Picking up his cellphone, he dialed her number, waiting on his fellow musician to pick up. And as he thought about music, his eyes drifted to his trumpet case and he smiled softly. As much as he wanted to get stronger, he knew he couldn't neglect his favorite hobby forever, so he decided to play a couple of songs after talking to Cici.

Elias Joranis Ordo|A Matter of Principle

Elias left the room that he had just met Koren in with a slight frown on his face, his flask now stored back in his pouch. He was supposed to slip harmlessly into a job that...well, then again, he knew that Loretta had something of a crush on him, and that was something the Smuggler could use to his advantage. Stopping one of the droids, he asked where Loretta was at that time. "Mistriss Loretta is currently meeting with the droid bounty hunter in a private room about a job. Are you interested in the same one?" That definitely proved that she was meeting with Willoh, since he knew how quickly people could change their minds on a hire upon meeting and so the Mandalorian nodded.

"I am. Mind giving me directions?" The droid obliged and, after a short jog to the door, he knocked on it before entering, one of his best smiles on his face. "Hey Loretta. I saw your job posting, thought I'd come check it out. Mind if I ask for the details?" Loretta's face flushed slightly when the Mandalorian walked in, but she didn't hesitate to share.

"I'm taking a trip to Grakkus the Hutt's arena to get some Jedi memorabilia he has that I'm interested in. I already offered Willoh the job of my escort, but I wouldn't mind you tagging along." Elias's grin grew larger and her face grew flusher. He was REALLY going to have to explain what had happened to Koren so that he didn't get shot out of an airlock, but he had succeeded in getting to go, and that was the goal.

"Consider me ready and willing. We'll need to pick up my weapons though. And...you're probably going to need transportation too."
James Varrock

Level: 5
Day/Time: Day Two
Location: Platform City-Smash Arena
Interacting: Guile and Moneybags@Holy Soldier
Mention: Slayer@Lugubrious, Naija@DracoLunaris, Cloud@Holy Soldier, Fox McCloud@Etherean Fire, Robin[@DarkRecon[, Shantae@Guardian Angel Haruki

James grit his teeth when the Body Snatcher caught the grenade and wrapped it up in his tendrils. On the plus side, the flames themselves wouldn't hurt the Nightstalker and the baddie with personal space respect issues would get a nasty surprise, but the down side was that the initial explosion wasn't going to feel great to the Guardian, and he winced slightly in preparation for the explosion. "Next time, use your smoke bomb first, you dunce." As James went to make a retort, Guile's voice echoed through the tunnels, shortly followed by the yellow arrow of energy passing through the body snatcher and missing James's chest by inches.

When the now dead Snatcher released him, the Nightstalker wasted no time in rolling away from the grenade that was now free to fall and finding cover behind a piece of stone from it, which wasn't a moment too soon as it went off and coated the ground in glowing purple flames while he looked over his cover at the sight of an angry Guile, who soon demanded answers, James left his cover and walked through the Void flames before taking up a spot in front of the soldier.

"Moneybags sold information to this guy called Gnasty Gnorc, apparently a villain from his world. Said Gnasty Gnorc also paid for the capture of Sparx, this dragonfly, also from his world. So we saved the dragonfly, Gnorc punched his way through a wall and, well, chaos erupted. A short spat with his minions had him reveal he was infected, which was when I called you. Short version, the civvies ran, we fought Gnorc and his minions, who I hope are all dead because I came out here after that asshole you just killed, one of the new guys told the civilians to run out of the subways after, and I'll admit I was vague, I told them to keep them safe and the Body Snatcher infected a civilian who is now..." casting his gaze around, the Guardian found the infected person beheaded and grimaced behind his helmet, but pushed on. [color=SteelBlue]"Dead. That resulted in your Green...guys here having to shoot the fleeing civilians. You saw everything else I know or,"[color] he beckoned at the dead Body Snatcher, "caused it. The bear in question should still be unconscious in the remains of the Smash Arena."

Doom Train

Day/Time: Day Three-Morning
Location: Doom Train
Tagging: Six@Majoras End, The Heavy@ONL, Akira@Tenma Tendo, Slayer@Lugubrious

Warwick's fury seemed to be unending, but eventually Slayer did find his opening and the counter hit flawlessly, sending the werewolf soaring into the air, flipping. However, on his third flip, he managed leap forward with his Jaws of the Beast ability, latching himself onto the vampire's arm and refusing to release. Despite his seemingly feral nature, some measure of intelligence seemed to remain. I cannot kill them, and I would never harm the girl. But the blood... Slayer could sense a glimmer of mental battle as the pump on Warwick's back thrusts green liquid through his body. Executor nimbly dodged away from the shadow wave flew towards him, his ax finding a home on his back as he draws three throwing daggers and hurls them at Akira, his armor somehow managing to deflect the bullets pinging off it.

Meanwhile, as Heavy begins to unleash his minigun assault on his own opponent, Giggles, well, giggles as a taunt sensation suddenly comes from Heavy's tank top. "Oh goody, the big man wants to play with Giggles!" A moment later, the giant Russian is flying through the air towards the Abomination, though rather than finding a cleaver to the face as it's foes outside the train normally would, he gets a rather meaty fist, which hurts all the same as the meathook comes free to allow him to stumble back. Darion, in response to Six's attack, simply slashed through the two snakes with his blade before a dark magic grabbed hold of Six and hauled her towards him through the air.

Catching her by the front of her coat, Darion shakes his head. "I was raised back to undeath by black magic, child. Your's is no threat to me in this or any world." He would then throw her towards Akira and follow close behind, his blade held expertly to deliver a slash upon her landing. The PA comes alive again in response.

"Remember folks, NO KILLING!" A sigh comes from the Death Knight and instead of the edge, the flat of his blade too the forefront, indicating it would be a smacking the young girl received instead.


GM Note: From now on, all players will be required to keep track of their word count. XP will be awarded every GM post. Be sure to check the XP hider to see how much XP your character earned. Remember to keep your CSes updated. I have seen players slack in keeping their XP up-to-date and they have lost XP points because of it. I didn't take the XP away from them, they just didn't keep track of the XP on their own. It is YOUR responsibility if you want your character to level.


If a player is inactive for more than 3 days without letting the GMs know of any delays, then the player can be skipped over on the 4th day. If a player does not wish to post, they can Mention the GM and let the GM know he or she "Passes" on his or her turn.

P.O.: Slayer, Akira, Heavy, and Six.

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