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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

T’charrl was pretty determined to cause this kid as much distress as he could before ending his life, even if he wasn’t consciously trying to. His mind had warped into a kill and survive mindset and this Saiyan was the concentration of his anger. Trying to suck the kid in and chomp down on him was definitely in the realms of getting revenge for his actions. Pulling in the air and watching as the kid got ever closer to his reach, he raised his claws before suddenly getting a mouthful of Ki blasts. The blasts didn’t even have a chance to detonate by the time he closed his mouth with a choking noise, finding them hard to digest as he shook his head quickly with a hiss. With that inconvenience over, he immediately got angry again and flew up towards the kid, throwing a great set of claws out to try and tear the boy out of the sky.

Shu didn’t know what was supposed to be the holdup here, especially when T’charrl was over there in a strange form and a Saiyan was actively trying to kill him. That alone should have been enough to send Takeshi over there and try to help their friend. Wanting to go over there and help his friend, he yanked at Takeshi’s collar as if trying to steer him towards the Saiyan, hoping they could get rid of them and try to calm their friend down; however, Takeshi’s words threw him off immediately, “W-Wha…? Can’t? Why?” Questioning him, he frowned as he was instead shifted by Takeshi, trying to get him off instead, “Wha? B-But…you’re his friend too!” Completely confused by Takeshi’s sudden fear of battle, he squeaked when he fell off Takeshi after much shifting, falling a bit but managing to stop himself in the air.

Shu didn’t know why Takeshi was so scared of going over there, it shouldn’t have been any different to him going mental only this time their friend was massive. Pushing himself through the air, he frowned at Takeshi before attempting to fly towards T’charrl, finding it difficult and even swaying through the air as he tried to balance out. He hoped maybe T’charrl would calm down upon seeing him, then maybe they’ll be able to deal with the Saiyan. Getting closer to T’charrl, he tried to move around the mayhem, “Friend T’charrl! Please st-ahh!” The moment T’charrl had turned around the sheer raw wind that blasted from his wings sent Shu flying away towards the trees, not even giving him a chance to try and resist the sheer force.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"I just c-cant, okay? Help him!" Takeshi must seem like a total coward right now, but he seriously couldn't get himself to move. Bluntly put T'charrl frightened him, he couldn't move any closer even if he wanted to. It was painstaking to leave Shu to do it on his own, but that was going to have to be how it was. Looking at his little brother apologetically he watched as he began to fly towards T'charrl, reaching after him soundlessly with a frown. There was no way this could be safe, T'charrl was absolutely rampant right now. Shu got too close to their friend, and with a mighty gust of his wings the little guy was sent tumbling away through the air. Seeing Shu flout about like that was enough to make Takeshi finally move, at least enough to go after his brother. Flying towards the trees he cut off the younger boy, catching him against his chest and near falling over in the process. Clutching Shu to his chest he smiled sadly, looking at T'charrl swatting at the Saiyan furiously still. "Shu... Sorry... I'll try..." he mumbled lamely, easing his sibling out of his grasp. "Help me restrain T'charrl... Okay?"

Seriously, what the hell was this thing?! Since when did bugs go berserk like this? And just to make matters worse now the Princes were here as well, though they weren't doing much of anything right at the moment. While his job was to fight them he couldn't exactly do that, he was much too focused on not being torn to ribbons. Dashing about fitfully he spotted Prince Shu fly in after the alien, confused and worried he might be joining the fray. When the strange little boy was sent tumbling away the Saiyan opted to try and take a cheap shot, flying in quickly and trying to punch T'charrl in the face. Grinning when the hit connected he looked up at the alien smugly, the smile turning to a look of shock seeing he had done literally nothing with that. Backing off as quickly as he could he was still smacked by a claw, yelping as it cut into him and sent him crashing to the ground below. Rolling a little bit he groaned, his hand going over and covering his new wounds instinctively. Again there was a little blood but nothing fatal, yet. Lifting his head he glanced up at the alien fearfully, trying to throw a Ki blast his way. Dammit, he was dead wasn't he?

Takeshi couldn't really care about the Saiyan, but he knew how T'charrl and Shu would feel if he were killed. He had to do something, there wasn't any way he could stand by and think it would end well. But sheesh... Their friend was really out of control and pretty darn scary to boot. Forcing himself to move he began to fly forward slowly, keeping himself very wary all the while. "Uh... T-T'charrl? Hey.... Can you hear me? I-It's Takeshi..." Seeing the Saiyan trying to fire at his friend he rushed in, swatting the blast away and sending it careening off and exploding a ways away. Placing himself in front of the Saiyan Takeshi held a hand out, gathering Ki in a small blast and aiming it directly at T'charrl. "B-Back off! We don't need to kill this kid, he's not worth it!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu was trying to stop himself in the air but he really didn’t have time to try and suss it out, panicking in the process. He didn’t want to hit the ground but he couldn’t bring himself to actually try and stop it from happening. Almost desperate to the point that he tried to brace for impact, he gasped when he hit something only for it to be Takeshi instead, his eyes shut at first before he slowly looked up at him. He did try to see to T’charrl, but those wings were pretty lethal if you got close to them flapping like that. Frowning a little, he moved from Takeshi as he was given some room before he let out a sigh, nodding, “…He’s still Friend T’charrl, you know?” he spoke, scratching his chest a little, “He’s not just a big bug…”

T’charrl hadn’t noticed Shu, the gust sending him out of sight before he could make eye-contact with him. It wasn’t very distracting, but the voice did make him move even if he couldn’t understand what was being said. The lack of a scouter made it difficult for him to know what the kid was saying, nevermind completely missing who it was by the time the little guy went out of sight. Hissing lowly, he turned again only for the kid to come and punch him in the face, the attack barely doing anything other than making his eye twitch slightly. In response, T’charrl immediately threw down a massive claw and managed to smack the Saiyan away like an annoying insect, sending him down to the ground almost immediately.

This was it for the kid; he could kill him now. Landing down with a great thump, he made his way over to the boy, his antennae moving around the kid as the scent of blood carried through. Hissing, he moved a claw around to grab at the Saiyan as an attack was powered up, but before anything could happen with it Takeshi suddenly moved in and slapped it away, his eyes momentarily watching it before he looked back down at the pair. Tilting his head slightly at the sight of Takeshi, his wings fluttered at the sight of Ki being pointed straight at him, his instinct going off immediately as he spread out his wings, raised his primary pair of claws and let out a terrifying hissing snarl at the pair. He couldn’t understand what was being said and all he could recognise right now was another attack with intent to harm him being pointed right at him.

Shu tried to follow on after Takeshi, but only going by ground he proved to be a lot slower than flying like Takeshi could, still trying nonetheless. He didn’t want his friend or brother getting hurt, even if it was to protect a Saiyan who was more than likely the one who started the fight; besides, his friend was clearly injured if that gunk he was drooling was blood. Seeing T’charrl rise up at Takeshi and his brother aiming an attack straight for him, he ran on all fours to try and meet up with the group, “Friend T’charrl! T’charrl!” he yelled out frantically, at least catching T’charrl’s attention; luckily his name was still in his native language, even with the absence of a scouter from Shu, “Friend T’charrl! Don’t hurt them, please don’t!” T’charrl didn’t move from his position, his large glowing eyes staring straight down at Shu with curiosity, his tongue flicking out as if some recognition was made.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Of course Takeshi knew that was still their friend, he wasn't completely clueless. Even so... Just looking at him, it was unnerving. It was terrifying plainly put, T'charrl had turned into a thing of nightmares for the Saiyan. The fact he'd turned on Shu too, however accidentally it may or may not have been worried him more. If he was willing to harm Shu then he was probably set to be gutted if he got close. To let this other kid be killed though, regardless of if he was sent by their father just couldn't stand. T'charrl would be depressed for doing it and probably Shu as well. With no small effort from Shu to push him on the older boy flew out, quickly putting himself between the Kaesstrian's intended target and the alien himself. Poised with a Ki blast ready to fire Takeshi held his ground, his body clamming up and shaking slightly now that he was this much closer. "S-Stay back T'charrl, I don't want to hurt you..." he warned, trying to sound threatening, and failing. "I will blast you if I have to, please don't make me."

The loud snarl was a sign they were going to have to fight, he was sure of it. The fact Shu opted to intervene again then probably saved them from fighting it out right then and there. Seeing their friend calming down a little Takeshi allowed himself to drop his Ki attack, sighing softly and backing off a bit. The less he had to do with this the better. Glancing over his shoulder at the Saiyan he frowned, not at all feeling sympathetic for the kid despite him apparently having shat himself. Deciding dealing with him was a far easier thing to do Takeshi turned around and walked over to the boy, surprised he was maybe only Shu's age if not younger. Watching him crawl back to try and get away he reached down and grabbed the kid's shirt, picking him up by it and watching as he flailed. "Seriously... Father sent... This to attack us...?" he mumbled, narrowing his eyes at the kid. "This is just sad..."

Hearing what was said about himself the boy stopped flailing about, turning to glare at Takeshi. "Hey! I'm strong, you know! I could beat you if I wanted to!" he snapped, groaning as he was abruptly dropped onto his backside. Scowling up at Takeshi the boy folded his arms over his chest, turning his head away stubbornly. "I could beat all of you... If that THING didn't appear." He didn't expect that, not at all. There had been no intel about a giant fly from hell lurking about on Earth, he probably would have really argued against this mission otherwise. Well, probably not, he couldn't have stopped. Though he definitely wouldn't have attacked the alien had he known. Watching the Prince turn away again the boy sighed, debating on if he should try leaving or not. Eh... Maybe a bad idea to run off, he didn't want that thing chasing him down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

T’charrl couldn’t understand Takeshi or see beyond the Ki blast he was holding onto, the brightness of the orb definitely a lot more distracting than Takeshi being the one at the helm of it. He wasn’t understanding Takeshi and seeing him as a threat was definitely the biggest concern and attacking him was an option, especially when the kid that tried to kill him was there. Rearing up to intimidate the little scared Saiyan, the sound of another quickly distracted him and he was forced to turn just incase it was another threat. Staring down at the tiny Saiyan was a definite improvement instead of attacking him. He recognised his name from those words and his eyes focused on Shu’s form. After a brief moment had passed, T’charrl let out a hiss and pulled back away from him, his back legs almost tripping over his own body in his frantic dash backwards.

If there was one thing T’charrl didn’t want it was having his friends see the kind of monster he truly was inside, his lack of understanding towards what he had become having him create a great weight of stress upon himself. Standing as upright as he could, he looked down at himself before to Takeshi and the enemy Saiyan, snarling angrily as he crawled back towards the pair, “T’ssshkara kana shkarr!!” he vocalised, speaking in a language that wasn’t identifiable on the scouter, but whatever it was he sounded pretty angry while speaking it. Throwing down his claws to the side of Takeshi and the kid, leaning towards them with his claws raised, “Khar kazz shierre!!

Shu didn’t know how to help T’charrl, but he did know if he wasn’t completely freaking out about his size that it had happened before. This was most definitely the whole ‘monster’ thing he had continued to mention and feared for happening and his only wonder was how such a shift could happen. It was strange to see what was essentially a giant insect like this. T’charrl was recognising what had happened to him now, but instead of backing off he instead went towards Takeshi and the Saiyan again. He sounded pretty mad, but his immediate worry was Takeshi being pretty scared of bugs. Backing off a little, he wobbled on the ground a little bit as it shook under T’charrl’s steps before he tried to make a walk around towards the three, “No no! Please calm down…”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

This was all just terribly confusing, and unsettling. T'charrl was in a pretty bad way right now, at least he seemed to recognize Shu though. Ridding himself of his Ki blast Takeshi took a second to see to the Saiyan, making it abundantly clear that he wasn't going anywhere, or doing anything. He more or less ignored the kid too when he began prattling on, mostly because of the big, scary bug crawling towards them. Seizing up again in fright Takeshi cringed, shirking back a bit when T'charrl got really close. From this he could get a really good look at the Kaesstrian, and holy crap he was freaky. That tongue was so unnatural, and the blood dripping from his jaws, and those claws... Eeeeh... Whatever T'charrl was saying he couldn't understand, probably even if they had their scouters on. It didn't sound like Kaesstrian, or maybe it was, he was a bit too frightened to be able to even tell. Having T'charrl looming over them it was all he could do not to move away, reflexively raising his arms to block any attacks their friend might make. "T-T'charrl, cut it out! This isn't funny!"

"Y-Yeah, cut it out freak!" the Saiyan chimed in, cowering behind Takeshi. Right now all he wanted to do was crawl back to his ship and go home. Oh wait... His ship had been taken back already. So he had no way off of this planet, and was staring down the mother of all bed bugs right now, or whatever the hell this thing was. Seeing Shu once again come over to try and defuse the situation he frowned, wondering why they weren't just attacking the alien. He was obviously out of his mind, talking to him wasn't going to do them any good at this point. "Keep him away from me! I don't want to die!" He really wasn't cut out for this mission, he didn't know why the king thought he could fight both Princes to begin with. If he had caught them by surprise then maybe, not like this. "Leave me alone!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

T’charrl was pretty mad and feeling stressed out over a ton of things with his form adding to all the stress, not to mention the pain he was feeling. Everything about him had shifted like his organs moving down into his lower abdomen and these orbs protruding out of his body instead. He didn’t know where the pain was coming from as a result and leaking fluids wasn’t helping, all because of this kid. While he did want to punish him for his wrong doing, looking down at Takeshi he could smell the fear emanating from him just as much as the other kid. Shu was not showing fear and was instead on alert, trying to stop him from scaring Takeshi most likely. His claws creaking in place, he slowly moved his claws away and stared at them. How disgusting they were with that solid skin and covered in dirt; it was no wonder they were afraid of him.

T’charrl was needing to try and change back, but the last time he did he expelled the energy into a tree seed and the other time he had his mother to help him and neither of those options were available to him right now. He couldn’t stay like this, there was nowhere for him to go and the ship wasn’t big enough for him to even try to fit. Panicking, he moved back a little before throwing a fist down, “K’karsh! Shir’sha??” he shouted as if expecting them to understand him, lowering his head a little towards Takeshi in hope that he might explain his actions. He was angry that Takeshi seemed to be shielding the Saiyan above all else as if he was defending his actions, finding it hard to take when he was in pain and this kid was to blame. He wanted him to get out of the way so that he might punish this Saiyan appropriately, finding it hard that Takeshi would defend the enemy like this.

Shu didn’t know how to help either Takeshi or T’charrl, his first thought maybe getting a hold of Vegeta or Yumi somehow. While either of them probably didn’t know what could be done to help, they could probably deal with this situation a lot better than any of them. Squeaking a little when the ground shook upon T’charrl getting aggressive again, he looked to Takeshi quickly before back to T’charrl, frowning a little as he walked backwards, “Ah! Takeshi! He’s not calming down!” he squeaked, feeling a little worried for both of them as T’charrl let out an angry hiss, trying to get Takeshi to move away from the kid.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"W-What...? I don't know what you're saying..." Whatever language T'charrl was speaking it was well beyond Takeshi. If he could get his scouter he might be able to find out, but that was all the way in his house. Judging by their friend's less than stellar mood he probably wasn't going to just slip by, not that he could even really get himself to move. While this Saiyan really didn't matter to him he couldn't let the kid die. He supposed there was a slight thing with the other boy's age too, being pretty much Shu's age if not younger. Killing older men was one thing, but someone who was basically a peer just felt... Horribly wrong. Especially someone who was the same age of his sibling. Gritting his teeth as T'charrl snarled at them Takeshi glared back, still very unnerved but not moving. "I realize that Shu, thanks!" Like he had to be told things were going badly, he had the bad glaring at him right now after all. Looking back up at the Kaesstrian he swallowed uneasily, shifting his weight on his feet.

"You have to relax T'charrl! You c-can't do this!" Ugh, he felt like such a moron right now, trying to defend some Saiyan and acting like a frightened child all the while. Swallowing nervously Takeshi looked back at the kid, backing up further before staring up at his friend. "You're supposed to be a Prince, so... Act like one! You have to be stronger than this thing! Your mother wouldn't want you being this... Thing... So s-stop!" What else could he really say to stop T'charrl? He was at his wits end, he almost thought he might have to knock out T'charrl just to save him from himself. A sudden burst of wind rushed by him, and it took Takeshi a second to register that anything had happened. When he finally realized something had happened he was too late to act, and when he found the kid holding Shu he forgot his fear, instead getting angry. "You little... Let him go, now!"

Options had pretty much run dry by this point, he had to find a way to get out of here. First things first, he needed to get away from the alien, never mind getting off the planet. Taking the chance for his move the Saiyan dashed past Takeshi, going directly to Shu. Grabbing one of his arms he wrenched it behind his back, pulling him away. Digging into a pouch on his hip he pulled out a combat knife, holding it near the young boy's throat nervously. "You two... S-Stay back or I'll kill him, I swear!" he stammered, looking rather frightened. "N-Now... Make him stop! I'm not fighting that... That thing!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Just who was Takeshi to stand in the way and protecting this Saiyan from his punishment, the kid hardly in a position to cower behind Takeshi like this. T’charrl was the one who was large and in charge and these Saiyans all seemed to stick together even when one or the other tried to kill someone they should had considered a friend. It made T’charrl angry and vengeance was strong in his mindset, keeping a solid foundation when the kid had tried to kill him. Hissing and snarling at Takeshi, he tried to make him move through intimidation tactics but Takeshi was staying there solid and unmoving looking pretty ready to attack him if he got any closer. Compared to this kid, Takeshi was a powerhouse, he could feel it from his energy; however, it still didn’t mean T’charrl wasn’t going to stand solid for what he believed to be injustice and that justice could only be served if he could tear the Saiyan’s guts out.

There were great misunderstandings between the pair, T’charrl staring down at Takeshi and Takeshi trying to stop a killing. It was hard to understand and trying to talk as best as he could just wasn’t working for T’charrl, his instincts controlling his emotions as he stared down at Takeshi. Hissing lowly as Takeshi spoke, he stared at him before slowly tilting his head as if trying to come to an understanding. Frowning slightly, he slowly shifted his claws as he stared at Takeshi’s eyes before something immediately distracted him, his head shifting immediately towards Shu, seeing the Saiyan holding the little kid with a weapon close to his throat. T’charrl immediately spun towards him, rising up in anger at what he was seeing.

Shu barely had time to register what had happened by the time the guy raced around and snatched his arm. Gasping in fright, he almost had the chance to wrestle away from him before a knife was forced up against his throat. Suddenly feeling terrified, he tried to swallow that up and keep calm, “I-I’m not scared! I’m not scared!” he spoke quickly, his tail curling up around himself, “T-Takeshi! I don’t want bad things happening!” He didn’t want to get too scared or angry at what was happening, he knew what happened when he did and Takeshi didn’t need to deal with him along beside T’charrl. It was dangerous to move and if he did go mini-Oozaru there was the risk of being sliced open anyway in the Saiyan’s haste.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

A lot of good trying to be merciful had done them! Right now Takeshi was really regretting trying to protect this kid, now T'charrl wasn't the only one that wanted to knock him around. The squirt was a coward, using Shu like that to try and get himself out. Gritting his teeth furiously he moved to raise a hand and just blast the kid away, scowling when his younger brother was instantly moved into the path of it. "You fricken coward, this is what I get for trying to help?!" he shouted, glaring at the other boy. Looking at Shu rather concerned he shook his head, not knowing what to do here. "Nothing bad is going to happen Shu, I promise! I'll keep you safe!" He would, he had to. He hadn't wanted to see this boy killed before, but if someone was willing to slice Shu's throat just to save their own skin then they weren't worth sparing. Balling his hands into fists out of frustration Takeshi glared at his sibling's captor, taking a step forward and instantly stopping when the knife was raised. "If you hurt him... I swear, you won't take even one step before I blow you away..."

Not good, Takeshi was completely livid now, and seconds ago he'd probably been his best bet on getting away. If he did manage to kill Shu here and now there was no way he'd escape the other two, he was as good as dead. In his panic, he'd realized, he hadn't done himself any favors, only seal his fate. Petrified with fear on the spot his hand began to shake, lowering so the blade was now a few good centimeters away from Shu's throat. Sniffling pitifully tears began to roll down his face, the boy shaking his head in frustration. "I d-didn't want to be here! I was made to c-come here, I had to do it!" he whined, his grip slowly loosening on Shu's arm. "The k-king made me stay here after the raid! I wanted to go h-home but I c-c-couldn't! And now I'm going to d-die!" In a sort of sorry resignation he pushed Shu at Takeshi, gripping the knife with both hands and holding it out in front of himself in a sorry defensive stance. Sniffling again he took a small step back, his eyes going between the other three nervously. "I-I'm not going to roll over a-and die though! I'm a Saiyan, I-I'll fight!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

T’charrl felt confused and lost upon seeing Shu in such a tight situation, struggling to contain himself now that his friend was being threatened with possible immediate death. He could understand that if he got close the Saiyan could possibly pull the knife on Shu and kill him pretty quickly, but why he would do that he didn’t know. Shu hadn’t done anything to the kid and now he was being threatened in a life and death situation. All this had started because he had failed to fight back against the Saiyan properly because he was so out of focus, now he was just a giant terrifying monster. Struggling to find his place and his right mind-set to cope with this predicament, he pulled back slightly and clawed at his face in frustration, not causing damage to it but the earth was taking a hit as his other set of claws drove the soil up.

Shu was in a panic, trying to keep his cool as much as possible. He didn’t know why he had been the target after Takeshi had tried to help him, but here he was put under pressure with a knife resting close to his throat. Trying to keep it together for his and the Saiyan’s own good, he yelped when he was used as a shield against any possible attack towards the Saiyan from Takeshi, his eyes quickly shutting in fear. He didn’t care if the aggressor was bubbling away in self-pity, his own safety was greatly compromised and he couldn’t do anything about it. Upon having to listen to the Saiyan make his defence over his actions, he continued to shake in fear before realising the guy loosened his grip and soon tossed him to Takeshi, stumbling before he quickly spun around.

Feeling his heart racing, Shu placed his hands to his chest and shifted his feet as the Saiyan simply made another proclamation to fight against them, expecting them to kill him instead. The only one that might try to kill him was T’charrl, possibly even Takeshi if he was threatened again. Trying to pull down his increasing anxiety, he rose up his fists and held them close to his chest, “Y-You tried to hurt my friend! You upset him and made him big! F-Father would never…n-never ever want me or Takeshi dead, but you nearly made me dead!” Shu was quickly losing his cool after the events, finding it hard to not get angry when the Saiyan was trying to make them pity him, “Look what you did to him!! He’s always kind a-and shy…h-he was probably finding it real hard keeping that away ever since he changed! Now he-…n-now y-you-…!!” Shu was beginning to twitch, his hair standing on end momentarily as his irises went from green to red in a few flashes. Letting out a few wheezy gasps, he fanned himself momentarily as now he was struggling to find control over his anger and fear, the constant sight of the blade not helping as fangs threatened to show themselves.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
Avatar of Vena Sera

Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

What was going to have to be done to get Shu safe? Blow the kid to smithereens? Try and get him free with the knife so close? So many things could happen and Takeshi was hesitant to do anything despite his normally rash behavior. By some random good grace his brother was spared being cut open like a common animal, being pushed away as the Saiyan began to throw a fit. Catching his sibling protectively the older boy listened to the kid's cries, barely moved by them. He knew his father was a pretty heartless guy so that story didn't sound too far off. But that didn't excuse the kid from taking his brother hostage, or attacking T'charrl. If he had been left behind then he could have just been on his merry way elsewhere, he didn't have to do this. Feeling Shu shaking in fear only further served to anger him, and he was very tempted to attack the kid himself then and there. Priority rather quickly shifted, however, when his brother began to have an "episode".

The first sign things were going to go horribly wrong was the strain and malice that came out of Shu's tone. His normally light, playful voice sounded distorted and furious, an immediate indication of danger. When his hair began to bristle and he shook in Takeshi's grasp he knew exactly what was happening, and dreaded it. With T'charrl already changed and Shu potentially going to they were going to be in a lot of trouble if this happened. Ignoring their problem for the time being the older boy focused on his brother instead, desperate to calm him down. Hugging Shu against himself Takeshi closed his eyes, patting Shu's shoulder as he desperately tried to think of what to do. "Relax Shu, relax. He's not going to hurt our friend or you anymore, I promise. Just relax..." he said hopefully, praying he might stifle his sibling's rising ferocity. "I'm here, I'll protect you. Just calm down." Looking up at the Saiyan finally he had made a decision, one he would probably regret later. This kid was dead if he hung around any longer, he had to leave. "Run!"

Now what was happening? First the alien transformed and now it looked like Shu was going to as well! He knew about the kid's other form, his strange Oozaru transformation. Even if it was a regular Oozaru it was still way too much for him to handle, let alone the Prince's berserk version. If he wasn't completely outmatched before then he was definitely now. Trembling frightfully in his spot the Saiyan barely acknowledge when he was spoken to, his eyes timidly shifting to Takeshi. He could hear and understand the order just fine, but his body refused to follow. Or rather it couldn't, he felt like he was frozen in place. Maybe it was better if he just killed himself there and then, spare himself the pain of being mauled or even eaten. Looking down at the knife nervously he only thought it over for a split second before slowly raising it up, lifting his head as he did so. Closing his eyes as he pointed the blade at his neck he tried to stab himself, only to instead suddenly feel a force hit him.

"No!" Calming Shu was very important, but they couldn't just stand by and watch another kid kill himself. As soon as he noticed the Saiyan's intent Takeshi released Shu, rushing to grab the blade. Yanking it free he threw it to the side, shoulder the boy to the ground and near knocking him out from the impact. For his own good he then knelt down, flipping him onto his stomach and yanking an arm behind his back to restrain him, holding his opposite shoulder down with his free hand. The kid hardly budged against him, though there were some faint sobs and new tears streaming down his cheeks. Glancing up at T'charrl and Shu carefully Takeshi shook his head, trying to convey what he wanted to be said. This brat wasn't anyone worth fighting, as much of a pain as he might be. They weren't going to kill him, it would cause too much grief for them later on, so they had to settle down and think this through.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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It had become very difficult to keep his form down once he got angry, Shu finding it to be a problem stemming from his times with his father. Their father really had tried to turn him into a packaged-sized Oozaru that didn’t need a moon to change. Shu didn’t want to change, he was trying hard not to but he was struggling to keep himself contained after that bout of anger. Trying hard to fan himself down and stop it from happening, he pulled himself closer to Takeshi and clutched his chest, trying to take in Takeshi’s words and reassurance all while putting a halt to what was happening to him. Gasping desperately, he slowly nodded as he continued to growl, “C-Can’t…agh! I-I-ah!!” Showing some set of teeth, his anger was just steaming at this point and no matter how much he tried to cuddle into Takeshi he couldn’t stop it from rising with the kid and the knife being his focus.

This was the reason he didn’t get angry or scared, but he never had trained himself in this. Holding his face wasn’t doing anything to hide it, his eyes were already pretty red and his teeth sharp. Maybe if Takeshi stayed around he wouldn’t get all angry and try to tear things up, but it wasn’t helping his changing. Pulling his hands away when his sharp nails began to hurt, he snarled and growled as he hunched forward, watching the kid instead try to turn the knife on himself. Vocalising in a strange yet alert fashion, Takeshi quickly moved straight for the kid and practically tackled him. Staring at him, his lack of understanding over what happened distracting him greatly. He didn’t know what the Saiyan tried to do, but the distraught nature of him didn’t do anything as his body was soon changing and he was becoming more monkey-like as a result.

Despite T’charrl’s own problems and his condition, the going’s on of the three Saiyans weren’t completely ignored. Hissing as if he was having a panic attack himself, he stared at the three with his antennae twitching as Shu started to show signs of change. His Ki was increasing rapidly and becoming more aggressive, his body becoming more primal and feral. That amount of energy was pretty scary, increasing faster than he had felt in a long time. Staring down at him, his urge to help him became heightened and as Takeshi tackled the Saiyan to prevent a possible death. Snarling, he immediately lowered his claws down, crawling towards the three with his eyes searching between the three of them, his priority shifting towards Shu’s increasing energy levels.

He had to help him, he didn’t want even more tragedy to unfold even if he was the cause of all it. The Saiyan just tried to do a stupidly selfish act, something that may as well had caused great pain to his friends upon witnessing such an act. Looming over the pair, he let out an angry hiss at the Saiyan before moving a great claw towards Shu. Watching as the kid began to change, he took a quick decision to curl his claws around his changing body and breathed in deeply. While not as vicious as his attempt on the kid, the orb on his hand quickly lit up and a strange wisp followed into his mouth from Shu. While Shu continued to change, it slowly halted and eventually began to reverse as his energy levels dropped as T’charrl instead vacuumed it out of his body. Shu became pretty weary quickly upon reversal, T’charrl eventually stopping his sapping before collapsing, the ground shaking upon impact.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Takeshi had no idea what he was supposed to do right now. Shu was changing, T'charrl was rampant and this other kid was trying to kill himself. Overwhelmed by it all he did the only thing he could readily take care off, sparing the Saiyan from killing himself. Now that he had the other boy restrained though Shu was on his own, and his brief attempt at covering up his transformation hadn't done any good. Seeing his brother began to change the older boy watched on nervously, rather uneasy he was going to have to fend off both his brother and friend now. One of them alone would be a handful, if both went after this kid then he was probably going to end up worse for wear after it all. In a strange turn of events T'charrl turned on Shu, and for a moment Takeshi thought his brother might now be the focus of an attack. To his surprise he watched as Shu's energy was first tapered off then slowly sapped, robbing him of the power needed to go through with his transformation. That couldn't be good, as if T'charrl needed even more power.

Right... Now what was he supposed to do? Shu's change had been halted, and T'charrl had since collapsed. The kid beneath him had long since given up struggling, looking utterly forlorn and upset. At least he wasn't an issue any longer, though just to be safe Takeshi lifted a hand, quickly chopping the back of his neck and knocking the kid out. Easing him onto the ground he picked himself up, going over to his tipsy brother and supporting him in his arms. "You and that form of yours... I swear..." Takeshi mused, smiling slightly as he shook his head. Figuring Shu was okay for the time being as well he eased his brother down to a sitting position, ruffling his hair gently and at last turning his focus back to T'charrl. The poor guy looked really out of it, and probably was having a hell of a time controlling all of that power. Two down... One to go. Only with T'charrl he really was out of ideas, how was he supposed to help something like this?

"We really need to sort this out..." Standing above T'charrl he did his best not to back away, still rather unsettled over his appearance. Takeshi had to repeatedly tell himself it was his friend, and no matter how he looked it was going to be fine. Boy was it hard though, getting this close to a giant insectoid. Exhaling deeply he finally squatted down before his friend, smiling uneasily as he hoped to talk the Kaesstrian down from this. "T'charrl...? Hey, I know you can hear me, look at me." When he did Takeshi flinched slightly, still pretty bothered by his appearance. "That kid isn't going to hurt you anymore, and Shu is safe, so you gotta change back. Just uh... Well..." he paused, rubbing at the back of his neck, "I don't know how really. Your mom isn't here to help, so... Yeah..." If it was like a Saiyan transformation all T'charrl had to do was use enough energy that he couldn't sustain this form, so maybe some random blasting would do it? "Try getting rid of some energy, that might help?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu had no time to register what had happened to him, his only understanding that something sapped his building energy away and he was soon reverted back to his normal self by some strange wind that nearly lifted him off his feet. Wobbling a little, he groaned and fell off his feet, staring up at the sky as Takeshi took hold of him. He didn’t have a clue what was happening or how he managed to change back before he could go full mini-Oozaru. Smiling a little in relief, he let out a long drawn out sigh, “…Ooohhh…I’m hungry…” he muttered, staring at Takeshi as he was slowly played into a seated position, lowering his head a little as his hair was all ruffled up. He didn’t know what had happened, but T’charrl was really close and lying on his front as if he had eaten too much food.

T’charrl really did hope Shu was going to be okay after that, but that was a pretty curious change. He always thought Shu smelled a little odd, but when he was changing that smell only grew stronger. Maybe Shu suffered from a split personality rather than an anomaly, but how he managed to pick that up he had no idea especially while he was lying on the ground like this. He felt like he could pop, but last time he did he changed into this monstrosity. Wheezing on the floor, he found himself in constant pain, his body struggling with the energy. The kid sure did have a lot of it, but if he didn’t feel so heavy with it he would probably be able to expel it. With all orbs on his body lighting up pretty bright, he found it hard to keep the power contained without having them shatter.

Closing his eyes for a moment, when he opened them again Takeshi was instead staring at him. He didn’t think Takeshi would want to get this close to him, especially when he might end up killing them all if he released all this energy in one go. It had to be expelled somehow, but how he didn’t know. Hissing as he tried to get up, the weight of the orbs kept him down with his face in the dirt. With large blue eyes staring directly at Takeshi, there was little understanding between them as the language barrier came into play again with T’charrl trying to understand him. He couldn’t understand, his mind trying hard but he just wasn’t that good at their language yet. Feeling everything building up inside him getting steadily worse, he slowly moved his claws, trying hard to move off the ground.

It was all proving to be too much for him, his body struggling to hold so much power. He wasn’t trained in this kind of energy all too well and it was pretty obvious that his body couldn’t handle the power. Pulling himself up, he hissed in pain as he continued to strain and try to keep it contained; however, as he slowly approached full sitting height, his body strained even more before he slowly froze up. The orbs glowed brighter as energy began to build up, his eyes trying to close before they were forced wide open and out expelled a bright flash which quickly consumed the area. The area was not blasted away which might had been expected, the environment looking much the same as it used to; however, everything was various shades of grey as if the colour had been completely sucked out of it all except for T’charrl’s orbs and bright eyes. T’charrl was frozen in place, strange wispy figures soon became visible around the area as if like ghosts; of course, it didn’t help that they really were ghosts. Spirits wandered around as if everything was fine, animals and humans alike from all sorts of different ages passed; however, that wasn’t the strangest part of it all. From T’charrl himself a strange figure gradually began to form in front of him, a slender figure with bushy fur around their head, multiple forearms arms and lower legs. It was a Kaesstrian but this one was a stranger shape, almost alien to any of the other Kaesstrians encountered and they looked exhausted. With a hanging head, the glowing figure slowly opened its large eyes which glowed even brighter than its body, but as it found focus itself and realised what was happening it suddenly appeared frightened, moving backwards towards T’charrl’s frozen frame in fear.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Takeshi watched with no small degree of nervousness as T'charrl tried to move about. Their friend was very clearly struggling, with what he didn't quite know. The orbs on his body were shining incredibly brightly at this point, had he actually absorbed so much energy he was immobilized by it? This entire situation had just gone all bad and weird, he was beside himself and totally lost as to what to do. He tried to speak to their friend but his words evidently fell on deaf ears. Takeshi was still much too hesitant to even try touching the Kaesstrian, and the guy's appearance kind of freaked him out a bit. Smiling uneasily he rested his arms on his knees, wondering how to fix this. If the orbs were causing it then maybe they could release the energy somehow...? He had wondered what might happen if they broke an orb before, maybe that was the solution now.

The chance to try anything was quickly brought to a halt when T'charrl began to act strange. After struggling to get up he hissed before freezing up entirely. Watching worriedly Takeshi's eyes went directly to the orbs as they shone even brighter, picking up a massive surge in energy. Expecting a sudden blast he raised his arms to protect his face, closing his eyes as the area was enveloped in a blinding light. After a few seconds of clearly not being blown to smithereens he slowly lowered his arms, looking at T'charrl puzzled. Their friend was still in the same position, seemingly frozen. What's more, Takeshi became acutely aware of the environment around them, and the distinct lack of color. How in the world was that possible? Everything was sapped of its life it seemed, all various shades of white, gray and black. Glancing up at the sky he was shocked to see unmoving clouds, now really lost. A quick look around and he found both Shu and the other kid to be still fine, yet T'charrl was frozen in place.

The lack of color paled in comparison to what else had changed, and that was the addition of what seemed like ghosts. Dozens of ethereal figures floated to and fro, moving about aimlessly in this colorless prison of theirs. Takeshi wasn't afraid of ghosts, but damn this was creepy. When one passed right in front of him he yelped softly, falling onto his backside and watching warily as it floated on by without a bit of recognition on his part. Exhaling in relief he glanced back at T'charrl again, wondering if he was aware of all of this. Getting on his hands and knees the Saiyan moved closer hesitantly, reaching out to tap his friend's face to try and rouse him. A pale light shone from the Kaesstrian right in front of where Takeshi was, making him double back quickly. Watching in silent amazement as it took shape he was astonished that something similar to their friend appeared, and it seemed to be aware of what was going on. Exchanging a glance with the strange being he watched it quickly retreat behind T'charrl, really not sure what was going on. Smiling uneasily Takeshi sat on his backside, crossing his legs as he waved slightly. "Uh... Hi there little guy... I won't hurt you. Uh... Are you T'charrl...?" Maybe he was having some out of body experience or something, weird....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Shu was trying to pull through, but it was awfully difficult when he was feeling generally tired and a little weak after that. He didn’t know how T’charrl had done it, but he would have to thank his friend when he was little again. He was pretty scary right now, being bigger than Shu and all. He could probably do with getting rid of all that energy before he hurt himself with it, Shu worrying over whether he would feel okay after such an ordeal. Slowly rubbing his head to try and get his mind to come together, he let out a squeak when all the colours suddenly vanished after a massive flash, his eyes quickly going to T’charrl to see if he was okay. There was definitely a problem with T’charrl right now, seeing him all frozen like that and unmoving. Feeling a little worried for T’charrl, he slowly but surely crawled away from his spot, staring at T’charrl and the strange figure that was hovering awfully close to him.

With T’charrl practically acting as a giant shield, the strange spirit immediately took shelter behind and away from the sight of Takeshi. It shouldn’t had been like this, being awake and in this location was not the plan. Hearing Takeshi speak up, the tone wasn’t nearly as fearful as it could had been in regards to being in this reality. The spirits all around were taking no notice of any of them, but this was definitely a different world and the reality they were in was neither the living nor dead. With a little frown, the Kaesstrian looked towards Takeshi’s direction before slowly floating around T’charrl. Staring at Takeshi, its bright eyes looked up and down him before slowly shaking its head, “…No, I’m not”, it spoke, understanding and managing to speak Takeshi’s language, “Please…I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for this to happen…for any of this to happen!”

The creature sounded feminine, but it was hard to tell when the Kaesstrian spirit was pretty different to what T’charrl and the rest of his species typically looked. Frowning a little, it floated towards the ground but kept close to T’charrl, as if tied to him with an invisible string, “You-…you’re his friends…right? I won’t hurt you either, but…i-it’s not like I can, anyway…” There was definitely some nerves building with this spirit despite being intangible, but it had great reasons for the nerves and was definitely weary over Takeshi and Shu. Seeing the other Saiyan all unconscious, the spirit frowned and slowly moved back, resting against T’charrl, “He must had accidentally released me before the right time…for us to be in this realm…”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Takeshi really couldn't wrap his mind around what was going on. It's like they were in Otherworld or something right now, what with all these ghosts hovering about. This little... Thing that emerged from T'charrl too, what was it? It didn't seem evil or sinister, just... Strange. Scratching at his head in utter confusion he looked at the being questioningly, silently urging for an explanation. To his surprise it spoke the common language pretty darn fluently, more coherent than Shu even. "Uh... Well we don't even know what this is," he pointed out, shaking his head, "Think you can tell us? Is T'charrl okay?" There was definitely some worry for their friend's well being right now. People didn't normally just freeze up like that, and glowing orbs was definitely an oddity. Hell, the orbs were unusual to begin with, but this was a whole new degree of strange.

Was this thing a girl? Either that or it had a really high pitched, squeaky voice. Sheesh, nothing about this was making any sense, his head hurt trying to understand it all. Crossing his arms over his chest Takeshi kept a careful eye on this one being, a little skeptical it was as innocent as it seemed. Then again, hearing it talk and watching it he found it very difficult to believe it could pose any threat. Nodding his head the Saiyan smiled slightly, pretending to get what was going on. "We are his friends, yeah. And what do you mean 'released you'? What are you anyways?" Maybe this was one of his ancestors or something, T'charrl had mentioned that he talked to the dead on his own planet. That was strange, even if they did talk to people in Otherworld pretty often. This was different, they didn't normally talk with spirits like this, not ones that floated around in this way. The whole realm comment really threw him through a loop, Takeshi was itching to actually get what was happening here. "Seriously... What's going on? I'm confused and I don't like being confused!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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The glowing Kaesstrian was trying to keep Takeshi and his brother from possibly attacking it, but it was also trying to find an answer to why it was awake and out so soon. Finding an answer to these things was very important right now, especially considering what happened to it before and where it was now. Staring down at Takeshi and Shu, it frowned a little before it looked to T’charrl, moving up and touching his face. It was pretty worrying right now seeing him like this, but the explanation was very simple as well, “He’s okay…he’s in a trance”, it spoke, looking back to Takeshi, “This is what your kind call ‘purgatory’. It’s what he sees…but all the colour is gone”. Looking around slowly, it smiled a little before it slowly lowered down to the ground in front of T’charrl’s claws, “He only managed to partially summon me…accidentally. I’m not supposed to be out yet”.

The Kaesstrian looked innocent enough, but it was definitely otherworldly with how it move and spoke. It wouldn’t quite touch the ground and its wings weren’t being used at all. With a gentle expression and large eyes, it focused on Takeshi speaking and smiled happily, “Good day, friends! What am I?” it questioned, placing a slender claw on its chin and gave it a scratch, “I am…I suppose what you may call an ‘Ancient’…yes! I am an Ancient. I watched over the dead and granted wishes to those who were faithful to me and pure, those who gave me energy to which I granted great power to. Your friend is one of the first since the Great Massacre to be born with ‘the gift’, but…they were all gifted back then…all watching over the realms in peace. His power to manipulate spirit energy was lost to many as we were all put to sleep”.

If they were to properly understand what was going on they would first need to understand that the being was not dangerous or causing danger to their friend. It hoped it would understand that before it needed to say anything else. Smiling sadly, it looked to T’charrl, “I did not mean to do this to him…to change him like this, for my orbs and being to be bound to him. I was extracted from my resting place unwillingly and he was going to die from the pressure if I didn’t change him! Only a few Kaesstrian were granted the power to metamorph into giants to protect our sacred shrines, but the corruption from the one who extracted me makes it painful and too vicious for him to control. I hope you and he can forgive me for what happened…it wasn’t my fault. H-He can return to his original form! But I fear he’ll forever be cursed with this power unless he finds control. But…I can make it up to you and him, if you so wish for me to. He needs to grow stronger…like really ‘grow’ stronger so that he can summon me under full power for me to help you with whatever you desire. I can’t like this…”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"Purgatory... Huh... So he's okay...?" That was good. He was frozen and clearly not going anywhere anytime soon, but at least he was okay. Giving the small creature a confused look Takeshi wondered what he exactly meant by summoned. So this was one of T'charrl's abilities, was that it? These Kaesstrians were just strange creatures, their powers were way different than that of Saiyans or humans. "Not supposed to be out yet... Huh... I see... So what are you anyways? A ghost?" That question was more than happily answered, the being's enthusiasm and friendliness coming across as rather strange still. An Ancient... So probably an ancestor then. Or maybe something else entirely, it was hard to say. That tidbit of information only held Takeshi's interest for but a moment though, what the being had to say otherwise had him far more intrigued. The mention of wishes had him instantly interested, they could really make use of that. Smiling eagerly he leaned forward a bit in his spot, placing his hands on his knees as he did so. "Wishes huh...? Like bringing people back from the dead wishes?" Maybe this thing could give Vegeta his parents back and they wouldn't have to go to Namek!

So T'charrl was special, then. This gift of his, whatever it was exactly was given to a select few. After seeing firsthand what it did to people Takeshi didn't quite know whether it was a gift or a curse. To their people it was probably something of both, that seemed to be the case for their friend. Manipulating spirit energy, in a sense it sounded similar to Ki. Though... Ki was the power of life, so was what T'charrl used the power of the afterlife? Now there was a confusing idea, how would that even work? "So those orbs... Are yours? And you're saying you can help him change back later? That's great! We've been trying to help but we had no idea what to do!" When T'charrl came to he would love to hear this, though maybe not the bit about a spirit living inside of him. "You don't have to make anything up to us, but him definitely. Can you... Tell him what's going on? He deserves to know, he's been pretty worried about it. If you want to make it up to him then help him more."
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