Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Amaya Tamashii
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Amaya Tamashii

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

[h1]Amaya VanIsis - Phoenix Wing Guild Hall[/hi] Amaya listened to Damian before nodding looking towards the job board, noticing Jamie standing against it watching them. She adjusted her hair over her shoulder before heading to the Job board "Hm, Never been too good at finding a fun job I might like to do."She commented out loud more to herself then anyone beofre looking towards Jamie "Anything you might suggest that would be good for my first job as a Phoenix Wing Memeber?"she asked him...or her. "Oh, Question...I know this is probably a VERY STUPID question but DO or can one live here or somewhere near by cause I dont mind sleeping outside or anything but I do not have any money to afford a home or somewhere to stay."She asked before looking around where she stood waiting for a possible answer. Her sense of smell was driving her nuts from all the varying smells of the guild itself and the most recent fight. She rubbed her nose shaking her head some, trying to get the smells out of her nose and get them to quit confusing her brain on what she was smelling.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Master Jamie
Master Jamie laughed at the way Damian passed the questions back to him, and smiled. Once more, Jamie was in her normal form that he wore around the guild. and appeared very much at ease. "I wonder if you knew the responsibilities of S class, would you have fought so hard for it, Damian? You have to learn to be able to do these things. You know how the board works. I receive the jobs, review them, and then put them up. They get sent here either by messenger or magic, or I find them myself. Or Jarvis does" They looked toAmaya , and smiled, saying"You should pick a job that plays to your strengths. We have different levels, B, A, and S class jobs. S clas job require at least one S class mage. As for a place to stay, we do offer rooms to our members for a monthly fee. Typically, its 20 percent of your earnings for that month. That way, if you only earn a small amount of money, you aren't constantly worrying about your rent"
Liana smiled, and sighed softly. "You should believe in yourself, more Trinity. I don't think I could have reacted as fast as you did. We should always use our strengths" She smiled, and looked about them, uneasy about the fighting, but knowing it was necessary. She looked back to Edo-Trinity. She had seen that the young girl was...shy. Nervous. Uneasy. And couldn't understand why. "You're an amazing person, Trinity. And you should realise just what an asset you aare to your guild"
Edo-Jamie saw the move, the slight shift, and the slight disappearance. A blur, and Edo-Angelica stood outside the attacks from Edo-Karn. But there were some rips to her clothing, and Edo-Jamie nodded. "Getting closer" It was clear that Edo-Jamie was enjoying this, enjoying the slight cat and mouse feel to it. Edo-Angelica snarled, darts in her hands and flinging towards Edo-Karn.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

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Edo-Karn Interacting: Edo-Jamie, Edo-Angelica
Minorly rolling their eyes playfully at the Guild Masters words as it seemed Edo-Jamie enjoyed the display, their emerald gaze watched the incoming darts and was about to dodge them with ease before their body briefly freezed and twisted a little foreword, their expression slightly twisting in pain while a almost unbearable pain twisted against their chest. Despite this, the blonde was determined not to show it. Still, evading was out so instead they had to quickly raise the whip and spin it rapidly in a fast circle in front of them as the darts were aimed at them. Most were deflected, but quite a few managed to rip more of their clothing. Brown jacket now in tatters, Edo-Karn huffed a little before zipping down the piece of cloth and tossed it to the side. Revealing their torn up body, a rarely seen thing even to Guildmates. Almost every inch of their upper body was covered in various scars. Be it burns, blades, whips, there was several and there was barely any untouched skin. Strange metal wiring seemed to cling to the flesh, looking a bit like a outward skeleton. Shaping what bones with wires. The most noteworthy part, was the chest. It was flat, fully covered in metal that sunk into the flesh. The left side holding a red lightly flashing sphere. Cracking their gloved knuckles, Edo-Karn looked to the false queen with a firm expression. "....I liked that jacket." they said before leaping up, throwing a couple of explosives then tossing several knives though when they neared the ends opened to reveal large electrified nets that shot out above the false queen.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Zenoram/Zero and Hemlock
As time passed Zenoram would eventually fall asleep curls up beside Karn. It was rather comfortable. Still the resting couldn't last forever. Hemlock would eventually awaken. Seeing his child sleeping he nudged Mithera awake. Enough time had passed to amount to a substantial rest. "Before we awaken the others I must speak with you." He said calmly in a somewhat hushed voice. "I wish for you to listen to a request of mine." He assumed these words would be enough to get her attention. Zenoram snuggled up to Karn. He and Zero were rather heavy sleepers. Thus, he wouldn't wake up simply with some talking. It'd take some physical movement to do so. At least, that was how things usually went with the two and Hemlock. Unless they woke up themselves, of course.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

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Trin smiles and nuzzles softly against the young lady's shoulder. "The sweet princess has such kind words." She sighs softly, and cringes as she sees Karn hit. As she sees the metal plate and the scars, she nestles her face against the shoulder in front of her. "But it's... frightening. Thinking that I'd be thrusting myself into..." The dancer trails off before shaking her head. "I can at least keep you safe."
Outside Magic Council
"The train station?" Trinity looked from the lacrima in her hand to Maddox. "Well, maybe we should meet up with everyone there. We can all go together, then, whether we take the train or teleport."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Edolas Sayuri
She walks up to Sasha and places herself between the two of them, "Sasha he isn't your enemy. Your going against the Queen right? Well what we're planning will put a stop to both her and Pen's plans. Please Sasha. If you can't trust Mentor can you at least trust me? I've followed all your rules I think I've at least earned that," she looks in her eyes the whole time then turns to face her mentor, "Please return her daggers. She'll be a great help and we need more allies if we're going to do this. Besides I trust her to back us up if things go wrong. If it's alright with you Sasha I'm gonna go get my swords and Jacket."
He looks at Grane with a raised eyebrow, 'There's someone Grane would hesitate to ask for help? I'd never thought I'd see the day,' then he smiles, "That sounds like something Sayuri would say. I still remember the first time she truely lost. So who is this 'him' you didn't even think you would consider?"
"So you dropped a mass murdering psycho from your world into this one? Why the hell did you even think that was a good idea? Ever consider the people over here?" Mina was extremely annoyed at the story she'd been told by the other world Sayuri. Not that her attitude helped. Sayuri shrugs examining the sheath a shop keeper had basically forced her to take saying her sword absolutely had to have a sheath. While it had a simple design it fit her blade perfectly, "From my perspective it seemed like a great decision. He can't do as much damage here and without magic we figued he would be mostly useless. Besides you wouldn't need anything fancy to contain him," she looks out over the side of the Legion they were riding watching things speed below them. Mina shot her a look, "It's still freaking irresponsable to shove your problems on others to deal with you know! I mean-" Sayuri sighs and leans back, "We didn't shove our problem onto you. Look at it like this. We didn't have the ability to deal with him so we simply placed him where there were people who could deal with it. Which I would like to say was the best option at the time," Mina snorts and returns her attention to where they were headed. She notices a leigon up ahead and frowns slightly, 'Hmm... That's odd there shouldn't be anyone flying around here at this time.'
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Lazarus He fumed away. There was only so long he would stay here like this. He listened. El Jarvis had come for him. Joshua must've given him a berry. He close his eyes and smiled. "I'm coming for you Sasha. Don't worry." Edo-Lazarus He shouted after Pen. "If you don't change your mind.... I WILL KILL YOU!" He growled. After Pen was gone there was nothing more to be done. His entire plan was to get Pen away from the capital streets, stopping him hameing the citezens. He sighed. "It's ok, Lazarus tells me you two are partners. So you're just fighting as you would with him." He grinned. "I'll do my best to fill in for him." He gripped his sword tightly." He relaxed for just a moment. "You know..... The Sasha of this world is nothing like you, but I see with my Counterpart loves you.... That's the impression I get anyway." He turned his back on her walking away. He called back. "Don't just stand there, let's go help clear up the trash!" He grunted.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

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Location: Outside Edolas Phoenix Wing's Guild Hall "Well seeing as how important going to the capitol is, I suppose I should at least return your daggers. I can see in your eyes Sasha that this argument wouldn't go to far. A fight would just be a mistake." He returned her daggers and backed away as he continued walking to the legion stable."Sorry about earlier Sasha, but I rather not continue our argument. If we stand here arguing, we probably miss the events at the capitol. Preferably I would very much like to see what is going on at the capital and not waste time here. So let's hurry on Tsuki and get there as I said before. And with no stops this time."
Location: Magic Council "Well, it would probably be better if I introduce you to him in person at his place. If I just told you, chances are you won't believe me. But if I do decide to choose him, we would have to meet him some other day rather than today. His place isn't the easiest to traverse in. When was it exactly? Rubbing his chin for a bit, Grane tried remembering if Masahiko heard of him but. "You probably never heard of him since the Council gave him the Wizard Saint title before you became a Council member. Only a few know of him and where he resides in, which is the place that I'm considering."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Sasha sighed, and shook her head. To her, this wasn't complicated. Lazarus was different to this worlds Lazarus, why either of them had thought they could fool her was beyond her. The differences between them went beyond physical, although it was easy to tell which was which, given that Edo-Lazarus was older. The difference was, Lazarus would die for his friends, and not threaten to kill them. And maybe it was based on circumstances, of this world, of the way the two grew up. But she didn't think so. No, the difference was that Lazarus had found the guild, and been healed by it. Been taken in, and accepted like they all had. This worlds Lazarus perhaps hadn't had that chance. She smiled slightly and said "I should get back to the others. Make sure my guild members are okay, and that nothing has happened to those of this world as well. Some were fighting" With an after thought, she took away the ice floor, and started back the way she had come.
Edo-Master Jamie
Edo-Jamie watched the battle, eyes focusing on any attack towards Edo-Karn, that they might miss, ready to step in and help. And perhaps that was why Edo-Jamie was taken unawares as the white legion flew overhead. He looked up a second too late, the claws already descending, and curling around her. His head whipped around, seeing Liana safe, as the legion's claws closed around her like a cage. As the legion rose, Edo-Jamie tried to break free, with no result. A sudden shout of "Ice make: Snake stairs!" reached her ears, and looking about, Edo-Jamie saw EL-Sasha ascending towards him on what appeared to be a moving stair case. The young woman seemed to judge the distance, and then gathering strength, seemed to jump, her scrambling fingers managing to clasp the legion's leg. Edo-Jamie could see fright, and determination on the Earthlander girls features, which were rapidly overtaken by pure fear as, he assumed, she realised she didn't have the strength to pull herself up. She gulped, and Edo-Jamie held a moment of fear, until the young girl managed to swing her legs up, clambering up to a better position. "You might just be crazier then our Sasha" Edo-Jamie mused, looking up at Pen's shout. "What the hell are you doing?" El-Sasha looked up, and then said "You know, I haven't the foggest idea. But you take my master, in this world or mine, and I'm not going to sit about and do nothing" Edo-Jamie was amazed at her pluck, as she scaled the legion, and stood to face the mad man. "Curiouser and curiouser" Edo-Jamie mused.
Liana was about to reply, when the legion plucked Edo-Jamie from their midst. She let out a cry, and made to...to do...something, but was already too late. She spun, looking to Edo-Trinity, fear flashing over her features. "What do we do?" She saw Edo-Angelica, perhaps thrown by the appearance of the legion, be caught by Edo-Karn's nets.
Pleased that the other two had followed him, Jarvis moved over to Lazarus when his counterpart didn't seem to complain about it. He shook his head, and sighed "You're like a puppy, getting yourself in trouble when you think you are doing the greater good. Come on" he said, taking him by the arm, moving towards Joshua and Amelia. When he was near, he slid the transportation Lacrima out his pocket, and before anyone could react, had smashed it. He just thought of the capitol, but having no idea where that was here, or what it looked like, he was unsure that he took them to the right place. It was a city, so that was something.
Edo-Sasha glared at Edo-Sayuri, and said darkly, "I don't trust you either, Sayuri. You aren't apart of the guild. I don't know your intentions. I won't hesitate to stick a dagger in you, either" She snatched her daggers back, quickly slipping them into their hiding places, she kept one out, holding it in her right hand.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

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The tan woman picked herself up slightly, leaning against a wall while holding her ribs. "You could've killed me Grade, you prick," she muttered to herself. The thought came to her to try and attack Mayt again, this time with the element of surprise. His attention was on Grade, and even though she was injured a surprise attack could still yield positive results. But she knew if she messed up that Mayt could easily kill her with his magic. Edo-Beatrix didn't feel like dying, so she resigned herself to sit on the sidelines. The large and armored Grade, however, was in the thick of it. Even without his sword he was able to pose a challenge for Edo-Damien. While Mayt, with sword now drawn, loomed nearby and waited for an opening for a surprise attack, Grade continued dividing his attention between the two of them. "It is not I that is dancing with death," Grade responded to Edo-Damien's comment. "Rather it is all of you." The armored foe lifted his left leg and slammed it into the ground. The shockwave devastated the tile and possibly affected Edo-Damien and Mayt's footing. But the primary purpose was to free his sword. With his blade in hand again, Grade held it high in preparation for an overhead strike. "The death that I grant is more merciful than that of my comrades," he spoke before swinging downwards. While the attack itself was fundamentally easy to avoid for anyone that is fast enough, it was the power behind it that made the attack fearsome. "Those that do not die to my blade will face a more painful death from my master." As he prepared another powerful slash, Grade suddenly stopped mid-swing. Back at the other group, the silent twin moved around the smoke to take a different vantage point. His inclusion turned a two-sided battle into three. He wanted to kill the Queen just as much as Phoenix Wing did, but he also wanted to kill Phoenix Wing as much as the Queen did. Wasting no time, the assassin drew a bottle of oil and threw it on the ground in the smoke. The glass shattered and the slick covered the ground underneath everyone's feet. While the oil was slippery and the floor now had broken glass covering it, the biggest danger came from the weapon the silent man drew. A flare. After lighting the flame, he rolled it into the smoke, letting the oil-covered floor ignite into flame. Cooking Phoenix Wing and the Queen at the same time would be a glorious feat, and surely a funny tale for the future. Granted he never talked. His intent to kill, however, was more than enough for words as he began to draw more knives to toss at the do-gooders. However he froze before he could fling any as he heard a faint but familiar sound in the distance.
Edo-Maddox and Beatrix
Slowly but surely, the sound of heavy wingbeats began to come down over the capital city. Both Grade and the silent assassin heard it and glanced towards the sky, already knowing but wishing to confirm what it was. Two dozen Legions were approaching, each one with several armed assassins on top. Most notably, and perhaps the most terrifying part, was what they were carrying. They all flew in a circle formation and each had a body harness with a chain that stretched down to White Hydras newest project. A massive cannon was being lifted in such fashion by these Legions. Despite the quantity of Legions, they still flew low and slow from the sheer size of the weapon. Once the horde of flying creatures reached a cliff overlooking the capital city, they finally set the cannon down with a resounding thud that echoed across the city. The goons quickly jumped down and detached the cannon from their Legions, granting them their mobility again. While most of the Legions landed nearby the cannon, one remained in the air. Edo-Maddox's Legion flew low enough for him to speak to his men. "Carry out the plan. Align the cannon properly and defend this position with your lives." His eyes went over to Earthland's Beatrix, whom was on the ground and surrounded by guards. "Keep her here. I will return in a few minutes to fire the Dragon Chain Cannon. I must collect the magic first. There should be enough from our prisoner to at least aim it properly..." With that his Legion flew away, over the city and towards the location of all the combat. On the ground, Grade smirked under his helmet. "It would seem that time is up," he noted. "I think it's about time for me to get out of this city." The silent assassin by the other group said nothing and instead resumed his deadly barrage of knives. Edo-Beatrix, on the other hand, had a grin on her face. She found the motivation to stand back up and proceeded to do so, stepping forward across the damaged courtyard. "Ha! You all thought you stood a chance!" she proclaimed towards Mayt and Edo-Damien. "Now you all get to die!" Before she could start laughing in preemptive victory, there was a thud sound behind her. Turning around, Edo-Maddox had fallen out of the sky and landed only several meters behind her. Completely unharmed, apparently. As his Legion began circling in the sky, Edo-Beatrix turned to face him. "Maddox! We were just about to-" "You're still alive?" The color began to drain from her face and the smile began to reverse. Underneath his helmet, Grade raised an eyebrow as he too faced his master. "Y-yes I'm still alive. Of course I am. You didn't think that some petty guild could beat me, right?" Edo-Maddox's expression didn't change. He seemed to be staring into her soul. "I didn't need any scouting force," he confessed, confirming Grade's suspicion. "I never cared about what the opposition has in store. It doesn't matter what they can do and I knew that from the start. I sent you on this mission to die." Once the words left his mouth, Edo-Beatrix seemed stunned. Even Grade seemed taken aback, despite his own hatred for the girl. Before Edo-Beatrix could begin talking, Edo-Maddox continued. "I made you the leader of the force to make you a more desirable target. It seems that you cannot even die properly." A silence drifted over the courtyard. "Y-you're joking, right? I know you're terrible at jokes. But listen, I messed up with the killing them thing but I can make it up to you," Edo-Beatrix began to plead. She was in complete denial of what was being said. "I can kill them right now for you. Yes, that'll do it. That way you can witness my success." An attempt at a smile appeared on her face, though Edo-Maddox didn't falter. There was an obvious tension in the air as a killing intent began to rise. "That'll make you happy, won't it Maddox? Here, I'll do it right n-" A fist impacted the center of her chest, sending her flying backwards like a rocket. She crashed into the outer wall, smashing completely through it and landing outside in the street among the rubble. Edo-Maddox withdrew his fist calmly and tapped his staff against the ground once. He looked over to Grade. Though it was hard to see his expression behind the helmet, Grade seemed mortified. He hated Edo-Beatrix with a passion, but he never expected Edo-Maddox himself would ever attack her. She had always been the most unquestioningly loyal member of White Hydra, specifically to Edo-Maddox more so than the guild. "We are entering an age where there will be no dead weight," Edo-Maddox announced, his voice perfectly calm. "The strong survive... the weak perish..." He looked over at Edo-Damien and Mayt now. "You..." Edo-Maddox pointed towards Edo-Damien with his staff. "That's a face I never thought I'd see again. I remember you. Could've sworn you died. It seems that I do make mistakes every once in a while." Now his gaze shifted to Grade again. "If you want to live, I would suggest you leave, Grade. Considering your opponents are still alive, I'm starting to question your worth as well..." Outside the courtyard, across the street, Edo-Beatrix leaned herself against a wall. Blood was trickling from her lips and her eyes seemed as if she was in a daze. My heart, she thought to herself. It's stopped beating. Her grayed-out eyes looked over to the courtyard. She could still see everyone, as the wall had been destroyed by her being flung through it. I never really wanted this. It was all just an act. A lie I told myself. I hated everyone in that guild. White Hydra is the worst, but I suffered through it. I knew one day I would get out... Her eyes locked onto Edo-Maddox. But I never thought it would be like this. A sharp pain went through her chest, causing her to flinch. When she opened her eyes again she saw Edo-Maddox was now talking to Grade. I never wanted to be a killer. Somewhere, deep down inside me, I thought I could change things. But now I never will. The tan woman coughed up some more blood. All I wanted... was to see you smile again. Like you used to... The world around Edo-Beatrix began to fade away, leaving her alone and bloody in a realm of white nothingness. I'm really dying. After leading such a terrible life... The tan woman slowly closed her eyes. I did everything I could. I first tried to change him back by going against him. Then I tried appeasing him. In the end I never could fix Maddox. I was foolish to think he could ever be happy... With her last breath, Edo-Beatrix murmured her final words. "I'm sorry..." Edo-Beatrix slid sideways off the wall now, laying lifelessly on the ground. Edo-Maddox saw it from the corner of his eye, confirming her death for himself. "So..." His eyes shifted between Edo-Damien and Mayt. "The two of you are going to attack me, for your own reasons, and hope that you can overpower me, defeat my guild, and save Edolas from a future of tyranny. The reality is that I will kill you," he pointed at Edo-Damien, "and take your magic after beating you within an inch of your life," he pointed at Mayt. "Your friends that will come to help in a moment will meet similar fates. Everything you ever accomplished in your lives becomes meaningless with your ultimate defeat. No past, no present, and no future." "Now it is time." Edo-Maddox began twirling his staff, before pointing it at Mayt. "The only chance at having a future is taking away mine. It is too late to submit, too late to repent. You either die by my hand..." His eyes glanced over his shoulder, as if he was looking through the town into the distance. "Or you get crushed underneath the former kingdom of Extalia..." He returned his gaze forward. "This is what battle is about, isn't it? None of those silly games with no wager or threat. You kill or you die. That is the way. That will be the future of Edolas."
The red-haired mage nodded, even though James couldn't see him through the lacrima. "Yeah, we'll regroup at the train station. There's nothing we can do for the Council now so we should focus on the guild." Maddox looked at Nori on the ground now. What should they do with the spider-dog? "Let's bring this guy with us for now. If his owner did get taken by the Anima then he has nowhere to go for now." He pocketed the lacrima again and began walking to the train station. "I think we should just teleport. You have one and perhaps there is more. I might have enough magic to cover the difference if we're short..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

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Damian kept a straight face through Maddox's entire speech, waiting until the bastard had finished speaking to say his part. "Maddox Coulburn, infamous leader of the assassin guild White Hydra. How's the side? The one James cut open during our fight four years ago?" The miniscule change in facial expression from Maddox was enough for Damian. "First I'd like to clear something up. I don't give a damn what happens to the kingdom, or to Edolas. For four years, I've trained and taken jobs of all sorts, just so you and I would meet again. This fight you and I are about to have? This is for killing the one man in this world who understood me, for killing my brother."

Hefting his large blade up, Damian rushed forward and pulled back his fist, a strange blue light surrounding it. As he swung for the man's chest, he spoke three words. "Dragon's Hammer fist." The blow connected and sent the leader of White Hydra flying into the wall behind him. He spun the claymore, which was also absorbed in a blue light, and swung down, the light arcing and flying after the man. "Claymore's Chi edge." Whether or not the second attack connected, Damian didn't wait for, he stood straight and placed the claymore on his shoulder. "For over a hundred years, people, not many, but some, have been searching for an alternative to the magic King Jelal sent to Earthland when his father was finally defeated. My family, dating back to about six months after the event, has been among them. As a result, we discovered the body's natural energy, or Chi. We learned how to harness it and use it. It turned us into perfect weapons and workers, gave us incredible strength. When we met four years ago, I didn't think I'd need to use any of my family's techniques. I won't make that mistake today."


"I'm afraid I"m going to insist on the train. We've all already paid for our tickets and most of the remaining guild members are on it." Not to mention he could hear the exhaustion in Maddox's voice, though he wouldn't point that out if he could help it. "Besides, the three of us could get to know each other better."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Interacting: Edo-Jamie, Edo-Angelica, Edo-Trinity, Liana, Pen

Smirking as the electrified nets caught the false queen but soon frowned as they saw a white legion swoop down and hook it's claws onto Edo-Jamie, they cursed slightly before glancing their emerald eyes around at something breaking. Glancing down to see a oily substance, they gave a groan. "Not my day." they grumbled before the blonde quickly reacted. Karate chopping the false queen in the neck to knock her out before wrapping their legs around the body. Raising their gloved hands, their right glove shot out several wires and went up and firmly wrapped themself around one of the white legion's ankles. The left shot out wires and wrapped themselves around Liana and Edo-Trinity. Pulling them closer as the right pair of wires pulled them upward to the legion, just as the ground went ablaze.

But the barrage of knives was too fast too fully avoid with four bodies so Edo-Karn cursed again, pulling their left arm up and practically swinging/throwing their two Guildmembers right on top of the legion. Body quickly turning to protect the false queen as the knives rang out. Four stabbing the blonde in the back. One in the right shoulder, the upper left, almost the center, and the bottom left. Gritting their teeth in pain, Edo-Karn pulled themself up to the flying legion's foot. The left gloves wires releasing their companions after Edo-Karn they were up there with Sasha. Perhaps not the best place for them with Edo-Pen still there but there was several things needing attention at the moment.

Gasping a little, feeling the familiar taste of blood well in their mouth, a trickle escaping the corner of their lip as the red glow on their chest was flashing faster now. Ignoring it, demanding their body needed to keep going, Edo-Karn pulled the gun from their belt, eyes narrowing toward the twin as the end of it glowed. The wires glowing a faint red now.

"Number XVII Beast Shot." They muttered before firing, a large red blast shooting out toward their other attacker.

Flinching against as they gripped the red orb on their metal plated chest, they had the wires return into the gloves before placing a round object on the legions foot. Letting out a shocked pulse to release Edo-Jamie. Quickly, Edo-Karn grabbed the master by the arm and pulled them up before standing and holding the queen under their right arm and jumping up on top of the legion.

Grunting, the blonde pried the knives from their back, fresh blood trickling along it now, seeming to only increase the pace of the flashing light. Glancing over, they saw the massive cannon and Edo-Maddox confronting Edo-Damian and Mayt. Grumbling, Edo-Karn turned their emerald eyes to Edo-Pen, narrowing. Thinking on what to do. It was obvious, Edo-Maddox and that cannon held a bit more priority now. The whole city was in danger and there was still plenty of innocent civilians. Not a lot of people may not give a shit about them, but Edo-Karn did. As part of Phoenix Wing, they were always willing to not kill and save those in need.

Even this bloody bitch false queen.

"Listen Hotrod, as much as I would like to punch you for being a power hungry lunatic, the other power hungry lunatic is kinda pointing a death weapon at the city. I know I'm good, but I don't feel like a four way brawl with that thing around." they said sarcastically before glancing to Sasha then spat out a blob of blood before waiting for the master to climb up.

Time was running out. And the battle didn't seem to be close to ending.

"Orders GM? Cause I'm thinking of heading to the giant cannon. Unless you want me to help out on Hotrod and Twiddledee here. Or Viper down there." they asked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Mayt seemed unconcerned about Grade and not-Maddox, up until he launched the person that was supposed to be his ally into a wall. Clenching his fist, he was about to approach the clearly fake Maddox, when Edo-Damian bet him to it. Mayt relaxed some, and decided to go see to Edo-Beatrix. He jogged over quickly, and the blackness of his blade faded back to the polished look of steel. Dropping his sword, he kneeled next to her and put his ear to her chest, just below her neck. Her heart wasn't beating, probably why she isn't breathing either he thought to himself before staring at her for half a moment, thinking. There were several things he could try, the most obvious one not requiring magic, but seeing as she was trying to kill him moments ago, he figured it wouldn't be heart breaking if she died. Focusing his magic, Mayt put a finger to the left side of her chest, blushing slightly from the contact with her breast. [b][i]"Amplify Energy: Electricity."[/b] A magic circle appeared as he spoke, and he hoped that the effect would be enough to electrocute her enough to get her heart pumping again. But this was half a wild guess. Mayt knew there was innate electricity everywhere, and his predecessors had figured out that the body used electricity constantly. Besides that, however, he drew up a blank on anything else about it. Other than the typical spasms brought on by being electrocuted, which is what he was riding on happening.
Mithera --- Mt. Hakobe
Mithera let out a soft groan as Hemlock woke her, but quickly came to attention as she realized it was the dragon talking to her. She shifted herself away from the other two before standing up slowly, and she gave a little nod as he said he wished to make a request of her. "I'll do my best to accomplish anything you ask of me." She said, keeping her voice down so as to not to wake the others, but it was clear she still held a reasonable combination of fear and respect for the Dragon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Jayce/Location: Edolas
Jayce felt a smile tear at his lips once he'd seen Penny heat up the...guy he didn't know's sword. It was odd for him to think that even with their friends' counterparts that they could be in synch enough to pull something like that off. Turning his attention to Penny's friend, Jayce extended his artificial hand for a handshake, saying: "Right there with you...though I'm not sure if a guy with a robot arm is the right definition of normal.I'm all for finding a way out ASAP." All thoughts in Jayce's mind stopped as he heard the heavy wingbeats of a dozen beasts overhead, their shadows crossing over the world beneath. With a mixture of curiosity and anxiety, he remained silent as he watched the cannon touch down, the loud thud shaking his stomach. Staring at it, he couldn't help but think: "That...is one big gun..." as he watched one of the Flying things descend from the cliff. Jayce watched what ensued from then on, too far away to do anything. Clenching his right hand as the woman hit the wall, he started to feel his anger boil over, the metal encasing his fingers bending slightly from the sheer force of his grip on nothing. The man's speech alone was enough to earn Jayce's hatred, let alone his actions. "...Much as I want to sock him myself, if he can do that, I probably won't stand a chance. This'd be better for a ranged magic." he thought as he analyzed the situation. Looking up at the cliff for a good moment, Jayce's expression hardened, and he immediately started running full speed towards the cliff. "Not so good in fights...but damn am I good with machines." he said, a small smile reforming on his face.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 9 days ago


Viper held his ground as Edo-Damien rushed forward. He noticed the blue glow on his fist and assumed it was some form of magic. "Magic won't save you," Edo-Maddox noted calmly, holding the cobra-head staff in front of himself. But as Edo-Damien began his strike, Edo-Maddox finally realized it wasn't magic. The attack wasn't being absorbed by the Staff of the Ancients. It was too late to dodge and he was sent flying.

Though he picked himself up quickly, rather unscathed, he was forced to dodge again by another strange attack from Edo-Damien. The sword slash only went through an afterimage as Edo-Maddox skidded to a halt several meters away. Though his expression never changed, there was something different about his body language. He was more tense. He was taking Edo-Damien seriously. After hearing the explanation for this rise in power, Edo-Maddox stood up straight.

"I had a dream once, several years ago," he began. "I dreamt that I would find a man cloaked in blue that could challenge me. The thought excited me. It has been far too long since I've faced a real opponent. Even in the past, against you and your comrade, I didn't have to hardly try. But I can see now..." He dropped into a combat stance now, keeping his eyes on Edo-Damien. "That there is someone in this world worthy of fighting me."

He dropped his staff, letting it clatter to the floor. It would be useless against Edo-Damien. "I haven't felt this since I was a child. The feeling of uncertainty. The feeling where my victory isn't guaranteed. A prospect of failure... I'm not sure if I like it or not." His eyes seemed to grow darker and an invisible aura of killing intent began to radiate from him. "Even with your... Chi... I am still the most powerful being in Edolas. Now is my chance to prove it."

The red-haired villain dashed forward, leaving afterimages of himself from his speed. Though he appeared in front of Edo-Damien, the attack actually came from his left side as the Edo-Maddox before him was another afterimage. A devastating kick was released towards the man's helmet, but it was an angled blow. To knock the helmet off his head and expose a weak point for later targeting.


The tan woman shook when the electricity discharged. Her senses suddenly came back to her and she opened her eyes, making a pained gasp of air. What? She looked up to Mayt, confused on several levels. Before she could speak she began violently coughing, spraying more blood onto the ground. After the coughing fit was over she wiped her mouth and looked back up to him. "How did you...? Why did you save me?" she asked, her voice notably calmer and less wild than before. "I tried killing you."

Meanwhile, over at the other group, the silent twin was surprised to see Edo-Karn not only survive the barrage of knives but return fire with a strange weapon. The lanky man was agile enough to dodge the red blast, but he was now concerned. Edo-Karn kept protecting the others from the assassin's attacks and was still capable of fighting back. And now that Edo-Angelica was captured, they could focus their attention on him. The twin glared at the group before dropping another smoke bomb, this time at his own feet. He needed to move to a new position.


After Edo-Maddox took off, Earthland's Beatrix took a look around. While her hands were in chains behind her back and she was surrounded by assassin guards, she still began contemplating her chance at escape. She looked over to the nearest guard, standing to her right. "Palsy question," she began, catching his attention as well as that of several others nearby. "How tough are you guys?" Her question was met with silence, before a chorus of laughter.

"Are you thinking about trying to escape?" the man let out between laughs. "You don't stand a chance. Your hands are bound and you can't use your magic. And we already know who you are. You're just like our own Beatrix, so your style is likely similar. You don't know a thing about any of us." While everyone was laughing, Beatrix smirked to herself. Fools. They don't know my style. Perhaps this world's Beatrix is fist dominant, but I only need my legs. Now I just have to bide my time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

There was a loud click as the train door slid open, allowing the sunlight and fresh air to rush in and contest with the stuffiness within the vehicle's compartments. All over the train, the passengers were moving toward the exits, pulling their luggage and kids along after them as they departed into Magnolia station. For most, arrival was a welcome if unremarkable eventuality, particularly given the rather unpleasant climate within the cabins. For one, however, the feeling of setting foot on new ground sparked a surge of adulation.

It was all that Fleo could do to act her age and not sprint out into the crowded station in a fit of enthusiasm. All around, everything was different. The clothes that people wore, the people themselves, the style of building and the decorations and signs—all were novel to miss Plector, and thusly, fascinating. Of course she drew a few odd glances from the surrounding citizens with her bandages; it wasn't everyday you saw someone every one of their limbs wound up in cloth. If ever Fleo allowed the curious glances of people to get her down, however, those days were long past. Sure, she felt a little anxious being out in public, with only a thin veil hiding her secret from the world, but right now her eagerness reigned supreme. With as much self-control as she could muster, Fleo exited the premises, greeting everyone who dared to meet her eye with a smile and friendly “Hello!”. She noted with satisfaction that her cordiality was often returned. Her stay in Magnolia, she concluded, would likely be far more enjoyable than the time spent in Strychnine. Just the memory of the place caused her to shiver.

When out on the streets and officially in Magnolia, Fleo took a moment to survey the area before removing her backpack. Checking every pocket and zipper, she made sure that they were all secure. After convincing herself that everything was satisfactory, she skipped out into the center of the road and turned to face her destination, a distinctive building in the distance. “Gang way!” She yelled cheerfully, and without further ado, conjured a carpet of dust beneath her and shot forward. In her wake she left quite a few surprised pedestrians, a few of whom murmured amongst themselves. They all knew, like it or not, exactly where a wizard like her might be heading.

Naturally, she made excellent time. Using the dust-speeding spell Scoot, she glided over the ground as if she were riding an ultra-responsive, uncannily fast skateboard. She was even able to pivot around on stiff legs to take a closer look at a passing attraction as she went past, propelled in her intended direction by the cushion of dust. In the space of five minutes, the delighted Fleo had navigated the all the way to the guild hall, and was remorseful that she couldn't have spent more time exploring.

Fleo, who was nearly fit to burst from excitement, dismissed the dust, pushed open the doors of Pheonix Wing and exclaimed, “Hi there!”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 21 min ago

Joshua and Amelia

"If I ever have to teleport somewhere again, it'll be too soon." Joshua muttered.

Amelia looked around and instantly moved to Jarvis' side, her expression one of fear. She HATED cities. She hated being around so many people and how crowded it felt at times. She took a deep breathe to try and calm down but it did nothing for her.

Joshua noted this and sighed
"Just keep close to Jarvis, Amelia. He'll protect, as will the rest of us." He said gently" Though I do got to ask, will we split up now or stick together?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"Trin" Ersutu

"Master!" Trin calls after the guild master as she witnessed her capture. Then she hears glass shatter, and her attention draws to the oil spreading at their feet. Before she can attempt to dance them away from the slippery covering, Karn's already acted. Wires bind her and the princess together and they're whisked up and away, as fires roll over the ground where they had just been standing. How nasty of them...

They were swung up onto the top of the White Legion that had snatched Master Jamie. As she sails through the air, she realizes she lost track of Damien and El-Sasha... she hopes they're alright. The young lady loses her breath when they land, taking a moment to regain her senses before she looks around, on alert. She spots Pen and El-Sasha. She watches the foe closely, pressing close to the princess in case she needs to move again. She hooks a leg behind one of Liana's knees, to ensure she could move the princess swiftly. Maybe a little closer than the Princess is used to being, but...

Trinity Stratos

"No way, you've done enough, today." Trinity slips her the lacrima back into her pocket and stands to follow the man. She twists her torso to the side as she walks and motions to Nori to come along. "I've got a couple lacrima for teleportation. If anyone really wants to go back so quickly, they can use those." The minstrel begins to play her harp as they walk, following vaguely at Maddox's side.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Platawan
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Platawan Seer of Time

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Felix Lancaster

The Magnet Mage

Felix frowned a bit but nodded. It did answer his questions, but he wouldn't deny his disappointment in the answers. He had been a bit afraid of the idea that he'd just be doing jobs instead of doing jobs AND research, but he supposed he could always do so on his own. He was a bit more perterbed about the thought of everyone being on their own as far as training went. He figured, again, that maybe he could get a sparring partner at some point.

He listened to Master Jamie as the master explained the ways the jobs functioned. He listened, then looked at Amaya. "Well then, why don't we go on a job together? We could easily knock one out."

The doors burst open and another entered, Felix looked and raised an eyebrow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago


Jarvis looked at Amelia, and gave her a reassuring smile, and took her hand. "Do not fear, little one. You are with your guild, now. We won't let you get hurt" He said, looking now to Lazarus. "Well, Lazarus. We got you out. We are here. Why are we here? Why, apart from Sasha, are we here?" Jarvis had a serious expression on his face, and it was clear the he was demanding the answers, more then just asking.


Liana let out a cry as they were flung into the air, and onto the Legion. She threw out her hands, and gripped tight to whatever she could grab. Which happened to be Sasha's ankle, pulling the young woman down towards them, probably ending up with the three of them tangled up.

Liana made apologetic sounds, and tried to scramble up, but was now fully tangled up with Edo-trinity. Sasha scrambled out herself, blushing feriously, and Liana huffed, muttering "Sorry, trinity. Um. I need you to move your leg, please"


As Sasha was taken down by Liana, she immediately tried to scramble up, realising that she was wearing a short dress. It was mortifying, and made her long for her leggings, long for that simple comfort of knowing that even if she fell, no one could see anything. At least she had the jacket, at least that meant her chest was covered.

She swallowed, and seeing that everyone was safe, at least as safe as they could be on a flying beast with an enemy, with two enemies,

Before she even knew what she was doing, she was stalking towards the Edolas version of her sister, Pen. It didn't take long, and Pen seemed taken aback. Which enabled Sasha to shove him, to push him down, freezing his hands down, his feet, to the Legion's back.

"You are a disgrace. You are a stain to my sister" She said, "And if you know whats good for you, you'll stay down, or I will make you a female" She threatened, standing up, she looked over to the Edolas version of her guild members. Had Karn joined the guild? Right then, she couldn't remember.

"I can take you down, with my snake stair case, if you are going down again" She said to edo-karn, looking to Edo-Master Jamie


Edo-jamie was grateful to be helped up onto the legion, and stood, to what seemed to be Choas, as the three girls became entangled. And then was taken by surprise as El-Sasha stalked towards Pen. He imagined that Pen was as shocked as Jamie when the girl-woman-She might seem younger then Sasha, but El-Sasha was every bit the woman she was-pushed him over

Jamie couldn't help it. She snickered at the obviously crude coment, and then looked to Edo-Karn. "no Karn. You should rest, and make sure that our other charger doesn't escape or do anything badly" he said looking to Edo-Angelica, who seemed subdued for now. But she growled and rose, and Jamie imagined that she was reaching for some more of her darts.

The legion descended slowly.


Penny was rapt with the fight. She watched, and didn't move. As Jacye ran off, penny spared a glance for him, deciding he would be alright for now. The others demanded her attention right now, as she suddenly recognised Sasha flinging herself into the air after the flying beast. As two others were flung up to the legion, her eyes were drawn to Edo-Karn, and she thought for a moment that Karn had someone been sent to this world too. And then she relaxed, realising that this wasn't Karn, but his Edolas version.

And as Mayt saved the woman, Penny walked over, "because we are Phoenix wing. Senseless death disgusts us. Because you were used. Which doesn't mean if you decided to attack us again that I won't kill you myself"
She looked to Mayt and smiled "well. That's everyone then, right?" but she remembered Sasha and winced "who else is here? Have you seen Sayuri?"

As if suddenly remembering that they were in a battle field, she looked about, pursing her lips. Seeing the smoke from some sort of bomb, she imagined the person that had created it was using it as cover. She looked back to Mayt and said "you see to have better control of your abilities" more of a statement then anything else, as she let fire flicker over her arms.

And then flames danced around her, and she shot fire balls at Edo-Maddox, the smoke-bomb hider, and anyone else thinking of attacking them. She seemed to do it absently as she looked back to check on Jacye and Angelo

Master Jamie

Master Jamie listened as Felix spoke to Amelia, and sighed softly, looking to the job board, he REALISED she would have to put restrictions on for the moment. "I would rather you wait to take jobs until the rest of the guild is back. Things are a bit...hectic at the moment and I would not risk you going out right now. Those people could be out there anywhere, and...well. Perhaps attacking the council has loosened something on fiore" she said, looking to the door as it was pushed open.

When had it repaired itself? Jamie sometimes wondered that the guild has its own secrets, hidden even from him. Unsurprising, but still.

"welcome. What brings you here? I am Master Jamie"
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