Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by HereComesTheSnow
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HereComesTheSnow dehydration expert

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Stand User: Lucas Schwarz
Stand Name: Dr. Dre
Stand Appearance: Humanoid upper body, with a ghostly tail down from the waist, the stand's gunmetal and golden coloration is sensibly spayed amongst its slim, wiry form, with fluted armoring providing it with pauldrons, greaves, and a barbute-esque helm (with cylindrical bulges on the sides where the ears would be)
Stand Power: Full Restore - Able to restore all forms of organic matter to their untarnished selves, in essence, healing them to their full strength. This restorative ability extends to even the metaphysical level, helping repair damaged minds, undo the effects of brainwashing or hypnosis, even purging the effects of enemy stands upon the body or organic object. Upon the user's prompting, however, this can be taken one step further, facilitating growth. This can be controlled to some degree, but if used too freely will run rampant, resulting in uncontrollable effects upon the victim, such as an artificially-created form of cancer, or a plank of wood growing as wildly and randomly as Kudzu Vine.
Destructive Power: C
Speed: A
Range: B
Durability: C
Precision: D+
Development Potential: C
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 5 days ago

Stand User: Robert Fallson

Stand Name: Dare to be Stupid

Stand Appearance:

Stand Power:

Eat it - Dare to be Stupid can use the large speakers it has for hands to create a concussive wave of sound that is powerful enough to knock back its enemies. With enough willpower, the user could possibly use the stand to move even heavier objects or even destroy them as well.

Word Crimes - Another ability is the copying and throwing of sound. If Dare hears a sound once, it can replicate it perfectly and then make it seem like its coming from any direction it chooses.

White & Nerdy - Dare to be Stupid can suppress sound in a certain radius, almost like making everyone in the area temporarily deaf. While it may be helpful for blocking communication between multiple opponents and for sneaking up on targets who now can't hear their attacker coming, it also affects the user as well.

Destructive Power: B
Speed: C
Range: D
Durability: B
Precision: D
Development Potential: B
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by harinezumikouken
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harinezumikouken Bloodstarved Beast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Stand User: Kuhaku Shiro
Stand Name: "Nano"

Stand Appearance:

'Nano' materializes as a massive quadrupedal White Tiger, easily two to three times larger than an adult Human male. Nano's coat of silvery-white fur is luminous as it gives off an ethereal glow, especially so during moonlit nights. With the black stripes that streak across his hide as dark as the empty vacuum of the Cosmos. His coat also has an unusual growth pattern, granting him with a gloriously regal 'beard' and collecting in tufts on his wrists and ankles. When Shiro uses his Stand's powers, these clumps of fur catch fire. Igniting in the holy and cleansing azure flames of the Heavens. Shiro and Nano's eyes glowing with the same cold intensity of the blue inferno. When Nano is actively summoned, a Symbol appears on Shiro's forehead. 'Nano' is also referred to as the 'Guardian of the West'. He is one of Four Holy Beast Stands.

Stand Power: The Emperor's Virtuous Reign - Unleashing an enraged and furious roar, Nano robs the senses of any foe that dare to stand before his presence and challenge him. Blinding them, deafening them, and numbing their bodies of all sense of touch. The range of this Stand Power extends as far as the eye can see and ears can hear, with its effectiveness relying on how clearly his foe can do either. Adversaries can lessen Nano's power by wearing protective gear and fighting at distance. The closer his enemy, the more devastating the sensory theft.

The poor souls unfortunate enough to evoke Shiro and Nano's ire face the full wrath of the Emperor's Virtuous Reign. Its resonance will then burrow deep into their consciousness as it takes hold of their vilest fears. Ripping their nightmares from them to bring it forth into the light and twist them into his enemies' personal realities. Forcing them to bear witness to their demons, their sanity and willpower eventually shatter from the torture like mirror glass. They who merely have their minds dulled should be grateful for the merciful end, as it is painless. Unlike what Shiro and Nano can truly do to those they despise.

Savior of Song
To Shiro and Nano's allies, the sound of their roar inspires and motivates the spirit. Moving their souls with their roar's timbre, shaking their very essence. Those whom Shiro holds a special place within his heart will find themselves able to Stand stronger, move swifter, and their bodies more resilient against any harm. All sensory acuity sharply rising to incredible levels.

Nevereverland - With another bellowing and thunderous roar of a different resonance, Nano slams all those who would hold ill will to him and his treasured friends with a concussive blast and forcibly knocks them away. Doing no damage, Nevereverland is only meant to interrupt attacks as a counter and to buy his cherished allies time to recover/regroup.

Power: B+
Speed: B+
Range: ~
Durability: B+
Precision: ~
Potential: C

Note: - The Range and Precision stat are heavily reliant on allied and enemy perception. As such, it varies and has no baseline stat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Stand User: Gren Orchid
Stand Name: Chocolate Rain
Stand Appearance: Chocolate Rain takes on the form of a well sculpted man made of what is presumed to be chocolate. However despite his composition, he can be quite flexible and even shapeshift into other forms and appearances, however he always looks like he's made of chocolate. Only when using his powers can he take on a more convincing form, and typically at the digression of Gren only.

Stand Power: Central Friction - Chocolate Rain is capable of Gren's Semblance but also on a greater scale, without the need to make contact with surfaces it wishes to affect. The Friction can also be reactive: It can be used to force something to stick to an object upon contact, or bounce off the moment it tries to make contact. But that's not all: Chocolate Rain also has a paranormal ability to bring out "Conflict" between various forces, bringing it to the center stage. It can be used between an ally and an enemy to make them fight harder. Or even between allies, forcing them to confront any conflict between the two. Even the most minor nonsense can be used to create conflict friction the longer it the effect is activated.

Destructive Power: B
Speed: D
Range: A
Durability: A
Precision: B
Development Potential: D
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
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Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Stand User: Gratia Mindaro

Stand Name: Dangerous

Stand Appearance: Commonly found hunched over like a predator readying itself for an attack, Dangerous is a snarling humanoid of an offensively-chartreuse colouration, its beautiful, feminine form rippling with tensed muscles and clearly possessing bulging, sickly-red veins. Spittle, bright pink and acidic in nature, continuously flies out of its gnashing teeth, the silver canines of which extend far outwards like that of a vampiric being's. Silver-grey headphones, emblazoned with onyx sabres upon its sides, are tightly attached around its ears, and the cord, golden in contrast, wraps around its long neck, binding so closely to the chartreuse skin that another loop would be choking. Seven, bloodshot human eyes dot its face, unconsciously swimming around in a manner that is almost eerie. Large and fluffy clouds of wool gather upon its powerful shoulders, meeting the endings of the jet-black Tau cross of crosses that extends down the centre of its body. The Stand however, possesses no feet, standing on overturned, shattered champagne glasses that have pierced into its knees.

Stand Power:
Why You Wanna Trip On Me
A passive ability that accompanies the materialisation of Dangerous, it is a strange power that allows the Stand to constantly drain energy from those that it classifies as enemies, boosting it and its owner's strength, speed and endurance. As time passes, the intensity and rate at which this drain works at increases, starting at a gradual pace before becoming far more of a threat when a battle descends into its greatest throes.

She Drives Me Wild
Whenever the Stand strikes an enemy, it can descend into a temporary berserk state, increasing its power and allow its blows to immediately disrupt the aura guard or resistances of the target area, draining the energy lost in such an action into itself to empower its attacks. In essence, this is a localised variant of Why You Wanna Trip On Me, with Dangerous applying its effects to a small area at a high intensity, thereby giving it the capability to deal single, powerful blows that ignore the natural defences at that one single point. When in such a state, however, its owner's control will weaken significantly.

Can't Let Her Get Away
Dangerous is in possession of a powerful ability to track and identify the life forces of a target, though it is one that first requires the Stand to bite into them with its vampiric teeth. This creates a connection between it and the victim, one that cannot be broken unless either Gratia or her enemy is dead, and will allow the victim to be tracked no matter where they flee to. It also provides Dangerous' owner with basic information on the victim's status, such as their health and mood.

Heal the World
Due to its capability to absorb energies, the Stand is also able to transfer its own energies and that of its owner's to other people, either to heal them or provided other improvements to their abilities. In order to perform this transfer, Dangerous must allow its teeth to enter a vein, injecting its energies straight into the bloodstream of its targets. It is an extremely painful process for the victim of its bites, but the side-effects otherwise are small.

Gone Too Soon
Dangerous' ultimate ability is an extension of Heal the World, and it is one in which the Stand can transfer all the life energies of its owner into the recently deceased, reviving them at the cost of Gratia Mindaro's life. Those who have died for a period longer than the last twenty-four hours cannot be resurrected by this power, which will also repair any damage caused to a body when performed.

Destructive Power: B
Speed: B
Range: D
Durability: A+
Precision: B
Development Potential: E
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Stand User: Cobalt Chideta

Stand Name: Daft Punk

Stand Appearance: A large humanoid figure with a seemingly electronic orb for a head. The head will have different "emojis" depending on Cobalt's mood and condition. For example when Cobalt is angry Daft Punk will have an angry face emoji, like this. (◣_◢) Or when Cobalt is injured it will have a concerted emoji, like this. ⊙△⊙ It's body is very ambiguous, the only distinguishing fact about it is that Daft Punk is unusually tall even for a Stand and it is blue.

Stand Power: Subroutine Shift: Daft Punk's basic mode has relatively even stats and can attack with and can attack with its arms and legs, however it's real power lies in its Subroutines. By dedicating all of its power into one thing it can change into a new Subroutine with entirely new abilities. It takes five seconds to change between Subroutines and each change is signified by a different form of head.

Scan Subroutine: Daft Punk can scan any enemy, machine, or object in general and know what it can do within seconds. Enemy Stand's abilities are revealed, including their stats. In this mode Daft Punk's head forms from an orb to a tv monitor. The item in question is displayed on the monitor as well as any information found on the object/enemy in question. Cobalt can opt to not show the information.

Attack Subroutine: In this form Daft Punk focuses completely on attacking and dismantling the enemy. It finds any form of weak point in the enemy and viciously targets that weak point to defeat the enemy. In this form it's head morphs into a pyramid like structure.

Defense Subroutine: In this form Daft Punk focuses all of its power into defense. It reads the enemies attacks and works on making sure it doesn't get hit and when it does get hit that it doesn't hurt. In this form Daft Punk's head turns into a ever shifting Rubik's Cube. The cube is never solved.

Speed Subroutine: This Subroutine is made for escape. It cannot fight at all and is based around running away after you've lost. Daft Punk will grab Cobalt to try and escape. In this Subroutine Daft Punk's head will turn into an orb which opens to reveal a hiding spot for Cobalt. The orb closes back up once Cobalt is in.

Destructive Power: B
Speed: C-B
Range: C
Durability: A
Precision: D
Development Potential: D
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ookawa
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Ookawa The professional non-professional

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Stand User: Skyra Dawn

Stand Name: Blind Guardian

Stand Appearance: A golden wyvern dragon with a fairly long and spiky tail. Standing upright it is as tall as a pretty tall human.

The dragon's eyes will glow in an eerie white light when it starts to use a power striking fear into the hearts of the enemies it will face.
What might not be very clearly visible is that its wingtips are as sharp as blades forged out of the most noble of steels, as are its talons.

Stand Powers:

Wheel of Time:
Blind Guardian starts to jump into the sky and starts to spin faster and faster until only the golden tips of its wings are visible as they trace a perfect circle in the sky. Then Blind Guardian will lower itself down to the ground where it begins to whirl forward speeding up towards the enemy cutting everything down that happens to be in its path with its super-sharp blade-wings. After 5 minutes of spinning Blind Guardian will power down, fly back to its host and sit in front of it.

Battalions of Fear:
Blind Guardian sits in front of its host facing the opponent and when this power is activated, its eyes will glow brightly white with a red tint in them. Then the dragon will let out a thundering roar which turns into a piercing screeching while his wings are spread open as far as possible. On both sides of Blind Guardian portals will open up and an army of ghastly, ghostly soldiers (see appearance for image) will march out of them forming two huge battalions which then march onward toward the enemy. However with just this power, the soldiers are nothing but ghosts and will do no harm whatsoever and just vanish into the sky.

Distant Memories:
When this spell/power is casted, though, the dragon spews out a blueish-purple wave of energy that reacts with the conjured battalions and their ghostly sheen falls off them and they turn real. Of course only for a limited time and while this power is active neither Blind Guardian nor the host are able to move, but they certainly don't need to with 1000 undead soldiers marching forward, aka 2 battalions.
The maximum time this power can be sustained is 30 minutes, but after holding 1000 soldiers in this world for 30 minutes is extremely tiring for both host and Stand and is frequently followed by the same amount of time allocated for recovery during which the host is as exhausted as after running a whole marathon. After the recovery time, that feeling quickly vanishes.
When this power ends, all soldiers still "alive" get their ghostly sheen back, in a more visible form, though, and they start ascending upwards to a purple portal that will open up in the sky.

Destructive Power: A+
Speed: A-E-E
Range: A
Durability: E
Precision: E
Development Potential: C
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Stand User: Mokuren Sabella
Stand Name: Two Steps from Hell
Stand Appearance: Two Steps from Hell is a humanoid shape, but has no features, simply a chrome 'skin' perpetually polished to gleam and reflect the surroundings. The more it uses it's Stand Power - Invincible - the more it grows shining chrome fox tails, symbolizing the stored power inside. The tails max out at Nine, and with the ninth tail, the destructive power of Two Steps from Hell is immesurable, but the energy required to reach that stage is also of an extreme quantity.
Stand Power: Invincible: Two Steps from Hell can absorb any impact with this ability, literally draining the energy from the attack and leaving it inert, weither it is a mass of physical punchs, a dozen knives, or even a steam-roller thrown at the Stand. Each blow adds to the store of Two Steps from Hell, and the amount of current energy is visible via the number of tails. Two Steps from Hell must be aware of the attack to absorb it however, so sneak attacks and attacks that hide under another attack will not be absorbed.

Strength of a Thousand Men: Two Steps from Hell releases all the absorbed energy in one punch. Depending on the amount of tails, this punch can double it's power (one tail) or render the punch akin to a nuclear Bomb (nine tails). After this power is used, all the tails receed back into the Stand, and the absorbtion process begins again.
Destructive Power: (Fluxuates due to the Stand Power. Has a Base C rating)
Speed: B
Range: D
Durability: A+
Precision: B
Development Potential: C

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Stand User: Krysthane
Stand Name: Gravity Kills
Stand Appearance: Gravity Kills appears as a floating perfectly spherical rock, about four times as large as most humans. The rock's color changes based on its mood with normal color associations such as red when angry, blue when sad, green when sick. When necessary it is possible for him to grow arms and legs but he rarely feels the need. It moves by floating around. Given its gravity control its not hard to figure out how it achieves this method of floating.

Stand Powers

-Down: Gravity Kills can control how strong gravity is, with no limit. Theoretically at maximum power this ability would create a black hole that would consume everything, though normally several thousand times normal gravity is more than enough for this. The downside however is that given this ability's short range and Gravity Kills's innate lack of speed it is usually rather difficult to land this. However once in range any opponent is as good as dead. This ability has an F range. Gravity Kills can maintain his own gravity independently of any other effects he has active.

-Goodbye: Gravity Kills can also change the orientation of gravity in a C rank area around him, he can fix it to a single object or in a single direction such as up instead of down causing everyone to eventually be propelled out of orbit. If of course he could follow them up far enough without dying herself.

-Suffocating: A technique that Gravity Kills has mastered after some time, he can cause her increased gravity to target specifically only the oxygen in the air, concentrating it all in a single point removing others from having access to it. He carries a lighter as well somewhere... somehow...?

Destructive Power: A+
Speed: D
Range: D
Durability: B+
Precision: C
Development Potential: D-
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 5 days ago

Stand User: Jack Orpheus
Stand Name: Offspring
Stand Appearance: (Will draw later)

Stand Power:
Lightning Rod - The Offspring has the ability to zip around at lightning speed, or allow it's user to do so. It can also zip over to reference points, anything that can conduct electricity properly, such as small trees, and even knives sticking out of the ground or in flight.

Race Against Myself - The Offspring is able to create after-images by moving incredibly quickly, and automatically activates when using Lightning Rod. This can make fighting it and its user disorientating.

Splinter - While the destructive power of this Stand is very low, it does have one exception, and that is this single-strike move. This move has two ways to use it, by zipping around at high speeds and building momentum to strike the opponent in a final flash, or a single far more powerful charged dash that deals damage scaling with the charge time. The first application can be used to a weaker effect as a means of combat (though it would still be very weak in comparison to most other stands, but does have a piercing effect going for it) while the latter can bring immense damage at the risk of the user's own health, and is not practical for use in the middle of battle due to the amount of time required.

Destructive Power: E
Speed: A+
Range: B+
Durability: E
Precision: A+
Development Potential: B-
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MULTI_MEDIA_MAN


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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
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Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

In the time before time, when the mighty Nephilim, who came of the Lord, roamed the wastelands, and when Selene in her beauty had yet to lose her maidenhood, there existed a land, foreign and fae, where glorious Apollo awoke in the west and descended in the east. It was a land of the lionesque, of the fortitudinous masters like perfunctory Pyrrha, the immortal queen of the Myrmidons, and Neptune, progenitor of the golden rams and of whom the earth willingly served. Of the supreme states of the boundless seas, this land of harsh wind and powerful deed was bestowed that title of first amongst equals, an imperial domain of Mistral.

During these golden days, there lived in the kingdom a poor man of great piety. A worker of metals in a land where ores were sparse, he came home every day to only a dinner of gruel and flowers, his dreams ones of impossible wealth and splendour. Yet he never complained, never sought beyond his most basic needs. He was content in his life, surrounded by the family that he cherished so dearly, and they the same. His loyal wife was his Venus, a goddess of beauty and love that had borne him seven children, six sons and one daughter, a family who his pride for exceeded that of any other mortal’s. And yet, it was this pride, this great love, was the one sin that afflicted this poor man.

A boast by nature, the poor smith had declared the greatness of his young family to all those who deigned to hear. In his pride, however, he had drawn to himself the unwanted attentions of a spirit, and found himself cursed to slowly wither away, a once-strong oak succumbing to the harsh cold of winter that was “the Child’s Curse”. His family was left destitute, and the streets became their new home. They begged and they begged, but no salvation found them. They appealed to their neighbours, but the malicious spirit had turned once welcoming hearts to stone. They appealed to their baron, but he utterly ignored them.

They appealed to the Church, but the Lord himself too was silent.

His young daughter, a quiet girl with raven locks, refused to wait for a saviour. In the dead of the night, when not a single soul could stall her, she left for the forests, her beloved father's antique sabre in hand, fuelled by a resolute determination to save her family and enact vengeance upon those that had harmed them. In her haste, however, the girl had failed to comprehend the danger that waited within the shadowy, eerie woods of her village. Within the merest of breaths, before even the Lord brought the sun down from the celestial sphere, she was savaged, struck by a howling boar of the night that sought the deceasement of her flesh!

The girl fought hard, frantically swinging her blade back against the animal. Each swing of the gleaming sabre went snicker-snack, its cuts striking lightly into the grim beast’s hide. Yet she was but a mere little girl, armed with only a simple sword and a heart full of determination. Her arms tired, her bruises grew in number, and soon she found herself backed against a wisping willow, her breaths growing ragged as she futilely attempted to ignore the pain and escape to save her father. The boar, crimson eyes flashing, lunged, bony tusks ready to pierce her through.

She swung an exhausted arm at the creature.

She missed.

Yet she still breathed.

It was as if by the will of the Lord, a set of vines had descended from the wispy willow branches, enwrapping the horrid creature with great strength, its constrictions choking and seeping at the strength of the boar. The girl watched in awe and fear as the beast that had threatened her finally fell, its lifeless body becoming one with the earth itself. A fae of the forest, a snaking grapevine, had appeared before her, and she knew nothing of what it was, what it could do.

Then it spoke.

“What is your name, human?” hissed the greenery around her, a strangely resonant tone emerging from the vines. “What bringsssss you to thisssss domain?”

Her name. The young girl barely stopped herself from speaking of it. A true name could not be so easily given to anyone, especially not such a spirit, a dangerous fairy who was so above her. But to refuse to answer … that was to court displeasure.

“Valens,” she lied, gulping in her fear. “W-who the hell are you?”

The grapevine’s tendrils shifted in the dark, as if circling her.

“This one is the vine blessed by heaven,” it seemed to whisper, “a lowly child of a pole star.”

Had this vine truly come from the Lord to save her? Was it not a mere coincidence that a member of the fair folk had arrived to defeat that boar? The girl who had declared herself Valens was unsure, but it was the life of her father at risk. They had prayed, right? Could she place her faith in what could simply be luck?

She could.

“Um … star vine,” said Valens, taking a deep breath. “You … do you know anything about the Child’s Curse?”

It was as if the vines had brightened, but it could only have been her imagination. Plantlife rarely could display emotion, even if it was a creation of the Lord and a fae no less.

“In a fasssshion, yesss,” it rumbled, coiling its body closer to the girl. “But there issss … an exchange that mussssst be made.”

The smith’s daughter did not hesitate. “What do you want?”

“I want a date,” it declared. “An owl … beautiful and white … it owesssss me a date.”

She stared.

“What the fuck?”

“The owl of snow promisssed me it would find me a date as a girlfriend.”

In the stories of the fair folk, the ethereal, mysterious creatures were considered to be dangerous, grand and beyond mortal comprehension. Yet the vines coiled around her seemed so … utterly human, so unlike the image of a creation of the Lord. How could she properly fulfil this strange request of the plant’s? It was so absurd, so completely out of her depth! It was, in a manner of speaking, absolutely fucking stupid. But, it seemed like the only way she could even find out more about the curse that had afflicted her beloved father. She owed it to his very life that she persevere, no matter the situation.

“Do you know where this owl is?” she asked quietly.

“Oh yesssss, it’s on the other ssssside of the foressssst.”

“Actually baby, I’m right here.”

The smith’s daughter could only stare in surprise as a moulting white owl, pure as the snows of the far-off kingdoms in the Atlesian north, descended upon them like an angel from the heavens. It was another spirit, another fair creature of the mysterious wilds that surrounded man’s world. She couldn’t speak. Her eyes could not be torn away by this awe-inspiring beast that now captured her attention. The beast that her grapevine saviour had been waiting for.

“Sorry I’m late hun, but here’s your date,” it chirped, the lilting tones floating through the air much like the single date palm that it dropped from its claws onto the vine.

No seriously, what the fuck?

The vine seemed to cheer up, absorbing the date palm into its being. Even as it did so, the girl immediately felt that the plant had shifted its attentions to her. She gulped once again. Would it tell her of a cure? She … had not been responsible in any manner for fulfilling its request, after all.

“Asssss promisssssed,” it hissed, a tendril moving to touch the girl’s palm. “My knowledge.”

She nearly yelped as the end of the vine flashed, leaving what appeared to be a root in its place. It was brown, gnarled and possessing a similarity to ginger. The girl stared, trying to comprehend it.

It was …?

“The cure,” said the vines, pulling away. “The Lord does not leave prayerssss unanssswered, Gratia Mindaro.”

They knew her true name.

The fae knew her name.

She looked up.

The vines … the owl … they were gone.

She was alone. With a cure for her father.

For the first time in a long while, Gratia Mindaro allowed herself to smile.

They … they would be okay.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Character References
Benjiro = Benjamin
Robato = Robert
Pushira = Priscilla
Aberu = Abel
Siren = Siren (Grimm)
Ozpin = Ozpin
Shira = Sangue

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by HereComesTheSnow
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HereComesTheSnow dehydration expert

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Plank Sinatra
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Plank Sinatra the reaper won't come when you're ready for him

Member Seen 1 day ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

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