Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Valin Nash



Intro 1 - Valin walks into the view of the screen, a lit cigarette is already inside of his mouth. A smile etches across his face before sucking the cigarette into his mouth and swallowing the entire thing. He readies up.

Intro 2 - Valin walks into the view of the screen, he pulls out his revolver and points it at his temple. He pulls the trigger five times with five succeeding clicks before pointing the gun into the air. He fires it one last time, a bullet shooting out of it and a devious smile grows on his face. He readies up.

Intro 3 - Valin walks into the view of the screen, in his hand is his revolver, the revolver looks like it has every add-on it can fit before quickly falling apart leaving only the base. A goofy smile on his face, he rubs the back of his head before readying up.


Valin, at his purest, is all about damage. Aside from Steel Core, all of his bullets can be continuously shot at the opponent until they are up close, constantly racking up the damage. His most prominent move, Load/Fire can be quite damaging, should the opponent not dodge the attacks or making predictable movements. Also note that most of Valin's special moves all look similar, making it difficult to tell what he is doing. Valin can also continuously guard himself with long-lasting/reaching moves for the opponent to run into, in their hurry to stop having a hail of bullets assaulting them. So, even though he has significant strengths, he does have his drawbacks. If Valin has no bullets in his revolver, none of his special moves will have any effect, rendering the majority of his move set unusable until he reloads. He is also a very light character; his lightness causes him to be easy to juggle for most characters, and his regular air attacks are not designed for defense. His mobility is also slow, both in the air and on the ground. Valin must also learn what each combination are capable of and must adapt to each one, especially in the middle of a fight. Being careless or inattentive, Valin may miss a sure KO if a Green Steel Core is out of range or using a Red Frangible on a block move.

Special Moves

Load/Fire - Valin's most important special move. He loads inside one random bullet, [Dust Type][Bullet Type], if the button to load is pressed again, the revolver will shoot out the bullet that will go across half of the stage before disappearing. This move set is completely randomized, relying on the user's sharp wits to use the bullet properly. Each bullet has their own special effect, combined with the dust type, it makes things even more interesting and even a smaller probability in the bullet you may actually want inside of a situation.

Customize - Valin gets even more confusing the further you get to learn about his move set. This special move allows Valin to bring out another customized revolver out of his backpack, each weapon has their own little perks and cons when pulling them out. The time to usually takes to replace the revolver is around one second. Also, when you replace a weapon, the bullet stays with the previous gun you swapped out, and either the revolver is empty or the bullet you left in their last time is still in the chamber, ready to be fired.

Club - If you're opponent is constantly interrupting your reloading process or switching weapons, this is your last resort. This move can only be used if the opponent is right in front of Valin, if it manages to connect, it stuns the target for two seconds. Enough time to run, reload, or switch weapons.

Instant Kill

Valin, with a huge smile, walks up to his opponent and kicks them in the crotch as hard as humanly possible. As they kneel to the ground, experiencing almost pain beyond belief, Valin quickly backs away with one graceful jump. During the jump, he pulls out a Speedloader from his pocket, and the camera quickly zooms onto one of the bullets, etched on the brass casing says six of the following.
  • Lucky Bullet No. 541
  • [Name of the Opponent]
  • ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  • Going up the butt
  • If you find this, good job.
  • Hello!

The camera zooms out, and Valin inserts the Speedloader into the revolver just as his feet touch the ground. The same smile still stuck on his face, he points the revolver towards the head of the opponent, however, just as he is was going to pull the trigger, he suddenly points the gun at some random direction. He soon starts to wave his gun randomly, firing almost at every angle before his revolver starts to make the clicking sound.

The camera soon focuses on one of the bullets, it soon hits another, forming into one mass. Suddenly, another bullet hits it and then another and another until all six bullets form into one single ball of lead.

It leads back to Valin humming some melody, the same smile still on his face. And then, the conglomerate pierces through the opponent's body, the bullet going straight through his opponent. They fall onto the floor. The lucky boy starts to make his iconic chittering laughter before yelling to the sky, "BEAT THAT WORLD!"


Time To Get Lucky! - Valin activates his semblance, the blue aura surrounding his body for the next fifteen seconds. With the V-Trigger activated, Valin is able to do so much more damage than he was ever able to do before without any consequences. The top three bullets, Steel Core, Hollow Point, and Basaltic Tip are much more likely to be chosen for the bullet type. Each bullet will be covered inside of a dust type, that means there is no longer a fifty percent chance of getting a non dust covered bullet for the next fifteen seconds. Revolver swaps are now almost instantaneous, and the cons affecting each weapon are now gone for the next fifteen seconds meaning that there are only pros. The resulting affects allow Valin to be one scary dude as he will be able to blast anyone to pieces if they allow him.


Taunt 1 - Valin's entire model is completely blurred out for the next five seconds. After he is unblurred, he says the following, "You might want to clean yourself after that."

Taunt 2 - Valin reaches into his pack before pulling out either some tighty whities, panties, or boxers. He looks at them with disgust before flicking them over to the opponent's direction saying, "I found these in your room, they definitely need a wash."

Taunt 3 (Only works if gun is unloaded) - Valin points his revolver at his opponent, he starts to fire rapidly at the person while screaming, "DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE." After realizing that it is not loaded, Valin's cheeks turn red, and soon he return to his normal battle stance.

Taunt 4 (Only works when fighting a girl) - "You know, if you were I booger, I'd pick you." Valin soon after starts to laugh hysterically before getting back into his fighting position.

Taunt 5 (Only works when fighting a guy) - "Want to see who has the bigger ding-dong?" Valin says this with complete sincerity.

Win Animation

Valin looks down at the fallen opponent, his smile still stuck on his face. He sits down right next to the body and pulls out a first aid kit from his backpack. He stares at them for a bit beginning to patch the opponent up.

Win Quotes

Vs Benjamin Lloyd - "I wonder if he has ever used his semblance on his genitalia before?"
Vs Amaranth Desire - "You know, I bet your clothes brings more than just desire,"
Vs Sangue Naga - "Dang girl, you're scary.
Vs Lorena Negasi - "Calm down, just calm down, calm down, just calm down,"
Vs Jack Orpheus - "So, I guess you weren't fast enough to dodge a bullet then, ey?"
Vs Mokuren Sabella - "Crap, she's hot,"
Vs Cian Kuze - "Guess you didn't want to survive hard enough,"
Vs Lucas Schwarze - "You'll be a gold mine in the black market!"
Vs Krysanthe X - "I'll be taking your shoes as payment, don't mind me,"
Vs Ebon Umbranox - "You'll never understand how I feel,"
Vs Sepia Russet - "Play dead! Oh, what a good doggy,"
Vs Skyra Dawn - "Guess she wasted your eight lives facing me!"
Vs Cobalt Chideta - "He couldn't think fast enough!"
Vs Oswald Connoly - "How convenient, People teleport to you to get shot!"
Vs Diamond Frost - "Wonder if we could've been friends? Nah. Now where is her wallet?"
Vs Emerald Felicia - "Bullets, Bullets everywhere. But not a single hit,"
Vs Pan Neverell - "Faults in everyone kid, why, look at me,"
Vs Hansen Forrester - "You aren't the hardest person to miss, you know that right?"
Vs Gretchen Forrester - "Well, might as well brand you with your own weapon after this,"
Vs Mary Ovisaries - "I wonder if Faunus Haggis is the same as a regular Haggis,"
Vs Robert Fallson - "You fight like a nerd,"
Vs Grane Blauer - "Sixth Sense? More like, Nonsense! Got 'Em,"
Vs Sapphire Rode - "There's no confusing or surprising the Prince of Chaos himself,"
Vs Abel Fulgurate - "What a shocking surprise! I won!"
Vs Kuhaku Shiro - "Can't get rid of my senses if they were never there!"
Vs Gren Orchid - "Dang man, you're scary,"
Vs Vega Venetia - "I've seen enough hentai to know where those tendrils were heading,"
Vs Gratia Mindaro - "You'd be a real doozy in bed,"
Vs Napoli Fiordilatte - "There can only be one jokester in this town,"
Vs Beryl Harken - "I wonder if you could detect someone wetting their pants, that'd be funny,"
Vs Catherine 'Kitty' Boot - "Robotic kitty cat? AWESOME!"
Vs Paron 'Rumple' Skaft - "Thanks for making me more lucky, pal."
Vs Thistle 'Lady' Mallory-Pheasant - "Is that what being shot feels like? Wow, that sucks,"
Vs Jasmine Grace Banks - "I bet there is one bone you can't crush,"
Vs Sterling Johnson - "I wonder how much I could get from that arm,"
Vs Sarina Tala Dei - "Look! Those stars looks like me kicking your ass!"
Vs Clair Carnelian - "Hey, there can only be... Uh, seven revolvers! Not eight!"
Vs Impara ‘Imp’ Fuerza - "Oh my gosh, so cute,"
Vs Rika Thorn - "Lucky Charms! It's scientifically painful!"
Vs Avendell Hallins - I'll be burning these books, don't mind me,"
Vs Amber - "Parents must have hated you if you have to hide your name,"
Vs Akashi Mayhiro - "Cool car, I'll be taking those keys,"
Vs Violet Steel - "Girl, you can track me anytime you want,"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kaithas
Avatar of Kaithas

Kaithas One Jump Man

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Note, none of my entries are actually into the contest.

I just did them for fun while bored in school.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
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Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Triple A
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Triple A Banned Admin / From The Dankest Hell

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I got help from NarayanK for the formatting. Ty, NK.


The king of black markets and dark businesses alike, Volk Baron seeks nothing time-consuming like redemption. Instead, he seeks something else. What he seeks is unknown, but it is surely a dream that only the heartless can venture into. Down into the spiral of blind madness and agony lies a truth only he can confirm, after all.

Arcade Introduction

The beeps of a monitor.

It went on and on, bragging about how the girl’s life would end soon. On it went, beeping and bringing agony through simple sounds.

Volk stood next to the blonde child, his arms crossed, his facial features hidden.

He met her plenty of times before. Every day, whenever he left for work, he would find the child playing with her friends. If he recalled correctly, they were playing in a playground that was about to be torn apart. Poverty? That did not describe the ragtag group of children who played with an airless ball. She could not pay for the accident she got involved in; she had no parents.

Society at its finest, it seemed. What a fine world to live in.

He watched the monitor line jump, then fall, then jump again before falling again. Beep, went the monitor.

What would happen if the child lived, he wondered as he left. What would happen if he made some additional finances for her? He was curious. Would he receive a great reward? Would she ignore him afterwards?

He was truly curious. And he continued to be curious as he prepared to depart for a journey full of questions.

And bloodshed.

Boss Encounter

Hidden deep in an unknown laboratory, an explosion erupts and soon reveals Volk standing among utter destruction. He closes his eyes and hangs his head down… before opening them. His eyes locked onto his opponent, he throws the head of the mighty warrior he just killed before approaching his new challenger. The boss version of Volk has white hair, darker skin, and wears only red baggy pants. There is a mysterious symbol etched on his chest.


Volk is not combo-heavy, as all of his combos are fairly simple. His playstyle lies in punishing opponents harshly through powerful attacks that have high priority. Despite having incredibly quick normal attacks and an impressive running speed (he is one of the fastest, if not the fastest fighters in terms of running), his special moves always leave him open. He has moderate health and powerful offense, and is almost an absolute nightmare to projectile users and a bog-standard fighter against close-ranged fighters. His specialty is forcing people to fight the game he wants to play with them.


Quantum – Volk kicks upwards, creating a full-circle attack as he skids forward on the ground. Quantum leaves Volk open, and while it cannot combo into anything, it can be combo’d into very easily. Deals a considerable amount of damage for a special move. Quantum deals over half of the opponent’s health in his boss form.

Blue Shift – Volk activates a device as he thrusts a hand forward, leaning towards the opponent’s direction as he does so. A blue circle of energy appears in front of him. If a projectile touches the circle, the projectile will be reflected with tripled speed and deal 1.5x damage of the original projectile. The circle also hits opponents if they are close enough, though there is no real point in using Blue Shift against characters who do not use projectiles often.

Opposing Force – Volk vanishes and appears above the opponent, crashing down after a very brief delay. The delay increases based on the button input he uses, but the longer it takes, the more damage it deals. The attack is an overhead move, meaning that crouching opponents cannot block the attack. Opposing Force can be connected with Quantum, leading to devastating attacks. Its greatest weakness is its predictability, but against projectile users, it is an incredibly useful punish move. Opposing Force automatically targets the opponent’s location.

Matter Combustion – Volk’s veins glow a bright orange as his eyes shoot out a burst of flames as the attack progresses. Volk performs an incredibly quick haymaker. If the haymaker connects, he will proceed to deliver two powerful punches to the opponent’s ribs before kicking their face, sending them across the battleground. Matter Combustion ignores projectiles, regardless of how much priority it has. The boss version is even faster than the normal version, starting in one frame compared to the several frames Volk normally gives to his opponents.

Half-Life – Volk must have his V-Trigger completely maximized for this move to occur.


Resurrection: If Volk is defeated in battle, he will stand up once more with half of his health restored. The V-Trigger works only once throughout the entire round, and must be maximized by the time he is defeated. The boss version completely refills his health.

Instant Kill

Genocide: If Volk lands his Instant Kill command setup, then the Instant Kill initiates. Volk stabs the opponent’s stomach with his hand. He then slowly raises the opponent above him as the background darkens to a pitch-black. The instant moment he closes his eyes, he gathers all of his strength to generate blasts of plasma out of his entire body repeatedly, over and over, until about fifteen blasts erupt. At the sixteenth attack, he will open his eyes, his robotic eye shining a dangerous red before he yells victoriously, causing the final explosion to be powerful enough to make the screen whiten. The screen then turns back to normal as it reveals the entire background, which has turned into a wasteland with Volk being the only one alive in it. He dusts his now red glove before leaving.


Normal Taunt: Volk bows politely. Attacking him as he does this taunt does more damage than usual.
Normal Taunt 2: Volk snaps his fingers. If he is right in front of an opponent, he will damage them by literally one damage point.
Boss Taunt: Volk charges and generates a blast of plasma to erupt out of him as a laughter erupts out of him. This can actually do a considerable amount of damage for a taunt.
Boss Taunt 2: Volk laughs venomously, his voice echoing like that of a creature that does not belong to Remnant.
Boss Taunt 3 (VS. Midnight Squad): Volk wears a shit-eating grin as he points at his opponent out of mockery.
Boss Taunt 4 (VS. Faculty): Volk laughs venomously before bowing politely. He actually receives more damage if he is hit while bowing.

Win Animation

Volk looks down at his hand before snapping his fingers, causing two men in red suits to walk up to him, one of them carrying a box. The Crimson himself opens the box, revealing a new suit for him to wear. The man tosses aside his current suit and redresses himself for the sake of living up to his name.

The boss version picks up the opponent by their head, full of cruel curiosity and adrenaline. He then tosses them on the ground as he channels a blast of aura energy and plasma simultaneously. His figure completely pitch-black and the aura around him deathly red, Volk turns to the camera, one eye red and one eye pitch-white. You can see a faint glimpse of his signature shit-eating grin.

Arcade Ending

Having sold the bodies of the many people he defeated, Volk returned to the child and paid for her medical expenses. He got her a proper treatment, and the child was saved.

He met her outside of the hospital she was going to be released out of. With a smile, she cried, “Thank you!”

It seemed the innocence that coated her words made him grin unknowingly.

As the child waved at him, he could only wonder what he was. He was known as a neighbor to several people, but to thousands of others, he was a black market king. He knew that there was nothing that could give him enough fear yet.

All he wanted was a world that ran perfectly just for him.

The child soon returned, her eyes wide and her smile flowing with effervescence. She held a ball up- that airless ball he always found her playing with.

Volk wondered. He wondered how a child would make him feel that intentionally losing to others made him feel giddy.

His humanity can never be erased, he realized. And in the end, his humanity will ultimately keep him unable to exceed humans, regardless of his endless greed and crimes…

But maybe that was why he saw worth in lives in the first place.

Win Quotes

Volk's regular quotes appear randomly when he is in his regular form. The special quotes appear only when he is in his Boss form. There is a 5% chance that Volk will say the "Rare" Quote.

(Regular Quotes)
"Done packing? Your life's journey is over!"

"Repeat this after me: I'll never take on a king again."

"That's not a fight; that's a beating."

"You will fit nicely in my collection of trophies."

"You never had a chance, blowhard. Good day."

"Only the crazy are sane in a crazy, mixed-up world!"

"A hospital or a cemetary; the choice is yours."

"Your ancestors await!"

"A god? I am no god. I am a superstar! Ha ha ha!"

(Rare Quote)

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Benjamin Lloyd walks into the center of the arena with a lazy grin at odds with his movements; each step is a coiled spring, propelling him smoothly with the utmost precision. He stops at the very edge of dueling range, stretching and rolling his neck. He regards his opponent while shrugging out of his uniform’s coat, casually tossing it off screen as his theme fades out.

“Let’s make this quick.”

Playstyle: Rushdown (Okizeme): Where others depend on a single style, Ben controls the flow of battle. Shotguns for a close-range opponent, close-range tonfa use for a projectile user, he adapts his tactics for the opponent. Specifically he picks the style best suited to put pressure on his foe and never let up. He keeps them at a disadvantage, and the instant they stumble, he takes the lapse to eliminate the opposition.

3-7 Special Moves:

My Legend Began: Benjamin closes the gap between himself and an opponent out of range with a Deinamig-powered lunge, using a shotgun blast from Lawnslot to stun his opponent long enough to move in. If uninterrupted, then he will flip Artorius into a reverse grip and use a blast’s recoil to drive it home once in range.

In the 12th Century: A counter move. Ben evades the incoming attack and forms Caletfwlch from his tonfas, using the opening in his opponent’s defenses to slam its handle into his opponent’s face in a Mordhau strike. Forced back and stunned, they are easy prey for the blade, given extra force by the hand resting on its pommel, stabbed towards their chest.

Excalibur, Excalibur: A guard-breaker. Caletfwlch is formed, and the opponent’s defenses are broken with a devastating overhand strike, transitioned cleanly into a side hand slash across their chest.

Caliburn: Useful only in dangerously close ranges, Ben stabs Artorius through his opponent’s clothing and into the wall behind them, pinning them in place. He fires a Red Dust shell into their gut three times, then withdraws Artorius and jumps back to a safe distance.

Camlann: A highly risky counter. Ben charges headlong into his opponent’s attack, permitting it to land and inflict damage while he takes advantage of the break in their guard caused by their strike. Artorius and Lawnslot are both fired with Dust rounds, and unless he is interrupted before the attack begins, his first shot will stun his opponent. Every successive shot will do the same, with a brief moment open for a combo breaker. If no breaker is achieved he will empty both weapons’ munitions before breaking off the attack.

Instant Kill:

(Locked during rounds against teammates.)

The blow seems certain, but the sound of metal against metal heralds its failure. He pushes back harder than should be possible, throwing his opponent off balance and slamming Lawnslot into their face to force them back. They stumble, but their Aura ensures the impact is little more than an inconvenience. Their recovery is swift, they regain their footing, and focus on Ben-

Just in time for the shotgun in front of their face to go off. Red Dust round, they find the presence of mind to think as they reel back from the explosion. But there is no second respite. Another shell goes off, and another explosion colors their world red, knocking them back. Then again. And again. And again. The world becomes nothing but fire, noise and confusion. They’re dimly aware, as the barrels go silent, that the last blast knocked them against a wall. Their weapon is no longer in their hand, and they blink rapidly, trying to restore some sense of focus to the world. They needed to get their weapon back, and they needed to keep moving.

And get their weapon back they did. Their gaze clears just in time to see Ben lunge forward far faster than before, his tonfa replaced by a longsword in his right hand. Before they could blink their weapon had been stabbed through the collar of their clothes into the wall behind them with the sound of concrete cracking. They couldn’t move. That speed, that power… His Semblance. Not that they had much time to process it. His left hand joined the right on the handle of Caletfwlch, his blade a blur as he drew back. And the swing was even faster. A single report of the shotgun, the last round in the chamber, lent the inhumanly potent blow force.

The wall shattered as his blade passed through it, leaving his opponent in a pile of rubble. A single shotgun shell bounces off of the ground.

Alternate Version, For Characters Without A Suitable Weapon (Krysanthe, Ebon, Diamond, Emerald, Delta, Jasmine, Sterling, Clair, Amber, Akashi, Valin)

The blow seems certain, but the sound of metal against metal heralds its failure. He pushes back harder than should be possible, throwing his opponent off balance and slamming Lawnslot into their face to force them back. They stumble, but their Aura ensures the impact is little more than an inconvenience. Their recovery is swift, they regain their footing, and focus on Ben-

Just in time for the shotgun in front of their face to go off. Red Dust round, they find the presence of mind to think as they reel back from the explosion. But there is no second respite. Another shell goes off, and another explosion colors their world red, knocking them back. Then again. And again. And again. The world becomes nothing but fire, noise and confusion. They’re dimly aware, as the barrels go silent, that the last blast knocked them against a wall. Their weapon is no longer in their hand, and they blink rapidly, trying to restore some sense of focus to the world.

Their gaze clears just in time to see Ben lunge forward far faster than before, his tonfa replaced by a longsword in his right hand. Before they could blink their weapon had been stabbed through the collar of their clothes into the wall behind them with the sound of concrete cracking. They couldn’t move. That speed, that power… His Semblance. Not that they had much time to process it. His left hand joined the right on the handle of Caletfwlch, his blade a blur as he drew back. And the swing was even faster. A single report of the shotgun, the last round in the chamber, lent the inhumanly potent blow force.

The wall shattered as his blade passed through it, leaving his opponent in a pile of rubble. A single shotgun shell bounces off of the ground.


Battered again and again, Bastille’s leader is faltering. His Aura is low, hovering only just above red. Attack after attack has whittled him down without reprieve, and his breaths come quick and shallow. His foe’s victory is imminent. He lacks the strength to turn the tides. Benjamin knows that he’s running out of steam. But the fact seems to bring him to life, insurmountable odds more galvanizing than any pep talk.

“Bastille’s impenetrable.” Standing tall, he grins. “Can’t be the one to break that rep.”

The batteries release.

Benjamin’s V-Trigger, Deinamig, is a highly unusual one. It can only be activated once he falls beneath 30% health, cementing its status as an ace up the sleeve. His health bar regenerates over time, enough to restore him to full and then some. Ben switches to Caletfwlch as his primary weapon and its attacks are faster and hit harder. But at a cost. Every attack, be it a Special Move or a Standard Caletfwlch attack, costs him health. Between this and his opponent’s attacks, there is no guarantee of a full restoration to his health bar. The tradeoff is difficult to manage, but devastating when he controls the flow of battle.


Standard: Ben grins at his opponent, spinning his tonfa almost playfully while he bounces on the balls of his feet. “You know you’re getting your ass kicked by a dropout, right?”

Against a BASL Member: “If you lose, you’re paying for the team’s night out.”

Against Sapphire Rode: Ben settles into a ready stance, a faint half smile on his face. “Time to knock that chip off your shoulder.”

Against Threatening Opponent: Loading Dust rounds into his tonfa, he scowls at his foe and settles into a ready stance. “Want to get at my team? Get through me, bastard.”

Win Animation:

Standard: His coat comes flying from off-screen, and Ben catches it with a finger, draping it over one shoulder. He rolls his shoulders, and grins down at his opponent. “Better luck next time.”

Against BASL Member: Ben laughs, and crouches down next to his teammate to offer a hand. “Great round. Need some help up?”

After Instant Kill: Caletfwlch separates with several mechanical clicks as the dust settles, both tonfa spun lazily before being returned to his belt. Ben glances at the rubble sheepishly. “Shit. Got a little carried away.”

After Instant Kill on Villain: Ben stabs Caletfwlch point first into the ground and rests a hand on its crossguard, glaring at his downed opponent. “Don’t get back up.”

Win Quotes:


V. Lorena Negasi: “Gotcha this time. Sure Amy’ll kiss it and make it better.”

V. Amaranth Desire: “I know you said you got better exercise in bed, but I think you’re outta shape, Amy.”

V. Sangue Naga: “That was a blast. Almost had me there, Sangue.”


V. Lucas Schwarze: “Haven’t quite kicked reason to the curb yet, have you? C’mon. Let’s meet up with the gang and get some lunch.”


V. Sapphire Rode: “Ready to stop treating people like dirt?”

V. Kuhaku Shiro: “See why you gave Luke so much trouble.”


V. Napoli Fiordilatte: “Your jokes are way too cheesy.”

V. Gratia Mindaro: “Jesus, chill out.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Onarax
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Onarax Sleepy

Member Seen 12 mos ago

1x Like Like 2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by harinezumikouken
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harinezumikouken Bloodstarved Beast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 5 days ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
Avatar of Crimmy

Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The hallways are silent. They are empty, devoid of all life. Where students would have once walked, laughing and smiling and chatting and living, there is only nothing. Here, in the darkness of a school long long dead, there is only the chill and the wind to accompany her. Only the eerie scratching of branches against glass, the quiet creaking of rotting floorboards beneath her feet, the slow, staggered breaths that continue to escape her lungs. There is nothing here. Nothing but her.

Gratia Mindaro is alone.

She cannot mock Venetia's delusionally optimistic platitudes yet take comfort in their reassurances. She cannot ignore Fiordilatte's off-colour brand of dark humour yet admit their creativity. She cannot listen to Harken's quiet prayers to the Lord and join in with her muttered own. There is no Nuit, willing to brave the moonless night sky beyond the halls in search of safety. Vignoble is nowhere to be seen. Nowhere at all.

Gratia Mindaro is alone.

The power is gone. The lights yield no warmth. The rooms open effortlessly but there is nothing there. Chairs and desks coated by a light layer of dust. Blackboards utterly free of the touch of chalk. Curtains, dark and pale in the night, flutter with each cold breeze from the only open window. Everything is untouched. Unliving. There is nothing. Nothing but her.


More of the same greets her in the next room. Nobody stands before the giant screen. There is no lecturer teaching. There are no students learning. A hundred chairs. She counts. A hundred empty chairs. Visibility dies mere rows down, engulfed by the dark. The bottom of the pitched floor is shadowed. Completely shadowed, invisible to her eyes. A gaping maw, empty of life and light. Nobody is here. Nobody but her.

Gratia Mindaro is alone.

She finds the Grimm cages. The iron is rusted, blood-orange in the dark. They are locked but no monster lies inside. No monstrous growls. No threatening hisses. Even the night is devoid of its sons. The metal slowly erodes. Long gouges and scratches, old and worn, crisscross it. They had once trapped monsters. But they are locked. She sees the futile attempts to escape. The wild tears in the metal. The cages are locked. They had faded away into the night. There is nothing left. Nothing.

Gratia Mindaro is alone.

The eyes of the boar watch her. All four, bright vermilion in the shadows. Rows upon rows of jagged, gleaming-white teeth. Curved ivory tusks, deadly but mere fakes. A facsimile of a monster, red and black and white and utterly, utterly unreal. An illusion aspiring to be the reality. She struggles to view the taxidermic bust. In this hall so far from light, whether it is illusion or not no longer matters. In the dark, the boar seems real. Utterly real. It rests upon the floor, knocked down from its perch. A stance of attack. A predator about to charge its prey. But it is not. She knows in her mind it is not. She knows that there is nobody here. Nobody here at all.


Her footsteps, loud and clear against the silence of the floorboards, carry her to the library. Equally empty. Equally untouched. No librarian graces the counter. No students are quietly studying for exams. Rows upon rows upon rows of books, unopened, unread. Tables left utterly bare. A place of silent learning. Now too silent. Far too silent. Too dark to read. Too lifeless, too cold. A graveyard rather than a incubator. She reaches for a softcover. Her pale fingers leave imprints on the dusty leather. What it contains doesn't matter. It never will. A dead book in a dead library. Offering nothing. Nothing at all.

Gratia Mindaro is alone.

She remembers the tour. Clear as the day. Nuit and Felicia. Venetia and Tala Dei. Fiordilatte. The energy. The sounds of life. It's gone now. As if they had never been. She doesn't know why. She doesn't know how. The chairs screech like a dying animal against the floor. The wooden seats are hard and cool to the touch. It isn't welcoming. She sits and listens to the dark silence of the library. No noise. No warmth. Nothing. There's nothing to welcome her. Nobody to welcome her.

Gratia Mindaro is alone.

Tomes lie upon a trolley, waiting to be returned. No librarian will do so. Not anymore. They languish next to the empty spots on the shelf. So close. Yet they will never be. She has a mind to put them back. To return the library to its pristine, hollow state. And rid her of the only sign that anyone had been here. That there had been anything here. The last sign of life. So she puts them back. The library is untouched. Unchanged. Nothing but her. Nothing.


The dormitory. A home away from home. Safety. She can't feel it at all. It's dark and cold. The beds, sheets pale and eerie under within the night, are empty. There is nobody here. The wind rushes against the windows, clattering. She doesn't dare exit to the balcony. Fiordilatte's weapons ... neatly arranged, but no longer calling for a wielder. Venetia's clothes, tidily folded upon her bed, never to be worn again. Harken's shrine, waiting for an answer from above. Her team is gone. There is nobody here.

Gratia Mindaro is alone.

She cannot find them. No trace. No sign that they had ever existed. It is a shell, empty and lifeless. That is what her dormitory has become. Her breathing is quiet, slow, resigned. It's the only sound left. No more arguments. No more laughter. Vignoble is gone. Only the sounds of her and the cold, cold wind. No trace. No sign. There is nothing here. Nothing but her.

Gratia Mindaro is alone.

Only four urns, simple, unadorned, a dull bronze in the darkness. They sit upon her bed. Unassuming. She laughs. It's a hollow sound. Hollow. Lifeless. Spiritless. The heresy amuses her. It does. They are unopened. Or maybe sealed close. She runs her fingers down the side of one. The touch of rough pottery against her. Only her and four urns. A fifth, oozing crimson, sits open on the opposing side of the dark, dark room. She doesn't remember. Maybe she does. But she's alone. Utterly alone. Nobody here but her. She turns around for the door. The dorms offer her nothing. Nothing.

Gratia Mindaro thinks she is alone.

She isn't.
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