Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Year 1903
World Tension: 21%

The Grand Survaek Empire founds the Imperial Restoration movement (+7% World Tension, +$5,000,000,000 Permanent GNP)
Nations Side with Sorena in the Sorenan Crisis (+10% World Tension)
Sorena is Puppeted by the Grand Survaek Empire to the Imperial Restoration (+15% World Tension)
Zellonia Incites Unrest in Sumaya(+5% World Tension, -10% National Unity for a target nation)
Sorena Mobilizes Troops(+3% World Tension)
Sumaya Incites Unrest in Zellonian Sarelia (+5% World Tension, -10% National Unity for a target nation)
Soroya Signs Trade Agreement with Murenheidt (-3% World Tension, +10% GNP for Nation)
Anvegad Demobilizes Troops (-2% World Tension]
Kalpia Signs Trade Agreement with Etellia (-3% World Tension, +10% GNP for Nation)
Kalpia Forms Defensive Alliance with Etellia (-5% World Tension)
Aontas Embargoes Survaek (-4% World Tension, Removes 1 of Targeted Nations Trade Agreement Bonuses)

[LINK FOR BIGGER MAP: i.imgur.com/X5vHJbI.png]

The World, circa 1903


August 15th: Miners in Murenheidtan Serranthia opens two mining operations within the desert. Soroyan and Deltoran traders in Serranthia begin to notice the huge amounts of iron now being shipped to Varius.

August 21st: The investigation into the sinking of the Hafas, a joint Delto-Soroyan investigation, reveals that the ship was not destroyed by a torpedo or attacked, but simply sank due to external conditions outside of the crews control.

August 25th: The Kalpian Republic finishes work on the Thard Mk I, a handheld explosive grenade.

Kalpian soldiers practicing grenade throws, circa 1903

August 27th: The Deltoran Republic officially signs the Treaty of Sikea (1901), becoming the fifth nation to make a pledge of democracy, freedom and self-determination to the world by joining the Sociatatem.

August 29th: News of the expansion of the Sociatatem is lessened when King Kazimierz Piast IV of the Sorenan Kingdom forces the resignation of Prime Minister Prime Minister Stanisław Mendelson. Though considered to have handled the Sorenan Crisis well, a growing group of militants in the government, led by King Kazimierz were disappointed that Sorena did not press further claims with Survaekom support.


September 1st: The Empire of Anvegad finishes a trade agreement with the Faresian Yamarano Shogunate. A heavily militant nation based on the Warrior Code of Fusan, the Yamaranese appreciate the opportunity to begin trading with a Varian nation.

Yamaranese capital of Kikohaba, circa 1903

September 5th: King Kazimierz signs the Declaration of World Renewal alongside Survaekom delegates who remained behind after the Sorenan Crisis. The document is a cohesion of nations who support reclaiming their lost lands and forming great empires together. The Kingdom of Sorena joins the Imperial Restoration.

September 7th: After months of expeditions, the Empire of Anvegad finishes colonizing a chain of islands off the western coast of Faresia. Rich in aluminum and tungsten, the colony is largely uninhabited, harboring only about 20,000 native Faresians.

September 10th: The Deltoran Republic lays down the keel of the TPS Dauntless, an armored cruiser of respectable size. It is expected to be finished in early 1905.

September 15th: The Empire of Anvegad orders a general demobilization of it's soldiers.


October 1st: The nation of Murenheidt accepts an invitation by the Kingdom of Soroya to join the Sociatatem.

October 5th: The Empire of Anvegad lays down the keel of two armored cruisers, expected to be finished sometime in 1905.

October 13th: The Empire of Anvegad finishes new theories on the maintenance and quick development of long, jagged trenches. Easily built and easily maintained, Anvegadian trenches are some of the most complicated, but sturdy in the world.

October 15th: Worker strikes within the Deltoran Republic come to an end, and the workers return to work. The passage of law in the nation has consolidated power in the hands of the worker.

October 16th: A large oil deposit is located in southern Anvegad.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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The Nexerus Sui generis

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Grand Survaek Empire

The entourage of King Matthias was not an extravagant one. A dozen of the Royal Guard, fully outfitted, and a few advisors and personal friends encompassed the fullness of the king's peers as he journeyed on the long voyage over the seas to eastern Serranthia. Although His Grace was infamous for his vanity projects in Aontas, he was, in truth, privately quite austere. The image he portrayed to the public was a calculated one, intended to give those more fiery and passionate of Aontas a similarly impassioned leader to rally around. Those more wise of his people would instead support their king for his accomplishments, in spite of the vanity. It was an arrangement that both kept his people happy and allowed him to easily, and painlessly, adapt his behaviour in the future should public opinion turn.

The opinions of his people toward his leadership were the farthest thing from King Matthias' mind, however, when he saw his first glimpe of the famous, and infamous, sprawling city of Foedinei. His Grace was an avid explorer in youth, but had not yet visited the Grand Survaek Empire. He intended to make the most of his first visit, and the illustrious capital was as good a place to start as any.

The Port of Foedinei was a dense, bustling complex of docklands that constituted a virtual city in and of themselves. For the occasion of King Matthias' visit, the City Guard had made a painstaking effort to clear a path for the royal guest; they were relieved to find that their charge's entourage was easily small enough for the path to accommodate. King Matthias' party would proceed through a modest street flanked by rows of Foedinei City guardsmen in traditional uniforms, bearing glaives, cuirasses, maroon robes, and steel helms with chainmail headdresses. Soldiers reminiscent of the Empire at its peak.

After several minutes of travel, the visitors reached the first of Foedinei's Great Squares, wide open save for an enormous bronze statue of Emperor Vokoryn II riding atop a horse in the center. It was here that his Majesty Emperor Shayaer Khaitis awaited his honored fellow monarch with his own party: two-dozen Byrnian Guardsfolk in modern dress uniforms (both men and women participated in this prestigious unit, according to longstanding Byrnian custom), two strong bannermen carrying oversized imperial flags on tall poles, Grand Vizier Ayan Sujjid in resplendent green and gold, Empress Huj Jalayiku in her heavy dark red robes pratically drowned in gold embroidery, the young Crown Prince Vokoryn III dressed similarly to his mother, and of course the Emperor himself in a blue military uniform decked with medallions and -most importantly- wearing the Red Cap atop his head.

It was an occasion like none before it, with journalists doing everything in their power to inch as close to the scene as possible from among the crowds or the windows of nearby buildings. Cameras clicked and flashed from every direction as Emperor Shayaer Khaitis bowed for his guests, followed in kind by his family and followers.

His Grace King Matthias, D.G., King of Aontas and of Follam, gave a short, respectful bow in turn. He then smiled, and offered a more pedestrian gesture to the Emperor: a simple hand-shake between monarchs. Shayaer Khaitis, Sword of Aed and Grand Survaek Emperor, was not too proud or stern to smile and return his guest's gesture. He walked forward and reached to clasp Matthias' hand for a firm if somewhat restrained shake. Matthias patted the Emperor's shoulder with his spare hand, giving a friendly laugh until the cameras had gotten their fill of a royal handshake. "It is excellent to meet you and your family. You've a blessingly warm country, I can already tell." The King gave a look around to survey the scene, taking in the city scape and the dress of the guardsmen. "Beautiful, as well."

The Emperor gave his counterpart a respectful nod before replying, "You do the Khaitis dynasty and the Grand Survaek Empire justice with your words. I believe Aed will smile on our processions during your stay, and I pray on your own people in your own land as well. Do remind me to return the favor and make my way to Aontas before too long." He grinned.

"A pleasure and an honor to meet you, friend of our dynasty," added the Empress, nodding in the King's direction and offering him a warm smile like that of her husband. "I only regret not being able to meet your own kin, and I do hope his Majesty my husband's proposal will rectify this."

Matthias gave a half-restrained chuckle at the thought of the Emperor of Survaek visiting Aontas, the cold winds chilling him to the bone and carrying those more flowing of his vestments off to sea. The king's own uniform was distinctly usual for any Aontan of sufficient class—a nice suit, the only overtly royal imagery a large pin bearing the coat of arms. Usually the suit was covered by a black double-breasted jacket, but Matthias had wisely taken that off along the voyage once the heat and humidity had rendered it unbearable. Survaek was not the most accomodating place for Aontan attire, evidently. "I'll be sure to do that." Matthias heartily responded, then added, jokingly, "I'll have a tan by the time I'm back in Kienne. Maybe once you retun from your future trip to Aontas you'll be a tad bit paler."

The King then turned to the Emperor's lovely wife, and gave an understanding nod. "My extended family is a crew of characters. I'm sure you'd have found their company engaging, to say the least. And this..." Matthias eye was caught on the Crown Prince, "...must be your own kin. The future Grand Survaek Emperor."

Vokoryn III was making headway in his education on proper court etiquette, and his father was pleased to see that the boy bowed a second time to the King almost instinctively. "It is a great honor," he replied to the older man, perhaps just a little too sternly. It would take some time for him to inhabit his status comfortably in public like his father did. But for now, his conduct was acceptable enough. Soon enough, he would be able to trade his flowing robes for the more modern, military look of a grown man.

Happy with the way things were going, the Emperor motioned for his esteemed guest to follow him. "Please come, let us make our way to the palace so we can hold a discussion at length. I'm sure the crowds and the reporters have had their fill." Taking the cue, the Byrnian Guard turned face in near-perfect unison, ready to march back to the Palace District.


The pair of monarchs enjoyed another, longer bout of idle chatter, and Matthias more than a little sight-seeing within the palace, before the time came for the two to speak privately. They found themselves alone together in a relatively secluded area of the palace grounds, a number of the Byrnian Guard a short distance away to prevent intrusions. The King idly examined a depiction on the wall of a famous figure of Survaek's history while he broke headway to the Emperor on a topic of great importance. "I take it my tour won't include Keyvah, or the Honnerian oil fields?"

The Emperor raised an eyebrow at his counterpart. "It isn't on the itinerary we negotiated, but if you would insist on visiting—".

"Not at all." the King interjected, turning his head to face the Emperor once more. "I would rather the defining moment of this visit in the eyes of the media be our shaking hands at the base of Mount Safu, not a god's-forsaken Serranthian field full of destroyed oil-jacks and the blood of executed prisoners of war."

It seemed the Imperial guest would not be pulling any punches during this visit. Emperor Shayaer would have to keep his guard up. "The war is over, esteemed King," he stated with a half-smile. "Where there was destruction and despair, there is now reconstruction and new hope. But I concede that the region of South Raethon wouldn't be the most...charming of possible stops."

Matthias smirked. "Just about the least charming of all, I'd wager. You have been most accomodating for this visit, so I would apologize for my forwardness, but I have always found the direct approach to be the most sensible, at least when there is an opportunity to stray from prying eyes. Was it on your word that the Golden Guard was shot?"

The direct approach...Shayaer could work with that. "No, not on my word," he replied truthfully. "It was the prerogative of Surv-Akur commanders on the scene. I do not believe it was the best course of action, but I truly believe they did their best to mete out Aed's justice under the circumstances. Crimes against my unarmed, civilian subjects cannot go unpunished."

"I entirely agree," the King began boldly, "that soldiers who butcher the innocent ought face justice. But justice is not something that can be metted out by Surv-Akur commanders on the scene, or by the commanders of any army on any battlefield. Had your men stayed their hands, and brought the activities of the Golden Guard to light, formally prosecuted the commanders and the more eager of their subordinates... then it might very well have been Honneria under an embargo. Justice, I do not need to inform the Survaek Emperor, but shall state for posterity, is not swift. It never arrives before injustice, but it always prevails, in the end. The actions of your men against the Honnerian Golden Guard turned what should have been an issue for Honneria, a publicity crisis, into a crisis for Survaek. The commanders you now defend out of pride are the men responsible for the army of two million men ready to advance against Foedinei as we sit here discussing morality. That army is justice. The actions in Southern Raethon were not, on the part of either side."

Shayaer chuckled softly. "You have a good heart, my friend. Have you considered a career in the clergy? The Vaekirate Courts could use more men like you. But of course, that would hardly be appropriate for someone of your blood and status." His tone returned to a more serious note. "That two million man army would be after my head either way, good King, they simply happen to have a convenient excuse. I believe war is coming, and I will not deliberately sap the ranks of the Surv-Akur of skilled and loyal commanders because they executed justice a little too soon for the sensibilities of Varian philosophers. The Vaekir has already been consulted on this issue, and while he finds the events regrettable, he issues no condemnation, only a statement to the effect of avoiding such events in the future. If your own churches and schools have alternative judgments, that is for them to decide and not for your or any other nation to impose."

The King of Aontas continued onward, turning his attention towards a different figure on the walls. He spoke not as though he was speaking to a child, but also not as if he was speaking to an Emperor. With each vowel he enunciated he did so matter-of-factly, as if each sentence was an arithmetic problem that he could decipher at a moment's glance, but nonetheless needed to wade through, to show his work, like the children in Aontas finishing their math problems. It was as if he did not speak, but think aloud. "I am not a moral man. I am not a man of God. If the people of Aontas desired a tyrannical butcher, a sword, who would do nought but strike against those they hated and take that which they coveted, that is what I would be. They are not so base in the north, however. The Aontans desire peace. They desire a world where nations live in harmony, and all work sensibly towards their own devices, leaving their neighbours be. I am the ruler that Aontas wants, not because it is the man that nature deigned me to be, but because it is the man I must be. I wear a suit and behave as a friendly uncle because that is the sort of figure they imagine when they think about who is most fit to rule Aontas. If I behaved any differently, you'd be speaking to a president right now. I do not care to what severity the punishments imposed on your generals affect Survaek's military capabilities. The Empire can be as strong as you make it, and unless you decide to take the unimaginably unwise decision of invading Varius, it will be no cause of concern for me, or for my government. What concerns me, because it concerns my people, is injustice. The actions that were undertaken by your men were injust. Morality does not enter into play—they were simply against the rules. Have whichever general involved you think is the least competent stripped of rank, or beheaded, whatever the punishment is for your people. Do that and there will be no cause for any pressures, diplomatic, economic or otherwise, to be levied against Survaek. This is not a threat or a warning or a negotiation. I am informing you of what the consequences will be for the multitude of different responses at your disposal. Which you decide is best for your own purposes is your choice. Do as you will, and I will do as I must."

The emotion in Emperor Shayaer's face faded as his guest went on with his monologue. The Khaitis could admire the rhetoric of the Aontan, but he couldn't help but be skeptical. "The Survaekom tyrant, I see. Excellent choice of Varian literary template. Did you get that from the 19th century travelers and their books of tall tales, or from the anthropologists of today and their works on the 'natural character of the races'? You claim to have no morals, only rules, and you do well with your mathematical tone, but your words, they drip with morality. They contain in them an entire theology of good and evil!" Now Shayaer was clearly feeling again, bearing a full grin towards his guest. "Where do your people get their idea of justice? From their pigmentation? From their warm clothes? From the obscure tracts of university-funded philosophers? Or perhaps what you believe to be following their codes is in fact the very act of creating them yourself."

Matthias was impatient, but spoke as he always did in private quarters, without undue bombasity. "The origin of Aontas' moral compass is nearly as irrelevant as my personal feelings towards you or your personal feelings towards me. As I have stated, this is not a negotiation. There are several options for you to take, each with their own consequences, and it is your duty as Emperor to decide which is best for you, for your people, and for the office that you inhabit and would likely wish for your son to one day inhabit. There isn't much more for us to discuss, at least as far as matters of state." His Grace's demeanour all at once changed, his stance becoming looser and his voice more impassioned. "From what era does this piece date?" he asked, focusing the fullness of his attention once again on the second painting to decorate the wall. It was much larger than the modest portrait he'd examined earlier, occupying nearly the entirety of the wall.

The Emperor sighed and chuckled once again. This King Matthias was truly one of a kind, and strangely disarming. "This is one of the great Historical Tapestries of the Yvorian Era. It details the rise of Admiral Selman Reyid, the most famous of Yvor's commanders, beginning with his departure from the Southern Tribes as a young man and going on through his personal war against the pirates of the Audejjai Sea, his promotion into the Surv-Vyaez, and his countless victories in the Great Northern Conquest." The rich tapestry flowed from event to event seamlessly, and it was so dense with scenes and miniatures that someone uneducated in its origins might have no idea what was going on.

Of course, Shayaer would have to address the prior subject as well. "Very well, if this is not a negotiation, then I suppose there is no point in arguing over morals and justice. I believe I can arrange something for appearance's sake, if I frame it as a response to the Vaekir's official statement. Select some of the aging captains in the ranks of middle officers, pin the act on them, and demote them to the ranks of lower officers. Would this suffice for the people of Aontas?"

The King turned to the Emperor for a moment, smiled affirmatiely, and then immediately turned back to the tapestry. Selman Reyid's name was one every citizen of Survaek knew. Such was the legend of Yvor that even his underlings were legends in and of themelves. Matthias hoped to achieve the same, or greater, prestige, from his own people. To be so well known that the men he entreated with would be known for having once met him. "Let's move back to the main area of the palace, shall we? We have a long journey ahead of us, and if I take this much time to examine every piece I'll return to Kienne in a casket."

Emperor Shayaer Khaitis couldn't help but give a hearty laugh. "Aye, and if I'm absent too long, I might return to find the succession happened without me! I'd like to at least see my own son's coronation, if I live long enough to abdicate on my own terms." With that, the duo of monarchs changed course for the Great Council chamber, where their companions awaited them.

Mount Safu, the highest point of the Grand Survaek Empire, visited by King Matthias on his tour of the Imperial territories.

The pair of monarchs would eventually proceed on their planned tour, travelling throughout the Grand Survaek Empire. It took them, via a lengthy but pleasant lengthy steamboat ride, to Byrnia and Kafu, cities Matthias had only read about, where His Grace would admire more Survaek cultural treasures and shake hands with local leaders. The tour's conclusion was the obvious one: a portrait of the two monarchs, the famous Mount Safu, Survaek's highest point, in the background. If the world had seemed tense before, it would now seem less so, as the two political rivals smiled and shook hands for cameras galore.

Collaboration between myself and AspenIvan.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
Avatar of Theodorable

Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Year 1903
World Tension: 28%

The Grand Survaek Empire founds the Imperial Restoration movement (+7% World Tension, +$5,000,000,000 Permanent GNP)
Nations Side with Sorena in the Sorenan Crisis (+10% World Tension)
Sorena is Puppeted by the Grand Survaek Empire to the Imperial Restoration (+15% World Tension)
Zellonia Incites Unrest in Sumaya(+5% World Tension, -10% National Unity for a target nation)
Sorena Mobilizes Troops(+3% World Tension)
Aontas Annexes Unclaimed Region (+10% World Tension)
Xian Incites Unrest in Nasong (+3% World Tension, Targeted Nation grants CB against you)
Sumaya Incites Unrest in Zellonian Sarelia (+5% World Tension, -10% National Unity for a target nation)
Soroya Signs Trade Agreement with Murenheidt (-3% World Tension, +10% GNP for Nation)
Anvegad Demobilizes Troops (-2% World Tension]
Xian Signs Trade Agreement with Manyeong (-3% World Tension, +10% GNP for Nation)
Kalpia Signs Trade Agreement with Etellia (-3% World Tension, +10% GNP for Nation)
Anvegad Signs Trade Agreement with Sumaya (-3% World Tension, +10% GNP for Nation)
Kalpia Forms Defensive Alliance with Etellia (-5% World Tension)
Aontas Embargoes Survaek (-4% World Tension, Removes 1 of Targeted Nations Trade Agreement Bonuses)

[LINK FOR BIGGER MAP: i.imgur.com/X5vHJbI.png]

The World, circa 1903


October 19th: The Empire of Anvegad finalizes a trade agreement with the Empire of Sumaya.

October 24th: The play The Violet Rose opens at the Grand Theatre in Sikea, Soroya and begins a run of 122 performances and numerous revivals.

October 29th: The 17th Army Garrison in Erimarsh, Kalpia mutinies. 3,500 in number. They say that the Kalpian government has grown soft. As the pre-eminent military nation in all of Varius, their leader, a Colonel Vasguth sends a letter to the Kalpian President, stating: "The strong arm of the Kalpian Army has been jailed in a cell of appeasement, and you are the warden."

While not inherently violent, they immediately ransacked the Erimarsh Palace and put the Mayor on house arrest. The 17th Army Garrison demands promises of Kalpian nationalism or the immediate dispersal of Kalpia's current cabinet.

-- [Listen to the Commanders's Grievances]: Invite Colonel Vasguth to Mistburn and listen to his appeal. As a service man of more than 25 years, Vasguth is a traditionalist and member of the Old Guard. Vehemently opposed to the Sociataetm, listening to the cries of a hawk may reflect poorly on our ideological allies.

-- [Disband the Garrison and Arrest the Traitors]: The Old Ways have gone. We have pledged ourselves to the Sociatatem. Colonel Vasguth and his men are traitors to the state. They will be arrested, tried and executed for their attempted.

-- [Send a Delegation to Negotiate]: To act too hastily may end in ruin. We must act cautiously here. A delegation of several politicians and loyal army officers may get Colonel Vasguth to stand down without bloodshed.


November 1st: The Yamarano Shogunate mobilizes it's troops.

November 2nd: While docked at Evemont, two explosions on board the destroyer TPS Liberty, kill six of the men on board. The explosion was allegedly caused by a build up of gases in the boilers.

November 5th: The First Bank of Malatar opens its doors in Malatar, Aontas.

November 8th: The Yamarano Shogunate declares war on Basai over the Nixao Incident, citing that Basai has long been a multi-ethnic province that has belonged to Yamarano since the 1500's. The Yamo-Basai War is a war of Conquest.

November 12th: Erwin Osgood launches his Little Flyer, staying in the air for 31 minutes with Osgood at the controls. The showing is seen mostly as a gimmick, however.

November 15th: Civil service examinations are abolished in Hoeryong, Faresia.

Novermber 21st: A group of fifteen Zellonian hunters raid the Sumayan province of Hakas. Disgruntled over the death of several of their family, they attack Hakas and kill 13 women and children in retaliation. 9 of the 15 men are apprehended by Sumayan garrison troops.

Captured Zellonian Dissidents
-- Try and Execute Them: In accordance with our law, these vigilantes will be tried, convicted and sentenced to death by our choice. The Zellonians will know that violence will be met with violence.

-- Extradite them to Zellonian Sarelia: As civilized men, we expect the Zellonians to punish their own. We will negotiate the transfer of these men back to Zellonian authorities in Hollan and expect that they be punished for crossing into Sumayan territory and killing our citizens.

-- Release Them: Needless lives have been lost on both sides of this petty conflict. Their blood lust has been sated, and these men will return to Zellonia, and Sumaya will face no further criticism.

November 24th: 22,000 Yamaranese troops move against the Basai 12th Army north of Sagoon, Basai and begin the Battle of Sagoon


December 3rd: A Sumayan revolutionary named Sukanto Tanoto attempts to assassinate the Governor of Zellonian Sarelia, Richard Nagel. He shoots Governor Nagel, but the shot is non-fatal. Tanoto is apprehended and questioned by Zellonian military police. Not a member of the Sons of Sumaya, Tanota admits to attacking alone. He is made famous in Varian papers with his line: The spider strikes when the farmer is busy with snakes." His fate remains uncertain.

December 8th: Famine strikes Faresia, and the Soroyan Colonial Department reports over 50,000 dead from starvation in it's colonies.

December 31st: An expedition of the Kingdom of Aontas founds the first town in the Wildlands to the east, claiming it for the nation.

- All unaligned nations have +0% National Unity.
- All Status Quo nations have +10% GNP boost.
- Status Quo nations have +5% National Unity.



Conference (2 TENSION ACTIONS: Calling a conference of nations together to discuss a certain event. An outcome must be reached! (X Tension Rating, Depending on Outcome).

-- Varius (Must own Varian Provinces)
-- Serranthia (Must own Serranthian Provinces)
-- Faresia (Must own Faresian Provinces)
-- Sarelia (Must own Sarelian Provinces)

* Create a New Province: If agreed upon, two provinces can be generated from a single province, splitting ownership.
* Provincial Ownership: Discuss who owns a province based on geopolitical factors.
* Partitioning: A state may be partitioned by larger, more powerful states.
* Peace: With war either on the horizon or already breaking out, we must send a delegation to negotiate a ceasefire.

* Discuss Disarmament: The continued accumulation of weapons of war must be addressed.

* Discuss Trade: To discuss trade in a region in a manner befitting our nations.
* Trade Pact: Discuss the creation of a trade pact featuring multiple nations.

* Discuss Future Colonization: Uninhabited lands may be claimed for the future. (May be used by any nation with Colonies).
* Discuss Colonial Ownership: Discuss who owns a province based on geopolitical factors.
* Discuss Decolonization: To provide for the eventual independence of future colonial nations.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Boop_Im_A_Dragon


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Kingdom of Soroya

Troop movement in the colonies
After the recent war in Faresia, thousands of Soroyan troops amass at the Yamarano border, some report even note that they are building trenches. Prime Minister Kevin Notles sent a secret request to Basai asking to move several thousand troops into their border to prepare a defense against the Yamarano army. Stating “it is the duty of Sociatatem to defend the right of nations to exist in peace. We humbly request to defend that right in your own lands. Our colonial troops for now will have to do, but reinforcements are on the way. Hold off Yamarano as long as possible, we will not fail you.”

Shortly after sending this message Flulin troops began moving via transport to the Kendris region, and several thousand Bursk Model IV rifles, Cruska Guns, and Keizer Guns move from the mainland under the guise of food to support the Faresian colonies. Though, as Yamarano will soon find out that this is only partly true.

Soroyan Colonial troops, Kendris Circa 1904

The Violet Rose

"But what is death? Some call it an end. Some a beginning. I, peace. Peace from the sorrow of living. Peace from the pain of rejection. Peace from the ache of the heart. Death is but one thing to me. My savior." The violet rose was a classic the second it was written by famous screen writer Egbert Jannes. It depicts the tale of a man named Lennerd Polisen, born ugly and rejected by everyone man, woman, and child he meets. Over time he becomes obsessed with wealth, initially believing it to be his savior, but as life moved on nothing had changed. Life was just as miserable and lonely as when it began. In the final scene, he destroys what wealth he had left and takes his own life shortly after.

Sikean Grand Theatre, Circa 1904
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Talis


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Atrocity. Tragedy. Justice.

"James Carpenter, Convicted for Murder, Assault, and Torture. George Butcher, Convicted for Murder, Assault and Torture. Trevor Gunne, Convicted for Murder and Assault..." The grim list of names was read out calmly and clearly as each man was strapped to his post, blindfolded and muffled so that they could not see or hear their upcoming death. The enormous crowd that had gathered jeered angrily from behind a barricade patrolled by soldiers, ignoring the hot sun. The infamy of the "Rapists of Hakas" was enormous. Hawks and doves alike had recoiled at the act and united in denouncing the perpetrators. Now they were here to watch these killers face justice.

The list of charges was finished, the last man bound at his post. He turned around and looked meaningfully at the Magistrate, who stood among a small collection of lawyers, army officials, priests, foreign diplomats, and appointed witnesses. Perhaps as a fluke of history, or as a deliberate attempt to make the trial more legitimate in the eyes of outsiders, the magistrate was Varian. Trevor Martel's father had been a Zellonian merchant who emigrated to Sumaya - Trevor himself had been born there, but that was beside the point, his skin was pale and his education flawless.

The Magistrate sighed, checked his watch, and turned to another man, a very old man and obviously a priest of some kind, although his vestments were completely different from the others. "Give them their last rights" he said to the priest. The man nodded and approached the men, ignoring the watching crowd. He gave each of them their last rites according to Zellist doctrine. The state had gone through great effort to make sure that the convicted men would receive rites in their native religion. After what seemed an eternity he returned and pronounced "it is done."

"Proceed." The magistrate ordered.

A lieutenant saluted, whipped around, and marched forward. Thirty soldiers in full uniform snapped to attention, each chosen for their skill at marksmanship.

"PRESENT ARMS!" The lieutenant roared. The crowd hushed.



thirty rifles cracked.

Nine bodies slumped.

The crowd cheered.

"It is finished." The magistrate said with almost palpable relief. The adulation of the crowd beyond the barrier was lost on him. He did not enjoy his duty, although he knew how much this justice meant to Sumaya. The Malikate had to show its people that it was looking after them - that those who attacked them or disturbed the peace would not go unpunished.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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LordZell The Zellonian

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Empire of Zellonia


As the King stood in front of his people in Evenston he began his address.
"People of Zellonia, for too long has the old world looked at us as if we are dusts. Even the natives on our Island which cost us 10,000 Zellonian lives, think they can mess with us. They try to kill our Proud Governor, they send instigators across the boarder called the Sons of Sumaya. Yet when our PROUD ZELLONIAN BROTHERS try to get some revenge they are apprehended and treated as criminals. I SAY NO MORE! To our proud friend Vatanno-Galvia I hope you can join with us against anyone that may harm our trade. To the Sociatatem, I hope if your truly believe to keep the status quo then join us and show the natives who the true rulers of the world is. So the Imperial Restoration Movement, if you truly wish to restore empires and grow to former strength then show that and join me in expanding and making an empire just as you have then JOIN US! To Sumaya I say this, we no longer will deal with your people while you are under a different flag so instead we shall make you one of us. You kill our men without a fair trial or even a jury of their peers then so be it. If you won't have it through peace as we've tried then TO WAR!" The king steps down as it roars to life with applauds. He then turns around and begins preparing plans for the future and hopes his friends join him.

Meanwhile in the colony
As Governor Richard Nagel received word from the king he sent his soldiers off and the fleet was prepared. The timing was right, the people moved now only if the nations of the world could see Zellonia. He hung the assassin and told the people of what happened in the capital. They were excited and nervous especially after what happened last time but this time they'd be rewarded more land and were better prepared the city was well armed and ready for anything. The troops were already being moved as was the navy. This was the time for nations all around Varian to choose if they wish to be friends or enemies of Zellonia. As for the sons of sumaya they were ordered to be killed on sight by any man a bounty was also placed on each live or dead son you could get you hand on.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AspenIvan


Member Seen 2 mos ago

1904, Year of the Prophet

The Grand Survaek Empire is truly Grand once again. The Surv-Akur is strong, the realm's borders expand, and the Imperial Bureaucracy reaches from the greatest cities all the way out to the smallest villages. But in the midst of such great political triumphs, it is easy to overlook the lives of the ordinary, humble citizens of the Empire. Neither administrators nor soldiers nor folk of repute, the great majority of Survaekom nonetheless form the true essence of the realm.

The Vaekirate College of Hjaaris, one of the many small towns surrounding the Holy City of Messara, was hardly distinguishable from the mass of lodgings and workshops and storefronts that surrounded it. People knew where it was because of the hill it sat on, defined by the ruins of Mauris Castle. The old fortress, once commanded by the Tovenaar-Akur* Halei Mauris, harkened to a time when relations between Foedinei and Messara were shaky at best. A time when the Holy City commanded its own professional army of holy warriors, until it was subjugated by Emperor Vokoryn II for the Vaekir's refusal to crown him with the Red Cap.

But if there was any resentment against the Empire or any longing for a new Independent Vaekirate, it certainly didn't show here. In fact, the College of Hjaaris had changed very little in the last two-hundred years, no matter the changes and conflicts regarding Vaekirs and Emperors. Its namesake may have been a warrior, but its function had nothing to do with war. Inside the halls of the College, hundreds of peasants and townsfolk from the area trained to become Priests. They sat in lectures on the laws and nature Aed and the Prophet taught by aging Tovenaar in red and white; they studied the Holy Books from dawn until dusk, and sometimes even longer if there was gas enough to keep a few lights running past sunset; and in their passing hours they discussed theology, bringing the grand precepts of their lessons to the everyday issues of their villages and neighborhoods.

The priests-in-training were mostly men but sometimes women, depending on the theological bent of wherever they came from and whoever approved their applications. Regardless, from the moment they donned their white robes, they were equals as far as Aedakom law was concerned. They spoke, argued, and joked in Classical Survaekom, language of the Aedaknam and the Raegarnam,** which they had learned from their earliest days of education in their local Temple Schools. Of course, it was not forbidden to speak common Messaran or Modern Survaekom, but very few would risk seeming incompetent by resorting to this. At least not outside of more private, personal conversations.

Today, a photographer and a journalist from the Imperial Press Service had been welcomed into the College for the afternoon, so they could take pictures and conduct interviews for an ambitious new project: The Grand Imperial Atlas. More than a simple geography text, this work would detail information on the peoples and cultures of all of Survaek, and perhaps a little beyond too if the reporters could gain access into the Usmyae, Akurr, and the Varian Colonies. The students and their instructors were more than happy to pose and speak for the Press, hoping to spread the word and goodwill of Aed as far and wide as possible.


*Tovenaar is the Aedakom term for a scholar serving the Vaekirate, always trained in theology and sometimes in natural or social sciences. Among them the Tovenaar-Akur, which no longer exist, were war-clerics of the old Independent Vaekirate.

**The Aedaknam is the foundational text of Aedak, a specifically Messaran account of the mystical presence and guiding hand of Aed in their ancient history, which was compiled and translated under the reign of the Prophet. It is the source of the Three Principles: Duty, Mastery, and Dignity. The Raegarnam was written by the Prophet-Emperor himself, and it is primarily a book of law designed to codify the proper application of the Three Principles. Classical Survaekom, an ancient trade language that united the disparate parts of the region that would become Survaek, was not the original language of either work but rather the language decreed by the Prophet for use by the clergy.



“Thank you, ladies,” the photographer spoke in Khjaed Dialect. Something to send off to the Imperial Press Service folks for their big atlas. Of course, that wasn't the main reason why the black-robed man was here. Imperial Scribe, 1st-Class Ykakerish Doelae was here for the Bureaucracy, not the Press. And more specifically, he was here for the Census.

“What is your family name?”

“Gyarkerbir,” one of the women, seemingly the eldest, answered. By now the four had broken from their formal poses and scattered a bit in the room, occupying rustic wooden chairs facing the bureaucrat in many directions. It was something of a defensive measure; they weren't hostile to the Bureaucracy or its agents, but they didn't quite trust them either.

“Head of household?”

“Me, Tebrei,” the same woman replied. “I am the oldest sister, we have no husbands or brothers or father alive.”

The Scribe raised his eyebrow. “None at all?”

“We never had any brothers, and our father died in the famine. Our husbands died in the war.” She eyed the visitor quizzically, noticing the slight signs of strain in his expression. “Don't be shocked Mr. Scribe, we aren't the only ones, and we are not the worst-off. The family plot is ours, we can tend to it fine together, we have enough to eat. Some women lost everything to the village council or the magistrate, or to their husbands' greedy fathers.”

“Why so many men lost from this village?” Ykakerish asked, confused at the situation. The question wasn't technically relevant to the census, but the curiosity was too much.

“The Press Service Weekly let us know, the men were all together in a battalion in the First Army, and almost everyone died when they were sent to attack in the Battle of the Long Coast.”

A somber story...but intriguing. The Imperial Press folks would be happy to know their publications were reaching as far as a small village in the Khjaed Province.

“Very well,” he continued. “How big is your plot? And do you own it or rent it? Do you have the deed to the plot?”

“One and one-half hectares,” Tebrei replied matter-of-factly. “We own the plot and our cattle and plows, but we rent the tractor. We got the deed just yesterday, nearly had to beat it out of the magistrate. You're a bureaucrat, see if you can do something about that man.” She transitioned from answering the Scribe's questions to petitioning him seamlessly, as if it were all part of the same sentence. “He uses Reyiriki law which says only men can hold deeds and uses it to rob widows and give plots to his friends. We know this because of our friends Mayeli and Hennei. The elder council looks the other way, even though Khjaedi tradition is against it!”

“I'm sorry, I...” he struggled. “Unfortunately I -”

“You speak Khjaedi well, you are from around here, you understand! Go make the man stop!” She spoke as if she were giving the bureaucrat an order, rather than asking hom for help.

One of the younger sisters spoke up, “Or remove him! Tell your lord to get rid of the tradition-breaker! Or you will have the blood of our friends on your hands!”

Things were escalating quickly. “I will go speak to the magistrate, and I'll let the provincial Secretary know about what's happening.” Scribe Ykakerish Doelae tried to sound as stern and convincing as possible. The Gyarkerbir sisters seemed satisfied enough to stop shouting, and soon the interview was back to its normal course. And they were right, he wasn't even lying, exactly...he would just have to delay their request for some time. His section of the Census task-force had a deadline to meet, after all.


-- Imperial Press Service journalists visit the Vaekirate College in the town of Hjaaris in the Messara region, as part of an ongoing project to make a comprehensive anthropological atlas of the Empire and the surrounding territories.

-- A Scribe of the Imperial Bureaucracy, tasked with completing a small part of the Imperial Census, interviews a peasant family and hears about local injustices.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Skylar
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The Empire of Anvegad

Apologies, Reparation, and Admonition

After a private conference, the Empire of Survaek admitted and apologized for the accidental destruction of the ANV Venom on its departure from Honneria to avoid involvement in the war. Anvegad officials accepted the apology and the reparations for the destroyer's destruction.

Military officials present at the meeting accept the situation of mistakes in identification, and propose joint-training and officer exchange exercises to avoid future incidents of this nature. Put simply, neither side of the alliance has worked together signficantly despite signing of formal joint-defense pacts, and it would be best to ensure our troops can one day stand side by side if neccessary.

Anvegad dispatches military officials to meet with Generals of Survaek with offers of an exchange of professional troops and officers for an equal number of Survaek officers, with the intent of comparing doctrines, tactics, and equipment to determine best practices and learn from Survaek's recent military experiences.

Black Gold Fever!

With the discovery of oil on Anvegad soil, thousands of prospectors rush to tap the fields of black gold on the Empire's western border. The oil fields are filled with prospectors and investigators and drillers from big and small companies seeking the riches beneath the Earth.

In the midst of this tumult, one businessman rises above the rest. From humble beginnings and through ruthless yet effective business practices, Emir Tarkon has crushed or bought out several world-be prospectors and began establishing a central "Tarkon Energy" company for oil production for the state. Though his tactics are ruthless and his treatment of his works criticized, even his detractors admit where he works oil production rises and the number of well explosions fall dramatically. The Ministry of Economics has reportedly even sent a special attendant to learn from him and record his methods.

"I'm not here to run a family business. I'm here to make money and keep the oil flowing. So I work my employees hard and ride their asses on every mistake, but you know how many mining explosions and drill accidents I had? Zero. How many deaths on my watch? Zero. If they aren't happy with living, they can go work for another prospector. Go ask some of my ex-employees how they feel about that. Oh wait, they blew themselves up with their own crappy TNT. Who the hell cuts corners on explosives? Not me. Not ever. I want my employees working, not dead."
-Emir Tarkon, explaining his business practices after buying out the White Pick prospector coalition.

Designs for the Orient

The Ministries of Economics and War have declared the next phase of Anvegad colonial expansion to be centered around Farasia, with intent of cultural and economic outreach to the peoples of the orients to bring them into the light of modern Anvegad. Already colonies have begun to be set up in Farasia to turn its resources and people to the advancement of the Empire.

Various critics worry that the rise in conflict in the region may bring the Empire into war on distant soil, but the expansion of the Soldier-colonist bills to bring in more former military personnel to the colonies as militia and reserves to colonial farms and mines is deemed presently sufficient along with current garrison plans, although these may be pending review as further colonization sites are being chosen.


Tensions between Zellonia and Sumaya are reaching fever-pitch as conflict seems about to erupt from the distant islands. Chairman Volkov denounces the Empire of Zellonia for rapidly escalating the situation to open conflict, and for threatening a major trading partner of the Anvegad Empire.

In response, Chairman Volkov and Fleet Admiral Yeoh have ordered the destroyers ANV Lance, Mace, and the heavy cruiser Steadfast along with a complement of 5,000 troops from the Regular army with a battery of field artillery to reinforce the colonial garrison at Fort Camber and to send a message that Anvegad will not permit its colonies or its trade in the region to be threatened by outside powers. Word on actual intervention into conflict is yet to be given pending still ongoing discussion with Sumoya, but the amount of firepower moving to be stationed at the colony is considerable at now four destroyers, one light cruiser, and a heavy cruiser flagship dedicated to protecting local Anvegad shipping and colonial assets. It is hoped that their mere presence is enough to deter further escalation of conflict.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Murtox


Member Seen 19 days ago

The New Republic Of Kalpia-Year 1903

Kalpian News

The goverment is not happy with that happened in Erimarsh , neither are the citizens of Kalpia , even if they supported the "Glorious Kalpia" movement what they called for was nationalism love for the motherland not to go againts our authorities , the goverment is neither happy or angry , but they can understand the thing that the soldiers and general had in his mind, In words of our own president :"Maybe the shadow on Kalpia has decreased but we are same , we dont care if other nation thinks that we have changed but we really want that our people gets stronger and undestand the current situation of our nation , we are alligned with the Sociatatem because we value how they see freedom and the rightfull treatment to the citizens in every country , because we want to maintain peace and make our nation stronger to protect others that are not , so the great tragedies of the past dont repeat again"-President of Kalpia Arthur Wolfgang.

While the goverment was busy dealing with the Erimarsh situation sending officials and diplomats , a new crisis has started in Sarelia between the Monarchy of Zellonia and the Sumaya Kingdom , in this situation the goverment has called for a peace conference to solve the tensions in the border between Zellonia and Sumaya. While the goverment dont know every detail about the problems we expect that both countries involved in tensions give us all the information they can so we can reach a peacful solution to the problems they are suffering , while as a Sociatatem nation we look for the peace , we also look for the security of our citizens in Verkas a as we will try to not fail them again .

In other news the goverment has made several orders for rifles and artillery , to fullfill the needs of the army in terms of security for the nation , "the best rifles and artillery that can be provided will be provided for the army in order to assure the might of our nation and the protection of its citizens" says the High Chief of the army Othmar Frej. New companies in Kalpia has started to look for resources in the Sarelian Islands and in Faresia a thing that if succed will provide to Kalpia new space for its colonist and more resources to fuel the industry and the army .

Mistburn in 1903 , reflecting the wealth and power that the Kalpian citizens possess

Lastly with the new inventions and the new century arriving new companies have rised to make the innovation in Kalpia more present , as for Armin Hartmut Wirnhier we has made a new invent with strange capabilities a thing that he calls "EWSS"(Early Warning Ship System) using the discoveries that Kasimir Poldi Haase made about radio waves that are invisible to the human eye, the company involved "KLP" a company specializated in invents has said that the artifact can be used as a early warning system for shipping so the a port can know if there a ship arriving or leaving , the invent is still not finished at maybe it wont be finished until decades but this is one of the inventions that need their time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Year 1904
World Tension: 19%

Mille-Sessau Incites Border Tension against Etellia (+3% World Tension, Targeted Nation grants CB against you).
Mille-Sessau Fabricates Claims on Etellia (+5% World Tension)
Anvegad Allies with Sumaya (+8% World Tension, +5% National Unity)
Zellonia Declares War on Sumaya (+12% World Tension)
Soroyo-Anvegadian Colonial War (+12% World Tension)
Zellonia Incites Unrest in Kalpia (+5% World Tension)
Imperial Restoration Begins Crisis in Soroyan Faresia (+15% World Tension)
Anvegad Denounces Zellonia (-5% World Tension)
Soroya Intervenes in Basai (-10% World Tension)
Xian Intervenes in Basai (-10% World Tension)
Xian Embargoes Yamarano (-4% World Tension)
Aontas Signs Trade Agreements with Tramel (-3% World Tension, +10% GNP)
Aontas Signs Trade Agreements with Salardia (-3% World Tension, +10% GNP)
Survaek Signs Trade Agreements with Khernikovia (-3% World Tension, +10% GNP)
Survaek Signs Trade Agreements with Sorena (-3% World Tension, +10% GNP)

[LINK FOR BIGGER MAP: i.imgur.com/X5vHJbI.png]

The World, circa 1904


January 2nd: Approximately 7,000 soldiers of the Empire of Zellonia are immediately ordered from their posts in Hollan, New Zellonia toward the Sumayan border. Without preparation or mobilization, the soldiers are barely able to finish their breakfast before they head down the road toward the border. A declaration of war reaches the Sumayan Empire just hours before.

January 4th: The Republic of Haegye sends out a request to purchase 20,000 rifles from any nation that will sell them. They will pay $5,000,000,000 for them, so long as they can be shipped across the Vicarri Sea, since the Haegyean Navy was a brown water fleet.

January 7th: The Grand Survaek Empire finalizes a trade agreement with the Khernikovian Empire.

January 8th-21st: What begins as minor shoot outs along the entire front turns into a meatgrinder just west of the town of Rappang. The Sumayan National Guard was 50,000 strong along the 182 mile front, while the Zellonians had dispatched a paltry 13,000 men. The Zellonians pulled their light artillery up and battered Sumayan positions for three days before assaulting through the heavily foliage. The Battle of Rappang lasted 13 days. The Zellonian vanguard was beaten back, but they were far from beaten.

CASUALTIES (Battle of Rappang)
Sumayan Empire: 1,473 men
Zellonian Empire: 2,191 men

Zellonians attempting a flanking maneuver at Rappang, 1904

January 22nd: An order of 50,000 Pattern-7 Bolt-Action Rifles finishes for the Sumayan Empire


February 3rd: The Grand Survaek Empire lays down the keel of a submarine, the Lumberjack, expected to be finished at the end of the year.

February 4th-5th: Zellonian artillery barrages halt an erratic Sumayan night assault south of Rappang.

February 7th: 20,000 troops finish their training in the Aontan Army.

February 9th: An intricate line of railroads completes in the Suma province of the Sumayan Empire, connecting much of the small empire together in the east.

February 14th: The Sumayan Empire, after great technical difficulties, finishes constructing three submarines, named Cebu, Tawa and Faroe. They are now ready for service.

February 16th: The ZRS Victory, a Pre-Dreadnought has it's 12" guns modernized to 13" guns, as well as several addition of dual purpose 5" guns and increased armoring around the waterline.

February 19th: The Soroyan Second Fleet, composed of 1 pre-preadnought, 2 light cruisers and 4 destroyers and several barges sets sail across the Viscarri Sea. While they would initially make good time, the inclusion of the pre-dreadnought SRF Reijmink, who could only make 16 knots, slows them down significantly, adding several days to their arrival time.

February 21st: 20,000 regulars of the Sumayan Army finishes training.

February 22nd: The Second Battle of Sagoon starts, with 75,000 fresh Yamaranese Shogunate troops attacking 55,000 troops of Basai. Fighting for their families and lives, Basainese troops fight and die in their own capital.


March 4th: Construction of a major shipyard in the Chatara region begins construction in the Kingdom of Aontas.

March 9th: 100 Model L-2 light artillery cannons complete production in the Sumayan Empire.

March 15th: The Kingdom of Etellia declines an invitation to the Sociatatem. Not necessarily a fan of the Imperial Restoration, Etellian Prime Minister Gio Orsini instead said: "It is not like the sheep to be friends with wolves who pretend to be shepherds."

March 16th: A nighttime raid by the Sumayan partisan army the Sons of Sumaya effectively sneaks behind enemy lines and kills 150 Zellonian Colonial Army troops north of Hollan.

CASUALTIES (Nighttime Raid)
Sumayan Empire: 17 men
Zellonian Empire: 150 men

March 17th: An order of 50,000 Bursk Mk IV rifles finishes in the Kingdom of Soroya.

March 21st: Construction of a minor industrial complex begins in Mistburn, Kalpia.

March 22nd: The Kingdom of Soroya declares war on the Yamarano Shogunate, citing an intervention in the war to protect it's colonies in the region.

March 28th: The 12th, 14th, and 16th Divisions (30,000 men) of the Soroyan Colonial Army move north from Flulin into the Yamarano Shogunate, but quickly run into heavily entrenched lines backed by at at least 50,000 Yamaranese troops. The Soroyans pull back.


April 1st: An attempt to colonize the western shores of Faresia by Royal Soroyan Expeditionary Corps goes awry when patrolling Yamaranese Navy destroyers Kiko and Sato stop the ships long before they can disembark. Boarding and realizing the Soroyan's purpose. They intern the sailors and tow the ships back north. The Soroyans lose over $30,000,000,000 in potential colonial assets.

April 3rd: The Kingdom of Soroya begins construction of railroads in the territories of Ekon and Ayas. They are expected to be finished sometime in 1906.

April 5th: Anvegado-Soroyan Colonial Crisis: While the Soroyans had met with sour luck along the northern Faresian shores, their attempts to colonize the southern shores met with a political backhand from the Empire of Anvegad. While neither nation had a formal claim to the area, neither nation obviously intended to release the area, rich in both steel and rare materials.

Both Anvegad and Soroya must choose how they stand on the issue:
* [Press the Issue]: This claim is ours! We will not relinquish our claim and will back it up militarily, if it comes to it.

* [Split the Claim]: There is plenty of land to be had, and it can be split without bloodshed. If they press the claim however when we suggest splitting it, we may lose our spot.

* [Back Down]: We will not go to war over resources in a far away land. If we back out and they attempt to press the issue however, we will look much better in the eyes of the international community.

April 19th: The Soroyan Second Fleet arrives in Flulin with 30,000 Bursk MK IV Rifles, 1,000 Cruska Machine Guns and 50 light artillery. Without a sizable port however in the Kedris region, they have no way to unload the equipment safely. Without specific orders, the Second Fleet sails up the Xian Channel and begins unloading on the Eastern Shores of Kedris.

April 21st: The Sumayan Empire finalizes a Defensive Alliance with the Empire of Anvegad.

April 28th: The Kalpian Republic calls a temporary halt to the fighting in the Zello-Sumayan War to host a peace conference. Zellonian and Sumayan delegates were summoned to Winterhold in Anvegadian Sarelia. Anvegadian and Soroyan delegates, having territory in the region, were also present.

Conference of Winterhold (1904)
A member of the Sociatatem, the Kalpian Republic, has called a halt to the fighting in search of a peaceful resolution. The assembled delegates may vote on one of the three possible solutions. (Each Delegate has 3 Votes. The first vote is worth 3 Points. The second vote is worth 2 Points. The third point is worth 1 point. The top 3 Issues will be put into effect. All 3 Delegates get 3 votes and may vote once per issue. If either Sumaya or Zellonia disregards the treaty, then the Delegate nations will gain a CB on them.)
DELEGATES: Soroya, Anvegad, Kalpia.

* [Establish a Demilitarized Region]: The war must be ended and a demilitarized zone must be established between the two nations. With an establishment of a demilitarized region under the autonomy and control of the delegates for a minimum of 24 months, neither of the involved militant nations may enter this region until the allotted time is up.

* [Conduct an Investigation]: Due to high tensions in the region and allegations that both sides caused the conflict. Our own investigation must be allowed to be conducted to find who is truly responsible for the aggression in the region.

* [Disarmament of Zellonia]: The Empire of Zellonia must disarm it's colony and may be allowed to have no more than 10,000 soldiers there at any time and no more than 1 Armored Cruiser and a total of 5 ships at any time.

* [Disarmament of Sumaya]: The Empire of Sumaya must immediately disarm it's army to half it's current strength and it's aggressive policies must be immediately curbed.

* [Recognize Sumaya's Claim]: We recognize Sumaya's claim to the island. A war for conquest on this island is not considered against the ideals of the Status Quo. The war may be continued.

* [Recognize Zellonia's Claim]: We recognize Zellonia's claim to the island. A war for conquest on this island is not considered against the ideals of the Status Quo. The war may be continued.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chairman Stein
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Chairman Stein Some Sorta Seminarian

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Xian Clique

With great hesitancy, the Clique allowed the white religions from the west to preach their works in Beiqling. Though they were forbidden, largely for their own safety, from preaching outside of the urban centers of Xian. The agricultural regions, which occupied most of Xian, were strongly devoted in their belief of the Divines that kept the world in balance and order. Encroaching on this faith would only cause greater unrest in the slowly recovering villages of the nation.

Missionaries from the Soroyan colonies with Xianese citizens in Changtan, circa 1903

In the northern provinces, the fledgling state of Nasong continued to house what the Clique's intelligence believed were Imperial supporters turned anarchists against the new Republic. This tension resulted in continued raids by the bandits into villages, often ones populated by the constantly relocated and harassed Hmu minority. The height of this tension came in November of 1902 when entire Hmu communities were put to the sword and their villages turned to ash. The Xian state reacted immediately and the border situation with Nasong was tightened. For the rest of the 1902 year and into 1903 the new border patrols continued to face conflict with the rebels in the region. In spring of 1903 the clashes came to head when Xianese troops chased the attackers across the border and put a small band of them to the sword. This unauthorized border crossing was seen as Xian pushing her claims on Nasong and inciting unrest against the state. Though Xian continues to deny these claims.

Xianese soldiers on the border with Nasong, circa summer of 1903.

With the rising issues between the northern Shogun and the fledgling state of Basai bringing in the powers from the west, it too was time for Xian to step into the frey. Though not officially joining the conflict, Xian mobilized her forces late in the winter of 1903 and marched to the border with Basai in January. For the rest of the year two armies were placed upon the border and plans were drawn to fit the flowing order of battle between the two states. If given the order, the armies of Xian would march across the border to defend Basai against the growing monarchist threat to Faresia.

Major General Lang Shao-Ren, the Lion of Ta-meng, and his general staff on the Basai border, circa 1904.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Talis


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sumaya National Series, April 28th, 1904 issue

Varian Peace Conference

The Kalpian Republic has called a conference of Sarelian colonial powers in an attempt to halt the War of Zellonian Aggression. Queen Sinta and King Conrad have both agreed to a temporary ceasefire for the duration of the conference. Queen Sinta expressed her reservations about the possibilities of peace, stating that "No foreign colonizer has the right to dictate Sumaya's actions." Neither Zellonia nor Sumaya were invited to the conference, nor given the opportunity to speak on their own behalf. Sumaya's new ally, the Empire of Anvegad, does hold a vote in the conference. Government officials have expressed cautious optimism that their ally will speak on their behalf and ensure a "just conclusion."

Nonetheless, the ceasefire brings a welcome pause in hostilities as Sumayan forces continue to mobilize in response to Zellonia's assault. Soldiers and artillery continue to stream towards the front, establishing defensive positions under General Batari Gunter. Civilians are being evacuated from the border zone under the supervision of royal army forces.

Army Prepares to Defend Suma

While the recent ceasefire agreement has put a stop to the fighting in the west, officials continue to prepare to defend the capital from a potential naval assault. Officials from the Ministry of Warfare were kind enough to give our correspondents a tour of the defensive emplacements. While we cannot share the pictures here for intelligence reasons, our correspondent reports that the army continues to establish a series of shore batteries armed with the most modern artillery available overlooking the Bay of Suma. The batteries are described as "very impressive" and "Sure to bring hell to any Zellonian ship within range." Our correspondent also witnessed training drills as soldiers practiced repulsing a theoretical amphibious landing in the capital.

Out to sea our proud navy prepares to meet the oncoming Zellonian fleet. While by all reports the Zellonians have a larger force than the Royal Navy, our correspondent reports that the admirals are "not worried" and have "taken considerable measures to even the odds." Our correspondent was taken about the RSN Calu for mine-laying operations in the bay, where the crew were in good spirits as they laid the mines that might sink a Zellonian battleship within the year.

Our correspondent also had a chance to view the newest Torpedo Boats, stationed around the bay in various docks for use against a Zellonian fleet. These nimble little ships pack a punch that can sink a cruiser.

Our correspondent was highly impressed by the military's preparations. After finishing the tour she pronounced her satisfaction that the queen and capital were perfectly safe, and that "any Zellonian fleet that sails into the bay isn't leaving."

Davao Tigers defeat Expat Lions in Surprise Upset.

Crowds cheered yesterday as the Davao Tigers yesterday defeated the Expat Lions by 19-18. Number 15 Eko Guma made the fateful hit, knocking the ball into right field and allowing number 5 Harka Dwi to sprint to base. With the loss the Expat Lions are now out of the series, while the Tigers will continue to the Sumaya Finals where they will face off against the Suma Serpents. The serpents have been the reigning team for 5 years running and are currently favored to win. But, as one correspondent said last night "Sometimes the ball doesn't land where you expect it to."

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Year 1904
World Tension: 27%

Mille-Sessau Incites Border Tension against Etellia (+3% World Tension, Targeted Nation grants CB against you).
Mille-Sessau Fabricates Claims on Etellia (+5% World Tension)
Anvegad Allies with Sumaya (+8% World Tension, +5% National Unity)
Tarikhate of Serranthia Fabricates Claims on Usmyyae (+5% World Tension)
Tarikhate of Serranthia Mobilizes Troops (+3 World Tension)
Zellonia Declares War on Sumaya (+12% World Tension)
Soroyo-Anvegadian Colonial War (+12% World Tension)
Zellonia Incites Unrest in Kalpia (+5% World Tension)
Imperial Restoration Begins Crisis in Soroyan Faresia (+15% World Tension)
Anvegad Denounces Zellonia (-5% World Tension)
Soroya Intervenes in Basai (-10% World Tension)
Xian Intervenes in Basai (-10% World Tension)
Xian Embargoes Yamarano (-4% World Tension)
Aontas Signs Trade Agreements with Tramel (-3% World Tension, +10% GNP)
Aontas Signs Trade Agreements with Salardia (-3% World Tension, +10% GNP)
Survaek Signs Trade Agreements with Khernikovia (-3% World Tension, +10% GNP)
Survaek Signs Trade Agreements with Sorena (-3% World Tension, +10% GNP)

[LINK FOR BIGGER MAP: i.imgur.com/X5vHJbI.png]

The World, circa 1904



May 2nd: A major factory finishes construction in the Chatara province of the Kingdom of Aontas. It begins hiring workers and expects to begin operations in the fall.

May 5th: Soroyan Colonial Crisis: Recent Survaekom documentation suggests that both Faresian colonies of Soroya should belong, de jure, to the Xian Republic. There are even reports by Survaekom archivists that older Soroyan treaties with the Yong Dynasty may have stipulated that the territories be temporarily leased to the Varians, not annexed outright, and that these leases have expired. The Xian Republic is the clear lawful successor to the Yong Dynasty for the purposes of international law, and therefore it has an inviolable right to the return of one of these foreign-occpied territories in full, while the nation of Nakashisaki has a claim on the other.

While Nakashisaki has requested the immediate return of the Soroyan territory, Xian's response is uncertain.

Soroyan Colonial Crisis (1904)
The Soroya's have two separate decisions to make: one regarding Soroyan Faresia based in Kedris and one regarding Soroyan Faresia based in Flulin.

Fate of Soroyan Faresia (Kedris)
* [Lease the Colonies Again]: We will pay the Nakashisaki government for another 100 years on the lease, enabling us to retain our colonial holdings. The Nakashisaki governments request $55,000,000,000 be paid for the lease to be renewed.

* [We Will Hold the Colonies at All Cost]: Paying for land that has belonged to Soroya for 100 years is ridiculous. If Nakashisaki wants the land, they can come and take it! Nakashisaki will not respond kindly.

* [Return the Colony]: The lease, being up, will be rightfully returned to Nakashisaki. This will prove to be a great blow to our prestige, but this will avoid both great financial cost and war. This will decrease tension in the world by 8%.

Fate of Soroyan Faesia (Xian)

* [Negotiate with Xian]: The Xianese have not yet given their monetary offer to continue leasing the Flulin territory. Our delegates are currently en route to Beiqling to negotiate the terms of renewing the lease.

* [The Land Belongs to Us]: There will be no negotiations. The colony belongs to us, and ancient treaties have no authority over us.

* [Return the Land]: The Xian can forego the negotiations. We will return the land in exchange for a Defensive Alliance with them, strengthening autonomy in Faresia and our political ties in the region.This will decrease tension in the world by 10%.

May 9th: The Winterhold Conference ends with the Treaty of Winterhold (1904). The stipulations are the following.

Sarelian Archipelago, circa 1904

May 9: The Army of Mille-Sessau conscripts 120,000 young men into military service, citing concerns over the security of its borders. However, without rifles to equip them with, the Army designates the hastily-trained soldiers as reservists.

May 15th: The Empire of Anvegad finishes construction on a minor factory in the Emphyra province and is expected to be open next year.

May 19th: Erwin Osgood is killed while experimenting with his Flyer in the Kingdom of Aontas.

May 22nd: The Tarikhate of Serranthia colonizes the island of of Kalafas.

May 25th: The Kingdom of Soroya finishes the HNS Vulture, a Pre-Dreadnought that was ordered in 1902. With war against the Yamarano Shogunate and the Anvegad Empire set upon the nation, several admirals have suggested seizing the vessel instead of letting it sail for Honnerian waters.

The Pre-Dreadnought Question
* [Seize the Vessel]: War is upon us and every ship is required, especially a pre-dreadnought. We built her, and she's ours. We will pay Honneria back for her purchase when we can. Honneria, however, may be upset.

* [Send Her to Honneria]: Honneria paid for her, and she is theirs. The ship must be sent on it's way.

Finished Soroyan Pre-Dreadnought Blueprints, circa 1902


June 3rd: Three submarines laid down earlier in the year, the Phila,, Suma, and Expat are finished by the Empire of Sumaya.

June 7th: The Empire of Sumaya finishes preliminary infrastructure efforts in colonizing the Mataku Islands and the first city is established there, the colonial capital of Tabu.

June 19th: An order of 1,000 Cruska Guns finishes it's production run in the Kingdom of Soroya.

June 24th: The Kalpian Republic's delegation to Colonel Visguth walked the line, and it was exactly what he didn't want to hear. Being told simply what they knew he wanted to hear turned Visguth sour. He ordered the Glorious Kalpia movement a farce, and denounced the Kalpian President as a boot licker to the Sociatatem. In a plea to the Kalpian Army, Visguth asks for others to mutiny as well.

He is arrested by the Kalpian authorities.


July 1st: A submarine laid down by the Tarikhate of Serranthia is finished and available for service.

July 4th: The military garrison of Zotport, Kalpia revolts. 800 men strong, they declare Zotport a free city.

July 7th: The Zotport Mutiny is put down when the 7th Infantry Division of the Kalpian Army enters Zotport. After a minor shootout, the Zotport Garrison surrenders.

July 7th: The Tarikhate of Serranthia begins a mass industrialization program, laying down railroads across it's nation, expected to be finished in early 1906.

July 18: The Mille-Sessaun Army unveils two new weapons before a crowd of international observers. Their new bolt-action rifle, the Primaire Modele 04, impressed all in attendance by performing better than last year's leading firearm, the Deltoran Vulcaine Mark II. They also revealed Mille-Sessau's first production-ready machine-gun, the Harkin, which equally impressed the observers with a hereto unprecedented rate of fire.

Harkin Machine Gun being tested, Mille-Sessau, circa 1904


August 1st: A historical claim on the Usmayee Caliphate is discovered by the Tarikhate of Serranthia.

August 2nd: The Kalpian Republic finishes a production run of 1,000 FT-19 machine guns.

August 3rd: Chief of the Army, General Vilskamp of the Kalpian Army retires his post. The most illustrious general in the Kalpian Army, he has become disillusioned with Kalpian New Age politics.

Replacing Vilskamp
* [Appoint General Hartmut Stüber]: At age 57, Stüber is a fierce modernist who believes a small, modern army will serve Kalpia's purpose better than a large one. He is a proponent of the Sociatatem and an isolationist. (+15% National Unity)

* [Appoint General Reiner Engelhardt]: Age 70, Engelhardt is a professional and 40 year veteran in the Kalpian Army. He is pro Imperial Restoration and believes that Kalpia must expand if she is to survive in the 20th century. (Receive 2 Free Random Army Tech Upgrade and 30,000 Professional Troops as free troops.)

* [Appoint Admiral Friedrich Schirmer]: Age 49, he is the current Admiral of the small and outdated Kalpian Navy. He is a pragmatist and cares less about politics and more about the nation. He wishes to see the navy expanded and upgraded. (Receive 3 Free Random Navy Tech Upgrades and 3 Free Random Ships Modernized.)

August 5th: The Tarikhate of Serranthia mobilizes it's soldiers for war.

August 9th: Pressing for the claim in the Faresian coastlands, the Kingdom of Soroya declares war on the Empire of Anvegad. This is a Colonial War with the winner receiving the Southern Faresia Coast colony.

August 10th: The military garrison at Survaun, Kalpia mutinies. They are 550 men strong. Stealing 50 FT-19 machine guns from the local armory, they turn the Survaun Garrison into a fortress and refuse to come out unless Colonel Visguth is released from prison. Anyone, civilian or military that approaches is ruthlessly gunned down by the mutinous Survaun garrison.


* All Tech Rolls for Mille-Sessau are performed by AspenIvan (player of Survaek).
* All Timeline Posts for Mille-Sessau are performed by AspenIvan (player of Survaek).

-- Appoint Commander (Cost $5,000,000,000): This will randomly generate a commander for your nation. That commander can then be assigned to a Fleet or an Army. They will be maintained in your dossier. (PLEASE NAME THE COMMANDER).

-- Xian
-- Kalpia
-- Survaek
-- Sumaya
-- Zellonia
-- Vatanno
-- Aontas
-- Deltora
-- Anvegad
-- Soroya
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Murtox


Member Seen 19 days ago

The New Republic Of Kalpia-Year 1904

Kalpian News

The people is sad by the decision of the High Chief of the Army Vilskamp , his reasons are that the goverment and the president has become weak , most of cabinet of the current goverment has decided to apoint a new high chief to replace him, the decision was the General Reiner Engelhardt , and about the colonel Visguth he wont be liberated until he swears to no go againts the goverment again , after that he wont be in charge of any division but he will be a military advisor in the High Command of the army , this may be seen as a act to avoid any kind of conflict in the future but now the future is unknow , with the elections nobody knows which party will win as every one seems very active in order to get votes going as far as doing social service and parades.

Another trouble news are that Etellia has made a conference with Kalpia in Mistburn calling for our protection againts Mille-Sessau recent mobilization of its army forces , the goverment has made clear that Kalpia will help Etellia as Kalpia will likely succed with its own problems very soon and for the moment Etellia is in true danger Kalpia will be ready to help its ally.

The new High Chief of the Army General Reiner Engelhardt
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Chairman Stein
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Chairman Stein Some Sorta Seminarian

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Xian Clique

With the rising tensions between the Republic of Xian and the western Societatem over Survaekom findings, the Clique government agreed to send a delegation to The Grand Empire of Survaek in June of 1904. Ambassador Shiu Fuhua and his staff set sail upon the Xianese Armored Cruiser 'Tai-Shun' on June 12th, 1904. The reason behind these negotiations remains unknown. The Clique government, however, remains silent on their claim to Soroya's Faresian Colonies.

The Armored Cruiser 'Tai-Shun', circa 1902.

In addition to the Survaek delegation, in June of the same year Xianese soldiers began transitioning along the Basai-Xian border, their lines stretching to also meet their northern border with the Kingdom of Soroya. The construction of Xianese trench-lines being seen by civilians on both sides of the border. Major General Lang Shao-Ren, commander of the northern force, said the action was merely for defensive purposes in these tense times.

Civilians in Changtan were greeted in early July by the marching of soldiers from the capital and the eastern province of Jinqianpo. Defensive perimeter began construction within Changtan and outside the once capital of the revolution. By early August it was confirmed a Southern Army Group had been organized on the Xianese-Soroyan border.

National Revolutionary Army soldiers marching in Changtan, circa July, 1904.

Finally given the order, the NRA marched across the Xian-Basai border in August of 1904 on the orders of Major General Lang Shao-Ren. Half of the Northern Army Group retained their defensive positions along the Soroya-Xian border, while the other half marched onward into Basai. Within hours a official declaration of war was given by the Clique government to the Yamarano Shogunate. Their stated claim being in defense of the Basai nation against Monarchist-Imperialism. NRA Soldiers are expected to arrive on the front lines by mid-August or November at the latest.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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The Nexerus Sui generis

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kingdom of Aontas

Foreign Office of the Kingdom of Aontas

Law is the foundation of human society and the expression of the values of the nations which it governs. Legal principles define a nation-state's attitudes towards certain behaviours—where law is involved, the behaviours in question are nearly without exception considered negative. It is law's charge, then, to penalize erroneous conduct, in order not only to punish those who commit misdeeds, but to provide incentive for the innocent to remain innocent. However, law, being derived largely from the state's interpretation of natural law rather than natural principles in and of themselves, is often imperfect. This can be displayed to the greatest effect in the conduct of states, and their interactions with their neighbours; or, in the case which this publication concerns, their neighbour's neighbour's neighbours.

It has recently come to the attention of the Kingdom of Aontas that the Grand Survaek Empire has produced a collection of documents which presume to display the legal status of the continent of Faresia. There has been no explanation on the part of Foedinei to explain how Survaek, a nation across the Vicarri Ocean from Faresia which has never held any amount of territory in any region of the Faresian continent, came to be in possession of such documents. Nor has there been any accounting for their legitimacy. It is the logical position of the Foreign Office of the Kingdom of Aontas, then, that these documents are of no legal authority whatsoever, and their release under presumed legitimacy is tantamount to slander on the part of the Survaek Empire against the Kingdom of Soroya. The documents are of absolutely no force or effect, and for any state to treat them with any reverence at all, let alone to consider them legally valid, would be a spectacular embarrassment for the government involved. The broad international community is privy to the attempts of forgers to illegally create false legal contracts, and ought to be doubly scrutinous when such contracts concern the boundaries of nations. Until an accounting can be provided for the origin of these documents, and proof of their legitimacy can be ascertained, it must be the assumption of any state operating logically and with respect for the principle of law to assume that they are scraps of paper.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AspenIvan


Member Seen 2 mos ago


A Public Response to the Slanderous Statement of the Aontan Foreign Office

The assembled historians of the Imperial Academy of Foedinei, with the support of our many signatory faculty comrades, are shocked to see the accusations against us printed and released by the Aontan Foreign Office. Furthermore, we are deeply saddened by their statement's utter disregard for the proper channels of scholarly inquiry and debate.

We scholars went through painstaking research, some at home but most abroad, to ascertain and interpret the documents confirming the legal right of the Xian Republic and Nakashisaki to territories currently held by the Kingdom of Soroya. The attempt of the Aontan Foreign Office to discredit our hard work is complete and utter speculation based on irrelevant geopolitical concerns. They present no evidence against our conclusion, nor any critique of our methodology. Their case, in short, is non-existent and serves only as a half-baked attempt to damage the reputation of our prestigious faculty and institution.

We urge all scholars, and all thinking folk, to pay no heed to those baseless words of Aontan diplomats, who are either ignorant or deliberately inattentive to the proper conduct for intellectual engagement and discussion.

The Historical Faculty of the Imperial Academy of Foedinei, and the following signatories...



So as to avert any alarm on the part of the nations of Varia, the Grand Survaek Empire announces now, in advance, its intention to send a force from the Surv-Vyaez to patrol the Southern coastal waters of Anvegad. This is a measure to ensure that the current colonial war between the Empire of Anvegad and the Kingdom of Soroya does not escalate beyond the sphere of Faresia. Needless to say, attempts by the Soroyan Navy to attack the coasts of Varian Anvegad will be interpreted as a hostile act against said naval contingent, and by extension a declaration of war against the Grand Survaek Empire.

Foreign Minister Aedis Haerk


-- The Imperial Academy of Foedinei responds harshly to Aontan claims that their documents regarding Soroyan Faresia are fabricated.

-- A Survaekom naval force moves to patrol Anvegadian mainland waters to prevent Soroya (or any other power involved) from expanding the colonial war to Varia. (Details PMed to GM)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Murtox


Member Seen 19 days ago

The New Republic Of Kalpia-Year 1904

Kalpian News

New about the conference of Winterhold have arrived to Mistburn and the ambassador Kevin Rafael Möller has said that the conference has been a success for Kalpia atleast in the table , the winterhold conference has made clear that a demilitarizated zone in the border between Somaya and Zellonia will be made , a investigation will be done by the three nations that attended the conference Anvegad , Soroya and Kalpia and finally the conference has recognized the claims of the nation of Sumaya in the region of colonial Zellonia , this leads the three nations to solve their claims in a later time after most the demilitarizated zone is settled and the investigation is done. "We hope that the conference will bring peace to Sarelia and will avoid any further conflict in the region"-Kevin Rafael Möller , after this he had a brief conversation with a reporter , the reporter said that Kevin Rafael Möller wasnt sure that Zellonia would agree to the conference , as their agressive attitude is shown to the world.

To start the preparations of the treaty the nation of Kalpia has set up a investigation team of their own and a military force of 5,000 men as the nations of Soroya and Anvegad can be considered not able to do this as they face problems in their own colonies in Faresia , althought the help of those of nations could be very helpful to put the treaty of Winterhold in force.

Kevin Rafael Möller

The Fair of Weapons of Mistburn is going to start soon , as a traditional fair of our country to give the companies in our country a way to show up their new inventions and a way to entertrain our population , the fair is always awaited by the soldiers of the our army as they are given a free day to attend the fair but only in the Mistburn region, several competitions of skill and intelligence will be held in the fair , there will be rewards as special editions of several weapons as the Siril/99 or the Mariust/98 , beyond this this will be a chance for our soldiers to show to the public that they are capable of defending the citizens of Kalpia and as a last note the new chief of the army Reiner Engelhardt will be present.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Chairman Stein
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Chairman Stein Some Sorta Seminarian

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Xian Clique

Imperial Palace of Foedinei, Grand Survaek Empire, June 26, 1904

The Xianese delegation, consisting of the crew of the Tai-Shun, Shiu Fuhua, and Fuhua's staff, arrived in the capital of the Grand Survaek Empire on the 26th of June, after a two week long voyage from their setting point on the western coast of Xian. The delegation brought with them gifts of silk, Xianese jewelry, and tropical spices from the agricultural heartland of Faresia. The gifts, the translator says, are traditional signs of good intentions and respect in Xian.
"The Silk represents comfort, the jewelry represents nobility and good fortune, and the spices represent long lasting life."

While kept out of the papers and headlines of the ever-growing international news system, the Xianese delegation comes to Survaek with the intention of aid.

"War is coming to Faresia. In the north monarchists loyal to a remnant shogun wage war against new growing states, and the Varians from the west continue to occupy rightfully Xianese lands to our south. Mister Fuhua has been requested to come to the Empire in a desperate call for Survaekom aid in the coming conflict with the Shogunate."

"It is a rare pleasure to receive gifts from those foreign dignitaries to whom I grant an audience, as was the standard in the old days. Perhaps without even knowing it, you do justice to Survaekom customs as well as your own, which all too many Varians are loathe to observe in this age. I must insist on returning the favor. My staff will return with a large case of the finest wine of all the Empire, representing friendship in good spirits, and an Yvorian Era suit of armor in pristine condition, in acknowledgment of your respect for history and tradition." Indeed, soon the servant returned with a small train of assistants carrying the requested items before the Xianese delegation. "Please be sure to direct these gifts to General Chiang Cai Xiao and The Liberation Council, on behalf of my Majesty of the Grand Survaek Empire."

Now it was time to get to the reasons for the delegates' visit. The Emperor took a moment to consider his reply before answering, "I believe the Empire shares the goals and interests of the Xian Republic. Your nation must be restored to its rightful power, glory, and territorial extent. I am more than willing to aid you in this endeavor, but I must first know what exactly you require."

The Emperor's gifts are accepted graciously and the Translator listens to Shiu Fuhua's words carefully before replying.

"First, Mister Fuhua thanks you for your gifts, General Chiang Cai Xiao will certainly be glad to see your respectful attitude towards the Xianese people. Secondly, the Xianese Republic requests naval aid in a theoretical situation of conflict with Soroya and her guard dogs. It has been many years since Xian had a navy worthy of mention, and on the sea the Varians will put our ships to the bottom very quickly. However, Survaekom has a navy worthy of her status and one that could greatly assist in defending the Xianese coasts from Varian attack. In addition, any other form of supply or manpower the Empire can send would be greatly appreciated."

Emperor Shayaer pondered the ambassadors' proposal. "The Grand Survaek Empire has its own threats nearby. If we were to send our navy to assist you, Soroya or Deltora could attack our home shores unimpeded. I do not believe it would be prudent for either of us for Survaek to intervene directly in your war; it would only escalate the matter, bring in more enemies, and create conditions less favorable to victory.

"Instead, what I offer is to sell the Xian Republic ships and weapons. Artillery, machine guns, destroyers, and perhaps a few light cruisers. We would even consider loaning equipment out to Xian for payment at a later date. Would this be sufficient?"

The Ambassador thinks for a moment, and turns to discuss the matter with his own advisory in Xianese. The men speak for some time before he turns and gives a reply to the Translator.

"Mister Fuhua agrees. The Republic requires stronger naval vessels and machine guns to properly defend both her coasts and her own trenches on the front against the Shogunate. What prices would the Survaek Empire be requesting?"

The Emperor leaned over to the right to consult Vizier Ayan Sujjid, who had been standing silently by his side throughout the negotiations. After a short discussion, Shayaer Khaitis was ready to answer.

"$3 billion per ship for up to six destroyers, $6 billion per ship for up to three light cruisers, $3 billion for 1,000 machineguns up to a purchase of 3,000, and $3 billion per 10,000 rifles for up to 40,000."

The Translator smiles as she listens to the words of the Ambassador, and replies quickly.

"Mister Fuhua is very gracious of your pricing, your majesty. The Liberation Council will gladly spend the necessary funds for your light cruisers and machine guns."

"Excellent," the Emperor replied, offering a smile to the Xianese delegates. He believed this would be a stepping stone for Survaek's political reach, and for the Imperial Restoration.

Collab between Chairman Stein and @AspenIvan
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lone Wanderer
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Lone Wanderer

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Republic of Deltora

The Etellian Debate

With the invitation to join the Sociatatem, to stand by the ideals of freedom, balance and peace refused by the government of Etellia. This much was accepted, however the speech given by Etellian Prime Minister Gio Orsini, naming the Sociatatem as wolves posing as shepherds, would not go without rebuttal from popular Deltoran diplomat Eric Duclos.

"Your mistake, is in assuming us to be the shepherds. We do not control the flock, we protect the flock. We are the guard dogs that would see off those craven enough to try take that which they hold no rights to, those which prowl on those considered weaker than themselves. It is those who stand upon your borders now, that are the wolves."

Deltoran diplomat Eric Duclos. Circa 1904.

Mille-Sessau Aggression

Delegates from Deltora have been sent on their way to the capital city of Aville in order to find answers behind Mille-Sessau's clearly aggressive actions and potentially hostile intentions towards Etellia. The stationing of troops on foreign borders would not be tolerated, and could only mark the intentions of war or aggression, both of which were to be found unacceptable. Demands have been made that the government of Mille-Sessau explain themselves for such a course of action reminiscent of an expansionist.

The Crozier Expedition

1904 would be the year. The first year in a hundred years which would see a Deltoran set foot upon foreign soil with the sole intention of colonization and exploration. The expedition led by Evrard Crozier and his hardy crew have taken to the seas accompanied by the brave Destroyers TPS Deliverance and Fortitude in order to bring civilization to the far islands of Faresia. Their goal, the Makitori Islands of the Faresian coast.

From left: Kevin Moreau, Armel Fresnel, Evrard Crozier, Ludovic Vidal, Grégoire Bernier of the Crozier Expedition. Circa 1904.

Expectations are high for the expedition. With hopes of a colony for the people being founded upon the isles within the next few months of the expeditions return. In a world where nations were ever expanding their lands abroad and oversees. Deltora in order to keep up with the growing demand for resources, must too enter the race for colonization. The Makitori islands and it's people, would soon feel the welcoming embrace of civilization, education, liberty and civility.


The blatant expansionism and warmongering actions of those known as the Yamarno Shogunate, remains an a front to the civilized world. The Yamarno's attempted conquest into Basai land has warranted our allies the Soroyans and those of the Republic of Xian to intervene on the behalf of the defenders to quell the warmongering state. From this date, no trade shall reach the fiends who would see it's flag across the entirety of Faresia, lest it be used to fuel it's barbaric aims.

- Demanding the government of Mille-Sessau explain their clearly hostile intentions.
- Expedition to colonize the Makitori Islands.
- Denouncement and embargo of the Yamarno Shogunate.
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