Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 7 hrs ago


Location: Road North of Salarn, One hour north of Camp
Interacting With: Cremwise, Calanon, Lerraina, Everyone In The Wagon

Keystone strained to raise the corner of the wagon. It wanted to move, it really did. But even with assistance, it just wasn't enough. Whatever they were hauling must be heavy indeed. If he could just divest the conveyance of a couple hundred pounds, surely that would be sufficient to allow the large man (and not quite as large Elf) enough purchase to separate the wheel from the road's muddy Bastille, bent upon holding it fast within.

And let us not forget the Orcs. Oh yes, the hordes of angry, greenskinned, pissed-off Orcs that lived right around this area, utterly annoyed at the presence of Humans and other, less Orcy races. From his last encounter with them, the tiniest scrap of possibility arose that the Orcs didn't really start this conflict. Keystone imagined that were he an Orc, he'd be rightly upset at the non-Orc him if he found himself creeping about in his forest so soon after an attack.

Truly, he had a dizzying intellect. Of sorts.

Either way, Orcs or Undead, Keystone had no desire to be out in the middle of hostile territory during a downpour as the overall season was transitioning out of autumn. His approach to informing the others was terse and quite direct. He poked his head inside the covered portion of the wagon with their living cargo, exclaiming with faux cheer, "Wakey wakey, li'l ladies! It's buggerin' off time! before immediately continuing in his normal, low voice, "Nah seriously, shake it out, then. Wagon's stuck in a rut, need to lift it out. I got a tarp in there you lot can stand under, if'n y'need it."

The upstart Pugilist put his back to the wagon again, bracing to make another attempt. He set his jaw firm and cut an angry, determined glare. He would lift this wagon out of the mud, or projectile-shit a kidney in the attempt.

Before he rectally expelled an internal organ, however, Keystone heard a small but clear voice mention something about needing a hand from the edge of the treeline. Another mystery guest, crawling out of the forest. This seemed to be happening a lot lately. The large man's level of acceptance of these events was slowly turning toward the positive. It wasn't quite there yet, but he had reached grudging tolerance. Maybe there was some higher metaphysical purpose to them being thrown together. Best to wait and see. At least until the next town. All the same, he had to take the opportunity to Snark.

"Do I need an 'and? Look lady, it's been a day. I swear by all things Good and Bacony, if you start applaudin', I'll bloody thump ya." He sighed, resigning himself to the inevitable of his situation. "C'mon then, best get with it. Name of Keystone. We're headed that way. We'll get to the whys and hows after we're movin'."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 6 days ago


Location: The caravan
Interacting with: Keystone, The Wagon, A rock maybe, the New Girl

No matter what Cyneburg's complaints might be able walking through the rain might be, they wouldn't matter if the cart got stuck in the mud. Which it did. The druid sighed in frustration. Normally in a situation like this, she could transform into an animal like another horse and help pull the cart, but that was not the case today. None of her other spells would be able to help in this circumstance. After all, softening mud wouldn't exactly do much. And on top of that, even if she tried to help pull, she would probably just get in the way. Feats of physical ability were not her forte. It seemed all she could do was plant her axe in the ground and wait. The tip of the walking stick sunk into the ground before halting on something hard. Something like a rock. The sudden vibration acted like a fire starter, sparking an idea in her head. She was just about to speak up when a new traveler popped in. This time a woman who wore lots of clothes with a bow in her hand asked if the group needed 'a hand.' At this point? Sure, why not. Cyneburg looked away from the new arrival and turned to Keystone.

"Before you have the two ladies get out of the wagon, do you mind if I check something? I might have a spell that would not resolve the situation, but could potentially help you unstick the wagon." She spoke louder than usual, at almost a yell to make sure she was heard over the ambient rain. She still might be ignored, but if she was, no skin off her nose. Cyne still had no particular responsibility to this caravan.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Charnobylisk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Valona “Norsa” Norsys

Location: Storehouse - Gorlf Northern Territory - About 90 minutes a head of the wagon, about an hour from the cave in the other direction
Interacting With: Kyra @Lady Amalthea and Malkus @Lucius Cypher

Thankful for the lack of rain within the storehouse, Valona wandered around the building and took in the space and its surroundings. The bits of grain strewn around the floor caused her to consider how long it had been since the place had been emptied. The odd area of dampness where leaks were letting water in were few enough that it wouldn’t raise any cause for concern just yet.

She looked to her new companion and she couldn’t help but scowl. She felt as though she were being watched and it really did not make her feel comfortable. She muttered under her breath and glowered at the floor as she kicked around small whirls of dust.

“So…” It was clear that Valona had no idea what to talk about with this human. She had been alone for so long and when she hadn’t been alone it was neither in a pleasant capacity nor for long enough to actually have a conversation. Those times were usually when Norsa came out and Valona was stuck hiding in a corner of her own mind.

She glanced around the room some more, looking up towards the roof of the building and wondered where Ha’des had disappeared to. It was unusual for him to disappear for longer than a few moments. She could hear nothing in her mind from him which caused her face to set in a worried frown. She would need to try and find him soon if he didn’t show up.

A knock on the door to the storehouse caused her to come out of her thoughtful trance. She raised an eyebrow at the door and looked to Kyra. “I’ll be right back.” Before she could even give Kyra a chance to reply she muttered a single word beneath her breath and a burst of smoke engulfed her. An owl now stood in her place and hopped a little towards Kyra before taking into flight and flying out of the ventilation points around the roof.

Flying out into the poor weather was not the most comfortable in this form but she had turned into owls enough in the last 50 years that she was used to it now. Flying around the building to the front where the knock had originated from, Valona spied a cloaked fellow that when she flew a little closer could see that he wore a mask across his face and, had she any eyebrows, would have raised them at the sight of him. His skin was a hue that looked more orc than anything else but she wondered why an orc would knock.

Valona decided that she had enough information to go back inside. Flying around the building to the other side she swooped into the vents there and landed on the ground gracefully. She shook out her feathers to release the last remnants of water before releasing her spell. She rolled her eyes and stretched her arms and legs out as she bounced on the spot to get used to her own body once again.

“We have a guest… Looks a little shady, really shady honestly but they did knock so if you want to answer the door, go right ahead. I’m going to remain hidden just in case they try anything dumb. Oh and they look like an orc and have a mask around their mouth so I couldn’t be sure if they were pure or diluted so good luck with that.” Valona then disappeared in another puff of smoke and became the owl again as she flew up into the rafters of the barn where she perched and watched the door intently. She could only hold this form for another five minutes but that would be enough to know what this guest wanted here.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Kyra Altham

Location: Gorlf Northern Territory
Interacting With: @Charnobylisk @Lucius Cypher

Kyra looked around the room a bit, there wasn't much in the way of stores, just left over things that were scattered about. Looked like the place had been cleared out rather quickly; maybe because of the war the stores that were normally kept there. Taking off her cloak she hung it up on a nail near where the hearth was located and got to work on trying to start a fire for the evening. She was soaked and so was her new counter part; by the time the rest of the group caught up with them she knew they would be as well. It was going to be a long day and night it seemed but at least the weather was not getting any worse even if it wasn't getting any better at that point. Oh well, it was just that time of year in the Gorlf Northern Territory from what she had gathered from her research before coming to these parts. It would stay this way, off and on, until the cold fully set in and then the rain would just change to snow. For her, she would rather deal with the cold than the wet but she wasn't an elementalist. There was nothing she could do to change it.

Grabbing some of the wood that was inside she tossed it into the hearth, arranging the split pieces so they would burn but burn slow. There was not a lot so she needed to make it last at least long enough for people to be able to warm up and get dry. As she was informed that there was someone there and she heard the knock at the door she nodded, keeping quiet as her hand fell to her blade. While the place was great to get dry at, places like this tended to draw attention by anyone else that wanted the same thing.

Kyra stopped worrying about the fire for now and waited for Valona to return. Once she had she listened to what the dual personality woman had to say and nodded. "Oh well better to see what is going on instead of letting them remain outside and ambush the others I am waiting on," she said quietly.

Stepping over to the door she did not draw her weapon as of yet, but did keep a hand on the hilt of her blade. Slowly she opened the door and peaked her head outside. "Can I help you?" she said as she stood in the doorway instead of hiding behind it; she wanted to ensure that who ever it was saw that she was armed and wasn't going to be intimidated right off the bat.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Satilla Valen

Location: Just outside the wagon.
Interacting With: Keystone & Cyneburg

“Yeah… I got that, mister Keystone. I was just about to disembark the wagon to help out.” Satilla replied to the man as she finished putting on her cloak, left her bag next to Ash and quickly made her way out of the sheltered wagon. The rain hit her pretty darn fast, but there was just no way around it. Her cloak was quickly starting to soak up, but it was still better than simply staying out in the rain without any cover. Still her clothes were going to be incredible mess by the end of this journey. She so should have not picked white ones!

“I won’t really be of too much help in heavy lifting, but at least my weight wont add to the wagon’s.” She added as she moved next to Keystone to at least try to help him with lifting the wagon. This was way too much for her frail body, but she couldn’t stay without trying to help at least. These people did provide a surviving chance for her with their acceptance of her to accompany them.

It was then that she noticed a new arrival yet again and she barely caught what Cyneburg had said. That actually might help a lot, but considering how muddy everything was, the druid’s spell wasn’t going to be nearly enough till they reach a safe heaven to stop and rest.” That might help to get it unstuck for the moment only, but it will be of great help still, miss druid.”

“Maybe we can wrap some ropes around the wheels or something to make them wider? It’s getting stuck because they are too narrow and easily sink in the mud.” She asked, proposing a possible solution. She knew that in snow you use snowshoes because they are wider and distribute the weight across bigger area, so there was no reason something similar wont work here.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 7 hrs ago


Location: Road North of Salarn, One hour north of Camp
Interacting With: Cyneburg, Satilla, Cremwise, Lerraina

Keystone was a huge fan of an open forum. It gave people open and equal opportunity to speak their minds in a civilized manner, free from distractions in a quiet, controlled venue. If handled properly and in a respectful manner, one may share their ideas with the group without needless fear of being talked over or shouted down.

Unfortunately, no one has ever held a successful town hall style meeting in the middle of the road in the hammering rain while potentially pursued by war hungry Orcs. Keystone listened to the suggestions presented, falling quiet for a moment. He let his mind drift, trying to put himself in a happy place. A place with bubbling pots and frying sounds, with cool, lightly overcast weather. Maybe his happy place was back home, far to the north. Yes, Home.

For Keystone, home was a largeish house in a poor part of a grand walled city. Long ago, that district was a place where merchants set up shops and built their homes, a place of music and respectable inns. But tendencies of the economy moved active trade away from the area, causing employment to shift to other districts and urban decay to set in. Decreased presence of respectable folk and town guard allowed for a criminal element to infect the area, and with the slow surety of a turning millstone grinding hard wheat to flour, time began to erode a once prosperous region of the massive city into a potentially dangerous place.

Still, this was Keystone's Happy Place. Not the whole area, though. Just his home. Once upon a time, it was an inn. It had become run down, eventually being used as cheap housing for the poor. In this place, Keystone and his mother lived a frugal existence, until he came of an age where his large size and ethical apathy gained him a spot fighting in a somewhat illegal circuit of brawlers and prize fighters. All the fun of gladiatorial games, pure fisticuffs. And they fought in so many places, both opulent and squalorly. It wasn't until Keystone's studies branched away from solely occidental technique that his meteoric rise was cemented ... but that was a tangent not suited to his Happy Place.

His winnings, rather the savings from his winnings, eventually allowed the uncouth brawler to purchase outright the building that served as his home of youth, giving it to his mother. Continued winnings made it more of a home and less of a squat. Before his decision to leave that place, he had established within the structure a marvelous personal kitchen, and upon the roof a tidy garden of herbs and local vegetables. It was that roof, in the early autumn air, snipping and harvesting, that was chiefly regarded as his Happy Place.

In the mental oasis of his Happy Place, Keystone had the dubious distinction of clubbing his present teammates to death with a bit of garden sculpture and dumping their disarticulated bodies into next season's compost.

Back in the physical world, with the rain still descending solidly from the dim, grey heavens, Keystone rubbed his temples impatiently. His teeth, great blunted things with points necessary for the rending of roasted haunches, tightened against each other with irritated tension. It can be said that the man had pressing anger issues; issues he struggled to keep under the protection of patience and wisdom. It can also be said that, in its own limited application, the Errant Pugilist did some of his best work when tinted with rage.

"Bloody, pissdamned socket-cocking 'ell! Only thing we fonging well need do is move the bloody wagon two hands upward! We ain't needin' any bronzecocking magic," he ranted, eyes narrowing at Cyneburg, "and there's nary a codswinging chance I'm takin' hours puttin' sodding booties on Cremmy's wagon! Got an understandin', 'ave we?"

Alarmed at the sudden aggressive change of tone, Kyra's dire wolf, Ash, cautiously stepped from the wagon and squared off with Keystone, who was obviously venting adrenaline into the air in levels palpable to his heightened sense of smell. The young wolf could tell the scent of anger, and recognize potential danger in the massive human. Ash rasped a deep, throaty growl and bared his teeth at Keystone, stepping slowly toward him to elicit submission. It did not have the intended effect.

Keystone looked incredulously at the beast, as he would a troublesome bar patron. He extended two fingers upward in what amounted to a rude gesture in his homeland, exclaiming, "Sodding funnin' me, you are - Piss off!" Ash cocked his head to the side, slightly confused, before resuming his previous, threatening manner. In response, Keystone threw back the tarp on the back of the wagon, retrieving a short chub of hard, red sausage from his provisions. "Wouldja piss off for an Ashy Snack? Oi, wouldja?" he said with faux cheerfulness, tossing the forcemeat at the instinctually protective wolf.

Riding the heat in his blood, Keystone turned to the wagon and grasped the low corner with his huge, conditioned hands. Eyes bloodshot, voice edged with profound irritation, he let out a sustained, wordless grunt and he leaned into the smooth wood of Cremwise's wagon. Slowly, the wheel began to rise from the mud and gravel below. Keystone's teeth bared. His scars seemed to darken even as his face colored with rage and strain. He looked as if he meant to kill someone or something, and channeled this into the one task of lifting a wheel onto a rock.

"Cremmy!" he strained through clenched teeth, "Drive it on now."

Cremwise gave the reins a quick shake, prompting the horseflesh to pull forward a foot or two. It was more than enough. Keystone fell to a knee before righting himself. When he did, he turned to the newcomer with a much calmer, but terse voice nonetheless. "You wanna come with, that's just tops. Otherwise, you can wander about in dangerous wood by your lonesome. We're sodding off."

"Tell us 'bout y'self on the way."
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago


Location: At a build west off the road, between Sarlarn and Yzewz
Actions: Waiting outside the door

Malkus nearly hurled a dagger when he saw something fly out of the barn. Fortunately he only gripped a blade when he realized it was merely a barn owl. It flew out into the forest for some reason or another, perhaps disturbed by Malkus's knocking. He found the presence of the owl comforting; this would mean that the building was hospitable enough for animals to seek shelter in. That mean it was solid, and Malkus might be able to get something to eat. He was about to approach the door and open it himself when a human head popped out. Fortunately the head was attacked to a woman's body and spoke to him in a common language.

"Oh. Someone's home. I'm just a traveler. I was hoping I could seek shelter here, if you don't mind." That was the jist of Malkus's request. He was only somewhat formal, trying his best to emulate some sort of sophistication and class so he doesn't come off as merely another vagrant. Though his appearance alone would fail to dispel that notion. He didn't imagine that this human woman owned the storage building and was merely a traveler like himself, but at the same time she got here first. And if Malkus knew anything about squatting, first claim was about as good as an actual deed.

Malkus had the poncho wrapped tightly around himself as he was quickly growing cold and wet again, but this also had the dual purpose of hiding the fact his hand was gripping the hilt of his kukri. He doesn't expect an easy entry, and even if this woman allowed him in Malkus did not plan to lower his guard. Sure Affrucio proved not to be treacherous, but Malkus wasn't going to let one human color his impression he had build over a long lifetime of dealing with their kind. At least orcs were straightforward with their brutality. Humans had the nasty habit of finding all your soft spots to make it hurt even more.

"I uh... You probably don't want me. But I promise I won't be a bother you or anyone. I'll keep to myself. Swear on my honor."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Location: On the road, nearing the caravan
Interacting with:Cyneburg, Satilla, Cremwise, Keystone

Lerraina stifled a laugh as the scene unfolded in front of her. My, were they in a tough spot. Stuck in the mud, in the middle of the rain, on a route that is frequented by dangers untold and hardships unnumbered. And the anger displayed … she just wanted to smother the large man and give him a big fat kiss. She could see the rage boiling just below the surface. It wasn’t evil by any means, but it came from a place that she knew all too well. And how disciplined he was, that it was released only through harsh words and enough adrenaline that seemed sufficient enough to get them out of the mess they were in.

They had all tried to put in their own two bits, making suggestions and goodness they were a mixed bunch. Some with magical abilities, a dainty young lady emerged from inside the wagon. And a wolf … she wasn’t sure if she trusted that or the orcs more. She wrinkled her nose a moment as she looked over the rabble before turning her attention back to Keystone.

”Seems my help wasn’t needed after all then, but it’s good to see such spirited young folk about the road in dreary times.” she winked, a sly grin plastered on her face, her words trickled off with a soft chuckle. She hadn’t meant to be rude, and her tone was to make light of the situation rather than be facetious. ”But I do thank you for the invitation. I can’t say for certain how I would fare on my own out here. And sometimes, just sometimes, it is nice to have company.” she shuffled up next to him, helping him square away the rest of the mess as they continued on.

She wasn’t that comfortable with his next statement, but she felt obliged to give them something. ”There isn’t much to tell really … my name is Gretchin, I come from somewhere that is not here and I am never going back. . The discomfort was obvious enough, and it wasn’t a complete lie. She pulled her flask from her belt and stole a sip in between her words. ”Short and sweet, unless there is something else you’d like to know.”
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 6 days ago


Location: The caravan
Interacting with: Satilla, Keystone, Gretchin

Cyneburg perked up a bit at Satilla's attempt to come up with a way to help with the wagon issue. Other people contributing to the issue rather than just sitting on their thumbs waiting to see if Keystone and Calanon could manage it by themselves. That brief window of optimism didn't last long. The chef flew off the handle, ranting at everyone before single-handedly pulling the wagon enough to get it unstuck. When he directed his ire at her, she glared back at him, but bit her tongue back, literally. If you don't want any damn magic, don't fucking ask for it you fucking dickbag. Maybe eating something would keep your temper in check. Or getting laid. But the wagon was out now and everyone could get on with their lives.

"Do you act this mysterious with everyone you meet on the road?" Cyne asked Gretchin, an irritated grin plastered on her face. "I suppose leaving this other place is why you're wandering through hostile orc-controlled territory. I think you'll be safe while it's raining, but you probably won't remain that way once the storm lets up. The locals aren't big fans of outsiders right now." And to be honest, she could see where they were coming from (not even counting the business with the undead) at this point. Including herself there had been what? 4 random strangers wandering that the group had met so far wandering through here. Any group that's even slightly territorial must be rather peeved at the sheer bulk of trespassers that seemed to be in the area.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Online

Calanon (& Brogach)

Location:The Forest, The Wagon
Interacting with: Satilla, Keystone, Wagon, Lerraina, Cyneburg, Ash

Once Keystone let go, Calanon was pushed down into the mud. His fit body and powerful legs kept him and the wagon upright just as soon as his boots and legs had sunk deep enough into the muck to hit rock bottom. Well...he was never one to complain usually, and he could tell Keystone's ire was rising. The group had a discussion, he heard Ash growling which concerned him, and a new face emerged. 'Hi' he was going to say, but he barely had any breath in him.

Thankfully, Keystone was angered enough to stomp back to the wagon and lift it up fully. It lurched and then rose, Calanon going from trying to keep it steady to almost being lifted himself. "Oh...well done." he said once he let go and landed, bending his back with an acrobat's flexibility and hearing a satisfying crack from it. He then stood normally, rolling his arm and letting out a breath. That was an ordeal, he thought to himself. He gave a nod to Satilla and Cyneburg.

The Elf looked with concern over to Ash, only to see the Wolf looking none the worse for wear. He smiled warmly to the beast, and snapped for Brogach to come over. Red fur sleeked with rain, the large Elk deftly waded through the mud as he approached. So as not to be rude, Calanon stepped away from the looming wagon and gave a respectful bow to this new woman. "Greetings, and you have my thanks...for pissing Keystone off enough to have him do that." he said with an amiable smile. "It's an honor to meet you, Gretchin. I'm Calanon, I'm another new face. Brogach, say hi." The Elk shook its head, rain drops flying everywhere, and he snorted. It was hard to tell if he was actually greeting, being rude, or simply being a simple beast.

He heard Cyneburg's questioning, and despite his pleasant greeting he had his suspicions too for the moment. He gave the Half Orc a knowing look. Judging from Brogach's manner, he thought it prudent to keep an eye on her. But he would never treat someone with distrust or disrespect off the bat unless they gave him reason to. He'd keep his reservations locked away.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Kyra Altham

Location: Gorlf Northern Territory
Interacting With: @Charnobylisk @Lucius Cypher

Kyra perked a brow as she looked over the man standing in front of her before turning her attention to the inside of the building. He seemed harmless enough and a little timid. After the fight the two women had just gotten finished with she doubted one would pose much of a threat. He looked orcish but not fully. That actually played in his favor. Orcs rarely had anything to do with half breeds so she doubted he was a scout for the groups that had been attacking so far that day.

"I see, well then you may come inside. Be warned though, try anything and I will leave you as dead as every other orc that has dare drawn a blade on me today," she said flatly as she stepped to the side and opened the door a little wider; waiting for him to enter before closing it and locking it up.

She knew she would have to go out to the road after a time to scout for the wagon and the rest of her companions but she figured she still had time. Even without the rain she would have had a moment to spare, with the rain she figured she could at least let her cloak drip a little longer.

"I am Kyra, and why are you out in these parts?" she asked as she stepped over to the hearth that was now alive with warm flames; stepping to the other side of it and rubbing her hands together to warm them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago


Location: Gorlf Northern Territory
Actions: Relaxing by the fire

Malkus nodded his head. She was going to allow him in, but warned that she'd kill him if he tried anything funny. "I don't want any trouble." Though he was going to be on guard, he decided that he'll refrain from trying to steal from them. His survival had a higher priority than loot. Malkus went inside after the woman moved. He saw a few logs near a hearth and old remains of things that were probably here. He kinda hoped that there would have been some boxes or barrels he could have hid behind, but he was just glad that there was a roaring fire.

In hindsight, Malkaus should have just went to a corner and sat in it. But the prospect of being warm and dry overtook his usual paranoia about being back stabbed or mobbed. So he headed straight towards the heart, extending his hands out to warm them by the flames. Unlike the embers back at the cave, he could actually feel the heat. If there were some sticks around here he may have even stripped down to the nude to warm his clothes, but because there weren't any sticks and the woman was here, he chose not to do that. He did take off his cloak and Sona's poncho however, allowing them to dry out in his lap.

Doing so revealed his leather armor and assortment of weapons hidden underneath. A bandolier of knives, with his kukri sitting on his waist. His shortbow was left unstrung in his quiver, and near that was a coiled bundle rope which was actually his whip. His sap hung loosely on one of the straps on his belt. He had forgotten his staff somewhere in the forest, but all he'd need to do to get a new one is find a sturdy branch and spend a hour or so whittling it down. He also had his potions in various pockets on his bandolier, inside protective pouches so they don't shatter from a stray hit or a bad landing. He took his backpack off and set it to the side, allowing it's weight off his shoulders. He looked through it for something to eat, but when he found the metal tin that was suppose to have some rations, it only had bugs and mold. His water skin was equally empty. "Shouldn't be surprised. Not like they'd just magically fill up just cause I remembered I had them..."

As he was fiddling with his belongings he heard the woman, Kyra, mention her name and ask why he was out here. "Good question. If I knew about the war I wouldn't be here. But I didn't and it was too late to go back. So I'm just going to keep going and hope I find a city. What are you doing out here?" Malkus dumped the content of his tin into the fire, letting the bugs burn up in the flames. Maybe once he was warmed up he could look for that barn owl or it's nest. He didn't know much about wild eggs, but he figured it'd be better than nothing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Location: On the road, nearing the caravan
Interacting with:Cyneburg, Satilla, Cremwise, Keystone, Calanon, Brogach

What a lively bunch they were indeed. Several had introduced themselves, and even the druid had shot some attention her way.

"As a matter of fact, I am! In fact, I say much less to most. Thank you very much for noticing!" her tone and facial expression matched that of the woman who addressed her. "You can suppose all you'd like, but you know what they say ... assumptions will make an ass out of you. But I do appreciate your concern for my well being", she smirked, remarking with no other words to the druid. There was really no need to. She was not here to make any more enemies than she already had, especially being the outsider here. Not to mention, she wasn't about to feed the stupidity of a close minded brat.

She dipped her head to the others as they continued to introduce themselves. "I'm not sure if I'm the one who pissed him off, but you're welcome." she chortled. "If we are not the only new faces here, there is something to be said about safety in numbers." she dipped her head politely to them all, her feet sloshing through the mud as she trudged along. ”It is a pleasure to meet you, and I thank you for allowing me to come along. I offer my skill as a bowman, and promise to be of no trouble”

yes ... make nice, no need to extend that list of enemies, and wind up dead over something stupid. the thoughts ran tirelessly through her mind. But she kept quiet, no visible signs of anger, no twitch of a dubious plan in the works. By this time, she had very little knowledge of the woman she truly was deep inside. Many years of hiding in the shadows and under the faces of others clouded that picture, and the liquor she so often consumed, muddled any lines or colors to be distinguished within the mess. In fact, there wasn't much that could be told just by looking at her, and the longer she kept quiet, the easier it was to slip into the enigma, the less anyone could tell about her for certain.

She kept up the rear, her eyes crawling over every corner and crevice that surrounded them. It was the least that she could do. She just needed to get to the next tavern … her flask was near to empty, and her bones ached with every step. Glancing up at the sky, there wasn’t much change in the weather, and couldn’t shake away the chill that ran through her as the rain began pounding through her clothes. If she had it in her to moan and pout, she would’ve as thoughts of a nice warm meal and a dry bed kept feeding the impulse. She wrinkled her nose as the rain tickled it and lowered her head to its previous position. ”Do we know about how much further to go?”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Charnobylisk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Valona “Norsa” Norsys

Location: Storehouse - Gorlf Northern Territory
Interacting With: Kyra @Lady Amalthea and Malkus @Lucius Cypher

Valona had remained in her owl state, watching from the rafters above and peered down at their newest arrival. So he was half-orc, that was surprising. Valona had not encountered many half-orcs in her time travelling but she had come across a few but had barely interacted with them beyond webbing them up for trying to steal her stuff. She didn't trust anyone at the best of times but her bad interactions with orcs and half-orcs had caused her to be even more wary than she would be normally. When she saw the newest arrival to the storehouse come in on Kyra's allowance, she hopped from foot to foot and watched from high above.

As he moved over to the fire without a second thought, Valona continued to watch. If her owl eyes could narrow, they would have. Then an idea, an entertaining idea, struck and she had to see it through. Flying down to the edge of the hearth on the opposite side of the fire in front of Malkus, Valona hopped a little as the owl and stared at him through the flames for a moment before breaking the spell and becoming herself once again.

She was crouched on the hearth in the exact spot that the owl version of herself had been and she was staring at Malkus like a demented, rat tailed hair that stuck out every which way and was half wet and half dry after her time in the heat of the storehouse. Her eyes were wide and crazy looking and she tilted her head to the left slowly as she watched him, the flames making her face look bright and insane. Her cloak was over her pack and made her look hunched and deformed. She said nothing but instead began muttering to herself like she generally did. "...half-orc...stinks like dog...food...smells...don't like the look..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 7 hrs ago


Location: Road North of Salarn, Day Two
Interacting With: Lerraina

Keystone was a man of great physical conditioning. It was a fact that no one could argue. Unfortunately, he was also a man of everpresent rage, bubbling just below the surface. Sometimes these two things didn't come together in a manner that was peaceful or socially acceptable. Luckily, he tended to have an outlet for these frustrations in the application of more martial pursuits. Just sometimes, his anger served to allow him access to the upper limits of his physical potential, as witnessed by the removal of the wheel from the mud a moment ago.

Of the many recent arrivals to the group, Keystone found his first impression of the woman was slightly more favorable than previous ones. Maybe it was because he had just released a load of angry and accomplished something constructive in the process. Maybe it was because she was pretty forward about not sharing, rather than attempting to be mysterious. Quite possibly, Keystone just lost the willingness to maintain effort necessary to continue giving a rat's hindquarters in the first place. So long as their employer and his wares remained safe until the completion of their contract, he was learning to let details slide.

When the new girl sided up to Keystone, he realized that despite his touch of favoritism, he wasn't about to immediately trust her. After getting the tarp back in place, the errant pugilist surreptitiously checked for his moneypurse while readjusting his coat and knives.

"Good on ya, Gretchin." remarked Keystone noncommittally. "Common name where I'm from, that. Mayhap we're neighbors." They continued for some time when he spoke again. "We got two more days north, til we get where we're gettin', Miss. Later on today, we're meetin' with our Guard Captain up ahead, scoutin' for a rest point. You'll like her. Smartassed archer type, y'see."

Keystone nodded at their new addition and continued plodding north alongside the wagon. He was still somewhat annoyed about missing the last couple of meals, but as one of his favorite sayings was The best meals are the ones y’look forward to, he was going to have one hell of a supper at the next opportunity.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Salrynn
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Salrynn Pretty Reckless

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Location: the outside world
Interacting with:Satilla, Keystone, her thoughts

Sona smiled softly as she noticed Satilla woke up and she asked the bard if she felt much better, as to which Sona nodded slowly. She was glad she felt better and it was thanks to some good rest that was provided to her as well, however. She didn’t know that Satilla healed her. “Thankyou for asking” She smiled softly at her. Listening to her words she nodded and let get herself ready “Warning, the water is wet” She joked playfully and accompanied a smirk with her words.

It wasn’t until Sona heard Keystones words that she knew she felt much better… She was giggling and laughing at what he was ranting at. And she was rather entertained by what she was hearing. Lots of things were happening in fact and by the sound of it, they were trying to move the wagon and Keystone technically kicked her butt to make her come out… so she did. She came out and jumped off the wagon “Here!” She shouted and started to help as much as she could.

It took some time but everything was moving once more and then Sona looked to the person she would be accompanying with. Something didn’t feel right but she decided to just roll with it as she let her memories drift off once more into the abyss. She wondered what would happen now and if anything good was to happen after all the shit that just happened to them. She knew it comes in threes, so what’s the third thing that will happen?

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Kyra Altham

Location: Gorlf Northern Territory
Interacting With: @Charnobylisk @Lucius Cypher

"Good. As long as you give us no trouble, you will get none in return," Kyra stated flatly as she released her grip on the hilt of her blade and stepped over to the fire. Sitting down and pulling her pack in front of her. Taking out a water skin she drank was left in it before heading over to the door and stepping out; hang it up on a nail to refill from the down pouring rain. With as much water that was pouring from the sky that day, there was no reason for anyone to not have the water they needed.

Sitting back down she watched him and the crazy new companion of hers. She couldn't help but smirk a bit. The woman may be all cards but one short of a deck but she was actually proving to be rather entertaining. She had to agree with the woman, everything smelled or seemed rotten. She wasn't exactly sure what else to say at that point. That was until the new comer addressed her and asked what she was doing out there.

"Why she is out here I have no idea. As for me. I am scouting ahead for my traveling companions. They should be here within the hour," she said quickly as she pulled out some dried fruit and looked at him. She normally wouldn't tell people anything about what she was up to but with everything that was happening today, she was not about to let him think that her and tweedle crazy pants were the only two near. Reaching over she held out a small pack of the fruit for him and gestured for him to take it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago


Location: Gorlf Northern Territory
Actions: Sitting in a corner

Malkus was just getting comfortable when an owl landed near him. He pondered if it was the same one he saw fly out of the building a little while ago and was considering eating it. But before he could even touch a dagger the owl turned into a woman. Any titillation he would have normally gotten for being around an elven woman was lost due to her sudden appearance and slightly deranged look. He could smell crazy off of her, or perhaps she, like Malkus, simply hasn't had access to soap in a while. Either way Malkus reacted with fright. "Shatraug! Leej twg yog koj?!" Malkus spoke rapidly in what seemed to be a scared gibberish, but was more like mangled orcish.

The moment she appeared Malkus gave a shout and jumped back about ten feet, still on his butt. He had left most of his stuff by the fire and nearly assumed that the woman was an enemy until Kyra implied she knew her. Granted she didn't know why this woman was here, but that would at least mean that Kyra knew she was here. Not that it made Malkus feel any better. He was fine if it was just Kyra here, but with this mystery woman here Malkus felt like he really did walk into a witch's den. And this woman certain looked like the type of woman who'd chop up people for her stew. But Malkus promised not to cause trouble so he didn't grab a dagger but he did go and get his stuff, never taking his eyes off the strange woman in case she tried anything.... Forward.

While he was so busy making sure that the crazy woman wasn't going to cut off his ears, he nearly missed Kyra's fruit. He looked between the fruit and Kyra, as if asking what she wanted him to do with it. Was she giving it to him? Was she being hospitable to a half-orc? Or was she just fattening him up for tonight's dinner? He vaguely remembered Kyra mentioning her companions. What if it was the caravan? What if it Sona was there? Suddenly Malkus got nervous and backed away. "I... I can't pay for that. I'll just be over here." Malkus went to a corner the furthest away from the door and hugged his bag. He left his poncho and the cloak near the fire, which was fine with him. They were still damp and wet, and he didn't want to risk getting close to the crazy lady or Kyra . They said they wouldn't do anything to him, but he was a liar, and they could be too.

Maybe if he just curled up tight enough, he'll look like a barrel in the dark and people wouldn't bother him. To be beneath suspicion and let the dangerous people ignore him. He only wished he had a box to hide in, and maybe something to eat. "Maybe I should have taken the fruit." He said quietly to himself as he watched the fire and those around it.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Satilla Valen

Location: Just outside the wagon.
Interacting With: Sona and almost Lerraina(kind of)

“I just was trying to help…” Satilla replied to Keystone with quiet voice as she tried to take as firm grab of the edge of the wagon as she can to try and help Keystone with raising it up from the mud. Her hands quickly started to hurt for she was not used to such exertion, but she still kept at it until the man seemed to enter some kind of ‘RAGE’ feeling state and put enough strength to raise the wagon. Frankly she found it trully impressive how the man could display such strength.

Her hands now freed from the pressure, Satialla felt such a pain through her palms and fingers, but kept quiet. She didn’t even help really… Keystone rose it on his own, her strength wasn’t enough to help him which made her feel somewhat bad. She then looked at ‘Gretchin’, the new arrival. Because of the rain and the pain she felt in her arms, she didn’t try talking much right now and attempt to outnoise the rain, so she just gave the woman a greeting wave with her arm and said a brief introduction.” Good day, miss Gretchin, my name is Satilla.” Was all she said, before she turned to the wagon, attempting to keep up with it as it moved, so she can pull a bandage from her backpack, to wrap her bruised palms.

As the others were dealing around with Gretchin, Satilla was attempting to wrap tightly her hands with the bandage so the bruises and damaged skin isn’t showing and won’t get in touch with surfaces. She so shouldn’t have tried to help with the lifting, but didn’t regret it. She just now had to suffer it out till the pain subsides.

“Miss Sona, can you help me with tying the bandages…?” Satilla asked the elf whom she healed earlier. She couldn’t tie it up alone on the top of her palms so she needed help with it.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Charnobylisk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Valona “Norsa” Norsys

Location: Storehouse - Gorlf Northern Territory
Interacting With: Kyra @Lady Amalthea and Malkus @Lucius Cypher

Valona grinned like a wicked imp as she watched Malkus's reaction and she hopped down from the hearth and sulked over behind Malkus as he sat down in the corner. She knew exactly what he had said but she wasn't about to let him find out just yet. She literally followed him around like a lost pup and remained uncharacteristically quiet. Granted, Malkus wouldn't be aware of this but Kyra most definitely would. The women may only have met a short while ago but Valona hadn't exactly been quiet nor subtle.

Valona could hardly remove the smork from her face as she hovered around the half-orc and stared at him, throwing the odd bit of grain from the floor at him and awaited his reaction. She was evidently bored and looking for entertainment. Looking over to Kyra as she continued to throw small projectiles from the floor of the storehouse, Valona cleared her throat and pointed to the door and then to Kyra. She then literally scuttled, hands and feet on the ground, towards Kyra and whispered into her ear so that Malkus could not hear her.

"I can handle this one if you want to go find your friends? I promise not to set the place on fire..." Her face looked genuine despite how crazy she looked in general. She then muttered under her breath so that no one but herself could hear. "much..." Valona shuffled back over to the fire, near to where the half-orc had left his items to dry and she sniffed at them much like a dog would. "...what do you mean it smells like a bear shit in it? I think that's just how he smells." Valona looked up into the sky and frowned at nothing. Then she ducked her head down, her arms raising up as if to protect herself and then she grabbed the poncho before throwing it on her head.

"No I will not dump it in the fire. I don't care how dry it will make it! The smell will just get worse!"
1x Laugh Laugh
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