Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Liam Pyne

Liam was all but taken from his feet by the blast of telekinetic force but his own natural abilities acted as a buffer preventing his from being hurled like a rag doll. Trying to determine what had happened was a rather difficult endeavour as he realized there were at least two people screaming. The bigger problem was that there was a high pitched noise in his ears and it kept reverberating as though the walls of the gym had bounced it again.

Staggering to his feet Liam peered at the gym as he worked his finger in his ear as though to dispelled the ringing. Looking from Ashleigh to Allister and finally Paulina he realized what it was that was ringing in his ears. It had nothing to do with the mortal world and had everything to do with how Ashleigh’s scream had affected the spirit world. Looking around he could see in horror as the ghosts he had called contorted in pain at the echo that was still rippling across the spirit plane.

“Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me.”

Liam’s eyes continued to bulge as spirits that would normally have just been curious at his summons began to contort in anger and pain. The psychic scream of pain and Ashleigh’s conversation of Alister’s pain had sent something bouncing into the spirit realm Liam had never seen before.

Arty was laying on the ground twisted in upon himself and Annemarie was now fully covered in her burns. The hairs on the back of Liam’s neck stood on end and he slowly turned to look at Elaine hoping she had shielded the outsider inside her. He wouldn't have been surprised if it had gone berserk.

“Paulina, Korea, Alister, everybody. Y’all might want to get the hell out of here. The spirits world is getting ready to unleash Armageddon in here.” @Thundercrash@Caits@KiritoAsuna@Rune_Alchemist
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hitman5455


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Suddenly a dull pain resonated through Jason's skull. What the hell?! In a defensive reflex he forced time to come to a stop, and the pain followed suite. Alright I've got all the time in the world, let's figure out what's going on. His eyes flickered from Paulina to Allister. He was frozen in place, and shouting in pain. Wait a second. Jason did a double take. How am I moving my eyes? Whenever Jason would slow time from his perspective his movements would slow, whenever Jason stopped time, he couldn't move. So how was he moving? His eyes quickly became sore and he began to feel drained, and he came out of the state.
It took him a second to recover. When he opened his eyes again Ashleigh was curled into a fetal position on the floor. He almost went over, but Paulina was already comforting her, and he figured she needed a friend much more than him. Everyone seemed a little off. He wondered if anyone else had felt the pain. And he wondered when class would end.

Suddenly the atmosphere changed drastically, and Jason's 6th sense went into overdrive. He could tell something was terribly wrong but he wasn't sure what. So when Liam spoke up Jason took him seriously. It looks like 'the boy who sees dead people' is having trouble with his ghosts or something. He wasn't sure whether to run or do something, but what could he do? He remained tense, ready to react.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

As Vedika continued to meditate, she couldn't help but overhear what was going on with Liam and Paulina. Cracking an eye open, she saw them checking out their swapped bodies. This sent a mild shiver down Vedika's spine; the thought of someone being inside you to that extent was existentially terrifying. As she was thinking this while trying to focus on her aura, a sudden blast of pain hit her, while a psychic wave knocked her onto her side, sprawling to the floor. But unlike the others who continued to experience the pain until Ashleigh put her bracelet back on, Vedika stopped feeling the pain almost as quickly as it hit. In fact, she stopped feeling entirely. Looking around, she saw Ashleigh and Alister, who seemed to be the source of the pain, given how all other bodies seemed to have blown away from them. In a hurry to see if Ashleigh was okay, Vedika scrambled to her feet only to crumple back to the floor in a heap. It didn't hurt, but she was sure she hadn't activated her aura. She tried to get up again, but fell down again.

What Vedika didn't realize was that humans relied on three senses for balance and spatial awareness: the inner ear for actual balance; vision for reference, context, and establishing the horizon; and finally, touch for feeling the actual ground and establishing the position of our limbs relative to our bodies. She had lost the third of these as a result of her "self's" terror at being invaded, first at the thought of Liam and Paulina switching bodies, then triggered by the sudden blast of invasive mental pain from Ashleigh.

Still sprawled on the ground, Vedika watched helplessly as Paulina went to pick up Ash. Vedika tried to get up once more, slowly this time, and finally came to the realization that she had no idea where her limbs were. She had to look at her arms and legs to make sure they were actually still there. Vedika finally settled on a sitting position. Wearing a blank smile, she simply looked around the room, optimistically hoping that the numbness was only temporary.

It wasn't.

"...help..." she said to no one in particular.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Paulina's encasing warmth, both physical and emotional, comforted and spread over Ashleigh, and she moved into both, reached out to wrap her arms tightly around her friend, she let Paulina's emotions swamp her. She gave a soft sigh, and might have fallen asleep right there, leaning against Paulina, but Liam's words sent a shiver down her spine. She opened her eyes, her gaze going to Vivi, who seemed to be struggling, looking about in horror, Ashleigh saw the destruction she had caused, She saw that she had knocked many people over, had sent things flying. She had apparently affected the spiritual world, and now it looked like she had broken a friend.


Concern radiated strongly through Ashleigh, perhaps effecting Paulina at such closeness, and she managed to wriggle away. Not trusting her own legs, Ashleigh staarted to crawl towards Vivi, knowing it was her fault this had happened. If she had just had better control, it wouldn't have happened. She had n idea what had happened. The pain had just seemed so overwhelming...her body had reacted out of instinct. Maybe...Maybe Alister and herself resonated against one another? It didn't make sense to Ashleigh.

"Vivi...I'm sorry"

She reached out to touch her friend, but at the last second, she pulled away, looking down at her hand shamedly. She had done this, and she didn't think she could fix it. Only make it worse. She bowed her head, her arms shaking, "I'm sorry, I didnt mean to do it..." The words please don't hit me nearly escaped her mouth, although she knew Vivi nor Paulina would ever strike her. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry"
@Stern Algorithm@Thundercrash
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KiritoAsuna
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KiritoAsuna Murderer of darkest night

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alister broke from his trance returning to consciousness. He caughed hacking out some blood. His mouth tasted like iron and he no longer recalled the experience of before. His mind was blank and all he remembered was linking arms with ashleigh than nothing but darkness. He looked around in shock at the mess that was made.

No words could escape his mouth so he just lie there broken bent over facing the floor. What could have happened. He was so confused he knew, but a the same time he knew nothing at all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Thundercrash
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Thundercrash The Dimensional Drifter

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Paulina Benson

”Hey, hey, it’s okay.” Paulina again enfolded Ashleigh in her embrace, drawing her head to her breast as she stroked the distressed empath’s hair. ”It isn’t your fault, Ash. You didn’t do anything wrong. We’ll figure out what happened, I promise you.” Cupping Ashleigh’s cheek with her hand, she gently forced the girl to look up at her. ”Look at me. None of this,” she gestured at the other students, ”None of this is your fault, okay? Come on, let’s get you out of here. You’re staying with me tonight, and no isn’t an answer this time.”@Caits

It took some effort, as Paulina was far from the physically strongest in the room, but she managed to lift Ashleigh into a bridal carry. She’d also have to actually walk for once, as the weight of both of them would be too much for the enchantments in her shoes. Nor did she care that Ashleigh would be able to feel the ropes crisscrossing her body. Those were all little details in comparison to the present situation. ”Jason, get Vedika. Go with Mr. Gregman, he’ll take you and Alister to the infirmary. Everybody else, get out of here. Class is over. Liam,” she looked over her shoulder at the boy, for once her eyes bearing no trace of humour, ”You can handle this.”
@Themerlinhawk@Hitman5455@Stern Algorithm@KiritoAsuna@Natsu@Dusksong@Rune_Alchemist@Thecrash20

As she headed out of the gym, Paulina bent and gently kissed Ashleigh’s head, murmuring ”It’s not your fault, you’re okay,” over and over.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hitman5455


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

”Jason, get Vedika. Go with Mr. Gregman, he’ll take you and Alister to the infirmary.

"Got it." Jason replied to Paulina. "C'mon kiddo. Jason said to vedika as he bent down and scooped her up with ease. "Let's go Allister." Jason said as he stood up. He shared a nod with the gym instructor as he led them out of the gym. They began down a long hallway. Man, that went to shit really quickly. It appeared something had happened to Allister due to heavy use of his powers. Then Ashleigh managed to help him, however somewhere along the way some psychic force had knocked everything around and caused everyone a bit of pain. Then The ghosts had gotten pissy as well, a shitty end to what had been a fun time. He looked down at vedika. "So what the heck happened to you miss pacifist?" He said jokingly.
@Stern Algorithm
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Ashleigh let herself be comforted, leaning against Paulina, she knew that while she was small, she would still be heavy for the other girl. Yet she couldn't make herself stand. She closed her eyes, letting Paulina lift her, holding tightly to her. She decided not to argue, knowing she wouldn't win, about staying in Paulina's room.

Her arms slowly dropped away from around Paulina, the contact against Paulina encasing her, making it easier to ignore everyone elses. Her...nerves felt shot. And yet..."I...I took it off..." And she hadn't lost control. Well. She hadn't gone bat crap crazy, at least. "Its...it doesn't dull my effect on others, enough..." She didn't seem able to form complete sentances, her voice oddly slurred with exhaustion.

She snuggled against Paulina, not even sure where the other girl was taking her, and finding that she was beyond caring. She knew that Paulina would want to ask a million and one questions, but she just wasn't up for that.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Ashleigh opened her eyes, her gaze going to Vivi, who seemed to be struggling, looking about in horror, Ashleigh saw the destruction she had caused, She saw that she had knocked many people over, had sent things flying. She had apparently affected the spiritual world, and now it looked like she had broken a friend.


Concern radiated strongly through Ashleigh, perhaps effecting Paulina at such closeness, and she managed to wriggle away. Not trusting her own legs, Ashleigh staarted to crawl towards Vivi, knowing it was her fault this had happened. If she had just had better control, it wouldn't have happened. She had n idea what had happened. The pain had just seemed so overwhelming...her body had reacted out of instinct. Maybe...Maybe Alister and herself resonated against one another? It didn't make sense to Ashleigh.

"Vivi...I'm sorry"

She reached out to touch her friend, but at the last second, she pulled away, looking down at her hand shamedly. She had done this, and she didn't think she could fix it. Only make it worse. She bowed her head, her arms shaking, "I'm sorry, I didnt mean to do it..." The words please don't hit me nearly escaped her mouth, although she knew Vivi nor Paulina would ever strike her. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry"

"Hehe..." Vedika chuckled, "Hey its not your fault. It doesn't even hurt...at all..." she said with a note of curiosity. "I just feel numb. I'm sure it'll pass in a minute. Just hard to stand when ya can't feel the floor, ya know?" Vedika was rambling, trying to convince herself as much as Ashleigh. Vedika reached to gently touch fingers with Ash to let her know that she didn't find Ash dangerous in the slightest, before Paulina came and scooped Ashleigh up. Ever the trooper, Vedika made another attempt to stand, much slower this time, but Paulina had commanded Jason to come.

"C'mon kiddo. Jason said to vedika as he bent down and scooped her up with ease. "Let's go Allister." Jason said as he stood up. He shared a nod with the gym instructor as he led them out of the gym.

He looked down at vedika. "So what the heck happened to you miss pacifist?" He said jokingly.

"Dunno," Vedika chuckled, grinning, unsure if her lack of confidence was visible, "I just can't feel anything. Kinda like how my force field protects me from physical harm, only this time it's just...no pain...no nothing."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hitman5455


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Dunno," Vedika chuckled, grinning, unsure if her lack of confidence was visible, "I just can't feel anything. Kinda like how my force field protects me from physical harm, only this time it's just...no pain...no nothing."

"Yeesh, sounds like Ashleigh did a number on you." Jason chuckled. In the short time span in between him talking and vedika replying(which Jason had made an eternity) he was able to figure out what had happened. Ashleighs use of her powers had taken an extreme psychological toll on her, after she took some braclet off of course. That Braclet must be her inhibitor.

They soon reached the infirmary. Jason carried vedika through a narrow doorway and was motioned into another room by a gym instructor. The Room seemed to radiate sub-zero temperatures, it was too cold. "Christ it's fucking cold in here." Jason said to vedika, receiving a scowl of disapproval from the gym instructor. Jason set her on the bed in the center of the room.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KiritoAsuna
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KiritoAsuna Murderer of darkest night

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alister sat down in the hallway. He didn't want to enter the infirmary. He had never gone for injuries before. What he really wanted to do was find ashleigh. He felt as though he needed to talk to her about what happened.

He knew right now she was far to scared to get around. With a sigh he disided to enter the infirmary. The room he was in negated all use of power as to make it easier to maintain control over students while applying bandages. Alister walked in a bit annoyed. He knew that he would be fine. Unfortunately for safety purposes they felt the need to do this anyways

@Hitman5455@Stern Algorithm
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Liam Pyne

After he’d said it Liam turned to the brewing storm in the Spirit world. Closing his eyes Liam drained away all of his emotions. Arty had already fled but there were other things he could do. Annmarie was already recovering even as the ringing in Liam’s ears was beginning to subside. The little firebug made eye contact with Liam even as he reached out with fingers of blue green energy surrounding them and gripped her tiny little form and subsumed her. The class three spirit wasn’t a problem to get ahold of but he was really after her powers in the spirit world.

Annmarie was a pyrokinetic spirit which meant that he could make use of the powers while he had consumed her . It wasn’t helpful in the mortal realm but occasionally spirits had powers that were confined to use in the spirit realm which made them occasionally quite valuable. With an expenditure of will Liam conjured a blue green spirit fire in a ring around him and fed it with his emotions until it was a roaring bonfire. The class one spirits fled in a howl of fury as he used the crackling wall of spirit fire to force them from the gym. Waiting until the others had made their way of the gym Liam turned on Nathan who was holding his ground with a handful of class two spirits.

“Last chance to run Nathan.”

The drowned boy bared its teeth at Liam as he walked forward pulling the fire into a cloak around him.

You are a monster and liar. You don’t help spirits you abuse them. Annmarie, me and Arty we’re just your puppets you asshole.

The words cut like knives as Liam had given up so much just to help the spirits around. At the words Liam lost his composure and the fire suddenly roared and Liam’s eyes widened as it manifested in the gym physically. It didn’t do anything to the gym but the inferno surged forward at the target of his anger, biting and snapping the flames ate the class two spirits whole.

Staring in horror at the flames around him Liam watched as the class two spirits were ripped apart by a fire that was no longer under his control. Nathan’s face showed fear as the fire turned on him with a howl of hatred and a malignance. Nathan turned to flee but the the fire grabbed at his ankle and pulled him towards the inferno in front of Liam. The scream that escaped the drowned boys lips was what finally galvanized Liam to hurl Annmarie from his body and with that the flames died in a howl and Liam was left listening to the haunting echos of a laugh he hadn’t heard in years.

Tears dripped down his face as he sprinted out of the gym. Fear and exhaustion caused him to put his head down and run. He had no idea where he was going but the laughter chased him as he ran. Out the front of the academy and headed for the gates. It was back and he had no idea how it had managed to find him. This was bad. It meant that everyone was in danger.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Ashleigh driffted in and out of a daze as Paulina carried her, not caring where the other girl was taking her, what they would be doing. The movement of Paulina walking, the comfort of her presence, was enough to send Ashleigh into a daze. for a brief moment, it was just Paulina, just herself. The other students emotions seemed faint, far away, and Ashleigh let out a soft, lingering sigh.

The spark of fear from liam fired her for a moment, but she seem relaxed again, muttering "Liam is scared....It's my fault, whatever I did with Aliaster...." She lost track of what she was saying, and rested her head against Paulina's shoulder. "Aliaster....must talk to..."

Ashliegh figured that Paulina might keep people away from her, for the rest of the day at least, But Ashleigh felt like that might be the worst thing possible. She needed to figure out just what she had done....

but first, a nap seemed in order. She was soon asleep against Paulina. @Thundercrash
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Stern Algorithm>

"Yeesh, sounds like Ashleigh did a number on you." Jason chuckled. In the short time span in between him talking and vedika replying(which Jason had made an eternity) he was able to figure out what had happened. Ashleighs use of her powers had taken an extreme psychological toll on her, after she took some braclet off of course. That Braclet must be her inhibitor.

They soon reached the infirmary. Jason carried vedika through a narrow doorway and was motioned into another room by a gym instructor. The Room seemed to radiate sub-zero temperatures, it was too cold. "Christ it's fucking cold in here." Jason said to vedika, receiving a scowl of disapproval from the gym instructor. Jason set her on the bed in the center of the room.

"It's...not Ashleigh's fault," Vedika tried to say with more conviction than she had, "I was just experimenting with my powers when this happened. Just a coincidence."

As Jason placed her down on the bed, Vedika, who had calmed down considerably, tried testing her body, fidgeting, pushing and moving her limbs to see just exactly what she could or couldn't feel. In her earlier panic, she had lost track of herself, but now she noticed that if she focused, she was able to move with an acceptable degree of coordination. Maybe with a little training she could walk and run normally in a short amount of time, although she hoped this nambness wouldn't last long enough to necessitate that. At least she could still feel how cold it was.

"Maybe it's cold because they're keeping that fire boy here too?" Vedika wondered.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hitman5455


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Maybe it's cold because they're keeping that fire boy here too?" Vedika wondered aloud.

"Maybe, serves him right." Jason said in a voice colder than the room around him. Jason shifted his glance towards the door. Where's Allister? A wave of guilt came over Jason as he realized he had forgotten about him. Jason was about to go find him when he suddenly came through the door. The guilt now turned into relief.

"Hey Allister are you alright? You don't look so good." Jason asked him
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KiritoAsuna
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KiritoAsuna Murderer of darkest night

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alister shrugged his shoulders. "I've been through worse" he said reassuringly .right now his consern was not himself. Alister knew a lot just happened and a lot more was about to go wrong. The shit was officially hitting the fan.

Alister looked at Jason with a very serious intent in his eyes. "I need you to stay here with vedika. Something bad is about to happen and I need to find Liam"Alisters words we're more serious than Jason has probably heard since they met. With that he was out the door. @Hitman5455

Alister went running through the halls and out of the school thing to chase down liam. Alister used the thoughts as a guide. "damnit where are you"he said before finally catching up. "liam what the hell happened in the gym and don't lie to me. You know damn well I will know" @themerlinhawk
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Liam Pyne
Liam let go of the bars of the gate in front of the Academy and turned around. The look on his face could have curdled milk. With a heavy sigh Liam slid down the bars in front of the school and patted the ground next to himself. "You're going to want to sit down."
With that Liam leaned his head back on the bars and looked up at the early evening sky. No doubt that had cancelled the rest of classes today due to the events of the gym class today.

"For some reason Ashleigh's pain affected the spirit world. I don't know what you two did but it was like when you call a fax machine line. It pissed all the spirits off and it caught the end of my summons for other spirits. " Liam traimed of again still contemplating the sky before he turned to look at Alister.

"Do you believe in Demons?" Liam didn't bother waiting for a response. "I do. Elaine confirms my suspicion about class four and five spirits. They do exist and they are no longer or maybe never were human. One of them heard that cry of pain. And it's on its way. I don't know how long we have but we need to act fast because this place is going to turn into a spiritual war zone when this thing arrives. Which is why I need to go hunting tonight. There is a particular class three spirit who needs to be put to rest. I was planning on taking Paulina but now I don't know if she'll show. If you can find anyone who is willing to help let me know. I'm going to make dinner at the kitchen down the hall from us. Bring them there." With thathe Liam stood up and dusted himself off.

He hadn't lied at all. But it was certainly not the whole story. He'd just kept things from Alister. Things he wasn't ready to confront yet.@KiritoAsuna
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KiritoAsuna
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KiritoAsuna Murderer of darkest night

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Themerlinhawk Alister sat calmly and listened to what he said. He nodded in response to the question about demons as Liam continued to speak. Alister was shocked to know that what had knocked him momentarily unconscious had also disrupted something further beyond the living realms. In slight shock alister gave a final nod and went off to contact the others.

Alister returned to his firm and passed into the air vent. He knew if he reached the office he could reach the secondary pa system. The secondary pa could contact students directly to their dorms. He slowly snuck through and reached the office. The whole place was empty, likely due to recent events.

Finally reaching the pa system Alister spoke softly. Ashleigh@Caits Paulina@Thundercrash Jason@hitman5455 Vedica @Stern Algorithm and whoever else this may concern. This is Alister. Meet myself and Liam for dinner in the kitchen down the hall. Room 34-A. It's an urgent matter please be present ASAP. Thank you" the message repeated two more tomes to ensure that the students had heard than me was off back to liam.

Alister jumped back into the vents and made his way to the kitchen in question dropping on through the ceiling. "and now we wait" Alistersaid with a smile taking a seat against the wall
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hitman5455


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As soon as Allister had ducked out Jason took a seat next to vedika. Damn what a hellish day. Is every day going to be like this at the academy? Jason wondered. He glanced over at vedika who seemed to be surprisingly calm for someone who had lost control over her limbs. Oddly enough she didn't seem to be under any kind of fatigue, and had no visible injuries. Maybe I can figure out what's wrong. In an instant Jason's mind was racing at near light speed, attempting to make connections and peice the puzzle together. No physical injury or fatigue, source of injury Ashleigh. Ashleigh's powers, mainly mental rather than physical. Psychological and mental manipulation. Minimal physical force was exerted, can't be cause of injury. Jason thoughts had begun to slur into short, and incomplete sentences. He quickly deduced that there had been damage done by Ashleigh that couldn't be seen by most people, something not physical. Bingo.

"Vedika, this is gonna sound weird but your injury isn't physical." Jason started cautiously. "I think whatever Ashleigh accidentally did to us, affected you differently. I think it's caused your subconscious to do this to you." He finished, praying he didn't sound like a nut. @Stern Algorithm
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago


Ashleigh stirred as Aliaster's voice came over the speakers. She gave a small whining sound, and looked up at Paulina. There was no way Ashleigh was going to miss this meeting. She had done something, she wasn't sure what, but she was definetely going to figure out what she had done and how. She shifted, trying break free of Paulina's grip, figuring she wouldn't let her go.

"Please, lets go to this meeting. I need to know what I did, please" She begged Paulina, looking up at her, almost begging, and perhaps Paulina might feel a little bit of pleading slip through the skin to skin contact. She needed to know what she had done to the spirit world, so she wouldn't mess it up again, and cause Liam pain and suffering.

"I need to know if it was because I took the bracelet off, or how I diffused Alaister's pain. Please, Paulina. Let me go kitchen" colour had seemed to return to her cheeks, and her voice appeared slightly stronger, perhaps an improvement brought on by the skin to skin contact, the positive emotions of Paulina herself. Ashleigh didn't know.

She just knew she needed to be there.
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