Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by twave
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Things just seemed to be escalating. Students were running around without direction. Zombies were attacking, more soldiers were moving in with better equipment. Quite a lot of madness. Frea was beginning to wonder what exactly they were trying to accomplish here. Having missed the beginning it was hard to say if she missed some kind of direction but thus far no one else seemed to know just what to do either.

Before things could completely fall into chaos everything went black. Somewhat confused the woman was not sure if something broke or it had ended. Hearing others speaking she assumed the latter. Removing the headset she glanced at a few of the others. Some were complaining. "Teamwork would have probably helped. Not sure if that was explained or not. I missed the introduction." Setting the helmet down Frea crossed her arms. She looked out of place decked out in her armor.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Mistress Dizzy@KatherinWinter@t2wave

Kalinda did what she could to help Griffin, using both her shadow manipulation and telekinesis, beginning to take emotions from others to fuel her powers, knowing it would take a toll on her, virtual or otherwise, it didn’t matter. She was opening herself to emotions, this was going to be tough, when she awoke from the simulation. It was one of the reasons she hated simulation. They didn’t take into consideration how everyone’s powers worked.

She sighed heavily, keeping an eye on Griffin, although she knew he could look after himself, she couldn’t help but make sure nothing was going to hurt him. Griffin and Zack… they were her only friends. The only ones that it wasn’t hard to be around, for a long time.

And the only ones she felt like she could help…

Even though she knew that it was a simulation, she couldn’t not watch their back. As the simulation went black, Kalinda spun about, but it was too late. As she awoke slowly in the classroom, she ripped her helmet off, and in a quick move, she slipped into the shadows, not caring if she got in trouble for it, already, Kalinda could feel the impact of emotions on her, and she knew just how dangerous that could be, not just for her, but for everyone.

She breathed hard, shaking violently.

Phoebe noticed that Katherin started to lose control of her abilities, and Phoebe tried to do her best to make sure that it wasn’t a disaster, using her abilities to try and slow the advancing ice, before she drew in a deep breath, and let it out, automatically creating a chlorofiend to help stabilise the building, even as she turned towards Katherin.

Katherin’s main problem with her abilities was her confidence-and Phoebe wanted to help, but she wasn’t sure how. All she could do was try and encourage her, and Phoebe went to do that, before the simulation went dark.

Waking in the classroom, she sighed heavily, wondering what they had done wrong to result in this. She shifted ,reaching up to take off her helmet, looking towards Mimic, waiting for him to speak.

Coming out of the simulation, Connor took his helmet off, setting it aside, his gaze searched for Kijani’s, relieved that she wasn’t harmed from the abrupt end to the simulation. As Kijani spoke up, Connor shifted, looking to Mimic, frowning, before glancing towards the girl that had spoken. He sighed, “You’re right, team work would have helped. Team work did help us-the simulation was to let us see how our chosen partners and ourselves ccould work together.” Connor said, standing up, he moved towards Kijani.

“Or at least, thats what I took from the explanation. To see how we could work together, so that we when started to go on jobs, we wouldn’t mess it up by not knowing how to work with our partners. We did that” Connor said, “Until now, we’ve been working as a group, but we aren’t going to have access to everyone on jobs, are we? So, this sim should have been to take a chance at working in pairs!”
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Hidden Lilly
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Hidden Lilly Tea.Books. / Cats.Music

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As Makoto looked at the one that took control, she exhaled a sigh of relief. He was able to get the soldiers to stop attacking with lethal ammunition. The girl that followed her looked no better than she probably did herself. Makoto made a motion for the girl to follow her into the building when the everything went dark. Makoto had a moment of panic before remembering that is was simply the simulation turning off.

Makoto carefully, and with some struggle of a hair strand getting caught, removed the helmet. The lights seemed very bright as she looked around the room but she was able to recognise the two who helped her with the soldiers and Molden. Makoto looked to the side of her and gave a small wave to Phoebe. She was happy to see a familiar face. She would wave to Katherin too, once her helmet was off.

When Makoto looked at Mimic, his patience seemed strained. At this point, there was not much she could do but wait for the last few people to take off their helmets. She had tried to work with the other two as a team, but she did miss working more closely with Phoebe and Katherin.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Cole had his sword poised. Ignoring the flies and various other distractions as he went to take the soldiers life. Before he could make the store everything went black. His clothes returned to what he was wearing. The suit replaced with the low buttoned black shirt and pants and the gloves returned to a bright white.

Cole grumbled before pulling off his helmet and fixing his grey hair. Class was probably over or something.

Jasper was flying at a soldier when the flies started. Being on fire at the moment meant the flies swarmed at him. He quickly began running hoping to dodge any billets headed his way. Before he could try to strike another enemy his vision went black and he was back in human form. With frustration he pulled off the Helene and spotted his brother doing the same.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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@Eviledd1984 @Mistress Dizzy @CajunRobinHood @Goliah @Hidden Lilly @Bright_Ops @TechnoWizROK @Araby264 @Z2010Deadmeat @t2wave @Avanhelsing @Caits @BlackPanther
Mimic glared at the teens. He had little patients for stupidity. Not that all the questions asked had been stupid but some of them where. Still it was his job to answer all of them. So he would do so. Hopefully it would help the group grow and learn. "No. This wasn't a test which is a good thing for many of you. No. This is not how this class usually goes. We will allow the new arrivals to introduce themselves and show their skill levels tomorrow. After I dismiss you it will be time for your individual class and than lunch. You are very right young man I am not happy with you. Many of you forgot the objective as soon as you got into the simulation. If you need to see the nice Jin you may do so in a few minutes. Tomorrow I should have so data I might be able to answer your question about how many shots you were able to block. This may only be day two for many of you but it is the second year for other. Plus we have already had one attack. We don't have time to baby you. I had nothing to do with the zombies. The goal was to for you to work in pairs or groups. Some of you tried. Others didn't. Griffin having Kalinda at with you isn't working as a pair. Roy everyone needs help controlling their powers. That is one of the reasons that you are here. We will help you. I did explain that the goal was to work as teams. But if you arrived late you might have missed that. It important that you all know how to fight alone. But there are some battles that an individual, no matter how powerful, can't fight alone. You need to learn to work with other. You are dismissed."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by twave
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Walking in as Mimic was giving his lecture she paused at the door and waited for him to finish. She'd missed what exactly happened but it sounded like the students didn't do all that well. Kagerou could only assume what happened but apparently everyone didn't cooperate with their partner. He was being pretty hard on the students but they didn't listen apparently.

Once they were dismissed Kagerou cleared her throat. Some of the students from the previous year would recognize her, having seen her around from time to time. Still she had an odd way of popping in and out of the academy. "Looks like I arrived just in time. I'll reintroduce myself another time but for now I need one of last years students to accompany one of your returning peers." Looking back she had to motion someone over. A purple haired, purple eyed girl stepped forward slowly. She didn't make eye contact with anyone, keeping her gaze down toward the floor. I'm sure some of you remember Estella. She's doing much better and I need someone to help her get back into things here. Anyone?"

Anyone familiar with Estella might remember her for her rather intrusive telepathic communication. Her appearance was fairly striking though considering that her hair and eyes appeared to be their natural color. Her hair was much shorter than her last appearance at the academy and she seemed to be ever so slightly older from her ordeal. She actually had to be taken away when she had started to lose her mind and started attacking everything that moved. Not the most flattering impression to leave. But it explained why she was acting so shy right now. There was no telling how they might see her now.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Cole was standing, fully prepared to leave when an individual walked in. He raised a brow as the person spoke. She was ibsteresting, but the other girl that stepped forward was very intriguing. His hands slid into his pockets as the woman spoke some more.

Cole then cleared his own throat and stepped forward. "I would be willing to accompany Miss Estella if no one else wishes to do so" ever the polite snake he glanced around to see if there was any objections before his cool grey eyes focused on Estella....with the look of curiosity.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Griffin nodded to Mimic. He knew the difference between working with someone and simply having someone with you. He could have been more of a partner to Kalinda. She was a good fighter. But he wasn't good at working with others, which might seem odd given his relationship with Zack. He knew it was something he needed to work on. He didn't like that Mimic had pointed out his failure to the others. But he knew that was just how the teacher worked.

As he walked out of the classroom he saw someone come in. She looked vaguely familiar. It was a big school so he supposed he had seen her somewhere. He frowned when she mentioned Estella. He remember that girl. She could enter kinds. Which was one of the reasons he avoided her. They didn't need another person in their head.

He hurried down the hall towards the art room. He switched places with Zack allowing his brother to take control as they headed to their second class. Zack was studying art while he worked on fighting. They had a good balance.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TechnoWizROK
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Sol would get up from his seat and make his way out of the classroom, unconsciously hovering above the floor as he did so. Whilst he had a blank look on his face he was in fact quite bemused at the teacher's response, he had put out the fires, eliminated the opposition's forces and even covered for his classmate's blindspots so it was lost on him what exactly he failed on. Directly cooperating with the others could've done more harm than good, joining them in battle with no prior experience was well more than ill-advised.

The white-haired teen would ponder more on this as he headed off to own individual class, History or at least's Earth's history. Neither of his parents ever went over that particular topic, focusing more on interstellar flying, combat or unbeknownst to his mother; private dancing lessons from Star-Lord himself. Perhaps he could gain more insight into his teacher's decision from History. Maybe I was supposed to scorch everything to the ground? It didn't seem like anyone was careful about collateral damage.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by twave
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Kagerou and Estella

Seeing an no one else was jumping at the chance the woman nodded to Cole. "Thank you Cole." Despite never having met she demonstrated that she knew who he was by simply stating his name. GEtting Estella's attention she tapped on her own head, indicating something to the one with purple hair. Despite no words being said some kind of communication seemed to occur and the latter nodded.

Estella looked up at who she would be accompanying her to the next class. Staring for a moment she seemed to realize that she was doing so and diverted her eyes. She spoke, though clearly the mic she was wearing was there to amplify her speech because even at this relatively short distance she would be hard to hear. "Just Estella, if you please." After a moment she seemed to gain some confidence and stepped forward. She offered a hand to shake, that still being the most common form of Earth greeting she knew. The blue holo display came up briefly with some alien language and she dismissed the message with a glance. "What class will we be going to?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by CajunRobinHood
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CajunRobinHood AKA Knight125, AKA Vulture585

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Mistress Dizzy

Magnus looks down at his desk as Mimic berates the class. "I think we did pretty well considering the fact that we didn't receive instructions," he thinks grumpily. Upon receiving permission to go to the next class, he stands but doesn't walk away. He turns to Jin and asks, "Where do we go now?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Phoebe looked over at Makoto and smiled, returning her wave. She glanced over to Mimic and frowned, before sighing. “We’ve proven we can work together as a team, though, and quite effectively… We did just go on a mission to save half the class, after all. We’re not going to learn by continuing being in a massive group-its just going to leave us not knowing how to grow, if we continue to rely on everyone, isn’t it?” She said, “We need to learn… “ She said softly, before they were dismissed, sighing and going to leave the classroom, to head to her next class.

She stopped when her phone buzzed in her pocket, looking at the message. Finding that it was from her father, she was curious, and stepped to the side to open it. Finding that it was a request to greet new students, Phoebe glanced at the time, then decided that if she was late, she was late. She’d have an excuse, at least.

Making her way to the gates, Phoebe made sure that she was presentable, brushing back her long red hair, and smoothing her clothes, she bowed, scooping up a mini-chlorofiend-she just never had the heart to take them apart-she stopped at the front gates, waiting for whoever was supposed to be coming. It wasn’t that odd to receive new students throughout the term, although she was always curious about new students.

Kalinda retreated from the shadow when the classroom was nearly empty, and looked towards Mimic. She took a moment, before speaking. “You cannot say that Griffin was a bad partner to me, that we didn’t work well together. You don’t understand how he and Zack work. By there… by supporting him, that is what I can do to best compliment him. Griffin has an animalistic nature. And a lone one at that. Supporting him, like I did, is what I can do. I don’t need to be in the thick of things to be… well, Chaos”

She gave a shrug, and said softly “We aren’t all the same, Mimic. You should trust us to know what is best for each other” before walking out the room, hugging herself. She really didn’t want to be around others… and yet, she knew that she needed to get better at this… needed to learn that compete control… so that she could be useful. She drew in a few deep breaths, heading down the hallway, making her way to her next class, with Romanoff.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

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Amayia Hel

Location: The Front Gate; The Academy.
Post In Collaboration With: None.
Interacting With: Phoebe Wayne-Isley (@Caits).

Her brother was going to die.

Lifting her hand up from where it hung lazily by her side, Amayia ran her hand over her forehead, and back over her long and braided dark locks of hair, pushing the stray strands off her face as she continued on her path; the two large trunks with a good majority of her possessions in it following, bobbing along behind her as though held up by invisible strings. This was crap… sent off to some Academy for-... for mortals because of something that her brother had done. It was ridiculous; and for that, her brother was going to pay. Llyr had completely and utterly ruined any chance for her to live a normal and happy life with the man she had fallen in love with; now she was going to ruin his life- an eye for an eye… a life for a life…

It was as simple as that.

Tightening her hold over the handle of her father’s old scepter, she slowed her pace, her attention lifting until her dark gaze was able to rest upon the imposing structure of the Academy standing tall before her very eyes. So this was it, huh..? This was meant to be her fresh start..? Pathetic; she would have rather stayed in the torment of Asgard than have to deal with the mortals who believed themselves good enough to mingle with the likes of her kind. The mere thought was cringe worthy- how her father and mother ever expected her to live in the filth that was Earth was far beyond her comprehension.

Of course the mortal world had its… charms; but it wasn’t home. It wasn’t Asgard. Her attention drawn away from the buildings before her at the gentle flash of red, Amayia allowed her gaze to wander, eventually bringing it to a stop on a young mortal woman standing patiently by the large gates separating her from the school.

“..a welcoming party..? How… quaint…”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Cole raised a brow at Kagerou when she spoke his name. How did she know? He shook his head and regained his composure. Too many odd events already...he already had that grey skinned winged woman to question and now this one knew his name. It was weird to say the least.

Cole focused back on Estella and gave a smile. He lightly took her hand and rotated it so her knuckles were facing up. In a smooth motion he kissed her hand before releasing it. "Estella then. Pleasure to meet you." He raised a brow at the halo that appeared and disappeared, but as before paid no mind to it.

Cole then moved to stand next to her. "Home ec. Is the class we are headed to." A faint smile before he gestured for her to follow him to it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jerome Quinnzel-Valeska and Carlene Quinnzel-Valeska

Location: The Front Gate; The Academy.
Collaboration Post With: @Caits, @Vicier.
Post Featuring: Phoebe Wayne-Isley (@Caits), and Amayia Hel (@Vicier).
Interacting With: Each other, and Bruce Wayne.

Siren’s blazing, the scenery a blur as the car reached high speeds, Jerome spun the wheel, taking a turn violently, cackling as he did so. A quick glance back in the rearview mirror showed him that he hadn’t evaded the cops, and they were still very much on their tail. Which was just the way he liked it. The chaos… the thrill of the chase, of outsmarting the good guys… it was, to Jerome, heaven. He laughed, taking another risky turn, still at high speed.

As he came onto a street that was straight and narrow, ,he charged down it, making others get out his way. Music blaring, windows down, Jerome looked over to his sister, grinning like a maniac, the ever looming Academy coming closer and closer. Not for the first time, Jerome wondered why they were willing going to the school-even the threat of imprisonment wasn’t enough to force Jerome to go, yet he had to admit, it was rather… thrilling to have his wits challenged by The Bat… it would be fun to defy him, to escape the school… and cause as much chaos as possible.

The Academy drew closer, Jerome showed no signs of slowing down.

“Come on, Puddin; you can do it..!”

The smirk already playing over her bright red lips twisting into a rather maniacal grin, Carley turned her head, causing her long blonde, blue and pink hair to flick over her shoulders and back as she gave her brother her full attention, the excitement of the chase… the thrill of the sirens…all of it seemed to sparkle ever happily behind her bright blue eyes as she continued to encourage his more than reckless and twisted behaviour- and why wouldn’t she..? This was, after all, what they lived for.

“Do it..!? Run ‘em through..!?” Leaning forward in her seat, her hand shot out, resting against the dashboard as she took the chance to shoot a glance behind them, quickly counting off the number of cop cars that seemed oh so especially intent of ‘escorting’ the both of them to their new school, “Oh lookie, lookie Puddin..! One piggie, two piggie, three piggie, four..!”

Giggling madly as she finished counting off the number of police vehicles, Carley turned her attention back over to her brother, her body leant over in the seat as she moved just that little bit closer to him, her head tilting lightly to the side, “They throwin’ us a shindig we don’ know about..? Cause I got our party favors sittin’ right here in the back if they want ‘em.”

Jerome chuckled madly, still charging wildly ahead, ”And what a party it will be!” he said, taking another corner, seemingly for the hell of it. As the street widened, he seemed to pay not attention to which side of the road he was suppose to be on, weaving about manically. ”Always a blast” he laughed, and then turned wildly again, once more the Academy was in their line of sight.

”Sometimes the fun is in the evading, though! And doing what one least expects!” He said, and seemed to pour on more speed. The car increased its speed, erratically heading towards the Academy, and where he could get some lovely chaotic revenge on batsy, his school and the snivelling students that no doubt went there-little goody two shoes who probably never did one fun thing in their lives.

The charging car seemed set on its course, like a bullet from a gun, an arrow loosed, flying straight, deadly so, towards the Academy, up the hill leading towards its gates, Jerome seemed into on having the most chaotic, flashest entrance to the school as possible.

Turning back around in her seat, Carley once more face front, watching on happily as the large and shiney gates of the Academy loomed closer and closer with their ever increasing speed, the sparkle flashing in her eyes seeming to grow bigger… brighter with each moment that passed them by. This was they lived for- what they craved for.

When the two of them were together, there was nothing that could stop them..!

“How’s about we get this party started, huh Puddin..?” Shooting a hand back behind her, Carley fumbled around inside one of the many bags in the backseat, eventually growing frustrated enough to turn around completely in her seat, her knees resting on the cushion and body bending over the center console and into the back as she delved further into the bag, digging around and tossing aside everything in her search for what it was she was actually looking for, “Hm… acid flowers; no… playing cards- ooo, still sharp..! My daddy Jay doll..! Oh..! So that’s where he went to… heheh..!”

As the car continued to get closer and closer to the gates, Jerome seemed to increase the speed of the car, his foot pressing down the pedal until it wouldn’t move anymore. ”Gotta show ‘em that we will never be tamed!” he agreed, and so saying he drove the car right through the gates, smashing them open, he was mildly annoyed that the security he had heard about, increased recently, appeared to be… nothing.

This thought entered his mind, and he growled, slamming on the break’s, the car coming to an abrupt stop, Angry, Jerome aggressively opened his door, police forgotten, he seemed to not even hear their sirens anymore. ”Damn it, Bat, you ruin all our fun!” he shouted, not seeming to even notice the two girls he had very nearly run over.

“Puddin..! No..!”

Her head snapping around the moment she heard the sound of the breaks, Carley lifted her arms up, shielding her face as best as she possibly could as her body was thrown forward, her screams added to only by the sound of glass shattering as she hit the windshield, going through it as she was tossed from the car, her body rolling over the ground before eventually, she came to a stop face down in the dirt.

Phoebe watched the girl in tribal paint approach, and kept her expression blank when the first thing she said seemed to be… derogatory. ”Well, I don’t know about a party, but I am here to welcome you. Given that you are here two days after the semester started” She said, but then seemed to frown as a vehicle going high speeds approached the gates, going right through them. She acted without thinking, closing the distance and grabbing the girl, she got them both out of the way of the oncoming onslaught.

Her luggage falling to the ground with a thud, Amayia lost concentration the very moment that the red-headed mortal laid hand upon her, causing her eyes to widen and her mouth to open as though she were about to say something in anger, though before she could the sound of metal clashing against metal resonated around the area, catching her ear and forcing her to look over in the direction of the commotion with obvious cautiousness flickering across the surface of her dark eyes, her words (though spoken aloud) only spoken loud enough for the mortal beside her to hear, “What-... what is this..? Some large metal beast..?”

Phoebe glanced to Amayia, frowning slightly, ”No, it’s a car. It’s how people get around” It seemed entirely plausible that this girl was from somewhere other than earth, so perhaps it wasn’t so weird that she didn’t know what a car was. ”I’m guessing you aren’t from around here” She said, falling silent at her father’s voice.

“You’re not here for fun” Bruce Wayne said as he came on the scene, warned well in advance by the police of their approach, as well as his own security system. He stopped just before Carley, glancing down at her, he didn’t make the mistake of crouching down, and seeing if she was okay. He well knew the resilience the twins had probably inherited from their parents. And despite the fact that he wanted to make sure Phoebe, and the other new student were alright, Bruce didn’t take his eyes off either twin. “This is a school, and your punishment for your… criminal behavior.”

Phoebe looked towards her father, curious. He seemed to know the duo, and the fact that they had a criminal past… why were they here then? She wanted to speak up, to ask, but sensed that for now, that wouldn’t be welcomed. Still… if he was here, it had to be something serious, didn’t it? She looked to the dou, frowning as she tried to figure out what was going on.

Bruce was no fool. Already, security was being reinstated, the gates closing off their own accord, and he hadn’t come alone. These two were wild cards, and for a time he wondered about the sensibility of bringing them into the school. In the end, it hadn’t been a choice. He wanted them where he could keep an eye on them, and Arkham Asylum had proven vulnerable to their family. He wouldn’t make the mistake of giving these two an easy escape.

Jerome glared at the bat, and if looks could kill, his sure as hell would have. ”You can’t keep us here forever Batsy” He said, his hands curling into fists, he wanted to attack, but… the bat probably wouldn’t be adverse to using Carley against him. The car still running behind him, Jerome stepped forward, towards his sister. ”We will escape. I wonder if you will be a challenge, Batsy” he said, musingly as if he wasn’t even talking to Bruce, ”Come now, Carley, that isn’t where you belong!”

Her gentle features scrunching up in slight pain, Carley began to move, her body turning over the ground until she was lain on her back, the sound of her infectious laughter filling the air for a few moments before she reached out, using her brother’s hand to help her back up to her feet, her hand twisting and her fingers entwining with his as she pressed herself closer to him, hugging his arm tight against her body as she continued to recover from her most recent of blows, the grin once more returning to her lips, “Heheh..! Here I am, Puddin..!”

Taking a few moments longer to make sure that she was, indeed, recovered enough, she turned her head, her bright blue eyes sparkling slightly with excitement as she took in man standing before them, her head tilting lightly to the side as she continued to act all cute and innocent, brushing off everything that the bat had been saying to them not moments beforehand, “Batsy, batsy, batsy..! Did ya miss us..? Mummy and daddy Jay say heya, by the way….”

Phoebe seemed to hesitate a moment, the “batsy” and “jay” helping her piece together just who these two were… and who their parents were. It seemed absolutely far-fetched that Harley Quinn and the Joker could have kept kids alive, let alone have them here… but she supposed that was true of all the supers.. Still, she thought that this might just be an interesting year, coming up with these two….

Jerome shifted, making sure that Carley wasn’t near the bat-after all, if anything happened to her, he’d be alone. And Jerome didn’t want that, ever. He glared at the Bat, rather tempted to take him down now. Yet no doubt the Old Bat would be prepared for that… he’d have to get crafty…. ”Sweep off to your cave, Batsy! We can find our own way… and make things… exciting!” he cackled, starting past Bruce, without a care in the world.

He stopped, turning back towards the car, ”Silly me, almost forgot our toys!” He said, shaking his head at his own forgetfulness, he leaned into the still running car, which gave a rattle, ignored by Jerome. He pulled out a few things, muttering to himself. ”Bat… hammer… gun… “ he lifted the items out the car, glancing about, grabbing his case that held various chemicals, ”Something else… where’s my gun? Trying to escape, is it?”

Finding the gun, Jerome tucked it away, and then reached for the doll, ”And Daddy Jay” He said cheerfully, turning to Carley.

“Daddy Jay..!”

Squealing happily at the sight of her doll, Carley quickly ran over to her brother’s side, reaching out to take it from him before hugging it close against her chest, her body swinging lightly from side to side as she cuddled it like a child would it’s teddy bear, “There ya are..! Thought ya’d run away, huh..?”

Giggling madly once more as she continued to hug her daddy Jay, she glanced back up at Jerome, giving him a bright and happy smile before she reached out once more, this time taking both her gun, being sure to slip it into the back of her booty shorts before eventually she took the rest of her things from him, doing what she could to juggle the bat, the hammer and her doll in her arms as she waited for him to tell her what it was they were going to do next, a slight pout making its way onto her lips, “..Puddin, I’m bored… is it time for fun yet..?”

Bruce watched the duo, carefully-while he knew that they couldn’t get out, he wasn’t about to leave them in the vicinity of his daughter, and a student who hadn’t even been through the orientation process. He stood silently, watching as they gathered their things, and sighing as both seemed to ignore the still running car-what else did he expect though? ”Not unless you consider Orientation fun, Carley” He said, his tone neutral. “It’s going to be fun for me, however” He said, turning to Phoebe and… Amayia, he recalled. “You’ll need to register for classes, and receive your dorm room number, the process may take some time, I apologise” He said, glancing back to the twins, “Especially with them”

Hugging her things closer against her chest, Carley pulled away from her brother’s side, a slight skip in her step as she made her way over to where Bruce was standing, her body brushing against his own as she leant into him, a slight pout crossing over her lips as she once again tilted her head to the side, her gaze holding the playful glint to them that she was known for, “Nawwe, Batsy… why ya gotta be so mean..?”

As Carley approached him, Bruce crossed his arms, before sighing, and stepped back, “Because this is my school, and I have a few suitable punishments in mind, if you two insist on causing a muck” He said simply, shaking his head. “There is nothing you can pull that will surprise me” He said.

Phoebe watched the scene play out, glancing to her father when he told her what she already knew she had to do for Amayia, but she figured he had a reason for doing so. Perhaps… he’d always been obsessed about her safety… it was why she had grown up in an orphanage, not knowing who her mother or father were. Still, as the girl approached her father, it took some immense will power not to do anything. Her hands however did curl into fists.

Jerome watched as Carley approached the Bat, reaching out as if to stop her, before letting his hand fall back. She had her bat. Maybe she could bat the Bat. He chuckled at that thought, before laughing maniacally, ”oh, Bat, you should never issue a challenge like that!” he said, laughing still. ”Carley, come back before you get all Batty”

“..hm..?” Her head shooting around at the sound of her name being called out, Carley blinked a couple of times at her brother’s request before fulfilling it, the skip once more returning to her step as she hurried back to his side where she belonged, a rather crazed giggle slipping out through her bright red lips as she did so, “Ooo, is it time for fireworks yet, Puddin..? Can we..? Can we..? Oh pretty, pretty please..?”

Jerome chuckled, digging his hands into his pockets, ”Why, of course! Let’s make a bang that will make all these mundanes quiver in their boots!” he said, throwing back his head and laughing, in a way that let everyone know he wasn’t at all sane.. ”Lets just…. Ah, there it is!” He said, pulling out a detonator, he pressed down on it without any qualms, never stopping to think about it.

And behind them, the car went up in an explosion.

Bruce acted quickly, moving to put himself between the girls, and the blast, he placed his back to the blast. When it became clear that the blast wasn’t large, he stood from the slight crouch, he checked still to make sure Phoebe was okay, before turning back towards the Twins, ”If you two are finished with that display, you best get moving”

As the car was blown up, Phoebe acted once more on instinct, she began to weave a wall from plants, turning slightly away, she looking up as her father protected them…. She couldn’t help a smile crossing her face. She couldn’t help the childlike happiness that flitted through her. She couldn’t help it.

Looking over to Amayia she said softly, ”Well, this is more of a…. Clash then a welcome, but it still stands. Welcome to the Academy”
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Goliah
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Goliah L + T = C

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Modlen smiled lightly as she spotted Makoto in the class but quickly shrank into her seat as the teacher admonished them. The lecture might have been aimed at the entire class but she couldn't help but take it personally, as if she had under-performed and was a disappointment. Listening to the questions, replies and observing the new arrivals Modlen remained silent until class was dismissed, standing and kind of following the crowd, unsure of where to go next. She watched the boy with the sword walk off with a new arrival, the one who had bombarded her with questions in the VR simulation and tried her best to stay out of sight, slightly embarrassed over mistaking him for an NPC. Personally she just wanted to make her way to the dorms, shut the door and hide away for the rest of the day, but she doubted she would be that lucky.

She watched as people hovered, crawled and literally flew down the halls. This was going to take some getting used to.

@KatherinWinter@Hidden Lilly@BlackPanther
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by twave
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For a brief moment she was surprised by the gesture, but she seemed to be used to the motion and lifted her hand naturally. A slight smile crept its way to the surface. It had been a while since she'd encountered anyone with gentlemanly mannerisms. Not that the people she'd met since arriving on Earth were bad. But it seemed that much of the finer etiquette was uncommon. Most were not royalty or anything though so it was largely to be expected.

Returning the favor Estella curtsied even though her outfit didn't really fit the occasion. Suddenly more in her element she livened up. Even without Cole's unique draw, Estella already liked this man. "Forgive the attire. It isn't often I find anyone that treats me so proper. Not that I am owed it in any way. But I do miss it from time to time." That was sure to bring up some questions.

Turning she followed along side of Cole without question, well almost. "I am not familiar with what Home Ec is. It's not a term I've ever come across. Could you enlighten me?" She asked turning her head and looking up slightly. Being an average height, Cole was at least six inches taller than the alien.

Any moment there was got interrupted by an explosion, warm light flooding through the windows brum the resulting flames. Raising her eyebrows for a moment it seemed that nothing changed here. Unless an alarm went off or people started yelling she wasn't sure whether to worry or treat it as your average mishap. "Seems nothing changes here." She leaned slightly to try and get a better view. The area they were in, the windows did not directly face the front gate.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Cole gave a smile at the curtsy. He was not expecting that sort of returned formality, but he appreciated it. Perhaps he found an individual he could tolerate. He would have to find the winged woman later and question her when he wasn't with Estella.

Cole blinked at her before shaking his head. "To curtsy at all is something I appreciate. A shame you haven't been treated properly. I suppose it's the culture" His eyes slid to meet hers. "I am not from here either so I understand your feeling" He gave her a small smile and he was being completely honest. After all, much like his father he found lying to be something beyond his reach.

Cole tilted his head thinking of how it was explained to him. "From what I was explained it is a class meant to teach useful things. Like sewing and cooking. Maybe it will help to understand this....area more" He shrugged. "Perhaps it will simply be entertaining"

Cole stopped when the explosion occurred. He glanced out the window with Estella a brow raised. "I do not understand the fascination with blowing things up" He was half talking to himself and half talking to Estella. He looked at her. "I am guessing the outside would be more affected....the question is...are we curious enough to find out what happened or shall we go explore the wonders of seeing?" He was probably a bad influence.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Zack had taken control by the time they reached the art room. But Griffin was right behind him. The beginning of the school year meant spot of new people. Griffin wasn t the sort to trust easily. While they tried to split their life equally it wasn't always possible. Some situations he handled better. Others Griffin did. The best thing about their arrangement was that they were never alone.

He scanned the class taking in the new arrivals. He saw one girl that caught his attention. She had long grayish colored hair. She looked terrified. Which was unusual for an art class. He made his way over to her. "There is no reason to be afraid. At least not in this class. We are the most dangerous thing in here and I promise my brother will not harm you without cause." he assured her. He gave her a reassuring smile.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by twave
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She gave the prospect of going outside to see what was up some thought. On one hand her last bout of real curiosity almost killed her. There were also plenty of other heroes around that could probably handle the situation. Running from danger wasn't something her mental state really afforded her anymore. "On one hand I'd like to know. On the other this is my first day back and I've already missed one class. I also have a reputation to rebuild." She said rather flatly. Seemed she wasn't afraid to speak her thoughts, of course that could also by one of Cole's affects, difficult to say this early on after meeting.

Stepping away from the window she seemed to have made up her mind. "I suspect that who or what the cause was we will meet shortly. There are three new arrivals from what I can tell. And my upbringing didn't really ever teach me much about home skills. Though I'm sure even if it did I would be relearning a lot of them here on Earth." She waited for Cole to follow suit and proceed to the class. She didn't really leave much room for question on what she wanted.
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