Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 3 days ago


Interacting with: Sol Quill @TechnoWizROK, Frank @Simple Unicycle, Griffin @KatherinWinter

Mr. Bigfoot was pretty funny, Light thought. Taking such a light comment as a threat, apparently he didn't understand what heroics were. Which, to his credit, that was what this school was here to teach, so its not such a bad thing. "Fight huh? Like that one over there?" Light said, pointing her thumb at a group of students who were beating up a poor guy. Considering most of them were female, it must've been something pervy or something. Either way, Light was more preoccupied with these people than a fight, they were more entertaining. Especailly Mr. Frank who wanted to carry on a conversation while they walked, Light joining him. "Ya know, we could walk towards that fight, or towards the building. Up to you Mr. Suit."

Light was a bit surprised at how serious they were all taking her 'leader' comment. Its not like any of the villains or heroes shes seen were serious or anything. Heck Mr. Suit, with his briefcase, has probably seem much more serious evils or at least studied them. Regardless she kinda ignored all the leader chat, she was just there for a good time. Walking with Mr. Suit, she said to the group. "Welp, So... Any of you know any of the teachers or something? I don't know many of them by name. Didn't care to learn many besides that Stark guy, that Bruce guy, and that Clark guy. Oh, and that American Flag guy, hes cool. I got a class with him, should be fun! Though I'm expecting to have to screw my head on a few times in that one." finishing with a laugh, she grinned at the others.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TechnoWizROK
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Location: The Front Gates; The Academy.
Interacting With: Frank Sage @Simple Unicycle Light @Archmage MC Griffin/Zack @KatherinWinter

Eyebrow raised at the sight of Frank demonstrating his ability to speak and talk at the same time he wouldn't comment on the red-haired teen's strangeness, everyone was entitled to their weird quirks and who was he to judge? Sol's interested was piqued by the mention of a fight, and as his eyes followed the direction Light pointed to he saw a barrier of vines and flowers separating two girls, who looked to be older than himself, and a wild-looking young man. "There's a fight? Neat! Let's all go check it out, please?" His excitement and passion for fighting displays itself for the others to see, acting more like a child asking for a new toy than an ageless entity who wields the power of well.. Power. The mention of the teachers at the Academy would send the white-haired teen on another tangent, "Oh yeah my Dad's a teacher, he'll be teaching Dance here." Sol beams at the last part, glad to know that he picked a class where he would do something he'd enjoy very much with his adopted parent.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by GirlOnMarz
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Member Seen 22 days ago

{"And when I breathed, my breath was lightning."}
- Black Elk
Interacting With: @Mistress Dizzy | outfit

Jazmine and her cat idled close by the school gates, just the same as the rest of the students, not completely sure of what to do. Along the way she'd heard about some sort of assembly that all of the students were to attend, but had yet to spot any authority figures around to give them instruction. "They do seem to be a bit ill-prepared, huh Salem?" Jazmine spoke to the cat as she set her duffel bag onto the concrete; there was no reason for her to continue to carry the hefty thing if she wasn't to move from her spot on the driveway. Salem purred in response and sat next to the duffel, waiting for whenever they'd all be directed inside. While she stood, arms folded and brow raised, Jazmine took the time to observe each of the students, the first being an older woman with odd, dark patches on her skin, fiery red hair, and eyes that glowed a similar color. While she could not easily tell the abilities of some of the other students, it only took her a moment to figure out at least one ability that this young woman possessed. Just moments after she'd initiated conversation with a younger girl, however, her eyes turned to a striking green color, and the black patches began to disappear. "Interesting..." Jazmine said to herself, before redirecting her gaze to another.

Not too far away stood two young men, both appearing to be around her age. The younger boy was visually impaired, as indicated by his cane, and the older, prettier boy wore form-fitting leather pants that Jazmine imagined to be slightly uncomfortable. She let her eyes linger on the two momentarily before she turned to survey another. In just a short time span, she'd witnessed many people "show-off" their powers, a couple of heated arguments ensue, and even a large, orange yeti flying in over everyone's heads. "Looks like we'll have a lot more fun here than we expected," Jazmine spoke to herself before picking up her duffel bag once more. If they were all going to be standing in the driveway for quite some time, she figured she may as well take this as an opportunity to make someone's acquaintance. Before arriving at the academy, she'd made a pact with herself to follow her mothers advice: to at least attempt to be a bit more social than she'd ever been in the past.

It only took her a few seconds to spot someone that appeared to be friendly enough. She briskly walked towards the young lady, her dark heels clicking against the concrete and Salem following close behind. The girl had only a satchel and water jug strapped on her back, confirming Jazmine's previous suspicions that she herself, as usual, had over-packed. By the time she reached the girl, a bright smile lit up her face, and her free hand outstretched for a handshake. "Hello," she said with a slight nod of her head, "I'm Jazmine, but most just call me Jaz. And you are...?" She knew that she'd have to eventually work on her introductions.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Online

Interacting with:
Zack hesitated. He didn't think it was wise to stay with the group. Griffin would hurt that girl and then regret it. Frank was crazy. While they had been around people like Frank it wasn't an easy thing to deal with and they had enough complications. He wasn't sure about the fireball. The other boys seemed normalish, except his excitement about the fight. He wanted to keep Griffin out of unnecessary fights.

He didn't follow as the others started walking. He regretted allowing Griffin to arrive in their yeti form. It meant they couldn't shift back until they had a chance to go to their form. Their parents had already shipped their bags to their room so they didn't have to be burdened with stuff. But it also meant they had no clothes with them. He looked around studying the other arrivals. He was eager and nervous to get to kniw them all.

@Mistress Dizzy

"Interacting with: Kassy

There were so many people. Katherin had never been around so many people at once. It was going to take some time for her to get used to. She moved slowly. She was glad that she didn't have to worry about her stuff. It was going to be hard enough to get through this crowd. In a way it was a good thing that everyone was still waiting at the the gates. Despite the chaos it made things alot easier for her.

She hadn't used her powers to guide her since the 'incident' so she was nervous to do so now. Hopefully the cold wasn't to noticeable. She was keeping her power as low as she could. Butvatleast her she didn't have to hide it the way she could in a regular school. She slowly made her way forward. She frowned when her power encountered aomething that felt like water. How odd she thought. Curious Katherin headed towards the sensation. Distracted by all all the new sensations she wasn't paying attention to where she was going to bumped into someone.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Simple Unicycle
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Simple Unicycle ?

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Frank Sage
Interacting with: Sol Quill @TechnoWizROK, Light @Archmage MC, Phoebe Wayne-Isley @Caits, Deon Howlette @YoshiSkittlez, and Megumi Takaki @Scarifar

"It's up to me where to go?" Frank asked, considering his options. He could either go watch the fight, or enter the school. 'Go watch two girls beat up a guy or go into the school. Watch a fight... Go to school...' For a moment, Frank was unsure of what to do. On one hand, entertainment. On the other hand, responsibility. Thankfully, the choice was made for him when Sol made it clear that he wanted to watch the fight, so Frank decided he might as well do it. "Let's go see what that fight's all about." With that, Frank started to walk towards the fight, briefly noticing that the yeti had left them behind. 'Still must keep an eye on him. Seems unstable, and not to mention is extremely interesting.'

Leading the two towards the fight, Frank listened to Light as she asked if either of them knew the teachers, and Sol answered, saying that his adopted father would be teaching dance. "I've never actually met any of them for myself, though my parents have had past dealings with many of the teachers and faculty." Frank paused, then asked: "Speaking of my parents' past dealings with the faculty, do either of you want to hear about the time my dad pissed Superman off and got away with it without getting punched in the face?" Before he could tell the story to his newfound friends, Frank noticed that they had already arrived at the area of the fight, which seemed to have stopped for a moment.

"Excuse me," he spoke up, trying to grab the attention of any of the three people there, "care to tell us what this is about? I mean, I'm not going to stop you from duking it out, I'm just curious as to why you were duking it out." As he spoke, Frank analyzed the three of them. Though he wasn't sure about the parentage of the boy and the Japanese girl, he took note of the vines that seemed to emanate from the redhead. 'Red hair, ability to manipulate plant life... It seems that I've found the daughter of Poison Ivy, also known as Pamela Isley. How very interesting...'
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Adeline Wilson

Location: The Front Gates; The Academy.
Interacting With: Her driver.

It felt… strange…

Biting down softly upon her lower lip as she felt the car slowing to a stop, Adeline turned her head, her soft pink lips parting ever so slightly from one another as her attention was brought to where she could feel the door pressing against her arm, her beautiful though ever unseeing light blue eyes staring out the window and up at what she could only imagine was her actual destination. The academy… it felt strange to be here without either of her parents at her side, and she couldn’t help but to feel nervous, her stomach fluttering with butterflies.

Why couldn’t her father come with her..? Or her mother..? It hadn’t been very long since she had said her goodbye’s to them at the San Francisco airport, or at least, that’s how it felt to her anyway…

The nerves continuing to bubble away within her stomach, she turned her head down, her brows furrowing out of worry as her fingers lightly began to play with the hem of her dress, the sound of the door opening beside her causing her to jump in her seat. She had been correct; they had arrived at the academy… a new chapter in her life ready to be opened and explored; and if that was the case, then why was it that her parents had been so reluctant to accept the invitation when it had first been extended to her..?

Lifting her head up as she felt a warm touch brushing lightly against her hand, she couldn’t help but to hesitate; was this really what she wanted..?

“Miss. Wilson..? We’ve arrived at the location your parents advised me to bring you… are you sure that this is where you need to be..?”

It was a simple question… but one that, right now, was loaded. Was this where she wanted to be..? Or did she simply want to go home… be with her parents… right now, she wasn’t so sure what she wanted… The feeling of soft fur brushing up against her flesh caused her mind to come back to the present, her attention drawn to the young though energetic canine as he hurried to climb over her, quickly jumping out of the car forcing the driver to hurry after him with the leash leaving her sitting on her own.

It seemed now, she had no other choice… her dog had inadvertently made it for her.

Shifting her body slightly, Adeline reached out towards the door, her hands resting against the frame to help her out of the car and back to her feet for what was the first time in what felt like hours… first the plane, and then the car… the journey felt never ending…

“..o-oh, no… I want to be here. You brought me to the right place, please don’t worry about that…” Reaching out towards where she could hear him wrestling with her dog, she took pause, waiting until she felt him take a hold of her hand before she began to move, allowing the man to lead her up the curb and over the path, only coming to a stop once she was stood in front of the large iron fence they had pulled up in front of.

“Your parents wished me to remind you that your luggage has been sent ahead of you, and should already be waiting in your dorm room… now, is there anything else I can do for you Miss. Wilson..? I’d hate to leave you alone-...”

“It’s okay; I understand. You’re very kind, but I assure you, there is no need to worry about me sir. I do believe I’m not the only one who is meeting here this morning.” Smiling sweetly as she cut him off, she nodded her head lightly in understanding, her hand lifting up to lightly brush the small stray strands of her long bubblegum pink hair back and off her face, neatly tucking them back behind her ear- he was concerned about her… not that she could blame him; most people tended to worry about her…

“..it’s the first day of school for us; I’m just-... I’m just a little nervous, that’s all…”

Her hands curling gently to take a hold of the leash as it was handed to her, Adeline tilted her head lightly to the side as a comforting pressure was placed upon her shoulder, the excited dog moving about, making his way back and forth around her legs as he sniffed around at all the new scents.

Breaking a single hand away from the lead as she felt the weight lifted from her shoulder, she lifted it up, giving a small wave in the man’s general direction as the sound of the engine starting once more hit the air before eventually, it was gone altogether. Her smile fading somewhat, she dropped her head once more, her long and wavy pink locks falling forward and over her shoulders as she did so, the woman making giving no sign that she was going to be moving from her place anytime soon- sure, she had gotten out of the car… but she still wasn’t sure if she wanted to go in, or just go home…
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Alan Southern

Interacting With: Adeline Wilson @Vicier.

Ah, the wind in his face, ruffling up his already mop of messy hair. Was there ever a better feeling than flying through the air? The sky was such an open space that made all of life’s little problems seem to melt away. It was where he went to escape, most times - the only place he knew for sure that he could be alone.

Alan flexed his wings, bringing them closer towards his body practically cradling the backpack he had nestled between them, and tilted himself downwards in a sharp drop. The air licked at the bare skin of his chest as he gained speed, his wide eyes watching as the Earth came closer and closer until finally he pulled up and let the g-forces take over, shooting him back up into the sky.

He let out a loud whoop of joy, the gravity finally kicking in and making him hover in the air for a dead second before opening up his wings and simply riding the air current he created. He twisted his body, circling in a horizontal cyclone style three or four different times before pulling out of that, diving down once more and pulling back up again.

The smile couldn’t be wiped from his face. He felt so free when he flew, so far from the people he knew were staring and judging him. He should have been used to the looks by now - having lived most of his life at a circus - but the last year or so at Xavier’s school for the gifted gave him just enough confidence to start flying without fear of judgement again.

But his time as an X-men had come to an end, and a new chapter was opening up in his life. The Academy - organized by Bruce Wayne himself! It was an honor to be asked to become a part of it, and he was excited.

Not twenty minutes later, Alan could see the structure of the Academy cutting into the clear skyline. Tilting his wings to create a bit more resistance, Alan slowed down his speed and began a gentle descent. The closer he got, the more he began to see - students mostly, but the occasional animal or vehicle as well.

With the grin still on his face, Alan finally managed to touch down at the start of what he figured was a driveway that led to the school. He didn’t want to cause any kind of “grand entrance.” Though he had been a performer for a good chunk of his life, when it came to his mutation, he didn’t particularly like it when people were looking at him.

The large, golden wings folded back into his body, seeming to melt into the skin where they would remain hidden until he called upon them again. Like practiced clockwork, his hand reached for his belt where a shirt was tied and unknotted it, removing the backpack with one hand and throwing the gray t-shirt over his head to cover his bare chest with the other. He positioned the backpack of his belongings back onto his back and shifted the weight.

There were so many people ahead! Though none seemed to notice him dropping down far behind him. Curiosity got the better of him, and with a bit of concentration, his vision began to blur and then changed into a variety of colors.

Most everyone within his vision were radiating a soft blue color - understandable, no one had given him a reason for him to not trust them yet. Really, they were just a bunch of other kids just as excited to be there as he was.

Walking along the path set out before him, reverting his vision back to normal, Alan came up behind a young woman with striking pink hair. She seemed to just be standing there, unsure of what it was that she was supposed to do. A rather young looking yellow lab was circling around her, seeming to be more concerned about licking his privates than paying attention to her. But as soon as the canine became aware of his presence, the pup began to bark happily and strained against his leash to get to him.

”Cute dog.” Alan complemented, closing the distance between himself and the pup. He squatted himself down and started petting him, making sure to scratch him behind the ears. ”What’s his name?”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jayla Blaze

-Daughter of the Ghost Rider-

Interacting with: Ky' vie Jones @Vicier

Making her way down the path that would ultimately lead her to the school, Jayla couldn't help but to stop every so often and look over her shoulder. Surely her father would have had his motorcycle unhooked by now. It would be safe to return to her car, throw her luggage and the cage back into the car and just take off. But where would she go? There wasn't anywhere she could go that he couldn't find her - her father and Mephisto.

It was temping. Her fingers were itching to take the keys she had placed into her pocket. But each time she kept turning back around and heading to the school. Why? Why should she stay here? Just to make her father happy? Was that really enough of a reason? It shouldn't have been, and yet, she was getting closer to the school.

No. No she knew what she had been chosen for. Mephisto came to her. Mephisto made her sign the contract, binding her to him for life. She knew her father couldn't do this without him. She may not have been the best Ghost Rider in history - hell she didn't even know how to control turning into the Ghost Rider - but at least she could do something. She cared about her mother just as much as her father did. How dare he take matters into his own hands when the devil himself demanded it otherwise!?

That's it! Balling her hands into fists, Jayla shook her head and planted her feet firmly. No, she wouldn't run away - she would go and find her father and force him to see things her way... somehow.

She turned her body, fully intending (now) to return to her car and return home. But as she turned, a glimpse of red caught her attention. Hesitating, Jayla turned her neck, having to do a double take of what she thought might have stolen her attention.

It couldn't be... here?

Jayla shook her head, closed her eyes and opened them up again.

It was no trick of the mind. Standing not twenty feet away from her, struggling with her luggage, was the one woman she hadn't expected to see again in an entire lifetime.

"Ky?" Setting down her suitcases and the covered bat cage, and crossed the next ten feet towards her. It was definitely her - the girl she had street-raced with in Australia when she and her father had a job there that ended up lasting a few months. Ky' vie was a legend on the roads - they ended up competing almost every night Jayla was there unless her "other self" ended up getting in the way. They even went out afterwards, celebrating either of their victories with drinks, dancing and a good time (much to her father's disapproval). They had built a pretty steady friendship during her short time there - if it hadn't been for Ky' vie, Jayla might have ended up in jail a handful more times than she already had. And then there was that one time they were in there together...

"No fucking way. Really?" A faint smile spread across her lips. "What in the hell are you doing her- WOA-" Just as she was about to reach her, Jayla took a full step backwards, recoiled by the sight of the sleeping child held fast in her arms. "They giving out kids instead of pink slips now? Who's this one belong to? He's a bit small to race..."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Naevia Udaku

Location: The Front Gates; The Academy.
Interacting With: Barca (@Caits).

..was she boring him..?

Narrowing her eyes slightly as she caught sight of his own eyes widening in what looked like a condescending manner, Naevia’s body tensed, her fingers curling within Crixus’ main causing the wild animal to stir, his growl once more filling the air as he stepped forward, baring his sharp canines in warning. Perhaps she’d been wrong in making her assumption… perhaps he wasn’t worth a shred of her time, or energy.

Her hand slipping from the warmth and softness of Kovu’s main as he turned away from the scene, she balled it into a fist down at her side, her jaw clenching as she continued to stare at the guy standing before her, barely seeming to notice nor care about the fact that Kovu (seemingly distracted by something) had begun to wander, the creature making his way through the crowd until he was completely out of sight. Not that it truly mattered much anyway… he would return; he always returned to her side. It was in his nature; something he had grown up knowing that he had to do.

When the time came that she needed him; Kovu was always there to protect her.

The snarling growing just a tad stronger as Crixus took a step between them, she turned her head up, a disgusted look flickering across her features as she returned in kind- if he was going to look down on her as if she was nothing more than a child, then she was most definitely going to do the same to him, “..unastahili kunitazama kwa namna hiyo..?”

A soft though ever threatening growl emanating, this time from her own throat, Naevia let her breath rush out quickly through her nostrils, causing them to flare just slightly with the action. How dare he...

Lifting her hand up between them, she cut him off, not bothering to listen to what he had to say as she continued to dwell on the look he had chosen to give her, “..you dare gaze upon my person as though I am some mewling cub..? Je..! Unajua ni nani unenena na kijana..!”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago



Barca hesitated a moment, seeing the girl's expression. Had he offended her in anyway? He quickly reviewed the conversation so far, wondering if he had done something wrong there... but he didn't think so. And yet... her lion was growling, and he recalled her words... had he offended the lion in anyway, offended her? When the lion stepped towards him, he stepped back, crouching to scoop up Glaber's cage into his arms, before moving the cage behind his back, and standing his ground. He was not going to let this lion make his owl a snack. If the lion came any closer... and where had the other one gone? Trying to look out of the corner of his eyes, he couldn't see the other lion. A little wary, he looked to the girl.

What had he done? He thought furiously, trying to figure up where he had messed up... he'd done the right things, said the right things hadn't he? So what had he done to offend her?

Was she yelling at him, in her language... ? And how annoying, her thoughts were as well... oh, yes, his father was most definitely going to hear about this... He couldn't go around not knowing what this girl was saying. And it would only take mere moments to have his father give him the ability to understand her.

This girl was really angry, and he didn't know why. Which frustrated him to no end indeed. Because he didn't know what he had done wrong, and he had never angered a girl as much as he seemed to have angered this girl... And he couldn't fix it.

As she finally spoke to him in English, Barca listened to what she was saying, even if it was a strange sentence... his gaze drifted to the lion again, and he suddenly understood. He cursed the annoying girl inwardly. If she had cost him this chance at something worth while... he was going to be extremely angry and she would face his wrath. He quickly tried to gain his footing again, and let his expression fall into one of understanding, and regret.

"I assure you, I did not mean to offend you in anyway" Barca said in a soft voice, bowing his head slightly, "I... I have telepathy. It's not something that I can turn off very well, and unfortunately someone seems to have taken a disliking to me because of that. I was merely closing off my mental shields so they couldn't get in- and to close myself from others. I meant no offense at all... " He gave a heavy sigh, "But I understand if you don't believe me, after all, we have only just met" He gently set Glaber's cage back down again, looking to the girl. "I am truly sorry."

He was actually a little surprised to find he was genuine. That almost never happened...

"May we start this again?" He asked, with a smile that could be considered hopeful, "I am pleased to make your acquaintance, and I am Barca Asher Xavier"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Agron Wilson

-Son of Deathstroke-

Interacting with: Neavia Udaku @Vicier and Barca Xavier @Caits

"You never did learn how to play nicely with others."

A lion's roar echoed throughout the courtyard. Kovu, the older lion that had wandered off, stepping in time with it's true owner. His large head, coming easily up to Agron's midsection, nuzzling the plated orange and blue armor that kept him safe for many missions across the country.

Agron dropped his hand and ran his fingers through the rough main, scratching the large cat behind it's ear. Roaring out again, though at half the volume (and it being more than clear now that both cries were out of happiness), Kovu sat himself down on his massive haunches, and began to pur. But Agron's eyes were elsewhere - his sister was just a single touch away. By the Gods, how he had missed her!

A slight smirk crossed over his face, though inside he was screaming. It had been years since he had seen his little sister, though his time away made it feel like lifetimes.

He was standing behind her, but even from there, he could tell that she was beautiful, just the way he remembered her. Just the way he left her before moving himself to New York to escape the condescending undertones his step-father would constantly give him - as though it were Agron's fault that he wasn't his son. Even with summer's spent with his real father, T'Challa had always made it clear to him that Agron didn't belong anywhere.

Glancing over his half-sister's shoulder to the snobbish boy she had been talking with (and probably upsetting), Agron raised his eyebrows first, and then nodded his head towards the boys direction.

"Hey. Don't even bother trying. I've got eighteen years of her life on you, kid. So take your losses where they stand and your ego can still be saved. I doubt either of us will remember you in ten minutes anyway to even talk about this later." Agron gave him a wink, and a pleasant smile, despite the circumstances.

He was going to get hell for this - he knew that the moment he decided to come back from the "dead." He had to. When the war got tough, he needed to disappear or H.I.V.E would have ended him before he had a chance to get killed. Sure, he had a chance to come out of hiding after the contract had been signed with all of the supers, but to what end? There was nothing for him. Nothing, until he found out that his father would be a teacher at the new school. He knew then that he could help out - that he could be with his sister again - that he could show T'Challa that while he might not be his heir, that he could still amount to something... by any means necessary.

Looking back to his sister, he gave her a warm smile, very different than the one he gave Barca.

"So... how've you been?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Cole Morningstar

Cole noted that behind him it seemed the guy with the owl had messed up and the lady with the lions was quite annoyed. Too bad for them. He also ignored the people around him. His hand still ready to take hers.

Cole's brow furrowed as the girl said nothing. Was she mute? He internally shrugged and lightly grasped her hand. In a smooth movement he turned her hand and pressed his lips gently on her knuckles before he released her hand. that prickling feeling was back for a moment but since it was gone so fast he ignored it. "Cole" introducing himself with one word he lightly removed the sunglasses to reveal his cool grey eyes.

"I don't mean to sound rude but...are you mute?" it was blunt yet filled with curiosity. Mostly because he was highly curious why she hadn't said a word though it looked as if she tried to do something. Though he could have misread that blank expression. This girl with purple hair became even more interesting to him with little effort.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Esuterura Kuinu

Watching Cole's action she seemed to have run into the the first person to treat her with the proper respect since arriving on this planet. What was more it was before even knowing anything about her. Which really could only be few reasons. Either this was how Cole acted all the time, which would be a refreshing change given everything else she'd seen thus far; he was attempting to woo her, which would be rather brazen given the before mentioned lack of acquaintance; or he wanted something.

Either way her expression softened ever so slightly and she curtsied in response. There was an awkward moment of silence before Cole mentioned his name. Esuterura attempted to tell him her name with her telepathy but nothing seemed to come of it. That is until she was asked if she was mute. Attempting again didn't seem to work and a brief moment of trying to read his mind cleared things up for her. Cole could not hear her telepathy.

This was not something she ran into often, although she had a terrible time trying to communicate with a robot at one point which was entire futile. She really must retrieve some of the devices from her ship to fashion some kind of way to communicate to these people. For the slightest moment she seemed at a loss before mouthing the word "Yes." She nodded as well. Raising her right hand she placed a finger on her temple before putting the index finger of her other hand to Cole's head. "No?" She shook her head. Hopefully that conveyed the message that she had tried telepathy. He face expressed more of a question though.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 3 days ago


Interacting with: Sol Quill @TechnoWizROK, Frank @Simple Unicycle, Phoebe Wayne-Isley @Caits, Deon Howlette @YoshiSkittlez, and Megumi Takaki @Scarifar

Light was a bit nervous, looking over the fight. She had heard the fighting, but only now did she see it involved lots of tentacle plants. The other stuff wasn't as bad to her, but being bound? Yeah... Not something she enjoyed. Sol meanwhile seemed to be someone who liked fighting. Light herself wasn't against the idea, but usually she was only in it for the fun, and it was usually more fun to mess with her enemies instead of fighting them. After all, no one ever really fought seriously, otherwise bodies would be everywhere.

Looking at the two girls piled over a guy, Light asked the two, mirroring Frank's words in her own way. "So, uh... Is this like some orgy sorta thing or whats going on here? The vines make it kinky." Usually a little humor diffused stuff like this, so maybe after a bit of talking Light could make a few more friends! Mr. Bigfoot didn't seem like he liked the group anyway, having gone his own way.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago


Sol Quill @TechnoWizROK, Frank @Simple Unicycle, Deon Howlette @YoshiSkittlez, and Megumi Takaki @Scarifar, Light @Archmage MC

Phoebe winced as Megumi touched one of the flowers, but it seemed she had done everything right, and the vines weren’t poisonous, which was a blessing. And she realised with a shock how reckless she had been. What did she think that she was doing, playing around like that? She had absolutely no idea what her abilities could do, and if she harmed someone because of her ignorance… Phoebe shuddered, the warmth that had so infused her mere moments ago fading rapidly in the fact of her own… arrogance. What had she wanted to prove? That she could be manipulative? That she was powerful? She didn’t need to know that, to do that, to know who she was.

Her hands curled slightly, but were loose by her sides, as she stared at her own creations. Reckless and foolish. That’s what she had been. She had done what she had because she thought it would keep a bloodbath from happening, and protect a new friend… mostly. And she thought she had, but she wasn’t too sure… she was playing with fire, and she needed to be careful, so she wouldn’t shrivel up and die. Still, she wasn’t stupid. She didn’t remove her vines, knowing that they were quite possibly the only reason why Megumi wasn’t bloody right now. She was just about to try and get the situation under control again, when others joined them, not even thinking that they might be making a situation worse by interrupting. She looked to the newcomers, a little frustrated.

None of them seemed to realise what they were doing, and why it could potentially be bad. She sighed softly, shifting her stance so that she was facing the newcomers. She stared at them a few moments, as if trying t understand why they’d come over. ”Because he’s an asshole” She said simply, ”And Megumi seems not to like assholes. I was merely trying to avoid a bloodbath… but” She sighed heavily, ”I don’t think that can happen now… “ She could see that the first one to speak, the boy, was analysing them, and she realised with a jolt what she had done.

She’d revealed to everyone what she could do. And in a way that was pretty frigging obvious… had she just revealed for the first time in her life, the only half of her parentage that she knew about? And… did that matter now? It was obvious her parents had wanted to keep the fact they had a child a secret, but did that matter now? She couldn’t have kept her abilities, what she was, a secret here forever… but then… why hadn’t they come to her before this, before the school started?

Were they ashamed of her, and hoping she’d never figure out who her father was? Did they not want to know who she was. Or even know that she was alive, and, she hoped, a decent person? She glanced away from the newcomers, the brief happiness she had experienced leaving her utterly, and even though she knew they were the thoughts of a lost child, she couldn’t seem to break them. She understood why her parents had given her up… but it had been a year since everything was safe… and they hadn’t come for her.

Her inner thoughts were broken by one of the other newcomers putting their two cents in. While she knew the girl was trying to put a little humor into the situation, she didn’t think it was a while idea. And it ticked her off. ”Kinky… ? The vines are there to prevent him tearing her throat out!” She said in a soft voice, pointed towards Deon, Megumi. ”I don’t know what orgies you’ve been apart off, but I imagine blood kinda kills the mood”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 2 days ago

Megumi Takaki

@Caits@YoshiSkittlez@TechnoWizROK@Simple Unicycle@Archmage MC

While Megumi examined a flower, she began to notice extra voices apart from Phoebe's and Deon's. Looking up, Megumi saw that other people had begun to gather around the commotion. Megumi decided that this was the ideal opportunity to take to make Deon finally go away. To use the crowd against him and get him to leave Phoebe alone.

Just as Megumi was about to point at Deon and call him out for being a molester, Phoebe began to speak first. At first Megumi thought that Phoebe was worried that Megumi would murder Deon. Megumi wanted to tell her that there was no need to worry about that. Megumi believed she could certainly control her strength to the extent that Deon wouldn't die. Maybe a little battered, but otherwise nothing life-threatening.

As the conversation dragged on, however, disregarding the sexual bits of the conversation, Phoebe's true beliefs were clear to her. Deon, stronger than Megumi? Impossible. No one around her age would be stronger than her. Irritated that Phoebe would think so low of her, Megumi placed a hand on her shoulder. "Phoebe, I'd be fine. Three of that molester wouldn't be enough to beat me," Megumi reassured Phoebe, pointing at Deon.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Cole Morningstar

Cole blinked as the girl curtsied in return. In the two years he had been on the surface no woman knew the response. He gave a small smile. How odd a girl with purple hair knew how to respond to a kiss on the hand. His head tilted for a moment as he wondered why that was.

Before Cole could say anything more his brow furrowed. That prickly feeling was back. It almost felt like insects were running around on his head. It paused then began again. With a look of puzzlement he ran his hand through his hair as if to dislodge the bothersome yet non existent insects.

Soon the sensation stopped and cole nodded when she mouthed yes. "Oh well should be interesting. Now I feel like I should learn sign" He blinked as she moved her hand. What was she asking....suddenly it all clicked. The prickly feeling and her blank look. He was unable to be affected by telepathy. That was interesting. "Apparently not."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Deon Howlette

-Son of the Wolverine-

Interacting with: Sol Quill @TechnoWizROK, Frank Sage @Simple Unicycle, Phoebe Wayne-Isley @Caits, Megumi Takaki @Scarifar and Light @Archmage MC

Things had seemed to turn on Deon, and rather quickly. One moment, she was kissing him and promising him a good time, and the next, the redhead was sprouting plants around him, keeping the bitch who had punched him safe. Tilting his head and squinting his eyes in confusion, he watched on as the plants finished developing, the girl with a powerful punch suddenly enamored with the deadly beauty by touching a possibly poisonous flower. He smirked at her expense, but gave his attention back to Phoebe.

But before he could do or say anything, yet again another interruption kept him from scoring with the redhead or ending the bitch - both seemed like great possibilities, but the well-tailored man asking what was going on was really starting to kill his buzz.

The man was accompanied by two others, a pretty boy with striking white hair that looked as though he might have wighed as much as one of Deon's legs, and a female (clearly alien) who got his attention by expressing her opinion of something kinky going on. He looked Light up and down appreciatively - though not at all human looking, she still had a nice figure and not at all unpleasant to look at. He gave her a wink. She had no idea what kinky could be.

”Kinky… ? The vines are there to prevent him tearing her throat out! I don’t know what orgies you’ve been apart off, but I imagine blood kinda kills the mood”

He couldn't help it. A laugh came from Deon, somewhere deep within his chest. He was surrounded by idiots! This whole school was just turning out to be one big joke. How could his father stand to work here? It was clear that the old man was starting to show his age if he voluntarily gave up his time to be with these... children.

He dropped his hands to his knees, his back hunching as he held himself up as he continued to laugh out loud. His eyes closed and he could feel the tears pricking at the corners of his eyes. This was all just too much. It it hadn't been clear before, it was now more than ever - this definitely was not Stryker's island.

Breathing out the last of his laugh, Deon managed to stand himself back up straight, using the top of his finger on his left hand to wipe the tears that had been pooling in his lower lid. Then, without a single shred of warning, the adamantium claws in his right hand shot out, the sound of metal scraping against metal chiming as they did and with one fellow swoop, Deon twisted his body, extending his arm out and sliced the plants that were supposedly keeping Megumi clean in half and in the blink of an eye, he brought his fist back, slicing it once more in an upwards diagonal, leaving his claws suspended in the air next to the side of her face, a hairs breadth distance. The plants stalled, and then piece by piece began to tumble down on each other, piling up on the ground. He may have gotten the tip of his middle claw a little too close to Megumi with his initial cut, but he couldn't be sure. Not like he cared anyway - what was a minor scratch when the bitch outright punched him in the face?

"Unless you want to find out just how much of a molester you think I am, I'd keep your pretty little face out of my way for a while. Got it?" Slowly, his claws retracted into his knuckles, the skin on the tops of his hands bulging slightly where the blades were cutting back into his bones until they were completely sheathed back into his forearm. He turned his attention, once more, back to Phoebe, and gave her a twisted sort of smile.

"Well it's been fun, red. Thanks for the kiss - it's not one I'll be forgetting any time soon. Just come and find me when you're ready for part two." Flashing her a wink, and his grin growing just a slight bit lighter, Deon smirked before turning, purposefully bumping his sturdy frame into Frank Sage as he took his leave. He couldn't go into the school yet, but there were plenty of other women on campus he could begin to manipulate.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago


Connor neared the gates, still carrying his pack over one shoulder. He wasn’t fearful someone else would gain the suit- it was set for him and only him, but he still didn’t want it falling into others hands. The closer he got to the gates, the more noise he could hear as other students began to interact with one another. He couldn’t shake the feeling that this was much like the first day of highschool. And these students all had skills, abilities, and they all knew what had happened… and where they were going after this. Connor shook his head, ridding himself of these thoughts. This was different… he might be smart, and have abilities, but that wasn’t strange here…

Which wasn’t to say he’d actually become friends with anyone here. Still, he’d try.

He shifted his pack, wishing he was a little bit more impressive then he was, but he knew that that was just… nerves. He frowned at himself, shaking his head once more. What did he have to be nervous about? Strangely, Connor thought back on his very first solo flight… his father had laughed himself silly, and then helped him at least not end up upside down. And he smiled. That had been a lot of what Tony Stark had given his son, the ability to laugh at himself, and the confidence to keep on going even if he messed up.

Shifted, he continued to walk, reaching the gates and entering the grounds, looking about, he studied the students already gathering in the front grounds. There seemed to be some commotion going on, but he supposed that was to be expected. Still, Connor watched, to make sure things weren’t about to get serious, before he moved a little further into the gates, noticing that there was a bit of a blockage, and he didn’t want to add to it.

He glanced around for anyone to interact with that wasn’t already in a conversation, frowning slightly. No one really seemed to be alone… Connor’s gaze landed on two people entering the gates just behind him. They seemed to know each other already, and were quite comfortable. A couple, or siblings? Sometimes it was hard to tell. He paused a moment before approaching them.

”Hi… Are you guys new here?” Right away, Connor realised his mistakes, and he scrambled to fix it, ”Oh, I mean, we’re all new here… jeez” He ran a hand through his hair, embarrassed at his mistake. ”This is why I wish I had a rewind button. Hi, I’m Connor”
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Simple Unicycle
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Simple Unicycle ?

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Frank Sage
Interacting with: Sol Quill @TechnoWizROK, Light @Archmage MC, Phoebe Wayne-Isley @Caits, and Megumi Takaki @Scarifar
Mentioned: Deon Howlette @YoshiSkittlez

It took a lot of willpower for Frank not to chuckle at Light's comment, especially after Phoebe's reaction to it. 'You wouldn't believe how bloody some orgies can get. Some cults are... Ugh.' Frank thinks, but doesn't say aloud. Upon noticing the man retract his claws, which Frank failed to notice earlier, Frank's mouth slightly quirked into a smirk, though it was gone the next moment. 'He's the son of the Wolverine? Well, he certainly shares his father's reputation as a womanizer.' As he thought that, Deon walked away, purposefully bumping into Frank as he left and causing the redhead to stumble a bit. 'And it seems he takes after daddy in the dickhead department as well.'

Frank spared a glance at Deon's departing form, before turning back to the others. "Well he certainly was an asshole. It seems that you two handled yourselves well against him, though." The suited young man said, pausing briefly before continuing: "Fascinating, though. I never knew the Wolverine had a son. Then again, I never knew Poison Ivy had a child either, so what do I know?" Frank finished, nodding towards Phoebe with the last part. 'Must update father's list of offspring of heroes and villains. Most likely outdated and missing vital information. Or perhaps Poison Ivy didn't want the world to know she had a daughter? Interesting theory. Must investigate further.'
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