Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


@SpawnMeme@Lord Zee

"Alright then," Her mouth curved upwards into an eager smile, not breaking eye contact. "Try not to freak out until I'm done, hm? And no distractions, or I might use yours instead." She stepped away from David, walking deeper into the alleyway. Perhaps this human would be fun, then. He'd like to see how he'd react to suddenly being thrust into this situation. A human from this era where magic and occultism were nothing more than products of a far gone time. Now that would be an entertaining show, wouldn't it? Well, whatever. It'd be funny to see the results regardless.

After walking a few more steps into the alley, she looked to either side, making sure there weren't many people watching. Good, most were too busy going about their day and none were paying them any attention. He glanced over to David, hand reaching into her dress and pulling out a scalpel and lightly tapping her cheek with the blade.

"Now now...lets see, lets see...needs to be in the US. What were the astral coordinates?...don't want to end up in the void." Cyl hummed lightly, the sharp blade of the scalpel pressing into their skin. "No no...that's the old lab, hmm...well, lets start with the circle." Before David could react, she took the scalpel and pressed the blade into the wrist of her left hand, cutting a large chunk of their flesh away. Without caring for David's reaction she began, starting by coating both of her hands liberally in her own blood. If David in any way tried to stop them, then they'd be met with a scalpel to the face. Next, she placed both hands upon the ground in front of him and made a near perfect circle of blood, just big enough for two people to step into.

"Right, right, big enough...now...what else is needed? Hm, candles would help with the location, but nonono don't have time. Need to finish." Cyl began muttering to themselves as they worked, it now becoming quite clear to David that whatever they were making was some sort of ritualistic practice. "Bells gone, can't hear it's sweet music. Siblings gone? Should have kept better tabs on them. Right, needs to be temporary. Don't want someone stumbling on this with the talent and accidentally using it..."

Within only a minute, they'd have been done. The ritualistic circle done and completed, filled with a number of odd arcane symbols and esoteric runes of various meanings. There was hardly any way for David to know what was about to happen. If he was still present, Cyl would flash the human an overly eager grin.

Almost instantly, the circle lit up. Magical energy crackled across the surface, the air wavering and rippling around and above it. She almost felt like laughing in success - but no, no, that would come after the journey. It would only last for a few seconds before the simplistic nature of it caused it to crumble under the strain, so he had to be quick.

A loud hum began filling the air, If David was within even a few yards of the circle, he would suddenly feel his body become lighter. Almost as if he was being pulled by something and back towards the circle. Cyl simply stood in the middle of it all. Ah, he had missed this so much. So very much. The magical energy of heaven was washing over her like a gentle, cool breeze. She had so dearly missed this sensation.

This power

In the next instant, the humming ceased abruptly. The circle, for the most part would be gone and nothing but scorch marks would be left.

As for Amos, the next instant he'd see is the air rippling around the center of the stones, Cyl stumbling out of the makeshift portal, giggling madly in their usual manic manner. She hadn't looked to see if David had joined her on her on this little trip, just yet, or seemed to have noticed Amos.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Tribulations IV


"This is no place for a discussion of such magnitude Hiraga, but no, they are not open. I have no idea where your brother is but I feel his wrath will be terrible. He does get it from your mother after all." Death calmly stated, then turned to Stjerne, "Time is of the essence, take us somewhere out of the prying eyes of mortals, please. I fear Huseror to be on the move already, and as I have said, there are many things you all must understand now. Now, let us be off, quickly."


Keyla was caught by one of the men much to her relief. When she looked up at him however, she saw his piercing red eyes and the way he smiled was unnerving. This man would probably have scared anyone but what she saw was far more terrible, that really couldn't be him, could it? After he went off to greet the newcomers, Keyla had a minute to herself. Something felt warm inside her, steadily growing in strength and it frightened her. She had no idea what was going on, and her family... Her family!

She checked her phone to see several missed calls from her mother, had it really been that long? She was about to call when the man returned and told her his name. Goehearth, The God of Anarchy... It didn't ring a bell, could this man be crazy? Is this why this section of the town was so rundown, because of all this craziness? But how did that explain what she had seen? Maybe she was really home, maybe it was all just a fever dream in her head. But when she looked at them all, she could not help but feel akin to them, in someway. She felt a general concern for them, when she barely even knew them...

Keyla then noticed Goehearth's gaze at last, he was waiting for her reply. "I-I am Keyla." Her voice went silent as she heard the old man state they needed to leave. Out of the eyes of prying mortals... She began to hyperventilate again. They weren't going to take her were they? Anxiety and fear began to build in her, she could feel it rising to the point where the only thing she wanted to do was hide but her legs were unmoving once more. Something deep inside of her suddenly snapped then, sending the warmth that was deep down inside, erupting throughout her body in a warm tingling sensation. When it the tingling sensation stopped, Keyla felt relaxed and calm. All of her anxiety and fear was gone in an instant.

She smiled, somehow she knew everything was going to be okay.

The Mountain's Visitors


The air rippled and suddenly before him came Cyl'Nyarlith, the youngest child of his parents. His youngest sibling. No wonder why the portal had been stirring, Cyl was the master of magic. Amos had seen them in action firsthand, but found their duel personality to be troublesome and unpredictable. To be honest, he hadn't made contact with Cyl since before the fall. Once the humans arrived, her absence was noted. It was a surprise to see Cyl, that much he knew but Amos would have to watch them carefully.

He approached Cyl, making himself noticeable and spoke. "Hello Cyl'Nyarlith, it's been awhile."

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dealdric
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Dealdric Essence of Purgatory

Member Seen 5 yrs ago



Goehearth looked at the girl whilst she finished her fretting and seemed to calm. Surprised, he asked "Okay Keyla,
would you like to come with us or no? I'm just curious because it's been awhile since I've met a demigod who wasn't hell bent on doing something to do with us, the gods. And normally I would expect the fretting to last longer."
he was cut off when he sensed magic. "Oh, you might want to prepare yourself, another god, one I'm closer to is cming in, and she might not be disguised..."


A blue mist appeared next to Goehearth, solidifying into a tall woman in Egyptian clothes, only her features were that of a jackal, but humanoid all the same. She immediately hugged Goehearth, not caring for his protest of nudging her with his bony elbow to her rib. Vetra simply cried in joy. "Finally the one person who's company isn't dull! then kissed him on the ear with the mussel of her form. Then she turned into her mortal form and wore normal work clothes, pale skin, tied brown hair and glasses. She let go and started talking to fast for Goehearth and she knew it. "Ohmysunthehumansareboringandwouldn'tstoplying!"

Goehearth only stared at her and said "Ooookaay? Hi Vetra. Mortality does not suit you." and he poked he on the nose. "Damnit, you're real. I was hopin' to not have you constantly laying on my back whilst in my real form. You always mess with the plates."

Vetra laughed and went past him. "That's what you're worried about?" she said while walking to Hiraga. "When she's here? You really are the essence of freewill too." then she walked over Desious. She glared at him with a stare to rival her mother's. "I may be the goddess of fate, but that doesn't mean I'm any more patient with those who mess with my routine. You and Hollow!" and she back handed him with the gauntlet on. "Kope you enjoy eternety alone, because i made sure not a single female anything ever hates you. And don't thing about turning to our families usual incest. They hate you by themselves, except Hiraga for some daft reason. Cyl, what ever gender she be going by at the time, would rather use you as an experiment than screw you and Fiala would only do it to get something out of you. And I'm pretty sure you won't go gay, so I win." and she walked off to see the others. "Stjerne! I had a feeling you would be here before me! If you're going to ask about the-' she noiced Zencrux. "You could do better, but whatever." She saw Brod and asked only one thing. "Hi Brod. See you put your hands to work. Still boring though." Then talked so they could all hear. "We not going to talk about the Hollow and Huseror or no?"
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SpawnMeme


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Rune_Alchemist@Lord Zee
David simply just... watched her walk off for a moment, blinking his eyes as if thinking how he had stepped forward might have scared her off. Although, he'd follow after her after she made her way further into the alleyway. He would atop and watch for a moment, widening his eyes at her odd demeanor and occasional twisted smiles that irked him in the wrong way. One thing that she mentioned was the mention of the U.S., which all was needed to perk his interest.

The man however widened his eyes at the macabre display of gore as he watched her perform the ritual. Now, his year deployment within Somalia had had him seen some particularly nasty things from men bleeding out of their femorial arteries to the guts spilling out of men, and on occasion seeing Somalian warlords eat the hesrts of their enemies. It was just... something that caused him to lock in place at the sight, nothing that made him run though due to the horrors he had seen training him in a way for such. He Wouldn't stop her but ley her do it, at this point the man not being the kind to help individuals he personally think deserved to bleed out.

Although... the sudden insurgence of power and energy nearly knocked him onto his rear as he stumbled back and regained his balance. The brightness of the portal causing him to close one eye like he was trained to preserve what vision he had. He would simply watch something that he thought only existed in D&D campaigns and LotR happen before him and well... something odd about him was a sudden sense of motivation urged on by such. The man would go to put his motorcycle helmet on and black gloves on before then stepping into the portal as she made it.

David would be seen walking out of the portal with Cyr, not entirely capable of being seen as dazed as he walked out covered in full leather and a motorcycle helmet. His eyes underneath the visor widening at the sight of everything and everyone around him.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


@SpawnMeme@Lord Zee

"Ah," As their laughing died down, Cyl turned to the new presence in the area. A man who she didn't recognize, yet knew all the same. They straightened their posture, removing a cloth from his pockets and wiping up the blood on their wrist. Permanent injuries were something they had never had to worry about, so he had never been shy from doing such a thing for experimentation.

"Amos! Older brother dearest, of course it'd be you. Just my luck." She offered him an unsettling grin, tossing the cloth carelessly to the ground as he stared at him. Despite his sour tone, it didn't seem he was too displeased though it'd be difficult to tell. It had been so long since she had seen their kin, it had almost forgotten what they look like. Ah, technically she didn't need to keep up this human form. He could make the humans brain melt out their ears but that would end the fun far too early. "Eons of exile and the first I run into is the boring one. I was hoping the sweet bell would lead me to Desious, but it seems as though I might be late. Oh well, not like he has anything important to say anyways, the fool." She giggled again, walking over to Amos and observing him for a few seconds.

"And please, please, Cyl will do nicely. No need to be so formal on our grand family reunion." Cyl glanced over to the human. "And never mind the human. He asked me for a magic trick."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by mercenarius
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mercenarius Good Bot

Member Seen 3 days ago

Fiala: for better or worse

After landing, Fiala hung slightly back, keeping behind her sister, watching and listening, but not interested in immediately jumping into the politics of the current situation. This wasn't unusual for her: even before descending to Earth, Fiala had kept to the back of every meeting, simply listening to what others had to say, and often rudely feigning exhaustion when she found the conversation to be too boring. Millennia in exile didn't change her distaste for meetings - in fact, walking among modern humans only made her hate them even more (you really need EVERYONE present to discuss changes that only affect a small few? really??) - but she knew this meeting was different. So while she had little to say (avoiding meetings altogether kind of makes it hard to voice opinion during them), for perhaps the first time in her life she intended to give her siblings full attention.

Then Goehearth stepped forward and picked her up. He shook her as he boomed his usual greeting. Just like old times. Fiala held her breath as he pulled her in for a hug. "Of course, brother. The pleasure is exclusively mine." She tempered the sarcasm in her tone, if only to avoid starting a conflict. He was right - now wasn't the time. Reflexively, she pulled the pack of cigarettes from her back pocket and flipped one into her mouth. She held off on lighting it, instead looking around at those who had gathered. All familiar faces... except two, a man who seemed to be Stjerne's friend, and a young woman who clearly had no idea what was going on. Interesting.

Fiala stepped forward from her metaphorical corner and stood next to the woman, who identified herself as Kayla. She nudged Kayla with her elbow, and subtly offered her a cigarette. "Helps calm the nerves," she said softly... but as soon as the words left her mouth, Kayla seemed to relax. Fiala exhaled. Well, it would be rude to rescind the offer now...

Then Vetra misted in. Fiala tucked the pack back into her pocket and leaned against the nearest wall, her cigarette still unlit, allowing her sister to go on her tirade. She chuckled at the threats, especially as she went off about incest. "I mean, I don't have a hateful bone in my body... but eh, when you're right, you're right."

She turned back to Kayla and offered a hand to shake. Might as well own it. "Fiala, by the way. I robbed my boyfriend before coming here."

@Lord Zee@Forsythe@Dealdric@GrizzTheMauler@Kazemitsu
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

The Laughing Rain


Amos frowned, it seemed that many of his family thought him to be the boring one of the group. How strange that it bothered him as much as it did. He should have expected such a response from Cyl, they were one who was never going to reply with little else then utter nonsense. But still, he couldn't help but think that more then one of his siblings thought so little of him, even though he had done so much for them. Things they would never understand, best left unsaid. As Cyl walked over to him, peering at his human form, he too gazed down at his sibling. Their form was small, had they always been so? They spoke at last, mentioning her name and the human who had followed.

"Cyl it is then, dearest sibling." Amos said with bitterness in his voice.

Amos moved his gaze towards the male, not very old but then what did a god consider old and young anyways? He looked bewildered, luckily for him the rain had died down and the thunder was distant. A storm in the mountains could prove most fatal to a human after all. Other then that, Amos did not really care for him, he had one objective while it still mattered and that was reminding Death that he had taken his purpose away.

He looked back at Cyl, "I'm sorry to disappoint you at my presence." Amos stated. "You are a little unpracticed it seems, I suppose centuries without one's powers and you tend to forget a few things. Look around Cyl, we're on a mountain far from where the bell rang it's beautiful note. As far as I can tell, someone rang it on the East Coast of this country. Perhaps another spell and you can take us closer? I'm sure you have the ability to do so, but whether you can seems to be in question given your latest bout here." He said wryly.

A Demigod Talk


Keyla noticed Fiala out of the corner of her eye offer her a cigeratte, but Goehearth interrupted her from speaking. She was flattered though but before Keyla had time to reply to any of them, another goddess arrived, attacking everyone there with words of contempt. She did not like this newcomer Vetra in the slightest, she was far to rude. But her words did shine light on why they had gathered, something about a Hollow or another. She didn't have a clue.

Keyla noticed Fiala turn to her and give her name, also offering a hand to shake. Tentatively, Keyla took it and shook her hand. What Fiala would notice as soon as touching Keyla, was a sensation of serenity wash over her. Like all of her troubles washing away in a breeze, but Keyla would be unaware that she was doing anything other then shaking Fiala's hand. "I'm Keyla. Keyla Harms, nice to meet you Fiala. I'm...I'm sure you won't have to call him your boyfriend anymore." she said with a soft smile.


It had been going so well, then Vetra had arrived, backhanding him in the face and practically insulting everyone gathered. Death felt his anger rising.

Death hissed, "I care not for the petty distractions of the flesh Vetra, nor am I related to any of you whatsoever. And be careful to point fingers about incest my dear Goddess for your infatuation with Goehearth has not, nor ever, been without questions."

He tried to calm himself, but Vetra was one of the few Gods who got under his bones, and her annoyances were now laid bare to everyone.

"If you had arrived naught but ten minutes earlier, you would have heard us speak of Huseror. Hollow is another matter entirely that demands our presence leave here first before further discussion. Now shut your mouth or I will for you."

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Pirouette
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Pirouette Ghoul

Member Seen 5 days ago

Hiyori Kozlovsky

"Get lost."

The bored sounding tone of Hiyori had just enough vinegar behind it to illustrate her dissatisfaction with her uninvited guests but this wasn't Hiyori's place. No, this was only a temporary place for Hiyori to lay her head offering only a futon, a kitchenette, a bathroom around the corner, and a small TV in this studio apartment. Truth was, she didn't know exactly where home was but she sure as shit knew what was hers and when someone was trying to take it.

Her apartment was dimly lit with only a lamp beside the bed illuminating the place as the blackout curtains installed by Hiyori had been pulled shut to allow her a restful day's sleep after a night of illicit activity and yet, the details of the intruders were almost clear as day. these four intruders weren't run of the mill, judging by the scars and tough facades that each individual had. They were likely bruisers for some gang that her syndicate had managed to piss off and while surely they would likely rob the place blind, they were here for one purpose: thin the competition. There were many ways of approaching that but this was obviously one of two things: intimidation or liquidation. The former was only meant to scare people off by beating them, often times badly, while the latter was meant to be killing outright. To Hiyori, it didn't matter what the intention was, it wasn't going to go they way they thought.

The four men hissed and taunted, reassured by their advantage in numbers but that did little to deter Hiyori who sat up from her folded out futon and got to her feet. Hiyori ignored them, only clenching her teeth in an angered scowl as she rolled her neck to get it to crack a few times. This was why she didn't bother with too much furniture.

One of the men made the first move and step forward with a lumbering swing aimed high. Slow, almost unnaturally slow, it was an easy object to duck under as Hiyori's upper body rolled under the punch before she planted herself and threw a closed fist forward and to her surprise, she hit much harder than she thought. Hiyori's fist slammed into the man's stomach and despite the usual reaction of bending forward with a grunt, the man screamed as the sound of cracking bones could be heard. He was knocked off his feet and sent flying fifteen feet back into trendy brick wall that all these trendy city studio apartments had. The man becoming a projectile now, slammed into the wall causing bricks to break and crumble as the unconscious body dropped and slumped to the floor.

The other three men were aghast to see their ally in such a disheveled state, and since these things usually had the leader and strongest making the first move, they were stunned. One glanced back at Hiyori who's expression was unchanged in her rage but internally, she couldn't believe what she just did either. She flicked her head up in a motion of appearing tall, despite being the shortest person in the room by far. "Any of you other shits feel brave enough? Or are you going to take my final offer and fuck off." The three men backed away and Hiyori cracked her knuckle. "Take your friend with you. Otherwise I'll just toss him out the window." She threatened and that was enough to discourage them for trying anything else.

The men hurried scooped their friend off and ran off, leaving Hiyori to close the door behind them. She exhaled sharply in relief but her worries weren't over. What the hell just happened? She had always been abnormally tough in life but never anything quite like this. What's more is that there were other things about herself that was suddenly becoming... vivid? Energized? Dangerous. She felt light and springy all of a sudden and her senses felt engorged with new stimuli. Her head began to swim around with a rush that she immediately headed for her bed, becoming dizzy the next moment before stumbling safety onto her futon. Then as suddenly as that event came, it passed. Leaving Hiyori laying across her futon in the silence of her barren apartment for a time until she heard it. The bell...


Hiyori spent some time searching around her apartment for that loud sounding bell. It was almost like a churchbell, summoning the lay people for Sunday services but it wasn't the deeper tone but the light tone of what Hiyori would compare to a small pet bell. An unusual sound but at the same time, it was somehow familiar. There was nothing but as time was spent fruitlessly searching, a magnetic urge started to creep into Hiyori's mind and heart. She felt the need to leave and not just because she nearly just killed a man but that the bell was calling her. North, it seemed to pull her and that was all Hiyori could base her next impulsive actions on.

In a few minutes she packed a backpack with some essentials and tied her Katana to her bag, leaving without even locking her door behind her. She reached the garage, put on her helmet and in stereotypical fashion she rode out on a Japanese motorcycle with only the heading of North in her mind. Far North... she needed the interstate. Racing off, she was making pretty good timing for a destination that she had no idea where but judging how far she had gone in a few hours, it seemed like it was out of state...

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by mercenarius
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mercenarius Good Bot

Member Seen 3 days ago



Luke ripped off his helmet and threw it down. It bounced off the pavement and rolled toward the smoking wreck that was now his beloved bike. Gripping his hair and pulling it between his fingers, he paced on the side of the road, trying to process what just happened. A semi who CLEARLY had no idea how to drive - an erratic swerve to avoid a face full of truck, and a hail-Mary leap to avoid a body full of redwood. Really, there was no reason why he should still be alive right now, but in the moment that thought didn't process. All he could think was that he was now essentially stranded here, still far from his destination but too far away from home to know where he was.

The echo of the bell rang in his mind as he paced. That beautiful sound, a dance of colours like he'd never experienced, hues he couldn't even put words to. He needed to find it. He needed to know what it meant. Luke pulled out his phone and stared at it for a moment as he considered calling his wife to beg her to come find him - no, that wouldn't be fair. No reason to drag her into things that he didn't understand - she'd bring the baby, of course. She never went anywhere without the baby. No, it's much better to keep them out of things for now.

But that didn't fix his current situation. He gripped his phone as he continued to pace, racking his head to think of someone he could call for help - but all of them were back home in Arizona. No one knew where he was, and of what few people he knew would come find him, he couldn't think of a single soul he wanted to drag into whatever he was getting himself into.

What about the police? He could call 911 - but they would ask questions. They would call his wife. Fuck, someone else probably called 911 after seeing what happened. Luke let out a wordless shout as he realized the best course of action was probably to get as far away from the wreck as possible.

What if he flagged down a motorist? Hey, I need to get to the nearest bus station - but then they would ask questions, wouldn't they? People don't just pick up hitchhikers, especially not those standing next to a smoking motorcycle accident. Another wordless shout.

Luke put away his phone and looked around. There was a sign advertising the nearest exit... half a mile away. Fuck, at least it's in the direction he was headed. Taking a deep breath to ground himself, he started walking down the shoulder of the road toward his new destination, kicking the helmet further into the forest as he passed.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Pirouette
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Pirouette Ghoul

Member Seen 5 days ago

Hiyori Kozlovsky

Where was she? Northern California? It was surprisingly difficult to focus those details as Hiyori's mind wandered elsewhere, auto-piloting herself along the interstate. She could feel a surging sense of something important with every mile she added to her impromptu road trip. Whatever this was, it was consuming her but maybe that's exactly what she wanted. Life before this had been painfully dull and purposeless so with something this strong came, it was almost welcomed.

Hiyori had gone quite a distance for now but reawakening from her drone-like state, she checked her gauges, noting the low fuel situation both in her motorbike and in her stomach. She hadn't eaten at all today. A glance to the side of the road promised an upcoming exit sign with listed options for fuel but food appeared to be only some diner that was either really good or some dive with the potential of food poisoning. Unfortunate but seeing as Hiyori was only looking to get back on the road as soon as possible, she'd steel herself for a chance meal.

As Hiyori's glance moved from the sign back to the road, she noticed first, a crashed bike and a short ways down, the poor sap who crashed. To his luck, It wasn't that far from the next exit but seeing as he had the better half of a mile ahead of him just to an exit, it would take him a bit.

Normally, Hiyori wouldn't care about some sap on the side of the road, especially that close to an exit. However call it a hunch, but when Hiyori's mind settled on the man, she found herself naturally slowing as she pulled to the shoulder a few dozen yards from the man. Keeping her engine warm, she turned and flipped her helmet's visor up. She gave a sharp whistle trying to call even more attention to herself. "Hey! Guy! Hurry up and get on. I'll take you up to the exit." Hiyori hollered, pointing at the man first before pointing ahead as she spoke.

Now assuming the stranger went ahead and hopped on, Hiyori would drive along the shoulder before quickly merging back into traffic for the brief time before the exit. She took the exit and cruised along until she found the gas station. Pulling in, she came to a stop and parked her bike in front of an open station. Hiyori slipped off her bike and flipped up her visor again. "Pretty dumb of you to crash but whatever." She said with a snarky tone. She didn't really mean anything by her comment as she didn't really care all that much, at least initially. "There is probably a phone inside you can use." Hiyori said plainly as she busied herself with fueling her bike.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Hiraga - Go with the flow

The Guardian barely paid the venomous words of Vetra any attention. The poor girl was Goehearth's lap dog, and possibly his lap dancer, but that was all she would ever amount to. Ultimately she was of no consequence whatsoever to her, and thus her opinion had a little weight to Hiraga. Rather, she turned to Death again: "Calm. If an ant would voice it's opinion to a man, he would be no more interested than you should be in hers. As far as the location goes, do what you must, but my patience wears thin every second most of you are in my realm. I want to speak to you alone after this." she demanded.

Most of them most likely came here to get explanations. Not Hiraga. She came here to talk about how to refine what was done and maintain it. Of course, she had no intention of letting anyone else but Death know that, lest she would have a very rough fight on her hands. But she has seen what her family did to this realm, and she would give everything to rid it of them, even her own powers if the situation demanded. The humans were a problem, but for what Hiraga could see, a self regulating one. Either they would straighten out, or get themselves killed. In the end, life on Earth would be changed, but go on. After all, she did resort to extinction events before. Humans were only smart enough to create their own. As long as it only involved global warming, and not thousands of atomic bombs.

Sparing another look to Brod and their son, she wondered if Shirley was on her way. They didn't see each other in some time, and hiraga realized she might need help with her new found powers... or help Hiraga do what needed to be done.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dealdric
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Dealdric Essence of Purgatory

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Forsythe@mercenarius@Lord Zee@GrizzTheMauler


Goehearth was clueless as to what was going on. He just watched Vetra defend him. Another god defend him. Then Death spoke of infatuation. He also heard of Hiraga's thoughts on the matter. He simply yelled to the top of his lungs Quiet!!! Just everybody calm the Fuck down so we can get this straight! Hiraga, I don't care what half thought through idea you have about screwing us over, but you can discuss it with all of us. Death, what the hell do you mean by infatuation? I've never seen her hit on me once!
And Vetra! Shut the hell up and calm down! This chaos is not fun chaos!"


Vetra simply calmed down, but glared at Death for revealing her thoughts and glowered at Hiraga for the comments. Then she moved on to go sit on a bench.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by mercenarius
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mercenarius Good Bot

Member Seen 3 days ago

Luclie: a chance encounter

Luke looked up as a motorcycle pulled off a little bit ahead of him. The woman flipped her visor up and called to him, saying she would give him a ride to the exit. He hesitated a moment, unsure of whether he should trust her - but she looked genuine. He glanced over his shoulder, briefly considering going into the forest to find his helmet, but that would take time that he didn't have. It was gone forever now. He ran to the bike and hopped on.

"Thanks," he muttered. "Do you have an extra - nevermind. Just don't kill me, I got a kid at home." He didn't mean to sound harsh or ungrateful, but his tone reflected the anger he still felt after the crash.

As they cruised along, Luke looked around, trying to place where they were. The exit spit them out onto a nearly deserted road, with few businesses lining either side and no clue as to their geographic location. He sighed. The chances of a bus coming out here were slim... but as far as he could see, it was the only option he had.

Then the woman pulled into a gas station. She made a comment about him being dumb for crashing - no fucking way, I had no idea that crashing was a bad idea. Luke clenched his fists. "Pretty dumb of the trucking company to hire someone who can't fucking drive. I got run off the road, it wasn't my fault." Maybe it was pride, or maybe that anger was bubbling up again, but he couldn't stop from defending himself. He took a deep breath as she mentioned a phone. "Good idea. I'll go check." The words came through gritted teeth.

He ran into the gas station and slapped his hands on the counter to get the cashier's attention. "Bus schedule - do you have one?" He was demanding and rushed, and he did nothing to try and soften his words.

The teenager behind the counter shook his head, unsure of what to make of the man. The kid opened his mouth to say something, but Luke didn't wait to hear it. He glanced out the window to the woman who had picked him up. The last thing he wanted was for her to leave without him. He stormed out of the gas station as the kid called after him that the nearest bus terminal was almost an hour away.

Luke slowed a little as he approached the woman, trying to appear more friendly. "So, listen. Let me thank you for your help." He pointed in the direction they came from and forced a smile. "We passed a greasy spoon a little bit that way, let me buy you lunch."

It wasn't ideal: he knew he needed to find the source of the bell fast, but this place was the middle of nowhere. Even if he wanted to call someone to find him, Phoenix was just too far away - it would take a full day, at least, for someone to drive out. And he couldn't wait that long. With luck, he could sweet talk this woman into helping him at least get to the nearest Greyhound... or find someone else at the diner who would.

Besides, he realized, he'd eaten nothing since starting his journey the day before. He was running on caffeine and fumes... and the caffeine was starting to wear off. A few cups of coffee and a hot meal would help him recharge enough to keep going.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

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@SpawnMeme@Lord Zee

Cyl simply smiled at Amos' tone. If there was one thing that their siblings should know by now, it's that the youngest God did not care one bit about anything other than their own amusement. As such, the resentment in Amos' tone when she was greeted was dismissed. At the mention of them being out of practice though, Cyl sighed. Out of practice? No no, the world had simply fallen into disrepair in their absence. The realms of magic had been unmaintained and unlooked after. Oh, certainly, they were still functioning, but they could feel them. The astral realms were grinding. Slowly. Their eyes were obscured as if viewing things from underwater.

"Ah, ah," Cyl raised a finger and waggled it in front of Amos. "Out of practice? Me? Never. I live and breathe arcane energies, Amos. Being cut off from them was almost like living a life breathing stale, rotten air with every breath. It will come naturally. One just has too..." He made a fist with their hand as if he was trying to grab something unseen. "...try reaching for it. Unfortunately, without my or the scholars' presence, it seems the old places have fallen into disrepair." They took a few steps back from Amos, rubbing one of her eyes and closing the other. "My eyes are tired and blind from years of disuse, to be sure, but that will be something quickly rectified."

Another spell though? They could. Quite easily, so. Using the energies lightning up this place with heaven's unlocking it would offer them a fair bit more control and more accuracy with the traveling. That said, there was no guarantee that there would be another place they could 'jump' too so to speak. Might end up jettosining them across the stars to some distant planet.

"Hmm...I could brother dearest," She playfully smirked, already having decided to do so anyway to sate her own curiosity, but she wanted a question answered first. "I could send us traveling through the back realms of the world and toss us upon the bell and likely our other siblings gathered." She paused for a moment, looking at the palm of her hand before looking over to Amos.
"But I am curious. What do you intend to do with Desious when we arrive?" Cyl didn't know he was there for certain, but the only one with access to the Bell was Death himself.

There was also the issue of the human. Jumping him again so soon might have adverse effects on him...though he supposed he could now give them a little gift, of sorts.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by GrizzTheMauler
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GrizzTheMauler a real bear

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Stjerne and Zencrux: Welcome to our Home.... Don't touch anything.

With the arrival of Vetra, and her resulting rant, Zencrux just growls, frowning at her. It's Stjerne's turn to grab his arm and hold him back. "She's not worth it, Zen, just let her be." He's uninterested in the whole affair, but if these gods can't get along they'll have a big problem. Zencrux crosses his large arms and silently glares down at Vetra. Stjerne looks towards Hiraga, a cold expression on the usual jovial god. "Your realm? If mother and father were here they'd disagree. I don't care that you are the protector of Earth, that doesn't mean you own it. What help have you given the humans during our absence? I have yet to see any. Now, everyone just keep still so I can get us out of here. You guys wonder why I hated being with you in Heaven."

Stjerne sighs, scrolling along the globe of Aetherius and tapping a spot. Overhead the aurora spun, forming a prefect circle and descended upon the group. "Zen, make sure we aren't blasted of the top of the building, please. I don't want to accidentally kill the demigod. At Zencrux's nod, the air seemed to still around them, obeying his silent command. The aurora at this point had touched the ground and with a soft audible poof, the others found themselves in Seattle. Clouds could be seen all around and Stjerne headed towards a door leading inside. The penthouse was rather luxurious. Wood paneling covered the walls and it was obvious Stjerne's handiwork was present with how pleasing to the eyes it all was.

Zencrux took the lead, heading to the large lounge room, if the massive, half floor room could be called that. The southeastern half was sectioned off with a glass window, showing a meeting room of sorts. In the lounge room, a bar was set up in the northwest corner stocked with all kinds of drinks. in the middle, offset to the west a bit was a fake fireplace/heater. A massive TV was mounted on it, facing east. The floor was covered in hardwood and at the seating areas, rugs. The staircase they came from led further down into the building and another was seen next to the bar leading up. A man in a tailored suit stood by in the meeting room. He nodded at Zencrux as he entered the room.

"Do you require assistance, my lord?" The man asked politely. "Prepare enough rooms for our guests, should they wish to stay. After that, make sure we are not disturbed. Have David and Ayako run the business end. I also want news on any new developments of the usual kind. As he talked he made his way to the head of the table in the meeting room to grab his tablet and walked out to the lounge area. Stjerne went to the bar to grab a drink before meeting his lover in the main seating area. Zencrux took the massive leather seating chair and sighed. "Welcome to our home. Took a few decades to get it, but this is actually our first home. We own the upper ten floors of this building and converted it as we saw fit. Stjerne decorated the place. Don't break my stuff.'
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by mercenarius
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mercenarius Good Bot

Member Seen 3 days ago

Fiala: just the cat's pajamas

Fiala smiled warmly as she shook Kayla's hand. She felt somehow more at ease - likely the demigod's power, she thought. It was relaxing, and sort of nice to feel so calm while surrounded by the angriest of her family. Then Kayla made her comment, and Fiala laughed freely. "You're probably right. Not the worst thing I've ever lost." She glanced at her stolen watch and laughed again. "Yeah, he's definitely my ex by now."

Turning her attention back to the group, she finally lit her cigarette, just in time to hear Stjerne announce that they were leaving. She looked up and saw the aura form and slowly surround them. Puff, puff. Fiala was grateful when they landed outside of their destination, not putting her in the position of having to pollute the air inside the building. She hung toward the back of the group as they entered, smoking to her heart's content but not finishing the cigarette, and scraping it out on the bottom of her boot before entering.

Fiala raised an eyebrow as they entered the penthouse. It was huge, and she couldn't help but wonder how much a place like this cost. She paused as she looked around, and smirked when she saw the bar. She followed Sjerne, and pulled up the nearest seat as he grabbed himself a drink.

Crossing her ankles and lifting an arm, she threw her head back and closed her eyes. "I'll have a gin rickey, my good sir," she announced in a Transatlantic accent, "and don't skimp on the hootch. I'm out on parole, ya see, and I'm lookin' to get zozzled tonight." She laughed at herself. The twenties were a fun time.

Although she clearly wasn't taking herself seriously, her ears were pricked up toward the rest of the group. This meeting was still important, and as much as she wanted to screw around, she knew she needed to pay attention.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 2 hrs ago



Amos pursed his lips slightly at Cyl's retort. As much as he hated to admit it, their logic was sound. They were one whose wit would allude most of his siblings save a few, and he was not one of those few. So as much as he wanted to argue, it would be pointless. He looked at Cyl again, realizing for the first time that they had a different perception of things. How this had escaped him in the Heaven's was not a surprise, they had barely spoken to one another. In fact, this was most likely the longest amount of time they had spent together. Was it sad? Not really, both of them had their own purpose in the grand scheme of all things and it had never allowed them more then a few brief conversations, until now.

So the topic of conversation changed once again to a question he did not want to answer,"Ah so you have come to that which I have long pondered." Amos looked up at the sky unflinching as the rain touched his face. A somber tone filled his voice,"On the day I was cast out of our home I swore a pact with myself, to make Death pay for his crime. When I find him I shall do whatever is necessary to uphold that pact. No one and not a thing shall stop me." Amos brought his head back down and looked Cyl straight in their eyes,"Forgive me for insulting your abilities Cyl, your new proposition beats running. Shall we depart?"

By this point, Amos had completely forgotten the Human standing near them. He was nothing more then an afterthought, his mind was busy elsewhere.


Revelations I


Keyla gave a small laugh at Fiala's words before dropping the conversation. Keyla then heard Death raise his voice, then others quickly followed suit. It seemed that the arrival of the New Goddess had not gone unnoticed. The situation suddenly calmed down and before she knew it, something enveloped them- an aurora. She felt a sudden pop and before she knew it the only thing she was were clouds. Her feet wobbled as her stomach dropped, she had to avoid throwing up. Somehow, they were now in city, somewhere high up. Timidly, she followed after the others. Keyla noticed that Fiala dropped behind the group, taking her time entering the building.

What Keyla saw surprised her, it was a very modern establishment. She didn't know what to expect honestly, she had no idea what the tastes of Gods were but a good bet was alcohol as she heard Fiala call out what she wanted. Her eyes wandered, the place was massive and almost fitting. It seemed homely, but what was really home to such creatures? Not really knowing what to do, she took a seat on a large couch and waited to see what would happen.


Death paused at Hiraga's words, grateful for the backup but she didn't seem to see the significance of an ant. She was right in a way, but also wrong. If an ant had wanted to talk, he would gladly listen- for not everyday did one hear an ant speak.

He looked at Hiraga with a quizzical look, then turned to Goehearth after his prompt outburst. Death shook his head at him, "Then you have been blind all these centuries, friend."

Before Goehearth could respond to him, Stjerne worked his magic and with a pop they had traveled in an instant. His weapon never ceased to amaze Death, it worked as well as his own. He followed after the two Gods and walked into their grand home. Though Death did not care for it, he had to admit it suited them. His gaze wandered and he saw Keyla. Instantly he felt remorse, if he hadn't been busy with the others, he could have paid better attention to the young demigod. He could have prevented her from being involved, but it was far too late now. He could feel her energy, whatever gifts her parent had given her now might be realized. It was time for her, no, all of them to know the truth.

Death walked over the lounge area where the others were gathering and spoke, "Come now children of the Sun and Moon, let me tell you story. One of life and death..."

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Regales whistled a tune as he traveled in bustling new york city. He was more specifically in Manhattan looking for the newest Michelangelo or Mozart. He has been around since humans were first created and he was the patron god of art and in a sense music was art. He doesn't just bless anyone however as having to many greats creates stagnation in society as a whole. He always made sure to pace himself, he was immortal after all and had no intention of dying.

After wandering for a bit wearing what humans consider "normal" for this day an age at least. He wore blue jeans a t shirt and a tye dye hoodie which helped him stand out. He soon saw a particular piece of street art that interested him. It was bold and chellenged modern art and he knew that he would find this soul and give him the inspiration to shake the art world. Though now that he lacked omnipotence he had to actually look for them in the literal sense which was always so difficult hut if he actually found the artist it would be worth it.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Dealdric
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Dealdric Essence of Purgatory

Member Seen 5 yrs ago



Goehearth felt sick after they teleported. His form shifted to his true one, involuntarily, then ran to the closest trashcan and vomited purple goo. It produced smoke from it. He got up and looked confused. "Well damn. That never used to happen. Guess it's just biology..." then he tried to turn back. He was too shaken to do so. He started to panic. "What damn enchantments do you have in this place?! I can't shift!" and he went to the bar and grabbed a bottle of whiskey. He looked into it and started twitching. "The one time I want to be human, I can't!" then he threw the bottle into his maw and crunched it. He was sitting on his reverse knee and looked at Fiala who was simply enjoying herself. Lucky C#4% he thought. He saw Desious starting to talk and he simply crawled over. Then he felt something jump into between his spines.


Vetra saw her chance and took it. She morphed and landed on Goehearth's back and got into the position she found comfortable. She waited to hear the story Death was to tell about Huseror most likely, but also about his decision. Either way, she would be content. Then she felt the Goehearth squirm. "Get off! I'm trying to figure out why my shifting isn't working!" and He attempted to get her off, but failed. Then they both remembered Keyla. Goehearth turned his head to her. "Don't freak out!
Just take deep breaths. In and Ou- HMMMMMMM WHY!?"
Vetra started pulling his horns. "After this is over, will you take me to a party?" and she pulled harder. Goehearth roared in pain. "Death! Stjerne! Somebody help please!" Vetra pulled harder. "RUGH! Fine you crazy bitch! I concede! Just get off!" She stopped pulling and used him as chair. "Nope, I'm content where I'm at. Continue Death." Goehearth let out a sigh then looked to Keyla. "welcome to our incest and nut-job family. Now I regret being the god of chaos."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Eyeris


Member Seen 6 mos ago


She was in India when she heard the bell.

She heard many bells in that moment, yet, there was only one bell that arrested her attention...

It was not the bells worn on the wrists and ankles of the dancers. Neither was it the jingling of coins sewn onto sashes swaddled around hips. Twas neither the ringing laughter or men and women, celebrating mortals. Nor was it the vicious persistent cymbal that drove the vicious music, threatening to pop the eardrums of everyone present...

In that moment Iratze thought it was the most beautiful sound she had ever heard but that thought was only nostalgia's influence. The bell reminded her of the old days and old ways, her heart swooned and lamented. She had to answer it's call.

Iratze, who had been dancing with the rest, suddenly stopped. Her arms, which had just been thrusting wildly into the air became still, then dropped to her side. She had become a strangely statuesque among the the swaying twirling bodies, strangely severe in the atmosphere of lights and color and laughter.

One of the women beside her, still dancing with eyes wide and teeny tiny pupils, fixated upon Iratze. “What is the matter?” She asked.

Iratze said nothing for a moment, she just looked up into the air.
“Nothing is wrong at all. I'm having a great time... It's just... Time to go back to work…”

Iratze rose into the air just like the smoke rose up from the censers and candles. In mortal eyes she faded into a gentle swath of colors... So many colors... All the colors... Like a rainbow...

The woman looked worried for a moment... Then she smiled. She laughed at the sight, and threw herself back into the dance.


Iratze flew and laughed. It had been so long, the open sky seemed to welcomed her back. The clouds seemed to caressed her as she flew straight through them, their moisture clinging to her skin and hair in droplets. The goddess certainly dawdled on her way to the bell. Mortals glancing into the sky at the right moment might see a flash or bend in the rainbow, but it would fade quickly, Iratze was swift.


She was like a hummingbird flitting from flower to flower… Hovering outside the tower, flying up an down from floor to floor, glancing in this window then that one. Stopping and squinting inside each one to see who or what was inside... She hovered about the outside of the tower until she finally found them.

The gods were gathered inside this tower, in a large comfortable room.

Iratze smiled and knocked on the window. She would wave at whomever might glance towards the noise. Then she set to work on getting inside herself.

Her scrawny hands traced the edge of the window, and, finding it's edge she sought to slide the windowpane aside and let herself in... To no avail. The first few tugs yielded no movement. Frowning, she spun in the air and hiked her feet up. Upside-down now, she braced her feet on the window ledge and grabbed the window in her hands, heaving with all her body and might...

The Sun and Moon did build Iratze with superior strength... Nor even average strength it seemed.

She frowned, and looked sheepishly through the glass and to the assembled deities. She knocked again, hoping that at least one would pity and aid their messenger.
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