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Dramatis Personae

The Grand Republic of Mandalore
- Mand'alor the Paladin: The Mand'alor, warchief of the Mandalorian clans
- Jaessih Suard: Secretary to the Mand'alor, official diplomatic liaison
- Satine Kryze: Duchess of Mandalore, head of the civilian government
- Wilhuff Tarkin: Grand Admiral of the Open Circle Fleet
- Atin Dral: Alor of Clan Dral, Sword of the Mand’alor
- Ash'ad: Mandalorian Intelligence Operative
- The Eternal Commando: Veteran of Mand'alor the Uniter's personal guard
- Crossfire: Clan Fett Clone Commando
- Kada Skirata: Clan Skirata, Pop Idol
- Alanna Blasaw: Heir to House Blasaw, Droid Wrangler
- HK Sable: HK Unit
- Tybren Kelborn: Clan Kelborn, Liaison to the Jedi Enclaves

The Jedi Enclaves
- Qui-Gon Jinn: Grandmaster of the Enclaves
- Obi-Wan Kenobi: Master of the Enclaves
- Dooku of Serenno: Master of the Council of Swords
- Mace Windu: Master of the Council of Iron
- Plo-Koon: Master of the Council of Unity
- Zatliazha: Master of the Council of Mercy
- Shaak-Ti: Master of the Council of Mercy
- Roja Amal: Master of the Council of Seekers
- Sirith Mov: Master of the Council of Origins
- Miraverra "Solace" Alleron: Jedi Diplomat
- Ro Nuul: Jedi Diplomat
- Rorwoorr: Jedi Knight

The Renkar Imperium/Galactic Empire
- Jira Renkar: Emperor
- Elara Renkar: Empress
- Ashra Safel: Royal Advisor
- Kit Fisto: Imperial Guard, First Circle
- Ral Karz: Imperial Guard, First Circle
- Hemok G'vakt: Minister of Foreign Affairs
- Cendassi Lenne: Minister of Imperial Truth
- Wildan Braste: Minister of Defense
- Lorn Alcyorr: Vice Admiral of the Seventh Fleet
- Rae Killian: Second Lieutenant, Classified Assignment

The Shadow Council
- Ki-Adi Mundi: Master of Shadows(Alleged)
- The High Inquisitor
- Braisto Haneddi: Guardian of the Order, Hero of the Empire
- Maraki Haneddi: Guardian of the Order, Hero of the Empire
- Vaem san Skaer: Guardian of the Order, "Walks Like Thunder"
- Karthus Ephren: Guardian of the Order
- Il-Lyo Sechero: Guardian of the Order
- Minah Saden: Imperial Diplomat, Guardian of the Order

The Alsakan Republic
- Hernath Letall: Chancellor
- Varimmi Rul: Secretary of Domestic Affairs
- Aracani Linsley: Pirate Queen of the Perlemian

Alsakani Judicial Branch
- Vresshek Nar: Chief Judiciary and Director of Alsakani Judicial Operations

Corellian Hegemony
- Hegemon Aeron fein Novar
- Garm bel Iblis: "The Corellian Wolf", Grand Admiral of the Army of Light

Council of the Green Jedi Order
- Sair Halcyon: Archon of House Halcyon, Master of the Order and Lord-Protector of Corellia
- Tormax Berethon: Lord of House Berethon, Duke of Balmorra
- Jenica myn Berethon: Lady of House Berethon, Duchess of Balmorra
- Melanah Graeff: Lady of House Graeff, Duchess of Neimoidia
- Jaster Erelen: Lord of House Erelen, Duke of Gatalenta
- Zailled Mertha: Lord of House Mertha, Duke of Humbarine
- Gil Rener: Lord of House Rener, Baron of Antar
- Shosat Irduk: Lord of House Irduk, "The Void Baron"
- Iseth Merr: Lady of House Merr, "The Desolation of Neimoidia"
- Kesana Vendrathin: The Dark Lady of House Vendrathin, Baroness of Balosar
- Lak Vonters: The Pirate-Prince of the Hundred Humble Houses

The Argent Order/Sanctuary
- Fay: Mistress of the Light
- Luminara Unduli: The Emissary of Light
- Barriss Offee: Lightwarden
- Tel Ada: Lightwarden

The Dark Path
- Jon Antilles: Traveler
- Asajj Ventress: Traveler
- Talle Intor: Archivist

Confederacy of Independent Systems
- General Grievous: Supreme Commander of the CIS

- Elam El-rud: Independent Mercenary
- Vorkro Olkzar: Captain of the Rathtar Rangers
- Talnel Beldwai: The Last Sorcerer of Tund
- Talik Gida: Liberator of Ryloth
- Urh'otrr'kur: Ambria Tusken Clan Leader
- Orh'ruruur: Ambria Tusken
- Koren Omi-Ren: Jedi Prince of Hapes, Consort to the Queen
- Cel O'Royal: Bureaucrat
- Rask Coburn: Space Cowboy
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