Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Driving Park
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Driving Park Community Ninetales

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Carmen was so enveloped in the music she was playing to notice more figures entering the garden, and even didn't notice when one came over to her bench until he sat down and she felt the seat shake a little. She stopped playing and put her trumpet down, setting it on her lap horizontally. Only then did she open her eyes and turn to see a man next to her waving and smiling at her. A man who was wearing...armor? She raised one eyebrow and quickly lowered it again, still having not said a word for a solid thirty seconds after the man had sat down. She blinked. "I'm sorry, my mind was...elsewhere," she finally said, letting out a small courteous smile. "I'm Carmen, what's your name?" And after a pause, "And why are you wearing armor? Isn't this a peaceful campus?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ebil Bunny
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Ebil Bunny

Member Seen 6 days ago

Dani - Cafeteria
Dani watched as his safe guard turned into a bird and flew away, then turned to look at Allan. He stared at him for a while, realizing what was to be in the near future. He turned bolted strait through a wall. He kept running even though the Allan would have to go the long way around to get to him. He ran through several classrooms until he ended up in the cafeteria. He looked around.
Maybe I can merge with the crowd here... he thought, then promptly sat at a nearby table with two girls and a boy eating an ice cream bar.

Matt- Garden
Matt tensed when he heard the older girl's voice, then turned to face her.
"Lily? You look so different!" he exclaimed, jumping from his seat. He was so excited to see her that his hair caught on fire, though he didn't notice it.
"I have so much to tell you, not to mention I want to hear a lot from you. For example, the academy..." he trailed off. A demon had attacked Kamasyia, but instead of staying to help, Matt had run off. Sure, he had thought then that he was going to learn how to use his powers so he could help, but he should have known that one can't learn anything that fast. He still felt very, very guilty about it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Zivon seemed to have a hard time talking but he kept trying harder "M-my name is Zi-von…uuuhh ho-w about you?" She lifts one of her legs over the bench and moves closer to Zivon to examine him some more. "Drow" she said while moving her face closer to him to see if he had any extra limbs or some special skin. Zivon talked to Oona but she didn't listen to what they had to say as she came closer she could see that the electricity emitting from her body start to hurt him. Moving back a bit she could see that a rusted spoon was put on the table by him as he said "So are you new here too?" she shook her head in reply, she leaned forward to grab the spoon he just layed on the table. It was rusted all over. Would they just give students these rusted spoons? It can't be right that would be horribel to let students just eat with old rusted spoons. She turns the spoon around right before her eyes and studies it well. After some minutes she got bored by it and walked to the trashcan to trew the spoon away. She sat down again at the place she was before and gets back in the position she was just in. She faced Zivon and sayed "Power".
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Legion020


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

David smiled at the TV watching ability. He actually thought it was a rather funny thing to say. He himself didn't watch much TV. But to many nights have passed that he checked the watch on his computer only to realise that it was passed 3 a.m. on a school night. "I'm David." he said with a smile, to introduce himself. He felt a lot more at ease now. Maybe he's not that bad? he thought. "I'm a computer addict with an insomnia problem." he said in response to the TV remark. Maybe this Ryuu could become a friend too?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowfall


Member Offline since relaunch

*I just hope they are nice*

Her eyes came to a Close as she couldn't stand the Image any longer: A mass of People, People and more People were moving around. Everyone had a Destination he or she wanted to go to. *Waiting.. I've only to wait* She was sure that everyone would be gone soon, that noone would pay Attention to a single Person, hiding on her seat. The instance they were gone, she would move, head straight for her room. That was her plan. That was what she thought she would do.. but then, a soft Sound caught her Attention: Her stomach made itself audible.

Gritting her teeth, she tried to surpress the Feeling of hunger, to ignore it. *I've been through worse.. and they are still so many others here* Her eyes were closed, albeit she knew the exact number of People around her. She wasn't fully conscious about her abilities but she was already able to sense the Body temperature of her fellow students and soon to be teachers.

*..still too many..*
Her tummy made another complaining Sound.
*They.. would notice me*
The annoying Sound died but left a hollow Feeling within her Abdomen.
*Hungry...when have I eaten last?*
A hollow Feeling was nothing too comfortable to have.
*..yesterday.. I guess, one or two days without Food aren't too bad*
The hunger grew, being a nearly painful Sensation already.
*Yeah, I'll just ignor-*

A sudden scent hit her. Her nostrils moved a tad as she took in the full scent of pancakes. This was taken in through her nose but headed straight for her thoughts, creating a foglike condition there. She couldn't breathe anymore. She couldn't not breathe as well, though. A soft smile curved her lips and her eyes popped open. *I am no Coward! And I want pancakes!* Before her fears could take over again, she pushed herself upwards and took a step into the ground.

Instantly, she felt a bit busy. Pulling herself together, she headed straight for the scent's source: The Cafeteria. Unconsciously, her tongue licked over her lips. On the threshold, she stopped in a sudden Motion. Her eyes grew huge as she acknowledged the mass of People here. She had been prepared to Encounter all students at once at the welcome ceremony.. but this? *It's not even half of the People around her. Calm down* Trying to 'be cool', she stepped into the room, her gaze darted around anxiously.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animal
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Hey! Wait! I'm not done with you!" Allan shouted trying to stop Carmen from leaving, but it was too late and she already made her way to the garden. Allan let out a petrifying growl as he turned his head over to the specter who was already escaping through the wall. His eyes widen realizing that he was duped by Carmen's clever distraction, intended or not. He sprinted his way over towards the wall trying to prevent Dani from fleeing, but he did not make it in time and just collided with the solid wall. "You son of a bitch!" He shouted as he was banging on the wall with both of his fists very irritated that he was deceived so easily. It was surprising that he did not shoot out flames out of his mouth to burn part of the wall down, just shows how much self-control he has...well to some extent.

When he finally stopped pounding on the wall, he thought for a moment in silence What do they take me for? A fool!? This isn't over...not by a long shot! He then proceeded to turn around and make his way into the garden on foot. Everyone who was walking in the halls could hear the dragon snarling as if they just walked into the cave of a ferocious beast. Then all of a sudden the sound stopped, anyone who was listening would feel like they were part of a horror story when it was really just Allan coming to a conclusion. Hmm...I just figured out what to do with those two insects...It's even more satisfying than what I originally planned... He thought seeming to have cooled down by it, but there was no telling what was coming to Carmen and Dani in the near future. Allan decided to let it pass for the meantime as he made his way to the cafeteria for a bite to eat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Cyrus nodded in agreement with Criston. "I'm sure half these guys drink or smoke weed by now. Oh and for the party, some live music would be awesome. See if you can get a few kids to maybe play us some real music. Just a suggestion." He grinned when Criston commented on his ability. "I have a rather interesting ability, my real family members are called Oscillans. We tamper with motion, it's kind of complicated. But basically, I made my tray which was static, accelerate. I'll leave it at that, I'm sure there will be fights soon enough, you'll be able to see what I can do eventually. Put a whole bunch of hormone-filled super-beings in a small space and they are bound to fight at some point."

Cyrus turned his head to the newcomers of their table. He smiled when Kathy introduced herself, she was actually quite beautiful. Bane shook off that thought, not wanting to go down that road. The Oscillan nodded, acknowledging her presence. Right off that bat he knew that we liked Crash, he liked the kind of guys that were carefree and jut didn't give a shit. "Crash, seems to fit you." Cyrus commented wryly, his golden eyes shining. When he asked for his name Cyrus decided to play along. "You could call me a genius, amazingly handsome, a double of the guy next to me, charming, confident, the list goes on and on. You can call me Cyrus, or Bane, whichever floats your boat." Cyrus thought of one more and added, "or an old man," he joked, pointing to his unusual white hair.

"Speaking of my abilities.what are your guys' powers? I have never heard of some of the races here." Bane was about to add more when he saw a young male storm into the cafeteria. Cyrus almost immediately recognized him as a dragon keeper. These beings were known to be very powerful. Bane had always wanted to fight one, just to see how powerful they really were. Cyrus beckoned the angry looking male, he couldn't miss out on an opportunity like this. "Hey! Dragon dude, yeah you. Grab some good and then join me. This may sound weird but I have some questions for you," he called out. Cyrus knew how weird this might seem, but he didn't care. The Oscillan turned back to the people at his table. "That guy is a Dragon Keeper. I have only heard of them before, I have always wanted to see what they were like. So excuse the weirdness of this situation." Cyrus waited for the male to join him, that is, if he decided to join him for a conversation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Criston - Cafeteria

He smiled at Cyrus' reply. "Yeah, live music would be sweet. I'll have to put Luna Laciel on that right away." He chuckled, laughing at himself. He listened idly to the conversation only lifting his eyes when he heard Cyrus call out to a 'Dragon Dude.'


He glanced at Cyrus and then at the guy standing near the front doors of the cafeteria.

No? Another guy with white hair. Maybe I should dye my hair. Something outrageous like neon green. I'll bet Mom'd looove that.

He chuckled to himself, pulling another fork full of food into his mouth. He was already almost done. He swallowed what he had in his mouth and pulled a biscuit up to his lips, biting into it.

Still as good as ever, Chef.

He smiled, chewing on the food in his mouth. "I'm just a wizard/warlock... Yanno, magic 'n' shit." He began, looking down at his plate. He pulled the biscuit up again and took another bite. "My specialty that I've been able to do since I was young is electricity manipulation. Runs in the family, yanno?" He told the table, smiling. Soon, he was done and up with the two, now empty, plates of food to take them away. He tossed them in the bin and then returned to the seat, his posture relaxed and he leaned back.

Lily - Garden

She felt her body tense up as several new energies found their way closer to her. Some of them kinder than others. But then, who was she to judge? She closed her eyes. Even now, she didn't want to pass judgement on demons. Some had proven to be kinder than others. It wasn't like she should trust the others anymore just because of their race. Then again, that was all Lily could tell from a person's energy. Was whether it was dark or light or something different altogether. Matt's own energy was a bright red hue. The girl that sat across from them's energy was a nice bright blue. The others however... One was almost as dark as night, with just a tint of white light. It made her uneasy. The other was a bit brighter but tinged with darkness.

I just hope they won't be able to tell I'm an Angel, Fallen or not. My wings should be hidden and if I just...

She closed her eyes for a brief second and quelled her energy. Making it dim and soft. They shouldn't be able to feel her anymore or be hurt by her aura. Satisfied, she took a deep breath and smiled at Matt's response.

"Yes, I suppose I do. A lot has changed since I saw you last." She began, smiling warmly at him. "We have plenty of time for stories. As for the academy... I know not what has become of it. I haven't seen anyone save for you for a year. A lot... has happened and it's a very, very long story. One meant for another time." She told him and took a deep breath. "I'm not really in the sort of mood to tell my story anyway. It's not a happy one." She continued.

For just a moment, she glanced up and noticed a blue haired haired boy with almost piercing blue eyes staring at her. She narrowed her eyes watching him but then her face slowly softened into a smile and she sent him a small delicate wave and mouthed, 'Hello.'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aeris
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Aeris ғᴀɴᴄʏ, ᴀʏ ᴍᴀᴛᴇ?

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Bael's eyes didn't move away from the girl, at all. His expression was still the same: serious and somewhat uneasy. He'd only look away from her to glance at something which approached him... before bounding up onto his head. Though, despite this, his gaze focused upon the girl again. He noticed that she had smiled at him and mouthed 'hello', which made him soften his expression a bit, giving a shrug as he focused on the thing which was now latched on him.

"Someone should've taught you manners," The boy stated, clearing his throat as he idly adjusted his shirt. "But it doesn't surprise me, behaving has never been something you were capable of." Smiling softly, he moved his arms up in an attempt to pick up the little imp demon-like creature, while answering the question. "I'm Bael and I highly doubt that you've already forgotten who I am." Smirking, Bael stood himself up and started to walk in direction of the girl who he stared moments ago. "We did raise from the same place, didn't we?" He murmured to the miniature demon before literally trying to toss it towards Ezra, his rightful owner and.. whenever that succeed or not, he'd walk in front of the red-haired girl, ignoring the company she had at the time as shameless as that was.

"My apologies for staring at you for so long, I was simply mesmerized by your beauty, mademoiselle." He spoke softly, a hand reaching in her direction, for a handshake; but if she took his hand, he'd softly hold it and bring it up to plant a polite kiss on the top of her hand. "Now that I've recovered from it, I felt an urge to speak to you. I'm Bael, may I have the honor of knowing your name?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ebil Bunny
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Ebil Bunny

Member Seen 6 days ago

Matt - Cafeteria.
Matt silently nodded when she stated that her story wasn't a good one. Neither was his, actually, but if she didn't want to talk about it right now, that was up to her. He wasn't going to get in the way.
What he wasn't expecting was for someone to just walk past him and start talking to Lily, saying a bunch of stuff usually related to love.
"I'll just... Go... See you later Lily." Matt said, hoping to not get in the way. Also, he was starving.
He walked into the school and towards the cafeteria. It wasn't that difficult, there was a map in the main lobby. Matt stifled a laugh. Maps. Matt's map was his most used item at Kamasyia. That and his schedule.
He walked calmly into the loud cafeteria and looked around. There seemed to be a lot of groups. Probably built up by recurring students, and new students making friends. He walked down the line of food and got himself a variety of breakfasts, and started walking to an empty table along the side. On the way, he tripped, and his fruit related food went flying into the air, to land on an unsuspecting, water related girl.

((Matt vs. Oona, let the rivalry begin! :D))

Dani - Cafeteria
Dani covered his mouth so nobody would hear him gasp when Allan walked through the door. Had he found him already?
"Er... Pretend we're talking. Please? I'll explain later." Dani told the others. He didn't want to be impolite, but he was in deep, deep water at the moment, and classes hadn't even started yet.
Suddenly, a boy with brown hair tripped nearby. His food went up in the air, and landed on one of the girls nearby.
Well if that won't call attention to this table, I don't know what will... Dani thought sadly. Wait, why am I feeling sorry for myself? I'm not the one who lost his food, or got food on her head. Get your priorities strait!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Lily - Garden

She blinked when the boy came her way but still the smile kept to her face. She watched him throw a small demon at the other more... well prepared human.

Hm? What's that all about?

For a moment, her mind was preoccupied with her curiosity over the trio. A human having a demon thrown at him by another demon?

How bizarre...

She was brought back into reality when the boy spoke to her. "My apologies for staring at you for so long, I was simply mesmerized by your beauty, mademoiselle." He spoke softly, a hand reaching in her direction. Surprised but not wanting to be rude, she took his hand and smiled. The smiled disappeared when her hand was brought to his lips for a polite yet tender kiss. She stared at him, her heart shaking.

He's just being nice. Calm down...

"Now that I've recovered from it, I felt an urge to speak to you. I'm Bael, may I have the honor of knowing your name?" He continued. She took a deep breath and smiled at him.

"Lily. Lily Brightendale." She replied, smiling up at him warmly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Oona's mind wandered as the 2 people talked past her. this place was certainly interesting, there was an odd feeling to it, she wasn't sure what it was, sort of like when she was a kid and had refused to go to the pond with her mom when she should have and she started to get dry, but more pleasant, it was a very odd sensation.

she suddenly realized she had been staring at the wall for the past 5 minutes, she blinked and looked at the 2 beside her Drow it seemed had gotten up and was now sitting back down, and there was another boy sitting next to them now.

"sorry, i zoned out" she smiled, well i guess i ought to go find my roo..." suddenly random fruit related food landed on her head "what the hell?" she turned to see where it had come from, she saw the boy who had just tripped and something about him ticked her off, she excused herself and walked toward him, very angry "What Was That For?!"

(your move Bunny ;) )
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animal
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Allan - Cafeteria

As Allan walked through the door he glanced around the cafeteria silently inspecting the students for a familiar face. He took a couple of sniffs in the air trying to trace Dani's scent...as if ghosts can leave scents behind...can they?...Regardless, there were just too many people in the room to pinpoint the exact location. Just as he was about to glance over Dani's section, a boy tripped and his tray of food landed on some poor girl's head. Not only that, but someone called him out from across the room to join their table. Annoyed by the masses of low tiered trench trash in the room, he decided to avoid giving them acknowledgement and went about on his business. He had his eyes closed as he walked and his hands in his pockets as he walked over to the service counter to get his meal. Dani lucked out once again, but he was not out of the woods yet. He still has to avoid being seen by the time he finishes his dish. Just when he thought it could not get any worse, Allan had to pick an empty table nearby Dani's, he sat down beginning to eat his food. Luckily for him that Allan still had his eyes closed, the tension rose...it was just a matter of time before Allan realizes that Dani was closer than he thinks...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ebil Bunny
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Ebil Bunny

Member Seen 6 days ago

Matt - Cafeteria
Matt was about to apologize when the girl got up and started yelling at him. Usually, he would stay quite, but there was something about this girl that got on his nerves.
"You really think I would throw my breakfast at you on purpose?! It was an ac-ci-dent!" Matt shouted, putting emphasis on every syllable of accident. "You... Are in a cafeteria... Full of people. You seriously don't think any accidents are going to happen?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Theobromine
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kathy couldn’t help but smile at the self-introductions being exchanged. Quite a few students at the academy had often gone through some harsh treatment in the outside world and could be, quite understandably, a little guarded at times. Socializing with a group that seemed extremely cheerful and more than happy to exchange pleasantries seemed like a great way to start off her day and year at the academy. ’Looks like this will be a fun year for sure.’ She thought, nodding happily to herself.

“For the core classes I go to English, Math, and Science.” She answered Crash, “And my electives are Art, P.E., and Cooking. I admit I’m not all that dedicated of a student though, so I tend to skip a lot. What about you? Know what classes you’re interested in?”

Watching Cyrus send out an invitation to yet another guy with white hair, she couldn’t but wonder aloud, “Is white hair becoming really common or popular lately? I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many people with such a unique hair color all in one sitting.” She was a little worried about the sudden, random call Cyrus had made to the alleged Dragon Keeper, but that concern had already been pushed back to a neglected corner of her mind by her curiosity about rising frequency of individuals with white hair.

Beginning to feel quite full now, she took a potato wedge with her fork and took small nibbles as she listened to Criston answer Cyrus’ question. ‘ “Just” a wizard/warlock. Unlike me I’m pretty sure he’d be able to pull his own weight if someone picked a fight with him.’ After Cirston was done she answered, “I’d say I’m about 99% ordinary human, 1% slightly unique ability. My power basically lets me walk around on the walls and ceiling. Pretty useful for avoiding crowded hallways, but not much else I’m afraid.” Feeling slightly embarrassed that she was comparing herself to others, she placed her hands on her cheek in an attempt to cool the blush forming on her face.

Watching the third boy with white hair ignore Cyrus’ call and sit down on his own she commented, “Guess he won’t be joining us. He doesn’t seem to be in all that good of a mood either.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Oona wasn't entirely sure why the guy got on her nerves since she had just met him.
he did have a point usually she would have just said it wasn't the guy's fault and gone to take a shower, but something about him just drove her up the wall.
"do you know how hard it is to get stains out of white hair?!"
Oona was a little sorry for yelling at him but wasn't about to apologize, as the guy had just yelled at her as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The girl, Drow seemed to look at him like she was examining him. He stood still, maybe quaking from his seat. For the question he had asked earlier Drow nodded as a reply. He didn’t know he had put the rusted spoon back on the table until Drow picked it up and looked at it. ‘Oh my god, why did I put that there, no…’ He knew this school has some interesting and in a way magical…very magical students but as his memory of the past came back he didn’t anyone know about his ability. She moved from her seat and threw away the spoon. ‘Maybe she will not ask…’ he took a big bite out of his ice cream sandwich hoping it will not happen.

“Power.” Zivon ended up choking on his favorite food. “Geh!” He pounded his chest hoping for the ice cream sandwich to properly goes down and not kill him. For a while his breakfast properly went down and he gave a sigh of relief. After realizing Drow still sort of asked about his power he kept a lot form his seat. ‘Look, everyone has a something magical about them so you can say it and nothing will go wrong’ Trying to reassure himself he put down the ice cream bar and looked at Drow.

“I-I I uum I I ca- can, we-ll uh, A-ge Ma-niplu-" All of a sudden this guy he didn’t see before said. “Er... Pretend we're talking. Please? I'll explain later." He didn’t remember seeing a guy there; his sort of purplish black hair surprised him for a second. He wanted to ask why but Oona who might have been spacing out got hit on the head by a fruit. “Wh-at?” Things are getting weird…der. Oona excused herself and went towards a guy who might have tripped and his food went flying off. The two seemed to started to shout to each other, he didn’t know what was happening and wished for someone to explain.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Cyrus nodded, "interesting. I'm gonna have to see what you can do. Electricity is probably hard to control, sweet." He realized that his mother was the principle, that could be a good or bad thing. Bane wondered who Luci was, probably that girl he was talking to earlier, with the umbrella? Speaking of abilities, he was really intrigued by Kathy's ability. "That's a really neat power, must be cool to know that you would be the star of a circus!" When that came out his mouth he kept a straight face, but realized that he Nguyen have insulted her. "Uh, I didn't mean that in a bad way," he added sheepishly. What happened to bein good with words? He was usually so quick with his tongue.

Cyrus was taken aback by the Dragon keeper, he didn't seem to be very social. "That's cool too my white haired acquaintance! Not talking will get you no where in life. Unless you can speak sign language!" He grinned, not taking it to heart. He could hang out with whoever he wanted to.

Bane hoped that to the party he'd get to play some music, that would be fun. "Hey does the school happen to own a piano? I brought my guitar but obviously I couldn't bring a keyboard or drumset. I'm hoping to play a little at the party tonight." He looked towards Criston for the answer, he knew his way around here, Cyrus didn't even know where his room was. Speaking of rooms.... "Also, how are rooms assigned? And where can I get my schedule?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
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FaithsRose Friendly Neighbourhood Beast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Crash grinned at Cyrus, as he agreed on his name suiting him chuckling as Cyrus played along with his jest. “As fun as it would be, old man makes me think of the parentels. So I’ll stick with calling you Cyrus” Crash decided, turning his attention back to Kathy as she answered his question. “Nice” He grinned at her. “Out of curiosity, what’s the schools view on the less dedicated students?” He asked, finishing off the plate of waffles. “Erm I’m pretty sure the only core I’m doing is science...apparently the only subject I ever got a decent grade on in the past” He shrugged at her. “P.E, Art, Theater and most definitely music! Can’t live without music” He smiled brightly.

He looked up as Cyrus called to yet another white haired person across the room, calling him a Dragon Keeper? The term went completely over his head as he chuckled at Kathy’s comment about the hair colour. “Maybe it’s the new trend. I can see a young guy on the front of a dye packet with his white hair looking cool, and then when you open it up there’s an old guy on the back of the instructions with the words ‘Ha! Tricked you now you look like me’...” Crash cleared his throat cutting himself off, and adjusting his collar in embarrassment, he had been doing so well at keeping his insane thoughts in his head. “Sorry thinking aloud” He apologized, gripping his glass of unfinished juice.

Crash looked over at Criston as he answered Cyrus’s question. “Just a wizard/warlock with the ability to fry people? Yeah, can’t think how that would interesting at all...” He commented, sarcasm lacing his words. “Don’t be modest, magic is a pretty awesome power to be able to tap into” He followed up taking a sip from his juice as he turned his attention back to Kathy listening to her power. A new softer smile crossed his expression as she lifted her hands to her face, he noticed the blush slide across her cheeks. That’s kind of cute... He blinked before clearing his throat and changing his expression “Really? That sounds like a fun ability. There are like endless possibilities on what you could do with it. Don’t cut yourself short” He grinned, finishing his drink quickly figuring it was his turn to tell. “I’m a shapeshifter, nothing overly exciting I’m afraid, but it’s quite fun” He shrugged with a smile, glancing over his shoulder at the other white haired guy. “He looks really peeved, maybe it’s best if he didn’t come over here” Crash added.

He sat back in his chair, stretching out his shoulders as Cyrus spoke to Kathy, resting his hands behind his head, his leg twitching under the table as if to a rhythm. His expression was thoughtful as he watched Cyrus turn back to Criston and ask him about playing music at the party tonight. “Hey Kathy, question for you” He announced, trying to catch her attention for a moment. “Be it a stupid one or not I’m still going to ask. Are you going to the party tonight?” He asked. “Just if you are, would you consider allowing me to tag along with you?” He added almost instantly after, before he was able to force himself to stay quiet.


Serena watched sunglasses carefully for his reaction. Ok gobsmacked is a good start... Her ears flickered uncertainly as he straightened his back and marched towards her. ...oh crap... Her breath caught in her throat as he spun on the spot and she went rigid as he secured her in the most bizarre yet friendly grip around the shoulders. Her ears flicked back uncertainly and her tails coiled around her legs tightly, she relaxed when he announced his name. That was a step in the right direction...listening as he carried on speaking, she raised an eyebrow at what he said. Wow three days in front of the telly? I’m not sure whether that’s impressive or not... Her right eye lightened in color a little as he tried to adjust his smile, easing her fear as he spoke. Providing that’s the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers...that’s pretty cool She pricked her ears forward as he succeeded to create a less ‘serial killer’ looking smile, her lip curled a little in a hesitant smile in response. She waited until David had introduced himself, her smile becoming more comfortable as he told them about his computer addiction. “And I’m Serena...pleasure to meet you both” She finished the introductions off. Are they expecting me to say a hobby? “I don’t think I’ve managed to watch television for more than 3 hours before being shooed away from it” She decided on being honest with them, her tails loosened from around her legs, sliding behind her and waving contently. “So...are you both new here?” She asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ryuu felt his grin widen even further. Everything was looking pretty good so far! If he didn't screw something up and make hell go loose around him, he just might be able to make his attempt in befriending someone in years actually work. He was, at the moment, unaware of the fact that he was walking to the cafeteria with his arms still wrapped around the two students.

"Damn, dude!" Ryuu said as he shook David a few times, making sure that he did not shake too hard (the first shake was a little off). "Maybe I've already met you once, then! Ha ha!"

Apparently, this "David" student was a computer addict, quite similar to his addiction for manga and anime. The insomniac part did surprise him, but he couldn't help laughing heartily at that part. His own reaction surprised him; if he were back at his middle school, he would have pulverized this person immediately. He would have pointed out how sitting in front of a computer was even worse than watching shows through a television, and maybe even take his lunch money. Thanks to his parents taking him out of that school, and his sister berating him like crazy when she heard of his bad personality, he realized that he himself was no different. He just needed to accept what others did, because that was what his middle school classmates did as well.

Damn, Ryuu thought for a brief second. I really was an ass back then, huh? I better pay them a visit some time... with a preach about why no one should make fun of Asuka-chan, of course.

The otaku was glad to have some time spent with his family, for while he was certainly held back from schools for a long time, having his mind cleared for a fresh start was not so bad after all.

He still had those evil eyes, though. And the devil's teeth. Aaaaaand his awesome, but far too fiery love for anime and fighting. He needed to do something about those as soon as possible, though he was getting a feeling that he would be unable to change those.

The fox girl introduced herself as "Serena." She seemed to be less intimidated by him, for sure, but he needed to keep being friendly as much as possible. If he acted brashly like he usually did, then his personality would never get fixed, and he would be in for another butt-kicking from his sister. She was pretty much the reason why he got the idea of befriending others in the first place, but to think that he would meet a decent guy (in his eyes, at least) and a fox girl who looked like a Magical Girl... He was already liking this academy, though he began to wonder how the teachers in his classes would act.

Serena then asked him and the boy about whether they were new students or not. Ryuu blinked. He nearly forgot that he was a new student.

Well, I did just meet a freakin' Mahou Shoujo, so of course I wouldn't give a shit about that right now!

The otaku finally noticed that he had his arms wrapped around them for quite a while now. Continuing to walk to the cafeteria, the student released them, a hand clenched tightly by his waist, his eyes just about to release plasma, as he said with excitement,

"Ha... yes. I am new here. Very, very new... and fresh. I'm so new, my mom bought me a new lightsaber! Oh, the things I could do with that thing..."

Ryuu nearly giggled at the thought, though he managed to quietly laugh as if the world's most sadistic creature was planning something devastating. Again, he meant no harm on the two students next to him.

After he calmed down, the otaku eventually reverted back to his mean-looking idle expression, telling Serena, "You should come over to my family's some time. It's funny how they allow me to watch anime for three days, yet they won't allow me to exercise in my own room anymore."
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