Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nariata
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Nariata The Silent

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Five hours prior: Where were you?

As Anora looked down upon the Galactic City which sprawled the entire surface of the planet below, she felt what every soul experiences upon their first site of this city. Though everyone shared this experience, not all experience the same thing. Three people, each could be from the same or separate walks of life, upon seeing and overcoming the first feeling of breathlessness at the sheer scale of this planet, will be left with three different impressions. The first could be a poor person, who tries to sneak his way into the city to find a better life for himself rather than keep up the daily struggle for life where ever he came from, who sees this planet as a place of opportunity. The second could a trader, who travels along the many hyperspace lanes searching for cheap goods that he can mark up elsewhere, sees this planet as a place of security. The strict measures that the Republic imposes on all in the system make sure that his goods will meet the market here, without any fear of pirate attacks. But the third person, the third reaction would be that of Anora. As her eyes scan out the front window Providence class Flagship, her eyes being greeted by a massive space battle already in progress all around between the CIS and GAR navies in the skies above the world, she sees this planet as a symbol of oppression.

Her eyes focused on the orange planet while her mind focused on the situation down below. All over the planet both droids and mercenaries alike descended upon vast swards of the city. Intense battles were being waged between the the CIS and GAR forces, street to street the battle was waged. Every time the Droids would advance too fast and come under fire from clone troopers hiding in the massive skyscrapers themselves. Countless droids have been destroyed, many clones have fallen and even the civilian death toll is rising in the heat exchanges. Yet, at least to her and the Blackguard, the most important objective has not been touched. Nor has it seen any death since this invasion began a day prior. The Jedi temple still stood proud and her Jedi still clung to the walls and the streets surrounding it as if it were some bastion of hope. This was not by design, no one expected the Temple and Senate districts to have as much anti-air weapons as they did. Any troop transport trying to land and any star fighter trying to destroy them are met by a hail of fire, and quickly shot down. Though they had the numbers in space, if they did not secure this location, as well as the senate, the outcome might become to costly for their CIS allies to continue this assault. A soft laugh escaped her lips as the thought of these bankers and traders turned revolutionaries entered her mind. This battle would not be won by them, it would be won by the breaking of the defenders spirits.

Anora heard her name called from behind, and turning to see Vansk and the Blackguard's leader San'sii nearing a holodeck she realized it was time for her to act her part in the plan. As she began to walk towards the lift that would take her to the hanger of the ship, she gave the pair a nod as she proceeded towards the door. As she neared she heard the holo projector come to life, and as she was passing through the door she heard a phrase which made her smile. “Good evening, Councilmen. Are you ready to hear our demands?” It took her a mere moment to reach the hanger where five Neimoidian shuttles awaited her. Her strike force consisted of her and six blackguards plus around thirty mercenaries and Dark Jedi who were to join them in their assault. The mercenaries were easy to get involved and the Dark Jedi even easier, the mercenaries were promised money and the Dark Jedi the Sith Holocrons. Almost too easy if you asked Anora for acquiring meat shields.

The strike teams boarded the shuttles, and launched out of the hanger bay and into space where they meat their escort fights and bombers. As this large strike group made it's way planet side where the enemy fighters were chased off by their own, and the anti-air focused on the bombers and fighters to take notice of the six shuttles touching down within the Temple districts.

Present time: When our skies burned with fire?

“These terms are outrageous!” Spoke a slightly excited Mace Windu to Obi-Wan, Yoda and the rest of the council listened on. “Give up the temple, place down our weapons and give up the Sith holocrons?” He was speaking in a hurried fashion, the surprise attack and the chaos that followed obviously caught both he and the rest of the council off guard. Obi-Wan was quick to add in, yet spoke in a more controlled tone “They must have known we would have shot down their demands so quickly.” He paused as he rubbed his chin with his right hand. “What would they have to gain by wasting an hour and a half of our time?” Silence fell upon the room as the councilmen thought of an explanation. Minutes passed before Yoda, who until now was meditating, opened his eyes and spoke “They created a diversion, our attention from a potential threat drew away.” A new silence fell upon the room, though disbelief hung in the air. Yoda continued with “I sense a strange power nearby, powerful it is. Yes, hmmm.” Mace Windu was quick to respond “Who is it, the Sith?” His tone was very direct, and Obi-Wan's response more so “Impossible, you slew Palpatine before he could take Anakin as his apprentice. With Anakin with us, the Sith are no more.” He spoke as his right hand motioned in the air. Yoda raised a hand and commanded silence over the gathering. He thought for a second before continuing “The sith it is not. Presence, it is which I have not felt.” He paused as he looked at Mace Windu, before speaking “In danger, I fear we are.” He paused as he raised himself out of his seat. He began to walk away as he spoke “To the outlying defenses send some Knights”

The Council quickly departed from their holo-projectors and Windu and Obi-Wan were soon left alone inside the Council Chamber. Obi-Wan began to walk out of the room quickly, though upon reaching the door he turned his head and spoke “I will task some Knights to gather some Clones and head to the defenses, but we must be ready in case they fall.” Windu nodded in agreement and Obi-Wan quickly departed the scene.

Nearby: When our walls came crashing down?

In a separate, yet close enough district, the 717th clone division being led by elements from the 120th as well as some commandos are racing towards the central airfield. Though , a large force of battledroids is attempting to intercept them ahead. The scouts for the clones report this to the ones leading the charge, and await further orders. They have many choices, they can lead the 717th towards the airfield where these Clones can take their Imperator-I class Star Destroyers up to the skies and turn the tide of the space battle, forge a path towards the Jedi temple where reports suggest a major attack is bound to happen, or find a way to deal with the CIS threat first.

Where were you?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Jason was in the Jedi temple when words of an attack began to spread, the padawan dropped the holotablet he had been studying and turned towards the doors to the library. His electric blue eyes studied how the other Jedi prepared for the attack threat. Trying to grab their weapons for the defense of the temple. The boy shook his head, if the planet fell then it was only a matter of time before this massive temple would fall with it. They had it wrong. The Central Airfield, that should have some ships with the capability to lay down the pain on the seps. His inner voice whispered to him. Then Jason felt his feet begin ti move as he sprinted up to his temporary quaters to grab his rifle, explosives, comlink, and the eye piece that was linked to the network that the GAR used for FOF tags. As well as other important info. The boy looked over himself, his black boots, combat pants (can handle the stress of combat), tight black shirt (perfect for hiding in the shadows), and his belt to hold the saber and thermal dets. He was ready. Jason plunged through the temple in search of the pad where they kept vehicles.

30 Minutes Later

Jason jumped off of the hover bike he had been previously riding, as it flew full speed down towards a column of drones that were marching towards the clone formation. Jason was still in the air when it slammed into the enemy and began rolling as it smashed the droid in its path. Jason used a force push towards the ground to stop his fall from hurting him. Landing among the GAR forces, he watched as the bike came to halt in front of a pair of droidekas. The droids both turned to see what the object that had just arrived was, their sensors detecting the rapid motion as a potenial threat. At this point Jason pressed his detonator and the two thermal dets he had stuck on bike blew, sending more droids sky high. Certainly a good sight. He clicked his tounge in order to activate the comms. "This is Padawan Jason Veritars. Tell me where I'm needed, command goes tothe current highest ranking commander other than myself." He says into the commlink. (Since padawans still were technically only outranked by jedi more senior then themselves, but Jason delegated command)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The attack on the homeworld of the Republic was a day that Morrin was dreading, he would have no choice but to use his incredibly powerful force abilities to protect his fellow Jedi. the separatist army was causing incredible amounts of destruction to the city planet and hundreds of innocent civilians were dying in the conflict. the attack on Coruscant reminded him of the time when the Sith Empire had invaded the planet over three thousand years ago. one good thing about the coming fight was that the CIS used droids instead of lifeforms which meant that he didn't have to feel remorse for destroying a soulless machine. he got had his lightsaber at the ready, and went to join the Jedi temple security to give them support. if the separatists attacked the temple then they would need all the strength the could get.

his Jedi senses told him that the enemy forces were more than just droids and he felt power of the dark side. this filled him with unease, and with Palpatine dead, this meant that they had to have been Dark Jedi. it seemed like the dark side had chosen the CIS as its representative, and once again, it was up to the Jedi to stop it. he soon joined with the other Jedi and the temple security. they weren't of a large force, but they had the force on their side and the light side of the force gave them strength.

"What ever happens, we must not let them have the Sith Holocrons. they contain secrets of the dark side that have caused the deaths of countless people for thousands of years. the Dark Jedi seek to use the knowledge for great evil and will doom themselves like the fallen Jedi of the Third Great Schism" he told the group with a firm voice. he had been doing a lot of reading on the history of the Jedi Order and the tales of the Schism within it were talked about in great detail. Morrin inhaled and exhaled slowly, preparing himself for the coming battle. his fellow Jedi needed his strength and would try to give them all of it to save the Order and the Republic.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rultaos
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Rultaos Literary Spacer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

As the skies of Coruscant were decorated with missiles and blaster fire, a lone Republic Gunship made its way across the battle-ravaged cityscape. The clone pilot on board activated his comm-link and spoke. "We're approaching the assembly area of the 717th. E.T.A.: 2 minutes". Shutting off the communications, the pilots continued maneuvering the gunship through the deadly airspace. In the passenger area of the gunship stood four Clone Commandos with Chrome-designed armor. These were the members of Kappa squad.

Holding onto the railing, the squad was silent, with only the sound of blasters and explosions breaking the monotony. Eventually, one of the members put his hand up to his helmet as he spoke into his comm link. "Yes sir... Yes okay I'll patch you through..." He said. With that, he pulled out a holo link and tossed it to the ground as the hologram of a Phase-II clone trooper appeared on it. "You enjoying your vacation to Coruscant Kappa Squad?" The clone said.

One of the commandos (with a clone pilot symbol scrawled on his helmet), piped up. "This wasn't in the brochure at all. They never said anything about being able to blast droids for free!" He said with cheerfulness. "Cool it, Cockpit" The squad leader said. "So, why'd you call us?" He continued. The clone on the hologram turned to the squad leader. "I'm here to brief you on your objectives, Kappas. The gunship will bring you to the assembly area of the 717th. Their job, is to recapture the airfield so we have a chance of establishing air superiority over the separatists. You are to get down there, and assist them in any way you can. After the airfield has been secured, you have orders to bring air support to the Jedi Temple. Intel reports that a large assault is going to take place there. So the sooner we get help to them, the better. I will relay further orders as we proceed. Good luck down there." The clone explained. And with that, the holo-link shut off.

The commando who dropped it, picked it back up and placed it in his backpack, which seemed to have a communications set on it. "What kind of Separatists would be suicidal enough to attack the Jedi Temple?" He said. "I don't know, Radio. But we're obviously dealing with some dangerous enemies here if they dared to attack Coruscant." The squad leader said. Suddenly, they heard the pilots shout to them.

"We're at the assembly area. LZ is hot! Hold on Kappas!" The pilot said. With that, the gunship doors opened, and the turrets of the ship fired upon a force of B1 Battledroids, and Super Battle Droids engaging some clones of the 717th in a firefight. The clones looked up, cheered, and shouted thanks for the support. The gunship reduced their altitude, and the 4 commandos of Kappa squad began rappelling down from the gunship. Once they were on the ground, the gunship closed its doors and began flying off into the fray, possibly to complete other objectives.

The squad leader approached the clone squad and saluted. "Kappa Squad of the Special Operations Brigade, reporting. We need to see your commander." He said. The clone in charge of the unit saluted back. "Our commander is at the Forward Operating Base. 87 will take you there." He said, gesturing at one of his soldiers. "You can call me Tremor, sir." 87 said. "And you can call me Spotter. Now take us to your commanding officer" The squad leader said, turning to the clone trooper. "Yes sir!" He said as he began running off, away from the frontline. Kappa squad followed closely behind, DC-17's in hand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Iridious
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Iridious Holy Diver

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"When you need crazy...call a Barabel." A somewhat astonished voice said with a short chuckle. The voice belonged to a man named Siix and it was muffled beneath his scuffed and potted Phase II helm. "You heard him, Dragons," he raised his voice and turned around, "lets knock on the Separatist's backdoor!"

"Aye!" Two more voices responded in unison. They were fleet footed and moved with purpose as they left the side of their commander. He stood silently in the center of the Revenant's command deck. His hand resting on the shoulder of the last conscious CIS officer on deck. As a myriad of turbolaser fire reflected off of the scales of his face and narrow slits of his eyes he pondered on what would come next.

First, however, it is important to know how they came to this juncture to begin with.
Tsebar Sebantine and his small team of Clones, the Krayt Corps, had been on assignment in the Outer Rim territories for the past five years. They had largely been out of contact with the Jedi Council for the better portion of this time period. They received a transmission here and there, but nothing substancial. To say it succinctly - they were on their own. They suffered the loss of two of their squadmates while struggling to cut off the cancerous tendrils of the CIS that repeatedly tried to slither it's way through the mid-rim territories and further out. Their victories were few and far between, but that didn't stop them from building a reputation. The Separatists had began referring to them as 'The Dragons' due in part to Tsebar himself, but also because of the fiery chaos the troopers themselves would often leave in their wake.

Siix was their leader. Designation CC-6766, Siix was an expert marksman and strategist. His surviving team was made up of Sly, CC-7105, an intelligence gatherer and tech artist and Rock, CC-3897. Rock was the artillery and explosives expert of the group. They operated like a well oiled machine and proved to be a prickly thorn in the CIS' side time and time again. This time would prove to be no exception.

After months of no contact from the core worlds Tsebar and his squad finally intercepted a communication, and it was a doozy. Chancellor Palpatine had been killed. Moreover, he had been the puppetmaster behind the Trade Federation's separation all along. This news of course brought great joy to the ears and hearts of the squad. With the serpent's head severed, it meant they could finally go home.

That was years ago. Up until a few days ago they had been trailing the Revenant, a Providence-Class Destroyer under the command of the CIS. Despite their leader's apparent demise, the Separatist movement still lived. Their motions were slower, more careful, but they lived. Following the CIS through the outer rim came with it's own set of problems. The Dragon's own vessel was having...technical difficulties. At that point the ship was more or less held together with tape and hope, and the engines just did not have the oomph to push her out of the planet's gravity well.

This was just as well, as it seemed the Seperatists were suddenly in a hurry to leave. Tsebar and the troopers had noted a sudden flurry of activity over the past few days and knew something must be amiss. Tsebar and his crew were nothing if not opportunists. This was a win-win situation for them in the form of information on their enemy and a free ride. They snuck up the loading dock and into the cargo bay, careful to stay out of sight of the droids and grunts loading supplies. This wasn't necessarily an easy feet given Tsebar's size. Sneaking a Wookie around is tough enough, but even Chewbacca would have to tilt his head up to look Tsebar in the eye. Regardless, the crew accessed the ventilation system after Sly de-activated the alarm trip. They settled in and, once the ship jumped into hyperspace, they sliced into the ship's computer system to try and figure out the ship's destination. The best they could do was figure out that they were taking the Corellian Run.

They hid for over a day in the airways of that ship. With each passing hour they slowly slinked their way closer and closer to the command deck. Their destination became clearer with each hour as well. They weren't stopping. They were traversing the whole Corellian Run which only led to one conclusion - Coruscant.

With that in mind, they made their move. They took the command deck quickly and quietly as possible, weapons set to stun. Tsebar had the Captain in his grasp before the rest of his crewman dropped to the floor. Compelling him with the Force, the Captain responded to every radio corespondence he received without batting an eye. The ship had exitted hyper space and ships were streaming into sight all around the viewport, filling the black of space with the silver of durasteel. Now, with his eyes full of the orange glow of Coruscant before him, Tsebar made his move.

"Sly...put us on a course between these two Recusants..." Tsebar said as he squinted in thought. "This one thinks they are going to regret this bold move..."

"Sir?" Sly questioned, his voice tainted with a bit of uncertainty.

"As we pass through, open the turboz on port and starboard." Tsebar continued without missing a beat. He then turned his head to the side so he could look at his men. "Then drive uz into that blastted messss of a capital ship in front of uz."

There was a short pause.

"When you need crazy...call a Barabel." A somewhat astonished voice said with a short chuckle. The voice belonged to a man named Siix and it was muffled beneath his scuffed and potted Phase II helm. "You heard him, Dragons," he raised his voice and turned around, "lets knock on the Separatist's backdoor!"

"Aye!" Two more voices responded in unison. They were fleet footed and moved with purpose as they left the side of their commander.

Tsebar stood silently in the center of the Revenant's command deck. His hand resting on the shoulder of the last conscious CIS officer on deck. Staring out the transparisteel view port, he contemplated the coming chaos...

The Dragons were about to make their entrance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by shadowkiller912


Member Seen 1 mo ago

Neomi Synia was standing on a balcony in the hangar bay of the Providence Class Carrier/Destroyer, the Hand of Fate. The hangars were filled as ships went in and out of the Carrier. What most notable was Heavy Carrier Platform, variants ships of the Heavy Missile Platform.

Neomi observed the last remaining Droid troopers entering onto the HCP’s. Neomi was in command of Carrier Fleet 3 of the Hand of Fate. She was one of the Commanders of the Carrier Fleets ordered to support Confederate Forces on Coruscant. Suddenly a message immediately came in from the Commander of the Hand of Fate. Neomi pushed a red glowing button on her wrist to the Commander, speaking to her via internal communications in her helmet.

“Lady Noctis, all Droids are on the Carriers. Star fighters and bombers will support your incoming descent onto the airfield. Expect HEAVY[ Republic forces on the airfield. Fighting has already commenced.”

“Alright then. Be safe brother.”

“You to Sis…I mean Lady Noctis.”

As she walked to her carrier in a brisk pace “Heh, don’t worry brother, you don’t have to be scared of me” as she pushed button reverting to a blue glowing color. Neomi boarded her carrier with Nimbus Commandos, Kashmir and other Dark Acolytes.

The Carriers departed as Neomi observed the hectic scene around the space of Coruscant with awe. She had never seen a naval battle so hectic and so fierce. There was so much going on that she temporarily lost herself in the sight of thousands of lasers nearby. Focus she said to herself as her mission was to take the airfield.

The Carriers and star fighter and bombers supporting began their descent onto Coruscant atmosphere. Neomi then went into the cockpit of the HCP. “Pilot transmit this message to all the Carriers.”

“Yes my Lady.”

On a communications outlet Neomi spoke. “This is your Commander, Lady Noctis. Our mission is simple. Take the airfield and prevent the Clones from manning their Imperator Class Star Destroyers. Failure and those Imperators will rip up our naval forces and turn the tide of this battle.”

From all the carriers came a large reply from Droids and non-sentients. “Yes Lady!” as a sign of acknowledgement of orders. “Once we get into the skies of Coruscant, I want all craft to provide support fire as we head to the airfield.”

From all the carriers came the same reply. “Yes Lady!”

The carriers pierced the bubble of Coruscant and the scene was even more hectic as you could see fighting on the skyscrapers. Carrier Chain gunners, star fighters, bombers began firing at any Republican personnel on the skyscrapers. Anti-Aircraft fire was heavy. As they weaved through the skyscrapers and around it, several carriers were already lost to Anti-Air.

Neomi could already see a portion of the end of the airfield and the Carriers were getting close. She savored for a fight against the Jedi, the ones who taught her. Yet in her mind, she wondered of her Master. What happened to her and will she fight against her. The thought was conflicting in her mind. She still had feelings for her. Neomi hoped that she died in some conflict in the Clone Wars to avoid fighting her.

Unexpectedly from behind several skyscrapers, Neomi came into view of the airfield and the docked Imperators. Fighting was heavy from the ground below though the CIS forces on the airfield were holding their ground. Neomi went into the cockpit once more to relay orders.

“Carriers one through eight, land at the assembly area and engage Republican troops. Carriers eight through twelve, we are going in hot” Neomi said with passion.

Lady Noctis and the others prepared themselves as she saw Droids and Clones fighting and Jedi’s on the airfield. More to kill, more to kill… she said mercilessly in her mind. The Nimbus Commandos, Acolytes and Mandalorian Protectors had their weapons ready, ready to go into the heat of battle. Noctis turned to Kashmir. “Ready?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by POOPHEAD189
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POOPHEAD189 Worrier

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Bravo-4, I need you people on AA defense now!" Nya Moire barked her order into her comm link. "Bravo-2, you're tasked to form our rear guard, make sure no one gets behind us!"

"Yes, ma'am!" the young officer answered. The officer looked liked he was just out of twenties, probably never seen fights bigger than bar brawls. Well, Nya thought, baptized by fire, beats any training simulations.

All around them, Jedi knights, padawans and masters hurried about preparing defense. Nya couldn't help but admire their efficiencies, with 20 years of experience, they were no forces quite like the Jedi. As she inspected Bravo-1, a group of experienced security officers that she will lead personally, someone bumped passed her side. With Nya's biometric sensor in hand, she quickly identified the impatient young man as Jason Veritars, a padawan in training.

"Damned teenagers these days." the firrerreo commander cursed under her breath.

Suddenly, a beep sounded on her datapad, signaling a message from the GAR radar sections. Nya reached into her utility belt and patched her comms into the frequency.

"Be advised everyone," the voice blasted through Nya's comm, "we got CIS bombers and dropships headed to the Temple and the Senate." How were they this quick? Nya thought. One second the separatists were moving into the system, and now they've breached the planetary defense. Nya looked toward the entrance and saw a feline shaped man moving to her location, a Togorian Jedi knight identified by her biometric scanner as Morrin Vulkas.

"Hey," Nya signaled to the Togorian, "what are you doing here?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Isaac Newgate, recently appointed to knighthood stood in the jedi temple, in the training areas, he had just taught a group of Padawans in the art of blade-fighting, as swordsmanship was his forte. Isaac stood in the temple, wearing his exercise gear, a tank-top and slacks. Using the force to lift weights, as it strengthened both his body, and his mind. He cleared his mind while doing so, focusing on other things, a sort of meditation for the young man. A calm was sought by him, yet, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.

He continued his workout for another few minutes, but he was cut short by the alarms ringing, alerting him, and everyone else in the temple of the presence of the CIS in the atmosphere. “How the hell did they get here?” Isaac let out, leaving the weight, it falling to the ground with a heavy thud.

Isaac dashed towards the top of the temple, where the Jedi Masters had their office. Isaac rushed in, opening the doors, realizing he wasn't along in coming to the office of the masters. But as he saw how all the other Jedi kneeled before their masters, Isaac felt a dose of shame, as he looked down, and kneeled himself.

Their superiors told them all to rise, and explained the situation, that the Seperatists had somehow broken through their front lines. How they would need knights to defend the temple, but also how they would need people to take the offensive, to get to the airstrip and take to the skies and strike back. Kenobi asked for volunteers who would want to go to the airstrip, as that was most likely the place of most danger, as the temple could defend itself.

Isaac was amongst the first to stand up again. “I'll go to the airstrip, Master Kenobi.” Isaac said, and soon, a handful of others also stood up, signing themselves up for this mission. They were ordered to head out. “May the force be with you.” He heard being said before leaving, heading to the armory. Comforting every young padawan he could find, and giving them to the jedi who would stay at the temple to protect the children, and the knowledge stowed away in the temple.

Once he got into the armory, he removed his clothes, blew his locker door wide open, and pulled the armor towards him, starting with the soft cloth inner-robe, and then with the durasteel plated armor, that had protected him many times before, the force easily putting the armor on him, he only had to strap it in place around his torso. He checked so that all of his equipment was with him. His sabers, communicator and rebreather were all with him. He grabbed a robe as well on his way out, pulling it over him to try and disguise his appearance.

The disturbance in the force was ever pressing for the young man, he felt the power of the darkside raining down upon the city from the skies. But he would remain calm and brave, as he always were.

“May the force be with me.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Morrin turned to look in the direction of owner of the voice asking him what he was doing there. he saw that the person who asked the question was Nya'thileth Moire, a member of the temple security. he had seen her before but had never really talked to her, he kept to himself unless his duties or the Jedi masters told him otherwise.

"I am gathering Jedi and temple security to defend the temple when the Separatists and Dark Jedi attack. they will be after the Sith Holocrons of the old Sith Empire and we cannot let the Dark Jedi have them. the force only knows what terrible acts of evil they would do with the knowledge of the ancient Sith Lords. we must be ready for battle" he told Nya in a calm voice. despite his calm exterior, he was nervous inside about going into battle, especially since there were Dark Jedi on the side of the CIS. whenever followers of the dark side clashed with the Jedi, great amounts of death would always follow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nariata
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Nariata The Silent

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Location Temple District: When the enemy came flooding in

It had only been a few minutes since their shuttles had touched down yet Anora already found herself in a rather restless mood. By now the Jedi Council would have felt their presence inside the district and were either sending a force to deal with them or was alerting their presence to their Grand Army counterparts. Images of Jedi Knights storming their group or an Air strike obliterating their position filled her mind. Time was not on their side and the longer they waited the more likely that her thoughts could manifest themselves. Anora began to pace the street wondering how she could get their squads in motion. Before they left each and every Blackguard was told the details of their plan, and each understood their mission. It was a rather simple plan to be honest, yet if it worked it could provide that crucial edge in allowing war to come in full to the Jedi. Each squad was tasked with the destruction of an anti-air gun, each on their own was no threat to the landing of troops but together landing troops was next to impossible without the great sacrifice used to get these troops on the ground. The problem with this plan was the limited knowledge the mercenaries were given on what they were doing and why they should do it. Dark Jedi, Rodian and the likes had a variety of issues with following these Blackguard blind through the streets of the Galactic City. Though Anora had the time nor wanted to explain the plan, and it's importance to them. A few of her squads, as well as her own, were ready and willing for the mission to go on. Anora ordered the other Blackguard to find a way to motivate their mercenaries before she and the other squads which were ready to proceed with the plan.

Anora led her squad through numerous streets as she followed a simple HUD display of a map in the corner of her right hand vision. She knew the bait force that the CIS sent to the airfield would not last long enough with out reinforcements, and if their squads did not hurry things could turn badly for both of them. Her small force consisted of her, a fellow Blackguard, two Dark Jedi, as well as three Mandalorian warriors in full combat armor. Indeed, her squad was one of the most prepared for this type of mission. As per the Intel they received, the anti-air gun they were to assault would be the most defended. The Intel suggested numerous Grand Army Troopers as well as Jedi acting as defenders of the gun. She knew this Intel to be more than likely accurate, and began to prepare her thoughts for the coming fight. Anora noticed on her map that they were approaching the anti-air gun, five hundred meters ahead yet her eyes noticed no gun. She scanned left right and up as the group slowly advanced until with her right fist closed in the air right next to her head did they stop. Up ahead she noticed a break in the skyscrapers on the right hand side of the street. The break was a clearing that was within the distance to the gun, and upon remembering from the intel on where the gun was located did she know she had found her destination.

She motioned for the group to approach the clearing from the right hand side of the street. As they they drew close she motioned for the Mandalorians to take a position just before the clearing. They moved quickly forming a stacked line on the corner, one just behind the left shoulder of the one in front. Anora moved quickly to their side and, placing her head in the clearing, did a look around the corner. Seven clone troopers visible as well as three Jedi were noticed as she did her quick scan. She pulled her head back as she raised her left hand and pushed three fingers up, letting the other members know how many Jedi she saw. She pulled back from the corner just a hair before pushing a button on her right forearm which brought up a communication panel on her display. She flipped through a couple channels with a switch just next to the button before selecting the secure one for this mission. She backed up a little further before speaking in a silent voice “All squads, report.” A few seconds passed before she heard back from three squads all reporting an all ready. A few seconds passed again before the last two reported two equally dire messages. The Blackguard's reported that they were in position yet their mercenaries had left them. Before she could speak they said “Ready to proceed as planned.” Anora responded with an affirmative, though she knew those two Blackguard were heading to their death. Time for remorse was not now, a mission which the fate of this entire invasion for the Blackguard was at stake. She moved back towards the corner before speaking in a silent voice once more, comm link still open.

“On my mark.” She paused for a second as she grabbed her lightsabers and activated them, as did her fellow Blackguard and the Dark Jedi. Speaking in a quick voice as she spoke into the comm channel, she mentioned a phrase that the Blackguard had come up with to start the assault“Triple Zero” Ironically the location of Coruscant(0,0,0)

In an instant, the trio of Mandalorians quickly moved out from the corner they were stacked upon and began to open fire on the clones and Jedi. Two clones fell with blast holes in their chest immediately, while the third shot directed at a Jedi was deflected as he activated his blade and aimed the blast towards the wall behind them. The clones immediately took cover behind what they could as a single Mandalorian fired his weapon in quick secession, providing cover for the other two as they ran out into the field trying to find what cover they could. The first of the two was lucky, a large crater from an earlier bombing run was just around the corner and she quickly dove inside and precoded to engage the clones. The second was not so much. He had to run a gauntlet of laser fire before he found himself behind a downed Hyena, with several near misses along the way. One shot had chipped the right shoulder of his armor and it was now smoldering just a faint bit. In the initial part of the fighting a pair of extra clones, most likely the gunners, began to fire from just inside the door way as another Jedi rushed outside. A couple seconds passed as the clones and the Mandalorians exchanged fire between each other, often scoring near misses but not hitting much besides the walls behind their foes. But this, in all it's chaos and all it's grit, resembled some form of the plan that they had formulated on the shuttle ride down. Distract the Clones with three seprate spread out targets before Anora and her Blackguard accompined by the Dark Jedi charged the gap while their attention was diverted. Anora was impressed by the Mandalorians ability to formulate a quick plan such as this, and decided to favor it over an all out assault. Switching through the channels till she found the one dedicated for her squad, she prepared for her attack.

With a motion of her head, the four Lightsaber wielding combatants stormed into the clearing. But Anora underestimated the response time of the clones, for as the four entered the clearing blaster fire erupted at them. Anora was taken by surprise as she deflected one and felt the impact of another slam into her right chest, her armor taking the force of the blow as she moved forward. Her body slouched back just a bit before she thrust it forward once more. One of the Dark Jedi was not so lucky, taking a blast straight to the chest which sent the now lifeless corpse towards the ground. As their advance slowed slightly, Anora knew they need to clear some clones from the barricade before they engaged the Jedi. With the force at her back, she threw her right handed lightsaber towards a pair of troopers as she blocked another blaster bolt with her other saber. The blade flew and sliced through one of the troopers ,as the other dove into a well placed blaster shot, before she called it back to her hand. The trio of light saber wielding combatants were now a mere ten meters from the front of the makeshift barricade erected just outside the gun. Anora shouted through her comm “Now” as she used the force to propel herself into a jump that would take her in the middle of two clone troopers. The troopers tried to track her with their guns, but they once again scored a hit only to her chest armor before she landed in between them.

As she regained her balance Anora, with her right handed blade, slashed upwards across the chest of the first while her left handed blade slashed in the same motion cutting the clone troopers weapon in half. The first clone fell to the ground as a lifeless husk of what it was as the second clone dropped it's now destroyed weapon. As he drew his pistol, Anora brought her left handed blade down upon the face of the second clone. The blade passed through the clones head, chest, and abdomen before it exited and the clone fell dead. As he fell Anora quickly looked up to check upon her fellow combatants, the Dark Jedi and her fellow Blackguard had slain a few clones of their own but were now in an intense sword fight between three of the Jedi. The Dark Jedi was quickly losing her ground as the Jedi pressed the attack while her fellow Blackguard was engaging two of the Jedi with his double bladed Lightsaber but he was pressing the attack. The Mandalorians mistook this sword fight as their sign to advance from their cover, and as the one came out of the crater her was met with a blaster round to the chest and fell lifelessly back inside.

Anora's attention was quickly focused on her right side, however, as she felt a threat bearing down upon her. As she turned and prepared her guys caught sight of the dark skinned, human male Jedi now closing the gap from doorway of the gun. She noticed that he had a longer blade than hers, yet he decided to press the attack in close. Anora knew he was inexperienced from this, and braced herself for the first strike. He swung his saber in a high arc above his head and begun to bring it down with a force assisted strike. Anora further braced herself as she crossed her blades in the air above her in a crossed pattern, which the single saber fell into. Anora's body barely buckled under the hit, he was weak with the force, possibly a Padawan. As the blades remained locked Anora unleashed a small foce assisted kick to the Jedi sending him flying backwards. Anora followed up by swinging her right handed blade in a wide arc, which the Jedi raised his blade to block with ease. Yet he almost did not notice the shallow arc strike from her left handed saber. The Jedi forced his body back was the blade swung harmlessly through the air yet the power in his block was weakened allowing Anoras blade to break through and cut a small mark through his robe. The young Jedi backed up a little further as he examined the burn mark, lowering his defenses in the process allowing Anora to throw a force push strong enough to throw the Jedi against the wall of the anti-air gun.

Anora noticed his face displayed a shocked look. It was evident from his fatigue and his lack of skill in their brief duel that this young Jedi has never fought much more than droids. Yet he persisted, with a battle cry he charged with his light saber above his head. Anora simply countered by launching a bolt of force lightning into the chest of the Jedi, he tried to scream yet no sound escaped his mouth. Though this was not fatal, she used it to stun him long enough to allow her to throw her right handed saber through the Jedi, cutting him from the middle of the chest out. Anora caught her returning blade with ease as the young Jedi fell dead, before turning her attention back to the rest of the battle. The Dark Jedi lay dead upon the field underneath an equally dead Jedi, in her quick observation the pair killed each other simultaneously Her eyes darted towards her fellow Blackguard and upon noticing one more dead Jedi on the ground and one dying with the edge of a saber in his gut, Anora knew she needed to get the rest of the plan in motion quickly, there was no telling if there was any other Jedi and Clones in the area and they needed to take out this gun.

She motioned for the two Mandalorians to quickly make their way inside, where they were to plant Thermal Detonators all over the weapons system and the gun. The two gave a slight nod as they stormed in and when no shoots nor bodies hitting the floor were heard Anora motioned for her Blackguard to come close. Turning off her comm before she spoke, “What were Padawans doing defending this gun?” Her tone was rushed. The other Blackguard simply spoke “Better here than at the temple” to which Anora nodded with a large smile upon her face. A few moments passed before the Mandalorians emerged from the door, and the four made their way back to the corner which they lead this assault from. After they were behind it, she signaled the Mandalorian holding the detonator to blow the weapon sky high.

After the dust settled, Anora pulled open her comm system once more. Status feed from the other squads had already come in, three other guns destroyed with a total of eleven dead from the other squads. Her fellow Blackguard was reporting to the head command when Anora realized that the final two guns were still up. She knew their single handed assaults were easily broken, and no matter how much it angered her, the Jedi and the GAR could now create an idea of who they were fighting. But she also knew those guns would be reinforced quickly, and her depleted strike team would find it next to impossible for them to destroy. Reluctantly, she uploaded the location of a rendezvous area for the squads to meet up with in one hours time. She knew their reinforcements would be an hour and a half or longer, depending on how the space battle was going, so they needed to keep moving and keep safe until then.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rultaos
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Rultaos Literary Spacer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Rushing through the city streets, Kappa Squad continued following the Clone Trooper called Tremor towards the base of the 717th. The design of the 717th appeared to be a very dark maroon (nearly black) color on their shoulders, chest, and knees. The unit leader a while ago had stripes on his helmet.

Eventually, they arrived at an area where a large number of 717th clones appeared to be gearing up for battle. They had several Gunships and TX-130 Saber-Class fighter tanks. Tremor led the Commandos through the crowd, until they reached a Clone Commander wearing a kama and pauldron, such as those usually worn by ARC Troopers and Commanders. He appeared to be issuing orders to several unit leaders. Tremor interrupted them.

"Commander Flash. These Commandos have asked to see you." He said, gesturing at Kappa Squad. "Kappa Squad, of the Special Operations Brigade." Spotter introduced as he saluted. The commander nodded, but returned to face the other unit leaders. "I want every available weapon and vehicle recovered from that armory, and brought to this assembly area ASAP." He said. The three unit leaders saluted. "Yes sir!" They said as they ran off. Commander Flash then turned towards the Commandos. "I don't think I need to inform you gentlemen of the situation here. Do I?" He said to them. Spotter nodded. "The central airfield must be secured so we have a chance of beating back the Separatist fleet." The Commando said. "Correct, and right now the Seps have got an obscene number of clankers assaulting the place. The way this battle is going the place will probably fall into their hands before my men can even mobilize an effective assault." Flash explained. Tremor interrupted again. "Sir, I'll be heading back to my unit's post now." He said with another salute as he ran off. Flash paused for a moment before speaking again "What are you four doing here though?" He continued.

"We've been sent to assist your regiment in any way we can. The airfield is of supreme strategical importance, and will be vital to the defense of Coruscant." Spotter replied. "If it's that important why'd they send only one Commando Squad?" Flash retorted. "All the other available Commandos are spread thinly across the planet. I'm afraid my squad and I are all you have to work with." Spotter answered. "Have you seen our battle-records? Give us something to destroy and we'll have it done within the hour, or the service is free!" Cockpit interrupted with some energy. Radio stepped in. "What my squadmate is 'trying' to say is that, our squad is battle-ready, and will handle any mission you send us on as efficiently as possible." Radio explained.

Commander flash nodded. "If you say so then... Are your skills in covert missions as good as they say they are?" He said, referring to the reputation of Commandos. "The enemy will be eliminated before they even know we're there." Spotter answered. "Alright, here's what I need you to do..." He said as he pulled out a hologram of the airfield.

"Scouts have reported that the CIS have already secured half of the airfield, and whatever clones are in the area are trying to halt their advance. However, they already have a perimeter set up. The entire outer area of the captured parts of the field are covered with droids. And snipers are stationed on the roofs of the outlying buildings. As far as we're concerned, they have the whole place on lockdown." He said as he highlighted the different parts of the hologram to show the enemy locations.

"Here's how it's going to happen. A group of my men will lead a direct assault on the airfield, They're going to cause a lot of noise and havoc. Hopefully, it will cause the droids to redirect some of their forces to handle the attack. Once they do, your squad will punch through the most poorly defended area and get behind their lines where the defense is weaker. Once inside, you are to sabotage their supplies and munitions, and eliminate any back-up soldiers and sniper support they have waiting for us. After you've sufficiently sabotaged their fighting power, you will call it in and we send the main attack force to stamp them out of the airfield." Flash finished explaining.

Spotter nodded. "We'll take care of it. Just give us the go-signal of when to move in" He said. Flash nodded, suddenly another clone trooper came walking up to them. "Sir, Jedi reinforcements have arrived from the Temple. They're here to help us retake the airfield." He said. "Good, now we might actually have a chance... Take me to them and we can talk over a plan of attack." Flash said. "Yes sir!" The clone responded as he went off. Flash turned around to face the Commandos again. "Remain on stand-by. The Jedi generals may have new orders for us." He said. "Understood." Spotter replied. The Commandos decided to find somewhere in the assembly area where they could retrieve any equipment they may need for their upcoming mission. They would need the permission of Commander Flash first though, and their objectives may change depending on what the Jedi had in mind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by POOPHEAD189
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POOPHEAD189 Worrier

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Nya nodded to Morrin's response. The Jedi was right, their foes must not get close to the temple. While she didn't know too much about holocrons, she recalled them being databanks for the force sensitives. If they do indeed contain ancient knowledge, as Morrin had mentioned, they would give the CIS a significant tactical advantage, something the Republic could not afford to give.

"Lieutenant commander," an officer appeared beside Nya. "We spotted seperatist shock troops and dark jedis on our outer perimeter, they are attacking our AA batteries."

"How are we holding up there?" Nya questioned, she motioned for several other security officers and Morrin to gather around a makeshift holotable. The table quickly lit up with a blue map, representing the temple district, which was defended by an outer perimeter of 4 AA guns and a inner perimeter of 2 more AA guns. The outer defense, a combination of clone shock troopers, alpha patrol, and jedi knights was under heavy attack from what appeared to be elite commandos and dark jedis. The defenders were losing ground, and within a few minutes, 2 batteries were destroyed.

"Bravo actual," a voice came from the comms. It was the Jedi leading alpha patrol. "They took out battery 1 and 2, we're being routed and need reinforcements!"

"Hold on, alpha actual," Nya responded, the map in front of her now displayed alpha and the clones being surrounded, from all sides, enemies closed in to the batteries.

"Gah, no time," alpha commander's coarse voice blasted through the speaker. "My padawan and I are the only ones left, we're done anyways, save you strength."

There were only two friendlies on the outer sections now, and beyond them, waves of hostile contacts. Nya knew her allies stood little chance, but she cannot abandon her comrades. Alpha's position was not far away, if alpha actual can hold his position for a few more minutes, she can reinforce them via air.

"Charlie 3," Nya switched to another channel, this time, the only transport unit under her command. Charlie operated VAAT/e gunships, charlie 3 had two of these aircrafts at her staging area. "I need you to prepare 2 transports, we're going to counterattack." With the gunships, she could transport around 2 squads to the front, led by herself. The jedi Morrin Vulkas, with his force skills, could also come along and help her against dark jedis.

"Ok, bravo 1, time for a little field trip," She commanded her squad. Turning to the Togorian, she pointed to the gunships. "We could use your help up there, after all, the best defense is a good offense."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Isaac rode on the top of a gunship, as the gunship was already full, and Isaac liked being able to leap into action from a unsuspected area. The best weapon in your arsenal, after your mind, is surprise, make your opponent underestimate who you are, and what you are capable off, is the words that echoes in Isaac's mind, the teachings of the grand master, Yoda, whom despite his small size is the greatest warrior in the order.

The gunship arrived unscathed, much to Isaac's delight. Another Knight lead the troopers on the ship towards their objective that Isaac decided against getting involved with, he wanted, needed to go on the full offensive. He knew the Kappa squad would be waiting for him, as one of the troopers had informed him. Awaiting his orders. Isaac saw the group of commandos, the Kappa squad, arrive before him.

Isaac personally didn't like clones, he felt like they held something sinister in them, like their true purpose was twisted. Regardless, it was probably just Isaac being paranoid, since he had always had trouble with the soldiers of the GAR, ever since his childhood when he used to piss them off by stealing food from them.

Isaac shook his head, clearing his mind of thoughts, as he saw the commando team approach him. The leader, walked towards Isaac. Isaac put on a faint smile. “Glad to meet you. I'm Isaac Newgate, Jedi Knight. Your mission is to take back the airfield, and you're specialized in guerrilla tactics, take the enemy out with grace and precision, correct? We're taking heavy casualties, and the temple will fall if we don't go on the offensive against the invaders. We have to take to take that airfield. I will aid your team to the best of my abilities, but I'll leave command to you, 'Spotter'.” Isaac speech ended, with a faint scoff.

“Sorry. Sometimes when I start talking, I just don't stop.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rultaos
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Rultaos Literary Spacer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

After locating the area where the 717th had gathered most of their weapons and equipment, Kappa Squad decided to remain in that general area until they were given further orders. "Hold position here, Kappas." Spotter said, making it sound like an official order. "Haha... Man, I can't wait to see those Imperators on the airfield. I bet those things could tear apart a Separatist Cruiser or two without any problems." Cockpit said. Radio turned to his squadmate as he sat down on an empty ammunition crate. "We need to get to those Imperators first, Cockpit. Besides, only the 717th is trained to fly them, so don't get any dumb ideas." Radio reasoned with him. "You never let me have any fun..." Cockpit replied, pretending to sound like a whiny child.

Suddenly, the comm-links of the entire squad came to life. "Kappa Squad, do you read me?" A clone's voice said. "Loud and clear, advisor." Spotter replied. "New orders just came through from the Jedi Generals. The Temple is now sending Knights and Padawans to reinforce the GAR forces in charge of recapturing certain parts of the city. A Jedi has been assigned to your squad specifically." The Clone Advisor said. "I told you guys they thought we were special!" Cockpit piped up. Ignoring Cockpit, the Advisor continued. "The Jedi is named Isaac Newgate. He will meet you at the 717th assembly area. He should be there already, along with the other Jedi reinforcements." He said.

"Understood, we'll meet up with him now." Spotter said. "Take care of him, Kappas. Intel is suggesting that Dark Jedi and Magnaguard forces may be dropping down to Coruscant to reinforce the Separatists. You're going to need a Jedi watching your back if that happens." The Advisor warned. "We'll keep an eye on him. Kappa Squad out." Spotter replied as he shut off the comm-links. He then turned to his squad behind him. "Alright Kappas you heard him. We've got a Jedi accompanying us on this mission. I don't want anything happening to him so we better watch his back while we do this. And if were lucky, he'll know how to watch ours." Spotter said as he gestured for his squad to follow him.

Moving through the assembly area, they headed to where the Jedi arrivals had gathered. In the distance, they could see Commander Flash speaking to some Jedi Generals. Meanwhile, a young-looking Jedi approached them. “Glad to meet you. I'm Isaac Newgate, Jedi Knight. Your mission is to take back the airfield, and you're specialized in guerrilla tactics, take the enemy out with grace and precision, correct? We're taking heavy casualties, and the temple will fall if we don't go on the offensive against the invaders. We have to take that airfield. I will aid your team to the best of my abilities, but I'll leave command to you, 'Spotter'.” Isaac said. He paused before continuing.
“Sorry. Sometimes when I start talking, I just don't stop.” He finished.

Kappa Squad saluted him after he introduced himself. "You're right about all of that, sir. I'll do my best to make sure you won't regret putting your trust in my command." Spotter said. They lowered their salutes. "Let me introduce you to my team. You already know who I am, I'm Spotter, the Squad leader." He said. He gestured to his squadmate with the communications set. "This is Radio, communications specialist and field technician. He's also a master of close-combat." Spotter said. Radio nodded. "A pleasure to meet you, sir." Radio said.

Spotter then gestured towards the one with a pilot symbol, poorly drawn on the side of his helmet. "This is Cockpit. The squad vehicle and demolitions expert. He can drive anything, and knows the inner workings of a tank or starship like the back of his hand." Spotter introduced. Cockpit approached Isaac. "Sir, if you don't mind me asking, have you ever ridden in a Jedi Starfighter before? And if you have... What is it like to use the force while inside of it? Is it like a weapons system of some sort? Or is it more..." Cockpit made air-quotes with his free left hand. "...Mystic?" He asked. Radio interrupted him again. "The General isn't here to sign your autograph, Cockpit. So stow it." Radio said. Cockpit backed away and simply shrugged.

Spotter turned back to Isaac. "Yeah... You'll have to get used to him..." He said. He then gestured at his last squadmate who had been standing silently this whole time. "This is Mech. He's the team sniper and field medic. He knows exactly how to keep someone alive, or where to shoot someone for a swift death. He doesn't talk much, but give him a job and he'll get it done for you." He explained. Mech turned towards Isaac. "You have delegated command to our squad leader, but you are still second in command... Give me an order and I will perform it to the best of my ability, sir" Mech said in an emotionless tone.

Spotter turned back towards the Jedi. "We'll do our best to serve you. But we're counting on you to give us a hand when we encounter heavy opposition, sir." He said as Kappa squad began standing straight and at attention in front of Isaac.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slim Shady
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Slim Shady The Real Slim Shady

Member Seen 16 days ago

1 hour before:

The room was pitch black, not a single source of light entering the room. There was barely any sound put a low, shallow breathing, and the sound of a lightsaber being put together and pulled apart again, slight clanks and clicks. Every once in a while, a dim red or blue glow would shine from the center of the room, depending on which lightsaber Ciale was working on. The glow would slightly reveal the bottom of his face, his pure white hood over his face. Firm jaw line, five-0'clock shadow, and completely relaxed. This was the Jedi's form of meditation, and he did this constantly throughout the day.

Lately, Ciale has been contemplating between the memories he's recently recovered, the deep repressed memories that he had forgotten years ago. Some of them were just childhood memories, harmless. Other were of him training to become a Sith lord, an apprentice and going through grueling training. Those were undecisive. But the one thing that bothered him the most was the murder of his master... and the knowledge of his murdered in turn being killed by Mace Windu. The justice of bringing his master's killer to an end was stolen from Mace. Ciale had mixed feeling about this, whether he should praise him or be angry. And it's been going to the latter lately. Sometimes, he thought that the Jedi had saved him, brought him to a new wave of life. And other times... he feels like they took advantage of him, used him for their personal gain. That he should of been a Sith, born and raised to be one.

And this constant battle between him is why he meditated. Getting the thoughts out of his mind, and thinking about now and the task at hand. Although he never could sit still for long, so he usually got bored and disassembled and reassembled his lightsabers with the force. It was hard for him to sit still, relax. It was just him, he couldn't help it. It wasn't a bad thing either, always being on your toes, ready for anything. Paranoia? You could say that.

While meditating was fine and dandy, and did relax him, there was one way that was a sure-fire way to get all his frustrations out and get his mind off of the serious matters. Training. Ciale let a slow breath out before opening his eyes, taking both his lightsabers and strapping it inside his robes. "Yeah... Maybe a little training will help." He whispered to himself, walking over to the door to walk out. Before he did, something seemed out of place in his room. Flipping on the light, he looked over and saw that something fell out of a container. Walking over and picking it up, he looked at it closely and blinked a few times. It was his old training armor from the day he fought Palpatine. Made of a very lightweight fabric, it was skin-tight and free from any mobility limitations, all in crimson red and jet black. Specially forged by Sith Alchemy, the fabric could withstand a lightsaber hit to a point that it would only burn or slightly cut the wearer by a full contact blow. The best part? Self-repairing, over a period of time. It was bold, it didn't try to hide in any shadows or robes. Most unlike his attire now... Pure white robes that covered his whole entire body.

Suddenly, there was a sharp pain that split across his head suddenly, and he clutched his head for a moment. There was a disturbance in the force... a large one. Something was about to happen, and it wasn't going to be good. And he had a feeling there's going to be some dark force users at the occasion. "Well, so much for training..." Ciale took another look at his apprentice armor, wondering... Maybe it would help him.


Ciale gazed out at the destruction of the clones and the droids from his perch on top of a skyscraper. He was located near the airfield, sensing that there was a large amount of distress in this area. It also looked like the clones were trying to get their airforce up and running, maybe try to turn the tide of the battle. The only problem was... There were quite a few carriers landing in the airfield. It looked like the clones were going to have some problems with getting that airfield back. Unless, of course, Ciale had anything to do about it. Taking a running start, the force flowing through him as he ran at a high speed, he launched himself off the skyscraper with all his might, flying through the air as he aimed himself for the airfield. After a few seconds he was skyrocketing to the ground, building up the force in him before slamming into the ground.. right into a pack of droids. It sent them flying in several directions, the ones closest shattering into pieces as Ciale got up into a standing position. Pulling out both his lightsabers, he lit them, the red and blue sabers gleaming brightly as Ciale looked at the opposition. He made his entrance, now he just hoped he'd have something more worth fighting than these rusted pieces of junk.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by shadowkiller912


Member Seen 1 mo ago

“Yes, ready.” Said Kashmir with passion to get on the battlefield.

Noctis gave a nod at Kashmir. She observed the assembly area. Droids and Confederate Sentient troops marching towards the battlefield. Medical tents, barricades, buildings. There were soldiers on the Imperators and surely, the CIS Commanders would be thinking of a failsafe if the Assault on the airfield failed. Watching, Noctis watched as Carriers one through eight landed. The carriers pushed closer to the center of the airfield that she instructed to go into battle she spoke to Kashmir. Then in her mind, the CIS Commanders in the assembly are would need some Dark Jedi if they need a “special” role taken care of. Neomi turned to Kashmir.

“Kashmir, head down to the assembly area and help support the Confederate commander over there. They need someone to assist them on other parts of the airfield!” as the carriers zoomed through the sky. Neomi then pointed to two dark acolytes. “You two, you will be under command of Kashmir. Follow your orders from him” she said coldly.

“Yes, Lady Noctis, will do.” From Kashmir and the two dark acolytes. Neomi saw jump down from flying carrier near a group of soldiers and droids who faltered at the sight of Kashmir. The pilot spoke on the intercom. “We’re getting closer!” The battlefield was stringed with Confederate barricades. The debris of fallen Starcraft were used a makeshift defenses for both sides. Though CIS aircraft ordered to support the Assault on the airfield helped advance ground troops as Droids and Confederate soldiers advanced through a torrent of blaster fire.”

The carriers got close and their gunners began providing support fire against the Clones. Neomi and her units jumped out of her carrier as she activated her light saber in mid-air utilizing “Fallen Avalanche” upon a Clone which sliced him into two. Neomi went into Djem So form and began deflecting blaster fire from Clones. The light saber must have attracted the Clones that “Dark Jedi!” and began focusing their blaster onto Neomi. She pulled out her second light saber to help deflect the Clones blaster rifle. Some of these managed to strike back the Clones.

And then, a torrent of heavy fire came from the Nimbus Commando units wielding laser chain guns who advanced steadily. The Mandalorians were on the rear proving support fire. If they were to use their jetpacks in an open area, they can easily fall form the sky from blaster fire.

As the Confederate soldiers and droids advanced, Neomi came to notice a lone figure holding a red and blue light sabers. It was a Jedi though holding a red light saber. It was Ciale as she remembered on Mustafar, Palpatine telling her of Ciale the “man with Sith blood.” Palpatine instructed Neomi to kill Ciale if she ever saw him on the battlefield. Though Palpatine was dead and she could care less about him. She remembered him also during her time as a Jedi though ignored him but remembered sensing the Dark Side with him. Neomi turned to her Dark Acolytes as they advanced.

“Acolytes leave me to deal with the Jedi standing over there. Support the advancing forces.” The dark acolytes replied. “Yes, Lady Noctis.”

Neomi walked towards Ciale as her Dark acolytes continued on with the advancing forces. Facing him, she spoke. “Hello Ciale.” As Neomi held her ligtsabers. She was in a stance of readiness, awaiting Ciale’s response.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"I will try to do my best" Morrin said to Nya, and headed towards the gunship. he was had his lightsaber in his hand, and was ready to go into battle against the Republic's enemies. his force skills would need to come into the equation if he wanted to survive and assist the clones with all of his strength. he shatterpoint skill would come in handy against the droids, and his battlemind technique would help keep him aware of his enemies around him and fight with as much awareness as possible.

in a battle like this, his skill in Niman would be very needed. he had been practicing the form for many years and tried to use the combat form to its fullest extant. a master of Niman could go into any situation and be able to handle thanks to the form being a hybrid of the five previous styles. Morrin got into the gunship and waited for Nya and the other clones and temple security to get into the vehicle. he hoped that Nya's plan would work, because they were among the last of the defense of the temple and if they failed then all would be lost.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Jason waded through the 717th. They showed in force today. The boy saw a Jedi knight and clone commando squad. Seemed like something he would want to be apart of. As the boy approached the two groups talking, her checked that his rifle was working nicely. He had a feeling that he was going to need it rather soon and figured it couldn't hurt to have it working. Jason figured that a at least the Jedi knight would know of him, he was pretty infamous at the temple for his strong rebellious streak. As well as the fact that he carried a gun and explosives with him as well as a saber. He silently stood to the side of the knight as the introductions were made. Then after they all stopped, bowed to the knight and offered the customary greeting. "I hope you wouldn't mind me taging along for this op? The temple still hasn't signed me a new mentor yet after the death of matter Li." He said to the man who had introduced himself as isaac.

Jason then turned to the commando squad. "Nice Deecee's. They the interchangeable or standard variant?" He asked before quickly adding. "My bad, I should introduce myself. Padawan Jason Veritars. Pleased to meet you all." He says to the squad. He honestly hoped that the knight here would let him rage along for that mission considering that Jason was m much more comfortable with a commando squad than just normal troopers. He felt the commandos were much more efficient and at least when they shirt they could hit the broad side of a barn.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slim Shady
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Slim Shady The Real Slim Shady

Member Seen 16 days ago

After the initial shock-wave from Ciale slamming into the ground using the force, droids started to concentrate fire on him. With both lightsabers out, he relied on his Soresu to defend himself against the sudden barrage of blaster fire. Ducking and sprinting around, he switched to Shien as he began to slice open droids, darting in and out and deflecting blaster fire along the way. On a few occasions he would use the force to fling droids out of the way, into other droids, crush them, etc. Ciale was an extensive force user, both for offense and things like speed and agility. It was quite helpful, especially when you use it to crush battle droids into small hunks of metal and hurtling it towards another one. His motions were fluid, rapid, and unpredictable, which made him almost untouchable. At least, to things such as droids.

After a few minutes it seemed that he had destroyed all the droids in his immediate vicinity, and the other packs of droids were busy with clones. "Well, that takes care of that... Now let's see how many more of these droids can take a beating." The jedi began walking towards the new shipment of reinforcements that had been deployed by the enemy forces before he sensed a dark presence coming forth from one of the ships... It was strong. And after a minute or two, he could see exactly who it was that caused this disturbance. Lady Noctis.

"Lady Noctis... Glad to see you. I hope you put up more of a fight than these rust buckets. Or is this more of a formal occasion?" Ciale joked, making sure to state that he was calm abut the whole situation, even joking around with her. He had his sabers held in a reverse grip, looking at the dark-force user with crimson red eyes, staring down into her purple ones. "You enjoying it here? Once you get around the blaster fire and murder it's not such a bad place."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Iridious
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Iridious Holy Diver

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"General Sebantyne, we're all set." Sly said as he straightened his back up and stepped away from a console.

"How long do we have?" Tsebar replied.

"We'll be directly between the two cruisers within five minutes. I estimate we will make contact with the Capital ship within seven."

"May the Force embrace them..." Tsebar said softly as his eyes drank of the flashing lights of combat. He closed them and turned from the view port. "Grab the crew. There will be enough death today...no need to add them to the lissst. The good Captain will escort uz to the hanger."

"What about the droids on the way, sir?" Rock asked as he hoisted an unconscious crew member onto his pauldron.

"With any luck they'll listen to their commanding officer. Thisss one hopes, at least."

"Might I suggest we sound the evacuation alarm?" Siix interjected as he slung his rifle over his back and lifted a crewman of his own. "I believe it would generate the confusion we need to escape without any hurdles, Sir."

"Exzellent idea, Siix." Tsebar smiled. "Sly, we move on your mark."

Sly nodded as he accessed the system's control interface once more. In a few seconds he had the alarm protocols queued and was ready to trip them.

"Three...two...one...mark!" Sly shouted and, immediately, the alarm system began to bellow throughout the halls. Tsebar and the troopers, along with their unconscious payloads, took off in a hurry. The command deck's doors slid open with a hiss, revealing a corridor filled with confused droids and personnel. Tsebar had a firm grip on the Captain's shoulder as they ran, continuing to perform his mind trick as they went.

"All personel are to evacuate the ship! The guidance computer has been compromised by the Republic!" The Captain yelled as the group passed droid and soldier alike - none of which reacted to the sight of Clone Troopers kindly.

"I...don't think they're buying it, Sir!" Sly whispered with an elevated sound of urgency as the droids began to arm their weapons in a wave of clicks whirs down the length of the hall. The living crew, on the other hand, were more interested in preserving their lives and were running with the fleeing group. This was a blessing as it made the droids hesitate to shoot since they did not want to strike their operators. The group a long with a hefty number of personnel made it to the large lift at the end of the corridor and Sly began queuing it up.

"ETA on the lift, Sly." Siix requested with a raised voice as he armed his blaster rifle.
"When it gets here, Sir," Sly responded sarcastically as he slid his rifle bandolier around and grasped his rifle. "It's departing the bottom level now, should be no more than twenty seconds."
"Next time without the lip." Siix responded, raising his sight to eye level. There was a snap-hiss to his right and a soft orange glow reflected off the right side of his armor.
"Letz be honezt, Siiix...you kind of had it coming," Tsebar chuckled half-heartedly as he brandished his half-ignited lightstaff. He released his grip on the Captain, who stumbled forward in a daze.

"W-What's going on?" The Captain demanded, though it started as a mumble. He heard the hum emanating from Tsebar's weapon and turned around, and then up. The massive Jedi had to be at least a foot and a half taller than he was, and he was looking over and past him.

"Thiz one thinkz it to be in your bezt interezt to get behind him." Tsebar suggested, calmly, before taking a step forward and igniting the second half of his staff. The droids were approaching and it didn't seem like they were interested in holding fire any longer. This was bad, as the circumstances put the Krayt Corps, Tsebar and the fleeing crew at the business end of a shooting gallery. The squad of B1's had their weapons trained on the team and began demanding their surrender.

"Leave it to droidz to not underztand the gravity of a sssituation." Tsebar mumbled. Suddenly the ship began to quake, which could only mean one thing - the weapon batteries had began their programmed assault routine and the targeted vessels were returning fire. The lights flickered as, outside, turbolasers erupted from port and starboard, lashing the two cruisers on either side. Tendrils of flame spewed from the hulls of the ships as they began venting atmosphere. The return fire would not be as impressive, as the Revenant's surprise volley had taken out a large swath of gun batteries on the targeted vessels.

The lights flickered once more and the floor beneath the troopers and droids jarred suddenly, knocking the droids off balance. A proton torpedo had struck the port side, and Tsebar was not going to let it's impact be for naught. The Barabel Jedi raced forward in a burst of Force Speed, his lightstaff humming as he spun it before bringing it down uppon the shoulder of a battle droid. Sparks erupted as he cleaved the droid, leaving a smouldering gash as the droid's arm clanged upon the floor. Tsebar spun, pivoting on his right heel as he eviscerated two droids, their internal components scattering with a spray of sparks across the durasteel panels on which they stood. Gaining momentum, Tsebar bashed a droid's head with his tail before lifting off the ground in a vertical spin. His staff becoming an orange wheel of death with Tsebar as the bearing, he lobotomized the next two droids in his path.

The Krayt Corps, not to be outdone, began opening fire as soon as Tsebar landed behind the group of confounded droids. Their hail of blaster fire punched into the droids again and again, making Swiss cheese out of their meager armor plating. As the droids crumbled to the ground, Tsebar walked through their burning remains as his blades retracted with a hiss. The crew of the ship now understood the situation they were in and, though angry, would comply without resistance for now.
Tsebar smiled as the lift dinged, signalling it's arrival.

"There's our ride!" Sly announced, matter-o-factually. Commander Siix slapped him on the back of his helmet as he walked past. "What?" He questioned, innocently.

The group could feel the ship beginning to accelerate as they rode the lift down the the hanger bay level. They had maybe three minutes once the doors opened to secure a craft and escape. Sly had only programmed the ship to accelerate enough to disable the ship on impact. In theory any way. Either way, such rendezvous would result in the ships within the hangar bay being thrown asunder. They needed to move fast.

"If all of you want to make it off of this vezzel, thiz one recommends you listen to what thiz one sayz." Tsebar spoke up just as the lift began to slow. "Thisss vessel is going to strike another in three minutez. Board a ssshuttle and leave the Revenant behind."

As if it were timed to be so, the doors slid open just as Tsebar finished speaking. The crew spilled out into the hanger before Tsebar and his team did so themselves.

"General Sebantyne, by now the CIS will be on to us." Siix said as he and the others began to race away from the lift towards the docked ships.

"True...but they won't know what we are up to after the ssships collide," Tsebar responded as he ran. "We shall take thossse Belbullabs ahead of us. This one has one more surprize in store for our friendz..."
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