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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

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Rider's Blade: Fraquar, Pyrrha, Delsin, Lucus Griffonbane

Jack, the Maiden of the Mist and Elyse Yashia

@Caits @Zarkun @Amaya Yashia

Jackie was silent for a few moments before speaking.
"Is this because Jarvis is angry at you for letting Amelia fight in the event today?" She asked.

"Ah, Miss Averyonna. That is another concerning matter. But we'll have to talk about that some other time, after this is all over with." Fraquar said.

"You know something about her?"

"I know about her magic and the spirits she summoned earlier. Both of them concern me. And they should concern you too Master Jamie."

Amelia Averyonna


Amelia wasn't sure what to say now. She wanted to comfort Jarvis but could do nothing about it. After a while, she finally spoke again and said something Jarvis probably didn't want to hear.
"If the opportunity comes, I want to fight that woman again. I can win against her, I know it. I just need to be smarter and Phlegethon needs more time to get his strength back."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Luna Cathris -- Infirmary
Luna would suddenly speak up from two beds down, having been listening to their conversation. [color-0000FF]"I look forward to it Amelia. Next time we'll both be at our full strength."[/color] The Eclipse Mage grinned as she sat up, and Mark looked up from the magazine he had grabbed to entertain himself with while watching over Luna. "And next time you don't have to worry about me knocking you out neither." Her voice was somewhat cheerful, if a tad strained. She was still in a little bit of pain from the fight, as well as from the hits she took when the second person attacked her. "Though, it'll probably be a good while, since after the games my guild isn't exactly going to stick around. But, time to train and everything is always good, right?"

@Joshua Tamashii
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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The rare smirk spread along his lips. It was the kind of smirk that exuded confidence, which was warranted due to the intense training that he had put himself through for two months as well as awakening his Second Origin. He had brought his magic to a whole different level in a short span of time before the games. "Fleo, I didn't spend two months with Karn and Enma on an island twiddling my thumbs. I'll let my actions speak for me when I fight. Whenever that is." He said the last bit with a bit of a huff. It was starting to get frustrating sitting around when everyone else gets to have all of these amazing fights. By the gods he hated sitting by the sidelines waiting for his turn! After two months of constant training he wanted to fight and see how far he is from his goal. He needed to see if he was at least on the level of the gods' messenger that beat the daylights and more out of him.

Nolan glanced at James and shrugged. "I won't argue with you on this. It's not worth our time."

Enma stood up and stretches his arms up to the sky. "Well! It was nice seeing you Nolan and it was nice to meet you too Fleo. I do hope that we can become friends at some point!" He gave a hardy laugh and then bowed to them before heading back to own guild.

"See ya when I see ya." Nolan said before turning his attention back to the games, sputtering while trying to keep himself from a laughing. He saw the entire yokai village sitting on the opposite side of the stadium dressed in festival attire waving around flags with Frenzy Plant and Phoenix Wing's crests. The village leader, a woman that looked more like a little girl, was cheering for Frenzy Plant's victory. They even had taiko drums! "Those guys are actually here! I'll be damned." He snickered.

"Those yokai really do know how to have a good time." Dalton remarked at the miniature festival going on in the stands. It was like they were having a party over there and he was certain he saw that there a few of them drunk off their asses.

"Heh, you should've seen the party they threw for the three of us back on the island before we left. I don't think I've ever had a hangover as bad that one. I still can't remember exactly what happened during the party...except that Karn kept changing into different women's attire and Enma was so drunk I'm pretty sure his horns were lodged into the ground when he woke up."

"...How drunk were ya guys and who the hell is Karn?"

"Drunk enough for my memory to be a fog and Karn is a mage from our guild participating in the games. He's an...odd one, but grows on you."

Riley's jaw dropped and his pencil hit the floor at the pure destruction that was Indigo's magic. Never before had he been so terrified and yet at such awe much. It was almost like a natural disaster took place right before his eyes! To think that a person could wield that power was scary, yet at the same time it was...it was..."Amazing! Oh man oh man I need to go and get an interview with them after all of this!" He was having the worst time trying to keep himself from hopping out of his seat. He wanted to go out and interview them right now, but he didn't want to miss the next match. Riley glanced around and saw a much too familiar face. "Sis? She's here too?" The reporter hopped out of his seat and ran towards the stands she was watching in. "Hey sis! I didn't know you were coming to the games!"

"Heh, well it's a date." Ferris winked at her and moved his hand away from the microphone. "Today's been an exciting day and it's not even over! I won't sugar coat this folks, that battle could not have been any more one sided! Are there any participants in the game that are able to take her head on? And who's fighting next? The suspense is way too much!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Damian Gerard and Jack Goran|Arena Area

Damian growled in annoyance. "If I didn't respect what you believed, would I be in this guild? Mithera's kidnapping was as much my fault as yours. I could have escorted her and Trinity back to the hotel, could have at least made sure they had made it back before going to bed, but I didn't." It was becoming increasingly difficult to not want to hit something, which Jack could see, so he pulled Jamie aside, slightly away from the others, and faced her.

"We've known each other a long time, Jamie, so I'm going to ask you something. Do you think I would feel any different if it were one of my members instead of yours?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hikage Okumora

She figured that he wasn't joking about the whole girl thing since he wasn't denying it and that was fine too. Yet she could imagine that being stressful for a kid his age to go around admitting, mostly to his best friends if anything. So when he asked about how big they are, she held up her hand. Her hand was quite small, yet that was normal for a woman. He might have been confused by what she was doing however so she gave the actual measurements. "About seven inches, give or take their heads can vary in size. So I'd say less than ten inches for sure. I would just need to get a lot of toys and perches to keep them entertained" She would then hold up a finger stating shed be right back and if he watched her, he would see her run quite fast to get a cart and return within five seconds. "I have a feeling I might need this..." She said as she started to put multiple amounts of bird treats, seeds toys perches into the cart.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago


Tidius frowned at Ariel's questions, wondering if this was the first time something like this had happened to her, if this wasn't the same as the other transformations. "it's brown" he said, stepping closer to study her still. The magic he had taken from the lacrima was quite fascinating, but it was fading, not able to stay in containment within him. Still, he had a way of obtaining magic, even for a short time, "what's wrong? What do you mean it's all the same?"

Maybe he had broken her magical ability. He hadn't expected this to happen

@zarkun@joshua tamashii

Jamie stiffened at the mention of Amelia, "no, it's not" she said, "not everything has to be current to effect what things you do" she said softly, reluctantly letting Jack pull him aside.

"I've already lost someone important to me Jack, don't ask me to do it again. Don't ask me to put you, and your guild at risk, I won't start a guild war because of this. Yes, iron enigma needs to be sorted out. But not right now"

Jamie looked aside, "you had other things to do, Damian. But mithera asked to stay with me, and I didn't stay with her. I thought she would be safe, with Trinity and out in public. I was wrong. If I bring other guilds into this, a guild war will start, and that won't be good for anyone. If iron enigma attacks openly, then we can do it your way. But we can't in this."


Jarvis gave a sigh, knowing he couldn't tell Amelia not to fight, "then you need to know how to fight along side your spirits. They can't be protecting you, in such a battle. If you can defend yourself, they'll be able to fight more effectivey" glancing over as Luna spoke, no doubt iron enigma would be disappearing as fast as they could when the games were over.


Michael studied the cage, figuring it might be cheaper and easier to make a cage then to buy one and drag it back, figuring that Hikage didn't have anyone to help her take it back.

And michsel liked working with his hands, "it might be better to get one made, at your place. That way, you can have it as big as you want, and it can be made how you want it" he said, looking over she put things into the trolley, wondering now just how much birds ate.


A date? Jessie had thought that Ferris couldn't stand her, she blinked, apparently at a loss for words, looking to her microphone. "um. Well it certainly has been an exciting day, and there's still two more battles left, Gamrs Master Sheldon appears to be composing himself, so the next battle will start shortly, but boy oh boy, the games certainly are coming back with a smash!" she spoke fast, and didn't appear to be taking a breath as she rattled it all off, jigging about as she spoke
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Damian Gerard and Jack Goran|Arena Area

Jack spoke before Damian could, cutting the S-Class mage's retort short. "And how will it look if the guild master of one of the competing guilds in the Games kicks in the front door to their competition's hotel? It would look even worse than some of our guild members calmly looking around their hotel while searching for your missing member." Damian didn't speak after that, opting to remain silent until his temper had cooled off some.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

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Fraquar Alinstar and Jack, the Maiden of the Mist

@Caits @Zarkun

Sighing, Fraquar sent Lucus, Pyrrha, and Delsin away, knowing this would be getting nowhere. He also worried that Siegard and Krystal might kill each other if left alone too long, as the two rarely got along. Turning back to the remaining members of their conversation, he thought abut this for several seconds before sighing.
"Master Jack, Damian... let Jamie go." He said reluctantly. Glancing over at Jamie, he shook his head."If you want to sink your own guild, go ahead. I'm sure they'll find homes elsewhere. Though wether they'll ever forgive you for breaking up their family is another matter.

You're not Fairy Tail. You can't go off and do whatever without fear of a reprisal. You can and will get destroyed if you try to pick a fight you cannot win

Jackie just stared at Jamie for a few seconds before speaking.
"What role did you play in the death of Jarvis' daughter. Sam if I recall. I couldn't get details of her death but given how close you are to Jarvis, I have no doubt you are involved." She said

"Jackie." Fraquar said in a warning tone.

Jack gave him a sharp glance before looking back at Jamie, unafraid.
"Is the exact same scenario playing out, or are you always this reckless and headstrong. The guild master who fought me before is not standing before me. I see someone who is open and vulnerable. Weak of heart and mind. Scared. Desperate. I only wonder why." She said.

Amelia Averyonna


Amelia was surprised to see her opponent there and smiled at her, eager to meet this challenge as well. However, when Jarvis brought up fighting alongside her spirits, she frowned and looked away.
"I can't. Such a thing is no longer possible." She said.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Master Jamie
[@Joshua Tamashiii]@Zarkun

"I am not stupid, Jack. I wouldn't go bursting in there. You forget what I can do. There's only one person who knows all my forms, and Jarvis is unlikely to tell anyone." He turned to Fraquar, and said "I wouldn't go in there and pick a fight. I do know how to be stealthy, Fraquar." But then Jackie spoke, and Jamie stiffened.

"Don't you ever assume anything, about me. There is nothing weak about being scared for your comrades, and if you haven't learned that yet, Jackie, then you aren't going to." Jamie shock her head, "there is nothing weak about caring, and nothing weak about not wanting to be responsible for someone else's death, again, if you haven't learned that you never will." Jamie said quite calmly, but Jackie's words had shaken him, and Jamie clenched her fists, "One person tells me I'm too reckless, and that I'm risking the guild, the other tells me I'm weak, for trying not to risk the guild! I've learned to trust my instincts, and I am not going to start ignoring them now, and right now, I feel if I let others do this, then I prove that I am weak"

Frustrated, Jamie said "There's a big difference between being desperate, and being ticked off that the people that should trust me, are questioning my judgement,and making it seem like I do not know what I am doing, when I do. As a guild Master, you need to see the big picture, and if I let other guilds, others deal with this, then I'm effectively saying that I will let people take my members, and I won't do anything about it. I'm effectively saying that I approve of a potential guild war, approve of bringing back the fear magic has had the last 100 years, and I don't want that darkness back, but if you do, by all means, go ahead, make a mess of things because you can't see what could happen. I can go in, and get out without being suspected. Known, powerful mages hanging around a suspected dark guild's hotel will be noticed, but a child, or hotel staff? No one really notices them, and I can pose as them, and get in unsuspected. I'm not stupid, and this isn't my first rescue"


Was he missing something? Jarvis frowned, "Why is it no longer possible? Most spirit mages learn to fight, and defend themselves, enough that their spirits don't have to" Was something wrong? Had this price been more then the simple pain she had experienced?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 2 days ago

"I mean I cant tell... Oh wait, nevermind I can sense them." She looked around curiously. Ordinarily Ariel could vaguely sense other magic around her. Most of the detail was lost though as she couldn't quite tell what it was. But right now she could see magic moving around, flowing to her. Probably looking a tad crazy she lifted her arm and waved it through a stream that of course Tidius couldn't see.

Putting her hand down Ariel took a breath as if soaking it in. "I can see it. Magic is everywhere. I never realized just how much of it there is." Reaching out again she grabbed hold of a lacrama and drained the magic from it. She wanted more though.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Damian Gerard and Jack Goran|Arena Area

This time, Damian was quicker to speak than the Dragon Fang guild master, deciding to bring an obvious flaw to Jamie's plan to her attention."Jamie, you're a god forsaken GUILD MASTER! Your ability to change appearances doesn't change the fact that you have an incredibly powerful and unique magical power! I sensed it the day I came into Phoenix Wing to join and I can promise you that every Iron Enigma member in there will sense you when you walk in. You're a guild master, it's unavoidable. Please, trust me and let me do this in a way that keeps us all out of trouble." Jack simply shook his head and headed back towards his guild's seating area.

"You are wasting your breath, Damian. Jamie is headstrong and thinks she knows it all. It wouldn't be the first time she and I argued about the responsibilities of being a guild master. Even after all these years, he's convinced that when something bad happens to his guild members, asking for help is a sign of weakness, as he stated himself. Come on, Jackie, our guild needs our support." By the time he had finished speaking, he was already too far to be retorted to and Damian shook his head.

"Whatever. You wanna fuck everything up? Go ahead, I guess it's your right as guild master. But if this does end badly for us, I know where I'm going." And Damian stormed off, not towards the seating, but towards the city and likely the hotel. He had no desire to be around anyone right then.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hikage Okumora

"Yeah I probably will have to do that." Hikage sighed to herself. "I'm going to have to take care of quite a few jobs to recover from that payment, who knew that multiple little birds could become so expensive that they might get their own room in a mansion? I swear I think the children planned this, those smart little buggers." Hikage said smiling before looking at Mikey. "So any impressive guild stories you have. Maybe some about your heroics valiant Mikey." Hikage said with a teasing smiling.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

master Jamie

"how do you think I stayed out of the magic councils clutches for a month, Damian? If you know how to do it and have the right tools, you can hide your magical power!" Jamie yelled after Damian, annoyed. Did they really think he hadn't thought all this through? All you needed was a specific lacrima, terribly expensive, and rare, unless you could make them yourself. And Jamie still had some Jarvis had made her.

Jamie had wanted help from the guild, her guild, because that was reasonable, but bringing in other guilds at the moment wasn't. How was it that wanting to prevent a war made you the bad guy? It was all very well and good to say that they accepted the fact they might get hurt or killed, but Jamie had spent the last 15 years coping with being responsible for one death. He didn't want to be responsible for more.

Maybe Jamie had been relying on the S class mages too much lately, especially Damian. Yes, there was a lot more responsibility in being an S class Mage, but Damian clearly thought that meant he could challenge everything, stepping into the role Jamie normally reserved for Jarvis. And that was her fault. Things had been strained the last couple of months, nothing that would end a 27 year old companionship, but enough to bring in cracks, and force Jamie to rely heavily on others.

That was the problem here, wasn't it? Jarvis. Jamie closed his eyes for a second, drawing in a deep breath. She shouldn't have put Amelia in without discussing it with Jarvis. She shouldn't have just gone off and left Jarvis. There were a lot of things she shouldn't have done, and there were a lot of things she wanted to do, but couldn't, not when it could effect everything. If that made him the bad guy, then so be it. If it kept his guild alive, and prevented a war, Jamie would weather it.

One day, Damian would understand. Jamie just hoped it wasn't because of something horrible, wasn't because of the death of someone he loved.

A guild master did need to trust their members. But sometimes, a member needed to realize that there were some things a guild master wouldn't allow. And this was one of them. Well, the only one in 15 years. Jamie didn't really set any restrictions on the guild, but to be considered the worst person in the world, for wanting to protect them? It was too much.

"get your arse back here, Damian. Now" Jamie didn't care that she was yelling in the streets. This was Crocus. It had seen much weirder things then her. "I mean it, do not make me come after you." for those few sentences, Jamie sounded like an annoyed mother, hitting the mother tone perfectly, without even seeming to realize it. Which was at odds with the fact his appearance was his normal one, that of a man.


Michael smiled, no doubt thinking that that was the children's plan all along, glad there was still such innocent cheekiness in the world. "it wouldn't be that hard to adapt a room for birds. You wouldn't even really need a cage, you'd just need to fit the doorway with something like a cage frame, with the wire in it and do the same with any windows, to allow air in, and then maybe make perches to be embedded into the wall, and hooks for toys and things, basically have a way to enter and then the birds have a large space they can fly comfortably around in" he said, "it would be a lot cheaper and better for the birds. It would be easy to do, too"

He shook his head about her question on any heroics he had done, "just done jobs to have some money. My team mates were busy training for the games, and I don't want to work by myself" he said, "I've only been with the guild two months"


Tidius seemed surprised as Ariel's lack of knowledge of magic in the atmosphere, "well, magic is everywhere here. When you use your own magic within your body, you replenish it from the atmosphere, storing it within yourself" he explained, "in edolas, the exceeds, an extremely magic dependent breed, controlled all the magic, sucking the world dry essentially. But no one is actually too sure why Edolas didn't reopening its own magic. Earth land seems to do that easily enough" he said, watching Ariel, "when the magic changes, what does it feel like, within your body?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Damian Gerard|Arena Area

Damian kept walking, though his course changed slightly to move more towards a nearby pub than the hotel. "You wanna talk, you can find me in the pub. I'm done arguing." The tone shift in Jamie's voice didn't escape him though, and suddenly he started to get a feeling his hunch had been right. Stubbornness aside, Jamie was a good guild master, she cared for all her members and treated them like family. Hell, she could inspire levels of loyalty that his father had said the greatest military leaders in history could, the willingness to follow them into hell and back. His one complaint was she tried to be a one man army way too often.

Even the greatest military leader's know when to call for reinforcement. Pushing open the door, he takes a seat and orders the mildest drink that they served. He wasn't out to get drunk, just help cool and temper his temper. Hopefully this would do the trick.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Pondering the question she stared at Tidius for a while. "Depends on the magic. I suppose it starts like breathing fresh air and then changes. Ice feels cold, fire feels hot... yeah. Hey, you have water magic. Did you eat the fruit?" Sitting on the edge of the table she leaning closer. "Hm, it doesn't seem to be staying. I guess that doesn't work." Pausing for a moment she reached out and absorbed the temporary magic from Tidius.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ferrin Astra

On the way, in the streets, Ferrin randomly sneezed. No warning, just a hard sneezed that almost made him stumble and knock Mithera off his shoulder. Valak looked at him inquisitively. Ferrin just shrugged.

They followed Ferrin across the city, taking a few back ways to avoid attention and detours to make sure no one was following them. They ended up on the empty street in front of the hotel Ferrin was staying at. Valak gave him a neutral glare. Ferrin half smiled, knowing what his companion was thinking. "I admit to being of a paranoid nature. I choose this because of the location, close to the center of the town yet not too close and it gets little foot traffic, meaning less prying eyes. On top of that, I have warded my room with simple alarms connected to the streets leading to it. They will react when someone passes through, and the strength of their reaction show how much magic that person has. There are a few other measurers I can take, depending on how long this is the last. Of course the best part about it is its the last place anyone would look." "And cheep."Valak muttered. "That too." Ferrin said cheerfully. Although he winced about the reminder that he really needed money, and a source of income. He shrugged it off, walked in, and headed for his room.

Once everyone was inside, he closed the door, locked it with a muttered word. "Make your selves at home, there is food if you are hungry, and a lacrima, if you want to catch up on the games. I will be right back." He said as he disappeared into another room. Valak nodded and proceeded to unequip his armor.

@Burthstone @Yoshua171
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

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Marlene Evangeline

Marlene nods in acknowledgement. She understood what Sasha meant. She just didn't want a fight to start and that was very noble of her. Things could've gotten out of control and disturb the peace, but thanks to Sasha, she didn't. Marlene simply smiles.

"It's alright." she says confidently, "I understand why."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Trinity Stratos

Phoenix Slayer? Penny? Did she miss a memo or something? Her head turned to Penny quickly, though she tried to mask the surprise on her face. She didn't to derail the conversation or anything. Penny wanted to talk to the other Phoenix Slayer, then? Probably for mentoring purposes, asking for advice on techniques? Well, she wouldn't pry. "I'm not sure. I'll have to keep an eye out for y-"

The young minstrel was interrupted as a bloody mass emerged over her shoulder, peering down at the Karn sleeping in her lap. She yelped softly, scooping Karn up against her shoulder and slipping out of her seat, spinning to face the apparent monster. She turned her body to protect Karn, though she gave pause as she made out the figure that had approached her. "Ah... it's you. The hell is wrong with you?" She would have really reamed him out if Karn wasn't sleeping. "The blazes are you covered in?"

Jasmine, from Black Forge Monthly

A familiar voice called her attention away from scanning the Phoenix Wing balcony. She looked over to find a similarly familiar man approaching her. "Bro! Hey, Riley, what're you doing here, the Magic Games? I thought you were in fashion." Well, wizards did tend to... dress, didn't they. "I suppose there are some pretty snappy dressers here, huh? It must be good material for your magazine. Anything caught your eye so far?"

@Caits@Silver Fox@hatakekuro
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago



"My dear, have you ever seen me not cheery?" Prince smiled innocently to Penny.

Prince chuckled as he got two different reactions. Penny reacting pretty calmly while Trinity jumped and tried protecting the bundle of fur in her arms until she realized who exactly was there. As the two questioned exactly why he was in this predicament and what it was, the tall feline hummed thoughtfully, raising a arm and sniffing at the substance.

"Oh Ya know. Took a walk about, then totally got into a wonderful competition of berry squishing. Sadly I lost and got dumped with a bunch of pig blood. It was great." The feline said, though it was a lie. The red substance smelled like blood and probably was blood. Looking himself over, he found his stomach did have a cut on it, so at least some of it was his own blood.

"I can't see my little kitten, he'll get freaked out. Then the other Dragoneers will start questioning and the threatening and blah blah. So I popped in here to see how Karn was." he hummed
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

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Jack, the Maiden of the Mist


Jack watched Jamie's reaction before the guild master left to chase after Damian. Glancing at Fraquar, she gave him a slight bow before following her guild master back to the stands. Sitting next to him, she looked out over the arena before speaking.
"I still think I should go. I could break into the building undetected and help that idiot out." She said before shaking her head."But you won't let me for fear of incurring Jamie's wrath. But was she right or were we right?.. I don't know what to think of this."

Amelia Averyonna


Amelia simply shook her head.
"It's nothing. It's just that I don't really like fighting. It's just that this is a special occasion." She said, still avoiding looking at Jarvis. She couldn't tell him everything, he would try and stop her. But she wanted to walk this path set out before her, despite the risks. She also felt she would need the power this path would give her in the future, though she hoped that would never be the case.
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