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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 41 min ago

Rider's Blade: Fraquar, Pyrrha, Delsin, Lucus Griffonbane

Jack, the Maiden of the Mist and Elyse Yashia

@Caits @Zarkun @Amaya Yashia

Jack made it back to Dragon Fang's stands rather quickly and, without a word, she grabbed Master Jack by the color of his shirt and dragged him away. As she was dragging him, they came across Fraquar, Pyrrha, Delsin, Lucus, and Elyse.

"Jack... Or should I say Jackie now?" Fraquar asked

Jack simply scratched her cheek and looked away before walking away, still dragging Master Jack with her, Rider's Blade following after them. They arrived in time to hear Jamie bring up the possibility of Jackie dying because of Jamie, for whatever reason.
"You're a fool to think you could put me in a situation I would die from." She said, dropping Master Jack.

"You still plan on charging Iron Enigma alone Jamie? How much of a fool are you?" Fraquar asked, crossing his arms.

"We're all willing to help. Hell, it would hurt us more knowing we could've helped but didn't, especially if you got hurt. Plus, I don't think little Elyse here would be very happy if you got hurt." Lucus said before looking at his daughter."Elyse, how would you feel if Jamie got hurt?"

"Sad... why Jamie get hurt?" The little girl asked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

In the center of it all was Malice Hardt, her clothes remarkably undamaged, though wet and somewhat dirty. Her hair was fanned over the ground, still rippling with static. Indigo offered malice a bow, her own hair ruffled and frizzy thanks to the magnitude of the combined attack of her doubles, which were now nowhere to be found. [color=007FF]"I don't know if you can hear me right now. I held back some of the power to keep you from being...too overwhelmed. I hope you don't take this too hard."[/color]

Zephyr the brother to Malice was shocked horribly at what he witnessed.He saw his big sis do only one attack before jsut being obliterated by this woman. "Sis! Hey get up Sis you are stronger than that!" Zephyr shouted while Malice just laid flat on the ground saying nothing. Zephyr clenched his fists and glared at Indigo. "Hey! Don't you think that was a little too much! You could have won without going that overboard!" Zephyr shouted before his guild members forced him to sit back down. Zephyr sat there fuming hoping that somehow, he would get the chance to get some payback.

Surprisingly, Indigo both heard and turned to face Zephyr, and called to him, [color=007FF]"Was she your sister? I am sorry. But I did it the honorable way. It is better to pull of a bandage all at once than to peel it bit by bit. I can explain better later."[/color] After that, she beat a graceful retreat.

It took a few moments for even the prestigious announcer to regain his voice. "Uh...well, uh, looks like we've got a decisive victory for Indigo Afina of Frenzy Plant! That's some serious power. Sheldon paused to clear his voice. "But who can tell if it'll be today's biggest event? Get ready, folks, 'cause the next match is nearly good to get underway!"


Things were getting too tense, and she could see Time Lord ready to just turn away. She hadn't yet escaped the crowd yet, and now she hesitated as Marelene and Lazarus threatened him. "Don't. He's done no harm. I'm just not ready for this" She said hurriedly, slipping in front of Lazarus to push him back, "Please. He isn't here to harm us. I'm just too tired to deal with this, please" She didn't want any fighting, but the way things were going, it looked like there would be a fight. She desperately tried to prevent that

"It's no point fighting someone when you might get in trouble and be forced off the team, please don't" She said, looking up at Lazarus, begging.

"You're too kind, Sasha. You always have been. I'll be about, if you feel you are ready to talk" There was a slight pop, and Time Lord had disappeared, Sasha glanced about, and then gave a soft sigh, closing her eyes, and sitting down, weary.


"Fiften just seems...like a lot" Michael said softly, before nodding, "Uh. Well, I assume so. I haven't inquired after that. But he's the guild master, so probably" He said, looking about the shop, "It was taking down some bandits that were harassing a town. I'd be horrible as a waiter. I'd blush, stutter, stumble and drop the food" He said, studying some of the products available.

He picked up a toy mouse, studying it, then decided Cleopatra got enough torment out of Master Jack, she didn't need something else like that. He put the mouse back, moving on.

At Maddox question, Penny said "Trinity got kidnapped" But then Trinity spoke about Karn, and Penny gave a soft sigh. If there was a way to save Karn, they would find it. She hesitated briefly, before saying "Do either of you know which guild the Phoenix Slayer is with? I want to talk to them, and I missed that battle" Maybe there were more phoenix's in the world, but in anycase, Penny had never met another phoenix slayer before.

Master Jamie

Jamie didn't like feeling like he was being ganged up on, and that's what it felt like this lot was doing. "I haven't been injuried in 15 years. I won't get hurt, and by going in alone, I stand a better chance because I won't have to worry about anyone else. I can go all out" She said, kneeling down to Elyse height ."I won't get hurt, Elyse. Have I ever been hurt?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Crocus streets

Zami was busy elsewhere and seemed a bit bored by Isla's unique creation. She gave a shrug and waited for the fire to die down with her hands wrapped around her legs and her lower face pressed againt her knees. Once there was no fire anymore Isla started painting a little with a bored look on her face and created a painting on it that looked like a small wooden house surrounded by snow and a few small pine trees and a snowman. She created some dropping snow in mid air and layed the now finished snow globe on the ground. She left without word and continued to explore the city.

Isla aimlessly walked around the city, looking for fun and adventure for her bored mind. She had stumbled on something quite fun. Close by the arena a few people were making money by simple straigh out painting. Couples and family loved these kind of things. To let themselves get painted or drawn by a real proffesional to later hang it on the wall or the fridge at home. Isla had been getting quite pumped to do this all of the sudden. It might even get her some fair savings if she tries a little. Isla smirked and suddenly started shouting throughout the street "Let yourself get painted by the best of the city and beyond!" She shouted several more times on a few places and definitly got attention from some of them. She cheeckily smirked again and placed her easel down in front of her next to a pair of stairs. She quickly painted a verical canvas with big on it 5$ surrounded by a few flowers and decorations and placed the painting against her easel so people would see.

Most of the people that had surrounded her little performance had already staggered backwards and were about to leave but some people were brave enough to try it out. A young man together with his girlfriend passed by the crowd to speak to the girl. Isla was quicker to speak up then the couple "Hai hai! How would you like your painting!" She cheerfully spoke to both of them with a warm and kind smile on her face. The young man looked at his girlfriend in which she began talking "W-well umm a normall painting would be fine with us." Isla smiled at their request and gestured them a place to stand after taking their 5 bucks.

Only a short 5 minutes later she was finished with a painting drawn of only the arena itself "Wait weren't you gonna paint us?" Isla her smiled turned a little mischievous "Of course I would be painting you in it." Her face darkened as she slammed the painting on top of their heads. The couple had suddenly dissapeared "Okay anyone else!" She sweetly smiled at the crowd as she placed her first painting with the couple kissing and the arena on the background close to her easel. Multiple people who saw the sorcery of this girl started running but a few didn't even notice or only had just arrived. The couple in the painting couldn't move nor talk and were trapped in the painting untill Isla would decide to let them free.

A while later she had earned quite a bit and people were starting to flood in. Isla had to capture the people in paintings behind a close by tree in order not to lose this audience "Next!" A middle aged chubby woman sat down on the set of stairs "I'll like something that displays my beauty." Isla franticlly started painting and was done in a matter of minutes. She leaded the woman away from the crowd to show the painting and trapped her in it. She was now the fat dressed up version of the mona lisa. She mischieviously smirked again and placed it with the other dozen. A happy family out picknicking, another couple in front of the Eiffel tower, a group of nerds in a magic fight. There were dozens of them and Isla was as far not done with her fun "Next!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Nolan's pupils turned white and scanned Malice's body. Thankfully it seemed like Indigo had held back enough to not kill her or else he wouldn't be able to see her soul residing in her. He sighed in relief and his pupils turned back in to their normal state. Who would've thought that a battle would've ended so soon, but against someone like Indigo it shouldn't be so surprising that the fight ended the way it did. "That woman is strong...I want to fight her."

"Nolan I know you're crazy, but I didn't think you were actually this crazy. I know you're strong though if you can think you can face her then you're a complete idiot. I've been apart of Frenzy Plant for only a month and I've heard horror stories about her that you wouldn't believe. We saw what she just did and you still want to fight her?" The oni sighed and shook his head before taking one bite out of another hotdog he stored in his sleeves.

"It would be good to measure myself up against someone like her. If I put up a good fight then it's good publicity for Team Powder Keg." He looked out at the battlefield wondering just who was going to fight next.

"Any publicity is good publicity! And I'll be the lovable mascot!"

"Whoa...that...that was insane..." Ferris said with his jaw hanging open. The Librarian was truly a monster among monsters. If he was in Malice's place he would've been obliterated just like her if not more so. Indigo was one of the most powerful mages in the competition and for anyone not of the rank of S-Class to face her was an instant death sentence. He cleared his throat and laid his hand on microphone so no one could hear him. Ferris leaned over and whispered in her ear, "So care to get some drinks after today?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hikage Okumora

She laughed a gentle laugh at fifteen being a lot. "I hear that quite a bit, but while they are full of energy and spoiled little ones. I still love each one and would never let anyone hurt them. Besides the way I see it, they can entertain each other and let me rest a bit, except the Zei the five year old. Hes a clingy one." She nodded at his little knowledge of the guild master but that was okay. She then listened to the details of his first job and smiled while giggling at him being shy about him being a waiter. "Exactly why the females would dig you. You are shy, adorable, and kind. They would pounce on you like you were fresh meat." She would look at one cage that was simply massive would pretty much require a table to place it on. "Hmmmm, nope not big enough... I really do need to get one custom made huh?" She questioned herself as she walked beside Mikey and held up catnip. "You know, I know from experience that simple catnip and a sock go a long way with a cat. Just fill one up and that kitty is occupied for hours."
Ike Riven

"D-damn.... To think I was going to try and fight her one day.... Glad I took her advice when she said to try later at achieving A rank. This guild is full of monsters." Ike said applauding while looking at the girl named Malice Hardt laid on the ground almost dead like. He heard a man shouting at indigo and assumed this was probably her brother, he appeared to be from Dragon Fang. Ah yes he was that takeover guy. Well the match was over quite fast, if anything it was going to go down in the history of games as probably the fastest match alive. Ike decided to stand up and take a walk since the games were almost over with today and as he walked he came across some people mentioning this painting female that was drawing people portraits at the games for a pretty cheap price. So he decided it would make a good gift to send to his gramps to show that he was doing fine and was even apart of a guild now.

So he sought this female out and and sure enough he came to this female finishing one person up and went behind a tree to show them it. They would then come back and ask for the next person, so Ike would raise his hand and walk forward with a grin on his face. "Ooooh me! Can you capture the greatness that is the Ike so I can send it back home to gramps to show him that I'm a okay?" Ike said with a loud voice and grin as he handed her the payment and removed his metal neck protector so his guild mark was showing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Damian Gerard and Jack Goran|Arena area

Damian growled. "Over confidence and complacency lead to death, Jamie, and I'll be damned if our guild suffers because you're a bull headed fool. We made our choices concerning the Magic Council and you didn't fret then." Annoyed, he shook his head. "Just because you are guild master does not make everything your responsibility alone. If you try be Atlas and shoulder the world, you will be forever trapped under a great weight if you never allow someone to help you, to lift that weight and assist in carrying it." Jack looked around confused as he listened to the words, then sighed when he realized what was going on.

"Jamie, I'm not sure what this is about, but I can agree with what is being said. And since Jackie dragged me over here, I take it she offered my guild's help. We are not unfamiliar with hurt and pain, and if that happens, it is not your fault. You are human, and you can only handle so much. I speak as a friend, not as a fellow guild master. Let us help."

James Hunt|Phoenix Wing Seating

"Power is not everything, as we saw in Damian's match, and publicity is not something magic needs, especially with the recent Phoenix Wing and Frenzy Plant drama that has occurred. Besides which, I don't believe either Guild Master would appreciate you picking a fight to make yourself look good."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago


"Cool your jets James. I'm simply hoping that I will have a chance to have a dual with her at some point during the games and hopefully bring my team and Phoenix Wing some good publicity. This is usually a good chance to have new clients to send their job requests over to us and possibly get some more members to join us. It is our duty to help make our guild the best that it can be so that we too flourish. That and it helps pay the bills and other things." Nolan shrugged and leaned back in his seat. "If there's someone that should be worried about giving the guild a bad name then perhaps Master Jamie should be the one keeping himself in check after his little...discussion with Commodore Sanders, the Frenzy Plant guild master. I respect that they both have different ideologies though Master should keep that temper in check. His attitude towards Commodore Sanders was unacceptable for a guild master in a time when all mages should be putting aside their differences for the sake of the games."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

James Hunt|Phoenix Wing Seating

"In the Games one hundred years ago, perhaps the worst people at the games were the guild masters, if you don't count the despicable things Saber Tooth did to some of Fairy Tail's members. In fact, Ivan of Raven Tail went so far as to disguise himself to participate. Not that I condone Master Jamie's actions, it is wrong of us to ask her to not hold to her true nature."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago


Michael looked like he would bolt any minute, as Hikage talked about girls 'digging' him. He looked like he might just fall apart, as he turned to look unseeingly at some collars. "What if....girls aren't my thing?" He said softly, under his breath not expecting anyone to hear, looking over with a brief glance at the catnip, managing a quick "Thanks" and taking it, knowing that Cleo would probably enjoy it.

He looked at some of the collars with bells, figuring they might be good too, studying a couple, choosing a rainbow coloured one with a funny little bell on it.

Master Jamie
@Joshua Tamashii@Zarkun

Jamie was growing more frustrated as the seconds ticked by, and after giving Elyse a smile, rose smoothly. "I do not appreciate being attacked like this, nor do I appreciate having my feelings, and beliefs trod on like you are all doing. This is how I feel, and this is my responsibility. It is my fault, and I won't have anyone getting hurt because of my incompetence, so please, back off"

Knowing they wouldn't let her go without a fight, Jamie simply turned away, not looking at any of them, just wanting to do this, by himself. Perhaps some of it was from the argument with Jarvis. More of it was from knowing that it was Jamie's fault that things had happened the way they had, now and previously, 15 years ago.

Announcer Jessie

Jessie was shocked by what had happened, once more unable to think of anything to say, beyond a simple "Well, Frenzy Plant is really upping their game today, that certainly was one epix battle" Before leaning back, holding onto the bench table,

As Ferris leaned over, Jessie was very tempted to flick him, but was curious as to why he had covered his microphone. "So, care to get some drinks after today?". Jessie seemed shocked by the question, and just stared at Ferris, forgetting her microphone, "uh, Sure."

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Crocus streets


Isla was happily painting the people of the city as someone remarkable walked up to her painting area. The petit girl with her hair and clothes covered in multiple stains of paint pointed at the hand that the man rose as to be her next victim. She secretly smirked a little and spinned one of her paint brushes wildly around in one hand. A warm kind smile was displayed on her face towards the man as he came closer to the small girl "Welcome welcome sir! You want to get yourself painted by the greatest painter of Crocus!" She happily blurted everything out and was acting childlike towards the taller man in order to look innocent. Many people surrounding her seemed to dig the cute acting of the girl which resulted in more fans which resulted in more profit.

She carefully looked over the man while smiling and hearing out his request. The man had a wide and tall build. He had blonde hairs and looked like he was not just someone who was only training all day but had some other hobby, she just couldn't figure out what that would be. Once he had removed his metal protector from his neck something intresting was found out that perfectly fitted in as last piece. Isla smirked a little and replied to his request "Nihihi, of course I'm able to do that for you sir! Hmmm..."

Isla crossed her arms over each other while swinging one of her hips to the side and keeping the same pose while raised her paintbrush to her face lightly tapping with the back of it against her chin "Hmmm... how do I display such a great man his greatnes on just a mere painting. Perhaps fighter of the jungle or woman lover but no that won't do. But... maybe king of a kingdom! One of the greatest people of the land would of course be the king!" She had raised her paintbrush in front of her face and closed one of her eyes with her fingers holded in a frame position in front of her face so that she could see how it was gonna look in her imgination. She kindly smiled at him again and started swinging her paintbrush around on her canvas.

After a good 10 minutes she cleaned off the paintbrush in a paint can filled with water and lifted the painting up with her petit frame. It looked rather clumsy but she managed to make it to the tree. She waited for the tall man to arrive with a big smile on her face and the painting holded with two hands standing besides her on the ground. Once he arrived and was close enough she mischiviously smiled and swung the painting of a kingsroom at the taller man "Here is your kingdom your honor!" She was brightly smiling and closed her eyes "Nihihi."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Fleo Plector – Phoenix Wing Stands


Once again, Fleo felt more than vindicated in her decision not to enter the games. Overall, she couldn't have said what she expected to go down between Frenzy Plant's Indigo and Pirate Lord's Malice in their duel, but a one-hit KO had been far off anything that she might have imagined. Though seeing the Librarian utterly demolish her opponent instilled in Fleo a small twinge of fear, she felt also a coursing admiration for the woman. Right now, it seemed like this Indigo was the pinnacle of everything a female wizard could be: ridiculously powerful but in control, courteous even to enemies, respected and beautiful. Until today, Fleo had never seen a magic like that.

And of course, Nolan wanted to challenge it. Even Enma's foreboding words didn't seem to dissuade him.

Fleo rolled her eyes as she tore them away from the arena. ”You're nuts. But if anyone in the guild could beat her, it'd be you or Damian. Still, she's got, like, a ridiculous amount of magics. Is that even tourney legal? I dunno. But it was cool! Publicity for Powder Keg might be a good thing. We could become a legendary team like Dragon Fang's! Though I'm kinda still really worried about Lucas. I wonder what's next?” She piped down to listen to the two talk about guild masters. In her mind, yesterday's event surrounding Damians haughty challenge against the enraged friends of Hyun were far-off, now.

Indigo Afina


As she left the arena, Indigo gave the crowd a polite bow before retreating toward the Frenzy Plant stands with a barely-suppressed giggle. Everything had gone splendidly! Hopefully Frenzy Plant's future matches would be just as decisive. It was time to prove that no guild had grown stronger than hers.

She arrived just in time to watch one of the guild's newer members, Ike Riven, get up and leave. Indigo raised an eyebrow. ”Aw, not interested by my performance?” she muttered, as if Ike could hear her across this distance. A new thought occurred to her. ”Or maybe he's scared. Imagine! A big man like that afraid of my combination. I...guess it's understandable, but still. He's got no reason to be scared of me. I should go and smooth things over.” Of course, it occurred to her that she was perhaps being presumptuous, but after dismissing the notion with the idea that her instincts were often right, she set off after Ike and into Crocus.

On the way, she stopped briefly to look at a strange figure huddled against a soup kitchen. By all accounts, he looked like nothing more than a stooped old man, albeit with very odd features—reminiscent, in face, of a snail. Indigo thought nothing of it -normal people often dressed up with false animal features to make themselves seem interesting- and continued on her path. Only when she hit a small line, the front of which Ike had made his way to, did the Librarian pause. Whoops, looks like I might have been wrong. He just wanted a souvenir. Paintings? How delightful! As Ike was led off, Indigo got into line herself.

Nero the Genie – Antique Shop

@liferusher@invisible man

The hands were dealt, swiftly and deftly. Nero watched intently, hoping that by feigning observance it would convince Leah that attempting to cheat him would be a fruitless endeavor. Naturally, he didn't really know what to look for, so in truth he was relying on this stranger's honesty. When each player had five cards, it was time to place bets. Miss Miles offered him a small stack of chips, but Nero shook his head and pulled what appeared to be a gold nugget from his pouch and set it on the table. The stranger's eyes widened ever so slightly to see the precious object, wondering if it was real. The genie treated her to a toothy smile. ”It's real, gorgeous. And you'll be handing over the cash equivalent when I win.” After a few moments Leah shrugged and pushed forward her chips; she called the bet. Nero grabbed his cards for the first time and took a look. Ten, Jack, six, nine, and six. Not good.

“Let's see then. How marry...many are you going to return?” Nero held up two fingers, and traded out both of his sixes. In return, he found an eight and a two. Worthless! He cringed. Leah smiled, having changed only one of her cards. “Show 'em.”

The hand went to Leah.

”What the...? Bad luck! Run it back, I'll beat you this time.” Recovering her poker face, Leah dealt again. She staked her new gold this time, while Nero had to rummage around in his pouch for another valuable object. A crystalline marble seemed nice enough. Though she didn't show it, her confidence had risen. This man was clearly an amateur. When she was done, however, Nero held up three cards. ”Hello? Somebody getting' cocky? Are are ya just cheatin'? You didn't give me two cards.”

Leah glared. “Lay them flat on the trouble...table. I will...want to make sure you're not hiding anything.” Nero obliged, wiping a bead of sweat off his forehead with a wad of cloth. After Leah had confirmed that Nero had only three, she grudgingly gave him two new cards. A few moments passed while each competitor sized up their hands. One careful analysis later, Leah exchanged three of her cards and suppressed a smile. Nero, on the other hand, was not at all pleased. ”This is garbage. Give me five new cards.” His opponent did as he asked, only to find an even angrier Nero fixing her with a look to kill. ”Are you tryin' to irritate me? You dealt a new hand and put it right back in the stack! Just give me five cards already.” Now, Leah was mad, too. With a barely-contained temper she gave Nero a new hand, which he swept up in irritation and started to examine. Leah, of course, wanted to raise. Nero grimaced. ”I don't have any more money. How about this: your raise me your voice, and I call with my servitude. If I lose this hand, I'll do whatever you want for a week. Guaranteed. But I'm not gonna lose this hand. You'd be an idiot to take me up on this, because there's no way whatsoever that you'll win. I'm that sure.”

He rifled through his cards, still upset. It didn't take him long to realize that Leah wasn't buying it. “Fat champ...chance. You play the game, you accept the consequences. Slow...snow your ham!” She revealed that she had a straight: three, four, five, six, seven. Nero groaned and threw his cards down. Leah snorted in satisfaction. “See, you're all taupe...talk. I'm not taping your bet seriously, 'cause that'd be wired, uh, weird. Just remember that beginners are beginners for a reason.” She reached out to take her cards back and spotted something strange. Jack, jack, six, six, six...a full house. “What!?” She'd been beaten.

Nero's smile had returned. Before Leah could recover, he murmured in a low tone, ”Too bad. I'm taking it very seriously,” before reached out and into Leah's throat. The woman attempted to scream, but no sound came out. In his hand Nero held what looked like a tiny speaker made of bone: Leah's voice. He stood up to go, leaving the woman shaking in shock. Looking over his shoulder, he grinned at her. ”You know, it's not cheatin' unless you're caught.” He waved his hand, and cards appeared on the table. He'd used his Law of Embodiment to give them the texture of the table or of a handkerchief in order to hide them. In that final hand, he'd gotten not five but twelve cards to choose from. As this sank in, Leah affixed him with a look of hatred. ”Aw, you mad? Outplayed to the max! For what it's worth, though, you're not a bad person, so I'll give you something in recompense.” He snatched up the orb of sadness are replaced in in his pouch, then snapped his fingers. The woman's graying brown hair turned the color of teak, and her stick-thin arms and legs swelled slightly with muscle. ”There. Younger-looking and stronger. If that doesn't give you a better chance of making something of yourself, I don't know what will.” Bowing, Nero left her behind to find Eve.


The headphoned girl that Eve bumped into span around to look, not missing a beat. Miraculously, she managed to keep moving in time to her music while understanding the necromancer's lip-reading at the same time. When the rocker looked at Eve, at her general disheveled appearance, she felt a little bit of pity and offered her a smile. “No problem, mate.” She then turned back to her browsing.

Meanwhile, the bespectacled man looked down at Ayame with upturned eyebrows. Her ludicrous stuttering meant it was a feat of intelligence to decipher what she'd said, but this guy managed it. “First aid? Uh, sorry. There's a little clinic just down the street though, I could get you over there if you need to.” He cast a furtive glance at the rocker girl, hoping she might have noticed his kindness, but she couldn't hear. The state of Ayame's hands didn't escape his notice, and immediately he put his book away to take action. At that moment, however, he pieced together the conclusion that Ayame's stuttering might mean she was anxious around strangers. He quickly added, “Or if you'd rather do it alone, it's just six buildings downstreet on the left. 'Madrigal Health Clinic', it says on the front in blue.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Marlene Evangeline

Marlene looks back to see Lazarus put a hand on her shoulder and nudging her away, with what seemed to be a death stare aimed directly at the Time Lord. Slightly surprised, she begins to fall back, her green eyes dissipating and her left arm returning to normal. Yet it was Sasha would inevitably stopped the whole intenseness altogether. It was then that the Time Lord just simply disappeared into thin air. Marlene huffs and puffs for a bit as she regains a steady breathing cycle and sighs.

"I-I'm sorry Sasha-san." she says almost shamefully, "I really didn't want him to bother you, you know? I just tried to protect you both..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Oh, you mean I wasn't editing?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Trinity Stratos

Trinity had turned her attention to the fight in the arena. She was listening, but she was also watching. That was a lot of power, right there. Overwhelming... Well, at least she wouldn't have to fight that person in an arena duel. She had to doubt her ability to stand up to a person like that, even with Energy Make. Scary...

''The Phoenix Slayer? I can't say that I do, no.'' Trinity turned to look at Penny as she answered. ''What do you need from 'em?'' The minstrel had herself a seat, leaning back so Karn could lay comfortably against her while he napped.

Jasmine, from Black Forge Monthly

Wow. That had really been something. All that attack power, from a single woman. So that's what magic was capable of? "Oh, man, that was so RAD, I gotta get this down!" She was really starting to be glad she came! If she was going to get into it, maybe she should interview someone? She'd have to start thinking of good candidates. Both of the contestants from this fight would be good. She was more excited about the Librarian, but she shouldn't neglect such an obvious angle as her opponent.

Already done with her notes for that fight, the journalist turns around the scans the crowds. Wasn't there someone missing from Phoenix Wing today? A few people, actually...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Karn & Prince


Karn purred as he slept, shifting in Trinity's lap and cuddling closer to the body heat. Seeming to be relaxed and enjoy his long nap he was having. It was then a familiar tall figure suddenly popped up behind Trinity, leaning over her shoulder as a curious real eye looked over it with the usual happy go lucky grin. Only, the strange catman was completly soaked in a thick red substance. Maybe blood. Yet he didn't seem to be injured.

"Hiya beautiful lasses. And handsome lad." Prince chuckled, ears twitching making his hat move as his cat eye darted around as he hummed before looking to the sleeping draconic cat. "Awe... Looks like the little kitten is too out of it to feed on. Oh well." he said giving a disappointed pout.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hikage Okumora

Hikage blinked at him as he mumbled, while he would be quiet enough that everyone else wouldn't hear, her ears were pretty much trained to listen for quiet sounds. So she would lean in and whisper in his ear. "Then nothing. If you don't feel attraction towards females then gawk all you want at boys. Still doesn't mean ladies wont eat you up for being adorable though. I don't judge, Im sure your friends wont either." Hikage moved away and watched him pick out a collar and the pointed at a cage that quite literally reached the ceiling. It was even wider than a table was so it could be placed on the ground. "So you think that can fit fifty Parakeets?"
Ike Riven

Ike would nod at her words and give a big thumbs up. "If you are the best then indeed! The best should be able to capture it greatly!" Ike said to her and grinned when she was able to do the request. "Ah! Perfect, gramps will love it I'm sure. Well more so that Im okay is what he will love, but he will know it is from me if the greatness is captured!" Ike would state and would almost sound full of himself, when really is was only a slight ego he had. The truth of the matter being he really did want to send a gift to let his gramps know he was okay. So when she started mentioning way to capture his greatness, he couldn't help falling for the lines like the gullible oblivious person he was. So when she mentioned being a king his eyes would light up.

He would nod vigorously that being a king was perfect, if gramps received a painting of Ike as a king then gramps would know it was from him for sure! Standing in place however was the hard part, mostly for him. He wasn't use to having to stay still and ten minutes was rough but when it was over, he slouched a bit and was motioned to follow her. So following her pace he looked back at the line and saw Indigo. Ike would grin and wave following it with a thumbs up obviously for her impressive win. He would follow Isla behind the tree and as the words came out of her mouth she saw the painting being swung at him. Almost on instinct his eyes flashed green and raising his finger towards the side, he fired a tiny green light that went out from behind the tree and would do a quick green flash before vanishing, much like Ike did into the painting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Another bite added to the Water magic Tidius had already consumed. It wasn't a super whole lot considering but enough to tell that it was still working at least. He would probably have to eat the whole thing in order to hope to use the magic.

Speaking of, even though Ariel was asleep she tossed and turned. Her body was still trying to cope with constant fluctuations in her magic. Taking the time to sleep was definitely the right way to go though. The fight above had ended and in the mean time Ariel changed again. Although the changes wasn't quite as obvious as to what it was. Her hair and eyes turned brown, but her clothes became a faded orange color. After that she seemed to relax and sleep quietly for a while. After getting a decent rest Ariel awoke and glanced around. Something was different and she sat up a tad confused.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

@CirusArvennicus@Silver Fox

"Well, as far as I know, I was the only Phoenix Slayer around. There aren't that many phoenix's around, and the one that trained me has made it abundantly clear that he won't help me anymore, so I want to talk with this other slayer" Penny said at trinity's question, not particularly wishing to remember her last encounter with Solias.

"Uh. You seem oddly cheery, considering you're covered in what I hope isn't blood" Penny said when Prince appeared, thinking that if anything had lost that much blood, it would be dead.


Sasha managed to give Marlene a smile, relieved that it hadn't come to a fight, "I know, and thank you for that. I just...didn't want it to come to a fight. And...there's a reason why I don't like to remember my past. It's because I felt like it was my fault that my parents and brother died. So I guess my brain was just protecting itself, and me. That guy...there's something there. But I don't want to remmember" She said softly, seeing that the second battle had ended, and wondering what she had missed, deciding that it didn't really matter, she had already fought her battle.

She wanted to reassure Marlene that it was okay, but couldn't think how


Michael jumped when Hikage whispered in his ear, so high it was a wonder he wasn't on the ceiling. His hand clenched around the catnip, unable to speak. sometimes he didn't even know if he spoke outloud. He blushed a deep red, looking away. He grabbed the collar he'd been looking at, wishing he hadn't said anything.

He glanced over at the cage, and hesitated before speaking. "Ah. I think it could" He said, "um. How big are they?" the only birds michael had seen were wild ones, tame caged ones weren't anything he had been around much.


Tidius looked over as Ariel tossed and turned, figuring he couldn't do anythng but make sure she didn't fall off. As the magic changed her again, and she calmed, so he figured all was well. He was making notes as Ariel slept, and when she woke, he looked over. "Is something wrong?" he said, setting aside his notes and approaching Ariel.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Crocus Streets

Ike - Indigo

As soon as Isla suggested to paint Ike as king he seemed pumped and hyped about the idea. This person really must have liked Isla her idea, just by looking at him she could feel the energy shine of him. As Isla lured him behind the tree and capture his greatness on canvas he didn't look so lively as before anymore. He was just sitting there with a big smile on his face, a crown on his head and kingsware on his body. The place he was sitting in was a big throne room with piles of golden coins and ancient artifacts like crowns and swords right next to him. It was a true kingdom for a king of his caliber. As for inside the painting itself. It was a little more livelier the throne room, the gold everything was real. Only created from a concept in Isla's mind. There was however a little downsided to it, the kingdom however didn't reach very far out. A whole palace was placed in the painting but it only reached till the outer walls of the palace. Past the outer fence of the palace there was nothing but a pure white color stretched out till infinity. Ike was free to walk and stand inside the palace and just do whatever he liked to do.

Isla smirked as she looked at the frozen Ike and already started heading back. She did wonder what the green flash of light just now was, but just pretended she never even saw it in the first place. She had captured a mage that was already something special in it's own way. To worry about some stupid light was the least she would do right now. Isla walked back to her easel and placed the painting with Ike in it at the hall of fame spot. Everyone would be able to see the painting with thr formidable Ike in the crowd, it was indeed one of her best creations up till now. Isla smiled at the crowd again after being back and began to call out some more people that would have liked to get painted "Nihihi, the following beauty can get displayed in paint!" She smirked as the next person came up and repeated the same process over and over again until... "Hello miss!" She cheerfully smiled at the woman and showed her where to stand "How can I be of service to such a beautiful lady!"


Crocus Antique Shop

Nero - Eve

Ayame had both her hands close to her chest as she looked back up to the man again. She had a deep fear in her eyes and carefully noded at his words. But as soon as he tried to approach her she took a step back almost falling innthe progress. She waved her hands around gesturing he didn't need to come "N-n-n-no no no! P-p-please d-d-don't!" O no maybe she offended the man that he wasn't allowed to come "u-umm n-no I-I-I-I m-mean, t-thank y-y-y-you!" She made a quick very deep bow and swiftly walked out of the store.

The medical store was close by so it wouldn't be a problem for her to just quickly run between them for just a little moment. Ayame entered the medical store and after a wild and hectic conversation she got hold of several bandages, pleisters and disinfectant. She took a moment for herself inside the medical store to put bandages around her own hands with a little struggling and help from the shop owner eventually. She shyly waved the shopkeeper goodbye and left with the small bag of spare suplies back to the Antique shop. A few minutes later she realised that the right way to the Antique shop was elsewhere. Ayame froze in fear and looked around her a few times.

She hasn't gone very far but still she had already lost sight of the medical shop and the antique shop was even more out of het reach. Ayame was shaking like crazy and got herself over to an empty bench. She tried to force a look on her face that didn't show complete desperation but something more calming. She awkwardly smiled and sat with her hands tightly pressed against her knees. What if they didn't find her or she would be forever left behind. The awkwardness on Ayame her face began to grow bigger and sweat was dripping down her forhead. Her knees tightly pressed against each other as she noticed the looks she got from the people passing by. She closed her eyes for a moment with her face pointed at the ground in order to calm down a little.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Rubbing her eyes a bit she had been looking at her clothes. It seemed that her bangs were still white though so she must have had some kind of magic still. "These clothes look like the ones I had before I had any magic. What color are my hair and eyes?" Her hair wasn't quite long enough for her to see its color.

She could still feel magic around her, but it wasn't quite the same as before. "The magic here feels different. I can't quite tell what it is anymore. Like it's all the same." Thinking about it for a minute it was definitely strange. Toying with her hair her personality didn't seem to have taken hold yet. Or maybe this one was less defined.
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