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5 mos ago
Current Sorry for the delay everyone. I've been absolutely swamped with work these last weeks. I'm getting my replies up slowly.
5 mos ago
Keeping track of things makes it easier to avoid bad experiences! And to not make the same mistake like an idiot... :-/


"Humanity takes great pride in three things. Their willpower, their greed and their mortality.

Their will and endless greed allows them to grow and accend past other creatures
But their mortality denies them divinity

It's a delightful purgatory between being Fallen and being Divine"

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Ashkevron Residence in Askavi

Mikhail was still surprised both on the way Fatima handled the situation (including sitting on his lap) and by her power, that immediately made the others calm down. Perhaps he had been too quick to judge her as being harmless... She definitely knew how to handle the situation. He would be sure to keep an eye out for her for the duration of his stay. She was undoubtedly a kind woman, as it became evident for Mikhail just a few seconds after her 'outburst'. Fatima herself apparently didn't liked to act like that. Mikhail couldn't help but to silently wonder how Fatima, such a kind and sweet woman kept those who lived in that house in control.

But despite Fatima's efforts, the peace she had created soon vanished once more when Gen turned to Mikhail, snarling to him after he replied to Lucivar's question. The second Gen summoned his warblade, Mikhail's hand instinctively grasped the hilt of one of the twin daggers while getting ready to use his threads. There was no room to discussion anymore. It was the second time someone had shown a weapon in his presence and his instincts were speaking too loud for him to ignore.

Mikhail's eyes were cold and penetrating, showing an almost unsettling calm as he stood up from the chair, his muscles immediately tensing up. Deep down inside, Mikhail was almost feeling guilty for Fatima and all the effort she had wasted in order to keep things calm, but in his own defense, he was simply reacting to the changes in the atmosphere, as he not even once had displayed hostility to any other of those in the room and instead, was the one who was clearly being threatened.

Fortunately for all those present, Mikhail's previous question regarding how Fatima was able to live in that house would be answered in just a moment as Faeril arrived on the kitchen, looking to Gen with an icy stare that was incredibly similar to Mikhail's own stare, immediately making Gen unsummon his blade and proceeded to scold her for waking up too soon. Despite Faeril's faint and obviously tired voice, the moment she opened her mouth again, Gen immediately stopped speaking, quietly listening to Faeril.

Surprisingly enough, the one that Mikhail could understand better on that house was the one that the others described as being the most dangerous. Despite Fatima's kindness and sweetness, Mikhail still couldn't understand her actions. But he could clearly understand how Faeril acted. She might be dangerous, but maybe it was exactly because of that fact that Mikhail could understand her actions to some extent. So far, she shown herself to be highly professional, including not asking any questions about Mikhail's past. Not only that but he had been extremely vulnerable when she was treating him and yet, she shown herself to be trustworthy.

"Fatima, once again, I'm grateful for your hospitality and your kindness. I had honestly almost forgotten how sweet the word 'friend' sounds. I must also apologize myself. My presence here apparently caused quite a... commotion." Mikhail said, with a smile and a discreet bow towards Fatima, apologizing himself to her despite the fact that he did nothing nor spoke anything wrong.

"Faeril, as we discussed previously, I always keep my word and I will repay for the treatment in any way I can." Mikhail said, looking to Faeril and nodding respectfully towards her, silently telling her that he would return and she didn't need to be worried about him simply disappearing before he turned to the rest.

"That being said, even though I would definitely like to stay a bit more, I'm afraid I must leave. Just as Lucivar said, Bloodshed is indeed unavoidable if things continue like this." Mikhail said, with cold, penetrating eyes looking to the Eyriens in particular.

"I highly advise against trying to stop me. Weapons have already been drawn two times in my presence and pointed towards me despite my clearly non-hostile intentions. I came here only to have my 'condition' treated and nothing more. There is no need for unnecessary bloodshed." Mikhail continued, with clear predatory eyes as he walked towards the door.
Hope It's ok for my first post.

Working on my servant. Again, sorry for the delay X_X
Hye Kyou

It was true that Hye liked to study and found some aspects of magecraft highly interesting despite his obvious inability to use it, but those who were looking at Hye right now would never believe such words. The only thing that could differ Hye from a black hoodie that someone forgot on top of the desk were a few locks of a long black hair hanging from the borders of the same. Awakening due to the noise of the other students getting up and packing their things, Hye unceremoniously stretched himself, getting up from the completely empty desk he was standing in.

Truth be told, Hye didn't really need to attend that specific lecture. The classes he needed to attend were much more advanced than the one he was currently in but since he had nothing else to do on that day, due to being late for his own lecture and not allowed to get in the class, he choose to watch that one instead. Unfortunately, he already had pretty much all the content of that particular lecture memorized in his head due to him being forced to study when he was still on the Kyou family's main house. The aspects he was interested, unlike that particular lecture, were much more practical. Often things related to actual combat and, strangely enough for someone who couldn't actually use magic, regarding the very construction of spells and magecraft.

Despite the fact that he had obviously slept for the most part of the lecture, he woke up in the exact moment to hear the teacher mentioning the fact that they would have the next week free. Unsurprisingly, be it for simple lack of attention or maybe some type of selective hearing he developed in order to slack off more efficiently, he failed to hear the rest of what the teacher had to say, regarding the exams.

"That was... quite boring..." Hye mumbled to himself, yawning as he got up, taking off the hoodie that was covering his head.

As the other, obviously more motivated students, passed by the still sleepy Hye, he overheard some comments. Unsurprisingly, most of them were centered about servants. The number one reason for most mages to move to Fusang City. Be it the tournament, servant popularity in the school & etc, he rarely heard anything that wasn't about servants. Unlike most others, Hye wasn't there to summon a servant. After all... Even Hye himself had already accepted the fact that despite his incredibly high quality magic circuits, he was nothing more than a 'failure as a mage'. Despite that, it was undeniable that most mages didn't have that much of a chance against him in a fight as he was trained for the sole purpose of defeating them.

It was undeniable though that Hye was somewhat interested in servants... just like most others who were in Fusang City. The biggest difference was only that it wasn't his primary objective and his motives weren't not exciting. He was simply curious as he was never allowed to watch the battles between servants despite his combat training due to how destructive they could get. That and well... He never had the opportunity of having a friendly spar against a servant. Not that he didn't knew the outcome, of course... But still, it would be interesting to learn from a legend.

Finally free from today's lecture, Hye discreetly got the headphones he kept on his pocket, putting them on and playing some music as he calmly walked out of the classroom, whistling carelessly as he did so.

"Maybe I should try summoning a servant? Who knows... Maybe even a failure like me will be able to summon someone..." Hye said to himself with a chuckle, mocking the way as the head of the Kyou family used to call him as he exited the classroom.

"My living room should be big enough to do the ritual... I hope..." Hye thought, whistling as he decided to try summoning a servant.
Sorry for the delay guys. Will have my servant done probably tomorrow (will start working on him today but I don't think i'll be able to finish it since it's already 00:00 here and I have college early tomorrow.)

Hye is free if anyone wants to be his partner.

Simo Häyhä as a servant too.

I'm terribly sorry! since you both guys said it was fine I assumed I could already post him there. I'm really sorry X_X

btw @PKMNB0Y congratz for 3000th post! XD
Just wanted to post it here so everyone can see it XD

Already accepted by pm :-)

That's a good idea. The fact that the message was partially send could also create some interesting situations...

Also, separating the group also seems a solid idea. DB escapes, Karina defeats Talya but it's wounded in the fight and unable to immediately go after Týfurkh. Later they would make a plan for the rescue mission or something?

Hm... Karina will probably be really troubled if Týfurkh gets captured, since his ability basically could be their best chance to get out of the city. If possible she would try to rescue him. With a plan ofc.

That could work, but if Tayla injured Karina she would stop 'playing' with her and just go for the kill if she met her again.
Well, anyways... Will have my CS done by tomorrow. (Probably a servant CS too) ^^

Sorry for the delay. Been searching for a good IMG and thinking about my character.
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