Avatar of Aerandir
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Old Guild Username: Aerandir
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1976 (0.52 / day)
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    1. Aerandir 10 yrs ago
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Interacting with Sheffield @Cryptek12@Dark Light

Suddenly she felt arms around her. Her eyes focused for a moment as she was lifted up by a man she didn't know...he was asking her a question of where her family was... they were..no not that way... Despite the clear smell of food that was heavily focused in the area. She struggled as he started moving towards the tavern. No not there.... She didn't feel safe...she needed dads arms... "Nnnu" She said as she started to fight more and more..."D-don't leave dad...Daddy..." She arched her back, despite the pain in her ribs as she reached back to where she came from Almost wiggling out of this man's arms. as he was trying to fish out his bandages. But she resisted, her cloak covering most of her, as he held her in her arms. The blade sticking out still.

She didn't feel safe here. Not without her dad and mom. Adrenaline kicked into her system as realization of what happened now in her eyes. She started to struggle more and more...No She couldn't be here she needed Mom and daddy!

As he asked where her family was she grew more desperate. Starting to get angry that this man didn't understand her mental plight! he couldn't understand her. She didn't want to go to town she needed to get back. "B-back --that way!" She said as she struggled to put the words into her mouth. She nearly fell out of the the mans arms once again as she started trying to escape his grasp. “Dont...no stop...not that way. MOM DAD!” She started to yell. Tears overflowing her eyes. Wincing with every sharp movement and struggle as the knife was still embedded in moved. She reached out as if doing so would pull them back to where they came from, her crying growing louder.
“Help them! NO HELP THEM” She started to lose it. She wanted to be back there. She wanted to be in daddy's arms. But that mean montster….It might have been too late… She started to weep more and fight more untill the man would listen to her plight and take her back, Starting to yell more and more and perhaps draw more unwanted attention if he didnt listen… She saw a man in the distance stumbling in the distance. Towards them, If this man didn’t help her she would get his help. Trying to break free till the man would turn around towards the direction she pleaded to go. “I NEED MOM AND DAD.” She said hystarically.
Bobby Flint Sophie

Flint groan stopped halfway when his eyes went wide as he realized where he was laying on. His face turning red as a tomato. But before he could say something he was pulled off by some man and laid down on the cold hard floor of the tavern. He looked to the woman who’s lap he was just on and with a wide eyed and hands up as he quickly said “I’m soooo sorry.”

He looked up to Draco who said he shouldn’t attempt that without offering a drink or dinner before doing that. It was clear he was joking about it but he still shook his head as he swore he didn’t mean to do that….as much as he did enjoy the few brief moments on her lap.

He was pulled abruptly from that thought when another guy in a mask crouched down next to him, pulling to the side away from the guy as he suddenly appeared at his side. He gave a confused look, almost forgetting he said Windigo’s a few moments before.

He nodded slowly, as it clicked again. He pushed himself into a sitting position slowly. A wave of nausea swept over him but he simply rested his hand on his face and crouched over with his head down slightly. Probably would have been better to stay laying down.

A moment went by before he collected himself to speak, but the man who pulled him off started to speak once again. Answering a question to someone close by. He took the moment to allow his head to stop spinning.

Bobby decided to pipe in with a growl.Alright ya idjits shut up and let Flint speak. He wanted to hear the answer to Draco’s question. Was there more than one? It was unheard of. Even if there were two, they would kill each other to secure its foodsource. The fact Flint got caught off guard and caused him to run was enough to make him worry.

He glanced over to the kitchen as he noticed Sophie, his wife pop out with a drink in her hand. Making her way over to them. He smiled at her as she was already one step ahead of him. Like always.

Flint looked up to Bobby as he started to speak. “Yeah, i said more than one windigo’s.” Trying to answer both draco and Sanjin at the same time. ”Three of them.”

Bobby shook his head, “You must be confused son, there never is more than one. “

I’m not confused, It's why I barely made it out of there….” He sighed as Sophie, Bobby’s wife, knelt down next to him offering him a drink. ”Here you go dearie...drink this, you will feel better.”

Flint took it without hesitation, Sophie was one who always seemed to have a concoction to make any ailment feel better. Flint knew this and trusted her completely. He drank the entire cup in a few gulps. Coughing afterwards as he wasn’t expecting the nasty after taste of herbs and spices that did not go together. He looked to Sophie who just took the cup with a sly smile. I didn't say it would taste good. before going back to her kitchen.

Alright alright... looking around the room Bobby then said, "Who's ready to go huntin for some windigos?'
@penny you still with us?
Mia Haven

Mia quickly followed suit of mako, as her sisters mentioned they needed to use the bathroom first. Taking the bag of food for Yukari, she popped out of existence and outside the building, trying to catch a glimpse of the smooth man who stole the heart of the the master thief. Though she didn’t want to intrude too much. With not seeing much she continued towards the dorms.

Popping in through the front door she noticed the group of girls at the table talking. Which Yukari was apart of. She gave a big grin as she poofed once again, saying “YU-” Popping up once again to the side of them. “-KAR-” Placing the bag of food on the table between the girls and popping off once again, only to appear behind Yukari -I!” and slipped her arms under armpits and lifted her easily out of her chair. Hugging her as tight as she could. Which she loved because she was so rubbery she could handle a real hug from her. She shook the girl back and forth like a little girl with her teddy bear. Pressing her cheek against the smaller girls cheek.

“I missed you you little cutie! We brought you some of moms cooking! Your favorite!”

She sat her back down gently as she let out out a sigh. Looking to Dulga and Kaida. “Hiya! I’m Mia!” She got distracted as she noticed Mina sitting next to Ruby and smiled. She popped out of existence once again and reappeared between the girls just a few feet off the chair allowed gravity to drop her onto the chair with both her arms around both girls. She crossed her long her legs as she pulled them both closer.

”ANNNNNNNNNNNNNND how are you two lovely girls? We gotta hang out sometime.” She said with a wink and grin towards Ruby and then looking at Mina. She leaned close and said softly. ”You make out with Jett yet? Cause he’s been talking a lot about you lately. ”
Collab with @Kitty

Fenros raced through the streets of the city, holding his princess as close to him as he could so she wouldn’t fall off his horse as he made a few sharp turns as to not hurt anyone innocent. Jumping over a few carts or barrels when he had to. While it was clear there was no one else now, he still didn’t want to risk it. With their speed they made it to the castle before the king.

The guards recognizing their princess and her knight, they cleared a path for them to the main courtyard. It was only after they passed the gate was when he slowed his horse to a skidding stop. A moment went by as Fenros did not want to get off his horse...nor let the princess go with her leaning into him still. He did glance down at her and ask softly, so she could only hear. “Are you okay El?” He did not move an inch till she would say anything.

Now that they were within the castle’s gates, Eleanor’s mind began to run wild. Another assassination attempt. Her mind remembering what had happened during the last one caused her breathing to increase in rate. Quickly, she leaned off of Fenros and snapped around to face him. She began leaning forward and backwards checking him for injuries. She’d nearly lost him last time and that was her only fear right now. Losing him, so she checked everywhere she could, forcefully moving his head to one side then to the other with her hand. Once she was sure she saw no injuries she let out a sigh of relief, visibly relaxing. “No injuries this time… good.” She breathed as she leaned against Fenros once again. Not even realizing he had asked her anything.

Fenros looked at her as she tried to look him over, Attempting to say her name a few times as she then moved his head from side to side forcibly. Getting slightly annoyed she was not listening to him, but suddenly stopped when she breathed a sigh of relief and leaned against him once again. He was glad she wasn’t looking at his face. As he grew slightly red, and he was sure it was not from the sudden rush of adrenaline he had a few minutes ago.

He cleared his throat after a moment, looking around at the the other guards of the castle. “El… I wasn’t asking if I was ok, I was asking if you were.” He glanced down at her, trying to see any wounds of hers. He didn’t dare try to move her for a few reasons.

He knew she was thinking of the last time this happened, and how he nearly lost his life protecting hers. While he was touched on how much she cared for him in that regard. He tried to push that out his mind. Slowly moving his hand away from her waist, waiting for her answer.

The redhead looked up at him, “Of course I'm fine Fen. There was no chance of my being hurt with your fat self behind me.” Eleanor grinned, answering his question while also poking fun at the man who was in no way fat to lighten the mood after what they'd gone through. She did hate to dwell on the bad… minus the one time she did nothing but. “Can we get off the horse now? I'd like to know if I actually have legs under this skirt seeing as I lost feeling for them a while ago.” Eleanor joked as she looked to her skirt and moved her numb and asleep legs a bit.

His eyes were wide as she looked at him, and his entire body seemed to deflate when she called him fat. He was genuinely worried about her and she started to joke. He let out a long sigh but could not help but allow a tiny smirk on his face when she grinned at him. “I only look fat because you are tiny compared to any other lady.” He whispered with a smile.

When she asked if they could get off he nodded slipping his left leg under hers to get to the stirrups so he could lower himself. Regretfully pulling himself away from her. As soon as he was on the ground Also knowing the feeling of numb leg he was prepared to hold her if necessary. He reached up and helped her off easily and slowly off the horse.

Upon her feet hitting the ground, Eleanor kept a grip on Fenros as she let feeling come back to her legs. She did not trust herself to take another walk yet. “Thank you Fenros-” She paused testing her legs by shifting her weight. “For everything today.” She softly told him, glancing up at the man. She looked into his eyes as she thanked him before looking over his face with her eyes, making sure once again he was fine. Her eyes stayed a bit longer on his lips than anywhere else besides her eyes but El was brought back to reality at the shouting of orders and the hooves beating on ground indicating her father’s arrival back to the castle. She was quick to look away and finally take a step. Once she felt she was good, she let go of Fenros and stepped away from him. Eleanor didn’t want to get him in trouble or worse, killed by her father just because of how close they were.

Fenros nodded his head to her as she said thank you. But he couldn’t say anything. As he started to hear hoof beats. As she pulled away from him he felt a tear in his chest. He moved his hands to behind his back just In time to see the king and the kingsguard came running in. As the king rode by, he noticed the man glaring down at him. Looking down and away as he did so. Not wanting to further glean attention from the king.

Eleanor saw her father’s glare to Fenros and she couldn’t help as a bad feeling settled in that the drama wasn’t over.

It was only a minute or so after Rowyn had stitched his arm when he started to stir at the sound of her voice saying she would stay with him. He moved his head but didn't open his eyes as he groaned. Feeling sick from the loss of blood, as his body was cold and feeling like it was being poked with pins and needles. He didn't think he lost that much blood...usually his curse would work in over time to heal his wounds and replenish his blood.

But probably running through the woods at a dead sprint would kinda counteract that. He winced as he lifted his left arm as he felt the pain from the wound rushing back, only for a moment when he tweaked it the wrong way. He glanced around the room seeing a bunch of hunters looking at him, but his eyes stopped on the two girls closest to him. If he didn't see the rest of the ugly mugs of hunters in the bar, he would have thought he died and went to heaven. He smiled for a moment, forgetting what had happened before. He leaned to his right side, putting all his weight on his good arm. He cleared his throat, which tasted odd but it was slightly more wet now from the herbal drink he was given.

Looking to the girl with blonde hair with a look of sadness on her face. "Don't need to worry about me. I'm fine" He said, his voice still horse. He did not realized she was more worried on other matters. "Just a scratch." he said as he looked to the Gold eye girl. Her hands covered in blood...his blood. He looked at his arm, realizing the gash was deeper than he realized, that it required stitches.
"Thank you...Miss" He said, giving her his dashing smile...or well, his most dashing smile he could while looking pale and weak. He leaned a little more on his right arm as he heard an unexpected CRACK The leg of the table he laid on buckled under his heavy weight. The only reason it lasted so long was because he was more centered before.

He rolled off the table, gaining enough momentum in that short of time to roll into the gold eye woman's chair. He let out a groan as his head throbbed as the back of his head hit the table and sent him forward into the chair the girl with gold eyes was sitting in. aHe groaned from the pain of the sudden movement of his injured arm, but despite his head hitting the table... the chair was unusually soft on his face.

Saying mostly to himself as his mind clicked realizing this all stemmed from his encounter. "Damn Wendigos..." He coughed.

Although there are many covens in the world that can claim to be a hundred or even several hundred years old, the covens that we know today are a relatively new concept. Most of the earliest forms of covens stemmed from families. These covens were filled with Grandmothers, sisters, aunts and daughters, luring in unwary men to help replenish their numbers. Although it is unclear what the woman would do with the half of the children that lack magical abilities (It is known that witches only produce magical children half of the time with none magical men). What is known, it is known that the blood of the womb is what bound them together in harmony. It is only in the past few centuries that the covens have comprised of more than familial women. It is assumed that the modern covens stemmed from a need for a more diverse arsenal against the threat of the hunters. Perhaps it is because the hunters became too efficient and were wiping out large portions of these original ‘family’ covens, leaving the survivors to band together. It is a rare thing for a lone witch to survive. Even a small group of witches stands a better chance. However, witches are selfish and deceitful things (it is in their womely nature) and without the blood of the womb to bind them together an alternative had to be found. The blood oath, although the specifics vary from coven to coven they all consist of ………

Alexina glanced down as Lucy slithered up her leg and up to her shoulders. While most would not like such a creature on them, Alexina adored all creatures. As she waited for the snake to reach her shoulders she looked down at Usoa, who had dropped the piece of flesh on command. Trying to justify her definition of torture. She didn’t show it but it made her almost smile at the oddity of the witch. But when she asked why she was giving them a choice she tilted her head to the side. While I would enjoy sealing their powers away. I am willing to allow them to take responsibility for their actions.

She gave a pointed glare to the remaining witch who killed a child. As much as she wanted to kill her right then, She felt just killing them all would turn more of the coven against her. But perhaps she would choose the first and get killed in the process. Or the second and she would make her serve out her days with out being able to utter another spell...and protect the children with her life...forcibly if needs be.

Lucy then started to whisper into her ear so the others could not hear. While all of the ideas sounded good to her she had other plans for the witches in question. She ran the back of her hand up the belly of Lucy up to her chin and scratched if a couple times before saying softly. “Hold onto that last thought.” It did indeed sound like a fitting end to at least ‘one’ of them. “Tell Hellena I will speak to her more on the matter, but as of now, her service would not required….just yet.”.

Looking to the witches, but most particularly Ryleth. Who had just asked what needed to be killed. She raised her voice so everyone could hear. “Your penance mission will require you to destroy a smaller coven who are getting a little to comfortable living near us. And have already started trying to turn the hunters against us. Allowing us to take the blame for their deeds. Despite me telling them to stop. They are a threat to our home. Kill them all, And I require their bodies...not just their bones.

Alexina knew she pushed Ryleth into a corner with this. Her eyes glared into his the coven was closer to what he wanted in this one. It was a little poetic that she would send him to destroy the very thing he wanted. To her, that was far more effective than binding his magic, and locking him up for decades. ”Oh and I do require one thing before you four leave.” She pulled out a dagger from her hip. “I want a blood oath that you will completely wipe out the coven.”

“Let this be a lesson to all, there is absolutely no gain in attacking the hunters or their citizens. Do not think I am weak or a fool...Trust in me, and there will be a time you won't have to worry anymore about hiding. You are all free to go now.”

She then took the dagger to her own hand, sliding the sharp blade over her palm. She did not hesitate, nor did she wince as it slid against her smooth skin. Her blood soon covered her own hand as she looked to the four witches in front of her.

If you don’t know how to start your character let us know, if you are just busy let us know as well (discord prefered)

Alexina glanced Over to Saen as she offereed to bite the witches in question, causing them an agonizing slow death. She would admit the thought did tempt her to allow it to happen. Looking to the remaining witch who had suddenly looked forty years younger. The witch could see in her eyes that she was mulling it over. Thank you for the offer Saen, but I do have plans for them. She said looking to the others.

Osua suddenly came forward picking up the piece of flesh, playing with it in her hands. She almost wanted to facepalm herself. She understood Osua was an odd one… her nativity and social awkwardness rivaled, no was even greater than hers when she joined the coven. She resisted the urge to yell. Knowing that this one clearly didn’t know any better. Usoa. Put that down. Also we will not torture them like that.

She had ignored Ryleth as he rushed to the witch she just killed. Honestly she was surprised he cared so much for this witch. He only seem to care about one thing in his life, himself. Even at the beginning of this he seemed to be holding himself proud of what he did. The warlock always seemed to have a skeme in the works. As to what she couldn’t tell.

She heard the slithering voice inside her head that could only belong to Lucy, she shot the snake a glare as it called her ironhearted. But didn’t say anything else.

When Ryleth asked for what his punishment would be, she narrowed her eyes at the man. She felt he was mocking her title as well. But she didn’t lash out at him. She looked to the other three still standing there and back to Ryleth. She knew he never liked her. That much was clear, and it only made her think he had something to do about this. “You all Have Three options.” She said calmly, but the seriousness in her voice was clear. “ Perform a Penitence mission, riding the forest of some creature that is affecting the rest of the towns, and our own castle.” She put up a finger to indicate that was her first offer, She hoped they would choose this honestly. Dangerous enough to possibly kill off the remaining child killer. But possibly Ryleth at the same time. Less she had to deal with him the better. Phagora on the other hand she didn’t have too much of an issue with. But being a Demon spawn, she would probably come back just fine.

“Second is we Bind your powers for years to come and serve us in any way we deem fitting.” She raised her fingers to two. “Or we end this now with your deaths.” She said offering the third. She didn’t want to use the third, but their covenants were binding to the coven. She had to do so if they wouldn’t take the other options. As was law of the covan even when Medusa was leader,who tended to just kill anyone who disobeyed her.

Interaction with @Kitty@Bright_Ops@TheDoctor, Mentioning @ghastlyInc

Bobby looked to the young lad as the lass talked about demons. He wanted to answer but Draco was still speaking to him. “I didn’t know many from there, but it's a right shame what happened to them. He then continued to ask if he hire performers. He sighed in disgust. “Nope, he’s one of those from ‘the pack’ odd bunch of a clan that acts like their some sort of bloodhounds. I haven’t run into many of them, but they all are….generally that odd.”

His attention was turned away from everyone as saph called out to him. Bringing another man towards him. He smiled and looked to the man who she was trying to introduce him to. Thank ye Saph, was all he could say before she snagged another order...which he was positive that she didn’t know where it went to. He reached out to stop her but just gave up.She was already out of arms reach. Rubbing his face he turned back to the man Wot Can I do you for Mr. ?.” He asked as he put a smile on his face.

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