Avatar of AtomicNut
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    1. AtomicNut 9 yrs ago
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1 year later... Still in denial. Also trying to set up a discord server.
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Still in denial about Berserk. Also RL made me busy.
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"Insert witty quote here"
3 yrs ago
If there is anyone out there... could you please tweak the RNG of the world?


I run on GMT+1 Schedule.

And coffee.

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Can't go wrong with android thicc booty.
Well, hope it turns alright. Barring freak circumstances you should not fear corona much more than something slightly stronger than flu.
@Ariamis@PlatinumSkink@Card Captor@FamishedPants@BrokenPromise@Ponn@MadManMoon@Shifter_Master@Flamelord@twave

No plan ever survived contact with the enemy. That adage was always true. What was not entirely acceptable was being teleported against one's will just because your latest potential fling felt like it. Visceral had, in a single stroke, ruined an entire plan, and probably put Reaver into a lot of trouble. His scowl could not be made worse if he tried, as soon as the confusion cleared out. His eyes narrowed at the now prone figure of Justine, and the entire battefield.


Soaked in anti magic.

Full of enemies.

Odin was ecstasic. Guess... that Visceral would get to be spared of Reaver's blade for now. Such a wonderful target rich environment happened rarely.

"I'm not your dog, Visceral." Reaver curtly said, still gripping the weapons. "I am Odin's Wolf, and It is because of the Allfather you are not impaled on my spear for what you have done." He added. Best not to lament on the missed chance to teach a lesson to Penny and catch up for the sake of old times.

There were some lightning users in this battlefield now, probably confused due to the sudden discharge. His eyes focused on the one that was besides the frazzled silver haired portal girl, opposite of Justine. Lily. He weighed his throwing arm and...


If things could get worse, they would sure get worse. Sakura grunted in frustration after being flung away, paces away from Tenebra's last position. All the fighting was now devolving into a clusterfuck, and her electric mojo was waning. She pondered on whether it was possible to carry out the double hit or just leave it as it is and bail.

No amount of money would make her leave a fallen comrade. She thought. She loathed the silver haired idiot, but she was still a teenager, who now laid defenseless. She would need to carry her away from the crumbling battlefield if she were to save... Only Lily remained now to evacuate. Her eyes rested on Lily...

..and then on the figure opposite of her


She thought mentally. Whatever lunatic the cereal vampire wench had conjured it was up to no good. She ran for it, attempting to kick the spear out of his hands. A wet sound was heard. She had succeeded in stopping the bastard.

However said spear had now pierced through her heart and was bleeding her dry of blood and lightning. No good deed goes unpunished. The callous bastard just grunted, before tossing her away, her strength failing, and pointing Lily with the spear.

I can...still...

Reaver fumed, his enhacements flaring. Element of surprise was now partially gone, so he resorted to his other sort of surprise. Warding his mind with Reinforcement, he began to grunt and chuckle, before tearing his own face off... and tossing it on Justine's dress, all the while taking the monstrous form he had felled Cindy with.

He roared... and began to push forward towards Mariette, following Alicia. For carnage and Odin's glory.

Dina heaved, as she felt the backslash of her magic orchestra being cut off all off a sudden. It stung quite a bit, but not as much as seeing Mariette waver upon receiving the end of the anti-magic attack. She steadied herself, and helped Mariette to her feet, hearing about the lack of an exit and Alexander's panicky attitude. She twitched her ears.

"Plan D, it is then." She briskly said. "Master Dan! Search the edge of this field and open up a portal! We shall join you shortly!" Her sight now rested on Hilaria. Her fellow smiling sister. Well, she wondered if she was the "bloody smile" sister. "Hilaria, please help Mariette and the beast knight retreat!" She added.

She truthfully wanted to run.

She was afraid.

But sometimes, one could not budge, not even with both the vampire monster, Beacon, and the bloody berserker bearing down on her. Her Beast and Reinforcement magics flared, reinforcing her body to what was about to come.

"Hen to Pan." She enunciated, as her appearance changed. She no longer was...regal. Her dress had shrunk, and her eyes were a fierce red. Body marks were all over her body, and her hair had taken a golden tint. Whoever could still see her magic, they would realize... she was wielding a dozen of magical specializations at once.

Electric Reflexes. Metal Skin. Quadruple Accel. Reinforcement. Beast Vigor. Diamond spikes. She strained herself mentally, as the Cat's cradle suddenly went lit, now a scorching cherry red hot. She moved the wires ruthlessly, as she tried to carve a path towards Leena through the Beacon charge.

@King Kindred@PPQ Purple@KillamriX88@NacNak@Chev

Yaksha rolled his eyes upon hearing the exchange following the Kai's explanation. He could not make heads out of tails with these people. After kicking and roughousing, they were best friends now? I guess that was probably the Saiyan influence in the whole group. He grimaced upon hearing the suggestion the slightly less lunatic saiyan woman suggested. Ki energy transfer? On Majin Buu's kin? She could just sleep it off and be as fit as a fiddle next morning.

Then again she could just hibernate like the other Majin Buu met, in which case she would be a sitting duck. Messing the hair out of the back of his head he addressed the Saiyan who was doing the energy transfer trick.

"Enough. This is a kinswoman of Majin Buu, not some random galactic race. Her ilk in other universes is one of the few things Freeza stays away from. It is leagues above the Super Saiyan legend. You are going to need more than just that, and draining these two ladies might not even be enough to rouse this ... individual." Yaksha said, breathing deep. He lingered on the sensation.

He was finally powering up for good.

"How...many...taboos did you break, human? You can't possibly be this strong!" The demon king turned Majin said.

"Not...enough..." The resolute survivor replied, slaying the mighty being with his own infernal sword. He breathed deep, and wiped the blood out of his brow. Two other monsters remained. Not enough allies were alive. Majin Freeza and Majin Buu were certainly on the prowl.

He flexed and stretched his hand. The last time he had been like this, he had matched blow for blow Dabura, one of Babidi's strongest henchmen. Flickers of the perfected Kamui Kaioken could be seen faintly.

"Go on." He said, offering his Ki as well. "I can provide this much at the very least."

Sakura grunted in frustration as the spirit mooks kept stubbornly getting into her way. "You litt- GAAH!" She said surprised as she was yanked and flung away, her frown becoming more patent. She had misjudged this spirit witch. She was a stone wall, rather than a cavalry sent to hamper the enemy. Different tactics she needed to do. It vexed her. She normally didn't like thinking, and did not like her options.

She could turn this into a slog by using lightning to snipe clusters of enemies that were joined together, but it would take far too long. And the delicate chaos of the battle was shifting... What the hell was Mariette doing here all of a sudden? Had she gained bravery or was just being desperate? It was so frustrating, both were her targets, but were currently beyond her reach.

Stupid ass weird white gravity girl.


She could fight fire with fire. Her side had another stupid ass weird gravity girl too. With an unhealthy obsession towards the rat bastard and Mariette. She flipped her phone and yelled.

"OI, Silver baka! Mariette is here!" She said to Tenebra.

Dina casted her gaze at Mariette as she saw her enter the portal to face her nemesis and terror. "You've grown to face your fears. I'm proud." She said, not unlike the grandmother figure she was beneath the teenaged appearance of a catgirl. "Kitsune, Scorpion Man, Yeti, Minotaur, Kobolds. You shall assist against the infiltration team."

"Fairies, with me." Dina said, before eyeing Dan, and casting a cat smile. "I'm going to need some instruments, Dan." She said to her Patron. "Don't you think it's about time... we spread some Joy?"

Dina and her faerie retinue hopefully crossed the portal, being a little better from their earlier panic attack, and appearing right next to Mariette. The noble catgirl put a hand on Mariette's shoulder, softly smiling, before releasing her Ruler's Menagerie Aura.

"Von Viszeral" She added, while getting her throat ready.

"Know what you are no longer capable of, and repent!" She said, before she indicated with a hand sign the start of the music.

My german is a bit stuffy, but here it goes...

"Freude, schöner Götterfunken,
Tochter aus Elysium,
Wir betreten feuertrunken,
Himmlische, dein Heiligtum!"

All men and women shall be brothers and sisters. Because we're meant to love and be loved. And because we're meant to do grand things.

Tenebra was not having a good moment, as the sudden impact of several things at once damaged her considerably. If not because her enhanced outfit, she'd be probably knocked out at this moment. Turned into a bloody, dishevelled mess, she clicked on her phone by accident as she used her gravity magic to try and deviate targets off course.

What she heard flipped her switch... and she began laughing. "HEHEHEHE hAAHAHAAhAHA!" She said, as she charged her magic to her maximum, despite the hits of lances and artifacts. "MASS WARP!" She yelled, almost ecstatic, creating a portal zeroed on Sakura's back, allowing the infiltration team a quick exit from the ambush should they needed too.

She jumped gleefully into it, raring for battle. "Pedersen! Imma go-"

Only for her strength to leave her and plummetting, face first on the floor.

Whoops. She had just used a lot of magic. Still the warping portal was massive and active.

Yaksha wasn't terribly surprised when the Saiyan woman further exploded into violence. Whatever, he really needed to get it out of his system. And here he was, being strangled. It made his neck a bit sore, actually. Maybe he should have turned into an eel to escape, though? Though it wasn't as much as life threatening as it would look like.

He had faced this level of power, and this kind of situation before. He had prevailed before them. A newborn super-saiyan these days wasn't enough to put down the iron-hearted protector of Earth, keeper of Kami's throne down in the slightlest. If anything her vacant smile of despair and cockyness met a raised eyebrow and a cold stare, a sort of expression of pity with disappointment.

Tch, Saiyans. Love to always solve their problems with their fists. He sighed, as he hardened enough with his Ki so even the tightest squeeze of the mad Saiyan would not even be much of a consequence. It was done in a careful, minute manner. There was no need to flare up his power and go gung ho over this stupid scuffle, more than he did though. It was no secret he'd been venting out his frustration, ever since the Kai had told about his universe's fate.

He stood up after the seemingly near-lethal ordeal, and flexed his neck, testing the range of movements. "Whatever." He dismissively said to Tabaga. Fools did not deserve a further answer. His ears perked up to the Supreme Kai's plea as he made a slight nod. "As you command." He whispered back.

When all was said and done, he had to wait. The Freeza guy had asked what kind of help this rag tag team could bring. "I do have the distinct feeling we are all what she could find in time." He commented before the Kai, leaning against some debris, his eyes closed and arms folded.

Fuck, when was the last time I had some tea or food? I really miss Gine these days. She was a real sunshine, unlike these other saiyan beast women here. Only saiyan I ever liked. Pity that Dabura killed her.
<Snipped quote by AtomicNut>
Or done something to piss off a supersayan.

You don't need much for that, unfortunately.
Just in case the implications in my posts aren't all that clear... Ovaan doesn't necessarily see himself as any better than Freeza. Does he believe himself to also be "beyond saving"? I'll just leave that intentionally vague for now.

So far he hasn't thrown a tantrum or dissed the supreme Kai. He is doing remarkably well.
@vancexentan @IceHeart @Double @KillamriX88 @PPQ Purple @Chev @NacNak @King Kindred

Healing required a somewhat important amount of concentration, so Yaksha did his best to blot out the confused voices around him. It did make little sense, that much he knew. But it's what he knew too, until the Kai could elaborate further. At least some of his words had stuck on the rest of the group, so repetitive explanations would not be as grave as he had hoped.

His eyes darted to new arrivals, including one that made raise his eyebrows. A clump... of matter with no ki whatsoever. Shaped like an actual being. Android huh? So Ol' Gero isn't the only machine genius in the universe. At least it's better than the psychopathic pink goo, the Freeza lookalike, the ogre alien who doesn't know I can't be bothered while I'm healing and the saiyan. Well, no Saiyans.

He let an audible sigh after the Kai stood up, which quickly turned in a tired expression when a second standoffish saiyan female had the gall to speak to the Supreme Kai. Gladly, Yaksha would teach that impertinent hamfisted monkey girl the gravity of the sins commited, but the Kai's instructions were clear.

There simply wasn't enough time nor effort to spare to start scuffles with other people, no matter how stupid they were. Taking a stance, he stood between the now ticked off Saiyan and the Supreme Kai of time, his eyes level with the snarling barbarian warrior.

"Oh yeah, it's a great idea. Turn the only one person who can actually do something about being stuck in this pocket dimension to ash. That'll do the trick. A magical dragon will appear from seven balls, grant you a wish, and resurrect your squeeze. Oh wait, no. THOSE ARE BROKE. No resurrection, no refunds, nada. For anyone of us either. " Yaksha said. "So cheer up, buttercup. You're hardly the one who saw everything they love be returned to oblivion for no apparent reason."

He then snapped his fingers, and handed Tabaga a handkerchief materialized with the little magic he had. "Here's a handkerchief. You can cry your disgraces to it, and when you're set, we'll get to do some actual investigation of what's going on, really."

<Snipped quote by AtomicNut>
Something new I learned just now by googling. I always thought it was like the Japanese word for a demon like thing.

Well yes and no. It's the closest match, as sometimes they are portrayed as child eaters... Western ogres are usually brutish, huge, and sometimes have magical powers.

Oni usually have afterlife demonic traits due to their association to the eastern equivalent of Hell.

Oh well.
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