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Current Congrats to my X-Men peeps! 2 years and over a 1000 posts later and we are heading into our 5th story arc!
6 yrs ago
RIP Stan Lee... You will forever be missed. As someone whose grown up reading Marvel comics, you've always have kind of been a part of my life. Thank you for making most of the Marvel heroes we know.


Name: BlueSky44
Aliases: Blue
Age: Mid 20s
Birthday: October 27
Gender: Female
Occupation: Dog Groomer
Languages: English
Current Bio Theme: Five/Emily Kolburn
Previous Themes: Remy LeBeau (Gambit)
Years Rping: Too many
Preferred Rp Section: Casual

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I'm interested in joining this. I love Stargate!

Hassenstadt, Latveria Region, Serbia: August 30th, 2020 - 2:00 P.M.

@Nallore: Cass is a bit lucky, not running into anyone from HYDRA, for the moment anyway. Who knows just how long that'll last. The area is still filled with knockout gas, so removing the gas mask right now would be a bad idea. Jim doesn't respond to Cass, but odds are that he's doing something right now. Though with no power, it is kind of hard to tell where everything is, or even where Jim is in comparison to Cass.

@Nallore@Kirah@FantasyChic: The four remaining men immediately opened fire. Two shots hit Tempest, once in her leg, another shot ended up hitting her squarely in the stomach. The two shots fired at Maria weren't quite as bad, one missing entirely since she was behind something, having at least some cover. However it didn't protect her completely as the one other shot managed to hit her upper leg.

Theresa Sparks

Location: Castle Doomstadt
Skills: N/A

Sparky wasn't too sure what else to do but to follow after the others. She trusted Raynor, so she just nodded her head slightly when he said that the whole thing wasn't too much to worry about. Things were definitely not going to go there way though if they weren't careful, and she hoped that maybe people wouldn't be reckless or something. Though she couldn't help but be in awe slightly at Raynor's use of powers, she knew that he had practiced them for a very long time, but still, it did impress her.

She stuck close to Raynor, not sure what else to do as others started heading off in different directions around the building. This was not a situation she knew how to deal with, kind of wishing that she was back in the lab now. Hearing Tinley's words made her face turn red slightly, figuring that at least part of that statement was likely directed towards her and Raynor. "Alright... Let's see what we can find out... Odds are what we are after is likely in the upper levels..." she said softly, heading straight ahead slowly.

Present Day - The Castle: May 4th, 12,508 - 10:00 AM

@KazAlkemi: There is a slight knock at the door, and when the door opens there is an Ordinary Apprentice named Sasha, with a darker skin tone, who invites Atkin to go hang out with a few other apprentices, he leaves with her, leaving Arya and Cuyler alone. Arya gives Cuyler a deep kiss, before she suggests that the two of them both head to the Forest together.

@Nallore@mnkee@KazAlkemi@LadyRunic: Amarantha will be able to manage to start throwing up, however, that is likely the least of her problems. As her heart starts to feel a little strange. Luna, you know that voice in the back of her head? Well, time for Luna to take a back seat now, as the voice completely takes control of Luna's body. Let's add on to the bad news, since you thought that Tristan's fart was bad? Yeah, that isn't the worst thing that could happen as of now he pukes all over Luna! The bad news keeps on coming, as Fyror is now officially dead. Becky comes running over with a stretcher to bring people inside, she goes straight to Amarantha though, since she is the only subject of the Castle who is having problems.

@LadyRunic: Esmeralda does not seem too thrilled with Rhys still, and is kind of glaring at him. "Mind telling me what your apprentice looks like? Does he by chance have one eye that is blue and the other green?" she asked, staring at him.

@FantasyChic: Jezebel leads Constance to a nearby bed. Constance didn't say anything really, just laying down on the bed. Jezebel looked over at Fleur, "Is this punishment from the Devil for our sins or powers?" she asked her.

Queen Valda

Location: The Palace

"Yeah, you are right about that... He won't be honest with me, I know that for a fact, but that doesn't mean I can't prove to him that I'll always be there for him..." she said with a slight smile before she heard the commotion a little ways away. Hearing Lyra instantly recognize who was yelling wasn't too much of a surprise, but she couldn't help but be a little put off by whose voice was causing a lot of problems. Tristan of all people? If it had been Luna or Myrus who had yelled, she definitely would have gone running, but this was the guy who wanted to marry her sister, if he couldn't keep calm and not yell, why the hell would she want him around? Besides, if for some reason Luna was with him, and she'd bet that she was, then this might make Luna not really want to be around the guy, he did seem about weak.

"No offense Lyra, but I'm going after Myrus, I'll trust that you can handle everything with whatever is going on with the prince, my main concern is for my brother right now," Valda said, before she took off in the other direction. By sheer luck, she stumbled up into the attic area. It didn't make too much sense for him to be up there, at least in her opinion, but she was running out of places to look and decided to get up there. "Myrus?" she called out.

Bruce Banner

Location: Number 40 Alchemie Way

Bruce just shook his head slightly at Marya when she appeared with the letter. He glanced at Myth when she spoke about Tate, "Well, you never know what would be taking him so long. Honestly he doesn't have to get up until he wants to if you ask me, let him sleep in, I'm pretty sure he's going to be bored later with everyone around," he said, giving her a bit of a smile, before he glanced at the letter, his smile fading slightly.

He never thought about things that way, that much was for sure. Especially since he wasn't a full blooded Asgardian, and some Asgardians didn't consider themselves gods, not really. "Well... That is not exactly what I expected, but it doesn't matter, don't worry too much about it..." Bruce said, his smiled returning. Both him and Myth could easily tell that the handwritting was done by a woman, but that was about it.

"Can we see it? What does it say?" Marya asked, racing over, Medea joining her. They couldn't read New Nordic, so they didn't know what it said.

"Uh, no, you can't, okay? It doesn't matter..." Bruce said, shaking his head, before Myth would end up getting a bout of morning sickness.

Sylvi the Bard

Location: Number 40 Alchemie Way - the Basement

"It is not that bad!" she protested, giggling slightly at that. Sylvi put a hand to her hair, kind of pushing it down slightly, trying to flatten it somewhat. There wasn't much else she could do about her hair without some water or something else to help. Her hair was not generally the best thing in the morning, she's known that for a while. "And don't you dare think about cutting off my hair!"

She tried to grab the blanket away from him, shivering slightly. "Give that back to me! It's cold here in the basement! I need it!" she said, just giggling as she grabbed the blankets and wrapped herself back up in them. "I may be from a colder climate, but I still don't really care much for the cold you know! You are so mean sometimes!" she added, covering her face in the blankets, not looking at him right then.
Sister Penance
Location: Shadowell Manor: Central Hall
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

"Well kind sir... Master Tack as you have introduced yourself. I believe that I don't know you well enough to even consider giving you my first name. Apologies if that may sound a bit rude, but it is simply the truth," she said with a slight smile. Penance didn't really care too much about the way things seemed to be going, but it was nice, and even a little bit pleasant, to converse with someone else. He was the first person to talk to her aside from the owner of the manor and he had addressed everyone.

"And if I may be so inclined to point out. You ask me for a first name, yet you never gave me yours," she said, giggling slightly at him. Why did the man expect her to answer that question, when he hadn't even introduced himself with a first name? It did not make too much sense in her mind, but it couldn't be avoided too much. How could someone ask a question that they hadn't already answered for themselves? It was slightly rude in her opinion.

Jason and Janelle Gauger

Location: Seattle, Washington
Interacting With: Quinn

Jason took the remote from his sister and turned the TV off, everything else was just boring and background stuff, no point in having it on in the background. Nothing going on elsewhere in the world had anything to do with what was going on in the US, not to mention what was clearly going on in Seattle now. Death and a murderer on the loose was definitely not a good thing to have to deal with.

Janelle nodded at Quinn's remarks, though she figured that her brother was probably a little bit more worried about things than she was, since he did tend to worry if her life was ever in danger. It could get to be a bit annoying, at least to her, since he didn't ever seem to think about what was going through her head. "You'll have to excuse my brother... Staying calm about things is not exactly something he's very good at..."

"What the? Do you really think that Jan? Honestly, just because I'm thinking about this whole thing realistically. We have no idea who this guy is, if he even is still in Seattle, and if he is what's to say that he isn't going to come after us? Or any of the others that we've met in the past week!" he said, before realizing that maybe they should actually tell Quinn about the others that they were in contact with aside from just Cynthia and Gideon who they had mentioned before.

"Once again, you'll have to excuse my brother, he is a bit over protective of me you know... Anyway, we've met a few people around here, people like us who have powers. We've mentioned Gideon, who you've met before who was the one in the car when it crashed, and Cynthia who we met when we were transported elsewhere... There is also Isley who owns a shop in the city, and then there is Scott..."

"The asshole who no one gets along with and who thinks he is better than everyone else." Jace said with a bit of an eye roll. Janelle just shook her head in response.

"...Just because you hate him doesn't mean everyone does... I got along with him somewhat..."

"So? He's still an asshole."
Lydia Weaver

Location: Silver Mine

"W-W-What? Jenna what the hell are you doing?" Lydia asked, looking at her as she went through the opening. Having her cousin sitting there talking about her funeral as if it was going to happen in the very near future. Sure, this whole thing was freaky, and the fact that there was a lot of death surrounding this town was a little bit freaky, that didn't mean anything. Why the hell would Jenna instantly go head first into danger, by herself, without a care in the world.

She let out a bit of a sigh, before she went to make her way through the crevice as well. "Sorry there Jen, but I'm not going to let you go by yourself no matter what the hell you say. I'm coming with you whether you want me to or not, got it?" she said, following after her through the opening, not really caring at all if she got hurt.

Miranda Fay

Miranda looked at Ellie. She wasn't too sure about her possibly being so at ease with the idea of killing anyone that they come across. It just didn't seem right to her, and Mythri had a point, that they should try to prove that they were better than the humans. Better than them in the fact that they didn't feel the need to do random killings or something of the sort, didn't need to kill people who likely were just doing their jobs, like a security guard or something. That was the main reason she preferred the idea of Charles knocking them out himself as opposed to them killing any guards.

"If things go south. That is a good question, unfortunately I do not have an answer to that, as one group might get caught, while the other does not. If only one of the two groups who go in get caught, then the other should try to go aid them, maybe cause a bit of a distraction or something to draw the guards or whoever is there away. We will be able to stay in contact with one another, thanks to our resident telepath," Erik said, before he nodded towards Charles. Miranda glanced over at him, wondering what exactly that would mean or such.

"What he means is that I can create a telepathic link of sorts between all of us, so if we do end up getting separated, or end up in some sort of trouble, we'll be able to hear them and possibly come to one another's aid. This makes it easier, as all you have to do is think the message, and you will be able to talk to anyone in the group. Will make it so we aren't quite so noisy while we are inside. You can talk to anyone in your group specifically, or you may talk to anyone in the other group. You need to think specifically about who you are wanting to talk to however, as you might send a message to everyone and that might get just a tad bit confusing."

"So, what? You're saying that basically we'll be able to read each others thoughts or something even though you are the only telepath here?" Miranda then asked.

"No, that isn't it Miranda, as this would only be some form of communication. You have to somewhat actively think about who you wish to talk to. So you are not able to actually read each other's thoughts, as that likely would get to be a bit annoying for those of you not used to it."

"...Good, because that would be really weird," she said, nodding her head. It would be really weird if the others could hear her thoughts. Most people would probably laugh or something at the different things that tend to go through her head, and there were definitely some mental thoughts she had that she would not want the others hearing.

Meanwhile At Jade and Alex's Apartment

Jade arrived at their shared flat shortly before he did, sitting on the couch as she her mood swung rapidly and her hands shook slightly. In an attempt to take her mind off of it, she had turned on the television, only to see the reports of an attack on Stark Tower, followed by some reruns of the attack on Xavier's School for Gifted Children. It all left a sour taste in her mouth and she got up, going over to the sink and splashing her face with water.

"Hey Jade, sorry, got a little caught up with things," Alex said, going into the apartment and giving her a smile. He noticed the TV was on, and seeing the reports, shook his head and turned it off again. "How are you feeling? Are you alright?" He was concerned about her, especially since she was pregnant.

Jade leaned against the counter, pulling her hair back into a ponytail. She was pretty much constantly moving her hands. "I'm fine," she said simply, though she had to wonder if he knew anything about the attacks. "I'm guessing you were caught up with whatever fucking mess is going down at Stark's?" she inquired, wishing she could take a drink but she couldn't. Damn it.

"Actually, I wasn't at Stark Tower... A friend of mine, Colonel Rhodes, called, I owed him a favor anyway, and he asked me if I wouldn't mind meeting with Stark's daughter and a few of her friends. That was what I was doing..."

She raised an eyebrow, finding it was an odd coincidence - Alex was off dealing with the Stark kid whilst Stark Tower was under attack? Jade didn't know what the connection was, not yet, but she knew the universe was rarely so lazy for any coincidence to be true. "What did they want?" Jade asked, not minding that they hadn't really talked about the pregnancy. The thought of it freaked her out and she was certain would continue to do so for a few months.

"...They were trying to get me to change my mind about mutants and other people with powers... Though towards the end of that conversation, one of the group took control of Ricky and tried to get him to hurt me, so that didn't exactly put much towards their favor if I'm to be honest. I actually kind of respect Xavier in a way, however he and the entire rest of the mutant population need to be put into check. They could destroy the world if they wanted to, Magneto has nearly done so multiple times over the years..."

"Right, the Stark kid is with Magneto's son..." Jade recalled. "Are you quite alright though?" she asked him, not seeing any noticeable injuries. She imagined Ricky was the one they needed to be concerned about - he was tough, but not in the same way she and Alex were.

"Oh, I'm fine, he missed and I caught him by the arm, so no injuries done to me, and I don't think any were done to Ricky... Anyway, how are you feeling, since I'm more concerned about you right now than myself... Or the campaign for that matter..." he said, looking at her, he did look concerned about her.

She rolled her eyes, still leaning against the counter. "Didn't I already say I was fine?" she reminded him, but truthfully, she was panicking. She had calmed down slightly since when she first called him but still, her family history wasn't exactly the greatest. Her father had sexually abused her and her mother never cared for her. The only family that actually did, her uncle, had been killed by Hel years back.

"I mean are you really okay? Look, I'm pretty sure most people in the world would likely be panicking in this situation... I care about what happens to you Jade, I don't want you to have any problems... If you are freaking out, I'm here for you..."

"Bloody 'ell Alex, 'course I'm freaking out! I don't exactly feel chuffed right now!" Jade snapped, clenching the counter with her hands. "There's a bleedin' baby inside of me! And it's not like I done gone and asked for this!"

"Alright, I get it... I don't think a lot of people do ask for it... All that matters though is the fact that it happened, and all that matters is what we are wanting to do... Actually, to be honest I always thought that I might be a little on the older side to be having kids, despite the fact that I wouldn't have minded having any..."

Jade sighed, grabbing herself a glass of water and drinking from it, shutting her eyes to imagine it was alcohol for a moment. She kept the glass in her hand, fidgeting with it. "Look, I know you're a real corker and all, Alex - I love you, warts and all...But this? What the bloody 'ell am I supposed to do?" she asked, her accent getting thicker and using enough British slang to confuse the average day person.

"...It is your choice Jade... You can either keep the baby or not... I personally think that you should, and we can figure this out together... But ultimately it is your choice Jade... Not really mine..."

"Of course I'm bloody keepin' it!" Jade snapped, taking another deep breath afterwards. She didn't want to yell at him - well, she did, but she knew that she shouldn't. Her life had been complicated and hard. She wasn't sure if her baby would end up being fruit from the poisoned tree, so to speak. The glass shattered in her hand, the pieces falling to the ground and hitting her bare feet.

"Damn it Jade, are you okay?" he asked, rushing over to her to start cleaning up the broken glass on the floor. "It'll be okay Jade..."

"I'm fine, it's just a bit of fucking glass, that's all!"

"I know Jade... Glass can still hurt you know..." he responded, tossing the broken glass in the trash.

"Yeah, well, better glass than some of the fucked up shit out there in this world....Do we really want to bring a child into this world, Alex? I mean, I killed the fucking devil, there's got to be some sort of demon bounty out on my head. And you waltz around saying ya did Hel in - so the Asgardians probably want ya dead too."

"Honestly Jade? I'm not afraid of them, I haven't been in a long time. We wouldn't let anyone hurt our kid, do you really think we wouldn't be able to protect them from the dangers of the world? We do the things that we do to protect people, to help them and protect them from anyone like that... I think we'd do a pretty good job at keeping that kid safe..."

Jade stared at him, before she extended her pinky to him. It was one American tradition that she liked. "Promise you'd protect our kid with your life?"

He chuckled slightly, smiling at her before he held out his hand and wrapped his own pinky around hers, "I promise you Jade... I'll protect them with my life..."

She raised an eyebrow. "Are ya using the gender neutral or did the doctor call you to say I'm having twins after I left the office? Or are you planning on us being like the fucking Weasleys and having a lift's worth of kids?"

"Uh, gender neutral, unless the doctor told you what gender the kid is."

"Unless the doctor was a mutie and could see the future, no - it's way too early to tell that, Alex," Jade explained. "...But I hope it's a girl...I always loved the name Alcie."

Lance Banner

Location: Cells

"Doesn't look like things are going too well for you there," Lance mumbled as Charlie tried to break the glass as well, but failed and like Dean before more of just bounced off of it. "Like I said, I don't think they'd be dumb enough to lock us in these cells if they thought we could easily get out of them..." he added, shaking his head slightly. If Dean was paying attention, he'd find that suddenly, it was like his speed was back, the inhibitor having left his body. Seems like what they had said about anyone with speed or a quick metabolism burning right through it had some truth to it.

"That isn't enough for me to be able to do anything... I don't think I have the strength in order to do something that strong turning it into sand, using that much power to time travel that far back... It just won't work..." Thalia said, looking over at Ayita and shaking her head. There was suddenly the sound of a door opening nearby, and footsteps came over towards them.

Soon, a group of OMEN agents came into the room. They weren't carrying any sort of machine gun or anything, but each one had a pistol that was in a holster at their side. Those seemed to be the only weapons easily visible. Lance looked over at them when they walked over to Ayita and Allison's cell, as well as the one that Dean, Richard and Charlie were all in. They didn't even seem to notice that Richard wasn't bleeding out anymore, as there was still blood on his clothes from his injuries before.

"Alright, time to get a move on," one of them said as a few of them opened up the cells, pulling their guns out of their holsters and pointing them at people. Lance was wondering just how desperate a few of the others were to get out, since they literally just found the opening that they were waiting for.

Marygold Isley and Mirembe Adebayo

Location: Stark Tower - Medical

Mary managed to get up onto her feet, coughing a little bit still as she went with Folly over to the medical area. This day just kept getting better and better. Though right now, she felt like they had hit rock bottom, so hopefully that meant things could only get better from here. However based on the way things were going, and the fact that she had thought that they had hit rock bottom earlier, well that didn't really mean anything clearly.

Mira was doing a lot better than before, and glanced over at Carolina as she helped her along, "Thank you..." she said softly, not saying much else. Her head was pounding still, but she was grateful that the worst of her injuries were gone. With the way things had gone, it definitely could have been worse, she looked at her hand, and saw that it was still bleeding and somewhat burned from when the weapon had exploded in her hand. Maybe they could fix the design so it wouldn't do that the next time they went against Sentinels.

When Mary sat down on a bed, she pulled out her phone, sending a message or two real quick, but nothing more. Putting it away she took a deep breath and started trying to think, okay, we've got to go after OMEN, find where the others were... If we hurry, we can finish this fight against OMEN, maybe even shut the organization down... She shook her head slightly, she had no idea what they should do, but maybe their best course of action was to just go and fight head on, they had tried just about everything else, and Jakobsen didn't seem willing to listen to anyone.

Hearing that Guin had a location for the facility was a slight surprise, but after hearing what the future speedster said, it did make some sense to her. "Alright... If you know where they are, that is a good thing. Maybe we should have just gone after OMEN, even if they were going to want to use that against us... All these what if scenarios are making my head spin... Anyway, this time we're just going to go after them, it doesn't matter anymore what OMEN can do, basically turning our own words and actions against us. What matters is getting our team members out of there and destroying that facility." she said, managing to keep her voice level and even.

She was trying to remain calm, trying not to panic too much, but she wasn't sure how well she was going to be able to do that. Nothing matter too much other than rescuing the others and getting them out of there. Mary fell silent as Banner came into the room and started patching up the remainder of everyone's injuries.

Theresa Sparks

Location: SHIELD Van
Skills: N/A

Sparky was a little saddened by the fact that she couldn't sit next to Raynor on their trip towards the castle. She didn't say anything though as she got into the car, not really trying to sit next to anyone in particular. She didn't want to risk anyone yelling or snapping at her, since she didn't generally like to confront people like that. This was definitely going to be an interesting mission overall for her to say the least.

She kept her eyes on the beam of light, and hearing what Niah said worried her. Someone was stuck inside of that thing, that combined with that voice that they had all heard, and everything about that castle became even more unsettling. They had to do something, and fast, no matter how things turned out. Though she was guessing that if they weren't careful, things definitely were not going to go their way.

Bruce Banner

Location: Number 40 Alchemie Way

"You have nothing to worry about... You are worthy of it... Honestly, it's okay, pretty sure they'll love you... Oh, and fair warning, my little sister Nova can be a bit childish, so be warned..." Bruce said, giving her a bit of a smile. He was saying the truth, as far as he knew it. He was pretty sure that his family would get along with Myth, at least he hoped that they would. They weren't exactly easy to predict, but he went with it, trying to put her at ease.

When Marya shoved them apart, Bruce couldn't help but chuckle slightly at that. He was pretty sure that Marya and Medea were enjoying teasing him a lot more than usual lately, and it made him smile. Medea raced over to be by her sister, pulling out her own device ignoring Myth's question when she did that. "...Sometimes getting those two to do anything is almost impossible... Those things are kind of toys from a few thousand years back," Bruce said, answering her question about what the devices were.

Sylvi the Bard

Location: Number 40 Alchemie Way - the Basement

"...I'm glad that your sisters seem to be doing better, hopefully it'll last..." she said softly, looking at him. Sylvi understood his concern for his sisters, and it made her smile just hearing the how much he cared about them. She liked the twins somewhat, the speedsters were entertaining, but they could be a bit on the annoying side. Tate's concern was well placed though, since she knew that the twins hadn't been feeling the best, so she hoped that they were feeling better.

Hearing his comment about her hair, she instantly put a hand to her head, "It isn't that bad is it? My hair doesn't get that bad in the morning!" she protested, giggling slightly. The fact that they had to get up in order to help prepare for the wedding or whatever was not a thing she cared much for, but she did have hope that maybe she could perform at the wedding or something. It was going to be based around her culture, so it wouldn't surprise her if she could.

Queen Valda

Location: The Palace - The Queen's Room

"Don't worry, that is understandable..." she said, nodding her head. Hearing that she didn't know where her brother and sister were was a bit saddening. Especially hearing that she didn't know where Myrus was. Her brother was the person in the world she was the most concerned about, no matter what. He was her little brother, and someone had hurt him badly. She would do anything to protect her brother, and hoped that she could keep him safe.

Hearing Lyra's suggestion, she nodded her head in agreement. "Yeah, I am concerned about him... He hasn't been himself for a while now, and I hope he's okay... Yeah, let's go find him, I want to make sure he's alright and ask if he needs anything or something... I want to be there for him," Valda said, heading for the door, saying nothing more as she walked and opened the door again.
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