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Location: Melbourne, Australia
Timezone: UTC+10 (Australian Eastern Standard Time)/UTC+11 (Australian Daylight Saving Time)
Occupation: Student/Tutor

Most Recent Posts

MgRonald's, District 7

"These MgChickens are legal!" protested the mullet-wearing individual, at the same time as Isami's "Is this dweeby otaku girl calling me a weirdo?"

"Nah nah nah," interrupted 'Chief', raising his hands in a conciliatory manner (the bag. "Calm down folks, let's not let nobody be too impet-imp-impetu-sonuva-impetuous."

There was an uneasy grin on his face as he tried to placate the two good-doers before him. He was definitely aware that Hisui had managed to score the bazooka right off him with that dangerous spin. One could immediately tell from the beads of sweat that were beginning to form on his skin. Or maybe that was just 'cos of the strange rise in temperature.

Back at the counter, the hat-wearing cashier was struggling to reach the aircon.

"We just be havin' lunch, ya see? There's none need for anything crazy."

The one with the mullet lightly shook the paper bags. Isami on the other hand, was surreptitiously looking around the room.

And the sirens continued to grow closer.

Orbit Portal Company Investor Booth - Dianoid, District 15

"Iguchi-san will be making the announcement for both of us. In the original Kanamin voice too, I hear!"

"One of our higher-ups will be involved, but we here at the investor booth are not very in-the-know," said Megumi with a sigh, her faux-hawk flopping sadly. "I saw him around today though, if you want to find him and get an interview."

She gave the middle schooler a thumbs-up. One had to foster the sense of investigation in the youth
All g.

Oh yeah, from tomorrow night to Sunday morn (AEST/CST), I'll be on a plane and lacking Internet so I won't be able to do anything or answer queries then.
MgRonald's, District 7

In every young adult's life, there would always be a time when they would have to debate whether or not it was a good idea to get arrested. On one hand, to face justice as was proper after violating the laws that held together society was the correct thing to do; the world of adulthood was one where it was necessary to take responsibility for one's actions, and thus to do a crime was to do the time. On the other hand, handcuffs chafed.

And for the one referred to as 'Chief', the latter was a more important consideration. You couldn't eat a burger with cuffs on.

Also he had sensitive wrists.

"Well ain't this spectac-spec-spect-fuck it This just ain't our day," he muttered under his breath. The cops were on their tail, but they still hadn't eaten lunch. "Hey lass, how long's them MgChickens be takin'?"

The cashier was unfazed despite the sirens. "It'll be a minute," she said, casually waving at the boy who'd just walked out of the restroom. "Do you want to add anything?"

"Nah, we're good thanks lass."

"Sounds like the pigs gonna be here soon, chief. Still gonna wait for the burgers?"

"Already paid, ya see?" The bazooka-wearing one of the duo produced his debit card once more. "Buyin' lunch means none if you ain't got Ronnie's."

"Kinda cutting it close, chief."

"And what about toilet boy there?" interjected Isami once again, though she wasn't looking up from her phone. "He looks like he wants to do something American."

The duo looked as if they had just seen Karasawa.

"Hey lad."


"We'll be done in a bit."

"Don't look at chief's bazooka."

"It's a toy from a Ronnie's Cheery Lunch. In Rakkoshima."

"Your two MgChicken meals," declared the cashier, handing over the paper bags.

'Chief' took them gratefully and handed them to his mulleted companion. "Thanks lass, hope you have a nice one."

Then a: "Isami! Get the bike!" before the trio of suspicious young adults made a break for the door.

Orbit Portal Company Investor Booth - Dianoid, District 15

"Oh, that I can certainly answer!"

Megumi Motome paused, as if to allow light reflecting off the Dianoid's carbon structure to reflect off her own shades.

"After we were able to shenangle the collaboration with Iguchi-san for a promotional single," she began, "we thought it would be a good idea to involve her most famous role as well. To let Kanamin herself extol the magic of space travel. She has many fans who we think would love our work too."

She glanced around, before lowering her visors in a conspiratorial manner.

"And this will be a scoop for your club," she whispered, leaning down towards the middle schooler, "because tomorrow there will be an announcement for another Kanamin show that deals exactly with those themes. The new season hints were not just for show."

@Krayzikk@Plank Sinatra
Magi☆Mint Chip Ice Cream - Dianoid, District 15

"I'm the Super Mobile Girl of Love and Justice, Magical Powered Kanamin! In the name of the Consolamentum, I will give you a brain-freeze!"

Despite the costume being one that hailed from the super-deformed line of Kanamin paraphernalia, the Cathar-cosplaying comrade delivered the order in the same motion that the franchise's protagonist used when declaring her intent to combat her foes, and both the voice and intonations were almost perfect replications of Iguchi's acting. There was nothing in the distorted voice that revealed any recognition or approval of the two customers and their costumes, though one could consider the choice of opening catchphrase as being one. Because when 'life gave you lemons', the supposed thing to do was to 'make lemonade', yes? Finding a good way to 'wing it' was exactly what the Americans meant, right?

With surprising dexterity for stubby costumed hands, a box was handed over to the young man to diligently and gracefully fill with the takeaway pint of Magi☆Mint Chip Ice Cream.
Orbit Portal Company Investor Booth - Dianoid, District 15

Had it been anywhere but at Kanacon, the representative flagged down by Yu-ri would likely have been just another suit, a faceless man or woman who would have been utterly forgettable beyond the details of the company they had been hired to shill for. That was the nature of the investor booth, where many businesses failed to produce even a single individual with any form of charisma to reassure existing and potential shareholders that they would be profitable.

However, this booth was at Kanacon. And the Orbit Portal Company was not a business that lacked in interesting individuals. As expected of a company that called the walking, asymmetrical fashion disaster known to the world as "Ladylee Tangleroad" their Chief Executive Officer, the representative answering Yu-ri's questions had also strayed from what society deemed to be correct fashion, albeit to a far lesser extent that her employer. Her black suit and white dress shirt were akin to those worn by employees of other, less space-focused companies, but the blue necktie snugly hanging from her neck was covered in five-pointed stars (an inaccurate but easily recognisable depiction of the actual astronomical objects). A fashion faux-pas, but one that could be considered "eccentric" rather than disastrous.

But the real "ugh, no honey" was above the neck. The combination of a dyed-pink faux-hawk, plus the visor made to replicate the famous shades worn by Kanamin's rival in Integral, was a mistake that could only be made by the youth. In the past, this would one day go unacknowledged, but the prevalence of social media meant that Megumi Motome, age twenty-six, would have to deal with the consequences of her fashion indiscretions for the remainder of her adult life.

Of course, given her choice of employment, she was at least surrounded by fellow deficient individuals.

"I certainly have a minute," she said warmly to the middle schooler who had called her over. "What burning questions do Sakugawa have for our company?"


Haruma's chosen representative was less of a weirdo.

Kyuuichiro Idemitsu (twenty-nine, twice divorced, father of two) also wore a suit (though both jacket and trousers were navy), but his was far plainer, having chosen not to pursue a childish necktie design like his fellow Orbit Portal Company employee. The only major standouts were that he had chosen to wear a light blue plaid waistcoat (the colour of which was shared with his tie), and that around his waist was an utility belt containing Kanamin's wand, a Bible that had clearly been stolen from an American hotel somewhere, and a walkie-talkie.

He did have a shock of black hair too, but that was less a lack of fashion and more a lack of morning self-grooming (he had chosen not to brush his hair before leaving for the convention).

"I am Kyuuichiro Idemitsu."

That was the response given to Haruma as he politely, but tersely, accepted the teenager's business card. There was no acknowledgement of the minor faux-pas in business card exchange etiquette, because he was willing to produce his own, personal card as well (plus the company's) to provide to the Noriaki student.

"That isn't something I would mind," the representative continued. "We have brokers who can assist you. If you're interested, I can -"

He trailed off at Beppu's arrival.

"I can ... wait for you two to finish."

Stage - Dianoid, District 15

All concerts needed security personnel, and Iguchi's upcoming performance was no different. If Shion were to look around the stage area (which still wasn't fully filled given that the concert had yet to begin), she would notice a black-clad individual not too far from her standing in the shadow of a balcony overhang. An armband with the word "SECURITY" could be easily distinguished, but the rest of the garb wasn't exactly that of a normal security guard. Particularly the helmet hiding their identity.

In fact, they seemed to be separate from the rest of the guards.

Catching sight of Shion already present, however, the black-clad individual waved.

@Krayzikk@Plank Sinatra
Magi☆Mint Chip Ice Cream - Dianoid, District 15

Before the dawn of the Anthropocene, primates had already been enslaved to the divine ambrosia known as sugar.

Orangutan and chimpanzee would spend their days in the glades searching for ripe fruit and sweet nectar, to give worship to the sweetness that sustained their monkey brains. For sweetness was a signature of more sugar, and with more of that heavenly hydrocarbon, the greater the edge primate could possess over their rivals, whether they be predator or fellow ape. So the primate palate honed itself. It refined itself. Sugar was strength, so it selected for sweeter. If the monkey that loved fruit was the monkey that would be king, then the monkey tongue would develop a taste for those children of their home trees.

Even when ape left the forest, their worship did not change. In fact, that preference extended beyond mere fruit. From the honey of the bees to the saps of the maple, the primate chose to embrace sugar in all forms. It allowed its sweet tooth to guide its path into the light.

And today, that light had become ice cream.

With regards to sugar, no difference existed between the nerd and the ape. Had one dressed a gorilla in the garb of Magical Powered Kanamin, it was inevitable that they too would seek out Magi☆Mint Chip. The special edition, limited time ice cream recipe that could only be found in the halls of the Dianoid. None could resist it. Nerd, monkey or some hybrid of both were united in their quest for the creamy, sweet wealth in the ice cream.

If there was one difference, then it would be that apes were infinitely more tolerable.

They could not speak, and thus were far less inane.

"I saw Cosplay Girl Olivia!"

"Really? Wow, did you get her autograph?"

"No, she was airborne. That jet engine of hers is just too sweet."

"Big mood."

The young man stared straight ahead, the inane chatter of his customers drifting into one ear and out the other. After the indignities he had suffered during a prior night, he had discovered that what once would incite his choler now seemed so paltry and insignificant to him. He could now tolerate the inelegant blubbering of the common man, though it tarnished his sense of elegance to admit so. However, it was also a situation of necessity: as disgustingly debilitating it was to debase himself through such dreadful deeds, it was his duty, and to approach it without any professionalism or subtlety would only bring greater shame.

"Your Magi☆Mint Chip is 900 yen," he declared, the register chiming beneath his skilled fingers before he handed over the customers' strange purchase. "Please, enjoy your day."

To his left, an individual wearing a deformed facsimile of the fictional protagonist turned to face him.

"My friend, you look like you want to 'blow off steam', yes?" asked his comrade from within the costume with unfettered joy, voice distorted by the technological wonders of Academy City to replicate Yuka Iguchi's role. "Do you want to 'take five'?"

"No. I am able to handle this," replied the young man stone-faced. "However, why are we here?"

Why were they at an anime convention in the first place? Why had they lowered themselves to sell Magi☆Mint Chips? He could not comprehend the reasoning behind their presence.

"When you feel a bit 'under the weather', as they say, it's hard to do things you like, right?" mused the costume lackadaisically. "I wouldn't know, but we can 'get a leg up' on our reputation if we can hold 'their feet to the fire', yes? That is the saying?"

"Again, I do not speak English."

The costume shrugged, as costumes were wont to do.

"Ah well," his comrade said. "We have been 'press-ganged' as volunteers, but we can still 'have a blast', right? And next time, she can 'pick up the tab' inst -"

The costume caught sight of more customers.

"- oh, welcome! Would you like some Magi☆Mint Chips?"
@Enkryption@Krayzikk@Plank Sinatra

Big Mama Jin - Number One Woman in Japan

Strive for quiescence of body, mind and intention.

Energy was pumping through Ryou's open circuits before Lia's question had even been asked. The delinquent girl was already in action, the od circulating through her body reinforcing her physical capabilities to clearly superhuman levels as she closed the distance between her and whatever she was supposed to call that terracotta bullshit piggybacking off wimpass Morimoto. Maybe "dead meat", because she was gonna rip its ceramic ass a new one before it could recover from that halberd thrust. She'd never fought an actual ji-wielder before, but she'd taken on her fair share of dumbasses who thought street signs worked on her. And like, that was the same fucking thing anyway.

It wasn't like she had a pony under her ass or whatever, so closing the gap was absolutely a legit strat for her to go for, you know? And because "Deadassmoto" had so kindly given her an opening (she'd like, give Morimoto some "fave teacher" flowers on his gravestone when she got rid of this stupid fucking parasite), she was already in close to lay the beatdown on.

A ji was like, what, seven-eight feet? Once she was inside that, there was no way she was gonna get stabbed.

Flicking her nose with a thumb, Ryou felt the power build inside her with each controlled breath. The "inner alchemy" arts of her family translated into the martial arts that had whooped so many others' asses. And as she dashed in with frightening, reinforced speed, her movements flowed naturally into the Quanzhen Sect style, right palm striking out at the terracotta warrior's chest.

@Guess Who@NaraK@HereComesTheSnow

HTTS - Shipment Protection

"Hey, walrus fat burns really well, right?"
@Forsythe@FlitterFaux@Abillioncats@MULTI_MEDIA_MAN@Plank Sinatra

Liwang's expression became somewhat ponderous.

"Hm, the local Grimm hotspots have mostly been cleansed," the greeter recalled. "It was an exhausting duty, but if any survivors show their faces, you are free to waste them all with impunity. Nobody seems to be very suss, but just in case, do report if anything does look out of place."

And that expression changed to a bemused smile at Emerald's question.

"That isn't my department," Liwang said with a giggle, before leaning in close to speak with a faux-whisper, "but if you do see the performers, don't hold back from asking."
Post up. People can gravitate to one of the locations with stuff happening that I've laid out in my intro posts, or they can do their own little thing and seek out other nearby PCs. Or message me for stuff they wanna see happen. Or just contact me in general about stuff. Anything is fine.
Dianoid, District 15

Magical Powered Kanamin. The official English title of the multimedia franchise known more commonly in its native country by the name: 超機動少女カナミン (Chō Kidō Shōjo Kanamin). Its protagonist, the titular Kanamin, was a certain ordinary high school girl, except for the fact that she was actually a magician in disguise as a schoolgirl in order to avoid the Albigensian Crusaders of the Roman Catholic Church. This unique situation of hers was a never-ending source of trouble, and the misadventures she found herself wrapped up in were the focus of a TV anime (and its critically acclaimed sequel, Magical Powered Kanamin Integral). Every denizen of Academy City knew her name. How could they not? To many, Kanamin was their heroic idol, and thus it was no surprise to know that on this day, the Dianoid would be hosting the greatest Kanamin convention in the world.


Not only was it a place for fans, but the corporations and creators behind Magical Powered Kanamin's success were present too. Voice actress Yuka Iguchi, whose famous early roles included Nitros Oxide in Crash Twinsanity and Toristein in Jewelpet Twinkle before she became Kanamin herself, had arrived early to greet the fans and promote the new song produced by her collaboration with the Orbit Portal Company: Shining Star ☆ LOVE Letter. The main scenario writer of Integral, the rumoured cyborg who went by the pen name "Kamachi.EXE", could be spotted near the artist stalls where he was buying every print of Kanamin he could find. And even SEGA had set up their own tent where convention-goers could play nearly-finalised builds of the highly-anticipated upcoming Kanamin fighting game: The Second Magical Powered Kanamin Fighting ☆ Climax!!.

Anything a Kana-lover wanted could be found within this floor of the Dianoid.

—— The stage where concerts would be held.

—— The hall where autographs would be signed.

—— The dealer rooms for merchandise.

—— The cosplay areas. The art exhibits.

—— The food court filled with con-exclusive stores.

—— The many, many stalls that dabbled in everything Kanamin.

—— Even investor booths for those who were of a more financial mindset.

All one needed to do was simply look around.

Here, in the great diamond building that was the very jewel of Academy City's District 15, Kanamin had descended.

MgRonald's, District 7

"Why do they call them MgNuggs, chief?"

"All about the brandin', ya see? When Ronnie the Mime's on your chicken, folks'd be linin' up for that MgRonald's quality."

"But why? Nuggs are all the same everywhere!"

"Nah ya see, these are special 'cos they be MgRonald's nuggets."

"That can't be it, chief. Who goes bananas for Ronnie's? That just ain't logical."

"Logical schmogical, that's just how adversit-adver-fuck-advertisin' rolls."

Standing in front of the MgRonald's counter were two men (young adults) dressed in thick leather jackets. For the last ten minutes, they had been staring up at the menu, faces scrunched up in thought as they tried to decide on what to order. On any other day, taking so long to deliberate on fast food would have earned them the ire of other customers seeking the comfort and warm embrace of a Big Mg, particularly with their tendency to get sidetracked onto the most inane conversations. However, they were lucky enough at this moment to not be impeding any other customers. The line was empty except for them, and the short, hatted girl taking their order was patient enough to wait for them to finish.

"Sounds like mumbo jumbo to me, chief."

"Don't ask me, 'cos the rules of capit-capiche-capitalism-fuck yes! ain't mine."

"Still wack, chief. Gotta abolish those someday."

"Nah, then we'd none of Ronnie's MgChickens - two meals to go thanks lass."

"That'll be twelve-twenty yen." said the cashier politely as she rung up their order.

"Isami, sure you ain't hungry?" called out the mulleted one of the duo to the front of the restaurant. "Chief's paying!"

The girl in a frilled white dress sitting at a table looked up from her smartphone. "No. Ronnie's vegan options are disgusting."

"Whatever, suit yourself!"

"But," she continued, gesturing at the crowd of visibly-frightened customers that had huddled up near her. "Think one of these dweebs called Judgement and Anti-Skill, so get snappy with those cardboard burgers."

The sound of sirens drew closer outside the restaurant. The two men at the counter glanced silently at each other for a second. The mulleted man's gaze slowly travelled towards the large, wrapped object hanging from his companion's back.

"Chief, you really shoulda left the bazooka at home."
Writing up skeleton for intro post up now, general date in-universe is late August, the post-break term has yet to start. Multiple stuff will be happening at the same time with the help of my co-GM @Plank Sinatra so that everyone feels like they can contribute.

@Cojemo@FiroIV@Silvan Haven Don't need to rush, but we're starting off.
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