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Current It's too late. Always has been. Always will be.
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Life is just death in drag.
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He has no friends, but he gets a lot of mail. I'll bet he spent a little time in jail.
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jesse i have no money for fuckijg bills and steam sales
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@Khandov Sorry for the silence, been working on the IC on and off for the last week and a half. Life keeps getting in the way of making a large, complex intro post. But I haven't forgotten.

The goddess Amaterasu introduced herself and her champion, giving a bit of insight into their experiences. The experience of trying to piece together their subjective realities from mere descriptions was somewhat novel for Zero, who basically had almost no experiences of their own. What they did have was a portion of the memory of Genesis, ripped from the stars in the days when Genesis was not yet alone. Someone else's experiences of islands... nations... cities... poverty... crime... All passed down to Zero third-hand. They were like memories of a memory; the knowledge was intact, but the essence of it, the soul of the memory, felt distant, indistinct. Regardless, Zero felt confident and prepared for the task at hand. They were made for this, literally, and Genesis did nothing by accident.

Having not that much to say about themself, Zero opted instead for another approach. "In the absence of Genesis, I will endeavor to express its being, its desires, and its will to you all." Zero stepped forward to better garner the attention of the others. Despite the the hyper-evolved, anatomically esoteric body that they currently wielded, they did their best to keep their body language neutral and without aggression. "Genesis is love; the love for life, the love for the beauty of the universe, and the love that living things have for one another. Genesis loves you all, and so do I. This is the reason for which Genesis created me: so that I might be able to share that love with the multiverse, and keep it safe for any and all. Genesis has made me the first iteration; its successor, or perhaps its offspring. I greatly hope to learn from all of you, to grow a powerful bond of empathy and understanding, and bring Genesis to a new era of peace and unity."
@King Cosmos What if when Matteo was beginning his experiments with spaceflight/space folding, that was when he discovered the other Planes and was contacted by Chaos? Like we was on the cusp of one breakthrough, but made an entirely different, more urgent one as a result of it, leading to his armada-construction going on hold.

Zero watched with fascination as the variety of gods and their attendants arrived in a steady stream through various portals. One god even arrived with an entire entourage of attendants and followers, all of different species and intriguing morphologies. While the display was quite impressive, it seemed perhaps ostentatious. They all knew why they were here, and who they were each dealing with, so the possible reason for such a display was lost on Zero. Gods were usually free of the follies of mortals, such as their inability to comprehend perspectives outside of their own.

As more gods and champions arrived, Zero observed that they were the only party that had arrived alone, at least by all surface appearances. While it had all of the power and perspective of a god, Genesis unfortunately was truly bound to its physical form, and therefore its planet-sized flesh could not travel much of anywhere. Despite this, Zero was still in communion with Genesis through a powerful psionic link, though at the present moment that link was dormant. There was nothing here that required the direct attention of Genesis, and Zero had all knowledge pertinent to the situation secure in their bio-matrix. There was no possible way for them to store the godlike intelligence and universal knowledge of Genesis within their conveniently mobile flesh, but they were still able to retain a shocking large chunk of it.

That said, there was still plenty of room left in their skin to learn more. Entirely new universes needed to be explored, understood, and perhaps tasted. Genesis had already poured billions of Red Heralds-- independent bioforms far simpler than Zero-- into any universe it could breach for purpose of reconnaissance, but Zero was far from some simple scout. Evolution Zero was everything that Genesis could never be: an explorer, an ambassador, a missionary, and-- if needed-- a soldier.

Initially they were most interested in the hybrid bioforms exhibited in the large retinue surrounding the god Dominion, but after watching another champion literally fall into their throng, they decided against it.

"But of course, life-giving lady." Zero answered with perfect, crisp diction. There was not even the slightest unnatural resonance to their voice; their mimicry was perfect. "I could not serve Genesis were I not agreeable to life outside the communion." Addressing the others who might have been interested, they said, "I apologize that my creator could not join us. I have the full confidence and authority of Genesis, and may act in its stead. I might say, 'treat me as though I were Genesis,' but I would not presume to be so arrogant. Please treat me as a loyal ally and companion."

@Riffus Maximus I don't know how I managed to overlook your character, but she's accepted also.

A fleshy singularity erupted in the garden-between-worlds; a pulsating, vascular mass of viscera materializing from nothing, and then steadily expanding until it was roughly the size of a person. Once it had reached the apex of its mass, it suddenly hollowed out, creating an orifice in space. A flesh-tunnel through reality, through which Evolution Zero emerged. Unlike the portal that Genesis had used to pierce the veil of its universe, the being that stepped through was smooth, sleek, and had no trace of blood or guts anywhere on them. A silver avatar of evolution stood among the extradimensional flowers, serenely taking in the view. Despite the beauty of this place, it was an illusion, Zero knew. They could detect no pollen or other signs of floral life in this realm. It was all naught but a dream, though quite a pretty one.

Seeing no one else besides the shining goddess before them, Zero strolled up to Amaterasu in what it hoped would be a nonthreatening manner. "Warm blessings of Genesis to you, fair lady. I am the first iteration, you may call me Evolution Zero."
I guess I'm ready to start any time.
@King Cosmos So I think Matteo is a fine character and his nanomachines should fit in just fine as well. However, I have concerns that the scale of his Plane and his forces is mismatched to basically everyone else, and possibly the story at large. I remember our discussion in the Int Check, where you had assumed that a Plane was basically a planet, and I said that they were as big as they needed to be. So I don't fault you for running with that logic, and as ever I don't want to say "no," but I am basically wondering how you see your character fitting into this story. What relevancy does an army of dragons, or a cabal of assassins have in the face of a fleet of starships in orbit ready to bomb the fuck out of everything? I hope you can see my dilemma here, and I am interested to hear your thoughts.

@Sniblet Hierophant is good, accepted, post it over.

@6slyboy6 Your character sheet is still incomplete, please update it based on the template in the OP.

@Khandov Also looks good and accepted, just worth pointing out that Archons only control the inside of Gladius, and at that their particular section of it. The exterior changes shape to accommodate the Plane currently being invaded.

@Stern Algorithm Good, accepted.

@SunStar Apologies, I thought I had answered you, but feel free to post a CS.

That should do it for now. I'm going to get started on the IC this week, hope to have it up by Friday.


Long ago, the gods discovered the multiverse, and with it, the existence of other worlds, ruled by other gods. Some gods created alliances that sought to destroy "evil" gods, or to conquer the multiverse. Others sought wisdom, peace, and higher planes of being. Eventually—and tragically—one such group discovered what lies beyond the veil of our simulated reality: a state of being beyond Nirvana, and a state of mind even those who call themselves gods were not prepared for. Those gods who have seen it have seen their end, and lost their minds. Those who have heard its words, their souls forever corrupted. Those who have tasted of it, turned against their own creation.

It should have been left well enough alone. Now it bleeds, seeping through the gaps between dimensions, invading various worlds throughout the multiverse. It defies the paradigms of matter, substance, natural law, living being, energy, or spirit. The gods are powerless against its corrupting influence—the worlds they ruled, lost to the dissolving of natural order caused by their end: winds, tides, and even seasons shifting beyond control. Their only hope against this unstoppable force is to rely on the strongest mortals they can find. Mortals, it seems, are immune to the madness. Perhaps, only resistant to its effects. Perhaps, this is enough. It cannot be returned whence it came, but perhaps it can be starved out—surrounded by empty worlds in which no gods remain.

With this small hope, a new alliance of gods has formed, and champions have been gathered from all corners of the multiverse, blessed with the strongest weapons and enchantments their mortal bodies and minds can handle without breaking. They have battled each other in holy tournaments, and the strongest have emerged victorious. Now, these champions among champions prepare to do battle against the corrupted gods, to stop the spread of the undefinable "God Eater Calamity."


You will enter a role as a champion for a deity of your choice. This is not a fandom based RP, so you will need to create an original setting and your own original champion in order to be eligible for this RP. Player characters must also be some form of mortal with a string of accomplishments under their belt, and they are also allowed a blessing by their champion. Whether that champion be a weapon, skill, spell, or something else entirely is up to you.

Races of the character can be literally anything, from human, orc, elf, dwarf, or something else entirely. The only limit is your imagination. Just make sure your character is not overly powerful as to break the premise of the RP itself. A champion that can remodel entire universes to their whims would be not fun for the other players.


  • This RP is rated PG-13. Please avoid detailed descriptions of gore or sexual situations.
  • Each player is allowed one character.
  • No meta-gaming.
  • All Champions, Gods, and Worlds must be original. This is not a fandom RP.
  • Please post all finished character sheets in this OOC thread. Once I approve them they can go in the characters tab.
  • Also any other rules RP Guild has or in effect here.
  • This RP will function based off of your deities' collective decisionmaking. So make sure to deliberate on a major decision before making a decision that can end in a TPK.

@The Muse I would agree with this as it also doesn't make any sense for Zero to have to be "picked" since his god just made him from scratch for this precise purpose.
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