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I apologies for not posting in a while, I don't know what to do with Memoriae at the moment, Anyone got any suggestions?

He doesn't try mercenaries, bounty hunters and lawbreakers pretty much.

Well then he will be trusting of her, Once they get to speaking with each other. However he is someone that does not take betrayal well.
He's not a very trusting guy, Only with federation people or marines like himself whom he trust the most.
A funny thought came into my head, Thinking of East teaching the others how to be villans ala Robbie Rotten.


"If they plan any sort of betrayal then i have something for such a occasion" He said having removed his helmet, Holding it and smiling widely for her to see. "And i appropriate your enthusiasm about em but they are dangerous and we do not know what kind of havoc they could bring if they escape" He was walking along with her ignoring the nervous looks the other soldiers were giving him.

"I am also asking you if i can accompany you on a ship" He asked her nodding his head and agreeing to help her bring her things into the ship. Although he didn't think in this sort of mission she will not need such things. As they were much more high tech and more resourceful tech in the labs of the federation HQ. However he was not going to stop her form bringing her research material if they could find a cure or something useful with her things.

One Hour or so later.

Waiting beside Amber having placed her and his own things placed near the ship, Speaking with her about him being a leader of one squad and appointing another of the team as a leader of another team. He had the plan of splitting into two groups and trying to find Samus. Waiting for the others but wanting to talk of a game plan with her.


He would ask her being that they are both in the federation.

"This is new to us, They somehow got into the palace or they are people in this group in the palace" The royal guard said staying with the two of them. "Madam Leonore has been told of this incident and will meet with you" He added with Smith looking quite tired.

Soon enough Leonore came into the room hugging Smith, "Are you two okay? I am so sorry I did not think they would attack you two" She had her arms around him for some time before letting go and coughing softly.
@Stern Algorithm@LemonZest1337@vancexentan


Verdrehte was a little angry he could not be with the two women, He was stuck with some other low level villains. If they were anything like White Skull then they would be boring and mustache twirling villains. However if they were any fun being into the thrill of fighting and being chased then he would like them, The young villain was a bit worried that he would be noticed by the other heroes. And being a former hero himself he did not want the other villains to turn on him, He did not want to be killed or worse tortured by them.

These sort of thoughts was worrying to him and making him feel quite anxious, And drinking all of that milk was quite a bad ideas as well. He would need to hold it in for the time and when they stop he can go to the washroom quickly. Knowing about his part of the plan he was sure he was going to fight some heroes in training, He was going to maim and knock out as many as he could. However he had no plans on killing any of them, So he hoped this would not be another factor for the villains to turn on him. And the worst case scenario would be being captured by the heroes, And jailed or put into a insane asylum. The very thought made the masked youth shudder.

"My name is David and that is all you gotta know" He said feeling that he was prepared to leave, However he would need a few things from his quarters. Following behind Amber and when they were further away form the others he started to speak with her, "So what do you think of the situation? And the people we will be working with?" He asked his heavy footsteps echoing though the hallway.

While they walked to their quarters a few of the passing solider were making looking down at their feet, He knew why they did this because he was such a terrifying and looming figure. Not many people want to be around him and when they do they are weary of him, However he gets the job done so he is a valuable assist to the federation. Personally he did not trust any of them and thought they would be a hazard to the mission, Knowing himself he was going to get Samus, the cure and then he would gladly punish her personally afterwords. However he was going to be on his best behavior of course, He also wondered what her thoughts were of Samus and her whole relationship with the X and Metroid.
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