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The Sheriff and Deputy Clyde Winters
- @May96

A flurry of shaking hands, jumbled thanks, sideways glares, mumbled threats, quiet insults, and confused glances are what welcomed Uzume as she stepped off the wagon. She would soon find herself pressed by a growing crowd of people out of the way, until she was left forgotten in the street as people streamed past to unload and organize what few supplies the wagon had. Anything was welcome these days...

Though soon a fight began to break out. People scrambling to try and disrupt the order so as to sneak off with a can of food, or a bottle of rum, or some other item they thought worth a struggle for. This fight ended before it even began, however, as a gunshot rang over the crowd.

"You idiots better drop what you're grabbing before I put you in a bed behind bars for breaking the ration rules." A voice carrying immense authority called over the ensuing silence. The voice belonged to a man in a wide brimmed hat, with a dull and faded badge on his vest, cocking the lever of a repeating rifle as he stepped past Uzume as if she didn't exist. Several people shamefully returned themselves to order and set about re-organizing the supplies, even as others grumbled and slinked away with askew glances at the sheriff. Ambulating behind him, nearly a dozen or so paces behind due to the Sheriff's rapid pace, was none other than the awkwardly shifting, young, deputy called Clyde.

The Sheriff's presence itself seemed to bring a calm over the tension in the air, and within the next few moments the wagon owners and the Sheriff were speaking in quiet voices. The Sheriff lifted his head and seemed to acknowledge Uzume for the first time, before he just flicked a hand towards Clyde.

"Thank her." he said without looking at Clyde, the sheriff's gaze returning to the supplies and listening to the waggoneer's story about the trip. Clyde seemed to rub his badge several times before walking back towards Uzume- nearly tripping and falling over his own feet as he approached her, causing him to awkwardly rush the last few steps and nearly bowl her over. He seemed to realize at the final moment the impact about to occur, and threw himself to the ground and slammed into it at her feet rather than bumble into her.

Ever a gentleman, our Clyde.

The Sheriff shook his head at the spectacle.- laughter erupting from the nearby saloon. He then lifted up a case out of the wagon himself and began to lead other folks in carrying them into the town. Clyde groaned and picked himself up, dusting his vest off and rubbing his badge once again. He then sucked in a breath and spoke at Uzume;

"Nǐ hǎo! Xièxiè nín de bāngzhù! Nǐ de zhàngfū zài nǎ?" He said in fluent chinese without a beat in his strangely paced tempo, extending his hand to her with a goofy smile. "Rúguǒ nǐ xiàng tāmen shuō dì nàyàng shúliàn, rúguǒ nǐ de zhàngfū yuànyì, wǒmen kěnéng huì gùyòng nǐ." he laughed as if he said something silly and oh-so hilarious.

The Leaky Pitcher
- @ElRey814@TitusCaecilius@Cleverbird

In the heat of the day, the saloon was relatively populated. New faces such as Lily's received much scrutiny as they entered. Those who had spent even a week longer in Ulysses than them seemed to act as if they belonged and newcomers didn't, as if they were glued to their seats and the glasses of murky mixture in their hands were a part of their bodies.

But none batted an eyelash at Samuel Gilead- a man whom, to the rest of the town, was no different than a rusty nail sticking out of the board work of the building. He simply belonged.

Hushed whispers--

Red necktie- that's damn disrespectful. Don't she know about Redmond?

She some vagrant, copying the bandit? If she is we might be able to get a reward for 'er.

She carries them pistols like she knows how to use 'em- interested in sheriff's work. Not from here, wonder if she'll stick around

I betcha a nickel she's a whore by the end of the week

ooo boy, gilead's talkin' to 'er. This'll be good.

God I hate this town.

And similar other mumbles and mutters of little consequence. The mumbles were cut short, however, by a gunshot from the street- and those who turned to look out the window of the saloon soon bore witness to a scene of some despair; a wagon of supplies being heckled, just for the sheriff to come and put an end to the shenanigans. Once the conflict was cleared up, a few patrons of the saloon donned hats and coats and stepped out to lend a hand to the sheriff in handling the supplies- the more good natured of the folk, that is. Others grumbled more about the gunfire and disruption as if it was orchestrated specifically to bother them.

Then, finally, a round of uproarious laughter exploded from many of the patrons at the sight of the deputy tripping over his own feet towards the strange woman with the swords.

The bartender gruffly laughed out to Lily in response to her question;

"That there's the sheriff, in the big hat with the rifle."

but as soon as the laughter started, a round of coughing fits and the clinking of glasses returned to being the norm in terms of the saloon's auditory nature. And as the quiet returned, the strangeness of Gilead and Lily seemed to have lost the interest of the patrons, and that left Guilhartz as the object of the mumbling and gossip- his foreign features and well kempt manner making him of particular interest to the working women of the upper floor, one of which who whistled to him to try and get him to look up at her so she could try to woo him with a provocative gesture.

A few of the men guffawed at the scene, but all in all the saloon returned to its usual, tense, gossip-filled, loosely alcoholic, stature.

- @Clever Hans

She rubbed her eyes. She was tired. Why did she have to be up? Why did papa keep her moving like this? She looked ahead up her, up at the man she called father, and stumbled over a small shrubbery in her drowsy state. As she stumbled the man moved back in a blur to catch her, a slight wince of pain clear even to Onawa in his breath. She looked up at him worriedly, but the calm in his eyes settled her own restlessness.

Soon, little one, you may rest. Soon. A kind man is close. You will stay with him for a time. Until I am able to return to you.

his words filtered into her mind through a fog, their meaning barely registering as she felt herself lifted into his arms. She felt the warm wetness of blood down one of his arms, but was too tired to do more than wriggle away from its grossness as best she could.

Papa, why? she asked, finally, as she turned her head to the side and saw the light of a campfire ahead of them. Not that far, but far enough she didn't want to make the walk herself. She relaxed in her father's arms and let him bear her weight.

The wolf hunts me. Because of the dreams. Because of your dreams. Remember the howl, my child? remember it always, and fear it. If you dream the howl, run when you wake. Promise me this, Onawa, and I promise that one day I'll return to you.

I promise, papa. she said as her eyes fell shut. Why is the wolf hunting us?

Because Tivaci is old. He has lost much, and I fear something evil has...

She drifted to sleep as he spoke, his words lulling her to slumber even as he tried to warn her...

Jack Tatum soon witnessed something eerie. Eerie indeed.

The native man from before- the one who'd eaten at his fire, the one with the gash on his arm- reappeared in the firelight, a girl in his arms. By his reckoning, the girl couldn't be more than ten, but she could also just be a tall and lean girl for her age given the native upbringing.

The man stared at Jack for a few moments, before laying the girl down beside the fire and placing the handle of his knife into her palm. He held onto her hand for a few moments, lingering and gazing at her, before returning his eyes to Jack.

In a thick voice, slow and slurred, he spoke;

"...Protect... Onawa. Wolf. The Wolf hunts. Evil. Evil land. Evil men."

He gazes down at her and begins to weep.

"Good. Onawa Good. You good. I feel it. Protect. I lead Wolf away. Farewell, Onawa."

And without another moment's hesitation the man broke into a frenzied sprint from the fire, staggering as he ran into the night.
It was in jest~

Or was it?

Yes it was
... Or was it? Dun dun dunnnn

you folks and your shrinking text wizardry.


By quoting you I have discovered the secrets.

@Cleverbird Hey now, none of that. Y'boi here said he was writing and he is, he just didn't have the same sudden burst of speed he did for post 1. It's coming, likely by the end of today actually.

So long as the moths don't get me.
Apologies for the brief quiet there, was making up some missed sick-time at work and died. I'll be back in business and churning out written material tomorrow.

Welcome back boss-man.

As for the rest of you who were waiting on messages from me [just tossing this here since it's relevant to posting as a whole] sorry for the delays, I had an uber busy weekend and had to make up some sick-time at work. I basically just died over the weekend. I'll be back in business, full operational power, by tomorrow and be working on the things I need to. Cheers.
Probably gonna wait till our esteemed master has posted, so I have more to reply to :P

Y'all gon' turn this idiot into an egotist at this rate.
oh dear. Everyone's posted. That means I need to do things. Why you all gotta be like this. Why you all gotta be different from the 85%+ of guildies who disappear before posting.

Why I gotta be an over-achieving and way too committed d00d.

I'll re-re-read all the posts and begin progress on responding where I feel I need to and having the world just kinda...exist. I am a rather passive GM, as noted before. I'll respond to things you folks do, have NPCs make conversations, sometimes just narrate what's going on somewhere just for the fun of it or to give insight into another NPC or character--

basically what I'm rambling about here is if you find how I do things strange lemme know, but I tend to respond to everything given to me by you folks. So it might take me a little longer than average, but I also tend to over-achieve anyway.

Bleh, TL;DR I'm workin' on it folks. Let's do this.

Edit: That being said if you folks also want to just RP with each other that's also cool, I'm all for characters interacting at any point.
I have begun to message folks to proceed with the next steps of my own posts. Cheers.
I swear to you all I'll break this multi-post habit one day, but it's my thread and I'll broach etiquette if I want to damn it. That or I'll remember to address Everything before hitting send.


I'd appreciate it if you moved the application out of the characters tab, as that's for approved characters. I'll give the sheet a proper review tomorrow after I get home from work, but I'll pre-emptively warn you that, even with the assumed drop of Decadent, I'll have to be impressed/fall in love with it to approve it due to my desire for a character limit [which I exceeded from the initial sheets and am now at, right on the nose]. Don't be disheartened and assume denial, just giving you a clear and fair heads up on the situation.
@Cleverbird@Hour Error@May96@ElRey814

Wonderful job being on the ball, glad to see posts up. Just giving you unnecessary affirmation. Good dog and all that.

@Clever Hans

Loud and clear on your update four days ago, and still not rushing you in any capacity. Just asking for an update or a heads up when you get the chance.

Has alerted me to a concern of his and I am working with him on it, so no worries he's still around for now. Just new to the guild :)

@Decadent hasn't been seen in 13 days, and last posted 18 days ago. Please let us know what's up if you show up again, but for now considered to have disappeared/dropped the roleplay due to extraneous circumstances. Returns are always welcome.
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