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I guess my comfort zone is "eccentric side character."

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The Argus fight from Asura's Wrath is perhaps the most appropriate use of Dvorak's new world symphony ever and no one will convince me otherwise.

Little King Story's soundtrack is nothing but classical music, mostly because it's all public domain and, thus, free to use.

Georgia had been momentarily distracted by the presence of another person in her head. It wasn't as bad as Amuro's tidal wave of emotion and history, but it still wasn't nice having someone else's fear and confusion rolling around in your skull, especially when there wasn't anything you could realistically do about it. She was gonna have to sit all these people down and explain boundaries to them, especially since she was the only civilised psychic here!

Well, maybe not. The knives her partner had throw to impale two heartless jerked out and flew by themselves back to their sheaths before the man stepped forward and finished them off. Soldiers, huh? "That works. They kind of look the part, in a clownish sort of way. You're getting a credit when I write the book on these."

That left the non due guerre's of the big boys up to her, and right in the nick of time. As asher jumped clear over one of them and smashed its head like a whack a mole game another was advancing on her along with a group of soldiers. Big boys, that could work. No, no, that was a fast food chain. It needed to be punchier.

As she thought the big guy wiggled and launched itself at her, gut first. Georgia yelped and jumped into the air as the big guy passed under her. "Big Bellies!" She exclaimed, throwing her rope down toward the Heartless. Like living thing it twisted around the creatures small head, squeezing good and tight and covering its eyes as Georgia landed on its shoulders. It freaked out, stomped its feet, and tried to reach up to get he be down,t seem to be able to. It's big arms didn't go up that far.

She gave the rope a tug, pulling on it's head, and the monster spun its fists out in that direction. Two of the soldiers were caught completely off guard and splattered onto the opposite wall.

One got past on the other side, but luckily her sweet vigilant baby boy was there waiting for it. It gave off a war screech as the thing danced close and leaped, landing wicked sickle claw first and taking it to the ground where he proceeded to chomp down on the arm and give it a right good thrash about. The arm tore clean, and so Snopes threw it aside and attacked the things head as Amuro looked on in combined confusion/horror.

Satisfied that, if not kill the things, Snopes could certainly tear them apart she gave a hard yank to the things head again and it turned swiftly toward the herd of them conveying the hallway. Grinning and brought down the flat of her Keyblade hard on the things back. It launched forward in a blind panic, swinging its arms from side to side in a meaningless frenzy as it ran. It caught soldiers left and right, the sound of their crude armor crunching inward filling the hallway. As she got close to where Asher had landed she gave a tug again and the Big Belly turned to give him a wide berth. "Hahaha! Just like the trikes back on the ranch. Yeeehaaa!"


@Hammerman@KillamriX88@Crazy Scion@RoflsMazoy@rawkhawk64

Bak didn't know what was happening. It was becoming a distressing trend with her. One moment she had been turning back to grab Vittorio from his creating place, ready to cart everyone off to wherever they could get treatment without being arrested. Then David had started freaking out, which she attributed to being carried by something like her. Then he'd started glowing. Then they'd appeared...

At first she wasn't sure. She took it for some decayed old ruins until she spotted Alto and everything resolved in her mind. They had been returned to the arena. Her immediate thought was to blast Alto before he got them, but he was standing on the other side of a huge man they had landed in front of. A giant, covered in magic symbols and wearing a mask like some kind of heinous witch, and as she watched him an airship listed into view and plowed into the stadium seating behind them. It flopped over on its side, and was still.

"Piss! Shook us like a kid throwing a tantrum." Came a female voice out of the load speaker on the ship, now cut apart with ripples of static and fluctuating in volume. It was really only loud enough for Nαɳαƈα to hear at all, as the ship had come to rest quite near her. "Jokey, you good?"

"I think I threw up." Came the reply.

Bak eyes were drawn off that mess when the witch man spoke. Told them to look. Told them what would happen to the whole city. The whole city. And as he talked her mind dragged up a different conversation. One she'd had in the early morning, with a condescending boy.

"The fighting between all three factions; two schools and a private group, it's gone beyond friendly competition to a blood feud. That is dangerous for us all, especially if there is a Greater Evil than the Ancient Evil, or just new machinations by the latter. Then again, I might just be seeking meaning beyond the conflicts and causes presented before me.

Was this what that boy had been talking about? She watched the devastation he claimed to have wrought on this stadium. She didn't much care what happened to the city. Like she had said, the whole city was beyond her range. But she couldn't help picturing what this man could do to St. Lucifer's, and the implicit threat of destruction he'd declared against it. That was comfortably within her range.

"Rurik, take Yuuto." She ordered. She didn't even brother to look up. She was too busy manually aiming her artillery cannons. "Go to warn Tovarisch. Take care of Vittorio." David had already jumped off. That was fine. She could be mad at him later, for whatever it was he had done. "I'll be giving covering fire."

"You're not serious." Alto said scornfully, sword flashing to life in his hand. The cut from Vittorio still hurt and for all he knew Clara had a hand in this. He'd half expected the lot of them to attack him. "You're on my side now? What kind of game are you people playing?"

The sound of Bak's cannons where her only reply. She could settle things with Alto later as well. Form his part Alto just growled in frustration. He threw his sword at the cultist back and extended a finger directly at the mans heart, waiting until after the man man to move before unleashing another Hyperlight Stream. Unlike Vittorio, he aimed to put this one down.
I think Agoston is the best candidate to tame the savage Spirit of this dragon. Let's count down the pros here.

He's already got fire powers, so the upgrade is on brand. He's a physical attacker, and spirit would likely make him beefier. He wight get wings to carry him into battle more swiftly. Finally, The dragon won't be able to drive him to rule the world, because that would mean he would be betraying the emperor. I think its a good fit, if no one else wants to enthusiastically call dibs.
That's happened to me before. I confused preview for post.
"Stop, stop!" Georgia said, scrambling to her feet. "He's a...goodness knows..." She reached up and massaged her temples. "Urgghhhh, feels like his whole life got put in here." She shook her head, as if that helped with psychic echoes floating around in your brain. "He was stuck in that robot. It's his. They took it from him. He's a friendly."

She walked up and put a hand on Asher's arm and gently pilled the knife away from the space mans throat. "It's not his fault. Blame black coat, he dumped him on me." She pulled more, moving Asher a little ways back from Amuro. Then, as he was about to speak, she hauled off and slapped him across the face. "That's for mind melding without my okay." She said.

Before anything else their was a sound like water coming up a drain and a plethora of clanks, along with the warning growl of Snopes. Before he had been defensively posturing at the boy that had been annoying his master, but now he was letting out full on danger growls. Georgia turned to see the previously empty hallway filled with waist high, semi-armored creatures. They weren't like the small black shadows that had assaulted her back home, but those luminescent yellow eyes shining out of their helmets told the whole story. The heartless.

As she watched more warped in, more of the armored ones content to dance mockingly in front of them. In the back several larger varieties of the species, fat with giant arms and tiny heads. She was momentarily taken aback, not by fear but awe. "Natural real time warping...what let's them do that?" She said, more to herself that anyone.

The closest ones didn't let her finish speculating. They danced forward, four of them, spinning toward the four of them like demonic tops. Georgia grabbed the carbon rope from her side and unfurled it, whipping it at the one on the end. The thing shot out like a snake, coiling itself around the things center. Georgia whipped it to the left, slamming it into the others and sending the whole group crashing through one of the windows.

The rope slithered through the air back to her, climbing up her arm to leave a length dangling from her hand. With her other she dragged Amuro off the wall and put him behind the velociraptor. "You take care of him, boy. Mama's got work to do." She'd been headed for the robot, bit she supposed she could handle keeping these things away from the empress.

Another jumped at them and she lashed out, whipping it down. These guys were coming at them slow as muck for some reason, but she wasn't complaining. She was complaining about how the chaotic thing hopped back to its feet almost instantly though. That was disturbingly familiar. This subspecies was less ethereal than the small shadows, but no less immune to her normal tricks.

"Right, Keyblade or magic." She said, summoning the blade in her other hand. If she'd know she was going to be expected to fence, she would have agreed to take those lessons from those wandering knights. Still, she had a way to make this work for her.

She lashed out again with the rope, wrapping around the arm of the one she'd failed to damage and yanking him toward her. The blade was big, and unwieldy, but so long as it was wrapped in her shroud she could lift and swing it as easily as a walking stick. As the heartless sailed though the air she swung down, taking its head off with one clean slice.

The body tumbled behind her as the head clattered to the floor and vanished in a cloud to black smoke. "So the armor is part of their bodies? Fascinating." She turned back to Asher. "Hey, what would you call this sub species? I'm crap at naming things."


Ria cocked an eyebrow as the girl she'd just seen sputter up blood, collapse on the floor, and ducking fie, rose ton her feet and proceeded to get...real friendly.

She signed as the other girl got what could only be described as a grip. She let her indulge for just a bit, tilting her head to the side and staring listlessly at the wall between Brutus and the ghostly boy. The other ghostly boy. What, was exploding how they reproduced?

She considered Michaels words. He had a point. There was no way for them to fight, especially carting around her lame ass. "You're right. You guys did your part. Saved a lot of lives in here. No reason to go out and get yourselves killed. But, I think there's one last issue in here we have to address."

"Honestly, flat justice," she said, looking down at Diana as she lifted up one arm and extends two fingers. "Right at this moment I wouldn't mind you putting your fingers wherever you like, iiiiiiffff..."

She struck quickly and decisively, shoving her fingers up Diana's nose and trying to peel the other girl off. "If I thought you were really Diana right now! I might be high as a kite, but I still got a great view from up here. And let me tell you, your mouth might tell lies but that body don't. Michael, wrestle this bitch!"

Wrestle this bitch they might have done, were it not for the sudden shock that cracked the walls and send Ria tumbling off Michel and onto the ground amidst the bodies. The lights flickered once, twice, then gave up the ghost and they were all engulfed in darkness save for the light that managed to find its way through the cracks.



Gilliam had no knowledge of the threat posed by the masked men. In fact he took their intrusive pile on as an opportunity to sate his hunger. Tendrils exploded out of him, wrapping the cultists, drawing them closer as his back bulged and deformed. It spilt down the middled, opening up into a great maw with teeth like tombstones and greedily flapping tongue.

The side dishes throwing themselves at his mouth was thrilling, but he found he was having some trouble. The main course, it seemed, had been overcooked. His skin was hard, chewy, with the texture of old tires. He knew because he had eaten tire before like this, just ripping and chewing with as many mouths as possible. It was inefficient and crude. Luckily for Gilliam, he was civilized now. He could utilize utensils.

Gilliam shrank slightly as he pushed more of himself into his tentacles and all along the them new tentacles formed, smaller, like hairs. Some were topped with small, sharp blades of bone, others three pronged barbs, and still others just shriveled little tubes. His mouths ceased there ravenous chewing and there was a bubbling sound as the tubes shook, bulged, and then spit clear burning stomach acid onto the areas his teeth were having trouble with. Not missing a beat the prongs stabbed down into the affected area as the blades went to word, rapidly moving back and forth to cut the meat into chunks so the forks could deliver it into the patiently waiting mouths. Bon appetite! Was there anything more civilised and elegant that this?

Even still, he could feel that his opponent was far more brutish in his methods. It shook him, to feel the familiar sensation of teeth sinking into his flesh. He almost lost it, almost fell into a pit of paranoia and terror, but realization hit him like a ton of bricks. "It was you." He said calmly, eyes coming into the sharp focus of the fundamentally insane. "You're the one I've been feeling. You're the one I've been hiding from for the past month. You? You?" he laughed wildly, joyously. "Pitiful old men. Joyless, wretched creature, I got you again. You were hunting me, but I got the drop on you! Hahahhahahahahahah!"

He was still laughing when the masks went off, and Gilliam was blow all across the street. The end of the tentacles tangled with the cultists flopped back and forth like a beheaded snake as parts of the boy it had been attached to rained down around them. It slammed, spasmed, weakly jerked, and laid still.

But it hadn't stopped.

The furious work of the little knives, the little forks, the little dedicated acid squirters, it hadn't ceased.

The tentacle coiled upward, standing for battle like a king cobra, and on the underside right below the smoldering tear where it had been attached to his body a faced resolved out of the flesh. A face that was human like but in now way was it a man anymore. It looked at Legion, and smiled.

He would be next.

Before that, though, an uninvited guest. Metal clashing against the ground drew his attention. "Luigi." It said, in a voice like air being forced through a hose. "Are we to debate the riddle of steel once more?" The face hacked, and out from its mouth emerged a long, jagged blade of bone. With whip like speed the Gilliam serpent jerked back and swung itself through the air, gripping as tightly as it could to its opponent, to come in and slice from the opposide direction of Luigi to leave the cultist no escape. If luck was with them their blades would meet in the middle of this man.
"That's the spirit, old timer. I guess." Georgia said. It wasn't a big turn around, but he was at leat agreeing to hang around this shady castle. She had a feeling she'd need as many friends as she could get going forward.

Speaking of friends, one of these guys was actually talkative. She turned to face the coin flipper and gave a smile. "Oooo, 'milady.' Haven't been greeted like that since the Round Table conference. Of course you can come, the more the merrier. We can split...the..."

She lifted her head unknowingly toward the main gate, a quizzical look plastered across her face. The pen spinning on her finger slowly lost it's momentum and clattered noisily to the floor, but she didn't pay it any mind. "Who is that?" She said to no one, narrowing her eyes. "Who's...is somebody there?"

She didn't even pay attention to the Emperor excusing himself as she slowly walked toward trying to pinpoint whoever this was. This was some kind of psychic anomaly, the impression of an impression of a person, like being alone in a room and feeling someone's shadow on your back. That was nonsense though, she wasn't trained to pick up this sort of thing. Whatever this was couldn't be this faint if she was feeling it, it would have to be incredibly powerf-

Then the connection became concrete and the suddenness of it sent her to her knees. Memories flooded in, people she had never me, places she had never been, wars she hadn't fought. It had been a shadow, the shadow of whatever it was that was casting this pressure. Thunderclouds, a psychic hurricane throwing out wave after wave of feelings, memories, impressions.

"Gyaaaaa, stop, who are you?" She cried out as the waves kept pounding against her brain. She'd heard stories from abduction survivors, how they'd been assaulted like this until it a scrambled their brains and left them with holes in their memories forever. Then, as though in respond to that memory, she felt the pressure pull back leaving behind an impression of confusion. Like it hadn't expected that reaction, like nothing like that had ever happened to him before.

"Yeah, well, I don't think we're working on 100% the same wetware here." She said crossly, shaking her head and staggering back to her feet with the help of Snopes who had so kindly slid his head under her arm and was now growling in agitation at the thought of his master being hurt. She noticed the guard had rushed in to inform them of that giant wave of heartless that had appeared at the palace gate. She didn't notice that her nose was now gushing blood until she felt it on her lips. "It's like you're a quantum computer, and I'm a CB radio. You can't expect that to be wholly comparable, Amuro." She paused for a moment, before clutching her head. Cripes, she had a headache. "Good, you left your name in there. What else?"

She searched her thoughts, and her eyes widened. "Evacuate the castle!" She shouted at the guard. He stood there, confused, before she walked up and grabbed him by the armor. "That thing has a gun that can punch through whole battleships, you think a bunch of stone is gonna be able to stop it?"

The man looked at her like she'd gone crazy, then looked over her shoulder at the Empress. Georgia growled, "Sheep," before pushing her way past the man and sprinting down the hall. "It's a machine! It's a giant war machine!" She called back behind her.

The comforting clicker-clack of claws of stone followed her, but she wasn't sure how much good his claws would do against that white devil she'd seen in her mind. Truth be told she didn't know what she could do against that thing, besides treat it like an ornery t-rex and tie it down till it stopped struggling. She just knew that this was the first modern city she'd seen in ten years and there was no way she was letting it burn before she got to enjoy at least a little of it.

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