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I guess my comfort zone is "eccentric side character."

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Georgia lifted her hand to her ear and rubbed at the wearing as she got Asher's message. "Ten four, the more the merrier." She looked up at Hirutila. "That was Asher, the red haired guy. He wants to come with us." She was starting to get the feeling that if they were going to keep using this she'd have to get somebody on this tug to pierce her ears. The thought made her flinch.

" Anyway, you guys had slings right?" Georgia replied to Hirutila as she followed him out before Tocsax could reiterate what they were doing to apparently the latest random misfit to stumble through a dimentional portal into their laps. Did they really have no way to keep that from happening? Their enemies could do that, right? She shook her head as they walked down the hall. She should stay on target. "I'm gonna assume everyone that developed weapons had slings at some point. Well, a gun is like that. Except the rock in throws is not only wicked fast and damn near impossible to see in motion, it's got enough force behind it to go straight through a man and kill the one behind him. And instead of one stone every thirty seconds, it's about five hundred every minute."

As the smell of sizzling meat and steamy vegetables started wafting down the hallway into their noses she sighed and looked up with a serious look on her face. "Considering what Tocsax told us I don't expect there to be many humans left where we're headed, but if we meet one that's the sort of weapon you can expect them to have. That means we've got to stick together out there. I've got a technique that can defend against that, but I have to be between you and them to use it. So if I say something like 'get behind me' or suddenly yell your name, then you've got to do that. Okay?"

The concern on her face was evident, something born of agonizing pain in the past, but the look was replaced when she saw what her boy chowing down. A narrow eyed look of pure reprimand that the dinosaur felt before it saw, suddenly going rigid with it's latest slice of meat still hanging halfway out of its mouth. Slowly and bashfully it leaned down and put the steak on the floor before turning its regretful little head to look at its master, dipping it low and facing her with one eye.

"Don't look at me like that, you know you're not supposed to beg." She said, tapping her foot but still softening somewhat. This was when the new boys came in, one of them exitedly pointing out Snopes to his brothers. This softened her further as the boy stepped a bit closer to admire him.

Oh what the hey, Snopes could have it if he was willing to work for it. She pulled out her rope, spun the end around a few times, and tossed it at the steak that had been deposited on the floor. Snopes followed the rope with his eyes as it wrapped around the steak like an eel and he chased after it as Georgia yanked it back into her hands.

The raptor skidded to a stop in front of her and wiggled with anticipation, and followed along with her as she led him closer to Victor and Agni. "Hey." She said. "Want to see a trick. C'mon boy." She patted the dinosaur on the side and it stopped its wiggling as Georgia laid the steak perfectly across his snout. "Easy, easy. Wait for it." She said, stepping backwards as Snopes held stock still, his eyes intently focused on the treat. Georgia snapped her fingers, and in a flash the raptor jerked his head, tossed the steak into the air and snapping in down in three quick snaps of his jaw. "Hahaha, good boy." She said, walking over and scratching him on the neck. He made a low rumble in his throat and leaned into it.

Georgia turned back to Victor as the third brother now sauntered up. "You can touch him if you want. C'mon over here, I've got him well trained. He's gentle as a lamb if you're not trying to kill me."

She looked away for a moment as Asher relayed another message, this one about wanting to give her some personal information. She tapped the earring again and said in a low whisper. "I'm all ears. I'm always up to learn a secret or two." Then she continued, slightly louder. "Also if you have another of these it would really help to give one to Hirutila, seeing as we're riding into battle. Uhhhh, you can pierce ears? Right?"


Level 3 - (30/30) LEVEL UP!

Acquire Strength: Hit and Run - skillful, tactical, painful. While on the move, Linkle can engage a single enemy at melee range, deliver a solid strike or two, and move on without opening herself up to counterattack. While only one enemy can be hit at once, she can 'dash attack' several in a row if need be.

Level 4 - (0/40) + 3

Location: Peach's Castle, Dark Forest Bridge ---> Peaches Castle, Entrance ---> Scrapyard

Word Count: 1,322

@Lugubrious @Dawnrider@Genon@DracoLunaris

Linkle leaned in curiously as the man ruffled through the rucksack he had conjured from this air, wondering where it was she could get one of those. After all, all the legends mentioned the hero carrying tons of different gear and specialized equipment, but never made any mention of where he stored it all save for the verses and verses dedicated to glass bottles. She was even more taken aback as the thing he pulled from it manged to conjure some sort of large machine on the bridge, almost as big as that robot that had been guarding the bridge. She leaned in again to admire the thing and ponder as to what it did, and the Kid took this opportunity to lift the top hat back from Linkle's head, letting her rabbit ears flop freely. The Kid at least seemed to know what this thing could do, and Linkle got a taste of it as the engine kicked into high gear and the machine was lifted off the ground by the rotating blades!

Linkle would have waved as they went off in their amazing flying machine if her hands weren't occupied holding her ears flat to the top of her head to drown out the noise the thing made. Those rabbit ears seemed to be the real problem. They were sharp of hearing. A little too sharp, maybe. A loud noise like that machine or the roar of that monster could be debilitating if it happened in the middle of the fight. Maybe Shadow Junpei had been doing her favor when he'd cut them down to size. Still, even that pain didn't manage to quell the wonder of seeing that thing lift off and shoot through the air toward the entrance of the castle like the majestic Cucco tossed from a roof.

She wondered if it was as fast as a falling Cucco too.

Grinning and dropped down into a sprinters position, whistled a loud sharp starting whistle, and took off at full speed after it.

"HA!" Linkle said, skidding to a stop just in view of the Kid and strange warrior on the path to the castle entrance. She bounced from one leg to the other in pride. The man had already had time to put away his flying machine by the time she had run up, but he hadn't made it inside yet. That, at least, counted for something in Linkle's eyes. She waved to the pair as they walked inside then, not even pausing to catch her breath, spun around and started making her way over to where Bowser Junior had gone. It wasn't a moment later that she spotted Tora and Poppi waiting on the bridge. Tora called out to her, complimenting her on her new ears. She rubbed one in unconscious pride and beamed at him. "They're actually a bit of a pain, but I'm coming into them. They were a friends, after all. Besides, it's more common than you'd think for the hero to end up turned into a rabbit when traveling another world. Of course that time it was a curse instead of a gift..."

If given the chance she would have regaled the two with the entire Legend of A Link to the Past, but unfortunately (or fortunately) the bridge crossing was way too short for even an abridged version of the story even when they had to slow down to navigate the holes and debris. "I wonder if we should fix it or finish knocking it down. The rabbits seem alright, but who knows what sort of ideas those robots might get when they come back to see a castle full of non-shadow people."

As they made it across Linkle could see Junior ordering around the rabbits as though they had always worked for him. It made her laugh. That kid seemed like a chip off the old block in more ways than one, but it didn't seem as though the rabbits were putting in as much hustle as they could as the daylight continued to wail. She looked around, cautiously searching for any scary red-eyed stalfos bot or freakish long armed monsters. The thought of being out here in the dark, where those things could be lurking around, made her nervous. She had a sudden vision of that robot suddenly bursting from one of the scrap piles as the last rays of light faded, then another, the another, the skeletal things shambling in an ever tightening circle around their small group as still more emerged from the scarp each bearing one of those guns that put clean holes in their fellows metal skin. The thought made her shudder.

She thought about just going ham on friend hearts and freeing all the rabbits, but thought better of that. After two times she could tell that the process of freeing someone with a heart left her slightly drained. Not in a tired way, but it was definitely something diminishing like using up her momentum to perform a big attack. It wasn't something you could just do whenever you wanted, so she decided on a different approach and stepped up beside Junior. "Here, let me try something. I've got some experience motivating unruly little guys."

Back home on the Cucco farm Linkle had discovered long ago that you had to think like a creature if you wanted to make it do what you wanted. It wasn't like goats, where you could scare them and throw them around and they'd be all docile in their corral. You could only push a Cucco so far before it reached its breaking point and when that happened it would kick, peck, and holler so loud you could swear the world was ending. In most cases it might as well have been, because then you'd hear the chorus of clucks and the beating of many wings. The sky would go black at the approach of the swarm and the perpetrator would be engulfed in a sea of white feathers. In most cases that would be the last you ever saw of that person. You couldn't order a Cucco. You had to get into its head.

Luckily a rabbit had already gotten into her head and in Linkle's estimation that was about the same.

She took off her white rabbid fur cloak and draped it over Junior, showing off the blazing green of her cloak. The same green that had adorned the previous leader of these rabbids. With a concentrated force of will she made her white ears stand all the way up and looked around for exactly what Junior had wanted to scavenge from this rubble. She couldn't see any of the carts she was familiar with laying around, but she did see a few things with wheels that had already been ripped from the rubble by them. They were strange, reminding her more of that flying machine the warrior had pulled from nowhere than a horse drawn cart, just without the spinning bits. It dawned on her that this might be the same sort of machine, just for land travel instead of air. That was actually really smart. They'd be able to get anywhere in no time if these things moved as fast as that. So she set her sights on a set of wheels sticking out of a large scarp pile and let out a loud yell as she took off for it. She grabbed hold of the tires and with a strained grunt dragged the cart free from the pile, lifting it up to her chest and displaying it with the satisfied smile of someone that had just landed a prize winning fish. Then she set it on the ground and took off running for a new cart, dragging it out to. This one she very visibly rolled over near Tora, figuring if he were able to create something as amazing as Poppi fixing this would be easy for him.

She stood up proudly, looking over all the rabbits in the area, and grinned. "Come on, that's two points for me already! Are we rabbits or rodents? We don't want the robots to get them, do we? Let's go!" she raised her arms in the air, let out a whoop, and then took off toward the next cart in her sights hoping to set an example that the rabbits would follow.
Yeah, that would be cool.
"Huh, that disappointing." Georgia said at the news of just how the Nazis had been coralline their heartless. It didn't need to be said, the implication spoke for itself. "Not surprising, though. The only science they were ever interested in was that of killing people writ large. When all you have is that hammer your whole population may as well be a nail."

There was a strange, detached coldness to the way she spoke. As though the loss of what must have been most of Europe's population didn't seem exceptionally extraordinary to her. Like she'd been numb to it.

"Whelp, Whatever. Should be fun anyway. Welcome to team kraut control, old timer." She said, smiling as she turned to face Hirutila. "I've got to lay some combat context on you later 'cause I'm not sure whether you know what a machine gun is or how bad it can mess you up." Then her smile twisted into a frown and she sighed. "But you're right, I need to get my dinosaur before he cleans the pantry out. If they gave him steak he's never gonna leave the ship. Yo, anybody know where the kitchen is on this cruise."
Claude was briefly distracted as the bus pulled in for a stop, taken in by the majestic lake. Then she looked back down to the cat.

Nope. There was no way she could let it run around the untouched wilderness. Small little thing would get ate or starve to death. Little baby had to be an inside cat for a while before she could get it back to civilization. So, gathering up her bags and digital camera under her arms she reached forward and gingerly picked the cat up. Cradling it in her arms she jumped over the side of the bus and landed with a thump on the ground outside.

It was a good thing too, because the first thing that happened was a wild predator running up to Mr. Called waiting arms. She tried to hold the animal a little higher as the bus drove off. "Yep, definitely an inside cat. Can't allow cattibalism. That would ruin the whole trip." She said as she started toward the cabin.

Georgia pulled in her legs as a portal opened up and yet another person was dropped in to the room, said person only getting saved from a reflexive lashing because the other two seemed to know him. That was at least enough to let her know this wasn't another enemy attack. Just a new traveler.

She pulled herself up and brushed herself off. "Is anybody else planning on dropping in? I don't even know the last three yet..."

Speaking of all the newcomers that had apparently fallen in here alongside a giant robot, Georgia gave a tired wave to them. "I'm Georgia. I'm an explorer. Let's all do out best to save the world."

She didn't sound very convincing, and it didn't take the worlds most observant person to see her nose was bleeding slightly again. She wiped it on her sleeve unthinkingly. Sending thoughts and impressions wasn't something she was trains in, and the effort along with the biting cold had irritated the wound already there from Amuro's mental emotion dump.

Wait, speaking of Amuro...

Georgia looked around the room, but there was a distinct lack of either Newtypes or dinosaurs on deck.

"Where's my boy?" She asked.

"Just stay still, pretty bird. Don't make any sudden moves." The terrified ships cook. Slowly he reached down into the nearby trash can and lifted out a slice of meat that had fallen on the floor during prep. "Here, here."

He threw the slice to the dinosaur that was crouched down and wiggling in front of him. After the boy Georgia had told him to watch had given him the slip he'd followed her scent to this ship, and had poked around a little looking for her until stumbling into the kitchen and setting to begging like her always did. He excitedly leaped into the air, snapping up the meat before it hit the ground and gulping it down in two quick snaps. He looked expectedly at the cook, then his big sharp eyes slowly drifted to the trash can behind him.

The cook gulped and backed out of the room as the raptor fell upon its newly discovered prey.

Level 3 - (27/30) + 1

Location: Peach's Castle, Moatside.

Word Count: 307

@Lugubrious @Dawnrider

"Pleasure to meet you Poppi." Linkle said with a smile, clasping one hand over the one Poppi had taken and giving the metal girls hand a good, vigorous shake. She didn't like the girls downcast attitude, but she seemed to be okay for now. It would probably be better for Tora to talk with her about stuff like that.

Which is what Poppi was going to do right now, apparently, as she began strolling back to the castle. She turned to see if Linkle was coming too, but Linkle just cocked her head toward the place where the Kid had plunged into the water with her miraculous dive. "I would, but it looks like I got something else to deal with. I just can't leave anyone alone. It's a heroic curse. You go on ahead, I'll be inside in a minute."

She turned away from the Blade, crossing her arms behind her head and stretching conspicuously casually as she stared into the moat. "Besides, people who actually helped slay that dragon should get first dibs on the victory feast. You deserve it."

She didn't turn to look as Poppi walked back inside. It didn't do anyone any good to see a hero frowning, least of all a girl going through something as heavy as wondering whether you counted as real or not.

Walking over to the busted up bridge, Linkle stepped around the debris and holes that had been blasted it to reach the middle. From here she could just about see through those big windows it had and she tried to enjoy this moment of quiet while she waited and kept watch for any sort of water borne danger.

"Hey. Nice dive!" She called out as soon as she saw the kid coming out of her ship, all smiles again, waving to get her attention. "You find what you were looking for?"



"And maybe afterwards you can tell us why you brought back the wrong girl. Because that wasn't Andras you dumb fuck!"

Ria pulled herself to her feet, now the only awkwardness in her stride being the cast her leg was snugly wrapped in. That blood rune had really done the trick, she was seriously considering accepting that apology so long as Meredith hadn't done anything as shitty as actually eating Andras. Everything else about this, though, pissed her off enough that she was actually starting to come down.

Still, Michael was right. This place was all corpsy and wasn't going to be getting any more structurally sound. "Good idea, bring him with. He's got questions to answer." She said as Michael extended his hand. Then she pointed at whatever it was riding around in Diana's body. "You too. I got a job offer for Diana if she's still in there. And you too, just for the hell of it." She turned swiftly to the ghostly boy that had been hanging out on the side. "I want to know why you're here too."

"Now let's head out, chop chop everybody, before this roof falls on us."
Georgia let out a breath and let herself collapse against the doorway as the boy calmed down, though it seemed more down to...those two...who were they? Well, it was more thanks to them than anything she'd done.

She reached up and rubbed the wearing she'd gotten from Asher. "Well I don't know buddy. Where the hell are you? You said something about a fire? I just put one out in this ship, but you're nowhere. You okay?"

She didn't even have time to get an answer before Tocsax went on another speech about their next objective without even giving them the time to breath. And of, want an objective if was...

Of course it was the Nazi's. Why wouldn't it be? They were everywhere. Doing everything! She could t even begin to describe the amount of swastikas they'd had to scrape off old buildings they found in the hollow earth. Apparently theatre had been an invasion in the waining days of WWII, where they'd evacuated the high brass to the arctic and then into the womb of the earth. The short but brutal war that had ensued between them and the reptillians masters had ended in lizard victory, but you still heard stories of the bastards eeking out an existence in the most remote corners of the Hollow, trying to use their pony tails to contact their alien allies.

That was just the things that were relevant to her, too. She'd heard stories about the ones that had been scooped up in operation paperclip that had been heavily involved in the Secret Space Program and the Illuminati. No one had been up to check, but there was a chance the moon was full of them.

Then there was the ones in the Illuminati that were probably still in a bunker somewhere, the cloning program that they knew about somewhere in what used to be South Amarica, and the occasional demonic incursion in the thousand year kingdom.

You couldn't throw a stone in her field of study without hitting something the Nazis had apparently gotten their grubby mitts all over first. Why would the Heartless be any exception?

"I'll kill Hitler." She said, raising her hand. "I'm surprised they're not completely overrun by now, anyway. If these things come from dark hearts the Nazis should have been the first to go. Maybe I can dig up some research on how they're not getting eaten by their own shock troops while I'm at it."

That would be a good step to handling and studying the creatures in depth.

"Whaaaaaat?" Clause said, standing slightly up and bending her head backwards love over the seat to stare at Kaze upside down, disbelief on her face. "Seriously? I ain't never heard of no peanut butter killing anything." She said, then though for a minute. "Sept if you're trapping with it...or allergic..."

She flipped her head back down to look at the cat, and extended her hand again. But the cat didn't seem at all interested. Maybe Kaze was onyo something there. Furrowing her brow she stuck the fingers into her mouth and sucked the peanut butter off with a pop. Then she rubbed her now clean fingers under the cats chin.

"See? She likes it." Claude said to the boy in front of her that had spoken up. "If I were really a human I'd of bit somebody talkin' to me like that."
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