Avatar of Hellion


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4 yrs ago
You don't realize how isolated you are until a pandemic hits and you legit make zero changes to your life.
4 yrs ago
I've never once faked a sarcasm.
5 yrs ago
So, I thought the dryer made my clothes shrink. Turns out it was the refrigerator :/
5 yrs ago
Them: "What pronoun do you use for you?" Me: "Your Grace."
5 yrs ago
At my funeral, take the bouquet off my casket and throw it into the crowd to see who's next.


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I've got a thought about an undead gunslinger, very personable and easygoing, bit of an adrenaline junkie

Oooo, getting Deadlands vibes :)
<Snipped quote by Hellion>

Haha, that was the plan.

It seemed peak Changeling to just go "what if I just play every character in this play".

Not that she couldn't or wouldn't work with a larger troupe, but to start with I think she'd be doing her own thing.

haha nice! I can definitely see that.

As for mine, I was going to go human at first, but I think I might go with one of the larger races in like D&D, such as Goliath or maybe a Half-Orc. I'm wanting to go with tribal/barbarian archetype, but not like berserker warrior, lol. She fights when she must, and since she was born in the desert, can endure the hot/dry elements pretty well.
The concept I am considering at the moment is a Changeling traveling actress with some probably less than legal dealings (thinking some manner of thievery).

I love Changelings! So untrustworthy, but also just plain cool XD

As an actor, do they have like a one-person act they put on, considering they could shapeshift for every role?
@Hellion @Wayward @Abstract Proxy@Lugubrious@Polybius Five people have expressed their interest and I think that is a good number to work with. Feel free to start working on your characters :)

Awesome. So...just to make sure my character concept is a good fit: She is from a tribe that has lived in the desert for generations, and therefore, is hearty and adaptable to the conditions. Her tribe are very spiritual people, and healing (minor wounds, nothing fatal) is a skill she possesses through her connection to the spiritual realm (i.e. "magic" in the game).

She is also well verse in melee and hand-to-hand combat as it typical of her people to defend themselves, and a hunter/tracker.

The magic aspect isn't much, and pretty much augments her ability to heal using herbs/bandages, etc.

Does this seem acceptable?

Really digging the genre, and definitely interested in a "tribal shaman/healer/medic" archetype.

As for the civilized world, are we free to make up locales, especially in the case of our character's origins?
I'm not very good at making maps, but man I love them. I wish I had the map making mind but it eludes me.

I have all the tools but not the time to do them, lol

But, I love some of the maps I've seen artists creating in programs like Illustrator and Photoshop. Would definitely be a great side gig too.
<Snipped quote by Hellion>

Let me know if you have any questions!

Yeah, can you turn back time to about a week ago, since I just stumbled onto the Intchk yesterday and I doubt a couple of days is enough for me to read up on the collection of Google Docs you have and submit a CS that isn't actually guaranteed anyway, lol
<Snipped quote by Hellion>

Oh hi you.

Ahoy matey! XD
Huh, this does look promising...
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