Avatar of Holy Soldier
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    1. Holy Soldier 8 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
Current Posted a Game Master Guide in the Guides section. If you need help with GMing, refer to it for some handy advice. If you don't need help, then don't read it.
7 yrs ago
Happy Thanksgiving!
7 yrs ago
When you see that you no longer owe anymore posts and have nothing to write *insanity ensues* Aaaaah!HSkjhaksjhdjf
8 yrs ago
Happy Thanksgiving!
8 yrs ago
Happy Birthday to me.


Hello all. I am an experienced writer who is writing my own fiction stories on the side. I can role play any genre. What I love most is being able to go-all-out when weaving tales with other writers. It just makes the story more interesting, so I can't wait to write with you. :)

Most Recent Posts

Why the Reboot?

Because the last game started with the World Martial Arts Tournament, a very cliche beginning to almost every Dragon Ball game hosted on here. I could tell my players were growing bored with the idea, and so I decided to start this game differently. The way a real DB game should start. We're going to have most of the same folks from the last game with their characters in this one, but the first Chapter/Saga will be more open world. Read below.

Meat and Potatoes

This is a role play based in the Dragon Ball Universe. There are certain aspects of the DBU that will be highly-manipulated for the sake of making this a workable RP idea. If while you are reading over this game, you decide that you are not interested, then please move on and do not cause any drama. This will be an original universe. All canon characters from the manga and series do not exist. In this DBU world, the story will revolve around what we make of it. This game will have elements of sandbox with a GM-led plot. It is highly-encouraged for players to interact and write together in order to make a nice story.

I do not plan for this game to move that fast. I expect the game to move leisurely. If you are expecting a rapid-fire game, then move along. Do not join this game because it will move in a patient manner not to exceed two weeks of inactivity. Players have 14 days to get in contact with the GM if they haven’t told the GM already about their absences. A player who hasn’t posted in 30 days will automatically be dropped from the game.

In this DBU game, as a GM, I am hoping to see some creative ideas within the limitations provided by my game. As with the DB franchise, the combat in this game will be important and players will be rewarded for participating in such scenarios. If your combat writing is poor, then you can expect it to get better in this game. While most of the combat encounters will be PVE, there will be opportunities for PVP. Players do not have to participate in PVP, but those who do will be rewarded. The PVP will not be PVP for the sake of PVP but will come around during specific plotlines in the story. I just gave you the run-down of the entire game and how it will go. If you’ve made it this far, continue on to learn more.


The planet is Fictional Earth (Dragon World), but this is an alternate universe of DBU. While all the events originally took place in Universe 7, our Universe is Parallel Universe 7 (reverse 7). In this universe, Planet Vegeta still exists and has not been blown to pieces. This universe is a clean plate, so whatever happens, happens and becomes a part of this universe’s history. Earth is modern-futuristic with its technology. Flying vehicles, robots, and compact-space technology exist; and space travel is possible though not common. Earth currently is very xenophobic and very few people who are sane or not in such a field of study believe that aliens exist or that there is even life in outerspace.

The continent in which this game exists is unnamed in the series, but for this game we’re going to call it “Kujira,” which is Japanese for “whale.” The map is oddly in the shape of a whale, and so therefore, that is the name. Below is a map created by a DeviantArt artist, and it will be the map used in this game. All canon references can be ignored. However, use this for reference for your character’s origin story.


Below I am listing only the major races allowed in this game. If you do not see a certain race in this game, then it is not permitted. OC races are not allowed in this game.


Humans: Humans are the dominant race in Kujira. Unlike how they are depicted in the DB franchise, in this game, humans stand as much of a chance as Saiyans. However, what separates a superhuman from an average human in this world is their martial arts. Martial artists possess a higher level of ki and have the discipline to transcend to a much stronger level. Other sub-races included in the human category are: magi, cyborgs, mutants, and bio-engineered humans. These sub-races may have unique qualities such as weapon programs, supernatural abilities, and magic.
  • Magi only grow stronger by learning new spells. Magi are incapable of sensing/using ki. Instead, magi are capable of sensing magic and paranormal occurrences caused by another magi tampering with magic.
  • Cyborgs only grow stronger by acquiring weapon upgrades, which they can only acquire from a scientist or engineer, thus making them dependent on such a character existing in game. They are not able to use ki. They cannot sense ki naturally and instead will have to acquire the ability by a special program.
  • Mutants are limited by their mutation. The ability their mutation granted them is the only ability that will grow stronger. Mutants are not martial artists. They focus on developing their mutant ability. They cannot sense ki, but they can sense other mutants.
  • Bio-Engineered Humans these are humans who were either artificially created through genetic engineering or had genetic engineering performed on their bodies. These humans are naturally above average and are created/designed for a purpose. They are often seen bound to a government agency. Similar to Cyborgs, these humans can only advance in strength by undergoing experimentation. Therefore, their creator must be a character in the game.

Clarification: The sub-race of Human are an option. Players can play normal humans, but if you want your normal human to stand a chance in this game, then he or she must know a martial art. The martial art can be completely made-up or inspired by an actual martial art. If you are planning to make a hybrid style of multiple martial arts, instead of listing the martial art styles, just make an original martial art. Spare us.

Beastmen: Beastmen are animals except for insects and mythical animals. Dinosaurs exist on Kujira just as normal animals exist. The Beastmen are a race who are anthropomorphic mammals and reptiles, and can be dinomen as well. The Dragon class or any mythical species does not naturally exist on Earth, and instead, is treated as a foreign species. It can also be treated as a summoned creature by a Magi. I am willing to twist some things for those who wish to have a dragon Beastman or some other mythic Beastmen—however, there will be a very hard limit on these types. Like humans, there can be cyborg, mutant, and bio-engineered beastmen. Beastmen possess the qualities of the animal whose appearance they mimic, which makes them naturally above the average human. For a normal beastman (non-subrace Beastman) to be above the average beastman, the beastman would have to be a martial artist.

Androids: Androids are a common sight mostly around populated cities. They perform several services such as cleaning, building, travel guide, interpreter, etc. They are even programmed to serve defense purposes such as assisting police officers in stopping crime or the military in combating terrorists. The artificial intelligence (A.I.) of an android can be as advanced as they are capable of human-like emotion or as simplistic as basic computation. The human or beastman types are very rare for they require tons of money and resources to create. These machines are rarely seen and if they do exist, very few people can tell them apart from anyone else. Androids can function without a creator, however, if they wish to advance in power, then they need an engineer who will grant them such enhancements.


Not all alien races are listed here. Why? Because they are not permitted in this game. If you don’t like that, then do not join. This does not mean you won't see these alien races in the game, it just means they are not playable.

Saiyans: Just a warning, if this game receives too many Saiyans, then I will limit the race. The only sub-race I’ll allow of the Saiyan race is a Half-Saiyan/Half-Human. If you do plan to make a Half-Saiyan/Half-Human, then I expect an explanation to be in your character’s origin story seeing as Planet Vegeta exists and the Saiyans are a conqueror race. If you plan to play a Saiyan period, then there better be a valid explanation for why they are on Earth, how did they get here, and what is their goal? [Race Reference: Saiyans]

Namekians: All the Namekians resemble males, and they reproduce asexually. I am not going to write a race description for them. You can read about them here. [Race Reference: Namekian]

Story Line Snyopsis

Game is currently in sandbox mode until the start of the new saga. At this time, characters can freely interact and build on their relations. They can also train and new players can comfortably join this game before the next saga starts.

Character Creation

Feel free to utilize these two links for character sheet decoration. 1001fonts for fonts that you can right click, “Copy Image Link” (Google Chrome) and use an image code to stylize your sheet. You can use this link HTML Color Codes for color codes not offered on this website. Simply enter the code the same way it appears in a color code.

Character Sheet Code


1. Do not come to this game to argue. If you read over this recruitment thread, and saw something that you didn't like, then move on.
2. No Enormous Pics/No Neon or Dark Font Colors. There is nothing wrong about using pictures. It’s when you do not size the picture down that it becomes a problem. You can use websites like pixlr or imgur (google them) to size down your pictures before you post them. If you don’t feel like resizing them, then link them or put a hider around them. Avoid using neon colors. They do nothing but hurt the eyes and nobody wants to read neon-font. Avoid somber colors that blend into the already dark background of the site. I should not have to highlight your post in order to read it. It should just be visible to read.
3. Whatever the GM says goes. I try to be fair to the best of my ability. However, I do not try to please the world nor do I care to. If we discuss an issue and we can't seem to come to an agreement, then it is best that the issue be dropped. If you remain persistent and create drama in my game, you will be reported.
4. Read my Game. I did not write this for my health. I wrote this mostly for you than for me. The number one way to get on my shit list is to show me that you didn't read my game. The best way you do this is by frequently asking me questions that are answered in the damn OP. If I suspect you're not thoroughly reading this OP, then I'm going to stop caring and you're not going to be allowed in this game. Why would I allow a person in whose hand I would have to hold throughout the entire game because they don't want to read a freakin' text role play game on a text role play site?
5. GM questions. If you ask a question, mention me. If you're talking to me, mention me. If you want my attention mention me because that is what that button is for. If it looks like I ignored you, 99.9% of the time it is because you didn't mention me and I lost your comment or question in the OOC flood. Mention me. Mention me. Mention me. I have to repeat this because people don't do it.
6. Be open and friendly. I am very big on character interaction. It is often overlooked in games. Please collaborate with other writers in this game. This game will become way more interesting if you do.
7. Romance. I like romance. Some of us do. But if you plan on walking the borderline of the Guild rules, then take it into PMs.
8. Third-Person Past Tense. The only acceptable style of writing in this game is third-person past tense.
9. Have fun. There is only so much I can do as a GM. I cannot make you have fun. I cannot make you enjoy the character that you created. I cannot make you seek out writers to collaborate with. All I do is guide the game and make sure everything goes forward and not backwards. You have to do the rest. So please make the most of this game.
@King CosmosNope. Welcome! :D
If you guys don't want your hard work, hopes, and aspirations to be in vain, I am hosting a DBZ game. You can click on the link in my signature to get to the interest check. I'll be taking CSes until Friday. Friday is when I plan to start it. I mean, obviously, more CSes will pop up once the game goes up, but just saying as far as the interest check.

Deity: Nayru
Time/Date: Day 1, Morning
Location: Next to the Inn, in the back of a wagon in a tank beneath a cloth tarp
Tagging: @Rabidporcupine@Crusader Lord

Cidro, whether he intended to or not, was making Koja feel uncomfortable, embarrassed, and dumb. He told him that he was a Zora as though it was common knowledge and yet he had never been called a Zora until that moment. He had always been a fish. Not exactly the fish he loved to eat, but he was convinced that he had been some sort of one. There weren’t others like him. He was certain that he had been everywhere with Bugut and never did they come across anyone like him. Koja stared sadly at the floor of the cart as he endured more names: slave.

“I’m not a slave,” Koja muttered under his breath.

The blonde girl introduced herself as Zelah. As she approached his tank and rested her hands against the glass, over top of his own, Koja’s chin raised some and he smiled softly as his mood picked up. “Yeah, you’re right. I haven’t swam in a river in a long while. I caught Bugut a lot of fish, so he’s just been selling and salting it all.”

Koja giggled in excitement as he swam backwards and whirled in a happy spiral. “I’m gonna catch my new friends lots of yummy delicious fish!”

“Yeah, yeah, let’s get this operation under way. I call it…” Darton posed, holding his hand out dramatically, “Operation Fish Fry.”

Koja’s mouth parted in a toothy grin. “Sounds delicious!”

“Oh, it will be my friend. I can taste the fish now. Shibo, alley-oop!”

Shibo bent over and charged Darton. His head went between the other boy’s legs and he stood, lifting his twin onto his shoulders. Darton’s hands clapped against the glass as he stretched out his body in a poor attempt to reach the top of the tank. “Couldn’t you be taller?” Darton complained.

Shibo was clenching his eyes and baring his teeth under his brother’s weight. “Couldn’t you be lighter?”

Koja swam to the top of the tank and wiggled his head through the tarp until he could peer over the edge at Darton.

“Give us your hand. We’ll help you down,” Darton asked. He then looked to Zelah and Cidro. “You guys be ready to catch us in case we fall.”

Koja reached his webbed hands down to Darton. Darton grabbed his wrists and made a face at how cold and wet they felt. “Your skin feels all weird.”

Koja blinked. “Does it?”

Darton started pulling Koja, and the Zora wobbled and kicked to slide further over the edge. When the Zora’s weight came crashing down on him, Darton’s eyes bulged. The Zora’s skull met his own, and then their twin tower started to tip. Shibo felt his toes leaving the floor as the weight caused him to rock backwards.

“Ah-” Shibo clapped a hand over his own mouth to stifle his scream.

They were going to make a loud crash if they weren’t steadied!
You guys should have poked me v_v. I got so carried away doing some GM posts and reworking another game. I'll get up a post to this now before I forget again lol.@Crusader Lord@Rabidporcupine

Day/Time: Day Three - Late Afternoon to Evening
Location: Platform City to Ragnarok
Tagging: @Dawnrider@Zarkun@Lugubrious@DracoLunaris@Tenma Tendo

Return from one mission, and then he’s pegged with another. The ex-SOLDIER was exhausted from the Dream Land ordeal. They had brought back Naija’s lost flight contraption, and they had also brought back the fat penguin. There was no way Cloud was about to leave an infected villain alone in a still stable universe. It was amazing that King Dedede was even still alive and hadn’t morphed into some grotesque code abomination. Cloud was lying in a hospital bed with an IV of Ether in his arm. He was resting comfortably beneath the covers with an arm crossed behind his head. He was going to get a few hours in of sleep before he went running off into another dimension.

Meanwhile, Kirby was in the lab with Dr. Light and a recovered Dr. Solus. The two doctors were surrounding King Dedede as he lay strapped down to a steel table. The pink marshmallow had fluttered up to the table and released a breath of air with a pop!. He landed next to King Dedede who glared at his nemesis with red venous eyes. “You! Get away from me!” King Dedede growled.

Dr. Light stood with his arms crossed behind his back as he observed the penguin. “What do you make of this? How is he still alive?”

Dr. Solus narrowed his glossy black eyes. “Hmm…peculiar adaptation possible.”

Dr. Light blinked in amazement. “He is adapting to it?”

Kirby hopped onto King Dedede’s stomach and the penguin snapped at him, “I said-”

The penguin’s eyes bulged when a black tentacle suddenly burst from his mouth and whipped around nearly striking the doctors and Kirby. The doctors immediately ducked and Kirby jumped over it like a rope with a cry before he dove underneath the table. The tentacle continued to lash about until King Dedede sucked it back into his mouth on a vacuum-like breath. He continued to blink his panicked eyes.

Dr. Solus straightened. “Ah,” he said. “Vacuum; void; stolen sack. Our Spheniscidae contains a gastrointestinal space devoid of matter.”

“So…” Dr. Light grasped his chin through his fluffy beard. “That may explain why he’s still alive, but the virus is still inside him. It’s in his bloodstream right?”

“Possible and not possible. Drawn to vacuum. Developed antibodies to neutralize residual virus strands.”

Dr. Light’s eyes shined in awe. “Great Gizmos, we could possibly extract the virus and save him. We can possibly collect the immunoglobulins from his serum and develop a new virus!”

Dr. Solus replied, “Correct. Need reinforced containment for extraction.”

“I have developed just the place.”

Extraction Chamber

Dr. Light sat before a console and was setting the locks and containment energy. His hands were pushing forward levers and twisting dials. Dr. Solus stood behind him, watching Kirby and King Dedede through the observation window. They were in an octagon chamber with a grey floor. No other furniture or items were in it. When Dr. Light finished preparations he informed, “I designed this chamber to contain Mavericks if we ever encountered any. I’m sure it can hold some black goop.” He then spoke through the mic. “Are you two ready?”

King Dedede peered down at his stomach and rubbed it uncomfortably with his flippers. “I guess…”

Kirby hopped into the air with a raised arm nub. “Ey!”

“All right; Dedede, use all of your strength to force out the virus.”

King Dedede narrowed his eyes irritably. “That’s King Dedede,” he grumbled. Parting his beak, the penguin started to inhale. A powerful vacuum began sucking air into his belly in which he held for a full minute. When he reached a minute, he attempted to reverse the suction. A black spade, which looked like it belonged to a polygonal shape plugged his mouth. The penguin’s eyes widened and his wings began to flap frantically.

“It looks like something is jamming his beak,” Dr. Light said in surprise. He turned on the mic. “Don’t stop exhaling Dedede! You have to force it out.”

Force it out. That was exactly what it felt like. Like trying to force out a huge turd through his mouth. The penguin’s face turned blue and his eyes started to roll into the back of his head. As much as he tried to cough it up, the giant black star was too enormous! Kirby flapped his arms as he attempted to cheer King Dedede on, but it didn’t seem like it was working. The penguin looked ready to faint. Taking a desperate risk, Kirby charged around in front of King Dedede and then leapt toward him with a pointed red shoe.

“Ha!” Kirby exclaimed.

Kirby’s kick sank into King Dedede’s puffed up belly and gave him the blast of air he needed to spew out the giant black star. The penguin deflated like a balloon and collapsed across the floor on his back. The black star bounced around the interior of the extraction chamber and Dr. Light exclaimed, “Kirby! Get Dedede and get out of there now!”

Kirby’s feet made a red blur as he raced over to the penguin, grabbed his flipper and quickly dragged him out. As the chamber door sealed tightly closed behind them, the star popped dumping a black mass in the center of the container. The virus resembled brambles. Black tendrils of mucus-like ichor quivered and slithered about like worms. Dr. Light paled at the sight of it.

“That enormous thing was inside King Dedede?” he questioned in disbelief.

Dr. Solus smiled. “Excellent. Many experiments to conduct. Space contains planets; universes; endless possibilities. Sack contained similar properties.”

“If that stolen sack is its own space, then the enemy will be able to use it to disperse the virus on multiple universes without ever needing to physically be there. They can even use it for instant travel. But those people were infected when they came out of that sack,” Dr. Light mused.

“Infected yes. Alternate infected universe parallel to our own.”

Dr. Light looked at Dr. Solus in shock. “What? You knew about this? Why didn’t you tell anyone?”

“No time. Learned at last second. Received concussion. Bag stolen by miniature vandals.”

Dr. Light stood from his chair. “We have to get that bag back immediately!”

Dr. Solus’s attention went to the odd virus creature. “You do that. Must run experiments.”

Rosalina was sitting next to Guile’s rejuvenation tank, cradling her sleeping Lumas in her arms. She held them like plushies as she tried not to worry. They were going to save Guile.

Ambassador! This is Fox. Do you read me?

Rosalina’s head rose in a start as she gazed up at the ceiling as though Fox was floating there. “Fox?” she gasped in surprise. She then rose from her chair careful not to drop her star children. “Yes Fox. I hear you. Where are you?”

I’m going after him.

Rosalina’s eyes widened. “You can’t go by yourself! It’s not safe! Send us your coordinates!” She then frowned as tears tumbled from her eyes. “I’m not going to lose someone else! You send us your coordinates and you standby right now!”

Rosalina had been quick to spread the word about Fox having gone solo in pursuit of the pirate ship. Vault Boy had the engineers ready the Ragnarok, and he had the next team ready for movement. Dr. Light met with Rosalina and Vault Boy to quickly share with them the gravity of the situation.

Vault Boy’s bottom lip turned up sternly and his brows fell into a hard line over his beady eyes. “Great Roid Roaches, we’re in such a pile of Deathclaw shit!”

He looked to the gathered group of heroes: Cloud, Naija, Slayer, Alicia, Akira, King Dedede, and Kirby. It might have been boastful that Alicia was selected over James on the mission, but fueling egos hadn’t been the intention. Kirby had volunteered to go with the group and King Dedede decided as well insisting that he was the only one who knew the face of the guy who had taken Mario’s Hat and Soul.

“All right everyone. Here’s the mission. You are to stop that pirate ship at all cost. We don’t know if Mario’s Hat and Soul is on it, but we do know that a mysterious bag with the ability to spread the Mugen Virus across the entire multidimensional universe is on that ship. If you can bring it back in one piece, great. If you can’t bring it back, then make sure no one else can steal it. It is too risky to lose to the enemy. Also, the villain who injured Guile is on that ship. You saw what he did to him. He possesses a very powerful weapon. If you guys are injured by it, then unless you have some powerful spells and pray to the virtual gods, then you may not make it back. We won’t even be able to revive you if your code is deleted. So please be careful. Lastly…” Vault Boy added coolly, “Destroy that ship.”


Inside the ship, there are multiple long corridors with special trolleys to make travel faster. There are many rooms inside to include a kitchen, jail, training room, and a massive engine room. The ship employs over a hundred crewmen under the command of Meta Knight and his first and second in command: Sword Knight and Blade Knight. Other notable bridge commanders are Captain Vul, Sailor Waddle Dee, Axe Knight, and Mace Knight. The ship also contains a hangar that holds 100 bat-winged fighter jets prepared to be released from the vessel like bees from a bee hive.


The Halberd contains a massive cannon beneath its bow with a Combo Cannon on top. The Combo Cannon is a double-barreled turret covering the top side of the Halberd. It fires a devastating laser, cannonballs, and has a mechanical arm used to attack enemy ships. All other cannons are smaller and cover most arcs of the ship. The cannons fire flak shells, beams, and pulsed energy projectiles. It also contains a single mecha known as the Heavy Lobster.


The ship contains a reactor at its heart, but it won’t be easy to get to. There are several crew members to get through as well as Meta Knight and his commanders. The reactor itself is known to be a deadly weapon capable of attacking saboteurs.

Mission: Our heroes must fight through various fighter pilots and clear a path to the Halberd. Once aboard, they are to locate the dimensional sack and learn what they can about the weapon that harmed Guile and any whereabouts about Mario’s Hat and Soul. Once they believe they have acquired what they needed, they are to destroy the Halberd and return to base.

Special Weapons/Abilities Available: Yes

XP Event: Yes

Special Items Available: Yes

Starter Items Offered: None


Naija, Akira, Slayer, Cloud, Alicia, and Fox (NPCs: Kirby and King Dedede)

GM Note: I don’t need to write any rules. You guys know the drill. Understand though that this is a Delta mission. It will be difficult. It won’t be impossible, but it may get frustrating. There are higher rewards in Delta mission, however so enjoy those. Remember to have fun. Post every 3 days and if you don’t think you’ll be able to post in time, then remember to let the GM know. Do not keep it a secret because it holds up the game. I’m already lenient enough when it comes to activity.

I was thinking that you guys can have a pre-mission moment on the Ragnarok. Because on my next GM post, the XP will be initiated and the mission will kick off in a blaze of glory.

Day/Time: Day Three - Evening
Location: Floor 49 - Tetris Castle to The Forbidden Lands Temple Bridge
Tagging: @Guardian Angel Haruki@DracoLunaris@ONL@DJAtomika@Tenma Tendo@Zarkun@Wxer@arowne97

Ever since the first heroic team charged off into the multiverse in order to save one universe from destruction, heroes have been appearing left and right. While The Council was engrossed in trying to stay on top of the research and development of new technologies and vaccines, current events, and planning for the next course of action, they were falling behind with catering to the new influx of saviors. The academy was created to prepare the new recruits for what was in store for them. They couldn’t just accept them and throw them into combat. They had already made that mistake with the first group and they were still recovering from it. The loss of Mario was devastating for the Mushroom Kingdom, and they were still trying to recover his remains.

They should send a thief to steal from a thief, The Prince thought. The Prince was seated on a strange console with levers and buttons. He had no idea what it did or how important it was. All it did was make for a comfortable seat as he waited for the new batch of heroes to meet him at the portals. They were currently getting their booster shots—the vaccines that would protect them from the virus. The scientists were constantly developing stronger doses with every unique sample the heroes brought back with them.

Once the two groups gathered around, The Prince rested his hands upon the console and hopped down. He stood before the gathering with his hands on his hips and a playful smile curling his lips. For a moment, his blue eyes rolled over the various faces. They had a very motley crew, and they seemed to get more and more colorful.

“Welcome to Platform City. I am surprised every day when so many of you decide to leave your worlds behind to answer the call. I suppose I shouldn’t be. You all are heroes after all. You all have been divided into groups, and your team leaders have been confirmed. While we have told you where you will be going, we cannot tell you what is already there. That is why you all must believe in each other and do your best to learn each other’s strengths and weaknesses,” he explained. “Your teamwork will keep you all alive.”

Holding out his arms to his left and right, The Prince further explained, “There are portals to my left and right. I will explain the mission for both. For the portal on the left, the Colossus team. You will be traveling to The Forbidden Lands. There is an ancient evil named Dormin there who we believe may be the very origin of the virus. We can’t say for sure, but he must know something about it. We don’t believe he will just openly tell you his secrets without favors. Learn what you can from him, but don’t be fooled. He is a deceiver. I want everyone to return here alive. When you are ready, the first group may enter the portal to be transported to The Forbidden Lands.”

Universe: Sony
World: Team Ico

Setting: The Forbidden Lands. Our heroes arrive before an ancient stone bridge that spans over a dramatic landscape of plains and canyons with enclosed and cut-off environments ranging from deserts to clefts with tall geysers, dark forests, and murky crevasses. At the end of the bridge is The Shrine of Worship, a gigantic structure in the middle of the lands. The temple's main hall is lined with sixteen stone idols, and at the end of the hall is a stone altar.

Story: The story in this world has already happened, but the ancient evil Dormin is no longer sealed as he once was. He is free, but how? Who freed him? There are many questions to ask and Dormin has many answers, but will he tell you? And if so, at what cost?

Mission: Learn the secrets of the Mugen Virus from Dormin and learn who freed him.

Special Weapons/Abilities Available: Yes

XP Event: Yes

Special Items Available: Yes

Start Items offered: None


Teams were generated using the decider machine.

Team One: Shantae, Piper, and Mr. President.

Team Two: Bentley, Delsin Rowe, and Tiz.

Team Leader names are in bold.


1. XP. The GM will reward your team with XP after battles with minions, bosses, etc. The only XP you will keep track of is word count. Understand, the GM will monitor your numbers to make sure your math is correct and that you’re not giving your character too much or too little. So be sure to use a calculator and double check all calculations. You are an adult responsible for keeping track of your overall XP. If you fail to do this and nothing adds up, then it is not the GM's problem.
2. P.O.. During missions, there will be a posting order that you all will need to follow. Each team has its own P.O., but if one team gets ahead of another team, then this rule may change to put everyone on the same P.O. Otherwise, one or two teams may be waiting on another team to catch up. So be mindful of your posting speed. Some of us have lives and work for a living.
3. Items. If there are any special items to be discovered, the GM may hint to these in a GM post. Be sure to pay attention or you may miss out on an opportunity for a special item. Sometimes though, the items are given directly to players after completing boss battles or in-game tasks.
4. Special Abilities/Weapons. If you want to acquire a Special Weapon or a Special Ability from the Shadow of the Colossus universe, then you must sacrifice earning a General Ability to do so. You can only choose to get either one Special Weapon or one Special Ability. You cannot acquire both. For as long as you are leveling up in this universe, you have an option to acquire a special weapon or ability from that universe. If you leave the universe to return to Platform City, then you can no longer do this.
5. Enemies. The GM will be controlling all of the enemies to include the minions. The GM will wait for all teams to post before writing one complete response post. This way, the GM can better keep track of actions.
6. Figure it Out. You guys will have to figure out how to beat the bosses. Hints will be revealed in the writing, but it’ll be up to you guys to figure it out. If you can’t figure it out, do not get frustrated. There are 6 brains on this mission. Someone will figure it out and be able to help out the entire team. The GM character will not help you.

You do not have to write out your characters going to floor 49 for vaccines if you do not want to. Even if you do write it out, do not post to any NPCs, assuming the GM will write a response to you because the GM won't. All teams are required to report directly to The Forbidden Lands before the bridge. All heroes will emerge together before the bridge. You can see a picture of it in the images provided. The GM will make another post to initiate the beginning of XP generation as soon as all characters are gathered in the same area.
@IceHeartShe's approved. We have some from the last game who still haven't moved their CSes over yet and plan to "one day." I'm not too concerned about it though.

I plan to start this game Friday. This will allow those who need to move their CSes over to do so, and any new CSes we're waiting on to get in. As usual, we tend to get more players once the OOC is up. But that's why I'm not too concerned about pre-OOC applications.

We do have a discord, so if you ever want the invite to it, let me know. I think some of us are on European time, but the rest are about Pacific. I don't know lol. I'm always on when I am on and not at work.
@Weird TalesEverything looks good.
@ChevYep. Always accepting.
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