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Jangar, Khan of Bomba

Canal District - Antagonising Berserker/About to die

Lancer acted quickly to save his Master’s life, throwing an arm around him and hauling him non-too-gently to the side to avoid the first bench thrown their way. The second bench was slightly wide of the mark, even more so with Jackson now on Lancer’s other side, and the fire hydrant was deflected with a mighty swing of his oversized spear, the flat of the blade striking the projectile and knocking it off course enough to miss them.

“My, my; it seems this Servant has sharp senses. I would advise not firing off any more shots so long as they are around to hear it.”

They were still within the confines of Jackson’s bounded field, miraculously, meaning their enemy shouldn’t be able to detect them precisely. It was clear however that they had given away their general location by making the first move; it would be dangerous to stay here. His spear still rang with the impact of the fire hydrant, giving him a good idea of what would have happened should it have hit his Master or even himself. He didn’t imagine being hit by Berserker’s sword would be any better for his health.

“Master, I will keep the Servant occupied. Reposition and hide yourself again; once you are safe we can decide what to do.” With that said Lancer stepped out of the bounded field, revealing himself to both the enemy Servant and Master. Reaching into a pocket of his robes he pulled out a stone of white jade and held it firm. “Is this how a hero fights? Is that sword just a prop? Face me, hero.” Placing the white jade in his mouth and closing his lips, Lancer held the Aram spear at the ready as he waited to see if Berserker would take the bait.

Letting his arms drop to his sides as the spell faded from existence, Oberon let out a sigh. It seemed his idea had worked, to an extent, but the pane of mana had still shrunken in size to a degree that he wasn’t happy with; maybe making it smaller in size was a sacrifice he needed to make to be able to complete the spell but if possible he didn’t want to make that concession. A barrier that was too small was of no use to him.

He would have to rethink things a little, take stock of what he had learned and adjust his theories a little. Before then however, he should replenish the mana he had lost. The Sprite sat down and closed his eyes, still in the sunspot he had chosen earlier, and activated both Meditation and Gather Light to refill the reserves of mana that had been depleted so far.

Something interesting had happened when he had tried to convert the mana to the earthen element during his experimentation. The wall had automatically started to lower itself into the ground, as if drawn to the material whose properties he was trying to emulate; why was that the case? It was like the spell was magnetised to the ground in some way. Was that the same phenomena as when his spells seemed to want to shape themselves? The way his magic seemed to know what it wanted to be? Was it something the spell required to be complete?

So far every Earth-aligned spell he had seen used actual earth and rock as a focus or a catalyst; Stone Shot, Sacred Ground, Rock Spire and Earth Wall as used mana to manipulate or charge existing material. There were any spells that were just Earth-aligned mana and nothing else. The same was true of the fire spells he had seen in a way, being made of actual fire rather than just Fire-aligned mana that burned; though in that case it seemed like the fire was created as part of the spell rather than using existing fire, but the principal still held. Elementally-aligned spells needed some of the element it was aligned with as a starting point, either to imbue the mana with its pattern or as a kind of cost. The same was true of his Light spells; he had first created Light Ring by using the energy he had gathered to affect the mana he was holding.

The exception was Nature Mana, but if you took those spells to be ‘life-aligned’ rather than ‘nature-aligned’ then it could be drawing on his own body and life-force to change its alignment.

Oberon opened his eyes, cancelling the Meditation as he became lost in thought. Everyone else still seemed to be gone as the area outside their shelter was still empty and he couldn’t hear any signs of life; to his right he could hear the babbling of the small stream that ran beside their camp. Standing up he began to move towards it, walking that direction until he stood on the banks of the water’s flow. Curious and with an idle thought running through his head he reached down and lowered his hand into the water, letting its current wash over his skin for a moment before he began to channel mana into his hand.

He turned his hand so that his palm was facing the opposite direction of the current and formed a small sphere of mana. It wasn’t a Mana Orb, just a small gathering of non-elemental mana using Mana Shape to form a ball. He wanted to see if the mana would automatically draw in the water and reshape itself to that element or if it was something he would need to consciously do. If after a minute or so nothing happened he would try and draw the water into the small ball of mana in a way not too dissimilar to how he had drawn light into his Mana Orb to form the Light Ring.

Cleo Forsberg

Latin District, Engaging

They were under attack. The realisation came belatedly, after Saber had moved to cover her, after Noon had been pushed to the ground by his own Servant, after the projectiles had struck the Knight’s protective barrier and after Noon had been whisked into the alleyway by her side for his protection; much like when she had tried to follow Saber’s fight against Lancer the previous night, Servant’s just moved far too quickly for her to track with her comparatively mundane senses.

By the time she had caught up to the situation things were already in hand; both Servants stood ready to fight or defend or whatever else was demanded of them. Ogier urged her to get to safety so he could act, but given their opponent trying to move may put her at more risk than staying where she was; at least here in the alleyway she was out of his line of sight and had the cover of the buildings between her and Archer to protect her, not that that was necessarily a deterrent to a Heroic Spirit of such calibre.

Using the connection between herself and her Servant, Cleo looked through Saber’s eyes once more, borrowing his vision to see their opponent without needing to stick her head out into the open. Archer was still on his perch, still too far away to see clearly, but they knew where he was at least and where he was firing from; he hadn’t moved an inch from when she had seen him before, nothing to indicate he was the one to attack them or even if he was aware of their presence. It was unlikely to be anyone else however.

The fact he had been lying in wait for them, even before they arrived, and had waited until Noon or more specifically Ywain showed up before attacked suggested this was the same Archer that had interrupted their last meeting. That meant their opponent was one of King Arthur’s Knights.

Although he didn’t seem to have any interest in Cleo or Saber at all, this was the second time he had shown his face to them, the second time he had attacked their ally in as many nights. He was aggressive, or maybe just had a personal grudge to deal with, and was a threat that would need to be dealt with sooner rather than later.

“Kill him.”

I'm a long way from home.

It was the only thing Kaito could think as he saw the inside of the duel arena; even putting aside the technological marvel that was the arenas themselves, split into four and all currently in use by one applicant or another, the room itself was large enough that everyone in his hometown could have fit inside it with plenty of room to spare. It was enough to make him stop and stare, his mouth hanging open as he ruined his normally stoic appearance by acting like a country bumpkin.

The whole day had been like this so far, one amazing sight after another from huge ferry to the endless city to the campus itself. He'd seen cities before on TV, he wasn't completely out of touch with reality, but seeing it in person was another thing entirely; the size, the scale, the grandeur. It was intimidating, in a way, it made him feel small and out of his depth; it made his stomach do flips.

Seeing the duel arenas, the holograms and the duels taking place was reassuring, something familiar, a place he understood. He could compete there, level the playing field. It was a relief.

He found the teacher he was supposed to be duelling just as her last match ended, the applicant walking away with a dejected look on his face, and Kaito eagerly stepped up to take his place. "Okay, let's get this started."
Cleo Forsberg

Latin District, Meeting

The young woman in the alleyway gave a start as Noon called out to her in spite of her precautions to keep herself hidden until she chose to reveal herself; had he been able to detect her presence so easily, or had it simply been a lucky guess that she was nearby somewhere, or maybe even just idle small talk made towards her Servant on the assumption that she would be watching through his eyes? She supposed in the end it didn't matter much; she had already decided to put herself at risk tonight by accompanying Saber and revealing herself to her allies, hiding away until the others arrived had just been one last precaution before that moment.

Cleo stepped out of her bounded field but stayed within the alleyway itself, moving forward just enough to be able to see the modern day knight while hopefully not exposing herself to the Servant positioned on the Pantheon so far away. "You're not the only one to keep me waiting Mr Triswich, and you're not the last to arrive, so I'll forgive the inconvenience."

"Stay close to me Saber. Keep an eye on the Servant you saw earlier."

Turning her head in the direction of the Pantheon, although she couldn't see it through the building forming one side of the alleyway, to try and draw Noon's attention in that direction. "There's another Servant nearby. The others haven't arrived yet but if we stay here we might draw unwanted attention; I suggest we move this somewhere else for now and find Caster and her Master later."

It would seem that things wouldn't be as easy as he had hoped. The spell did not form as easy as he had expected; there was more to it than just creating a solid sphere-like object by combining two spells together. Much like with the Light Ring the Wall spell wanted to take on its own shape, and the Sprite allowed it to do so if only to see what it would do; unsurprisingly, it flattened out into a thin disc-like object, fitting the idea that this spell was to be used to create a barrier between the user and any incoming attacks.

It was clear that in its current form the Wall wouldn't stop much of anything; it was too thin, too flimsy to provide an adequate defense. He would need to strengthen it before it would be usable in combat, but how to go about doing that? The Wall needed to be stronger, harder, so it would withstand an attack. It was similar to how when he had created the Mana Dart, when he first fired the projectile it had simply crumpled on impact; it had the shape of a dart but didn't have the rigidity to actually piece what it hit. It was the same principle here.

He could compress the mana, shrinking the size of the barrier while making it harder by increasing the density, much like he had with the dart. However, this would increase the cost of the completed spell as well as making the barrier so small as to not provide suitable coverage, especially if he wanted to use it to protect someone other than himself. Perhaps there was a way to harden the mana, change its actual properties, rather than just adding more.

Oberon tried to do just that, concentrating on the disc of mana in front of him as he attempted to somehow produce a shift in the substances properties, to turn it from a floating circle of energy into a solid pane. It was unlike anything he had tried to do before and honestly he had no idea what he was doing, simply attempting to use intent more than anything like logic to affect the mana.

If that didn't work, then perhaps he should try using a different kind of mana entirely, something that was already suited towards this kind of magic to begin with. Nature, Light and Fire; none of those would work, with the possible exception of Light. Instead he thought of Earth, something he had little experience with, and tried to bring forth the same kind of energy he had seen Digbie using a few times; he had seen the Goblin using Stone Shot back in the cave, he had seen the Slime Mage creating spires of rock and he had himself learned how to use Sacred Ground during the previous nights training sessions. If he couldn't make the mana solid, then he would make it rock instead.


Jangar, Khan of Bomba

Canal District, Opposite side of the Canal from the Cite

Lancer stood beside his Master within the confines of the bounded field, also staring across the canal at the location of Caster’s workshop. His civilian clothing from the previous night had been replaced by his robes and armour, signifying their change in priorities compared to their last excursion; his spear like an oversized novelty item was propped against his shoulder in a relaxed pose, though the Khan was ready to bring it to bear in an instant should the occupants of the museum show any signs of having noticed their presence.

“Attacking an enemy in their fortress is rarely a wise approach; the advantage goes to the defenders more often than not, unless you can catch them by surprise. That said, I am no stranger to assaulting strongholds; I had a slight reputation for doing so in my youth. If you give the order to attack I will follow your command and do my best to bring our enemies to a swift end.”



Cleo Forsberg

Latin District, Waiting

Ever the cautious one, Cleo had hidden herself within a bounded field as soon as she and Saber had arrived at the location of last night’s meeting; strangely enough she had chosen the location of Noon and Yazhu’s fight, an alleyway tucked in between two buildings, as her hiding place, though she had no idea that was the case. Regardless, Saber speaking out loud was probably enough for anyone listening in to realise she was here somewhere even if they didn’t know where exactly.

“If they died last night then that was their fate; we will have lost both an ally and an enemy and neither are that important given the scale of this conflict.” Seeing Saber wave at someone Cleo used her connection to the Paladin to see through his eyes for a moment, seeing further and sharper than ever before as she spied a figure standing atop the Pantheon some distance away. “If Ywain is dead then we have all the more reason to fear Archer.”

Saber had already said Archer was a bigger threat to them than either Ywain or that Lancer from last night. If he had managed to kill another Saber Servant, and an Arthurian Knight at that, then that meant their own chances of victory were low. “We’ll wait a while longer. If no one arrives then we’ll consider this alliance broken and go meet the Lancer and his Master.”

Name: Ryuhei Takagi
Race: Human
Ki Color: ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇
Power Level: 1365
Location: North Capital
Tag:@CaptainSully Open

Master Goichi stood up slowly, holding a hand to his stomach over the wound Dyce had left and moving with obvious care, and looked Korvus up and down. Whatever he saw in the cyborg he seemed to approve of as he reached out a hand for the young man to take, wordlessly consenting to being taken to the hospital.

The two disappeared a moment later, leaving Ryuhei feeling apprehensive as he waited. Though it was only a minute or two later when Korvus reappeared, without Goichi this time, it felt a lot longer to the impatient young man. “Was everything okay?” A small nod from the cyborg was all it took to calm his nerves, a small grin appearing on his face. “Alright then. Should we get going? I’d like to see this temple.”
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