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@Letter Bee

I'm not telling you to leave. Just that you need a bit more patience. I'll post as soon as @TheWindel does so, probably around this weekend.

That's the most I can do, since college restricts my time before Friday.
I might consider dropping; too much is happening and Ascot is stuck where he is and cannot participate in others' plots.

Please, can you answer why did you come to interact with the people who were auto declared to be slow to reply, if you wanted to join the fast posting group?

If nothing else this is very disrespectful and annoying for us who you are dissing so nonchalantly.
Feels like an interesting proposal. I'll wait to see more about it in the future.
<Snipped quote by KoL>


Such a shame that I'm not home at the moment, otherwise I would get z an appropriate image to post here.

Rereading your post something occurred to me. Tartys flew through the void right? But it's devoid of all air, meaning there was nothing for her wings to catch. So how did she fly? Well, only air was blocked, meaning other gasses could and obviously do exist inside the void. Only logical conclusion: Juno made a void of helium. I expect anyone who stands before Hohoenheim to have a chipmunk voice when they say their wish.

Why don't we call it magic and leave it at that before a smart ass comes here to question the validity of that action/tactic? I don't think that anyone wants to see another argument spring forth because someone thinks it's fun to question each and every single line written by the GMs?
<Snipped quote by Mega Birb>

Assuming KoL has the patience for this.

I'll try to do it, as best as I can. As long as people collaborate, I don't think that there will be any problems.

@KoL So Hoho's basically a genie, just without the lamp. Got it.

Syphax's exact wish, should we be shorthanding this:
"I wish for the restoration of the Harpies to how they were before King Rufus cursed them, memory and all. I want them to know what happened to them."

Also, will the losers be directly interacting with Hoho or is that gonna be glossed over?

Hohenheim is more like Father from FMAB, after her attained "godhood". Perhaps, even a bit more powerful than that.

I shall wait for the end post to make my request to Hoho, or I'll wait for Balrog to respond to the sword currently delving into his body to post.

I can't do a closure post until the people who haven't manifested their will do so. That would be a great, great feat of consideration, in fact.

If nothing changes by this weekend, I'll move the IC to end the challenge, anyway. I'm giving people time to post their opinion, if people will abstain from it, I'll move according to the word previously said.
<Snipped quote by Mega Birb>

Eclipse Princess and Stinging Butterfly had a fight in a grocery store, in a reference to Ben-To.[/Spoiler]

You are right, but the fact that Princess used a shopping basket as a weapon is the real bite of the joke. And the reason why @TheWindel would get so exasperated.

If I don't post tonight, expect something early tomorrow.

@RoflsMazoy Help is on the way, crude lancer comrade.

Mind what you are going to do. At the current moment not even one of your characters is within close range (much less visual range) of Rocket Lancer. If you are going to try a trick that might earn an edit for being unbelievable/outright impossible, you are better off not doing it in first place.

To make it clear, Lancer ran away from your closest character, over the buildings, was engaged by the helicopter in the distance and followed a random path during the fight.

You'd better not have a Deus ex Machina pop up there, cause I'll obviously void it.
Also rip in shopping basket Stinging Butterfly.

You probably will not get yet another of my obscure references, but the fact that @TheWindel does and is likely annoyed by out was enough to merit me taking my time to do that scene.

Really, people should have seen it coming when I set the fight in a convenience store.
>Can produce nearly any item at a thought

So, uh, why's she a mad scientist again?

People need hobbies.
I can move into the intermissions already. Could I possibly ask that Hohenheim give the sword at a later point, which would make sense if she has to pull a few strings to get it?

If not, I'm perfectly ok with that and I'll be willing to move on without it.

You can have the sword at the same time as you complete the challenge. Hoho can produce nearly any kind of object with a mere thought, getting an unbreakable sword blessed by the heavens is not a hard task at all for her.
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