Avatar of Kuro


Recent Statuses

3 days ago
Current Back for a mini-break back home. Have more classes to go to after this Sunday, have to travel again to them.
10 days ago
Last day of work before I'm off for my two day break I get before I begin my work training upstate. Getting put up in a nice hotel room and everything, it'll be snazzy.
15 days ago
Considering that the majority of the guild uses ghost mode and also the fact Casual is where the majority of RP takes place, I don't think this is some big conspiracy theory about AI lol
1 like
20 days ago
Will be probably MIA sometime the first few weeks of June, or not entirely present at least. Work is having me do two weeks of management training upstate.
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20 days ago
Y'know you don't have to flood the status bar, right?


twenty-five x central standard time x open for roleplays

[ ] C U R R E N T R O L E P L A Y P R O J E C T S

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Probably a mix of a hoax or a misidentified bear standing on its hind legs. Then again, new life on Earth is still being discovered today, so who really knows if Bigfoot exists or not.
<Snipped quote by Kenshi>

I like watching Bob Ross, his voice puts me right to sleep.

If you live in the US, I'd suggest downloading NBCUniversal's Peacock app or visiting their site and going to their 24/7 Bob Ross channel. It'll have ads (because after all it is still technically "live TV"), but from my experience they're only a few every so often and tend to be rather short in length.
Potential Applicant List:

- Vulpecula, a Feraxi, played by @TGM
- Duncan Elrin, a Human, played by @DruSM157
- Russell Kintredsten, a Zejiniko, played by @Datadogie
- Zhiti Ayajjai, a Rhaayan, played by @Lemons
- Sango, an Altered Human, played by @Helios J Mears
So I started thinking

on ocean ships they had sea shanties

why aren't there any space shanties

Look up Julia Ecklar on Youtube.
Welcome to the guild, @Kenshi. Like Zava said, I doubt you'll have much trouble finding your interests here on RPG.
In Hello 3 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Welcome to the guild, @CalicoNextDoor.
Welcome to the guild, @VeyrinDay.
I doubt the majority of people on this site really care if you're a guy playing a female character, a woman playing a male character, nonbinary playing a gendered character, etc. I know I don't, personally speaking.

Though I will say, since you brought up that how you've hardly found anyone wanting MxM, that FxM is definitely the most popular here in RPG's 1x1 section. That's not to say there aren't people looking for MxM RPs, but it might be why you're not having as much as luck as you would prefer finding a potential partner to RP with.
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