Avatar of Landaus Five-One


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current The Multiverse is within us all. But the biggest one within me is A Fantasy RP and A Sci-Fi Series classified as "Jaina'Res."
4 yrs ago
I'm still working on a Fantasy RP, it isn't dead. Its just writer's block sucks ass... :(
4 yrs ago
I've been working on a Fantasy styled roleplay. It's still in the development stages since it has no name right now.
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5 yrs ago
What's this? I'm finally updating my status in 10 months. Wonderful. I hope you all enjoy it. As well, profiles are what I enjoy creating.
5 yrs ago
The Sanctuary, VC, NCQuest, Talrae and the ILR all have one thing in common I am in them in terms of the RPs.


I am Landaus Five-One, which likes being called Holy since its A, Easier and B, I've used that distinction much longer than Landaus. I am into roleplays of any variety as long as they are interesting and unique for me to be apart of. There's a list below showing the roleplays I am interested in.
  • Sci-Fi
  • Space Opera
  • Magical
  • Fantasy
  • Modern
  • Post-Apocalyptic Themes
  • Alternate Universe / Alternate Reality
  • Horror
  • Insert any Fandom Here

I can play both genders easily, even though lately I've been playing mostly Female characters. Artificial Intelligence Characters are something of a odd quirk I like doing only because I have like a few characters that are basically massive AI Controlled Starships. Additionally, you can contact me via Discord using Holy R. Enigma#6381 for anything really. My birthdate is June 26, 1987, going to be soon 33 years old. Might as well add that these are the only two things I am going to put on here. Out of everything, I am really enjoying my time on roleplaying guild, just need to start working on the massive revamp of the Jaina'Res Mulitverse/Main Realm and the Fantasy RP I have been starting to work on. It's still in the Development stages in terms of the Fantasy RP I am going to GM.

Hopefully everyone has a good 2020 and beyond, gl and hf. As well, I'm highly interested in Strategy Games, Grand Strategy and MMORPGs aka play FFXIV.

The Roleplays I am apart of: The RP's Creator - Roleplays listed second.
Letter Bee: Iliad City: A Magical RP in an original world resuming & Academy of Noble Arms - The Golden Generation
LetMeDoStuff: Persona the Beholder
The Jest: Lost Innocence RP Reset - This roleplay went through a complete reset. The Pages are children whom gained magical powers from being infused by dust of a crystalline race. Need to still finish the required profiles I've been working on mostly been sidetracked a little. However, Sidetracking is always a pain in the ass. Additionally, The Jest is still working on all details of said roleplay before he launches it.

Roleplays that have an OOC and were rebooted once before:


Interest Checks that Caught my Interest:

Creation of Something New: Getting back into the swing of things...
The Venerdale Legends RP: Retinue of the Ariel Guardians - The Name has finally been chosen, which is the Fantasy RP that is still in development. Got many things to work on, at least its finally named. (Like the Magic System and others)

Most Recent Posts

In the Sanctuary
Interacting With: (@Ithradine) Master R, (@Lyla) Asri, (@ShwiggityShwah) Mirithal, (@Rune_Alchemist) Tania

Stephanie heard the words from R, which soothed her soul a bit more since it was a dream come true to find somewhere she can relax. She smiled directly at R for what he had said. ”I will smile for the future instead of what I have been doing, R.” Stephanie said with a happy smile. She relaxed as if she was truly safe and never had to feel like she would have to keep an eye out for her parents. In her being, her emotions were swelling with a bit of happiness and calmness, which couldn’t cover up the sadness within her. There was many things she can’t wait to see about the Sanctuary since R will be their tour guide of it.

She couldn’t help but smile at the name, which R gave the tree-being that is Mirithal. The name itself was pretty easy to grasp since it felt like he spoke it slowly enough for everyone to hear it. ”That is a very suiting name for you, Mirithal.” Stephanie spoke to the tree-being fairy. Her entire emotional state was showing as a green state since the serenity of hearing that name was definitely good for her to hear. Her voice was a bit lower since she was addressing someone else.

Stephanie was looking at R for a bit until a ball of light appeared in his left hand, which shocked her was seeing an Aetheri in his hand. Her parents talked about a mischievous Aetheri but it didn’t really hit her about whom they were talking about. However, in her parents tone they didn’t really like her specifically and it was a female mischievous Aetheri. She sighed a bit and felt like she was pranked by that specific Aetheri, which is now in R’s hand. ”Hello… What’s your name?” Stephanie asked, towards the Aetheri in question. She had an annoyed look on her face but it was mostly at herself and not at the Aetheri in R’s hand. In the moment, which made her face palm at the fact she didn’t really pay attention to her parents term of ’mischievous’ that well.

Stephanie felt Asri tap her shoulder and heard what she had said. The look in her face was going through the motions of trying to figure out what Asri meant. She looked directly up to Asri, with a look of a bit of confusion. However, it took all the reactions of every single person she would speak to then tried to go into her thoughts. Her eyes went really wide about specifically whom gave it to her, which was her mother’s gift to her. She was shaken really badly about this realization and she couldn’t feel anything but absolute anger at her mother specifically for doing this to her. ”My own bitch of a mother invaded my privacy with an act of kindness… Thank you, Asri. You are the first one to tell me out of every single person in my hometown that people are hearing my inner thoughts.” Stephanie said, with a bit of anger in her voice mostly at her mother. However, the tone turned back to a normal calm tone towards Asri for telling her the truth.

She moved her hands and took off the necklace in question but held it in her hands. The necklace started to glow in an unnatural color but the magical engineered enchantment surrounding it turned off. It stayed glowing in this color as long as it was off of her neck. The entirety of her being was extremely angry at her mother for creating this awful necklace. She had always wondered why her mother was laughing at her during the forced training of learning the Firebrand Rapier. ”My family is the worst… I hope Sarah is alright.” Stephanie thought to herself with the realization of the fact her mother Rita was outright a bitch. All the necklace did was glow its strange unknown glow while in her hands but it had a slight tinge of multiple different colors it was glowing. Only the most perspective of the magical users could see this in question. She doesn’t know what was going on with the necklace in question.

Diana’s Brutal Reality – Her Response to Daniel – Train to Amone

On August 26th

Diana looked excitedly at Kalisa, which asked her a question that made her really want to wear the scarf. She could tell, however, she really enjoyed the comfiness of the scarf though. ”I w-would love to try on the scarf. It looks really c-comfy in h-how you put it on.” Diana said with a smile on her face. She couldn’t wait to try on that comfy scarf. However, she got distracted with Daniel saying thanks and sitting down a bit away from Kalisa. It made her a bit confused about that but she didn’t want to bring up anything. She did move her hand to her pendant necklace, however and just held it a bit before Daniel started to speak. ”Mom and D-Dad, which I hope t-that nightmare doesn’t bug me anymore. It’ll b-be really nice to s-speak to you via letters.” Diana thought to herself, which was before Daniel spoke to her about her question.

In her thoughts she was thinking over a response for what Daniel was saying, until he actually said the reason for his rage. It kinda made her gasp in a bit of shock specifically at what he said. She couldn’t help but feel a bit annoyed with herself but its mostly because of how she was raised compared to other people. However, her family weren’t rich, but they had wealth of happiness over wealth of being rich and famous mostly because of the fact they wanted to protect the Darscens more than anything. ”Ohh t-that’s why you yelled at me? Because of my ignorant and lack of knowledge of the outside world. My parents kinda never really allowed me to enjoy life as a fulfilling as it was. They wanted to protect me but I chose becoming a soldier in this bloody hellhole of a war. I wanted to be more than what my older sisters saw me as, a spoiled brat. Even though our family is a family of bakers and my mother fights too much. With people similar to him in how they react to Darscens.” Diana said, with only a tick of her stutter in the first part. It is kinda obvious, which person that she was referencing at the end in terms of Middleton. She completely forgot her nightmare mostly because of the fact the man, which yelled at her told his reasons it calmed her down enough.

Diana was grateful that Kalisa and Daniel both showed her the piece of information and detail to clean her rifle. She definitely paid attention to their lesson since it was definitely important to see because she is a bit naive compared to what is going on. The entirety of the lack of knowledge on her end wasn’t her fault but more of the fault of her Drill Sergeant, which she was assigned. ”I thank you both for the help of what you taught me.” Diana responded to both Kalisa and Daniel’s advice of cleaning her rifle. The look in her face kinda showed the reason for her entire being but she’s a bit hardheaded and a bit blunt, which is a problem.

In all the commotion, which was helped by someone in the squad giving her and everyone in the cabin rations. She was definitely grateful for something to eat since she was starving and didn’t really want to die of starvation. Her parents always told her to never do anything on an empty stomach, which is hilarious. ”Thank you. Yeah, don’t want to die of starvation now, which would suck.” Diana said with a smile on her face to Britta. She kinda joked about dying of starvation since this war could do so much worse to her than that. It wasn’t that much of a funny joke, however.

September 2nd

Diana had a bit of regret in her eyes while staring at her pendant necklace. That was pretty much beautiful, which had the pictures of her parents in them. However, she didn’t really want to open it since it was a bad omen to open it in a battlefield setting. She couldn’t feel like she forgot something, really important, which was the fact she forgot to write her parents. ”I should go see how everyone is doing besides Kalisa since she’s in this room. I wonder what the commotion is going on outside.” Diana thought to herself, which she did hear a loud voice of a different accent voice laughing her ass off at something she said. The accent was definitely foreign to her since she never heard it before. She got up and put away her pendant necklace just in case any thieves are on the train.

In the moment of getting up and opening the door, however, she did try on the scarf before today, but gave it back to Kalisa since yeah. She wants to be super friendly to the Darscens and not a prick like Middleton. It was definitely comfy and enjoyed, how it felt on her skin it made her happy to try it. She got out and started to walk around the train with her smile on her face, which was covering up the fact she forgot to write her parents. She noticed the Oceanic troops, which made her face drop in awe mostly because they looked much more elite than she did. However, she did see Michael chatting to the Oceanic soldiers and new reinforcements. She walked over and waved to who seemed to be the leader of the Oceanic Soldiers, who’s named Thomas. ”Oh hello Michael, who are you talking too?” Diana asked a bit of a dumb question. She had heard tales of a man named Marathon. However, she noticed a shorter male than Michael, which he was talking to as well.

She couldn’t help but smile and wave at the new recruit. However, in the back of her head she hoped no one would call her short since it is a bit of a pet peeve of her. ”What’s your name?” Diana asked towards Gwyn since she wanted to know. She did think he was cute, but no one can be as cute as Jean. The entirety of her being was a bit awed at how adorable this new recruit is, however, she’s not going to assume his age by his height, however. She smiled gently and looked over to Michael and wanted to ask him something else. ”I got to ask Michael, how old are you?” Diana asked Michael that important question and waited for his response.

In the Sanctuary
Interacting With: (@GrizzTheMauler) Vilkas, (@ShwiggityShwah) The Nidhogan

Stephanie watched what was going on and it made her giggle somewhat, when the Vedish tried to protect them from someone that isn’t hostile. However, what made her eyes go wide was what came out of Vedish itself, which was a fairy made completely out of pedals. She was awed at what it was, it was so cute, which until it spoke it very cute. ”Aww… that is very cute tree-being fairy.” Stephanie thought to herself. The necklace glows in a dim color of greenish blue, which had the odd effect of sharing her inner thoughts as outer thoughts. She couldn’t help but smile and somewhat cheer up from what the Nidhogan was doing. She wiped off her tears and tried to be a bit more happier.

The instance, which made her shiver a bit when the man introduced himself specifically with what he said afterwards. It made her eyes open up a bit shocked, she couldn’t help but feel like she shouldn’t get on Vilkas’ bad side since he knows the Holy Dragon Dromon. ”Hi V-Vilkas.” Stephanie said, with a scared look in her eye but her smile is still plainly on her face. She was a bit nervous but at least. ”Also, you are cute Nidhogan in that tree-being fairy form.” Stephanie said, in awe of the form. Her tone of voice was a bit happier and calmed down enough to stop crying at least.

Stephanie had a happier on look on things mostly because of the fact, all these people are cheering her up. Mostly the Vedish, since she was sad for too long and needs to stop crying constantly. However, deep down within her mind, which she can’t release from her mind was when her mother came close to her to grab her rapier and try to cut her down. If it wasn’t for that Satelle Paladin order member there, she would be cutdown by her own mother. She was definitely grateful for that even though it’ll take her a bit to feel comfortable in the Sanctuary. ”I don’t need to wonder what my mother is doing… my parents took over my hometown by force probably. They are searching for m-me...” Stephanie thought to herself, with a determined look of not leaving the sanctuary for a bit. The necklace glows in a dim color of greenish blue, which had the odd effect of sharing her inner thoughts as outer thoughts. She was looking up to the ceiling of the Sanctuary and sighed a bit. She looked back to R with a look of wanting to see the facilities with a gentle smile on her face.
Chelsea R. Steiner

Chelsea’s Darwin Defense

Chelsea couldn’t help but keep approaching the Sahaquiel, however, in her gut she felt something was off and was highly nervous about getting to help repair it. The one thing that caught her attention, however, was in her eye was a 94% mental contamination and the NC had gone Berserk. ”The hell… Does that mean? W-Wait… what? It w-went berserk.” Chelsea thought in her mind, however her thoughts were definitely a bit terrified. It was she couldn’t help but to freak out a bit. Therefore, she was grateful she was in her NC so she didn’t have to have her ears bleed from what she heard, which was that terrifying roar. The entirety of the whole thing made her a bit freaked out.

In the moment, she thought for a moment that she didn’t want to go forward. However, in her mind she thought what would have happened to all of the other NCs in her Battalion. Therefore, she decided to continue on her way towards the Berserked Sahaquiel. In her being she had to do it but she was utterly terrified about that fact of it being berserked. She opened the comms and contacted people apart of her Battalion. She could see engagements everywhere that involved her battalion mates, however she did see the Cody’s NC in the distance. ”Uhhh… Tall Helmet man, I’m sorry. But I should’ve asked for your name. Do you need any repairs?” Chelsea asked over the comms to Cody. However, she wasn’t really paying attention to the people’s last names, which were said over the comms mostly because of the fact. She’s trying to keep herself calm with the music but her tone in her voice definitely doesn’t sound calm.

Chelsea sighed only because of her precision scanners were active at all times. The Precision scanners have a range that is basically twice as good as the Visual feed, which in turn allows it to see more details in the area. In terms it will do what it was made for, which is detect scrap, NC damage, etc. ”Thank god the Precision Scanner is good for that.” Chelsea thought, which had a sigh involved. She, however, knew she needed to wait for a response from the NC she contacted via the Havenite Communications Channel. However, something caught her attention on the comms, which was the Encarnación’s voice asking for backup. She sighed at that mostly because her NC would get wrecked by anything since 20mm cannons can’t damage an enemy NC. ”I hope the other havenites can back her up, since she does need help. Because I can’t really help or I will get wrecked and cap-captured.” Chelsea thought to herself, with a slightly depressed look. She couldn’t really help right now but she’ll definitely repair her tank. She opens her comms and speaks to Encarnación Mariano. ”When you are need repairs I’ll help you out Encarnación. But r-right now I have more important problems to stay safe from the enemy’s guns.” Chelsea said, with a bit of respect towards her fellow battalion member. However, her tone was a bit nervous since yeah, she’s the only repair NC on the battlefield right now for the Havenites.

Diana’s Brutal Reality – Daniel’s Arrival – Train to Amone (August 26th)

Diana couldn’t help but blink when she heard a person straining to speak towards her and Kalisa, which she looked up at the person. She was in a bit of a shock when she saw it was Daniel, which wanted to take a seat. It took her a bit to process with what she wanted to say, but she wanted to speak to him. ”Sure y-you can take a seat.” Diana responded to Daniel’s question. She was a bit curious why he wanted to take a seat, however. In her mind, she remembered she wanted to congratulate Daniel on his promotion to Lance Corporal.

She somewhat sighed a bit mostly at her reaction to what Daniel said to her. It took her a bit to recompose herself before looking at Daniel. ”Daniel, I con-congratulate y-you on your promotion to Lance Corporal. I hope you don’t mind me congratulating you for that.” Diana said, with a smile on her face. She couldn’t help but smile, which mostly because of the fact that Daniel is the same rank as Isaac now. ”Got to ask, why w-were you so a-angry at me?” Diana asked, curiously. In terms of everything she really wanted was the reason why mostly.

Diana couldn’t help but feel a bit hesitant in knowing why it was filling her with butterflies because she never knew someone who outburst like that. However, she was reminded on what her older sisters did to her all those years ago as a child. It was a something of a problem with her, which is the primary reason why she never really talked to her mother about a certain thing. ”I should have told my mother about my feelings towards both genders… B-But I need to keep focused.” Diana thought to herself, which she was reminded of her childhood friend Anna R. Mannerfield. She snapped out of her thoughts to look at her rifle, which needs clean but did ask Kalisa about it but she went to look at Daniel. ”I can’t understand, why n-no one t-told me how to clean my rifle. While I was going through Conscription Training that I barely passed.” Diana said, with a slight depressed tone. The patriotic speeches, which got her into trouble by some recruitment officers in her hometown. It frustrated her a bit but not enough to yell at the Federation for conscripting her into this hellhole.

Diana’s Brutal Reality – On the Train – Train to Amone (August 26th)

Diana couldn’t help but notice what Jean with Kalisa by wiping a tear, which Kalisa missed. She wasn’t really upset or angry with what he did, which was mostly because he was sweet handsome man. ”Aww, t-that’s cute. Come on Diana pull yourself together. I wish mom gave me pointers on how to get a man… but she was too busy fighting people to tell me things.” Diana thought to herself, with a smile on her face while staring at Jean. The girl allowed Jean to get passed her so he could get out since it looked like he was about to go somewhere.

Diana was shocked to notice Isaac standing in the doorway, which she waved at him. She was grateful she was apart of this squad since she is happy to see everyone within the squad, especially Jean. However, she didn’t really knew how to respond to the other NCO since he was pretty much more confident than Jean. The whole thing was a bit more frustrating to think on. ”It’s so-somewhat annoying to deal with, I hope Jean gets suited into his new role as Corporal. Since everyone needs confidence about certain things, however, I-I wish mom and dad didn’t overprotect me so much.” Diana thought to herself, with a strained look on her face. It looked like she was overthinking something but it felt like it had to do with her nightmare, which she had.

She looked directly at Jean, when he talked to her and Kalisa. The entirety of what he said got to her, which helped her get out of her runt of overthinking things. She did what she wanted in terms of speaking her mind. ”No problem Jean in terms o-of everything. You are still sweet. My m-mother did always tell me that people d-do need to sort out their problems. You will be a great Corporal.” Diana responded to Jean, with a smile on her face. The overwhelming of emotions in what she said more or less what her mother would say if she actually stopped and looked at things. She sighed mostly at her mother’s odd advice or lack thereof advice.

There was one thing that came out of her, which was giggling mostly at Jean’s genuine happy smile. It helped her lift her spirits a bit because he’s still a sweet guy. However, it still had an underlying problem, which was her nightmare that she had before getting on the train. She looked directly at Jean with a smile across her face. ”That’s okay, I-I don’t mind being here with Kalisa since she’s nice and all. And it’ll probably be nice to chat to her about things.” Diana said, however she had a look of a bit of confusion on her face. It took her a bit to reallocate some of her mental capacity to figure out what Jean just said. However, after that double take, which causes her to get highly embarrassed at what he had said. In the case she blushed at the specific words of lights of the train.’ ”Uh, okay… I will try n-not to get embarrassed. Even though t-that’s quite hard right now.” Diana completed her response blushing really red.

Diana did realize that Jean did smile at Kalisa more than her but that caused her to have a little thought in her head. ”What the…? Wish he would be playful for me because I do want him.” Diana thought to herself, with a smile on her face. Her face was still highly red and couldn’t help but smile at the compliment anyway. It kinda made her forget the horribleness, which was that nightmare in question. She waited until Jean left the room to look at Kalisa with a smile on her face. The thoughts in her head, which was all over the place the one thing, however, was mostly because she did see Kalisa blush from embarrassment. It is nice to see everyone has their embarrassing moments. ”I am enjoying being apart of t-this platoon s-so far. I did like his smile, which he g-gave to us.” Diana spoke towards Kalisa, which had a smile on her face. The tone in her voice was kind and caring for the most part and was more or less trying to spark up girl talk since yeah.

She wasn’t really told how to clean her rifle, however, all she was taught during Conscription training was literally point and shoot. The look on Diana’s face was a bit annoyed, which was mostly about the elephant in the room. ”How d-do I clean my rifle?” Diana asked, curiously and confused towards Kalisa. In case it wasn’t obvious she didn’t really ask anyone at the boot camp on how to clean her weapon in the first place. She was pretty naive in that whole thing, which was a definite problem. ”I should ha-have asked someone about this but I was too busy with being yelled at by the Drill Sergeant.” Diana thought to herself, which was a bit annoyed at herself. She face palmed at her lack of wanting to ask anyone about anything, which is mostly because of how she was raised by her overly strict parents. That means the only new experiences is mostly in the field of battle since no one can really change a Vastergoth’s mind.

She saw a darcsen scarf softly bump Kalisa in the face, which it looked soft from here. However, she wondered who threw it, however, she looked towards the Cabin door and saw Jean. This caused her to remember her daydream, which happened on the hill 58. She did notice the smile on Jean’s face as he walked away from the door. The entirety of what transpired made her a bit giggle. ”Oh that’s a beau-beautiful scarf. It must be really soft to wear.” Diana said, curiously kind towards Kalisa. Her heart was racing mostly because from the fact she had to remember the daydream all that time ago. Her face was highly red in comparison to the scarf she sees. She had never really tried to wear a Darscen scarf before, which she was mostly interested in wanting to wear it.

In the Sanctuary
Interacting With: (@Lyla) Asri, (@Ithradine) Master R

Stephanie smiled kindly when she heard Asri chuckle, which reinforced that one thing she wanted to hear. She couldn’t help give off a slight sigh of relief hearing that. ”T-That’s good… Asri I wanted to hear them being beaten for so long...” Stephanie responded to Asri. Her feelings were definitely a bit more happier with the smile that Asri gave her. The slight feeling of happiness happened to be about but she remembered her parents are still alive and went back to being depressed.

She saw the two new guests come into the room, which gave her a smile on her face. The sight of a tree-being made her remember, which what her parents said about the Vedish. However, all it did for her was smile at the tree-being because of the fact she wanted to not be her parents. She was oddly relaxed by the green magic, which flowed throughout the tree-being or Vedish. Then she eyed Vilkas and just waved at him not really understanding the feeling, which was flowing from him. However, this made her remember a time in Sarah’s mansion, which she was taught of the legend of the Holy Dragon Dromon. The funny thing about what Sarah said, which was never to piss off Dromon. ”T-That legend that Sarah told me was terrifying.” Stephanie thought to herself. The necklace glows in a dim color of greenish blue, which had the odd effect of sharing her inner thoughts as outer thoughts.

Stephanie had shock in her eyes when she saw the Master, which were walking down the steps. The shock was mostly from the fact, which was he was a human that had elegance and was definitely taller than her. She felt much safer here than she had ever done in Gondrevil, just by seeing the master of the Sanctuary. His voice showed an air of kindness and happiness, which she could feel better now than constantly having nightmares about things. She was a bit confusion, which was basically what they should call him but the last one felt easier to remember for her. When Asri greeted herself to R, which caused her to speak to him. ”M-My name is Stephanie Viola Delia-Mira. I thank you for allowing me to stay here R from the horribleness, which are my parents.” Stephanie said, with sadness in her tone of her voice at the very end of what she said. She couldn’t help but cry at all the horrible things her parents wanted to do to her or at least in her nightmares that is. After saying what she said, which caused her to put her hands on her face and started to cry uncontrollably since this latest nightmare is definitely still on her mind.

Diana’s Brutal Reality – On the Train – Train to Amone (August 26th)

Diana looked at Jean with a smile as he thanked her, but felt a bit a bit saddened at it. ”N-No Problem, Jean.” Diana responded to Jean. In terms of the thanking her, which was nice to hear from him. However, she deeply sighed at what she heard Jean said after the thank you. It made her a bit more saddened at the entire thing. ”Jean that’s heartbreaking...” Diana said in response of what he had said. She couldn’t help but feel a bit saddened at that.

Diana noticed Kalisa sitting down, which she smiled and waved at her with a happy smile. The worried look on her face still showed about what happened to Kalisa and her concussion. However, she did notice Jean held Kalisa’s hand and just gently sighed at that. Because everyone is friends here and it wouldn’t be too good to blow up in front of Jean again. ”I’m in agreement with J-Jean.” Diana said towards Kalisa, with a happy smile. She noticed Jean take of his helmet, which made reminded her that she needs to take hers off. The hair was in a cute chignon bun, but she put it in her favorite hairstyle, which was straight hair. Her hair was much longer than it was while it was in the chignon bun. ”U-Ugh, so much better I should have taken off my helmet before I went to bed...” Diana said a bit happier.

However, what shocked her was mostly what Jean answered in terms of Kalisa’s question. She gasped at the awfulness at what happened to him and his family. The one thing, she never knew the cruelty of that but can empathizes a bit because her older sisters were cruel to her. But not where they wanted to kill her cruel but it felt like it in how mean they were being. ”I-I’m so sorry for your lost. T-That’s why you were avoiding eye contact earlier.” Diana said towards Jean. She remembered how hatefilled the Donster family is and sighed heavily at that specific family in her hometown of Castleton. The hate within certain people’s hearts are definitely heartbreaking.

Diana heard that Jean joined up by choice on his own free will, which was terrifying and terrible since this war so far to her has been a hellhole. ”O-Oh…” Diana responded to what he said. She sighed heavily for thinking otherwise, how else would Jean be a Lance-Corporal and now a Corporal, if he didn’t join by his choice. The thoughts in her head were going into her head, which she needs to stop assuming the worst and be happy with what was dealt. However, something got her attention from Jean’s lips and that made her blush a bit and feel like if she was drinking something, which she would spit it out. It was mostly at the mention of Olivia, which gave her a thought of wait. W-Wait… I wanted a daughter with that name didn’t I?” Diana thought to herself, trying to act a bit different but was blushing, however.

She continued to listen to Jean’s speech, however, it made her depressed in hearing the Federation was oppressing the Darcsens. ”O-Oh that absolutely sucks.” Diana spoke in response. She did smile when he heard her say he did this for his older sister joining the military and becoming her NCO. ”T-That’s good you did it for your older sister. I am glad you are here too protecting us.” Diana said with a smile on that. However, something made her completely blush as if she was a tomato, which was what was mentioned. The revival of the now-dead Robin-Charpentier Bloodline made her feel a bit faint from that acknowledgment of what he just said. ”O-Oh my…” Diana thought to herself.

However, what got her out of her thoughts was what Kalisa had said about losing her family to the Imperials. This made her slightly more depressed, which brought down her mood a bit much. ”T-That is awful Kalisa. I am grateful you are here with us.” Diana responded to her. She started to cry because of that since it was awful to hear Kalisa’s story. The truthfulness in her voice was true but she couldn’t help but look at Kalisa with saddened eyes because that story was awful. It brought her mood down to the same level as Kalisa is probably.

Chelsea R. Steiner

Chelsea’s Darwin Defense

Chelsea couldn’t really think about anything as everything was happening too fast. However, she wasn’t really good at multitasking that many tasks, however, something came over the comms from Terra than her commanding officer, Zahra. The idea of sticking with the group is the much safer option than getting flanked by enemy pilots and being handed over to the Red-Star Corporation. ”O-Okay Zahra, I will join up with everyone else. Since this shit is getting scary.” Chelsea said, nervously over the Havenite comms. The Fixer started to move away from the building and towards her squad instead of being separated by Chelsea’s movement commands.

She tried to stay low as she was moving her NC, since it was definitely valuable to the combat, which because it can repair damage. ”I wonder what Terra meant by what she said of psychological warfare on the female pilot of the NC that tried to freak her out.” Chelsea thought to herself. The movement of the NC continued and she hoped not to be flanked by any Red-Star forces because she had to get to her allies in this battle as quickly as possible. However, she had hoped Terra had a good time in dealing with that specific NC and its pilot at least. Because one less Red-Star Pilot the better. However, she did hear over the comms that Isaac had been assaulted by Osamu in terms of a mental hijack type way. Since that was his ability in question on the battlefield and she gulped at that.

Chelsea couldn’t really handle that thought that was going into her head, which showed she had much more problems then just her family’s weaknesses. She did hope her allies could disable Isaac’s NC before he does anything harmful to one of the friendlies on the battlefield. The NC continued to move at its speed, even though she decided to leap towards her the group since she is the most valuable NC in this battle in a sense. ”I hope no one needs repairs.” Chelsea thought right now. However, she saw the massive NC, which is piloted by that one female pilot getting into combat with Red-Star Neural combatants, she gasped a bit at that. ”C-Crap… T-That sucks.” Chelsea thought not really feeling great at the sight of that NC getting attacked by probably one of the NC Pilots, which were in the briefing to capture. Her nerves were getting the better of her. It didn't help she landed pretty heavily came close of tipping the Fixer in her rush of activating the thrusters to do the leap. However, she barely made it that was at least good.
@Doll Maker Can't wait to see your PC. I like reading profiles.
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