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Current A friend of mine, GOATPlumber, is running a Fate RP, Fate/Dark Heritage, which is still recruiting!
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The second thread of my RP, Noble Arms: The ASEAN War, is 7 months old, but the overall storyline has lasted for 22 months.
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I've been here since Oldguild.
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Tomorrow will be a great day...
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5 days till Noble Arms: The ASEAN War, my RP, reaches the 22nd month of its storyline, scattered across two threads (the first lasted for 15 months and the second for 6 - 7).


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Sorry for the short post.

Alexander Ascot

Gilliam may not know this, but Alexander was back in his element, as he did have a warrrant authorizing him to go after Vittorio alone. He would show said warrant, which was written on flame-proof, water-proof paper, to the cannibalistic shapeshifter, and say, "Here's my warrant, my badge number is #4484, and my direct superior is Ms. Sakura Medea of the Juvenile Investigations Office! And the charges are grave threats and attempted murder, which is being committed right now! So stop with the obstruction of justice; a crime is being committed!"

Two potential power upgrades for Ascot; they are mutually exclusive:

Gimlé, The Glittering Paradise that Survives Ragnarok - A special power that can only appear should William Ascot succeed in his quest to resurrect Vittorio's friends and family, Gimlé manifests as a single golden ring of power that reflects magical and physical attacks depending on how powerful they are. Basically, when Ascot is struck by a powerful spell or a high-caliber gun, he is not only left unharmed by the attack but the attacker, wherever he is, is struck by damage equal to his attack. The more powerful the attack, the more powerful the damage returned. This can be countered by 1.) Weak but damaging or fatal attacks, 2.) Anti-Magic, 3.) Chemical-based weapons or spells, which do not count as attacks to Gimlé, and 4.) Attacks launched from 50 feet away.

I Will Not Fail Again - A special power that can only appear if William Ascot fails in his quest to resurrect Vittorio's friends and family, I Will Not Fail Again manifests as an automatic curse that afflicts those who go near fifteen to twenty feet of Ascot and have the intention of killing him, harming him, or even just acting with an agenda directly counter to his'. This curse causes equipment to malfunction, weapons to slip out of their users' hands at the crucial moment, or just have the people in Ascot's way fall on sharp objects. Anti-Magic is not affected, neither are people who are immune to abilities that affect their luck, or are given a stronger luck-boosting effect.

New Version:

Share the Load - After easing Vittorio's burdens, those who seek to impede William must take on some of the pain they inflict upon him. Once a day, for one (or two?) hour(s), William may put on the ring Gimle and 50% of any damage received is returned to the sender, splitting it evenly between them. The ring may also be gifted (or stolen) for 10 minutes before it vanishes for the next 24 hours. If the ring is lost or discarded, it vanishes in about 30 seconds.
Alexander Ascot

Alexander let out a loud sigh of frustration as his request for help was rightly but loudly refused. Nevertheless, he wasn't so unaware as to see the blinking eyes that glinted with reflected light. Said eyes, which can be seen through the rubble, troubled him, and the young man said as the slithering noise of Gilliam's movement tapped into a well of primal fear; same for the dripping noises, "So, the God of Complications keeps throwing things my way. Well, best to soldier on; when my little brother is more determined than me, something must be wrong."

At Michael's indignation, and later courage in taking on Vittorio and the mysterious guy with the many eyes, Alexander acted, impressed by the boy's bravery. Saying, "Sorry about this, Vittorio, but you're under arrest and I've drafted everyone I can to help take you in!" before drawing his sticky foam gun, Alexander couldn't help but continue, "You'll forgive me once my brother has broken Cosmic Law and brought back those you've lost. No, I'm not lying, there is a power which can do that."

@Letter BeeHelp?x2 Is that what was supposed to be achieved? Vernon just got triggered into Tiger SHark Mode.

He's Ultimately planning on making Willaim more Intelligent (Indivusally) Along with helping his in his Madien name's goals. Though, what of short term? What does Will plan to do not including his family's task?

Haven't you been reading the IC posts? William plans on using Andras' powers to resurrect Vittorio's friends and family, as Andras' powers can get around cosmic law. But Galbrek wants to stop William, then kidnap him, Andras, and Masami and probably torture William just because.
William Ascot

William waved eagerly at Masami's coming, fascinated by the Kitsune's apperance and innate beauty. Then Galbrek won back his attention by revealing what price he wanted from the young Ascot. Due to the latter's hypnotic powers, the boy found himself nodding, and saying, "Yes, yes, that seems like a simple enough proposal. I'll stay with your bodyguards for the time being. Although note that Vernon here is already a loyal and good protector for me..."

Ascot trailed off, not realizing that one, he'd been had, and two, that Vernon was inactive once again. Nevertheless, he still had his sheathed sword strapped to his back, and the effects of the gaze would wear off once Galbrek was no longer looking at him. That, and he can also imitate one use of Michael's Body Art; the strength-enhancing one. So he was not totally defenseless, right?


Alexander Ascot

On seeing Vittorio charge Alto with an expression of pain and despair that caused Alexander to sympathize with the former all the more, the Juvenile Investigations Officer can only open his eyes wide as he knew he had lost what control he had of the situation. But he was an adult, and he had to be better than what he was already showing. He would turn to Andreim and Lise, before saying, "My name is Alexander Ascot; Juvenile Investigations Officer. My brother goes to your school. I'm not here for the same thing you are; rather, my case is that of Vittorio Twinveil, the person trying to pick a fight with Alto."

He paused for breath, then continued, "My brother...he has an obsession with trying to stop Vittorio's story from ending in more tragedy than it has already. It overrides even what should be his prime objective, information-gathering. He has this plan to...no, I've said enough."

Looking at Andreim and Lise, the adult would say, "Michael here has agreed to help me save my brother from himself and his obsession with Vittorio. I thought I can reason with the latter, divert him to other leads...but seeing his obsession firsthand wrenches my heart with what I must do."

He then turned to Michael in full and said, "Your Trap Art; it can restrain even Vittorio's astral form, right?"

Then back to Andreim and Lise, Alexander spoke, "I know of you two from Government records; your powers are the control of liquids and the creation of shadow servants, right?" A brief nod, and the Juvenile Investigations Officer would take a canister from his belt and give it to Andreim, saying, "This is mana-absorbing Sticky Foam, meaning that you can only move it with your powers for a limited amount of time. Lise's Shadow Servants can probably touch Vittorio's astral form, too. That works well alongside Michael's Trap Arts."

"So what do you say?" Alexander dimly realized he was making a mistake by thinking that the kids of St. Laurel's will automatically sympathize with him because of his story, or even willingly help him. "Will you help me?"

This made his mistake deeper. Looking around to make sure that Clara was not around, Alexander would continue, "Please, I have a sneaking suspicion that Mephisto was the real summoner of the Demon Lord that killed Vittorio's family and friends, but without proof, restraining Vittorio and then forcing him to make his personal mark on my Grimorie - long story - is the only way to defuse this situation without Alto killing him or him killing Alto."

Alexander clearly felt bad, bad for asking kids to do his dirty work. Bad for putting kids in harm's way. Bad for making Vittorio potentially turn his anger on Michael if the latter used his Trap Arts to help him. And that guilt permeated his every word and action.

Albert resisted the urge to glare at the Lady of the City and instead said, "Very well, I accept. I am sure that I can rely on the Exalted among us to best a great Dragon-God known for being a formidable foe." Albert was not trying to be sarcastic, but it came out anyway; then again, they were being sent on a suicide mission in the first place. "When will we depart? I would hate to keep you away from your responsibilities to your people." Your enslaved and coerced people, whom I would gladly free if given the chance. Giving a bow that hid his expression, the boy would then say, "Who knows? We may come back to Guixiang with tales of success."

Covertly using the heightened powers and abilities to parse the Lady's words for evidence of her true agenda, Albert found out that 1.) The Lady was actually sincere when she said that she wanted Adamant's attacks to stop, and 2.) that Adamant and she had a history and the former was a jerkwad himself. This was a problem because before he had parsed the Lady's words, he had been under the impression that Adamant was attacking out of moral objections to The Lady's works in Guixiang. Now he saw that this was merely a fight between two despots for more power; he had to kill both, even if the rest of the party objected or tried to call the Wyld Hunt on him.

That said, he had to apologize to The Lady of the City for doubting her; that ought to be all right, yes? Clearing his throat, he would say, his sarcasm now replaced with mildness, "I do however ask for forgiveness in momentarily - momentarily - doubting your motivations; the sincerity of a personage such as you should not have been questioned by anyone, especially in such circumstances."
William Ascot

William Ascot was almost completely taken by Galbrek's charms, the 'almost' coming from the fact that Vernon, his boyfriend, was supposedly still close and Ascot genuinely loved him. Nevertheless, he would blab, "Well, yes! I'd like to meet Vittorio's physical self after I ressurect his friends and family with Lady Andras' help if she'll give it! It'll be a tearful reunion in which the tragedy of Vittorio's life finally gets resolved! Thank you for helping me, sir!"

Allowing Galbrek to take his Ice Cream Cake, the young man would then ask, some of his canniness returning, "Wait, what should I offer to get the needed access and information?"

On Andras' interruption (as well as her earlier plea to slow down), Ascot would say as he lifted up his hand in response, "Indeed, Andras! But to me you bring hope of joy, not despair. You see..." He then explained everything to her once more, but slowly, "We can avert a truly heartwrenching ending to an already heartwrenching story! All we need are your abilities, my own power to imitate First and Second Powers, and perhaps Cyan Bridget's, although that last part's not strictly necessary. So what do you say, Andras? Isn't it a great undertaking that literally moves Heaven and Earth for a worthy cause?"

He would then grin heartily, not knowing that Masami was there and would hear his words as well.

Downtown L.A.

The Reborn Craftmasons had their 'Master Lodge' in an old factory once used to create parts for Movie Sets in Hollywood. Gwen Strong could have afforded a much 'classier', 'swankier' place, but it was her intention that the Awakened would no longer hold themselves aloof from the Sleepers; separated, yes, but only for the necessity of containing Paradox. The official purpose for repossessing the old factory had been to refurbish it and get it running again with new technology and new workers; the current state of tariffs and tax cuts (for now) helped. And indeed, Gwen had further insisted that actual Sleepers should be brought into the surface level of the factory in the daytime/work hours.

This served a threefold purpose. The first was to get Mages working shoulder-to-shoulder with Sleepers in their mundane jobs to foster respect for the latter. The second was to secure the lower levels against infiltration by the enemy Magi; Technocrat and Traditionalist both. The third was to genuinely benefit the Sleeper Workers' lives by providing employment and fair wages; the second half of that is to prove that happy and content workers increased productivity - a lesson the big companies forgot or cast aside. Either way, Gwen Strong was determined not to live in an Ivory Tower, isolated from the world.

When separation was necessary from the Sleepers due to secret projects and Mage convocations, the basements of the factory were repurposed and extended, retrofitted with stolen Technocratic tools and just blatant usage of Magic. This caused many of her followers to balk at first, but Gwen Strong knew that she had to get her former Technocrats working with former Traditionalists and Orphans/Crafts. She already had a set of founding, unifying principles, she told them. These would be submitted for their ratification in their first Convocation. They'll rival the Decleration of the Ivory Tower and the Traditions' Resolutions of Intent; she assured them. And they would, as she had taken wording from both.

Basement of the Factory

In the very bottom of the factory was a large chamber, one obviously made through unnatural means, carved out in the shape of a large ampitheatre that shone with its own light, light that was bright enough to see in, but not so bright that it was uncomfortable. There was no adornment except the sign of the Reborn Craftmasons on the cieling; advice from Edwin, Meredith, and Lance. On a podium located close to the centre of the ampitheatre, Gwen would then speak as an invisible projector created a holographic screen behind her, one that showed ornate runes more associated with the Traditions than the Technocracy, her words firm yet smooth. "I submit these principles to this Assembly of willing partners, and ask for their ratification:"

"One, that there exists in this world Six Moral Foundations, which guide all cultures that perceive themselves as 'pursuing goodness'. These Foundations are Fairness, Prevention of Harm, Purity/Sacredness, In-Group Loyalty, and Purity, and finally, Liberty versus Oppression, real or perceived. These Moral Foundations unify different cultures and religions in pursuit of what is 'Good', and they can do the same for Magi in their pursuit of the 'Optimal Reality'."

"Two, that all ways of pursuing this 'Optimal Reality' that fit all Six Moral Foundations are acceptable, until such time as Awakened and Sleeper alike can choose the shape of Reality through True Consensus."

"Three, that Humanity will not be meneaced by madmen and beasts, that the world must be a place of Kindness and Clarity of Thought," the wording of the original Declaration of the Ivory Tower, only with 'Order' and 'Reason' replaced close to the end. That the governor of Sapientkind, which encompasses Humanity yet is different from Humanity, is Sapientkind itself, and that the Triumph of Humanity within Sapientkind would be coexistence with the Supernatural world and the realization of the Collective Will."

"Four, that War is to be declared on all those who harm the Sleepers; whether they be Sorcerers, Nightgaunts, Faerie, Boggies, Wytches, Dyvells, Changelings, Werebeasts, and all divers Creatures of the Night, including those among the Technocracy who, by their breaking of the Six Moral Foundations, are equivalent to the Creatures they hunt."

"Five, that these Resolutions are to be legitimized by three things; the Sanction of this democratic assembly, the Six Moral Foundations and our determination to act according to them, and the belief in Meaning and Indentity, which is not necessarily belief in the Divine." Gwen cleared her throat, then, and steeled herself for the final Resolution.

"And Six, that once the Traditions and Technocracy have been won over to our point of view, or overthrown, as well as any group that holds Humanity and Sapientkind back, the Reborn Craftmasons will work with the Sleepers to form a New Consensus, a True Consensus that will create a Reality that is inclusive to all yet abides by the Six Moral Foundations."

Once it was clear that Gwen had finished, applause resounded from the benches of the Ampitheatre; the next few hours were ones of ratification.

The morning after that, copies of the 'New Declarations of the Reborn Craftmasons' were released through the Virtual Adepts and Technocracy's own sections of the Digital Web. A new faction of the Ascension War had made its move.

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